#sportschau interview
sketchyorsomething · 4 months
Part six of this post
Pius: Hands up or pointing to the other one?
Andi: eyes closed?
Karl: eyes closed, if that isn't wonderful
Consti: You or him? (The game title)
Andi (pointing to Constantin): it was him
Markus: You or him?
Hille: You or him?
Question 1: Who brushes their teeth more thoroughly?
Pius and Stephan: *giggle*
Stephan: *opening his eyes to cheat but seeing that Pius also hasn't answered yet* [we both do] The same
Pius: yeah
Pius: yeah
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to themselves*
Hille and Felix: *both pointing to themselves*
Consti and Andi: *pointing to Andi (consti only reluctantly)*
Pius: I've never watched Stephan when he was brushing his teeth
Stephan: *giggles*
Question 2: Who has more Followers?
Hille and Felix: *both pointing to Hille*
Markus: phew, no idea
Karl: *pointing to Markus after opening his eyes to look wether he has already answered*
Markus: *opening his eyes* I reckon it's me
Karl: *humming approvingly* I thinks so too
Pius and Stephan: *both pointing at Stephan*
Consti and Andi: *both pointing at Andi*
Consti: yeah, it's not like it's –
Andi: it's not like it's a difficult question
Question 3: Who is more punctual?
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to Markus*
Stephan: *raises his hand*
Pius: *reluctantly pointing to Stephan*
Andi: *points very eagerly to himself and giggles*
Felix: [we're] both punctual
Hille: yeah *points to Felix and himself* you and I
Question 4: Who owns more shoes?
Andi and Consti: *both pointing to the other one*
Consti: oh god, nope
Andi: You or I? (He probably didn't saw Consti's answer)
Consti: You
Andi: No it's you
Consti: 100% you
Andi: count them
Consti: I don't have shoes
Andi: information follows
Consti: Shoes, no
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to Markus*
Pius and Stephan; *both pointing to Pius*
Hille: *pointing to Felix while looking very unsure*
Felix: *moving around and opening his eyes*
Hille: To whom did you point?
Felix: I haven't [pointed to anyone]
Hille: *Starts laughing*
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sisterschildi · 2 years
How close can we put the camera in Alex Stöckl's face during the interview?
Sportschau: Yes
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freitagsmedien · 7 months
Anne Will: Sportschau & Ersatzparlament
Danke für Ihre Ruhe Im Dezember hat Anne Will (Foto: Marlene Gawrisch) nach 553 Ausgaben die wichtigste Talkshow der Fernsehrepublik an Caren Miosga abgegeben. Ein Interview über 16 Jahre Ersatzparlament im Ersten, den Unterschied zwischen Grillen oder Fragen und was für ein Medienland sie Branche, Land, Gesellschaft hinterlässt. Von Jan Freitag freitagsmedien: Frau Will, verspüren Sie sonntags…
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goretzkastits · 2 years
sportschau released a 1-minute-interview with leon today (in case anyone wants to gif that?) but a press conference might cause more international trouble so maybe they're not letting him do that lol
Oh I didn't even see that! But yeah I don't think we'll get a leon pc soon
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flying-yellow-bib · 3 years
Geigenbichler podium is always nice 🥰
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bronzebluemind · 4 years
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darnellnurse · 4 years
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leon draisaitl x sportschau interview
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sketchyorsomething · 4 months
Part four of this post
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zdf can't let sportschau have a monopoly on annoying rude interviewers for the ski jumping comps so they got one for themselves
i'm convinced this lady has never watched ski jumping before. eisei waved her off when she tried to get him for an interview and i like to imagine it's either because he wants to concentrate, or because welle told the others how stupid she is.
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kevkesblog · 5 years
Translation: Julian Brandt interview as winner of the “Goal of the Month” medal on German TV (January 17, 2020)
(I’m sorry for the poor quality of the pictures)
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Narrator: Julian Brandt. Dortmund’s midfielder can tell a lot about his first six months at Dortmund. In the Sportschau exclusive interview he is very talkative and relaxed. He had a turbulent first half year at BVB. The first part of the season – it’s an up and down.
Ju:    „I honestly have to say I expected it a bit less challenging. It’s was not all easy. Unfortunately I had a to switch a lot of positions on the pitch. I had starting problems but now at the end it was very good and everything is fine. I think I have a good foundation now to became better myself and play better games.“
N: He is an optimist when it comes to the second half oft he season – but also a realist.
Ju:    „You can‘t say that you will now win 17 games in a row. That would be insane. But you have to make your points – it’s okay if you have a defeat. If you play well and you loose people will accept it here as well, rather quickly. (smiles) And yeah… that’s what we have to do in the second half now. We lost a few points… and we can’t let the gap become bigger to the other teams.
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N: BVB and Julian Brandt – it fits, it seems. And still everything is in reach for BVB in the Bundesliga, the DFB Cup and Champions League.
Ju:    „Yeah well, Champions League is the biggest competition probably… apart from EURO and World Cup tournaments. But in club football it’s the definitely the greatest. And also everything around that: the evening games, the floodlight games, the opponents of course… the ball you play with, the hymn you hear, the pitches. I think thats the thing why young boys and young girls have the dream to become professional football players. Because in the end that’s exactly what you want to experience.
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N: Change of place: the Zollern colliery in Dortmund. Julian Brandt is impressed by the scenery. We continue our interview with the star – without attitudes here in this place where people dug coal and worked hard in the past.  We talk about his family…
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Ju:    “I have an intact family at home (laughs). I’m lucky to have a place where everything is extremly relaxed. Where everybody fits with each other and gets along. And yeah… it’s also the success behind all of it, because over the year you have a lot of stress… pressure to be successful in football, everybody expecting something from you. So it’s important if you have a place where you can withdraw.“
N: Unlike many of his colleagues, he doesn’t have any tattoos and if he would get one, he would be in trouble.
Ju:    „It has not become a topic for me yet… and yeah that’s because of my mom of course.“
N: He has a close bond with his brothers. And if he want’s to relax he get’s into his car.
Ju:    „Driving back to Bremen is also relaxing. We have a dog at home that can help you to relax or can make everything stressful, depending on the mood. (smiles) Those are like one or two things where I can switch off.“
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N: He established himself in the national team. The disappointing world cup in Russia was an experience he says. But he is excited when it comes to EURO 2020. An absolute highlight in his career: winning the silver medal with the olympic football team in Rio 2016.
Ju:    „It was an awesome time! It was great! It was funny, because I got the chance and I talked to Lars Bender before. He just came to me back then and said ‚We have to do that!‘ (smiles). There is no other chance. We have to go there, because it’s something you only experience once and never again afterwards. And at the beginning I was still thinking ‚Well, I’m not sure.‘ But then I was really up for it!“
N: Brilliant: his goal of the month December. A world class goal against Leipzig.
Ju:    „I think many people were not only happy about the goal, but many also thought it was quite respectable I guess. In the end you can’t plan anything like that. It just happens – just in split seconds. I think it’s one or two seconds where everything has to work out perfectly and that’s what happend.
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Ju: “It’s the first time for me, so it’s a great honour to have recieved this medal. It’s nothing that comes naturally, so let me say “Thank You” to all.”
N: Yet, in the same game after he scored the goal of the month, he also had an “accident”… [assisting Werner’s goal]
Ju: “Let’s see: perhaps you guys will make an award for the “worst pass of the month” and I will also appear under the first top five.” (laughs)
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N: Well, we think, „goal of the month“ sounds better. Congratulations Julian Brandt and thanks for the nice chat!“
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Source and Video: ARD Television 
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itch-for-subotic · 4 years
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sisterschildi · 6 years
They really cut straight to biathlon approximately 0.5 seconds after the competition was over (or at least it felt like this). REALLY, SPORTSCHAU, REALLY?
Couldn’t we get at least a little bit of Markus being happy and some interviews and enjoy this after he was so close so many times already? No? It’s not like the biathletes were already close to the finish line, no. They just started their race. In foggy conditions.
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bronzebluemind · 3 years
sportschau give me the horngacher interview i know you have it
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Karlchen, Milka boy and Werner Schuster after the competition in Pyeongchang
Translation of this video, requested by @skijumping-stuff
An interview with German tv experts Matthias Opdenhövel and Dieter Thoma.
MO:       So someone is still getting dressed here… Then we’re going to start with Karl Geiger. Congratulations on the 9th place. You didn’t seem so pleased with your jump in the 2nd round but your conditions we’re actually very bad and so you could stay in top 3 for a very long time.
KG:        Yes, I was really surprised. Right after the jump I just thought “great, you probably gonna lose 15 rankings now”. But you never know how bad the conditions really are and so finally I’m really happy with the 9th place.
MO:      You can definitely do so. Andreas Wellinger, 2nd place. Do you know how often you were on the podium during this season?
AW:       Uhm, a few times…
DT:         I know it, I know it: 7 times.
MO:      Here we have the living encyclopedia.
AW:       That’s actually his job to know that. (laughs)
MO:      I always tell him that, too, but you should appreciate that he is also able to retrieve this knowledge. That’s an achievement just like yours. How do you feel now as one of the favorites for the world championships?
AW:       First there is another competition tomorrow.
MO:       Nah, do not avoid.
AW:      One by one. I’m happy with my 2nd jump. But at the moment Stefan is just better. I will focus on tomorrow’s competition and then on the world championships. The shape is good; the odds are in my favor, too and with a bit luck we’ll see what happens.
MO:       Back to Stefan Kraft: are you able to beat him? Does he have any weak points? I mean at the moment you hardly have any, too. You like to say there is still some room for improvement. Where is that, your personal room for improvement?
AW:      I think it’s the flight. Stefan has a better glide ankle. You can see that on the large hill or especially on the flying hills. He’s flatter, but therefor he’s also faster and so he collects the meters below. I might do a stronger jump but don’t have so much speed. So I have to try to get better into flying and tickle out the last 2, 3, 4 meters.
MO:       Karl Geiger, how is it to have a new locomotive in the team? How does that benefit the team?
KG:       That’s great. We already knew at the beginning of the season that Severin would not be in his best shape or let’s say after four hills tournament when he dropped out. It’s cool that now there is someone on top again. This motivates us, too. We know everything is possible. So we’re gonna work on that we can tease him (Andi) a little.
MO:      That’s right. Always press forward. Dieter, what do you think about our final rehearsal before the world championships so far?
DT:        Awesome! I mean 4 athletes in top 11 and Markus Eisenbichler and Severin Freund didn’t even compete.
MO:       Richard Freitag is like jumping with only one leg because he’s so sick and it’s still almost enough for top 10.
DT:        Yeah, improved from 25 to 11. That’s incredible and you can just congratulate him. It’s fun to watch you and I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s competition.
MO:      Absolutely. Now it’s time for the victory ceremony. (Karl and Andreas are leaving). We want to talk to Werner Schuster now.
IP:          Werner, earlier we heard words like “it’s a pleasure to watch”, “dream result for DSV”. What do you think about this competition?
WS:        To be honest I’m very pleased with the team performance. You couldn’t expect that. We all know Andi jumps well but it was vague how close to the top the others would get and they all jumped pretty well. I’m especially glad about Stephan Leyhe. We did everything properly. He needed that break and came back freshly today. He is very precious because we need every single man for the world championships.
IP:          You both didn’t go to Sapporo and came here together. Did you put him in the right mood on the airplane or what have you done?
DT:         Nah, he just needed that break. He also had physiotherapy with our team doctor Mark Dorfmüller, tried to get over his knee and hip problems. Now he has a better physical feeling, did a good competition and we’re very happy about that.
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sketchyorsomething · 4 months
Part five of this post
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heretoseethequeen · 6 years
what is it with you this weekend sportschau, where are the interviews ???
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