#spright is abusing her teleportation abilities
larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
Also for the WIP ask game: The Witch in the Woods (Assasin AU)?
Thanks for the ask! (ask game >>here)
Someone else already did this (>>here), but not to fear. I have a lot of information and this is a long scene.
Backstory behind the scene is that Zo didn't kill Lyn, but he did turn her in as a captive (which was still technically allowed by his contract). However, his clients tried to kill him, too, in order to further cover their bases and keep their secrets hidden. This did not work, and Zo left and yoinked their captive, too (purely for revenge reasons, of course). Lyn is still very tired but also like sure this might as well happen. They head back to the castle that houses the [assassin's guild] (name still pending), thinking that Zo's mentor would side with Zo--after all, their clients broke the contract.
Except, well, the guild also wants Lyn dead, and Zo's mentor doesn't like that their best assassin has started developing human empathy. So he tries to kill Lyn as an object lesson, as any loving mentor would do, really. Zo did NOT almost get killed over this girl so that he could passively sit back and let her die, and he's kind of fed up with being betrayed, so he fights back, yoinks her again (though she already got hurt), and skedaddles with a magic artefact he steals on the way out.
Left without many options and knowing the guild is in hot pursuit, he decides to try his luck with the local wood spirit witch sprite thing. He is not pleased by this, partially because he's not a big believer in magic. Local wood spirit witch sprite thing is not making this any easier on him, either.
What if he had just more surely killed them both by following a wild hunch? Zo gritted his teeth. Too late for doubts now. “[Spright]!” The quiet of the forest returned stiflingly as soon as his voice faded away. In the stillness, Zo realized his heart was beating much faster than he had anticipated.  He wasn’t sure what was supposed to happen now. Some flash of light? The ground shaking? Lightning and thunder?  “Hmmmm, here’s the deal, I don’t do things anymore, especially not for people from the Castle.” Zo whirled around. He had heard absolutely nothing, and yet, lounging against a tree with her hands shoved into the pockets of a faded green cloak, was a brown-skinned girl who didn’t look to be much older than him. Dark brown, almost black, hair spilled and tumbled out of her hood and all over the place. Her dark eyes were lit up with vivid sparks of green, and looked extremely bored. She waved. “[Spright]...?” Zo asked cautiously. He had been trying to summon a person, and now a person was here, so that was the logical conclusion; but this tired-looking young adult--only a couple inches taller than Lyn, and similarly slight--was so far from anything he was expecting from any of the legends that his attempt at logic felt more like trying to use a stick of butter as a handhold.  “You called,” the girl pointed out. “I’m almost sorry to have wasted your time. But I don’t place curses on people, I don’t grant wishes, I don’t have any gold or know where any can be found, I don’t kill people, I don’t work miracles, I have a strict policy against necromancy, and if you’re here to fight and defeat the scary woodland menace, I don’t do that either. You look young enough. You can still go back to the Castle and realize you’re on the wrong life path and get out before it’s too late. Good-bye!” “Wait, I’m not—” The girl vanished, her image melting away into gold and green lights scattered in the sunbeams.  Zo blinked.  “Hello?” He reached forward, half expecting to touch something—but all he could feel was the tree bark behind where she’d been standing. 
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