#spring-summer '21 every time i went outside i was like omg what if i run into chris evans or ryan gosling :o
jeonqkooks · 1 year
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withnosuchgrace · 8 years
70 questions
i was tagged like a million years ago by the always amazing @slutlingar to do this (thank you :’)))
01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah i think so (at least i hope so) but i’m definitely closer to my mom than my dad 
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? i think it was my mom yesterday on the phone
03: do you regret anything? way too much to count 
04: are you insecure? o boy yeah
05: what is your relationship status? :)))))
06: how do you want to die? ummmm i never really thought about this but hopefully happy and at peace
07: what did you last eat? i’m eating eggo waffles rn 
08: play any sports? hahahahaahahahaahhahah
09: do you bite your nails?  nah 
10: when was your last physical fight? ummm my sister and i often hit each other and run away does that count??? 
11: do you like someone? min yoongi 
12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? i can barely stay up 12
13: do you hate anyone at the moment?  i strongly dislike like half of my family lmao 
14: do you miss someone? yeah old friends that i’m super bad at communicating with
15: have any pets? a cat named billie :))) (fun fact “billy” means cat in punjabi and urdu so her name literally means cat hahaha) 
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? only mildly stressed bc i have a test at 2:30 but other than that im happy bc monsta x’s comeback is so great  
17: ever made out in the bathroom? ew
18: are you scared of spiders? yes but i’m better at dealing with it like i’ll just stare at them until they go away and hide and i tell myself that they eat flies and i hate flies more so it’s all good 
19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? maybe but i also think everything happens for a reason 
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? :)))))))
21: what are your plans for this weekend? i think my aunt is coming over but other than that idk
22: do you want to have kids? how many? yes maybe around 3?? 
23: do you have piercings? how many?  2 on the earlobes and one nose ring 
24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? english, history and that’s about it i think
25: do you miss anyone from your past? yeah
26: what are you craving right now? cheesecake and fried chicken hahahah 
27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? i break my own heart every day by being a mess and never getting my shit done 
28: have you ever been cheated on? nope
29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? ??????
30: what’s irritating you right now? a lot of things actually but mainly uni 
31: does somebody love you? hopefully
32: what is your favourite color? pastel purple!!!
33: do you have trust issues? i trust waaaaaay too easily it’s a problem
34: who/what was your last dream about? i was watching this weird tv drama or something and i really liked it and then in the end credits it said that chanyeol played the best friend but i was getting mad bc i didn’t see him anywhere and i was sure it was trying to mess with me but anyways in the picture they used he looked so soft and cute i cry 
35: who was the last person you cried in front of? no one
36: do you give out second chances too easily? depends on who it is and what they’ve done
37: is it easier to forgive or forget? forget
38: is this year the best year of your life? it’s only march idk
39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? :))))))
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? noooo
51: favourite food? i always answer differently for this ahahahah but i think it’s alloo parathas, and kheer and puris and brownies 
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? yes but also we have to take responsibilities for the things we have done and everything has a consequence 
53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? scrolled on tumblr lmao
54: is cheating ever okay? nope, if you cheat you’re an ass and i will punch you
55: are you mean? i don’t think i am but my mom and sister say that sometimes when i answer things i sound mean :(((
56: how many people have you fist fought? none....yet
57: do you believe in true love? yep 
58: favourite weather? late spring // early summer when it’s not too hot yet but still very warm 
59: do you like the snow? to a certain extent like up till february it’s fine but it’s the middle of march and just last week there was a blizzard and we got 50cm of snow and it’s only just starting to slowly melt and im tired 
60: do you wanna get married? yep yep yep 
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? idk i feel like if someone were to call me that i would get all flustered 
62: what makes you happy? friends, family, music, old cartoons, writing, watching the plants i have grow, billie, finding the perfect outfit and wearing it with confidence, sunlight, knowing something that i worked hard on gets appreciated, making others smile
63: would you change your name? never
64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? uhhhhh
65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? i have no idea omg this never happened but i think i would let them down gently and tell them i would only want to be their friend and im sorry 
66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? idk i guess?? 
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad
68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? @chenderellastrash
69: do you believe in soulmates? y e s my friend and i have so many soulmate stories ahahahah
70: is there anyone you would die for? probably hahah
i’m gunna tag @chenderellastrash @boomchimpow @doitforsuga @delta-cubes @sherlockedwhovian09 @j-houpe + anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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