#felix hoffmann
random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Felix Hoffmann (Swiss, 1911 - 1975) - Amor und Psyche
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world-of-stone · 10 months
ARD put the jumpers up to play a little game (something that's often played at weddings and such), called "Him or Me". They have to choose between them who fits the question better.
Here's what they're saying throughout the video:
Pius: Hands up or pointing at the other.
Andi: Eyes closed?
Karl: Eyes closed, that’s great.
(Question 1: Who’s the better dancer?)
Karl: No one wants to see that.
Stephan: Schützenfest (I don't know if that's a thing outside Germany? It's like a fair/festival featuring shooting competitions. (And (heavy) drinking and dancing at night.). And a dance course.
(Question 2: For whom are rituals more important?)
Markus: Both
Karl: Oh, yes, that’s tricky.
Pius: One haircut a week, before the competition. Quick hairdo, that’s important for under that helmet.
(Question 3: Who’s got more luggage when travelling?)
Philipp:  I always bring so much stuff.
Consti: Yeah, me.
Philipp: I always think I need something for every situation. The classic, two spare pants and then everything else as well.
Eisei: Something shit… (inaudible)
Karl: I  don’t know but my bag is always so heavy. And I don’t know how to declutter
Eisei: (something inaudible) a bit neatness from me…
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uwmspeccoll · 10 months
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It's Fine Press Friday!
In getting ready for the weekend, we present this 1967 German edition of Aesop's fables, Drei Dutzend Fabeln von Äsop, published in Bern by Angelus Druck, with 36 original woodcut illustrations by Swiss artist Felix Hoffmann (1911-1975). The book was designed by Swiss book and type designer Max Caflisch (1916-2004), typeset in Poliphilus Antiqua, and printed in an edition of 200 copies signed by the artist.
View more posts with illustrations by Felix Hoffmann.
View more editions of Aesop's Fables.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
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sketchyorsomething · 4 months
Part six of this post
Pius: Hands up or pointing to the other one?
Andi: eyes closed?
Karl: eyes closed, if that isn't wonderful
Consti: You or him? (The game title)
Andi (pointing to Constantin): it was him
Markus: You or him?
Hille: You or him?
Question 1: Who brushes their teeth more thoroughly?
Pius and Stephan: *giggle*
Stephan: *opening his eyes to cheat but seeing that Pius also hasn't answered yet* [we both do] The same
Pius: yeah
Pius: yeah
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to themselves*
Hille and Felix: *both pointing to themselves*
Consti and Andi: *pointing to Andi (consti only reluctantly)*
Pius: I've never watched Stephan when he was brushing his teeth
Stephan: *giggles*
Question 2: Who has more Followers?
Hille and Felix: *both pointing to Hille*
Markus: phew, no idea
Karl: *pointing to Markus after opening his eyes to look wether he has already answered*
Markus: *opening his eyes* I reckon it's me
Karl: *humming approvingly* I thinks so too
Pius and Stephan: *both pointing at Stephan*
Consti and Andi: *both pointing at Andi*
Consti: yeah, it's not like it's –
Andi: it's not like it's a difficult question
Question 3: Who is more punctual?
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to Markus*
Stephan: *raises his hand*
Pius: *reluctantly pointing to Stephan*
Andi: *points very eagerly to himself and giggles*
Felix: [we're] both punctual
Hille: yeah *points to Felix and himself* you and I
Question 4: Who owns more shoes?
Andi and Consti: *both pointing to the other one*
Consti: oh god, nope
Andi: You or I? (He probably didn't saw Consti's answer)
Consti: You
Andi: No it's you
Consti: 100% you
Andi: count them
Consti: I don't have shoes
Andi: information follows
Consti: Shoes, no
Markus and Karl: *both pointing to Markus*
Pius and Stephan; *both pointing to Pius*
Hille: *pointing to Felix while looking very unsure*
Felix: *moving around and opening his eyes*
Hille: To whom did you point?
Felix: I haven't [pointed to anyone]
Hille: *Starts laughing*
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booksanxietyandsports · 7 months
felix hoffmann best german so far go off son
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skijumpingf1 · 7 months
Points for Felix 🥳
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bronzebluemind · 8 months
felix got the sixth starting place :)
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flying-yellow-bib · 7 months
Good jump from Felix!
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flying-rusalka · 2 years
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princephilipplahm · 9 months
Why do Foubert and Hoffmann look like they coule be brothers
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rawairdontcare · 1 year
Felix, nice 💪🏻
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world-of-stone · 1 year
First time I heard Felix in an interview and he's adorable.
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omi-om · 2 years
WOW Felix you are doing great
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sketchyorsomething · 4 months
Part three of this post
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booksanxietyandsports · 9 months
whohoo felix!!!
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skijumpingf1 · 8 months
Best wc result for felix apparently 🥳
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