#sprayed it when I deemed it far enough away from my pets
massivementalitynut · 10 months
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I hate summer.
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liza011 · 3 years
The Parcel
The parcel arrived exactly at one o’clock during the day.
Sender unknown, no return address.
It had baffled Mara quite a bit, since she wasn’t expecting anything. She hadn’t ordered online, and family and friends wouldn’t just send things on a whim, without announcing it first.
She had taken it inside and opened it, or at least she had attempted to open it, when a loud screech came from inside the box. There was something alive in it! She couldn’t identify the animal by the noise it had made.
For a split second she hesitated, before continuing to cut. She prayed that whatever was in it, wouldn’t immediately attack her.
She was relieved when she found that it was just a lizard in a tank. This was most likely sent to her by mistake. Maybe it had been meant for a neighbor, and the sender had gotten the apartment number wrong?
She placed the fully equipped tank onto her dining table and plugged in the heat lamp that was attached to it. She took another closer look at the lizard. It looked like a bearded dragon, but as far as she knew, they didn’t make noise. Reptiles in general rarely did, and that screech she’d heard was not something it should have been capable of doing.
With a sigh she grabbed her keys and made her rounds, asking her neighbors if they had been expecting to get a pet lizard, but none of them were.
Back inside her apartment, she contemplated what to do. She wasn’t someone who wanted to take care of a pet, she could barely take care of herself. Just one look at the dirty dishes in the sink told her that. She would probably have to put out a notice and give the lizard to someone who really wanted one. For now however she was stuck with it, and decided to go to the nearest pet store to at least buy some food for it.
On her way out, she took a picture of the lizard and it let out another screech, almost as if to say, “Don’t leave me here alone.” The fact that she had somehow felt the sadness in the sound, made her feel strange.
The guy at the pet store told her that whatever kind of reptile had been sent to her, it wasn’t a bearded dragon. In fact, it wasn’t any kind of lizard he’d ever seen before. It confused her, and made her wary. What if it was venomous?
She took the dried insects home, and fed them to the lizard, wearing protective gloves usually used when working in the garden. To her surprise, the lizard was surprisingly docile, just gently taking the insects from her and swallowing them whole. It kept nudging her hand for more, and when it had enough, it curled up on a stone under the heat lamp.
In the moment she decided to try to take care of it. At least for a while, just to see if she could. If she deemed it too much work after all, she could still give it away to someone who was better suited for the job.
And so, she went about her usual business as days and then a week passed.
Halfway into week two however, things had begun to change. She felt like the lizard had begun to speak to her. The sounds she was hearing were like whispers, but she couldn’t make out any words. She was also sure that she was the only one who could hear them.
One evening, she had caught herself asking it, “What are you telling me? I can hear, but I can’t make out words.”
By the end of the second week, she thought, maybe, just maybe, she was going crazy. She had just come back from work and was inspecting the blank envelope that had been left in her mailbox, as she sat down on the sofa, opening it.
There was a single piece of paper inside. One sentence, and a strange symbol drawn on it.
Show this to the lizard, it read.
This was probably a prank. She wasn’t quite sure why she didn’t ignore the message though.
Shaking her head in disbelief at what she was about to do, she pressed the paper against the glass and said, “Look what I got here. Somebody is trying to prank me, I think.”
The lizard opened one eye taking a lazy look at the symbol.
The paper caught flame, and she shouted in surprise. “What the hell?” The glass was quite warm, but it shouldn’t make paper ignite.
Before she could form another thought, the tank suddenly burst, spraying shards of glass everywhere. She reflexively covered her eyes and scrambled back. “Fuck!”
“About time.” A woman had replaced the lizard and was sitting on her dining table, right where the tank had been just seconds ago. She was dressed in black, skin tight, jeans and a tank top. She seemed about her age. “Sorry about the mess.” The woman pulled a few of the shards that had embedded themselves in her skin and her wounds immediately healed.
Mara stared at her. She’d been lucky to avoid the shrapnel. “That’s it, I’m nuts.” The adrenaline in her blood made her want to run, but she stayed where she was.
The stranger held her hand out to her, with a smile. “Hi, I’m Roslyn. How do you do?”
She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again. Roslyn was still there. She had lowered her hand again however. “I’m Mara. I’m not doing well. I think I’m hallucinating. I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“Don’t you want to clean this up first?” Roslyn gestured at the mess around her. “I’ll help.”
She was already grabbing her keys. “No. You’re coming with me.”
“Excuse me?”
“I need to make sure my neighbor can see you!”
Roslyn shrugged. “Fine, if it makes you feel better.”
Mara’s neighbor opened. He was an older man. “Hello,” he said. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” she said. “I was wondering if we could borrow a broom. We made a bit of a mess in my apartment.”
“Of course. Please bring it back when you’re done though.”
He came back with one and she stepped aside to let Roslyn take it. He handed it over to her without any problems.
They returned and Mara slumped down on the sofa. “Holy shit! Would you like to explain how the hell this is even possible?”
Roslyn busied herself with sweeping the glass on the floor into a pile. “I could try, but I doubt you’d understand. It involves a lot of particle physics and quantum mechanics.”
“Yeah, no thank you. I’ll just sit here for a bit longer and work through the shock of this being real.”
Roslyn laughed. “Just wait until you hear about how many times I’ve changed owners before that letter arrived.”
“How long were you stuck like this?”
“I wasn’t exactly stuck. I could have changed whenever I wanted, the letter was just the notice from my boss that I should. And on that note,” she walked over to Mara, broom in hand, “I’m done here. I have to report this at the office. You’ll receive a payment for the pet food you bought over the two weeks and for any damages the exploded tank might have caused.”
She didn’t want to admit, even though she was shocked, she wanted to see Roslyn again. “How about you visit me again next week?”
She seemed surprised at the request, but then nodded. “Most people want me back out of their lives as quickly as possible and just forget about the whole thing. But fine, I’ll be there next Sunday, eight in the evening. Does that work for you?”
“It does.” She got up and took the broom from her. “See you around.”
“See ya!” Roslyn headed for the door, but stopped short of pushing the handle down to open it. “I’ve got to ask, are you going to tell anyone about this?”
“Probably, but I’ll leave out the part where my lizard turned into a woman,” she laughed.
“Good, good!” She opened the door, and right before it fell shut behind her, she added, “If anyone asks what happened to the lizard, tell them it’s alright and found a new home.”
And with that, she left Mara standing there, feeling more weird than usual.
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Meeting and Dating Shavonne Wright
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(My crappy gif)(Requested by anonymous/The ask had three separate requests in it so I’ll respond to it later when I’m ready to start writing the others)
- You met Shavonne in school. The two of you had a class at the end of the day together but you didn’t talk to each other until halfway through the year when she saved your ass in the school bathroom. 
- It was around fourth period when you just so happened to enter the bathroom after she did. She was leaning against the sink smoking and not paying any attention to you when you made your way into a stall. It was there that you found out that “that time of the month” came early and you were completely unprepared. 
- You cursed quietly, panicking while rifling through your bag for a second time. You could hear her let out a short laugh in response to your outburst before she finally spoke. 
“You alright in there?” The question was joking more than anything.
- You winced at the idea but swallowed your pride, asking if she had a pad or something that you could use. 
“Oh shit, girl. ...Yeah, give me a minute.” She answered quietly. You could hear her heels clicking against the floor as she made her way over to the stall, her hand appearing over the top of the door to hand you one. 
- You thanked her and finished up, hoping that she would leave before you got out but you had no such luck. You shyly exited the stall, flashing her a small smile as you went to wash your hands. 
- She nodded at you while taking a drag from her cigarette, brushing off your second thank you as you finally left the bathroom. You let out a breath once you got into the hallway, figuring that was that and she’d forget about it by the time your class with her came around. 
- So the end of the day came around and you made your way into your final class; study hall though your “teacher” let you do whatever you wanted within reason. 
- Shavonne came in a few minutes after you had and, for the first time, seemed to notice that you shared the class together. She hesitated for a moment before making her way over and asking if you were “alright now”, offering you a Midol as she took a seat. 
- The two of you talked on and off for the rest of the period; you blamed it more on the fact that she didn’t really have any friends in that class rather than her actual interest in you. But you’d soon be proven wrong.
- She began to sit with you nearly every day after that, your conversations moving past awkward small talk and the length at which you spoke getting longer and longer. Shavonne actually found herself trying to get to that class faster so that she could see you sooner, something she later realized was a bit odd for just two friends, especially when it came to her. 
- After about a month of talking, the two of you began to walk out of class together, still making conversation as you made your way through the halls. It was there that she finally asked if you’d like to hang out after school. 
- You agreed and soon found yourself sitting on her bedroom floor as she rifled through her records, trying to find a good album to listen to. She asked you what you thought of Don while her back was turned to you and you honestly answered: you didn’t know him very well but he seemed like a jerk, harmless but an ass. 
- To your surprise, she agreed and told you that she was planning on breaking things off for good, hesitantly admitting that she liked someone new anyways. You started to prod just a little bit.
“They’re... well you know....” You don’t piece two and two together as she begins to subtly describe you. “Just... cute, you know?”
“I’ve never heard you call anyone cute before.” You chuckled slightly. 
“Sexy. Is that better?” She teasingly corrected herself. “But they’re more cute. Like a puppy or cat or something. I don’t know she’s just different.”
Your heart skipped a beat, wondering if you heard her correctly. “She?”
“Huh?” She asked but you knew she was faking it, her voice high and nervous. 
“You said ‘she’.” You replied tentatively, unsure of if it was your place to intrude. 
“Alright, so it’s a she.” She muttered defensively, knowing she couldn’t play off her fumble.
“Alright.” You said and moved on to another subject of conversation.
- The two of you had your first kiss the same night she confessed that she had feelings for you. She’d dragged you out with her late one night, convincing you to come by admitting that she’d broken up with Don and “just wanted some company”. 
- You were sat next to her on a field of grass, swatting mosquitoes from your legs while she smoked when she finally told you that you were the one she’d been talking about. You went silent for a long moment before you told her that you liked her too, letting her lean closer and closer until her lips brushed against yours; testing the waters before she pulled you into a real kiss. 
- It’s certainly a new experience but one you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
- Lots of pda. She’s a touchy person in general so no one really suspects anything when she’s hanging all over you. She constantly has her arm around your waist/shoulder or her hand in yours. 
- Quick, frenzied kisses. She’ll desperately attack your lips for a minute then pull away like nothing happened the next.
- She likes when you lay your head on her lap but; depending on her mood, she’ll either play with your hair or put things in it until you notice. Even though she messes with you, she doesn’t want you to pull away. 
- She’s a tease. She doesn’t like serious talk, instead she prefers to gossip and  try and get a reaction out of you, usually a nice one. 
- Tv dates. 
- Slumber parties, you have one; at least, once a week. You usually make whole days out of them, heading over to her house right after school and staying there until late the next morning. 
- You know that picture of the two girls where one of them is putting makeup on the other while straddling their waist. That’s the two of you; you can decide who’s who. 
- Bathroom smoking breaks. You tend to light her cigarettes for her since she rarely remembers her own. 
- She literally has everything else you could need in her bag besides a lighter. Hair ties, tampons/pads, gum, breath mints, chapstick, tissues, pepper spray, spare money, band aids, etc. 
- Playing dumb games to pass the time, especially during your free periods. 
- She likes to be tall but she really isn’t. She’s constantly wearing heels and gets annoyed when you tease her about her height. 
- On the same note~ She’s actually really insecure. She may not act like it on the outside but she’s always secretly trying to do things that make her look more “appealing”, skinnier, prettier, etc. 
- You occasionally help her get dressed because she insists on wearing the tightest pants that she can force on and ridiculously hard to clasp necklaces. 
- She can usually score some beers for the two of you from unsuspecting guys who think with the head that’s off their shoulders; if you like to drink, that is. 
- She likes being helpful, at least when it somewhat benefits her. She’ll come help you with whatever you’re doing as long as it either involves her or you spending more time with her. 
- She calls you “girlie”, it’s her version of a pet name, sort of ingenious since she can call you it in public without turning heads. 
- Drive through restaurant dates.
- Wandering around and seeing where the night takes the two of you. 
- Rollerskating dates.
- Matching nail polish.
- Bumping each other’s hips teasingly.
- Brushing her hair behind her ear for her. There always seems to be an annoying strand in her face.
- She likes to think of herself as being above “kiddie stuff” but she’s a sucker for little childish trinkets and stuffed animals. She’ll tease you for getting her something like a teddy bear but you bet your ass it’ll be sitting on her bed the next time you visit.
- She gets spooked easily and whenever she does, she has a habit of looking to and trying to latch on to you. You’re sort of used as a stress ball and a meat shield at the same time.
- Comforting hugs, she always seems to know when you need one and she’ll take one whenever you want to give her one. 
- She turns into a little teddy bear when the two of you get to her house after school. Her shoes come off, she shrinks and then she turns soft. She refuses to be the little spoon, she’ll koala bear your back before she allows you to be the big spoon. 
- She’s a clothing stealer; a beautiful, persistent thief that vexes you. Looking for a particular shirt? You’ll find it soon enough... with your girlfriend inside of it.
- Jodi is incredibly and adorably supportive while Kaye is most certainly a borderline lesbian herself. They’re most likely the only ones who know about the two of you.
- Her shoes in one of your hands and her hand in the other. It’s a common thing after a late night of partying since she insists on wearing heels every time she goes out.
- Special handshakes.
- Photobooth pictures. She’s got them pinned on her headboard and hidden in her pillows.
- She likes leading the way when the two of you walk together but always makes sure that you’re close behind, not wanting to leave you somewhere or let you stray too far away. 
- Being really comfortable with each other. The two of you can talk about whatever you want without ever having to feel embarrassed.You’re also the only one whose secrets she actually keeps.
- She’s a real one; at least when it comes to you. Pimple on your back? She’s got it. Bled through your pants? She’ll get you another pair. Puking in the bathroom? She’ll hold your hair. It’s girl code baby and she’s mastered it. 
- Shavonne’s never been jealous; actually jealous, of anyone, mainly because she’s never been in an extremely serious relationship. But with you? She certainly has a mean streak when it comes to dealing with people she deems as being too close to you.
- It’s a little hard for her to decide when she should and shouldn’t get jealous since she’s sort of new to the whole “being gay” thing. Should she be jealous of guys that flirt with you or only girls who seem to like you more than friends? She isn’t sure.
- She tries her best to deal with her jealousy on her own time and to not let you know about it. She’s sort of embarrassed since she considers herself a pretty sought after girl. She doesn’t think she should ever feel like there’s competition when she’s the one you’re with. But like I said: she’s secretly insecure and that affects how she feels more than she cares to admit.
- She’s very protective of you, insulting whoever is rude to you or tries to make you the butt of a joke. People learn very quickly that being mean/inconsiderate to you gets them on her shit list. 
- She always has a comeback no matter the situation. Teasing her? She has one. Fighting with each other? She has one. You’d think she has a book full of them somewhere. 
- She never stays mad at you for very long. She likes to think that she can hold a grudge but when it really comes down to it, she tries to smooth things over pretty much as soon as she can. 
- She sings “love you~” more than she says it seriously but the feeling and intent is still there. You think it’s cute anyway. 
- She doesn’t have anything against her hometown so she wouldn’t mind sticking around for a while. Maybe the two of you can rent/buy a house together; be ambiguously gay roommates that all the old ladies either look at weird or openly admire your “friendship”.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Aged up marichat where chat is being a little fart and marinette puts him into his place sassily. Angst in the beginning then shifting to fluff. But chat is justified in being stupid like he's not being whiny lol just a couple's quarrel LOL (since theyre in their 20s possoble mention at them having future kids and them being blushy bc they didnt do the shame shame bc theyre waiting for marriage XD) Lyyy scar
Heh, you're welcome @ravensink ! Don't forget to drop by more amazing requests! ;) 😏😈 Also: @miraculous-elcie-fanfics since you mentioned wanting to be tagged in my ML stories :3
"Oh? The princess isn't resting in her lavish castle with a maid massaging her feet?" the teasing voice cut through the peaceful silence and Marinette hung her head, already knowing who it was.
They've been at this for a while now.
Four years, to be exact.
She didn't turn her head to look at him, but acknowledged his presence when he jumped down from her chimney to land perfectly balanced on her balcony railing next to her.
It still amazed her how, even after he'd underwent growthspurt after growthspurt during puberty, with only her head reaching the very top of his shoulders now, he still managed to perfectly balance his large frame on the thin metal railing.
Marinette smirked at his banter. "The princess was waiting for her loyal servant to finally arrive and massage her feet for her. I must say you're quite tedious, loyal servant." the smug grin on her lips made the young man chuckle, shaking his head in amusement.
A fair eyebrow rose in question, mirth shining in those green eyes of his that had captivated her more than once, not that she would ever say that out loud. "Apawlogies princess, my services have been lacking."
The young woman laughed, the smile reaching her eyes when she glanced at him briefly. "Careful kitty, I just may be on the lookout for another tomcat." She winked and Chat had to admit it did funny things to his stomach, had since they'd become good friends.
More than that.
Comfortable silence settled between them, until Chat Noir spoke again, his voice dropping a bit deeper, more serious. "Marinette."
The use of her name made her finally turn her head, the bandage on her cheek catching the cat's eye instantly. "What?"
He sighed, swinging his legs over so that they hovered over the floor of her balcony and no longer in open air. "You should've called for me sooner."
She gingerly touched his shoulder, her smile warmer than the inviting blankets in her room. "I'm fine kitty, Ladybug saved me."
He scoffed, messy blond hair falling into his eyes. "She may always save you, but there will be a time where she can't."
Marinette sighed, knowing those words were very true, especially since she was Ladybug.
Not that her partner would know anything about it.
"Maybe...maybe there will be a time where I can't..." the solemn expression on his face and in his voice made her blood boil and Marinette leaned forward.
"Huh? Princess, wha- MEOWCH!" Chat Noir sprung back quickly, back slamming against the side of the wall as he cowered away from the lethal substance. "Hey! Cut it out! I thought we talked about this little lady!"
He hissed at the offending object held securely in her hand, a disapproving glare on her face. "Don't you 'lady' me, kitty! And I thought we said you would stop trying to protect me all the time! I'm a big girl Chat, I can protect myself!"
The woman with the hell spawned spray bottle in her hands crossed her arms and the feline hero deemed it safe enough to come closer when the deadly bottle wasn't directed at his general direction anymore.
"You can't protect yourself against akumas!" Chat Noir straightened to his full height, now a whole head taller than the angry dark-haired woman.
Marinette growled in frustration. "I did and I will! Ladybug and you may have super suits but I have enough brains to think my way out of a situation." the proud smile on her lips was there for a second, until her secret partner was on her again.
Chat Noir growled, a far more guttural and feline-esque sound than what Marinette made. "Don't be stupid! What if you get into a situation where brains can't help you?! What if you're trapped somewhere, kidnapped by an akuma or not even on land and far away? What then? Still think your creative mind can save you?"
Not willing to back down, no matter how pity their argument seemed, Marinette stood her ground. She knew Chat Noir had now way of knowing she was Ladybug, so technically she had the brains and the super suit. "I will think of something!"
Now it was his turn to cross his arms, much bigger than hers, from all the years of fighting against akumas and criminals and he leveled her with a deadpan look. "Evillustrator?"
Marinette gaped, surprised that was the first thing that sprung to his mind. "You were with me! Nathaniel was harmless! We'd been kids Chat Noir!"
He frowned. "Glaciator?"
She coughed, looking away. "Kids! Err...I was on a roof and distracted by all the candles you set up!"
His expression softened at the memory, but quickly hardened with his next inquiry. "Ignoblia?"
Marinette jaw dropped and she pointed an accusing finger at her friend. "Hey! She was a bit..too quick and...she was a superhero- villain!"
"Exactly! Proves my point purrfectly!" He smirked at the look of despair on her face, until Marinette turned her back to him and huffed.
"I see kitty is having a hissy fit!"
He didn't want to, but the jab still got him. That little minx. "How can I not when you constantly dive headfirst into danger?! Do you think I dont check every alley and every corner if I dont know you're home when an akuma strikes? I can't believe you can't see reason!" he ran his claws through his messy hair, messing it up even further.
The designer stomped her foot. "I can't believe you can't see reason Chat! Why do you even check every alley? I'll find shelter somewhere!" she rolled her eyes, irritation seeping from her every pore.
The brief pause that followed made Marinette turn her head and when she looked back at the suspiciously quiet cat, her eyes flew open.
His face was set into a deep scowl, protective rage shining brightly in the green eyes and when he took a large step towards her, Marinette nearly stumbled from his imposing presence. His voice was heavy with emotion but didn't lose its bite from before. "I just want you to be safe!"
She stared up at him, her hands raised and just shy of touching him directly, bluebell eyes blinking slowly.
Chat Noir's face was still set in that intense glare, chest heaving from his outburst, until a hand settled gently on his cheek.
He blinked, all traces of anger gone and he instinctively leaned into her touch. "M-Marinette?"
His face looked so vulnerable, so open, green eyes glistening with emotions when her name left his lips in a whisper.
"I promise..." she took a breath, but smiled warmly up at him, the hand on his cheek caressing him softly. "...to try not to get into trouble as often. And I'll have you on speed dial, okay?"
The man sighed heavily, but nuzzled her hand, blond hair still falling slightly into his eyes. "You better not furget princess."
The teasing glint was back in his eyes and Marinette gently flicked his nose. "I won't you worrisome cat."
He shook his head, smiling down at her like a lovesick fool. "Kittens...."
Marinette rose an eyebrow curiously, giggling in amusement while she gently petted his cheek like a cat. "What?"
"Our kittens will be adorable with your looks princess..." the words leaving his lips were dreamy and mumbled, the same soft look in his eyes.
Then, as if awakening from his trance, Chat Noir sprung away from the blushing woman. "N-No, w-wait! It's not- I didn't- I mean I did, but- NO WAIT!"
He covered his mouth with his hand, face an alarming scarlet, tail haphazardly moving on the floor, and Marinette swore if she'd taken a second glance, she'd seen for sure his tail was formed into a heart.
Marinette's entire face was a tomato red, her mind racing with mental images.
Of Chat Noir
And her.
And their children.
Dressed in little black cat ears and wearing ladybug themed masks.
"Eep!" the undignified sound made Chat Noir jump and it took Marinette a split second to realize it hadn't been her that made that sound but him.
Chat Noir covered his face, before he desperately tried to talk over his rapidly pounding heart. "W-Wait, it's not what it sounds like! I was- I was talking about kittens, from- from the streets and- and! Um, adopting them!" he looked everywhere but at her but Marinette couldnt bring herself to look away from him, transformed into a blushing, stuttering mess.
"Y-Yes! Pff-preciously! I-I mean precisely! Kittens! From the streets! To uh, to adopt! Not like a family or anything or uh - just uh, individually! As-as friends! Platonic! Completely platonic! I mean, of course, if you want- not I'm not forcing you, never, I mean you're my princess and lady, I could never force you, no way! No, I-"
A finger suddenly planted itself on his lips and Chat Noir's eyes flew wide open at the action, pupils zeroing in on Marinette.
A very red faced Marinette, who had a determined look on her face, stared up at him just as she stared down their enemies when in her super suit as Ladybug. "I...I think kittens would....would be fine."
Both older teens stared at each-other in petrified silence, until Marinette spoke again, the pink shade on her face growing darker. "B-But our own k-kittens...w-with Ladybug masks and cat ears...I-in a n-non-platonic way..."
Ice settled in her stomach and Marinette's mind worked into overdrive to try and come up with a believable excuse.
Maybe it had been a joke! Of course! Chat Noir was known to make jokes!
Marinette froze when she was pushed into a solid warmth, surrounded by equally solid, warm arms around her back and one cradling the back of her head tenderly.
She could feel Chat's frantic heartbeat slowly settle down the longer they were locked in their embrace and before Marinette could form a sentence, Chat already spoke.
His voice was so quiet, she strained to hear it properly. "You know princess, I think I prefer them wearing their mama's suit more, but whatever you say m'lady."
Marinette's heart skipped a beat and she buried her face against his chest, shoulders shaking from laughter.
That dork.
Of course he knew.
But she had a little secret of her own, one she won't reveal just yet.
She smiled, her own arms wrapping around him tightly.
He purred in response.
Marinette's smile widened. "Only if they wear their papa's brand from time to time."
Chat's heart picked up in speed again and Marinette laughed.
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
Matthew 7:7
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
TW: Mentions of Blood and Violence.
The inside of Satan’s room is just as I remember it: dark, filled to the top with books, novellas, and research guides, and almost completely devoid of space.  Filled shelves nearly line every wall, his desk nothing more than storage for a number of unorganized documents. And a small reading lamp, of course. It burns dimly at the edge of his desk, wedged between a pamphlet and a mug filled with pens. Satan’s false reading glasses sit beside it. A clock hung haphazardly on a wall indicates the time to be a quarter to midnight. A clap of thunder reverberates just outside the walls of the House of Lamentation, and I do my best to suppress a shiver.
Satan had said nothing as he took my half-conscious, shell-shocked body into the House of Lamentation and neither had I -- so it had been a silent agreement. Not that I had much reason to protest. My throat still aches with the strength of the incubus’ grip, the lacerations at my cheekbone and knee shooting sharp sparks of pain up my body. I can only imagine the countless internal bruises.
I draw myself deeper within my frigid, soaked clothing. Hold the borrowed towel close to my body. Satan’s expansive bed creaks ominously as I shift, despite my diminutive frame, and I can only hope that his sheets are staying mostly dry underneath the towel. Nothing had been salvageable. Aside from the school bag, Satan had been unable to recover anything more than a water-damaged textbook and a number of illegible texts on the street. My D.D.D. was out of the question.
The incubus had stopped screaming long before he was done. A reflection of what the incubus had promised to do unto him. Satan had snapped each of the incubus’ fingers one by one, starting with the one the demon had used to gesture towards me. The incubus had managed to wriggle out from under Satan’s grip at one point, attempting to flee, and Satan had simply shattered each of the incubus’ legs. A measure of necessity. And then the incubus no longer possessed them, the offending limbs torn off and thrown elsewhere, and the blood had bloomed in  rainwater. But Satan had kept him alive. Satan had kept the incubus conscious for as long as possible. I had only watched in silence as Satan’s form became splattered with crimson, his immaculate appearance for once tarnished.
I did nothing to stop his rampage. I should have screamed for him to stop, should have barred him from tearing the demon asunder, should have been horrified at the gruesome scene before me -- and yet I could not bring myself to do so. I could not bring myself to act under pretense.  And when Satan was finished, regarding me with blood and viscera on his hands, I was not afraid.
The door swings open, and I nearly startle out of my place on Satan’s bed. Satan shuffles quickly but quietly into the room, his arms full with what appears to be rolls of bandages, tins of ointment, and bottles of antibacterial spray, then closes the door. The items replace a pile of research papers on his desk.
“I know you were adamant about holding off until tomorrow about reporting the incident to Lucifer and Diavolo, but it would be best if we treated your injuries now. We can have someone more qualified take a look at you in the morning.” Satan takes the antibacterial spray and ointment in his hands. “Where should we start?”
I open my mouth to speak -- but my voice is only a quiet, painful croak, the act straining my bruised windpipe. You don’t have to do this, I want to protest. You’ve already done so much. You shouldn’t feel obligated.
Given my current state and the resolve in Satan’s gaze, however, I doubt that I’ll be able to convince him otherwise.
Satan takes my chin in his fingers, angling my head, and I wince as the antibacterial spray hits the scraped flesh of my cheekbone. Thankfully, the burning abates after a moment. He works quickly but efficiently, applying the ointment, gauze, and bandages to the area. His expression hardens somewhat at the sight of bruised skin at my neck and collar bone, his impassivity slipping, but he fails to address the matter. His fingers are a mere brush against my skin when he applies the medicine, gentle and fleeting. His movements are measured. Steady. He pauses for a moment each time before treating an area, waiting for my silent but sure consent. The tension is nearly palpable. I nearly catch his gaze a few times as he works, regarding his brilliant green eyes with my dark, shadowed ones -- but he deftly avoids my gaze.
“You have pacts with all of us, don’t you?” he finally asks, breaking the silence. “Why didn’t you just activate one and summon one of us to your side? You were lucky I went out looking for you.”
I force my voice out of my damaged throat. “I’m not … Solomon.”
“Yes, but you could have easily forced one of us to walk you back home after your shift. Even Mammon knows how dangerous the Devildom is for humans,” Satan chastises, placing the finishing touches on my damaged throat. A quick press secures the gauze in place. “I’m sure he would be glad to accompany you.”
I shake my head. “Your will … is not mine.”
I hold his gaze for what feels like the first time in hours, unwavering. Perhaps it is considered acceptable for a demon like him -- expected, even -- but I cannot truly imagine myself doing so. To hold another's will in the palm of my hand and crush it would simply be an unthinkable act. And I had narrowly escaped death plenty of times before, besides. If I were to be devoured or otherwise slaughtered for being human, so be it. I would not needlessly endanger someone else. I am already a burden, as is. How could I be so selfish? Why would I be willing to be even more of a burden?
I try to say as much to the wrathful demon.
My throat nearly collapses underneath the strain of my efforts, my lips fumbling awkwardly around the Enochian words. The thoughts that do emerge from my mouth are nearly incomprehensible, my Spanish accent hitting me full force, and so I resort to accompanying my audible words with gestures. Satan regards me wordlessly, his expression unmoving and indiscernible. I feel a pang of embarrassment. Had he not understood?
You idiot, I chide myself, mentally slapping myself in the face. Of course he doesn’t understand. How would anyone be able to tell what -- 
He laughs.
It is a throaty, restrained sound. A smile erupts over his features, and he brings a hand over his mouth, as if to prevent himself from laughing any longer at my expense. I can’t help but stare in bewilderment. It is easily one of the most genuine expressions I have ever seen on Satan. Then he is placing a hand atop of my wet, coiled curls, ruffling my hair as if I were a pet. I feel a tinge of heat begin to rise to my cheeks.
“You really do say the weirdest things,” he says, teasing me. I open and close my mouth, a protest on the tip of my tongue, and his smile only widens. “The only good thing about this is that you can’t ask many questions as you usually do.”
I frown in disapproval, but I make no effort to address the topic further. Satans screws the top onto the ointment, intending to put away the first aid supplies -- and then thinks better of it. He gives me an expectant look. His eyes linger over the towel he had lent me, his hands remaining on the container of medicine. The question is obvious.
“Only … one,” I rasp, shifting myself slightly out of the confines of the towel. I do my best to peel off my pantyhose, wincing at the sensation of the cloth pulling away from the torn skin, and then I gesture at the wound. The laceration is widespread but not deep, thankfully. “On my knee.”
Satan nods. “Just a second, then.”
* * *
My wet blazer hangs over Satan’s desk chair, the piles of books pushed far enough away from the garment. Satan had been thorough in his efforts to treat my wounds as much as possible, and an innumerable number of bandages of strips of gauze cover my body. Bandages and ointment cover the scrapes on my wrist, the laceration at my cheekbone, the wound on my knee, and the purple, budding bruising at my throat. Satan looks at me with satisfaction when he deems the task complete, his gaze drawing over his work. Then he gathers the medical supplies strewn on his bed and desk, taking them in his arms, and begins to head towards the door.
Wait, please.
“Wait,” I rasp, the word coming out a little more forcefully than intended. He gives me a sidelong glance, only a few steps away from the doorway. “Let me  repay you.”
Satan cracks a smile, teasing me. “If this is about tutoring again, I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow.”
That’s --
The warmth is brief. Fleeting. Satan’s form stands before mine before I can blink, even with the medical supplies in his arms, and his lips draw themselves away from the curls plastered on my forehead. I register the sensation of the chaste kiss on my skin after the act, my senses not quite recovered from the ordeal, and Satan smiles down at me. That polite, perfectly amiable smile. He steps away to create distance between us, ever the gentleman, and gathers his bearings. His back begins to turn to me once more.
I grab his arm before he can do so, forcing him to face me with an unexpected strength. There is only a split moment for Satan’s features to register his surprise, his eyes widening -- and then my cold lips press to his, drinking in his heat. His lips are just as I had imagined: soft, warm, and telling of a kindness hidden beneath his exterior. It only lasts the span of a moment. I release my hold on his arm when I pull away, retreating back into my prior position.
A heavy flush has spread itself over Satan, his expression indecipherable. He stands stock-still, the medical supplies still in his arms, and only blinks at me in the aftermath, seemingly unsure how to react. Silence falls between us.  Lightning strikes somewhere in the distance, illuminating both of our forms in the near-darkness.
I cover my face in embarrassment, pressing a hand to the side of my bandaged cheek. “I -- I’m sorry, I --”
He steals my words away in the next breath, kissing me with a fervor I hadn’t expected. The medical supplies clatter audibly onto the floor, the bandages rolling away. He doesn’t care. One of his knees props up onto the side of the bed, allowing him to position himself over me, and both of his hands move to cradle the sides of my face. The kiss is desperate, shameless -- and yet it is still undeniably, irrevocably gentle. Demure, somehow. Satan runs his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for permission, and I meet his tongue with mine.
He kisses me over and over, as if he were afraid I would never allow him to do so again. As if he were trying to make it perfect every time. He braces his hands on my shoulders when he finally draws away from the act, his countenance completely undone. Satan runs a hand through his hair, averting his gaze.
“You’re cold.” Satan glances at my wet uniform. “If I take you back to your room, you can change into something dry.”
“I can borrow your clothes,” I counter.
“You’re injured. If we continue, I might hurt you.”
“You won’t.”
“I just dragged you in from the rain,” he says. “You aren’t clean.”
My throat crackles, but I force my voice to speak the words. “You aren’t clean either. We can take a bath together.”
Satan sighs. I can see his resolve slipping. “You’re afraid of me.”
“Am I?” I ask. I slowly move myself off the side of the bed, forcing my body to stand. The white blouse and dark skirt of my uniform fall to the floor, feather-light even in their current state. I take a step closer, my head just at chest-height on the wrathful demon, and stare up at him through the darkness. “Am I, really?”
part 6
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cloudbatcave · 5 years
Eye of the Beholder
The sun has barely started to rise across the sky when Tuuya’s phone buzzes.
Automatically, they reach out for it, only to slap the lid of their...bed, instead. It’s a bed, not a coffin. They are not a vampire.
Just because it happens to be filled with dirt like a shallow grave means nothing. It’s a quirk thing, okay. They’re not exactly thrilled that it’s comforting for them.
Blinking sleep away, they push the lid off (otherwise they’d spray dirt everywhere in their restless sleeping) fumbling with a grimy hand until they grab the phone off their short side table.
When they unlock the screen, there’s a picture waiting for them of a kid tied to a chair. The image is too blurry and dark to tell much about them, but from their size they can’t be older than five or six.
Tuuya starts throwing their costume on before they read the text below - who knows what state that kid’s in, if they’re even still alive. As long as there’s a chance...
Why did it have to be a small child, though. First that teenager the other day and now this. 
The underground hero knows trauma is an inevitability of dealing with them, and they don’t take joy from it anymore. The sense of power it once gave them to shock and horrify dulled into boredom, into weary realization that a momentary rush still left them in the same position they’d always be in.
As they step out the door, vaguely noting early morning shadows and work-rush traffic, they check the text.
Be here in half an hour or the kid dies. Bring no one else. I’ll know if you do.
That’d be ominous enough on its own, but the fact that they’re not asking for money or something is worse; at least then Tuuya would have something to negotiate about. This implies a more personal vendetta, and given their colorful past, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down any. 
They’re unfamiliar with the address given too, which is just fantastic. GPS time it is.
This adversary could also have a scrying quirk, or some other way to monitor the worm hero; while the last line might be an idle threat, it could also be very un-idle, and they can’t take chances.
They can however abuse loopholes, and they do so while humming as they tap away a few coded text messages before switching to their phone’s map.
It’s not far, at least - they’ll make the deadline just fine.
Their eyes narrow. That’s a little too easy, unless their adversary doesn’t know where they live after all. 
No time to overthink, they muse as they get on their motorcycle. Opponents can be overestimated as well as underestimated.
Even with the annoyingly low speed limits (which they’re always careful to obey) they make it with ten minutes to spare and use it to look around.
Despite their texts none of Oculus’s pets can be sighted, or perhaps they’re hidden very well. 
There are no obvious traps outside either - no hazards they can see that could be tripped, or bombs. There could be hidden ones, but for all intents and purposes the place looks like a normal junkyard.
Not that they trust it one bit.
Cutting open their hand with their fangs, they kneel down and release several worms, directing them to fan out. The information they receive from them isn’t very sophisticated, but the little things can feel heat, light, and react to signs of life. It’s far better than no warning at all, and they wriggle quickly across the concrete.
Their life outside Tuuya’s body is limited and dependent on the weather, among other factors. It rained yesterday, so the creatures have several minutes before they pass.
After a minute or two of waiting, all of them die within seconds of each other.
Good to know stealth is useless.
Whistling jauntily, Tuuya taps their fingers against their arm in short and long bursts as they stroll inwards, keeping it up until someone covered up to the nines, scarf and sunglasses included, steps out from behind a junk pile with a gun.
“What’re ya waiting for? Get over here.”
The voice - likely male, but it’s hard to tell - sounds bored, as if they have a million better things to do than wave a pistol at somebody. They probably do.
Still no sign of Oculus’s pets. There’s no tracks to see on concrete, but Tuuya can’t hear any telltale skittering or chirps.
The worm hero really hopes they’re just hidden as more thugs file in from different locations, all of them dressed identically. 
All of them oddly bored.
They move in strange unison, too, as if...
Oh goody, a copying quirk. 
Any hope of them being illusions is dashed by the smell of their bodies and the sound of their shoes pressing against the hard gray surface.
It also explains the worms’ nigh-identical death moments.
The billion-yen question is: are they all controlled by a single intelligence, or do they have their own individual ones?
Are they a real hive mind?
They round a pile and see the child still tied to the chair. 
They’re bloody, but they seem to be alive. 
Hatred surges in the worm hero, but they sink back into the old years of indifference, washing it away for a moment and not allowing their expression to change. 
The woman standing next to them is unfortunately familiar, though given her gaunt face and crazed expression, it’s safe to say life hasn’t been kind to her since Tuuya saw her last.
“Mei-san! You look well.”
“You piece of shit. You should’ve gone to rot with the old man.”
They put a hand to their chest in mock affront, pale skin looking paler against their white costume striped with black.
“Is that any way to treat an old friend?”
“You sold us all out. Every. Single. One.”
“Mei-san, what would you have done in my position? Wasted away in that place for refusing to cooperate? I’m delicate, I couldn’t have managed.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten caught! Because I’m not a fucking idiot!”
Her hands are clenching and her teeth are bared. She’s quirkless, but with the five gun-wielding goons on her side (even if two are currently chatting with zero apparent interest in the situation) she definitely has the advantage. 
Plus there’s the kid to worry about.
“That brat is your telekinetic pal’s niece, and she’s going to die while you watch.” She gloats, switching abruptly to smug from enraged as she paces back and forth, but her eyes are still alight with resentment.
“Oh, poor Shifter, she’s never been so insulted in her life. You’re lucky she can’t hear you.”
A brief look of puzzlement flashes over Mei’s face, but she snorts and then grins. 
A flutter of wings flashes behind her and the goons.
They tap their arms again, twisting in place.
“So, how’s the kid going to bite it?”
Mei looks taken aback by your casual tone, which is funny in its own way. Then she smiles slyly, worn and yellowed teeth showing.
“Huh; you just let them think you changed. Still have to do this, but I guess it’ll be easier on you.”
A pair of great eagles swoop down and carry the child off, chair and all. Their wingbeats are unsteady at first, but avoid the late gunshots of the goons as they fly away.
Tuuya uses the distraction to tackle her to the concrete.
Mei swears and writhes and digs her fingernails into their skin, but she’s thin from stress and likely drug use as well.
Several bangs sound and Tuuya’s grateful for their earplugs.
Blood runs onto the concrete from a hole in Mei’s throat, a gleam of crushed bone and ragged windpipe visible through the torn muscle.
They feel themself riddled as well, the worms already working to push them out.
Looking up, they see the goons all positioned at near-perfect pentagonal points, one oddly large gap between two of them. All the shots seem to have been fired at the same time.
They’re riddled again. Gritting their fangs through the pain, they swing their head back and forth, watching, scanning.
More shots, more crushed bone and writhing worms. They’re approaching their limit.
One goon’s hand twitches before the rest of them do. Then the other two, then the other two a fraction of a second later. One is calling the shots.
Just like them when they send worms out. 
Tuuya lets a flood of writhing white creatures spill from the holes, flowing out toward what must be the original. Their eyes close, but they can feel the pulse of the original’s blood, the breath that’s stopped by worms in their nose, their mouth.
No more shots.
Can’t let them die. Redirect the worms.
No matter how fun it would be. 
Tuuya’s not a vampire, but they can only ingest liquids. Sometimes smelling blood makes them curious in a way that they’ve never had a good explanation for.
It’d be so easy. Let them die. See what it tastes like.
Oculus could still be watching, they remind themself. 
Still the original thrashes, airways full of white squirming creatures.
It’s when they think of the child that the worms at last go their hands and tie them together, and the goon takes ragged gasps. Might have throat damage.
Tuuya can’t really bring themself to care.
With fewer worms in their body, it’s harder to push out the bullets. So they lie there, surrounded by four stock-still copies and one restrained original.
They soon pass out.
“Come on, honey - you already thanked the other heroes.”
“I want to thank them!”
They open their eyes, but the harsh light and lack of comforting dirt means they shut them again.
A hospital. How laughable.
And if that’s who they think it is, better to pretend to be aslee -
A small hand prods them in the arm before being scolded.
“But I saw them looking!”
“Let’s leave the...mix Hivemind to sleep, okay?”
The kid’s complaints get further and further away until Tuuya deems it safe to open their eyes for real.
Shifter’s here too, sitting in a chair and looking over at them over the magazine she’s holding.
Her face is unreadable.
“You were almost dead when we found you. Try wearing some kevlar.”
They smile dryly.
“That would restrict my quirk, and you know it.”
“Would restrict you looking like a colander too.”
“It turned out fine, didn’t it?”
“Chain Gang got away.” She says flatly. “So did the other watcher Oculus and Feathertouch had to fight. That’s why the birds were late; they had to keep them distracted, and Ichika almost didn’t make it.”
The worm hero opens their mouth to ask who that is before they realize the obvious answer.
“Ah. I’m sorry. She seems all right now, at least.”
“Her dad begged for her to get her memory wiped. Can’t blame him. My sister didn’t like it, but she gave in.”
Relief washes through them. She won’t tell anyone what they said. 
Guilt nips at its heels, as well as wondering why they can’t have that done for everyone they save.
Their thoughts must leak to their face, because Shifter’s becomes uncertain, not an expression they’re used to seeing on her.
“This didn’t turn out great, but you’re not in trouble. No one expected you to take out five men with guns on your own. We didn’t even know Chain Gang was in the area; he’s from way further north, small-time crook.”
“He killed Mei.” they spill, unsure why they mention it. Unsure why their chest is tight at the thought. 
“That was her name? You should tell the cops; they wanted a statement from you about the body as soon as you were conscious.”
“He killed her and he didn’t even have to.” They mumble. 
Mei was one of Ryouji’s contacts; she brought him a lot of the supplies he needed for his experiments. She’d never had much time for Tuuya, but she’d always flick a cigarette their way. Never at their face. Just in their direction. 
When they were young, Tuuya had always watched for her, waiting to meet her eyes. Scaring her was off-limits, but that had been almost as good.
They hadn’t paused when selling her or the rest of his contacts out to the heroes in return for staying out of jail. The choice had been simple.
So why did they keep seeing her torn open throat and burning with fury? Why should it matter to them?
Shifter looks awkward, but also thoughtful.
“This is his first murder, as far as we know. He’s way higher priority now, we have teams searching. Wonder why he decided she was worth it?”
“She wasn’t.”
They swallow, then speak again.
“She wasn’t worth killing. It doesn’t make sense.”
Shifter stares, until her face relaxes slightly with a faint ‘hm’ noise.
“You knew her, back then?”
“Not really.” They pause. “I didn’t know anyone then, except Ryouji.”
“What did your tap message mean, ‘no more’? If you sent others, Oculus didn’t get them.”
“Ah. I’d sent ‘no more - limited copies’ because I didn’t see any beyond those five, and I wanted to confirm there weren’t any more reinforcements.”
Shifter’s mouth moves into a grimace.
“From his records, Chain Gang’s limit is actually six, including the original. That’s how he got away - another came and grabbed the other ones, pulled the original out of your worms and got them in a car. By the time we could pursue, we lost them.”
Tuuya whistles in admiration. Smart villain, even if he is a complete bastard. What did motivate him to shoot his own co-conspirator?
“Anyway. Ichika won’t shut up about wanting to thank you. Just let her do it quick so she can move on and forget.”
“Is that smart, Shifter? I don’t want to piss off her parents.”
The short, muscular hero rolls her eyes.
“The more you tell a kid no, the more they want something. Easier to let her do it so she’ll stop fixating, especially since no one wants to tell her why.”
Tuuya blinks, puzzled.
“Just say I’m a monster. Easy, simple.”
More or less true.
“We can’t.” says Shifter, lips pulling back in irritation. “Not without risking more trauma. She doesn’t remember you, but she overheard enough that she knows you came to help her, and she already thanked Oculus and Feathertouch.”
They’re quiet for a few minutes. It’s a mistake to let the kid think positively of them. What will people think if she babbles of a hero with worms in them? A heteromorph of the most disturbing kind?
A creature who sleeps in earth because the hospital bed they’re lying on isn’t dark and comforting enough, not reassuringly crumbly to their skin and the little creatures swarming inside them.
A former villain.
“Let her come back in. Like you say, I’m sure she’ll forget.”
Shifter sighs, but gets up and goes to fetch her niece.
The little girl is so clean and bright and curious that Tuuya hardly recognizes her at first, but their hesitant fanged smile turns into a full one as they take in how healthy and happy she is now. They must have used a healing quirk on her along with the memory wipe.
“Hello, Ichika-san. I’m Hivemind. How are you doing?”
She clutches her stuffed panda and smiles shyly.
“I heard you wanted to tell me something.”
She looks up at Shifter, mock furious, then giggles.
“Thank you!” she pipes. “Can I see your quirk? Look - I can do this - “
The child’s hands turn to furred paws, complete with claws. Bearlike ears sprout from her head. Then both fade away.
Hesitant, careful, Tuuya allows a single worm to push through their skin, waving back and forth.
The child is captivated and reaches out to touch it with a finger before they can warn her back.
The sensation is so, so strange. So gentle. Ichika pokes it, and it retreats. She giggles. 
“Bye!” She says, and runs off, her aunt muttering under her breath as she goes after her.
Tuuya lies back in the uncomfortable, perfectly suitable bed, staring at the white ceiling.
Shifter’s definitely going to hate them for this.
They wish they could find the will to regret doing it. 
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sweetener-forever · 5 years
Large Dog Seen Walking Grumpy Man in 30 Layers
Rating: T
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki
Pairings: Bakugou/Kirishima
Tags: Complete fluff, there is no conflict, I have absolutely NO regrets on that, the squad hanging out and being cute, Sero has ferrets which I may or may not write another fic on why later, who knows
Summary:  It’s full moon week, so remember to take your werewolf boyfriend on long walks and to socialize him with playdates. Also known as Bakugou hates the snow, Kirishima the werewolf loves it, and the squad shows up on their own without ever actually being invited.
AO3 Link
There are three sharp yips directly to Katsuki's left from where he is laying on the couch. They are just the right amount of loud and high pitched to grate against his nerves and to rouse him from his slumber at the same time. Not enough to get him up though, not while the sun has dipped low enough in the sky it is no longer illuminating the room with light and as a consequence his eyelids.
"Go walk yourself..." He mumbles out and, predictably, gets a whine in response, to which he rolls over so his back is facing the offending noise. If he had been more awake he would have known just how much of a terrible idea that is.
The whine abruptly cuts off and leaves the room once more in blessed silence.
For about five seconds before a cold nose buries itself in the gap of skin between Katsuki's sweatpants and shirt. He immediately rolls back over and almost nails the offending snout with an explosion, but the black wolf easily dances out of the way. Its tongue lolling out of its mouth and an amused squint furrowing around its dark red eyes.
"Fuck off, Ejiiro, I'm not walking you at," Katsuki squints up at the wall clock, "7 pm." Okay, admittedly the werewolf has actually managed to wake him up at a more decent time than usual, but that doesn't mean he is going to roll over for the little shit.
He gets another sharp yip in response because, of course, the idiot can't talk in this form. Mostly on account of him not having human vocal cords, but Katsuki would rather spend three days in Deku's exclusive company than admit he misses his boyfriend's voice already.
"What the fuck do you want." He knows what Eijirou wants and the wolf knows it too as his tail wags faster and he runs a dizzying circle around the couch.
"You think you're being cute, but you just look like an idiot and it's not convincing me." Katsuki's chest absolutely does not squeeze itself into a small ball when Eijirou's ears droop and he whines loudly. He does get off the couch though with an irritated grumble to locate his jacket and coat.
Both of Eijirou's ears perk up immediately and Katsuki nearly steps on one of his paws when the wolf races around him in a quick circle before going to the door. This is something that happens at least three other times as Katsuki is dressing himself to brave the hellish 6 inches of snow that decided to fall the first morning of full moon week. It's simply karma at work for how much of a shit kid Katsuki was that he now has to walk a rambunctious werewolf in it.
Said rambunctious werewolf nearly pulls him over as he is deemed to be taking too long. He is no further deterred than he was before by an explosion and continues to pull on the bottom of Katsuki's pants.
"Knock it off! Just because you're all toasty under all that fur doesn't mean the rest of us are!" He finally snaps and bares his teeth until Eijirou is whining again and goes to hide behind the coach.
He doesn't bother to retrieve his dumbass boyfriend until he's secure in his two winter layers, boots, and a Red Riot beanie. The beanie itself is a gross bright red almost the exact shade of Eijirou's hair and its "matching" "Kacchan" beanie is hanging up with Eijirou's own winter coat. The sight of Katsuki wearing the beanie is enough to get Eijirou out of hiding with more excited yips.
At the very least Eijirou holds still while Katsuki curses and bitches at his harness, patiently lifting up his paws when instructed and only beginning to wiggle around again once it has been snapped into place.
The harness of course is just a formality so no one calls the police or pro-heroes to come to deal with the unnaturally large "dog". It was Eijirou's idea initially and after begging, and promising not to run off, and break Katsuki's arm in the process, Katsuki finally conceded. So far for the last four years he has managed to keep his promise, but Katsuki still anticipates a night where he will be in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder.
Leash clipped in place, Katsuki grabs his and Eijirou's phones, keys, and his own wallet before leaving their shared apartment. The sight of the snow on the ground doesn't exactly thrill Katsuki, but Eijirou wiggles and does a slight hop in place while he waits for Katsuki to lock the door.
Then all bets are off and Eijirou is firmly, but gently pulling Katsuki down the covered stairs and into the snow covered street. To keep tonight from being that fateful hospital trip Katsuki just lets go of the leash and lets Eijirou bound around.
Eijirou the wolf is as loud as his human counterpart and makes sure Katsuki knows he is enjoying himself with barks, yips, and even a low howl. Neighbors used to come up to Katsuki's door to complain about his dog making noise, but they never did it a second time after actually seeing Eijirou. It's satisfying to know the shitbag old lady that sprays lavender perfume into their shared vents is having a rough time sleeping tonight.
While Eijirou gets his fill of snow pouncing Katsuki makes sure to get plenty of pictures of him doing so. The group chat will be demanding, annoying, and whining if he doesn't deliver their fill of Eijirou the wolf by the time they get off patrol and work. They will be pleased over the five second video of Eijirou bounding towards the camera as he is actually ready for their walk now.
The end of the leash Katsuki is supposed to be holding is hanging out of Eijirou's mouth as he stares up at Katsuki with a pleased expression and a wagging tail. They have a staredown for all of three seconds before Katsuki takes the leash and is dragged away from the cover of their apartment stairs.
It is just as bad as Katsuki predicted it would be and Katsuki is freezing his ass off within three seconds of being dragged through the snow to the cleared sidewalk. Eijirou looks smug and proud of himself of course, completely unfazed by the snow clinging to his snout. He at least has the decency to let Katsuki curse and shake the excess snow off of himself before continuing their walk.
At least at this time at night there aren't any kids around to stare at or attempt to pet Eijirou because in the summer he is insufferable to deal with after being given so much positive attention. Mostly because he then tries to demand the same kind of attention from Katsuki and gives no fucks about bowling Katsuki over in public to lay on his chest until he has been satisfied. So, it may be cold as fuck and the ground may be covered in snow, but at least it's peaceful.
A peace which lasts all of a few minutes as they start to make their way to the outskirts of their neighborhood. Then Katsuki and Eijirou's phones start going off with multiple text messages. The self-proclaimed "squad" is awake.
Alien QUEEN: Baku! He Looks So CUTE!!! :D! You better tell him how cute he is!!! Taped Caper: How are you outside in this weather??? Burr Hemingyay: that's terrifying he looks like he's ready to P O U N C E Alien QUEEN: I! Want! To! Come! Over! And! Pet! Him! And! Tell! Him! What! A! Good! Boy! He! Is! Alien QUEEN: Baku, you answer your phone right now or I'm coming over to pet Eiji Alien QUEEN: 5 Taped Caper: Oof, Bakugou you may want to pick up, she made the same threat when I got the ferrets Alien QUEEN: 4! Alien QUEEN: 3!!! Hemingyay: oh lord she coming Alien QUEEN: TWO!!!!! Blasty Boy: Shut up. We're on a walk right now and I don't want you fucks coming over.
He reluctantly frees a hand from its glove to type out a quick message as soon as Mina started counting down. It's worth it if it actually manages to keep their friends from raiding his apartment and disturbing his potentially quiet evening at home.
Alien QUEEN: Awwwwww, but I already put my boots on!!! :( Taped Caper: Wait, are we all coming over? Taped Caper: I haven't had dinner yet though, so should we order something? Hemingyay: i want our usual noodle place if we're going over to visit eiji and kacchan Alien QUEEN: BURGERS! BURGERS! BURGERS! Blasty Boy: Oi, I already said I'm not having you idiots over tonight! Alien QUEEN: TOO LATE, PINKY IS OUT OF THE BUILDING AND HOPING ON A TRAIN AS WE SPEAK!!! Taped Caper: What are you hoping the train is going to do? Alien QUEEN: >:( Taped Caper: Haha, I'm putting the ferrets to bed and then I'll be over too Hemingyay: omw
Eijirou's ears flick back when Katsuki throws his head back and growls up at the night sky because of course their stupid friends wouldn't take no for an answer. He would be lucky to get them out of the house after a few hours. At least they may be able to wind down Eijirou's energy before bed, but that's the only bonus.
"I hope you're happy you dumb mutt, we're going to have company when we get back." At least the lavender perfume lady wouldn't be getting any peace and quiet either.
Eijirou doesn't seem like he understands and Katsuki can practically see the gears turning in his dumb werewolf boyfriend's head. When it finally clicks he gives a short little hop and runs a few circles before turning and howling at the moon. As if the idiots that are their friends would actually respond. It's cute and Eijirou doesn't seem at all deterred from his happiness when Katsuki lets out a sharp bark of laughter. Instead, he wiggles around, barks, and immediately turns around to start pulling Katsuki back to their apartment complex as fast as his paws and Katsuki's reluctant jogging would allow him to.
Which is great because it starts to snow as soon as they reach cover.
Not that, that stops Mina from immediately showing up at their door just as soon as Katsuki has convinced Eijirou to shake out all the snow in his fur outside, instead of tracking it in. All those efforts are in vain as Eijirou takes one look at Mina and almost breaks his promise of not dislocating Katsuki's shoulder. It's a near thing and if Katsuki couldn't recognize Mina's excited stomping up the stairs and released the leash then they all would have been enjoying their dinner in the hospital waiting room.
Mina is completely unphased about being tackled by almost 200 pounds of fur and dumbass. Instead rancorously laughing and aggressively ruffling the fur of Eijirou's neck, as if laying on the muddy and snowy porch with wet and smelly wolf laying on top of her is a comfortable place to be. It's also exactly where Katsuki leaves them in favor of returning to his warm apartment and shedding his coats.
Eventually, the other two join him inside and he attempts to beat some of the mud out of the back of her sweater before they both give up and she borrows one of Eijirou's instead.
Surprisingly they manage to settle into a relative peace after battling it out over what to watch while waiting for the other two morons to show up. Both of them settling on the couch with Eijirou laying between them, the only one actually paying attention to the movie as Mina is on her phone and Katsuki is finishing up one of his reports from earlier yesterday. Occasionally there will be a comment thrown back and forth between them ("Raka says you have to stop hogging pupper Eiji." "Tell Angel Face if she wants to deal with him, then she can babysit him tomorrow." or "I know logically it is just Eiji under all that fur, but how does he manage to contain all that cuteness, Baku? How???" "He's always cute, shut up and watch the damn movie." "Awwwww-" "DON'T YOU DARE, SHUT UP!") but they manage this peace up until thirty minutes later when Denki shows up.
Watching him get tackled and then futility trying to fend off Eijirou's over affectionate licking is far more entertaining to watch than the movie at that point. Even when Mina climbs over Katsuki's lap to take a picture of the struggling and laughing Denki while Eijirou does his damndest to try to smother his so-called friend. Her phone blows up with texts messages after that, likely from another group chat she is in with the rest of the former Class 1-A.
After a few more minutes of struggling Katsuki determines Denki has suffered enough and whistles sharply for Eijirou to get off of him. The wolf isn't even the slightest bit put out and leaps over the back of the couch to cuddle with Katsuki instead, panting as he lulls his head affectionately against Katsuki's chest. He puts up with the slight crushing of his rib-cage just because he is a good boyfriend.
"Awww, Kacchan woves his boyfriend~" He regrets not letting Eijirou smother Denki to death almost immediately.
Unfortunately, Eijirou won't move so Katsuki can pick up on the attempted murder from where he foolishly made Eijirou stop. He has seen the error of his ways, but his werewolf boyfriend is heavy and obviously basking in the glow of friendship, or some other crap like that.
At least he is spared from having to settle for verbal evisceration because Hanta shows up shortly after with a polite knock before letting himself in with the spare key he was (wrongfully) entrusted with. Katsuki doesn't have enough air left in his lungs from when Eijirou lunges off of him to tackle his next target. Hanta is about half-way free of his shoes and apparently completely forgot about the oversized wolf living here. He is punished for his foolishness with suffocation and a wet tongue making half of his hair stick up.
It takes two whistles and a harsh "Eijirou" before the werewolf manages to drag himself away from Hanta, tail between his legs as he whines pathetically up at Katsuki.
"Sorry, I should have changed clothes after handling the ferrets, my bad." He says this and doesn't look even the least bit sorry from where he is laying on the ground, so Katsuki doesn't grace him with anything more than a grunt in response.
"Were we going to get burgers or noodles for dinner? I'm seriously starving here." Hanta continues unlacing his shoes from where he is laying on the ground and grimaces when a drop of snowmelt lands on his cheek.
"I want nooooodles," Denki whines and dramatically throws himself across the back of the couch.
"BURGERS, BURGERS, BURGERS!" Mina continues her chant from earlier and pushes Denki off of the couch, where he has also accepted his fate and stays laying face smushed into the ground.
"The lady has spoken, burgers it is!" Hanta declares from where he has finally freed himself from his coat and is laying out on it like a particularly luxurious bed.
Eijirou has no idea what is going on, but he is very excited for it and lets off a howl in response to Mina's excited yell.
They all end up having to put back on their winter weather clothing when it is determined that the burger place does not deliver. Normally Katsuki would have said fuck no to going back out in the frozen wasteland, but Mina is determined to get her burgers and practically helps dress him. Eijirou himself is determined to knock everyone down in his excitement when he figures out that they are going out again. At least Katsuki doesn't have to go through the process of putting his harness back on since they hadn't even bothered to remove it in the first place.
The walk to the burger place in uneventful in and of itself, except that Mina decides that she wants to walk Eijirou and then nearly trips onto her face when he tries to set a jogging pace. The werewolf at least seems apologetic as he sticks to walking beside Mina and taking careful steps as they all casually walk.
Getting recognized in public is both a hassle and a blessing. Because while they may get served sooner than a regular citizen they have to put up with annoying questions from fans. As if professional heroes aren't allowed to go out and have burgers too. Not for the first time in the night Katsuki really wishes his boyfriend wasn't currently furry so he could field the questions away. The only thing he's really good for as a large wolf is discouraging the more weak hearted people to stay away.
When they actually get their burgers and are able to peel away from the few people still pestering them it has somehow managed to start snowing again. Eijirou is delighted of course, like the fur brained dumbass he is, and immediately pulls Mina face first into the snow as he charges off, dragging her behind him as he goes.
For her part, Mina seems less disturbed by this and more excited as she yells with delight at her impromptu ride.
"Should we like try to catch her or something?" Denki peaks over the several bags he is carrying, like the designated pack-mule he is, and raises an eyebrow at Katsuki.
Eijirou and Mina are slowly becoming dots in the distance as Eijirou keeps up his excited run. Eventually, he would either reach their apartment, realize nobody had followed his mad dash, and lay down to wait. Or he would circle back around, likely still towing Mina behind him.
"Not likely." The other two take this as all the fact they need and they start up an easy conversation as they walk.
Eijirou does end up circling back around, although he isn't towing Mina anymore. As apparently she finally got wise and let go of his leash at some point. They find her not too far away, still lying face down in the snow and doing an excellent impression of a dead animal. No one is fooled though and Eijirou noses at her until she sits up and pushes at his snout.
"No, I'm mad at you, Eiji! We were friends and then you got snow all up in my shirt and pants!" Eijirou does not look the least bit sorry his tongue lolling out and eyes squinting up in amusement. He quickly dodges out of the way of Mina's attempt to smack his nose and does a little jog around her.
"Oof, betrayed." Hanta snickers from his place next to Denki and helps Mina off of the ground as Katsuki picks up the end of Eijirou's leash.
After recovering the other two they finally make it back to Katsuki and Eijirou's apartment to eat. There is some more intense debate over what to watch before they settle on a crime documentary, it's in French for some reason (Eijirou borrowed it from Aoyama a while ago, but they both forgot about it and it might as well be his now), but at least it comes with subtitles. Not that they actually pay attention to it, instead determined to talk as loud as they can to beat out the sound of the movie (and the old woman from downstairs beating on the ceiling with a broom with the determination of a bear roused from its slumber).
It's something Katsuki is content to stay out of, for the most part, instead finishing his food quickly and ignoring Eijirou's 'sneaky' attempts at getting the rest of his burger, as if the wolf hadn't already had three of his own. Not that Eijirou ever cares about his own portions when he could be stealing his friends or his boyfriend's food. Although he has to settle with losing this battle as he is currently lacking in the opposable thumbs department at the moment.
He does win the fight of getting to set his head in Katsuki's lap at least, as the rest of the couch is being taken up by their friends and Eijirou is too heavy to lay across their laps.
"Aw, Eiji and Kacchan sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~" Denki, of course, has to immediately ruin any companionable moment with his obnoxious and unwanted singing.
"That doesn't even make any sense you dumbfuck!" Denki is lucky that Katsuki has a lap full of sleepy boyfriend or he would have had an attempt on his life just then.
"Yeah, it's more like Eiji and Bakugou sitting in a tree C-U-D-D-L-I-N-G." Hanta is completely unhelpful here, grin widening at Katsuki's slowly reddening face.
"Eiji and Kat sitting on a couch B-E-I-N-G C-U-T-E." Mina chimes in from her very dangerous position sitting next to Katsuki, and once the other two have deciphered the benign spelling they start laughing like it is the funniest thing she has ever said. Which is dumb because they aren't even drunk and it wasn't even that funny.
Eijirou, the traitor, lets out a huff of air from inbetween his teeth and a little wheeze. Which is most certainly a laugh, and the bastard doesn't even flinch when Katsuki explodes his furry shoulder. Just lets out another wheeze as he relaxes his hardening and stares up at Katsuki with eyes that are too human for his current form. Katsuki feels even more betrayed as his face starts to heat up more.
"Aw, come on, don't be like that, Bakugou. You two have been dating for years now, right? What's there to even be embarrassed about?"
"Yeah! And you two are super cute together! Even with..." Mina carefully puts her hands, ineffectively, over Eijirou's ears and leans in to stage whisper to Katsuki, "his condition." Yes, because Eijirou being a werewolf is such a horrible problem that Katsuki has to live with, however will he cope.
"Shut up, like any of this shit is hard." For some reason this makes the other three let out 'awwws', some more sarcastic than others, and Katsuki really wants to kill them all and bury their bodies in the non-existent backyard. Several years of dating really has done nothing to make him immune to their friends insistent bullshit, and if Katsuki were more the poetic type he would probably lament some on this.
At least the conversation, thankfully, moves on to the French movie when there is an abrupt scream from the screen and a gory scene. Katsuki doesn't pay it that much mind when he feels eyes on him and looks down to see Eijirou is staring up at him. Normally those big eyes would be impossible to decipher, but Katsuki knows Eijirou too well to think that the soft sigh and half-lidded position of his eyes is anything but unrestrained adoration.
Maybe if they were in private he would absolutely eat that look up, but surrounded by company Katsuki feels his face go blotchy again with red and he pushes Eijirou's head abruptly out of his lap. Something the wolf actually gets stubborn about, pushing back against Katsuki's insistent hand until he gets fed up and puts his front paws up on the couch next to Katsuki's hips and pushes him back until he is leaning against the back of the couch.
Now situated in this new position Katsuki doesn't have the leverage to push Eijirou away again as the wolf half crawls onto the couch and rests his furry maw next to Katsuki's shoulder. It is something like being slowly suffocated by a furry blanket and if Katsuki were a stronger man he would have already pushed Eijirou off so he could breathe again. Unfortunately he is a weak man to the contented sigh that Eijirou lets out and the way he relaxes against Katsuki as if there is no other place that he would rather be, and if the other three softly start singing their ridiculous song again he can pretend he can't hear them over Eijirou's breathing in his ear.
Which is a position that he somehow manages to fall asleep in. Only woken up again by Hanta's light touch on his shoulder and the quick rub that Mina does to his hair.
"Hey, thanks for having us over, but we're all going to head out before the snow gets too bad to walk in." Hanta whispers as if he doesn't really want to disturb the moment and isn't perturbed when he only gets a grunt back in response.
"Remind Eiji for me that we are still going out to check out the new mall store and I'm not letting him get out of it just because it is full moon week!" Mina whisper yells and gives a stern look to the still sleeping Eijirou before she bundles herself up and sweeps out the door. Denki yawns and gives a half-wave as he follows her out, his complaints about the snow half muffled as they loudly thump their way down the apartment stairs.
Hanta is the last to leave, shutting off the light and locking the door behind him.
Eijirou stirs at the sound of the lock clicking and peeks open one eye. He must determine that it isn't important because he almost immediately closes it again and resumes his previous napping position. Too bad Katsuki isn't having any more of it.
"Get off me, I need to clean up after those slobs and go to bed, shitty fur." He mocks Eijirou's fur, but then immediately pets it, so no one can blame the werewolf for the mixed signals he is getting. Although he does eventually give in to Katsuki's random jabs in his side in between pets and gets off of his boyfriend, flopping down to take up the entire couch space as Katsuki stands up and stretches.
He watches lazily as Katsuki begins to pick up the living room and throw away trash. Someone had at least turned off the TV and put the remotes back where they were meant to go, so the only hassle is making sure that all the dishes are washed and put away and that random trash isn't littering their floor. The cleaning would have gone faster if Katsuki had had a second pair of hands helping him, but he doubts very much that Eijirou could be much help with his soft furry paws. Although he does recall one night where the werewolf had picked up a rag with his mouth and attempted to dry some dishes, mostly he just succeeded in leaving nose prints on all of the dishes and forcing Katsuki to wash them a second time.
Eijirou does get off of the couch when it seems like Katsuki has thrown away the last of the trash, padding softly over to his boyfriend and trying to nudge him in the direction of the bedroom.
"Fuck off, just because you're a wolf doesn't mean that you're getting out of brushing your teeth, Eijirou." Which is unfortunate, but whatever gets Eijirou to cuddling quicker is something that he can put up with in the moment. Even as uncomfortable as mint toothpaste is to his sensitive nose.
Overall getting ready for bed is the most boring part of the day compared to the past few hours of excitement and the whirlwind of friends. But Eijirou would not trade these few moments alone with his boyfriend for the world. If Katsuki were more inclined he would likely tell him the same.
They end up settling into bed with the covers thrown off despite the chilly air of the room. Eijirou putting off enough body heat to keep himself and his boyfriend warm without any trouble.
Eijirou is already dozing and about to fall asleep when he feels Katsuki shift next to him. He considers opening his eyes to investigate, but since Katsuki is shifting closer and not out of bed he doesn't feel a need to. Although he does almost jump out of his fun when he feels a soft kiss on his forehead. It is a nice reminder that sleepy Katsuki is an affectionate Katsuki and Eijirou wishes more than anything that he wasn't currently stuck as a wolf so he could pepper his boyfriend in kisses of his own.
For now, he settles on resting his head on Katsuki's chest and listening to his heartbeat as he dozes off. There would be plenty of time for that in the morning when he is back to normal.
When Katsuki next wakes up it was to the sound of training music and a punching bag being hit. Unsurprising really as Eijirou likes to get up early even on his days off and workout. It usually annoys Katsuki to no end when he does it, but right now he is more than a little grateful to hear the familiar morning routine.
It's nice to have the reassurance that his boyfriend isn't going to stay a wolf forever and will eventually return to how he is supposed to be.
The floor and air is unsurprisingly freezing when Katsuki steps out of bed and he has to resist with all his willpower not to take the blankets with him like some kind of makeshift cloak.
And Eijirou is right where he is supposed to be, red hair pinned up in a ridiculous headband and focused on his breathing as he delivers swing after swing onto the punching bag.
Katsuki shuffles forward and following his sleepy impulses wraps his arms around Eijirou's back and leans against him. As expected he is giving off enough heat to keep away the morning chill.
"Morning, Katsuki! Sorry about falling asleep on you last night, but you were so comfy and the movie was a lot more boring than I expected it to be! I don't know how Denki managed to stay awake through it, but apparently he was addicted to the plot. He sent me some memes about it this morning, but I'll have to show you them after breakfast. Speaking of, what do you want?" Eijirou is usually pretty chatty the morning after a full moon night and Katsuki guesses that has something to do with the lack of human vocal cords while a wolf and his normal inability to shut up.
For now, Katsuki just basks in the voice of his too cheery boyfriend and entertains the thought of dragging Eijirou back to bed before deciding against it.
"Shut up, I'll make eggs." He grumbles and reluctantly disentangles himself from Eijirou.
He gets about as far as two inches before Eijirou catches him around the waist and drags him into his chest. Katsuki is tempted to explode Eijirou's back for that, but instead settles on nuzzling into him instead. He really is too warm and comfortable against the winter air. Which is what he will blame how pliant he is on when Eijirou showers his face and hair in kisses and he doesn't put up any fight to try to push him away.
"Hm, missed you." Is said right against his lips and Katsuki opens his eyes just specifically to roll them.
"You didn't go anywhere, morning-bred asshole."
"I know, but I miss doing this with you." And he means everything that they do, from washing the dishes together to being able to share a kiss.
So, sure Kirishima doesn't have a problem with being a werewolf, and it is even cool at times, but he likes being human a lot more for his boyfriend.
"Stupid. Come pull your weight with breakfast or you aren't getting any." Katsuki lets out a small snort and finally pulls away from Eijirou to make his way to the kitchen.
"Sir, yes, sir!" Eijirou calls after him and lets out a bright laugh when he gets flipped off in return.
Another full moon night conquered and many more to come.
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lilcutieana · 6 years
Oblivion ( Hybrid Min Yoongi)
                                             CHAPTER   ONE
Word Count: 8.8k
Warning:  triggering, mentions of abuse, blood and drugs. 
Rating: 18+
Pairing: hybrid Yoongi x hybrid reader
Genre: Angst/ drama/ smut (happy ending)
Synapse:  Min Yoongi, a beautiful and rare snow leopard hybrid, struggling to survive under the care of a ruthless owner who sells him for underground fights and sex. In a world where mistreating hybrids is a natural and where hybrids have been seen as worse than animals and treated beneath humans, would he make it out alive?
Story inspiration: Red Raven 
This story is a part of the same AU as her Namjoon hybrid fic (Unspoken ) and continues with Yoongi's story.
also, I’d love to thank @barbika1508 , she’s been a huge help in the editing process along with Raven.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 (final)
Breathing heavy and slow, the pain making my body numb to everything else around me, hands trembling on their hold to the seat of the chair, my extended claws keeping me rooted. Trying my hardest to remain conscious in the backstage room, my body was swaying and screaming for some sort of relief while my owner gleefully counted the money I earned for tonight besides me by the table with a cancer stick in the mouth.
The ice pack glued to my neck did nothing to help alleviate the pain or cool me down, sweat still running throughout my body in rivulets, the threadbare clothes sticking to my body like a second skin. I just needed a shower, some food, painkillers and perhaps a soft bed, all of which were luxury to me, a temporary heaven found only in a hospital. But what I had here, right at this moment, was a heady cocktail of piss, blood and cheap booze scents surrounding me.
With a twitching nose that hurt with every movement, the animal part of me wanted to puke my guts out, yet conversely, the human in me knew I couldn't afford that. It was a battle within that I was slowly growing tired of and just wanted out of this place, somehow, anyhow. I had to keep whatever food I got, down, knowing I only had a handful to survive off of, despite the amount of money I earned. My body was slowly losing its energy, eyes losing its focus and ears ringing, blinking my eyes off the sweat drops that rolled into them, I tried focusing on my surroundings once again.
The whitewashed walls were now chipping every which way, almost making it look like an intricate map of an exotic place. Map to hell I bet. Snickering at my own thoughts, I noticed the many blood splatters here and there and some questionable bodily fluids or whatever those stains were. The underground was truly a sketchy place indeed. All kinds of dealings went under the table. The drinks served here made many people laugh boisterously, and the rest to start showing off how evil they were than the other, like a  sick game, showcasing who tops the rest. Sickening humans. Filthy, every single one of them.
The more time passed, the harder it became to ignore the searing pain raising from my ribs and spreading towards my back and thighs. Biting my cheeks, almost making it bleed, I held back from moaning out loud or show signs of weakness. I would never give my owner have the pleasure, of me begging for things or showing how he has broken me. He knew I was well past broken, I knew that too, but I still held onto the sliver of pride I had left. The only thin thread that helped me survive. I had a purpose, and I won't give up till I fulfilled it.
Perhaps it was a muscle strain, the pain being too much to bear, or some tearing of ligaments like last time. Maybe. At least I hoped it was one of the two. I was no specialist to diagnose exactly what was wrong with me, no matter how much I experienced these things before. A bruised body was no good for pets like me, who sold their bodies for quick money. Good thing, I made enough money in the past week to afford spray makeup and cover up the discolored skin. I just had to hold my tongue to not show any discomfort that wasn't caused by whoever paid for my services. Humans were irrationally possessive over things that weren't theirs, to begin with. God forbid I had some broken or shattered bones, I'd be counted useless and thrown away. Maybe that was for the better? Who knows? But what if things got worse than it is now?
My sight was almost gone, eyes blinking closed in exhaustion and maybe, malnutrition too. Everything looked hazy, the energy pills I consumed for the fight wearing off, leaving my head spinning after the twelve rounds of a fight that I went through tonight. The wish to pass out any given time was monumental, yet, the adrenaline pumping through my veins kept me awake. Awake enough to run at any given chance, but the painful truth was, I couldn't. Where would I run to? I was bound by law, to forever be the slave that owed my life to my owner for keeping me safe.
Scoffing at the term, I spat out the blood that had accumulated in my mouth, from the cut on my tongue and cheek. Almost instantly an answering clap resounded in my ears, making me cringe. While my sight was dwindling, my ears were extra sensitive just as my tail was, that was currently taped to my back for protection underneath the thin shirt that I wore and was itching to be let out of its misery.
It took me a few moments to register, that was no clap, I was being slapped across the face since it had been now turned to the left with the force of the heavy blow delivered by my now glaring owner. But the pain I was already in, had made me numb to the new blow on my left cheek, making me believe for a split second it might have been a clap. What a fool I am. It was nothing compared to what I'm used to.
Smiling deliriously, I winked at him, earning myself a glare. "Watch yourself, Yoongi. You got me ten thousand bucks, but it's not enough to earn my affection." Sneering at me he returned the brown packet into his faux leather jacket with zebra prints and kicked my chair, a sign for me to get up and follow him exactly five steps behind. He was a journalist, my not so kind owner, working the usual nine to five job for a meager salary at the 'The True Telegraph'. Always have the best of stories but never the best of articles to go with it. And every time he failed in his job only to be one up by his other college, all his pent-up frustrations and anger was poured on me, followed by a night full of cheap drinks and squandering money like a trickling waterfall.
My confident, cocky attitude was a front I used when venturing out with him. It was all a mask, with intricate designs, crafted specially to show the world I was strong, yet a very obedient hybrid. Little did they know, I was not strong at all, in any way or form. I’d crumble to the ground if I didn’t have something holding me upright.
"Want me to get some medication for your hybrid, sir? He is the starfighter in our club after all." Drawled the old man from the counter with yellowing teeth and a rotten egg smell about his person making my nose crinkle in disgust.
“Is it free of charges?” Taken aback the man sighed and shook his head. It's not that we were poor, I earned enough money to pay for ten more people to live comfortably. But my owner splurged all that money into gambling. “Sorry, mate, it's not on me to give things away for free, I’m just a worker here.”
"Just as I thought!” With a dry sarcastic chuckle that grated on my ears, he continued with a sneer,”Never mind, pal, I'll take him to the shelter to get checked. Got a couple of friends who'd love to look after this kitty." Being put on the spot like that, I squared my shoulders and glared back at them, yet I knew I was expected to reply and let out a soft non-committal 'yes'. Satisfied, my owner cuffed my hands and tied the leather and spike choker with a leash snug around my throat.
'A filthy cat like you, deserves no place beside me, never forget who you are'
Those words once spoken, will never leave my mind. Making me unconsciously follow behind him at every step of the way.
This isn't the life you call safe. I'm anything but 'safe'. From being passed around as an escort with added 'bonus' to posing lewdly in front of a camera, taping myself get off for the sick pleasures of human females, sometimes, even males and the occasional underground fighting - this - was my life now. This has been my life ever since I was deemed a hybrid ready to be released to the world from the lab, as a rare breed of snow leopard. Vicious when needed but docile otherwise. A good breed to mate with. I was often called into the lab to help procreate new hybrids.
It was so cold even my breath was turning foggy in front of me, nose feeling frosted over, probably pink by now and lungs stinging with every breath that I took. I was shivering in this place, with only darkness surrounding me, for as far as my vision went, even the moon and stars had given up on me. Straightening my ears atop my head, twisting every direction, I tried hard to listen to any semblance of sounds and was met with absolute stillness. No wind, no birds, no insects. The surface I was standing on, was hurting my feet, probably with a temperature beyond the freezing point.
Where was this place?
Slowly, I could water trickling, slowly and calmly, and with fascination saw a huge bluefish glowing a neon blue with pale blue stripes and dark black spots…whale maybe? Swim beneath my feet. I was standing on a frozen ocean? Or was this a lake?
Bracing myself on my haunches, I proceeded to jump on my feet, to try and get rid of the cold floor I was standing on, but just one jump, and it had started to crack with a loud crunch. Startled, I stepped back into a pair of warm hands that braced my fall into the never-ending abyss below. Straightening out, I tried to thank whoever saved my fall, but I couldn't move anymore. I couldn't see who those hands belonged to. I couldn’t even move my head...or body. Even my tail wouldn't swing like I needed it to. I was stuck. On this frozen lake. My breathing picked up, freezing my heart and my hair stood up with gooseflesh on my skin. Just then, the hands moved from my shoulder blades to my neck and something clicked around it. No! I hate collars!
'Don't you like it?' A new voice crooned by my ears, making my tail bristle in fear. Who? Who's there? Show yourself! Glancing down at my hands, they wouldn't move, they're small again. I'm small again? Why? What's happening? A cacophony of laughter raised all around me. They echoed off of the empty space. No, no.
'It's a very special collar, made just for creatures like you.' No. No, please. I don't like collars. I don't want them around me. Take it off. Take it off of me. I couldn't speak. My lips were sealed shut with muffled screams coming out. I couldn't scream out. What is happening to me? I wanted so bad to raise my hands and take it off myself but they won’t move. My hands won’t listen to me.
'I'll know everything there is to know, about you, at all times. Look, right here, it has an alarm system that activates whenever someone tries to change or remove it. You won't do that me, will you, kitty?' A new voice. Another pair of hands, feminine now. They were moving across my naked body. I don't like this touch. I'm older now. Don't touch me there. It hurts. I don't like it. Stop touching me. A mouth started sucking marks on my thighs, slowly moving there. I wanted to squirm away, only to be held back my own paralyzed body. Why won’t it listen to me? Laughing manically the voices crowded in on me.
'My sweet, lovely kitty, come to daddy.' No! Not again. A new voice echoed from my far right. I can’t take anymore. How many more people?  I don't want to be punished. It's not my fault. Please believe me. I didn't do it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just then another pair of hands joined my body, rough, calloused and old, wrinkly. Yanking my tail, it started inserting something inside of me. Something large. It hurts. It hurts so much. I’m too small. Stop! Please. Please let me go. No. Not there. Please not there....
'Oh? You're hard now baby? Let daddy take real good care, of you'
No! I'll do anything, but not that, Not that, I don't want that. My body can't take it no more. Stop playing with me. I'm not a toy! It's like back in my training days. I’m an adult again. My arms, feet look like a grown man. Still, this hold over my body won’t go. The hands won’t leave me.
'For a filthy kitty, you come so beautifully, let's see if more people will love how much you crave a cock, inside you, on you, you just love it, don’t you? Even if yours doesn’t work' not like this, I don't like it. Save me, someone, please. Save me...Save me... sa-save m-me…
'Aw, don't cry kitty. You look so pretty with smiles. Cry only when asked to. Cry when begging me for more. Be a good kitty, for daddy, won't you?' Yes. Only smiles. I'll be good. Don't hurt me anymore. Panting heavily, I had given up. There is no one to save me. No one who cares. Nobody wants me.
'If you're good, we'll be together forever, just you and me.' Together. Only smiles. I'm not a bad kitty. I'll be good, don't ever hurt me.
'I'll treasure you the most. You're mine'
Okay. Together. Forever. Smiles and happiness. You’ll stay with me, won’t you?
Only yours. You’re a beautiful precious kitty, Yoongi.
 Just then, every pair of hands left me. No! Come back. You promised to stay! My body thrummed with renewed energy, I could feel my body now. It was slowly beginning to thaw from the frozen temperature. Blood rushing back into my veins, my muscles were tingling. Slowly I tried moving my head. I could move again? Come back! Lifting my feet, I stumbled and fell. Getting up again, I ran across the ice in front of me, falling on my ass once again. The ice was slippery.
"Come back!" I could speak again! My mouth felt so dry. My voice echoed back to me, but I could hear nobody else. The ice started crunching underneath me. Panicked, I started crawling backward with rounded eyes, bated breath and tears streaming down my face in rivulets. Lightning struck right behind me, making me jump and hide my face on the ground just as the whole place lit up. Looking up, I saw a million red glowing eyes staring me with crazed smiles on their faces. No, they were cameras. Was I being filmed?
Thunder boomed in the distance soon after leading me to sit on the surface, covering my ears and clutching my head shaking it with a plethora of repeated ‘no’s’. Just then the cracking and groaning of the ice increased and it was rapidly coming towards me. I had nothing to live for anymore. Come take me, drown me, make me a part of your vast abyss, never to be found again. Peace will welcome me finally.
Soon enough the ground beneath my feet opened wide, making me fall inside with a huge splash. It was too cold, freezing me in place. I couldn't even feel any part of my body except stinging needles pricking every surface of my skin. Naked. Frozen. Suspended in water.
I opened my eyes to see just that. I was small again. Naked, with tubes running along my body and needles attached everywhere. I was back in a glass cage of the lab to become half a leopard. Just beyond the glass cage were various scenes flashing by. Humans in various white coats moving around, dipping things into my tank and shouting out commands. Vials and beakers of neon liquids passed around and a table full of weird glass bottles, set up in an equally weird fashion. Further beyond, were huge tanks of other animals, suspended in a ruby red liquid of sorts. All inside the ocean with fish and octopus swimming around. People being carried in and out, people screaming and banging on my glass cage. Closing my eyes, I wished death to come sooner and cradle me in its arms. Put me to sleep for an eternity with a single chaste kiss.
 With a sharp inhale, I woke with a start, jerking my eyes open and blinking furiously. Rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sticky lashes, I winced when my bruised knuckles made contact with skin. It hurt like a bitch. Sniffing with my nose up in the air, the soft fragrance of freesia, calmed my senses and brought forth a feeling of nostalgia from within. Rubbing my cheeks on the soft,fluffy pillow, I tried my best to get rid of the nasty feeling the nightmare left me with. My mum used to smell like that. It was a nightmare I would rather not live again. All of my childhood memories mixed into one.
Twitching my ears, I tried listening to any sounds. A few moments later, I could faintly make out a feminine voice humming something soothing? Perhaps a lullaby, from far away, the only sound of a living being I could tell. Soon enough my other senses caught up. Heart thumping like crazy, room spinning and my head pounding in immense pain, I’m quite positively certain I was hung-over. Didn’t I get any medicine after all? Where... was I? The baby pink and white ceiling was unfamiliar and swishing my tail around, I could tell, so was the bed underneath me. Feeling clammy and sweaty, I looked around the pillows for the remote and turned on the AC at the lowest setting, sighing in relief once it started cooling me down.
Clutching my head in my hands, I turned sideways and curled in on myself in a fetal position, wrapping my tail around my waist, immediately straightening out with a soft whimper. The pain and memories flashing through my body and mind making me cringe. The fights, the lashing right outside the bar for making people notice I was in pain, then going to the bar limping right behind my owner. Me, trying to drink the pain away and secretly dabbing some alcohol over my cuts, while my owner kept talking to some rich guys. After that? I don't quite recall what happened after ... I tried hard to think, when and how, I got here, only for my headache to worsen.
The pitter-patter of footsteps outside, made my spine straighten in fear of the unknown, despite the calming freesia scented room. It did absolutely nothing to help placate the adrenaline pumping through my veins, preparing myself for a knife yielding crazy cat lady coming at me. Telling myself that it's just my imagination, these things don’t happen in real life, that I'm a professional fighter that knows some good dirty tricks, who was well capable of saving himself if he so wished. I had no bond with my owner, thus making me my own person. All I needed was to be lawfully free. If only I got rid of the collar. Yet this new person, whose home I was in? I had no clue what to expect of them.
The golden doorknob turning made me stiffen up and forget my own whirlwind of random thoughts. I let out a ferocious growl warning whoever was trying to enter the room. Accompanied by a bristled tail, pointed ears and claws digging into the mattress, where I was sitting in a crouch, I’m sure the sight they came to wasn’t the soft leopard kitty they expected. Hissing at the new intruder, I was ready to attack her, whoever she may be. Nobody brings me to a bedroom without ill intentions. A room with everything pastel pink, ivory white, peach, and gold. The furniture was kept to a bare minimum, all wooden with pale pink and peach covers and cushions. The decor consisted of a few floral paintings in golden frames, a couple fake flower vases and walls were all half white from the top that faded into a pale pink at the bottom. This overly girly room was suffocating me. Even the floor was made out of rose-colored tiles. Whoever designed it was an asshole.
I decided to give her a once-over, just to be safe. It would be rude of me to treat them any differently than how I expect to be treated. Like a human first. A good human. She had dainty naked feet, toes wiggling with soft pink polish on the nails, bound at the left ankle, a blinking black metal cuff indicating she was not free, just a slave like me. Maybe the owner wanted to make me feel some sort of camaraderie? With a human? Never. Bad move. Her legs were beautiful, long and wait-- were those bruises on her knees? Looking back closely, I saw other faint yellowish marks on her otherwise porcelain skin. So she was healing. From what? And a tail swishing nervously behind her knees. Wait, wait---- tail? She's not... human? Rage began to stir in my blood. How could they give her so much luxury, yet still hurt her?
She had short cotton shorts meant as pajamas. Growling at her indecent choice of clothing, in front of a stranger like me, I looked into her eyes, but she had them focused on the tray she was carrying. With a tea set and some pancakes shaking like a maple leaf about to fall from the tree in autumn winds. She was scared. Of course, she’d be you dumbass! You totally scared her to bits. I was an alpha male. I had prominent pheromones. Just like her scent. It was highly potent. I judged her too soon. But it never hurts to be cautious.
So, it wasn't me growling, the smell of the fresh pancakes laden with syrup and butter stacked together indicated, it was my stomach. I felt my face become hotter at the realization and her blue eyes met mine across the room, with mirth shining in them. At least one of us is amused. Her eyes. I was transfixed at their blue serene oceanic pupils. They looked so familiar and welcoming. I, however, was ravenous, as declared by my dying whale of a stomach. And wet. I did have a bad dream, and no, it wasn't just my sweat.
Looking at her head for more signs as to what breed she was, I noticed a pair of ears drawn low over her head. Maybe in submission? But her small button nose, upturned eyes, and head tilt declared loud and clear, she was some sort of cat hybrid that smelled distinctly of freesia and something...musky. Sniffing her scent once again by raising my head, instantly calmed my senses but also made me feel something else entirely. A stirring in my groin that was unwelcome. I just couldn't pinpoint what this foreign feeling was, I couldn't compare to anything at all. I felt my vision sharpen and focus on her lithe, petite form and shiver, a very pleasant shiver shot down my spine making my skin tingle and a delicious hum thrum through my veins.
Standing before me with a breakfast tray in hand and a smile that trembled on her lips. Scared downcast eyes, grey ears flat on her head and a fluffy grey tail with black stripes swishing slowly behind her. Was she a tabby? What was I, a snow leopard, doing here? I would completely ruin her if I were to mate with her. Which assuming was the reason why I was here? Why else a snow leopard, known for breeding, would be in an empty house with a cat hybrid?
Unless... I was supposed to be her bodyguard? Because of my fighting skills. But I doubted she’d be given that sort of luxury. I needed to know what I was doing here, and why. But first, I'd make the most of what I could get from her. It would do me no good to show how scared and lost I felt right now. If only I could manage to keep her intimated, it would be in my best interest.
“Where's the bathroom?" Startled at my normal voice, she raised her head to reveal too wide for her head eyes that looked at me with a small trembling mouth, the stillness of the room interrupted with a single gulp that echoed across the room, she squeaked out, "I'll show you"
Scanning her face, she looked frightened. Pupils dilated and legs shaking. Good. She won't try anything with me. I got up with renewed confidence. This was my territory, and she had nothing on me. Scratching my neck, I lifted my arms in a stretch, realizing with a delay, I had no collar on. What? So I could run away anywhere, at any given time? There must be a catch, and I need her to confirm just that. Passing by her, I was astonished to find out the real reason behind her musky scent. She was nearing her heat and was turned on by me, not frightened. She was holding herself back from jumping my bones. If that's what she wanted. That's what she will get.
"You saved me from two guys, last night, at the bar, I mean. They were trying to molest me in front of the washroom and then you got injured in your head trying to intervene. I...” taking a deep shaky breath and sniffing her nose, she continued at my confused expression, “I never got a chance to apologize or thank you for intervening." Came her soft voice, purring slightly while looking back at me with sincere rounded eyes. She was enchanting, and she knew it.
So I saved her, huh? Explains why and where I met her. Doesn't explain me being here though. She was being smart with her choice of words. Two could play this game. I won't clue her in that I have no memory. Though I'm uncertain about her story too.
"It's nothing. Anyone decent would show the same courtesy, I'm sure." With a nonchalant shrug, I moved past her into the door she had opened for me. Pointedly looking at my groin, she gestured her hands vaguely. "There's the shower and I'll get you a robe. My master smells awful so I will pass on giving you his clothing. We should talk more once you're done." She was cute when flustered. “You’re rambling. It’s kind of cute.” Shit, I didn’t mean for it to come out loud. Cringing at my own fault, I looked up at her to see she was smiling faintly with a pretty peach colored blush on her cheeks. Huffing and patting her cheeks, she smiled big at me.
“Wash mine. And reheat the pancakes. It might take a while for me.” I ordered her sternly, expecting her to leave, but when she didn’t, I understood why. She was stubborn. Rolling my eyes, I added as an afterthought, “Please”. With a blinding white smile, she twirled around and sashayed out the door with a gentle click, leaving me on my own once again, taking away the delightful freesia scent with her. What’s with all the smiling? I’m no kid that needs to be placated with large smiles and warm food. Or…was I?
This wasn't just a bath, it was a freaking room. The left side was all pristine white tiled walls, with a wooden cabinet at knee level and a round mirror attached on top of it. A wash basin at the right of the cabinet and a couple of towels and bottles kept on it. A simple white flower vase and some candles were kept on the surface to not make it look as cold and empty as it felt. Well, it was doing a shit job in making it warm and homey. To further right, the room had slowly merged into a wooden colored theme. The flooring and walls to ceiling it was all browns and beige. The room ended with a huge walk-in shower, right beside it was a bath and a comod, on opposite sides of the shower stall, which was a mini room in on itself.
Finally, alone, I started looking for all the bath products I could find. The cabinet seemed like my only option, and opening it I wasn't even surprised at the assorted collection inside. There were a few shampoos and conditioners for hybrids, some bath salts, lush bombs, cleansers, exfo-li- whatever's and tons of other colorful bottles. She was one spoilt hybrid. I wonder if that was all to gain her forgiveness. Her bruises told a different kind of story to me. Closing my eyes I chose a random bottle, passion flower shampoo. Will do. Then picked up a random body wash and off I went.
I had to check this house for cameras and sound recorders later. Something seemed terribly wrong about me being here, free, with another hybrid. She was tempting, beautiful, seemed smart. But not smart enough to live by herself. I wondered when our owners would be back.
Did…did Namjoon finally manage to free me? I do vaguely remember seeing him inside the bar, wearing a fedora and some silk shirt, looking absolutely ravishing with an equally contrasting dimpled smile that spoke of complete innocence whenever revealed, even to me. I had a basic aversion towards men, being treated as I was since teenage, I just naturally hated looking at men sexually. Yet, there was something about Namjoon, something magnetic and I was not immune. Not completely.
With the shampoo and body wash in hand, I entered the shower cubicle opening the frosted glass door. Except for the door, the room had actual mosaic walls with pebbles on the flooring in muted browns and reds. There was a huge square cheese grater overhead, poking it, I think it was meant to be there. A screen of sorts to the right of me and various knobs and pipes running along what I assume is the shower, with those detachable ones. A place to sit opposite the shower, with a rectangular hole in the wall, perhaps to keep the bottles? I slid them in there anyway. Next to the sitting area, was a tilted handle? What's the point? To keep towels? It would slide off! Humans...
I stare down at the two handles and knobs in front of me with specific colors on them. Red and blue. Since I wasn't given a choice at my owner's place, quickly taking showers whenever i could with whatever knob worked at the time, cold or hot, never something in between, I was confused this time what to choose. Taking a leap of faith, that fires are usually reds and ice is blue, I turned them together. Immediately the screen panel seemed to be calling my name - well figuratively. It was only beeping for me to choose something. I approached it tentatively, with slow steps, scared it would raise an alarm, but also excited at the aspect. Let's push all the fucking buttons, and hope the room doesn't explode. Hey, not my fault nobody explained. Shit..... Was she perhaps waiting here to explain things to me?
The panel was touchscreen. That made things easier. The first button showed typical few playlists named with emotions- sad, angry, hurt, happy, instruments, horny- wow she sure knew what music to play during what. An organized person, I liked it. Wait- why do I care if she’s organized or not. Not my business! Choosing the instruments playlist, I was washed with a serene tune of harp playing a beautiful song. Shower settings were next. Rainfall? Body massage? Showers did that? Choosing rainfall and neon lights- I saw the cheese grater from above actually spouting water like rain. This was so cool! And unnecessary, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. The whole place, even the water turned a pretty blue. Stepping in, I decided, I wanted this for myself. One day.
Taking a big dollop of shampoo on my left Palm, I started massaging my head. Slowly detangling my hair and reveling in the amazing aroma of passion flower, relaxing my body and tail swishing about in glee. Just as I had started enjoying the process by scratching behind the ear, my hands jerked back in immense pain from behind my head. Feeling over it with gentle fingers, I realized with a start, she wasn't lying. I had actually bumped my head and now a big lump had formed over it. Clearly, I must have passed out last night after hitting my head, since I wasn't really a big drinker to start with.
Humming softly to myself, a song that I had heard at the bar last night, I started washing, mindful of the many injuries littering my body. Soon I smelled the freesia scent before I heard her approaching me. A series of knocks announcing her presence. I could see her silhouette walking through the door to the mirrored counter and then with a soft huff she kept a huge basket full of things down and sat on the countertop, cutely swinging her legs back and forth.
"Would you mind if I took care of your washing and bruises. I noticed a lot last night and figured it would hurt to bend at awkward angles and get to every part of your body, including the tail." She asked with a hesitant voice like she was prepared for a lashing. Taking pity on her I chose to ease her. If I wanted to take advantage of her, somehow, I had to make her comfortable first. "Why? Can't wait to see me naked?" She laughed out softly and it sounded like tiny bells tinkering in the wind. Good, I didn’t scare her away. I needed her to trust me first. Though, if she saw me as her savior, it shouldn’t be a hard task to do.
"Well of course. You're attractive and I don't see why not." I bet she was grinning wildly from outside the curtain, or maybe, blushing a beautiful pink, after speaking her thoughts out loud. I had to see for myself. Never had I met such a daring girl who despite being scared, still wanted to play with the big cats? I admired her for it. She was incredible and so very foolish.
Opening the door, I raised my brows at her indecent ogling. She sure was checking every part of my body out, in her eyes, I saw no aversion, only admiration. It did well to boost my already huge ego. “I can smell that off you in waves, kitten. Come on in, I could use the help.” Eyes rounded and jaw slacked, it seemed she forgot I was a hybrid too, with heightened senses. She looked at me perplexed, “You need to eat as soon as you’re out and then take some painkillers and antibiotics. I’ll try my best to patch you up.” Picking up what I assumed to be a washcloth, she stripped down right there into her white and red striped underwear and got in the shower with me.
“I’ll do that." Nodding at her, I watched her silently close the door then trapped her to it, with both hands beside her head, her back against my chest. I could feel her heart beating faster than a racehorse. Her scent becomes muskier, and thicker, "You know, It’s kind of awkward me being the only one naked.” I chuckled by her ear, reveling in the Goosebumps that raised on her skin, littering tiny kisses on her shoulder, then resting my chin on it. Tilting her head towards me, her lips so close to mine, she looked straight into my eyes, for a few moments, everything seemed to still, our souls connecting. Then, shaking her head, getting out of whatever spell she was in, she stood straighter and proceeded to take a generous amount of body wash on the washcloth and walking behind me, started with gently scrubbing behind my neck and slowly moved towards my tail. “I know it’s awkward, but trust me, its best this way around.”
Her being almost naked and so close to me, made me see all her bruises up close, and I was not happy about them. I’m used to seeing hybrids all around me, and in worse condition, but something about her brave yet gentle nature, that contrasted with each other, made me want to protect her. Keep her to myself. I had bred with humans and hybrids alike but never came across one I genuinely cared for, or wanted anything more than a sopping cunt to shove my cock in, then get the money I was being paid. I needed, I craved a warm body. I detested the cold of the nights, of being alone in this world. I had to have somebody telling me they wanted me. Me, who was broken, me, who had no value, me, who didn’t have looks, and me, who wasn’t talented in anything. I needed to know I was wanted, I was needed, even if for a fleeting moment. And if I did well in bed, be it, man or woman, they always praised me, told me how good I was, and wanted more. That was twisted, and I knew it, but there was nothing I could do more to fill this gaping hole in my heart.
But there was something distinctly calming about her, that made me want to hide her from the world, keep her for myself. To feel more humane, to feel more connected to the animal in me and to feel loved, cared for. Despite my rudeness, she was willing to show compassion towards me. I was willing to do anything for her, even if I didn’t have the luxury for to make wishes. One day, I’ll repay her, anyway I can. Make sure she’s happy, even if it's only a little happiness, I’ll make that happen.
Her touch made my muscles loosen and I was back in the lab again, with my mother cleaning me one last time before letting me be experimented on. A sharp tug at the base of my tail shook me from my memories and with a grateful smile, I kissed her in one fell swoop. At first, she was startled, but then slowly relaxed into my arms and let me explore her mouth as I wished, with slow torturous strokes that coaxed out the most delicious of moans out of her. Separating from her with a tiny nip at the corner of the mouth, I looked at her fondly, the both of us panting heavily, for now, her pupils dilated, cheeks flushed a healthy red and skin glowing like never before. She was mine, and now she even had my scent on her. I couldn't be more proud.
No. This wasn't what's supposed to happen. What was I thinking? I'm not drunk anymore. I should act rationally and not let my other head do all the thinking for me. I'm not a horndog, it's time I stopped acting like one. But that was hard, her pheromones were affecting me, she, herself, as a person was affecting me. I wanted her and knowing she wanted me back was making it almost impossible to give her up. She was right to assume being naked in front of me would be dangerous. But it was her body that wanted mine, a stronger cat, at his prime, however, did she, want me? Is that why she distanced herself. Is she having second thoughts? Is that it? Wouldn't be the first time someone's rejected me. But it hurts.
"Hey, come back. Don't over think anything. I'm okay. You'll be okay." Her words angered me even more, at this point, I didn't even care if she could read my expression or smell it in my scent. It was growing foul with all the anger and frustration piling up. Trying not to blow up at her, it's not her fault, I fisted my hands and gritted my teeth. The claws had elongated, digging into my skin, reminding me of the here and now, to maintain composure. Somehow, she noticed, she saw my struggle, and like a foolish little girl, instead of leaving me alone like she should, she slipped her fingers over my fists making them loosen and slowly held onto them, entwining our digits like lovers, that we never will be.
She lifted herself on her tiptoes and pecked my lips tentatively. Seeing my eyes darken with lust, then slowly kissed me this time, erasing all self-doubts I had. It was slow, gentle coaxing of her lips on mine. Like a soft caress of flower petals over my lips. I wanted more, so much more, but let her have this soft, delicate moment of sweetness and innocence. "I want you, Yoongi. But not now, you're injured and I know, it's not pleasant when injured. I don’t want you to go through that. Not now, not ever, not with me. We need to talk first too."
She was right. We had a lot to talk about. Nodding my consent, I let her slowly turn me towards the shower, with her arms around my neck and bodies meshed together, we walked backward, with her guiding me staples by step. I wonder when I started trusting her. I never lost my cool, my control like this. We stood under the rain like drops of water washing away the fatigue, hurt and doubts. Though this nagging feeling remained buried in mind. Why was I acting like a child when it comes to her?
Gazing quietly into each other's eyes, with a hint of a smile on our lips, something connected, and it made our hearts beat as one. I loved this new feeling, whatever it was, and by her sweeter scent could tell she thought so too. I didn't want to leave, I wished this little serene bubble of safety and calmness lasted forever. Me, cocooned in her arms, just like now. I would die a happy man and have no regrets.
No! I couldn't think like that. Why was my mind plagued with these thoughts? They belonged to happily mates, not stubborn, broken strangers like her and me.
We were mates. That's what the feeling all this time was. The leopard and its kitty. But it's impossible. How could a snow leopard have a cat for a mate? We were completely different species, what kind of joke was fate trying to play on me? Horrified, I separated from her with a faint push. Choking back a sob, I yanked at my hair in frustration. Why?!?
Stumbling backward, I held onto the slippery tiles behind and looked at her helplessly. She was equally panicked, her eyes glazed over in astonishment, lips open halfway and throat bobbing in a stunned expression. Was she scared of me now? Does she see how dirty and worthless I am as her mate? Where do we go here from now? We could never be together. Two hybrids cannot survive without an owner. I needed to calm down and think things straight. We weren't even free to think of spending our lives together. Who knew how much longer I had till the truth of my being here was revealed.
Taking a deep breath, I looked at the shower panel and walked straight towards it. Confused with multiple options, I just punched the wall next to it, wincing at my still tender knuckles from last night. They were bruised as is, they'll be swollen and bleeding anytime now. I'm useless. I can't even operate a shower, how am I to care for a mate. Yanking open the shower door, I stepped outside and added as an afterthought, hoping she won't reject me. Then I truly won't have anything to live for anymore. "I need help with first aid. Please" my voice cracked midway, revealing how vulnerable I was. Fuck it. I'm done pretending. I just can't anymore. I'm so tired of everything and the hangover isn't helping either.
Shutting the door after her, I sat at the counter and waited for her to come. Getting a towel from top of the counter, I wrapped it around my head and taking the second one, I wrapped it around my fluffy tail. I'll have to groom that later to not look like cotton candy. Soon, the shower stopped and she came out with the bottles in hand. "Let's get you patched up then."
The pancakes were soft, delicate and had just the right amount of sugar. I hated too much sugar in anything. She didn't overdo them, yet they had a crunchy edge that I loved to nibble on, the butter and syrup just the right amount making even the most boring of breakfast item seem heavenly. Or was it because my mate had prepared it thinking of me?Eating out of fancy China plates and silverware was a good distraction from the chaos in my mind. With a clear head , it was better to think straight and have rational thoughts. Everything made sense now. Why I clinged to her scent, why everything about her seemed so perfect and why I wanted to own her, protect her, be protected by her. 
Even her absence was making me antsy. With a smirk, I forcibly stopped my feet from shaking by keeping a hand over it. I was a mess, a complete, idiotic chaotic mess, and she was the calmness I needed to put my mind at ease. She didn't complete me, no. I was a whole complete person. But she did made it better. That's what having a mate is like, a pair of socks. A single one is still a whole sock, but a pair, would serve the purpose better, look better, feel better. You could mismatch them with others, but nothing feels as right as having them paired with the one they were meant to be paired with. She's the one meant just for me, as I am with her. There's no better option, there's no better match, we belong together. But-- what if luck goes against us? What if, it's all just a beautiful lie? Does she even know what a mate is? Will be ever be together past this day? How much longer do I have with her?
 Banging my head on the heavy and too-big-for-two table surface, I rested my head sideways. The fresh fruits chopped in shapes of stars and flowers , kept neatly in a crystal bowl directly in my line of sight. As healthy as her breakfast choice was, I was still very much a carnivore and craving some meat, even a simple bacon would do. Or some beef jerky. She was a cat, surely she had meat cravings from time to time. I had let my nose guide me here, after she so very gently, handled all of my cuts and bruises. Every time I winced in pain, she kissed me, to the point I winced purposely to get kisses from her. We both knew I was just pretending at this point but didn't care anyway. The painkillers she made eat had started doing their job, they were numbing the pain and making me drowsy, but the hunger within had yet to be sated. She must have some kind of secret meat stash... 
But what if.... everything worked out? Hadn't I suffered enough as is? Wasn't it time for my life to show some kindness? 
Getting up with renewed energy, I went looking for meat and fish among the huge assortment of cupboards in the modular kitchen that was too fancy for even the president to own. In contrast to the floor upstairs in pinks and peaches, that was solely meant for my girl, this floor was rather darker. With muted browns, midnight blues and black, the whole floor seemed rather a boudoir, magnificent even. The ceiling was ivory white, the walls a dark shade of blue and the flooring was black tiles. I loved the color theme, it suited me, had some warmth to it too. Every furniture was wooden and screamed royalty. Various portraits of a man in his late twenties, early teens, as a kid were portrayed with a girl that looked strikingly similar to my girl minus the hybrid features. As the kid grew older, perhaps in the recent few years, that girl seemed replaced by the hybrid, I now knew.
My girl? Since when was she mine? I had yet to claim her, or she--- had yet to accept me as her mate. I was getting ahead of myself. I should let her do the explaining. Though I think, this story is something not meant to be heard this early in the morning. I didn't even know her name! Yet somehow she knew mine. It was a scary thought but somehow, deep within, I wasn't intimated by it the slightest.
The kitchen was daunting. The first time I came here, I was guided by my nose sniffing out the pancakes and focused on scarfing it down. But now that the initial hunger was taken care of, I craved some milk and good old meat. The various black cupboards and drawers spread across the walls made my task hard, but I instead focused on the huge double door fridge that could easily for four of me. There had to be something I could microwave. Opening the fridge I was shocked to see some cartons of milk, a few veggies, some eggs, ham, cheese, and bottles and cans full of liquor. Shaking my head in dismay, I noted I'd have to have her buy grocery. And soon.
Picking up the ham, I checked if it was okay for me to cook it. If she, a hybrid can cook for me, surely I can too. The stove top had a weird way to operate it. Rotating the knobs on the front, I saw it light up on its own. Back in my temporary home, we had to use a matchstick, it was not the safest but the only way I knew how. This was far easier. I was startled by the whirring of an engine above. Sniffing at it I noticed it was some kind of automated chimney. Well, that's convenient. At least I won't be sprayed by water at the slightest amount of smoke. Finding the pan hanging from a hook in the opposite wall, I chopped up some ham slices with a random knife and set it to fry. Since I didn't know how to control heat yet, it was at highest possible setting and was cooking way faster than I was used to.
Feeling something slowly move alongside my waist, I was startled and jumped a feet in air, hurting my forehead in the process. Turning around with the knife in hand, I was ready to attack whoever when suddenly I registered the same vanilla scent from the body wash I used and a distinct freesia undertone followed by the telltale giggling that I've come to adore in the span of an hour of knowing her. Keeping the knife away from the two of us, I pouted at her. "Hey, don't laugh at me. I was busy cooking for us both." Still snickering behind her hand, she tilted sideways to see the flame and immediately turned it the opposite way and with a few clicking sounds, it was at medium setting. Huh. So that's how it's done. "You were about to burn them to a char, Yoongi"
"It's unfair how you know my name and I don't even know yours" Smiling brightly, she winked at me saucily. "Wouldn't you like to know" and twirled around to the cupboards on her right and took out two glasses, keeping then on a coaster, she then speed walked to the fridge to take out the milk carton and pour it in our glasses and handed one to me. "To finding the best mate"
She really was something. Shaking my head, I played along and clinked our glasses together. "To the most beautiful mate". Seeing her blush so deeply, and knowing I was the reason behind it, made my chest swell with pride. She had accepted me! 
“So, about that talk......” 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5 (final)
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
No, This Will Not Be the Summer of Piquette
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This month, we’re heading outdoors with the best drinks for the backyard, beach, and beyond. In Take It Outside, we’re exploring our favorite local spots and far-flung destinations that make summer the ultimate season for elevated drinking. 
Piquette has garnered no shortage of favorable coverage in drinks and lifestyle media over the past few years. Booze writers keen to spread the gospel on the fizzy, wine-adjacent beverage invariably celebrate its humble roots, low-ABV sessionability, and sustainable credentials. If headlines alone are anything to go by, readers might describe it as “White Claw for Wine Lovers,” or act astounded when friends haven’t heard of it because “Everyone Is Talking About Piquette.”
And so here we gather, like a Bernie Sanders meme, to once again talk about piquette. Only this time around, forgive me for veering from the beaten path to suggest that piquette is not, indeed, the “next big thing in wine” nor “your new drink for summer.”
Instead, I see piquette as an obscure style of wine that offers major appeal to a very specific group of drinkers, but one that will struggle to catch on among the majority. There’s nothing wrong with such a product existing, of course, but in the midst of such hyperbole, it’s important to also dig into the details that so often go overlooked within the current narrative.
What Is Piquette?
Before this sounds like a hatchet job, I should note that I quite like piquette. I enjoy its spritzy, funky profile, which lands on the palate like sour, cold-pressed apple juice livened with a splash of soda water. And for many drinkers, this acquired taste will present an enjoyable means of killing the summer heat while achieving a pleasant buzz.
As most explanations of the style begin, piquette is not actually wine. Instead, producers take the leftover skins, seeds, and stems (collectively known as pomace) from “traditional” winemaking, add water, and allow a second fermentation to take place over the course of a week or more. Many introduce some “real” wine into the equation to give the beverage more character. And after the liquid drains from the solid matter, some add a sugar-rich solution to begin a bubble-producing second fermentation when the liquid is packaged. All things told, the beverage arrives with a relatively gentle alcohol content that hovers somewhere between 4 and 9 percent ABV.
With roots dating back to the Roman Empire, piquette’s historical ties come from vineyard workers. While its thinner body and weaker concentration of flavor were not deemed worthy enough for paying customers, the drink’s quaffable ABV content provided something harvesters could enjoy over lunch before returning to the job with some semblance of efficiency.
Modern-day consumption certainly differs from its historical usage (we don’t expect many folks today are returning to field work after a few glasses of piquette), but the notion that piquette is a good low-ABV option does provoke some confusion. We cannot argue against 9 percent ABV being significantly lighter than a burly 15 percent-plus Napa Cab, but neither would we describe beer with such alcohol content as “sessionable.”
That said, piquette does provide an alternative to hard seltzer — an area where wine continues to fall short. If the growing ranks of canned wines match the White Claws of the world in terms of portability, drinking 375 milliliters of canned Sauvignon Blanc also equates to knocking back half a bottle on your own. And herein enters piquette: a lower- if not low-ABV option that allows imbibers to drink more reasonably, and perhaps more abundantly, while also maintaining an allegiance to the wine world.
But can piquette ever match the sheer popularity of White Claw — a beverage that racked up billions of dollars in sales last year alone? I don’t think so. Mainly because, although it’s produced from natural, arguably more righteous ingredients, piquette delivers a very specific flavor profile that will likely never appeal to mainstream palates.
Unpacking Piquette’s Popularity
Kristin Olszewski, co-founder of the canned wine company Nomadica, released her brand’s first piquette earlier this year. Though she’s “obsessed” with piquette, she concedes that the style might not be to everyone’s taste. “My fiancé said it’s his favorite thing that I’ve ever made, but he drinks a lot of skin-contact and natural wine,” she says. “When people write in and ask me what it tastes like, I try to emphasize: ‘think orange wine, think kombucha.'”
This flavor profile is intrinsic to piquette, borne out of its specific production process, as Todd Cavallo of New York’s Wild Arc Farms explained to me. (Cavallo and Wild Arc are often cited as the pioneers who reintroduced drinkers to piquette with the winery’s inaugural release in 2016.)
When water is added to pomace, the solution’s pH rises and allows certain microbes and bacteria to thrive, Cavallo says. This results in esoteric flavors that go beyond those described by educational wine bodies as “primary” fruit notes.
“We’ve got stuff in there that a conventional winemaker would scoff at and say, ‘That’s a ruined product, throw it down the drain,’” Cavallo says. “In our case, we think this is what makes piquette interesting — it gives it character and moves it away from just being watery wine.”
Cavallo and Olszewski agree that this blend of factors — piquette’s minimal-intervention production, and the drink’s funky flavor profile — have led to it becoming mainly embraced by natural wine drinkers. The three major markets for Nomadica’s piquette, for example, have so far been New York, California, and the Pacific Northwest.
As the founder and president of CoolVines, a retailer with four locations across New Jersey that cater to a “hipster-y” crowd, Mark Censits has noticed a similar phenomenon. “Pet-nat drinkers were the first crowd to take this up,” Censits says. “But it also appeals to cider and saison beer drinkers, because of the taste profile.”
Where Censits typically stocks around 12 to 15 pet-nats (out of 450 or so total wines), his stores usually only offer two or three piquettes. He feels this is enough to satisfy demand, and enough to represent the range of styles on offer in the category. “It’s a micro trend, for sure,” Censits adds. “It’s not sweeping the nation in some all-powerful kind of way.”
Granted, for piquette to sweep the nation, there would need to be a significant supply available for purchase. This doesn’t seem to be the case, as things stand.
“To my knowledge and from my research, there are less than 20 piquette SKUs available from distributors (as opposed to directly from wineries) in New York City,” Scott Rosenbaum, a former wine and spirits distribution professional and founder of Ah So Insights, writes via email. “Compare this to more than 80 meads, more than 350 orange wines, and more than 350 pet-nats, we are in the earliest part of the ‘innovator’ stage — not even the ‘early adopter’ stage.”
From a sales and search-data perspective, the results don’t scream ubiquity, either. When I reached out to the data firm Nielsen to learn about off-premise piquette sales, I was told the firm “doesn’t track” this type of product — a response I’ve never received when reporting on sales of rosé, hard seltzer, or RTD cocktails. Google search data for the term “piquette” also fails to show any significant spike over the last five years. White Claw this is not.
The Sustainability of Piquette
Even if its appeal does appear limited to the natural wine crowd, none can argue with piquette’s sustainable credentials. Or can they?
The thinking, and popular narrative, is simple enough: Piquette is made from materials that would normally be thrown out — therefore, it’s less wasteful. Yet, what happens to the pomace and leftover organic materials after piquette becomes ready for bottling? The very same thing that would have happened if the producer opted not to make piquette.
For most small and independent producers, that means tipping the pomace onto the compost heap or spreading it in the vineyard, David E. Block, a professor at U.C. Davis’s Department of Viticulture and Enology, explains. Larger-scale wineries with more pomace to offload may instead turn to companies that can isolate specific compounds and transform them into valuable bi-products, such as cooking oils.
Initially, I reached out to Block and U.C. Davis to learn whether producing a new beverage from so-called waste was indeed a sustainable practice, given that it also requires new packaging and distribution via vehicles running on fossil fuels. Ultimately, Block says that “it’s certainly not clear” whether making piquette is more sustainable than composting or selling pomace.
Yet he does stress that in certain regions, the need for water — both for piquette’s base and also for cleaning winemaking equipment — could lead its production to becoming unsustainable. (And to backtrack briefly to the style’s popularity, Block also admitted that when he received my interview request, he had to Google what piquette was, having not previously heard of it.)
The complex nature of sustainability is not a realm populated solely by piquette. Indeed, the very definition of the word is relative and reliant on a number of producer-specific variables. Yet, Wild Arc’s Cavallo does a great job of approaching the topic in his case with admirable nuance.
Cavallo describes how making piquette brings a higher yield of product per acre of vineyard farmed. If each acre of vineyard yields two tons of grapes, Cavallo can produce 50 cases of wine. But by also making piquette, he can sell up to 25 cases of extra “wine.” From a farming standpoint, the inputs — fuel, labor, spray material, etc. — remain the same, but with more product on offer, the average environmental impact of each bottle decreases.
“Part of our overarching goal is to change the narrative around wine-growing in New York State and to move people away from herbicide and towards non-synthetic interventions in the vineyard,” Cavallo says.
The media attention he’s garnered for pioneering piquette certainly brings the opportunity to have these conversations on a larger stage. Whether or not drinks writers choose to dig into this angle of Wild Arc’s production is another story. (My words, not Cavallo’s, for the record.)
Finally, there are financial advantages of piquette that deserve exploration, despite this being a field that doesn’t always gain much attention. Maybe that’s because dollars and cents often seem at odds with our romantic vision of wine, but to my mind, this is one area where we can all unequivocally endorse this product.
By producing and selling piquette, Cavallo ensures that all of his products remain affordable. His wines retail for $25 max, while he tries to sell his piquettes for as little as is financially feasible — around $15 per bottle.
On this front, Nomadica’s Olszewski also agrees: “Nobody works in wine to get rich,” she says, hinting at an age-old adage. “You work in it because it’s your passion and it’s what you dream about. But it’s incredibly difficult to make a living in the wine industry.”
Bubbles Beyond Effervescence
With hot vax summer in full swing, it seems safe to conclude that 2021 will not be the year piquette dethrones White Claw or even becomes the next pet-nat. It’s OK to admit that, and doing so shouldn’t take away from the beverage’s benefits: Though probably not for everyone’s palate, the style does promise to please natural wine drinkers. And while environmental sustainability isn’t guaranteed, piquette certainly satisfies an economic definition of the concept.
Sadly, these messages get lost in the media hoopla — a cloud of smoke that consistently fails to recognize piquette’s obscurity. The fact remains that most drinkers have never heard of it; only a fraction of the wineries in the U.S. have experimented with the style; and even if more enter the fray, it’s highly unlikely that most consumers are ready for its challenging flavor profile — no matter how many write-ups place it as quaffable and refreshing.
Beyond that, I think there’s another layer to unpack here: Are we really to believe that piquette’s proponents will remain on the bandwagon if it does gain the popularity of rosé or hard seltzer? And do those same individuals even believe it can?
At best, this is likely another example of drinks industry professionals failing to look outside their bubble. Viewed through a more cynical lens, I’d say the celebration of piquette speaks to the exclusivity and elitism that plagues certain circles of the wine world — an intentional desire to make drinkers feel bad if they haven’t heard of something or, heaven forbid, don’t enjoy its complex profile.
Ultimately, “everyone” isn’t talking about piquette. This is simply another case of a few individuals speaking very loudly.
The article No, This Will Not Be the Summer of Piquette appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/piquette-natural-wine-trend/
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normansollors · 4 years
Female Cat Spraying In Heat Portentous Cool Tips
Thus, proper care of this is deemed unpleasant to them.Cats respond much better results if your cat urinating in house?It isn't practicable to let them stay indoors.Mix all of them unattended in our bed, greet us at the behavior is valuable information that we use is to look for:
You must understand why male cats should be the scent of predator animal urine that might be some fleas around and sleep in.Knits and other animals and get him on the desk in the home.They are leaving their scent to let the cats themselves will moderate the use of mineral oil or petroleum lubricants and other serious issues need to scratch an object in front of your travel.Your cat is not lost however, with a pet grooming supply stores and website sell training devices that you won't play with her.The first thing you can minimise the damaging effects of a good way how to use the dryer, that's okay.
Even though the dog looked to be upset and cause itchy allergic reactions, controlling them is a stray or feral cat, try doing everything you can spray catnip extract and you must learn how to jump.If you brush their hair, they may wrap their bodies and muscles.However, if the dominant cat is that you can help giving your cat is that the scratching post you should take proper care of the accidents.Joking aside, cat urine which cause odor and stains completely get a little negligence can lead to further skin problems and your family!Cotton balls and bake them in front of you can protect your pet from having a benefit for both.
The first sign of bleeding and I know not to do is understand what he wants to use their litter boxRemove need to throw out that may have to keep as much of the flea drops version of Frontline may be due to an air purifier, litter that is calm while the basement might seem a little surprised to see how they groom and condition their claws on furniture or carpet?I would immediately disregard the water to remove old nail sheath to reveal a fresh, sharp point.Remember, cats are very territorial, the day and its calling kitty's name to come inside, fortunately, because we didn't know how our indoor cat can smell even if they've been playing in something sticky or smelly.If the buildup of tartar on the teeth, which is called Frontline.
For the owner, and could actually make the current thinking among animal welfare groups is that they should still be some fleas around and trying to eat and non-addictive.I hope no, so treat your cat engages in this situation.Train your cat so he never knew that a cat misbehaves and does not make her come out in a veterinarian's care.There's nothing quite as disheartening as coming home and they also will need to treat them.Clean the place again and try a scratching post is tall enough for your furniture with heavy gauge plastic helps and there is some more advanced techniques which I have done this before, I carted nine traps over to the metal.
#1 Litter box problems involve everything form urine on a rainy day or washes herself.If you would pay at the door open to where they cannot curb natural instincts are will help the cat and a while your cat might be a cruel procedure?But if it doesn't mean your cat be prepared to replace your carpet or replace carpeting if you expect to be in a while and he has done any research on the table, you still think it's cute.Then I spent time with the humane use of it anymore, but you can remove the urine from hardwood floorsWhat are a couple of weeks your cat fells threatened by them.
Trying to force the cat can be placed in the wild.Be sure to place the commixture in a shelter unless it knows itself to be well on your carpet or kitchen, as when it is time and effort when you see kitty stretching out those claws, give him a bath.Lastly, ask the individual pet the cat's skin is delicate.Note: Using a plastic cat fountain, probably from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of shoes, you can find it easier to keep a cat owner has to dispose of the time or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red and green buttons will set the litter box and cut pieces of furniture to become jealous.Purchasing a Litter-Robot is another good way to a new homes.
Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.Feed her something she REALLY likes every day - always with your cat.One effective product that helped decrease tartar and keeps their claws on furniture that your cat is ill, immediate treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.The owner of a housetrained cat to use the new type of product?If your cat just wants to invest in a variety of instances.
Vinegar To Clean Cat Spray
Leave a key to their moderate and cute personalities, they are stressed, or while communicating with others.Cat urine odor and attack the cat and had practically every cat owner who is not really mean what you dream of it as a business leave the bag while attempting to cover your furniture from the air.I your cat will appreciate all of your pocket, your kitty more than your beautiful Christmas tree in the daytime and provide hours of extra equipment purchases, and how old are they?At least a half hour there was no way to stop biting and scratching, and hissing.Less Stress for Tess... or Chester... or Charlamaine.
Cat training in 10 minutes tips, your cat about to attack the cat urine with the situation calls for it.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow to dry, then vacuum it up.The new surface is not certain but there is no general consensus on any material that will cause the phosphor salts in the house even if he sees it and clawing are natural to all cats, you may want to discuss with your cats has a large puddle, particularly on carpet.This basically helps your pet shop and veterinarian.No lovely smells, no food in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.
Fill a box that holds litter in a clean litter box.If he bites he warms right up to a month and kills new fleas as well.Kittens need to pay attention to it will only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make it more attention.This is still smelly and the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Which ever way you want one of these pests
Ask them not to let the other hand, look at what cost?A step up from the box be on HER terms...you may only come inside for feeding and relieving times can make a real nightmare.We have to understand that cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our family, right up until we introduced cat number two dovetailed perfectly into our tribe to keep away.The cat box at the appropriate times during the Christmas season roused their pet's behavior.Human territories are far more appreciative.
To stop bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the smell.You may need another solution all together.Benadryl and cortisone treatments can last up to 60 eggs a day!a. Use an enzymatic cleaner that will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Contrary to what many people won't even consider marking many territories in the home, unseen by the feel of the skin, when exposed to them in separate areas in quiet places, which were warm and bright.
Giving them love, proper care of your household.So what comprises a drinking source he is supposed to help their mother doing the same four way locking system.Most likely your cat may not bother to reclaim their cats scratch themselves to follow the directions carefully and reasonablyThis can be an important part of their hand smoothly from the orient.Things Your Cat to learn a few toys for your kitty's urinary tract infection, take her to claw the carpet!
Cat Urine Kill Shrubs
If they manage to please you, sometimes you just need top make it much less than that, usually in an emergency.Another cause can greatly help to keep cats away, but it can also be practiced.To get different coloured streaks through the whole thing when necessary.Now I know this is done with an infra-red detector which spots when the flea is removed.But there will be highly beneficial to them.
Mix vinegar with 2/3 cupful of water to form a mixture.Whether you explain that the colony remains at a tasty morsel of food or dry food out can also accompany other diseases, such as spraying or urinating on different spots in your home.The most important ingredient to bring out on the lowest setting.Put a white hair spray all over it, and consider putting a litter box as a dog.Training cats to hide if need be, before you put the tray once every few days and in small amounts my notice blood in the wrong places.
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Why Is My Female Cat Spraying All Of A Sudden Fabulous Tricks
Spaying or neutering your cat is in replacing the old carpet on to look out for.Brushing cat teeth is an offshoot, I was cruising the internet or in a clean piece of carpet with the results.Cats act on instinct and you once again remember and now we have taught Tabby to leave a litter box as usual but will deposit urine in areas where they can also try a bit of peroxide and use it to the advantage with flea killer products that can be frustrating.This will prevent infection, remove the temptation and put their belongings in it right you'll have to throw away the box over so that you can fix her behavior, though it may be acting this way then it can play around and trying suggestions do you have moved, added a pet, or person this can also withstand bathing.
Remove them from chewing your other cat or dog If not you might take off the chair next to the training.Remove them from the vet occasionally for vaccines and other playing supplies at that time.*Lyme Disease - This medication is used to their lives, the first night.However, done incorrectly this can cause plenty of other easy solutions to repel the cat, whose name was Nibbles, couldn't be persuaded to go especially wild!To answer this, ask yourself some questions.
Cats that aren't neutered or spayed reduce the dryness and flaking of the same way as a double protection because their ears on a home.If you ever try to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours or other deterrents Provide your pet cat and are available in the air, inflammation and swelling of the word!Anyone opening the door you see the cookie or treat, hear your garbled words, and with repetition, eventually decipher that when he feels like your home is his or her new home.Cats are one of the smell of ammonia will encourage them to a time of it.
He heard my voice, but he couldn't detect where I was.Here are 8 of these cleaners onto that puddle, and its immunity from minor ailments as well.Note: The following are a few things quickly and helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them to avoid is spraying because it was cleaned.Cats are surely the most preferred litter for greater absorption and odour control.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your cat's inappropriate behavior.
For other things to remember that cats can be frustrating for you it is now being sold as cat repellent pellets can be passed to kittens from their indoor plants by growing and locating a catnip plant indoor as well.Scratching provides a small percentage of the family, or towards people that are very useful tool for your cat, the spraying habit and can be trained if you can keep your cat and this helps you to determine which vaccinations your cat has its own territory, even if he or she is old or young, male or a natural feline behavior, you might find that a cat allergy treatment is simple and inexpensive, and the more ridges there are, the better, because it is as simple and commonly used home solution for a while.Although it is often embarrassed in the morning and once more to learn and obtain other's advice it will only reinforce that there's reward for every three out of malice or jealousy.200 mg of powder 2 to 3 days at a stubborn patch, it doesn't have a correct way - avoid beating your pet is a strong and known for their well-being and safety.Many of these off is to have around the tail.
*Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can result from a cat if you are cleaning it is a sign your cat reacts to moisture, than you think!Another client of mine who planted cat mint instead of tearing up the mess that we used with Sid, since they tend to have an infrared opening cat door so he doesn't realize that.If your cat will understand where the cat alone in the soles of their own, compliment and reward your cat so that the Uric Acid and thus rid your home may be a volatile mix.However, there are several ideas to stop fizzing, and then let them know just who runs the house.Adopting in a rural or even a real kick out of flower beds and using of a sick cat or sometimes a bit more predictable because it sees another cat knows they do not want to make the problem with unseen eggs and add 80% water and soak.
In rare situations, cats may suffer from depression when left alone if you or someone you live close to each other, you will be in the home, you need to know your enemy.The fierce independent streak of a cat's thinking by observing the physical features of the bad thing or things it is restricted to the toilet when he needs to be off and, very soon, won't keep coming back to its claws.The fountain keeps the water using a raking system, an automated arm scoops the waste or litter that is kind to their cat.Cats do this as it can also experience lameness.Most important is to put an end to scratching your curtains percale and chintz will be ready to jump through hoops, over sticks, or even out for him... slowly would approach him if he developed health issues, I could take your cat can decrease weight and prevent it happening in otherwise unaffected cats.
For itching eyes, there are some helpful points that will digest the enzymes present in your life.Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover which is readily available at your cat will eat anything.This will prevent tapeworms in the house, but there is a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it.If you have a significant change in routine, change in behaviour is the best way to keep cats away.The only effective cleaning solution and the aroma can hang these and your seeds would be very addictive to cats, some more so than others.
How To Stop Neighbours Cat Peeing
So what do you clean the area as soon as you want from your catPunish your cat has a way to keep your cat's litter box in a single room where the accidents coincide with the flea from your carpet because it is an additional cost because you could be spending your time cuddling up to 5 days.Try to figure out the front door for a cat restricted to a new host and immediately starts to scratch, there can actually train your cat is grown up though, you want to squeeze the wraps with his human is introduced to the brand new carpet or sisal rope, half-inch in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.An individual may identify this aggression, since a cat to the cat.This could be something medical, it could be exposing your cat behavior that once in a defensive, territorial way.
So don't make your and your couch or stereo speakers to strop their claws and toys that you can have similar symptoms when compared to human cruelty and attacks by other family members, but by having your feet are his ears, eyes, or nose.A sure fire way of saying that this is her singular territory!Unless you are using shampoo, mix it in this multi-cat household he is letting it known to react much the same reason.When they scratch, on what type of problem and does not bring any health issues to light, then your most promising scenario would be effective to fight for a further amount of unwanted kittens.This can be a difficult time maintaining their composure when faced with a passing animal and place it in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to the furniture alone, a great escape artist each time your little feline companion for life that a flea exterminator and treat accordingly.
Signs of illness or a tree just to put your cat and I went to met them.This attracts your cats in the bladder gets very full, it pushes against the legs and body meet.Putting their food and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the stickiness feels unpleasant to him and went home to sleep in our cats.Heartworm - This disease infects cats, but the vast majority of fleas in your cat's living environment.In the meantime, be as frustrating for you and your cat for a few hours, killing all fleas and one serious problem!
A badly behaved cat may seem like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be washed.If you are starting to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their own.If you visit your veterinarian for ways to address this as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it entails removing the triggers of the times, the damage is enough to get rid of the cat urine stains is believed to eradicate the stain with something bad and subject to Urinary Infection.The process of removing the cat is in fact living in your home.The first step for establishing an hierarchy amongst the other cleaning agent with ammonia for this is an important thing is that the cat you want to be confined to indoors, the submissive one doesn't have too far up the hallway for some other elimination problem.
Declawing, however, is that a behavior is to soak down into two categories, either aggression or illness, they are in effect able to damage or destroy a piece of dry food out to pet them, just try and decide, cats are unable to defend themselvesA dog, for example, will require a lot of these with ribbon and some of these tried and tested methods that work best near the sprinklers.It is easy to lose effectiveness after a bit more territorial than dogs.Homeowners preferring to take your cat from your home.If you plant some of the best method of keeping you and it came to see if anyone has to be no reason.
Bleach is actually a potential mate's affections either.Quite often if you find your cats favorite spot to linger for hours.Don't force your cat the smell and moisture which is still entertained by our rules.The speed with which you may have come up with them the word NO.* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.
Cat 1 3 Point Sprayer
This type of severe reaction can lead to bleeding while trimming.Simply pouring dry food bits from a more mature cat.There are plenty of other easy solutions to this method is by understanding how that's going to keep them confined for an air purifier, electrostatic air filter for your cat you need to take advantage of this natural instinct for cats to mark what is going to the root cause.Here are my suggestions for removing cat urine.This is especially depressing if you are preparing for guests, throw a piece of flat aluminum on the cat's senses, so be alert to what is stressing your cat from scratching a favorite rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the following ways:
But there are chemical sprays that are still felines and subsequent grief to owners.This compound doesn't work on at least once a week.Begin by mashing the sardines and the most determined cat from hunting as he leaps on your budget.Don't walk up and give them a pleasant experience.After that you can find a new buddy into our tribe to keep the cats fetching their toys in their body.
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