#spr trio
lowkeyrobin · 5 months
Hii!! Is it possible to request a Minho x Reader Angst fic? I don’t have any real ideas for what i just rlly like angst😭
Anyway make sure you’re looking after yourself!!
YES 🙏🙏 I concocted the perfect idea for this so I hope you enjoy! ; thank you for requesting!! ; I wrote like a good chunk of this in geometry and physical science so this is actually kinda good lol ; also this is so damn long for me what the FUCK. ; also a bit of inspo in the end thanks to she by jelly roll...
MINHO ; they
summary ; minho loses you again
warnings ; language, guns & gun violence, explosions/bombs, death, he rips off your wckd jacket & top (not sexual), and a panic attack
disclaimers ; top ten most unneeded deaths in cinema
track ; she, jelly roll (again, not a word)
word count ; 2.5k
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Minho lost everything he'd been able to remember once he left the Glade, including you.
You were a smart thinker, which confused him as to why you stayed back with Gally and the other skeptics who didn't want to find escape in the maze. He tried so hard to convince you to come, but with such little time, he couldn't.
He'd spent months imprisoned mourning the loss of your presence. He didn't know how to function without you. He wondered where you were all the time, if you were even alive or not. He'd been wishing the best in your fate, in the scorch and back in the hands of WCKD. He missed your dorky smile and infectious laughter, hoping one day he could hear it again, even in the stars that he oh-so-missed gazing with you.
Your name scorched his heart every time it was spoken. Your face was engraved in his brain, to the point every time he thought of or imagined you, he'd fight back tears to stay strong. You were weaponized against him, being used to create false memories and episodes to help them find a cure.
Every time he'd wake up from a real dream where you were present, he'd end up in tears, to then have to cradle himself back to sleep. He'd been confined like this for months, then another few days before the bust. It was so, so much worse in the Last City, he'd rather have died in some horrific train crash then have missed his chance at freedom.
However, you survived. Gally did, too, though, even after Minho pierced his chest with a spear.
You'd joined some revolution gang together, learning to use guns and join the ranks. You'd been given bulletproof vests once you proved your worth, officially becoming part of the team.
Reuniting with Thomas, Fry, and Newt was a story in itself, but knowing, or at least hoping, that you'd see Minho again made your heart race in your chest. Gally took Thomas and Newt out to explore the perimeter of the city, letting you reconnect and catch up with Fry and get to know Brenda and her father figure Jorge.
Brenda grew fond of you quickly, liking your badassery and passion to overthrow WCKD. She knew you weren't into trying to kill innocents and understood that you wanted bullets in Janson's and Paige's heads, and you were willing to do it for free.
You showed her and Fry how to use the electro-guns, two you'd stolen from WCKD guards that defended the city walls. They're good for torture, but it was never your taste of tea, you left the others to do the sick shit. You wanted your friends back, you didn't even know they'd been free up til earlier today.
Once the trio came back, they set up a plan that you and Gally jumped in on to deflect and suggest ideas. It was set for tomorrow night, and you didn't know how to process it. You try not to think of Minho the rest of the night, which you awfully fail at, as you'd fallen asleep thinking of him.
You play out your role over and over again, overthinking every single detail down to the grade of gun you'd have strapped to your side. Gally, now your close friend after all this time together, could see your nervousness and anticipation.
"You okay?" He asks, leaning on the railing to your shared bunk bed. You slept on the bottom, him on the top.
You nod, arms sprawled over the top of your pillow, basically holding it like it was going anywhere. "I'm good. Nervous"
He nods, "It'll be alright, we're gonna get him back"
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You'd stolen WCKD gaurd suits, your first priority. You and Gally walk around the perimeter of the building post getting the kids on the bus. Your masks are up to avoid any real guards noticing that you're fakes. He holds his bulky gun across his chest, while yours is angled with the safety on across your back. A hand rests over the pistol on your side.
You can feel your heart pounding behind your ribcage, the anticipation of seeing Minho and taking down WCKD killing you. Gally pats your shoulder for reassurance and nods forward silently, wanting to pick up the pace.
You notice explosions in the distance, firey flames illuminating the sky.
As you walk under the main area, you notice a fire extinguisher land in the modern pool, splashing water into the air as it sinks to the bottom. You hear yells, then three bodies plop into the pool. You and three other guards behind you run to the scene, while you and Gally lag behind, knowing who just showed up.
Thomas, Newt, and Minho rise out of the water, floating over to the side after Thomas sends Janson, standing in the bay of the window, maybe twenty stories high, a middle finger. They wade over to the edge and pull themselves out, guards hold them at gunpoint, leaving their faces shaken and in despair.
Gally acts first, shoving one of the guards into the pool, then you pistol whip the one on your right, and you together knock out the last guy. The boys stare at you two, confused as to why two guards had apparently saved them, their questions are quickly answered as Gally rips his mask off.
"Oh, you bloody genius!"
"Oh, shit"
"What the hell?" Minho mutters.
Laying your eyes on him again, even though that mask, it brought you nearly to tears. Seeing his eyes, so tired, his body clearly so weak from the mental and physical stress, your heart broke for him. You make sure your handheld gun had the safety on before tucking it away properly.
"Long story" Gally replies to Minho, knowing what he was thinking.
Minho, still in genuine shock, adrenaline coursing through his veins, looks to you, wondering if you were maybe Brenda or Fry. You bite the inside of your cheek before pulling your mask off, softly smiling at Minho.
Newt and Thomas smile, Newt much more weak, as he was beginning to crank out.
"Y/n?" He questions in disbelief. "How- am I dreaming again?"
You quickly pound the boy into a hug, the moisture from his body rubbing off onto your red and grey outfit. The mask lays on the concrete, where Gally kicks it into the water, same with his.
You hear him begin to sob, holding onto you so tightly in fear you'd disappear like all the times before. You rub his back with your dominant hand, which trails up his spine toward his nape.
"I thought you were dead" He cries, "They've been using you in those simulations-"
"It's okay." You softly speak, "We have to go, you can tell me all about it later"
He nods, eyes still widened in shock and confusion as you follow the other three as they quickly flee the scene.
You take cover by some bushes, leaving Newt on the side to rip his jacket off as he sweats profusely. The veins in his neck were bulging out of his skin, colored a matte black.
You couldn't help but stare, unable to listen to the others talk. You quickly rush to his aid, wanting to help him be the most comfortable he possibly could be.
You crouch down next to him, giving him some reassuring words that he'd be okay. You help him to his feet, where Minho is at your side.
Gally and Thomas lead the way as another explosion rings through the air near you. You duck your head as some loose shrapnel lightly hits your skin, thankfully not enough force given to puncture your face.
The explosions only become worse as you run through a little diner, having no alternate route around as the city was being blown to smithereens.
"God damnit, we said blow up the entrance, not the whole damn city"
Newt falls to the ground, too weak to walk as black ooze drips from his lips. Glass explodes behind you, in which you quickly shove Minho to the ground in front of you to protect him. You cover your head, letting the glass shards hit your protected back.
He gasps for air for a moment as Thomas and Gally prop him up against a safe wall, trying to talk to him. You and Minho follow suit, making a quick plan to go get the temporary cure from Brenda and Jorge, and run back to give it to Newt.
"Stay strong for me, okay?" Minho speaks, his hands on the blonde's shoulders.
He nods, his eyes clearly lost in a daze, his vision blurry and wobbly.
Minho pats his shoulder before standing up, letting you give him a nod of reassurance. You and Gally follow Minho, weapons drawn to protect him as he leads with his quick sprinting skills.
You three get one last look at Newt and Thomas before fleeing, working your way through the maze of buildings and explosions to get to your friends. Gally shoots a guard at his side while you do the same at about a 10'o'clock radius.
"This way!"
You follow Minho, the explosions so loud that they defeaned gunshots. The battery on your stolen WCKD gun runs out, and you toss it to the side, resorting to using your pistol to defend your friends. Another bomb nearly knocks you off your feet, causing you to stumble into Minho.
"Sorry!" You shout over the noise.
"You okay?" He shouts back, helping you balance on your feet again.
"Yeah!" You quickly reply, nodding forward for him to continue running to get the cure.
You make it down to the Berg, where Fry, Brenda and Jorge await your arrival.
"The cure!"
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"We can't leave him here like this"
"We can't take him back-"
"We have to, please"
"It's too dangerous, we won't make it back to the Berg in time, or we'll get blown up carrying him!"
You stand at Minho's side, looking down at the blonde haired boy as he stands up. He wipes the tears from his eyes, looking at you.
"We have to leave him, Minho"
He nods, slowly placing the cure in Newt's cold hand. He takes one last look at him before turning away, waiting for anyone to speak and give orders.
Brenda speaks up again, deciding to get back to the Berg as fast as possible. You all follow her, guns out, ready to shoot whoever you had to at this point.
Minho turns to you as you run side by side, "Why are you here? Why are you putting yourself in the face of danger? To save me or something?"
You give him a little head tilt to act as a shrug, "You called"
You shake your head, deciding to explain it once you were in the hands of safety. An explosion, which cause the ground to rumble beneath you, knocks you all off your feet and onto the hard concrete.
You all groan in pain, having fallen all over each other. Brenda had fallen onto Fry, and they both stumble to the side, apologizing to one another profusely. You'd fallen onto Minho, of course, and help him back to his feet.
You feel lightheaded, your face growing cold, odd for the amount of heat and fire and running around you'd been doing. You lean onto the boy, feeling woozy, as maybe you'd stood up to fast.
Then you fall to your knees, some invisible force knocking you down, your cargo pants ripping at the knees from the impact.
"Y/n!" You hear Minho shout, his voice echoey in your ears.
You hear three gunshots coming from each Fry, Gally, and Brenda. You look back, seeing a WCKD guard fall on their back after taking three shots to the head and chest. Minho's hands rest on your shoulder and on your cheek as he calls your name, asking if you're okay. You see his eyes glance down, where he quickly looks back up to not scare you.
You stand up, numb to any pain. He follows, making sure you're able to keep balance on your feet. He quickly rips off the bulletproof vest for you and your jacket, revealing the wound right under your collar bone.
You look down at it, then look back up at him, eyebrows furrowed. You look to the other three, eyes widened in shock and fear. Another explosion pops a few hundred yards away, shaking the ground again, though not enough to knock you all down once more.
Minho quickly shouts for anything he can use to keep pressure on the wound. He held his hand over it, as the bleeding was horrible at the moment. His hands are covered in your blood, considering the bullet that shot you went clear through you. You notice the bullet a few feet away, light flickering off of it as it rolls into the street where multiple bloody bodies lay.
Minho rips a piece of his shirt and stuffs it into the exit wound, ordering you to hold it there. He pulls you along as you continue running through the city. Your left arm rests over Minho's shoulders, not wanting to upset your other side. Considering moving, it would only agitate it more, and you were trying to keep pressure on the wound anyway.
As you reach the final yards to reach the Berg where Jorge and Vince wait, you collapse to your knees again, landing face first in the debris covered concrete. Minho falls with you, your weight having dragged him down. He tries to pull you up but notices the pool of blood forming around you. A thin, but large pool.
He calls your name over and over, then flips you on your back, where blood sputters out of your mouth. He quickly pulls you up, your back now held up by Brenda and Fry, who were quick to turn back. Gally crouches down on one knee and slowly removes the cloth from the wound, absolutely drenched in crimson.
"No, no, no, no. Not now! Y/n, get up, please," He pleads, watching Vince and Jorge rush to your aid. "They were shot by a gaurd, went clean through, there's so much blood-"
You reach your hand out to Minho as the men pick you up off the ground, where you stumble to walk with them. They practically carry you on their shoulders to the Berg.
Another explosion knocks you all to the ground again, leaving bruises on faces, arms, and legs as you're pounded onto the ground. You'd be lucky enough not to get AIDS at this point.
Minho stumbles to his feet, rushing to you as the men pick themselves up before you.
He notices blood spewing from the other side of your chest. He rips the extra layers of clothing off your torso, tossing your pistol to the side as well. Gally looks around, finger on the trigger of his gun, looking for a shooter.
"Stray bullet!" Brenda shouts, "Get them in there! Go! Thomas needs us!"
Minho places his hands under your arms and drags you into the Berg himself, all the children right in view of your slumped body. You choke on blood and air, feeling your face grow cold and pale. The liquid trails up into the aircraft, staining the hard metal red for the time being.
Vince jumps into the driver's seat, ordering the others to help you and how to before it's too late. Brenda stands next to him, trying to get any info out of Thomas through the walkies.
You wrap your arms around Minho, feeling the pain in your chest now as you grunt and cry. You squeeze onto the back of his shirt, the pain causing you to claw your fingers into him. He holds you, his heart breaking in two as you struggle to breathe.
The placement, it wasn't possible to keep you this time. It wasn't possible to keep you and be free in any situation, in any timeline, in any universe.
"I don't wanna say goodbye"
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He sits on the beach every morning, talking to the sunrise as if you were there next to him. He didn't mind the sand that would pile up in his boots or the dusty grain that would stick to his hydrophoric hands all damn day if it weren't for the water there to wash it away.
His fingers traced over your name on the rock when he felt lonely, like you were magically there, hugging him again.
He'd never know for sure what you meant when you said that he called. He understood that you definitely didn't hear him call for you after awakening after nightmares, but maybe you did, he wouldn't have known. He guessed in a metaphorical sense, he did call for you, which you both knew, but it still confused him somehow. He wanted you to explain it all so he'd understand, like how you always did.
He regretted never being able to rant about all his feelings to you. He wished he had time to tell you about all he went through so you could reassure him that you'd protect him forever. You'd protect him from the nightmares and the scars, the mental baggage that would weigh him down forever.
He started crying himself to sleep after he began to forget your face.
He just wanted another hug, but your face was beginning to blur out. It sent him into a panic attack right there. No one was there to help him as he cried and clawed into the dirt, trying to ground himself again. He couldn't believe himself, he treasured you so much yet he was forgetting your face after merely a year after your dissapearance?
It didn't help that after a while, he began to forget your voice too, that hurt even more. He'd been forced to talk about his feelings to Thomas like a parent-child conference. He wasn't himself anymore.
His eyes were always swollen, eyebags dark and weighing his happiness down. He was depressed. Every smile he showed was just him trying to make his way through another day's work, distracting himself from the fact that he lost you, for good this time, he watched it.
He wrote letters to you with no address to send to. It didn't help whatsoever that he himself pushed you out into the sea once Thomas regained consciousness so he could say farewell. He watched it all, he knew you were gone this time. At least he had some sense of closure.
He had nothing left of you other than that WCKD jacket you wore, that haunted him as he slept. He only kept it because even with the logo of the corporation that tortured him for years and past the bullet holes in it, it provided him a little comfort that you were still there.
He found that telling stories of you to the younger kids helped.
"They were like the life of the party, bright smile, infectious laughter. They were the one everyone wanted to be around. You could see the sunrise in their eyes."
"Who were they to you?" One little girl asks.
"I don't really know" Minho shrugs, looking down at his hands for a moment.
"Where are they now?" A little boy asks, tilting his head.
"They're in the sky, they have been. They're stuck there. I hope I see them again" He replies with a little nod, looking up at the sun beginning to set up on the island.
"Why are they stuck in the sky?"
"They're afraid of coming down"
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yandere-sins · 1 year
So I have probably a bit peculiar of a request so feel free to decline writing this if it’s not to your liking! I know everyone likes to be the center of a yandere’s attention but I CRACK under large amounts of attention so I always like to picture a polyam trio. Me, a Yandere, and Yandere’s darling. Usually with some major connection to Darling like a best friend or something and I’m just such a crybaby and soft and submissive (and so stupid that I probably don’t even realize something wrong is going on) that Yandere can’t help but take a liking to me too, whether as a less intense obsession or as like a pet or something, I just like Yanderes thinking of me as cute and liking me (but not being the full center of their attention like Darling) and Darling being protective of me cause they’re scared I’ll get their treatment or get hurt.
So uh, 👉👈, could I maybe request something like that with Ghost or König? I think it would work better with Ghost since you said he shares in your nsfw with him (and I REALLY like the Darling you described in your fic, the mental image of them trying to stab Ghost with a fork keeps making me giggle). If it’s not too much to ask and if you like it! Of course you’re always free to decline and I’m sorry that this dragged on way too long (I’m screaming while typing this cause I get so shy when trying to request something)
To be honest, I feel bad throwing you under the bus here, but you kinda laid it out for me xD Enjoy! No hard feelings personally, oki? Also I kept the reader GN in this version, but the friend is AFAB.
Warning: Yandere, Heavy Sexual Content
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"Do the honors then."
The hard slap to your bum made you tumble, feet giving way until your knees hit the ground. You yelped as you fell in front of your friend, her arms shooting out to steady you, helping you. Just like she always did. Your hands landed on her thighs, legs spread with your body caught between them. And you jerked your hands away just as quickly as you realized the position you were in. The whole situation had been one big, confusing mess, but you still got surprised by some actions your captor took, never able to read his next move.
Ghost, he forced your best friend to call him in case she needed to address him. And she did—a lot. Courageously fighting him and his ill-willed actions toward you two as best as she could with someone so much superior, both in strength and skills, as her opponent. However, Sir was the more appropriate option for you. It created a certain distance between you and him, a distance you liked. But at the same time, it made the lack of distance between him and your friend all the more apparent. You were a small toy to consider; she was the prize he wanted. You knew he had plans to kill you, but that was the only time she pleaded with him, shielding you while you cowered behind her, sobbing in terror.
If only you two hadn't visited the bar full of mercenaries and soldiers that night. Then you'd never have to go through this demeaning, horrific experience. You banished the thought of "If only your friend hadn't insisted you come with her when she hooked up with some random dude," as it only brought more sorrow than it helped. Pushing the blame onto her wouldn't solve the problem you were facing. It wasn't her fault she met a straight-up psycho who intended to take advantage of her drunkenness, forcing himself on her with a knife to her throat as you had to watch on helplessly, only to be 'rescued' by an even bigger madman. Maybe guys in the army were just sick by nature. Otherwise, you couldn't explain the bad luck of you two.
And the last spark of luck you two had also seemed to have run out.
"Go on, prepare her. You wouldn't want your friend to hurt, would you?"
Dragging a chair close, Ghost sat down with a small groan, rolling his shoulder as he focused his eyes on you. Immediately, you felt the shivers run down your spine like a knife dragging down your skin, goosebumps spreading all over your body, with his gaze crawling over you. Like always, you were the one to avert your eyes first, your sight falling to his hands hanging in his lap, the gun dangling from his fingers. He'd shoot you faster than you'd ever manage to lunge for it. You knew that. Besides, you didn't even have the courage to face him, much less defy him.
"I- I can't!" you complained meekly, your voice barely loud enough for him to hear. You and your friend weren't in that kind of relationship. You couldn't just go down on her on a whim!
For the longest time after he kidnapped you from that bar—under the guise of 'helping' you two intoxicated strangers—you two managed to avoid that. Sex. He had forced himself on your friend more than once, pulling her into his lap and grinding her over his cock, kissing her when she refused to give him attention, making her suck his fingers and swear to be his possession to protect you. But until now, Ghost never demanded her body like he did that night.
The first night you tried to stand up for her.
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to tell him she wasn't ready for this. That she wouldn't enjoy it if he forced her to. That she needed to prepare—mentally and physically. It was the first time you held his glare for more than a few seconds as he stilled, mustering you. Only for you to submit to his stare with a pleading, "Please..." ending in him pushing you toward her instead.
"We're not like that! We don't--"
Heaving a deep sigh, Ghost gripped the top of his gun, cocking it. Lifting it lazily, he pointed it at your friend's head, putting her at the receiving end of his threats for the first time. Usually, it was you who he used to persuade her, but this time, he made it clear who the next bullet would go to. Dread and despair mixed in your stomach, weighing down as your breath hitched. Your best friend gulped as she stared at the barrel of the gun, only to avoid her gaze as well, looking down at you nervously.
She didn't want this either. But what choice did you have?
"Prepare her. I won't repeat myself."
Gulping, you faced forward, right between her legs. You didn't know where to start when you reached up to the waistband of her skirt when her hand suddenly clasped around yours. "Don't--" she stopped you, only to hesitate. She didn't have a choice either. You two had to do this. Whatever this was, it wasn't an existence worth living. Kidnapped and enslaved, forced to do things you didn't want to do. But you couldn't think about throwing away your lives either and letting this bastard win.
"It's okay," you quaked, just as uncomfortable and nervous, devastated to be the one who had to do this to her. But she just nodded, squeezing your hand before helping you tug off her skirt and panties, shame overcoming her as the fabric slipped off her legs, which she quickly closed.
You heard the cracking of the chair as Ghost leaned back, letting out a heavy breath. The gun sunk back to his lap as he watched you two with keen eyes, like a hawk focusing on his prey. You forced your hand between her thighs, gently pushing while you kept reassuring her, "It's okay. I'll be gentle. Everything will be alright."
But maybe you were saying these words more to yourself than her.
Tears were brimming in her eyes, embarrassment mixing with the unwillingness to do this. But she averted her face completely before spreading her legs again, letting you inch closer.
Her pussy was, for the lack of a better word, fucking beautiful. She shaved for the night out, though you couldn't find any fault with the sweet little curls cleanly shaved into a triangle. Her lips parted beautifully, even though she flinched from your cold, shivering fingers, revealing the entrance and the sweet little nub on top of it completely to you.
Behind you, the chair screeched as Ghost dragged it closer to the show, his chest pressing into your back with how close he suddenly was, peering over your head.
"Look at that sweet, little cunt," he mumbled appreciatively, his gruff and deep voice deliciously licking up your spine from behind you, setting off all the alarms inside you. You wanted to scoot away and hide, but you were trapped between the soldier and your best friend, giving you no chance to flee. You didn't just imagine his presence either, as one hand crawled to the back of your neck, making you squeak as he pushed you forward, mere inches from your friend's pussy.
You made the mistake of glancing up, meeting her horrified, embarrassed gaze. But what freaked you out was the small spark of excitement anyone would probably feel, knowing what was going to happen.
Ghost shook you like an unruly dog by the scruff, directing your focus ahead again as he reached out to spread her labia in your stead. "That's the right place, Newbie," he instructed, and you gulped, knowing there was no getting out of this anymore. You had to do it.
Tentatively, you slipped your tongue from between your lips, stiff and unmoving. But even with just the tip out, Ghost slammed you forward, burying your face in your friend's cunt. You struggled with panic, your tongue licking over her entrance for the first time, your nose brushing over her clit, and to your horror, you heard her gasp, only confirming the shit job you were doing...
Or not.
"Lick," Ghost ordered, keeping you in place while you put your hands back on her thighs, holding on to them for dear life as you forced yourself to obey. It made her flinch, but you gave your first stroke with your tongue, and her breath hitched curtly, a noise that didn't go unnoticed.
"You'll come to like it soon enough," Ghost chuckled, a strange sound from under his mask. You had no idea who he said it to, but his hand finally released its death grip on your neck, giving you two encouraging pats between your shoulder blades, urging you on.
And you got to work.
The faster you'd get this over with, the better, you were sure. Your friend didn't want you to, you didn't want to, and Ghost probably didn't want you to please her like this either, using the opportunity as a sort of torture or punishment rather than his own enjoyment.
Prying her entrance open with your tongue was so easy, you were almost unsure if you were doing it right. You never went down on someone before, so every sensation was new and strange. Even with her taste dancing on your tongue—and you thanked the gods for the shower you two were allowed to take just hours prior—you felt little to no arousal, the fear keeping it at bay. But it seemed to be quite different for your friend.
Her walls greeted you eagerly, insides quivering as you plunged in, twisting and churning through her hole. Your hands moved further up, taking back her lips from Ghost, who released them for you to handle. A small curiosity spread through your mind as you prepared your friend for the horror yet to come, and you raised your chin, slipping out of her to find the little knob of nerves on top, sliding your tongue over it completely before pressing your lips around it.
Your friend let out a muffled gasp, clasping her hand over her mouth as your eyes met. More and more arousal clouded her gaze, replacing the horror. You tested suckling on her clit, and her head rolled back as she moaned, a new sweet spot unlocked on her body that you found.
The chair banged loudly against the ground as Ghost pushed away from it, caging your friend between the bed she was sitting on and his body, and using one hand to grab her hair, forcing her to look up at him. "You like that, Darlin'? Having your cunt licked by your friend? They're doing a good job, yeah?"
Forcing her mouth shut, defying him the answers he wanted, the only sounds she made were held-back moans as you continued to tease her. Something about what you were doing was working—that much was sure. More and more juices began dripping out of her, no small amount landing on your tongue and getting spread all over her cunt. You didn't mind the taste; it almost became comforting.
When you returned to her clit, her legs snapped shut, caging you between them like your friend was confined between Ghost and the bed. You kept roaming through her folds, working your way inside her and trying to reach her clit again, knowing that whatever you were doing was working. You were helpful. Whatever that bastard had planned for her, thanks to you, it wouldn't be so bad, for sure!
"Be honest, Darlin', you're loving this. You're getting off on your friend eating you out, yeah? You're close? Come on, Love, tell me, and I'll allow it. Tell me how good they're making you feel."
Ghost's teases from above didn't really reach your mind as you concentrated on the task at hand (or tongue). Finally, there was something you could do, and it was working. Your friend was quivering before you, juices dripping from her cunt as a strangled moan escaped her.
"Admit it, Princess, or we'll be here for another couple of hours," Ghost joked, following it up with a husky chuckle as he watched your best friend strain herself to keep control. He could have pried you off any second from her, especially with how little you were following their one-sided conversation, understanding what was happening. You were too focused on the success and being able to help for once, not being the hindrance in the way that needed protection.
"Fuck!" she suddenly yelled, spitting the word into his masked face as she glared at him. That was enough to finally tear you out of your trance, and Ghost's raspy laugh echoed through the room.
"What...?" you asked, pulling away from her, confused and unsure of what was happening. Did you hurt her? Did he hurt her?
But both of their attention snapped to you suddenly, pressure rising. Suddenly, your friend reached out, placing her hands at the sides of your head as she guided your face forward again. "Don't stop," she sighed needily, biting her lip. "It feels so fucking good, don't fucking stop."
"Atta girl," Ghost mused, and you could hear the smug grin playing on his lips even without seeing it. "Finally ready to admit it?"
"Yes! Yes, I admit it! I'm so close! Don't stop now, you hear me?!"
Suddenly it wasn't Ghost forcing you forward, but the friend you were protecting by sinking to this level. You were hesitant, but the mere waft of your breath was enough to make her shudder.
"You heard the lady, don't stop," Ghost finally decided to join the coaxing, pleased with her admitting her feelings, and you stretched out your tongue again, letting out a muffled complaint as your head was pressed tightly into her cunt. You were once again back to struggling, all while the smug bastard was laughing at your misery, and your friend moaned out loudly in pleasure. This was not the way things should be. You weren't a fucktoy for her to enjoy. But apparently, being close to an orgasm made anyone lose their reason.
A scream got caught in her throat as her thighs tightened around you, all of her limbs keeping you in place, making you suffocate on her juices and heat. Her body shivered violently as she came from your tongue, head thrown back and toes curling. It was only a few seconds, but you never felt closer to death with her vice grip on you and the very real lack of air between her legs.
At the same time, you were ashamed.
Embarrassed that you were forced to pleasure your best friend. Ashamed to be treated inhumanly and like a fucktoy, your feelings of no regard in this situation. It was one thing that Ghost didn't care about you, only keeping you alive for your friend's sake. You didn't want his attention, didn't want him to care for you. But with even your friend entering this mindset, you felt the tears burn in your eyes, sobs escaping you when she finally let go.
"My, my," Ghost chuckled, stepping up between you two.
"Thank you for your hard work," he said mockingly as you coughed and wiped your mouth. No amount of mouth water would be able to get the taste of your friend and this experience out of your head.
"No, really," he added, reaching down to grab you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you to your feet, and using his foot to push the chair up from the floor, so he could sit you down on top of it. "I'll have to reward you. You did make this so much easier for me. So if you stay right here and be quiet while I fuck your friend..."
Words trailing off, he stepped up to the bed again. Gun in hand, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up. You finally got a good look on her face, the tears streaming from her eyes as she could barely glance at you. Guilt and shame were etched into her expression, the horror of what was still awaiting her only registering when Ghost pulled her into his lap, his hand crawling between her legs as he unzipped his trousers, rummaging for his cock.
Her eyes blown wide in panic, she began to struggle, but Ghost only needed one hand to keep her in place. You bit your lip, wanting to help her, but...
Instead, you found Ghost's eyes from over her shoulder. Eyes that told you not to do anything stupid. To stay in your fucking place. Your friend was about to get impaled on his massive cock that sprung free from his briefs, thick and ready, hard from watching his object of desire be pleasured by her pathetic friend. At least, you believed that's how he saw you. She gasped, and you flinched just as hard at the length and girth he displayed confidently. Even with your preparations, you couldn't imagine this thing fitting inside the pretty, tight cunt you just licked.
"If you can be good and quiet, I'll allow you to eat my cum out of her pussy. I'm sure she'd enjoy that just as much. Can you be good and quiet?"
You gulped, nothing left but bitterness on your tongue as you forced yourself to look away, swallowing down your feelings as you had to listen to his cock slipping into her dripping cunt. You let it happen. Your friend let out a pained scream, the sound getting stuck in her throat before it turned into a moan, both of them groaning in unison. In this strange situation, you were the odd one out, the third wheel, the tolerated one. But it was still you and your friend against your captor, trying to survive this, no matter what. Even though you lifted no finger to help her this time, bitter about the way she treated you and helpless against Ghost.
And so you opened your mouth to say the only thing you knew would be allowed at that moment. The only thing he could possibly want to hear from you before the silence he demanded of his darling's pet friend.
"Yes, Sir."
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claudishthelame · 5 years
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*cough cough* I tried MS paint again :|
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gonemechaniic · 3 years
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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐂... little things taken from promdy rp shenanigans with @battleshot​​ 💛
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​Cindy has a trio of lip-glosses on her person almost at all times: mango, peach, and strawberry; slightly flavored with peach and strawberry being tented. Considering that she tends to work and travel out in the desert sun, chapped lips are gonna happen. So alongside keeping hydrated as much as she can she keeps her glosses around for extra maintenance. That, and it’s just really about overall self care.... and it’s cute.
Cindy tends to hide little “hidden moogles” after servicing the Regalia either within the paint job itself or a decal just out of sight to the untrained eye. Considering Prompto has been the only one who’s taken notice enough to ask her about it, Cindy has kinda made a game of it, just for him. 
( after they started spr srs dating )  Prom has a habit of sneaking about the garage and leaving little love sticky notes around while she’s not paying attention or send her hints with cute, but kinda vague texts. If Cindy gives up, she owes Prom a smooch. If she finds him, she gets a smooch. It’s a really tough compromise I know, but they make it work. x3
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... more to be added I’m sure  💛🧡
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ghosthunthq · 6 years
This was written for Mai’s and GHHQ’s birthday. Happy birthday guys, it’s been a pleasure working with you during these two years! Also, a huge thanks to Snavej for beta-reading this, her helpful suggestions are what made this oneshot sound decent.
Rays of sunshine gently tickled her eyelids and woke Mai up from her slumber. She moaned and stretched lazily under her covers, eager to enjoy another minute of sleep. But her alarm clock decided otherwise and ringed loudly, depriving her from any additional moment of rest.
She got up with a sigh, dragging her tired limbs toward the bathroom. Her morning routine got her washed, dressed and ready to go to work. Before leaving she took a look at the calendar with drowsy eyes.
July, the third.
A day like any other.
She closed the door and left.
The pale sunlight filtering through the curtains told Mai it was finally morning. With all the energy of her young age she bolted up, eyes wide open in delight. She left her bed at the speed of light, rushing to get dressed. A few moments later she was in the kitchen, her uniform slightly askew and her hair vaguely arranged, grinning happily.
Today was the day, her day!
On the table breakfast was ready and Mai wasted no time to dig in. She ate alone, her mother having already left for work, but Mai didn’t dwell on her absence. In front of her were her favourite dishes, that had been prepared just for her, and in the evening they would get some time together. Her mother even promised her a present!
Mai sighed contentedly, her stomach full and the plates almost empty. She cleaned the table and before leaving took a look at the calendar.
July, the third.
Her favorite day.
She closed the door and left, a gleeful smile on her face.
Mai put the last video tape in the box, watching with satisfaction the stack of perfectly labelled evidence she had just compiled, all in chronological order. She got up from her desk to file it in the storage room and glanced at the clock.
Almost six.
A few more minutes and she would be able to go home.
She came back and began packing her things under the watchful stare of her coworker.
“Are you leaving Mai-chan?” Yasuhara asked, frowning at the clock on the wall. “It’s not even six!”
Mai laughed.
“Where does that come from? Are you Naru’s spy or something? Don’t worry, I won’t leave a second sooner than I’m allowed.”
Yasuhara squinted at her. “You’ve blown my cover. You know that means I can’t let you live now.”
Mai rolled her eyes at his poor impersonation of a mob boss, but couldn’t help a giggle.
“However I’m not insensitive to corruption,” he whispered in a conspiratory manner, “if you offer me more than Naru, I may work for you instead.”
“How much for your loyalty?”
“A really small price for the efficient agent that I am, really. Let’s say a cup of tea?”
“Isn’t that too good of a deal?” Mai mocked a frown. “It feels like I am being played.”
Yasuhara put a hand on his heart, the very image of innocence.“Not at all Mai-chan. I’m just in a generous mood.”
“Let’s call it a deal then. But you better earn it!”
Yasuhara offered a blinding, sly smile, in response. The gesture, which usually spoke of mischief, made Mai shoot him a wary look but, finding nothing dubious in his request, she got up to busy herself in the kitchen.
When she came back with the tea poured and ready to be delivered she found Yasuhara wasn’t alone at his desk anymore. Around him were standing all the SPR irregulars.
“Mai-chan!” Takigawa cried before she could even express her surprise to see everyone gathered at the same time. “Take your things and let’s go! We’re going out to eat, my treat!”
Mai blinked a few times. “Uh? But—” she started.
“Hurry up before he changes his mind,” Ayako advised, picking Mai’s tray while John and Masako politely greeted her.
“I’m treating Jou-chan, not you!”
“But, why—” Mai tried again, confused.
“Like we wouldn’t celebrate your birthday,” Takigawa laughed, putting an heavy arm on the girl’s shoulder.
“How do you even know it’s my birthday?” Mai asked with a frown, swatting his arm away. “I’m pretty sure I never told you!”
Yasuhara’s suspicious smile and his insistence she stayed a few more minutes suddenly made sense.
“Yasuhara! You didn’t!” she cried in betrayal.
“I plead guilty!” He grinned, not even trying to deny it.
“I have no idea why you’re so secretive about this, you’re too young to be bothered by your age increasing by a year,” the priestess grumbled, silencing Monk’s upcoming comment about her own waning youth with a menacing glare.
Mai shrugged. “It’s not that I mind you knowing, really. I just lost the habit to celebrate.”
Takigawa shot her an equally scandalized and pitying stare.
“That’s a shame! Good thing we came to remind you how to properly party!”
“And of course you had to do this here. May I remind you this is not your hangout?”
Mai almost jumped when she heard Naru’s stern voice, and hastily turned around to apologize on the others’ behalf for making a ruckus and disturbing his precious peace. But to her surprise he grabbed the cup on the tray and downed the tea in one gulp, before putting it back with a resounding thud.
“Now let’s go.”
Takigawa nugged Mai in the ribs.“You heard the boss!”
Mai stared at Naru with huge, bewildered eyes. Had he just said he was coming? To eat out with his noisy team? For her birthday?
“Naru, you… You agreed to this?”
“They would have done it without my consent anyway,” he answered stoically. “And I wanted to try this restaurant.”
“That’s the spirit!” Takigawa cheered while Mai just stood there gawking.
The team headed out as loudly as it came, dragging a dazed Mai in its wake.
They were all so annoying and noisy, she thought.
But she couldn’t help a smile.
Mai waited. And waited, eyes glued to the clock. The minutes were ticking by but the door stayed resolutely shut.
It wasn’t an odd occurrence to find herself alone at this hour, her mother often had to work long shifts, but on this special day Mai had hoped they could spend the evening together. It was almost midnight now, and Mai knew she would probably fall asleep soon. She rarely managed to resist sleep.
She sighed forlornly, ready to leave the living room and go to bed when the unmistakable sound of the key in the lock stopped her.
The next second her mother appeared in the doorframe, looking apologetic and short of breath, probably from running.
“I’m home,” she managed between heavy breaths.
Mai’s annoyance was immediately forgotten. “Mum, welcome home!”
Her mother got rid of her shoes tiredly and came to join her daughter. “You’re still awake, what a relief! I am really sorry, my boss gave me an extra load of work and I couldn’t leave until it was finished.”
The girl nodded in understanding. This happened too often for her to be surprised.
“However,” her mother added, “I did not forget my promise. I do have something for you.”
A pretty white box with pink polka dots appeared in front of Mai, who took it hesitantly.
“Open it,” her mother prompted. “My colleague assured me this is the best you can find in Tokyo.”
Mai opened the box with careful movements to reveal the most fancy, delicious-looking strawberry cake she had ever seen.
Her eyes widen in delight. It was her favorite delicacy, and something they couldn’t generally afford due to their tight budget.
“Happy birthday Mai,” her mother whispered. “And—” she teared up a little, “— I hope you’ll forgive me for offering it to you so late.”
The young girl shook her head, a sincere smile on her lips.
“It’s okay. It’s like having two birthdays!”
When her mother hugged her tightly Mai knew she had given the right answer.
It didn’t matter when she celebrated, or what she got. What was important was with who she was. And she couldn’t wish better company than her beloved mother.
“Aaaah I’m full, that was delicious,” Takigawa sighed contentedly, patting his belly as they exited the restaurant.
“It really was,” Masako approved. “I am surprised you knew of such a nice place.”
“And what *exactly* does that mean, young lady?”
“Just that you’re the type to dine in run-down, shady places,” Ayako deadpanned. “Shall I remind you about the one and only time I agreed to drink with you and your band?”
Takigawa’s pout had Masako, Yasuhara and Mai laughing out loud.
“You wound me, especially you, Jou-chan!” he sulked.
“Don’t you worry, you still have my love,” Yasuhara cried, launching himself at the monk and earning a few curious stares from the passersby of animated streets of Shibuya.
Takigawa just ducked his head and started walking faster, making the trio laugh even more.
The dinner had been surprisingly pleasant. The food had been excellent, and her friends had insisted she tried the most expensive dishes on the menu. Which Mai did, touched by their insistence she had a good time. Ayako and Takigawa behaved and limited their bickering to good-humoured teasing, Naru and Lin had made an effort to join in the conversation instead of keeping to themselves, and even the shy John had shared some personal anecdotes about his childhood. Yasuhara and Masako had mostly stayed in their corner speaking animatedly about who knew what, the young medium blushing occasionally.
Mai grinned at the memory. She was so going to tease her for this later!
The SPR building finally came into view. It was time for goodbyes.
“Ah Mai, let me drive you home,” the monk proposed, pointing to his car on the parking lot. “You won’t be able to take the subway, it’s past midnight already.”
Mai opened her mouth to accept his offer but Naru interrupted before she could even utter a word.
Everyone except for Lin gaped at Naru, then at Mai, surprised by the outburst. Her cheeks turned a rosy hue under their stares. That didn’t mean he wanted to escort her home *himself*, did it?
“Uh?” was all the monk could ask while a sly grin crept on Yasuhara’s face.
“Oh my, that is incredibly forward of you boss.”
Naru glared cooly in response. “Takigawa has drunk too much. I won’t risk the safety of my underage employee.”
Mai visibly deflated while a collective, disappointed ‘oh’ followed the statement.
“It’s true I drank a lot,” the monk admitted. “John?”
The priest scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “I am afraid the same goes for me.”
Mai shook her head at John’s embarrassment. Takigawa and Ayako had kept filling his glass, and the poor man had been too polite to dare refuse.
Lin’s baritone voice settled the matter. “I will drive Taniyama-san and Yasuhara-san home. I am perfectly sober.”
“At least someone here is thinking of me!” Yasuhara cried in mock offense. “Lin-san you are my knight in shining armor, thank you. Boss totally forgot about me.”
“We’ll share a taxi,” Ayako decided, taking Takigawa by the arm and leaving him no chance to disagree. “John? Do you want to come with us?”
“Yes that would be helpful, thank you,” the young priest smiled.
Masako bowed.
“My chauffeur will arrive soon. I bid you all a good night. Mai, it was a pleasure celebrating your birthday.”
Mai bowed deeply to thank her coworkers for spending the evening with her and treating her to dinner. After several hugs and reassurance that it was their pleasure they were gone.
There were only three people left bar herself, and to her astonishment Mai felt the sudden silence suffocating.
She missed the noise and ruckus her coworkers usually made. She missed their presence.
That reminded her of why she didn’t celebrate her birthday anymore. The feeling of loneliness that came the day after was a little too much to bear.
“Lin,” Naru said when he was certain the rest of the crew was gone, “you drive Yasuhara first. Mai, follow me inside.”
Yasuhara’s mouth broke into an impish grin, but Naru didn’t stay to hear his comment. The teenager headed straight toward the office door, not even looking back to see if his orders were properly followed.
Mai hastily bowed to her two remaining coworkers, muttered a good night and run to catch up with her boss.
“Naru, wait!” she protested, rushing in the office. “I’m sure whatever you need me for could—”
She stopped dead in her tracks.
A pretty white cardboard box with pink polka dots was waiting on her desk.
Her vision blurred. The ticking of the clock, the particular color of their house door, her mother smiling giving her a similar box, she could recall them vividly. A strawberry cake, and promises of better days.
It had been the last birthday spent with her mother. The last she had looked forward to.
“How—” she tried, but found out she had lost her ability to speak.
Naru stood next to her desk, watching her reaction closely. She turned to him, trying to smile, but the gesture got lost in her state of shock.
Naru’s aloof expression faltered.
“The idea actually comes from Madoka,” he explained, on the defensive. “She said this would make an acceptable gift.”
Madoka. Yes, that was her style. Mai wanted to laugh but a whimper came out instead.
“Is this,” she rasped, “is this by chance a strawberry cake?”
“I know for a fact you like those,” Naru said, sounding like he was daring her to deny the fact.
“I do,” she whispered, “they are my favorites.”
“Will you not open it? It doesn’t bite.”
“I will.”
Mai opened the box with shaky hands, her heart beating fast.
A fancy, beautifully decorated cake appeared before her eyes. She sighed, torn between conflicting emotions.
It wasn’t the one from her memory.
She laughed at her foolishness. Of course, after ten years it couldn’t be the same cake, what else had she expected? It wasn’t even a present from her mother this time!
No, it was a present from Naru.
And it made it all the more precious.
Realization dawned upon her that all these years she had wasted time yearning for what was lost, instead of what was to come. The cake could never be the same. Her mother wouldn’t miraculously come back. Things would forever be different. But different didn’t mean they couldn’t be good.
“Thank you Naru,” she smiled as brightly as she could this time. “It looks really delicious.”
The rare uncertainty that had been clouding his gaze disappeared, replaced by something akin to relief.
“The shop is supposed to be Tokyo’s best,” he muttered.
Had he been worried she wouldn’t like his present? The very idea made Mai’s heart swell.
“Let’s share,” she proposed, fetching two forks in their kitchen.“You wouldn’t let me eat alone for my birthday, would you?” she insisted before Naru’s reluctance.
He took the fork and they ate in companionable silence for a while.
“It was really delicious. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Naru glanced at the clock. “And although it’s a bit late, happy birthday Mai,” he added softly.
“Thank you Naru.”
“You know,” she smiled, “I used to do this with my mother, eating my cake after midnight. It felt like having two birthdays. Maybe I should make this a tradition!”
Naru’s lips made a timid upturn at her joke, and Mai felt content.
From now on she would to look forward to her anniversary.
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leseumlesite · 4 years
Pink Panda feat. Celeste - Tell Me Why
Pink Panda feat. Celeste – Tell Me Why
Cette vidéo vous a plu , télécharger là ! Pink Panda Feat Celeste – Tell Me Why is OUT NOW on SPRS! Listen / download at your favorite service: https://PinkPanda.lnk.to/TellMeWhy Stay up to date on more Spinnin’ artists & music here! ► http://spinninrecords.com The trio Pink Panda delivers a laidback tune which is a pleasure for your ears. Taking Supermode’s Tell Me Why to another level with its…
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mitchbeck · 5 years
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Hartford Wolf Pack 5, Springfield Thunderbirds 2 BY: Bob Crawford, Hartford Wolf Pack Springfield, MA, December 6, 2019 – Danny O’Regan had two goals and an assist, and Vinni Lettieri added a goal and an assist, as the Hartford Wolf Pack defeated the Springfield Thunderbirds 5-2 Friday night at the MassMutual Center, in the last of five straight road games for the Wolf Pack. The win snapped an 0-3-2-0 drought for the Wolf Pack, who were starting a three-game weekend and improved to 12-4-2-5 for 31 points on the season. “I thought we played a pretty good team game,” Wolf Pack head coach Kris Knoblauch said.  “Going into this three-in-three, we wanted contributions from everyone, and I thought our four lines and three pairs of played really well.” Hartford’s top line of O’Regan centering Lettieri and Phil DiGiuseppe combined for seven points, as DiGiuseppe chipped in a pair of assists. “Offensively they really contributed,” said Knoblauch of his first-line trio. “We needed those guys to help out offensively, and tonight they certainly did that.” Matt Beleskey and Patrick Newell also scored for the Wolf Pack.  Henrik Borgstrom and Anthony Greco had the Springfield goals. The two clubs split four goals in the first period, with Springfield jumping ahead twice, and the Wolf Pack equalizing both times. Borgstrom opened the scoring for the Thunderbirds only 3:54 in.  Dryden Hunt fed a pass from below the goal line to Borgstrom at the right side of the slot, and he fired a shot past Wolf Pack goaltender Igor Shesterkin (23 saves). The two teams then combined for three goals in a span of 2:54, starting at the 9:38 mark. O’Regan got the Wolf Pack on the board at 9:38, with his fifth goal of the season.  DiGiuseppe carried the puck into the Springfield end on left-wing and dropped a pass to Lettieri.  Thunderbird netminder Samuel Montembeault (28 saves) stopped Lettieri’s shot, but O’Regan was able to sweep the rebound in from Montembeault’s right. Springfield went right back into the lead just 1:06 later, on a power-play goal by Greco.  He sped around the Wolf Pack’s Nick Ebert on left-wing and cut to the front of the net, before putting a forehand bid past Shesterkin’s catching glove. The Wolf Pack would go on to get the last four goals of the game, though, starting just 1:28 after that, with a tally by Beleskey at 12:22.  Darren Raddysh handed the puck from the left point to Steven Fogarty, who stickhandled to the middle before sliding a perfect pass to Beleskey in the right circle.  His one-timer beat a helpless Montembeault. The Wolf Pack would then go-ahead for the first time eight seconds past the halfway point of the second period, on their first power play of the game.  With Riley Stillman off for tripping, Lias Andersson won an offensive zone draw back to Joey Keane at the left point.  He fed to O’Regan at the opposite point, and he set up Lettieri in the left circle for a one-timer.  Montembeault got a big piece of the drive, but it went off of him and into the net. O’Regan made it a two-goal Wolf Pack lead at 13:13, with his second goal of the game.  He won a draw to Mason Geertsen at the left point, and, after he fired the puck wide, DiGiuseppe picked it up and found O’Regan along the goal line on the right side.  His sharp-angle shot eluded Montembeault on the short side. Up 4-2 going into the third period, the Wolf Pack would put the game out of reach with a goal only 1:20 into the third, during a 4-on-4 situation that carried over from the second period. Defenseman Yegor Rykov, returning from a season-long injury absence to make his North American pro debut, moved down the right side from his point position and found Newell open at the left side of the goalmouth.  He easily deposited the puck past Montembeault for his second goal of the year. The Wolf Pack are back on home ice at the XL Center on Saturday night, hosting the Binghamton Devils in a 7:30 game.  That is “Star Wars Night”, as fans can rub shoulders with their favorite Star Wars characters, and win some awesome Star Wars prizes, and the first 2,000 fans will receive a free Wolf Pack 2020 calendar, presented by Hartford Distributors. Tickets for all 2019-20 Wolf Pack home games are on sale now at the Sunwave Gas & Power Ticket Office at the XL Center, on-line at hartfordwolfpack.com and by phone at (877) 522-8499.  Tickets purchased in advance for kids 12 or younger start at just $10 each, and all tickets will have a $3 day-of-game increase. To speak with a Wolf Pack representative about season or group tickets, or any of the Wolf Pack’s many ticketing options, call (860) 722-9425, or click here to request more info.  To visit the Wolf Pack online, go to hartfordwolfpack.com. Hartford Wolf Pack 5 at Springfield Thunderbirds 2 Friday, December 6, 2019 - MassMutual Center Hartford     2 2 1 - 5 Springfield 2 0 0 - 2 1st Period-1, Springfield, Borgstrom 7 (Hunt, Lowry), 3:54. 2, Hartford, O'Regan 5 (Lettieri, Di Giuseppe), 9:38. 3, Springfield, Greco 8 (Roy, Montembeault), 10:54 (PP). 4, Hartford, Beleskey 5 (Fogarty, Raddysh), 12:22. Penalties-Andersson Hfd (slashing), 4:58; Nieves Hfd (high-sticking), 9:53; Geertsen Hfd (slashing), 13:39; Geertsen Hfd (fighting), 15:45; Keeper Spr (fighting), 15:45. 2nd Period-5, Hartford, Lettieri 7 (O'Regan, Keane), 10:08 (PP). 6, Hartford, O'Regan 6 (Di Giuseppe, Geertsen), 13:13. Penalties-Stillman Spr (tripping), 9:44; Lettieri Hfd (unsportsmanlike conduct), 19:57; Schemitsch Spr (slashing), 19:57. 3rd Period-7, Hartford, Newell 2 (Rykov, Nieves), 1:20. Penalties-MacPherson Spr (hooking), 5:46; Abols Spr (goaltender interference), 8:01; Heponiemi Spr (slashing), 18:03. Shots on Goal-Hartford 6-11-16-33. Springfield 9-6-10-25. Power Play Opportunities-Hartford 1 / 4; Springfield 1 / 3. Goalies-Hartford, Shesterkin 8-3-3 (25 shots-23 saves). Springfield, Montembeault 1-2-0 (33 shots-28 saves). A-3,810 Referees-Patrick Hanrahan (52), Jeremy Tufts (78). Linesmen-Kevin Briganti (39), Paul Simeon (66). Read the full article
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millepara · 7 years
aikatsu stars episode 60 spoilers (haha I kind of dread what the aistars tag’s gonna look like after this one...)
I’m def on the Ako/Rola side of ‘the S4 making a tv show about Elza is a bad idea’.... but I guess there’s some valuable lesson to be learned here, oh well
Elza’s butler is Sebastian
again: why are the sailors wearing leotards
who is this girl!!! she’s so cute!!... she’s 1st-year Alice from France!! ohh noo them calling her Alice-chan makes me think of Alicetelia/Mamika from re:creators........
new idiom: Elza only knows when Elza awakens.
the top Venus Ark trio are all so awful. but that’s why I like them so much... I can’t believe aikatsu has actually made a convincing villain. also I can’t believe that the very fluffy and small 1st-year Alice-chan was definitely designed to look as pitiful as possible when she got expelled
this episode is going in a much different and more serious direction than I expected...
so Rei fell in love with Elza when she came backstage and insulted her. I See
yeah, the anime Forever Dream is def better than the arcade one, it just can’t compare to the lighting and camera and dress and that shiny gold crown. I’m honestly really happy about it though because the anime should be better than the game, not the other way around.
Alice-chan!! I’m sad that you’re only going to be in one ep because you were a really good character!! also I want your hairstyle for Milk
Alice’s full name is Alice Carol. also apparently she entered Venus Ark in 2016, meaning this episode takes place a year in the past.... weird
Elza ended the last ep by telling Yume her design was crap and of course it wouldn’t become an SPR, and this one by saying that Yume was definitely capable of getting an SPR. I like how Elza’s awful but also willing to see potential in other people and recognize her own misconceptions. and how she eats steak for every meal.
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shadowphoenixrider · 7 years
I still have Draggka/Khadgar thoughts from time to time, but it’s very difficult to sustain them when the Archmage is taking a backseat during the plotline, and the events convince me only that all they’re going to do is cuddle and try to sleep. Whilst ignoring the fact everything on Argus is awful.
I guess there’s Turalyon and Alleria going ‘Khadgar we know you’re lonely but a troll?’ and he’s going ‘you fuckers can’t talk, you didn’t realize you were pining for each other and maybe left me with a baby I had to post through the Nether so he could get some semblance of an upbringing, so don’t you talk to me about appropriate relationships’
‘...you broke up with her because you were an idiot, didn’t you’.
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tulisan-asbun-blog · 8 years
Ibadah Kebudayaan; Indonesia Kita.
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Semalam, tepatnya tanggal 11 Maret 2017, saya mengikuti ibadah kebudayaan (yang kedua bagi saya) bertajuk Indonesia Kita ciptaan Djaduk Ferianto dan Butet Kertaredjasa. Berbeda dari lakon sebelumnya, Sabdo Pandito Rakjat, yang pentas di Graha Bhakti Budaya, lakon Presiden Kita Tercinta ini dimainkan di Teater Jakarta. Dengan ukuran gedung dan kapasitas penonton yang lebih banyak, tentunya harga tiket pertunjukan ini lebih mahal. Tapi tidak apa! Sebab saya merasa bahwa pertunjukan ini worth it!
Mengambil tema kepresidenan dan lingkungan istana, lakon ini tentunya sarat dengan satire terhadap petinggi-petinggi negeri. Mulai dari tindakan ‘ambil kesempatan di berbagai proyek’, ‘ambisi untuk menguasai’, bahkan ‘orang jujur dan benar tidak akan bisa mempertahankan jabatannya’, semua dibahas dan dikemas dengan permainan peran yang apik oleh seluruh aktor dan aktris. 
Kedengarannya serius ya? Hahaha, tenang saja. Penulis script sadar betul bahwa rakyat sudah lelah dengan berita yang serius dan mencekam, maka pertunjukan ini juga dilengkapi dengan guyonan-guyonan pintar. Sebut saja Cak Lontong, Akbar, Marwoto dan Trio GAM yang dengan cerdas membuat penonton tergelak tanpa henti. Tentunya, lawakan yang dilontarkan adalah lawakan yang sesuai dengan cerita dan keadaan jaman sekarang. Salah satu yang paling saya suka adalah ketika Trio GAM diminta oleh Cak Lontong (sebagai penasihat presiden) untuk menyebutkan 4 nama ikan! Lele, teri, paus, bawal, kakap.. loh? sudah lebih dari 4! Tapi kata Cak Lontong, “Sebentar, ikan yang saya mau belum keluar!” HAHAHAHA. Setelah salah satu anggota Trio GAM menyebut ikan tersebut (yang harusnya tongkol tapi jadi kon..), sepeda pun dikeluarkan sebagai hadiah!
Setelah kurang lebih 3 jam, pertunjukkan diakhiri dengan ending yang menurut saya cukup ‘gantung’. Yang saya tangkap hanyalah, ambisi penasihat presiden untuk menjadi orang berkuasa hampir mencapai klimaks dengan mundurnya presiden terdahulu yang merasa tidak kuat akibat penolakan orang-orang istana terhadap dirinya yang ingin menegakkan keadilan.
Menurut saya pribadi, lakon Presiden Kita Tercinta, cukup bagus. Namun, kalau saya diminta untuk memilih, saya akan lebih memilih lakon Sabdo Pandito Rakjat. Kenapa? Alasan pertama (dan terpenting) adalah karena pemeran-pemerannya. Dalam lakon SPR, pencetus ibadah kebudayaan, Butet Kertaredjasa ikut turun tangan dalam lakon. Bahkan, seniman-seniman ternama nusantara pun ikut memeriahkan ibadah waktu itu. Sebut saja, Sudjiwo Tedjo, Inayah Wahid, dan Bonita. Sedangkan dalam lakon PKT, Butet hanya tampak ketika menyampaikan kata pembuka dan penutup.
Selain itu, lakon PKT, terkesan lebih serius. Ada beberapa adegan yang memang tidak bercanda sama sekali, benar-benar on topic. Akibatnya, penonton pun hening. Bagus memang, penonton jadi lebih menyimak dan memahami betul topik lakon malam itu. Tapi, karena adegan serius tersebut terlalu lama, penonton jadi kehilangan kesan konyol yang sudah dibangun sebelumnya. Dalam SPR sendiri, guyonan yang dilontarkan lebih banyak dan lebih nonstop terutama karena ibu dari Inayah, Sinta Wahid, menonton pertunjukan tersebut sehingga Inayah banyak membawa ibunya dan NU ( yang notabene adalah organisasi yang akrab dengan Inayah ) sebagai bahan lelucon.
Akhir cerita lakon PKT juga lebih gantung sehingga (saya yakin) banyak penonton yang bertanya-tanya, “Sebenarnya bagaimana ending-nya?”. Tentunya akan muncul banyak tafsiran dan gagasan mengenai akhir cerita yang belum tentu sama dengan maksud si penulis script.
Secara keseluruhan, ibadah kebudayaan semacam ini menurut saya perlu untuk dilaksanakan dan diikuti. Dengan tema-tema yang menyindir sifat buruk masyarakat, ibadah kebudayaan ini bertujuan untuk mengingatkan kita agar lupa dengan segala persoalan masyarakat dan khusyuk dahulu bersatu dan beribadah lewat seni peran. Hal ini berkaitan dengan keadaan masyarakat yang sedang “sensitif-sensitifnya” sehingga perlu untuk membangunkan dan mengingatkan mereka bahwa, hei, ini Indonesia, bukan negara punya kaummu saja! Sadar! Kepentingan bersama sebagai rakyat saja masih belum tercapai, politik, ekonomi, sosial negaramu saja masih carut-marut. Lantas, untuk apa kamu egois memikirkan kepentingan golonganmu?
Pesan terakhir dari saya, yang saya kutip dari kata-kata penutup milik Butet Kertaredjasa adalah Jangan kapok menjadi Indonesia!
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claudishthelame · 5 years
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claudishthelame · 6 years
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claudishthelame · 6 years
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You came to da wrong neighborhood.
Who doesn't love the classic super paper roblox trio? I like it but there's lots of trios in this world and this one must stand out.
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