#for someone who claims to like chris evans i have never seen the trailer for The Gray Man until just now
jeonqkooks · 1 year
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Stormy Sleepover - Tom Hiddleston x Reader
I haven’t written in like, years. I previously wrote for Colby Brock at @colbybrocksmolder and someone asked me to write for Tom so I figured I’d give it a shot. 
I hope you enjoy! 
“Did you hear there was a storm coming?” one of your PA’s, Andi, asked you. You were in charge of making sure the cast all had assistants and that their life on set ran smoothly. You’d been working with these guys since the very first Thor movie.
“I got a notification on my phone a few hours ago, but this building is so big I doubt we’d know if it had actually hit yet.” You pulled up your weather app and clicked on the “!” checking to see what the “alert” was. “Oh god” you said, shocked to read that most of the county was already out of power.
“I told you, call me Chris.” Behind you, Hemsworth was chuckling leaning over to read what you were looking at on your phone.
“Ha, ha.” You laughed at his cheesy joke. “But seriously, has anyone been outside in the last few hours?”
Looking at your phone, Hemsworth shrugged and headed towards one of the truck bays.
In front of you, you watched Evans and Tom training with each other. There were various scenes in this movie involving water and a big thing the trainers had been working with them on was safely landing in water. It sounds funny, but you can break bones or knock yourself unconscious if you land wrong.
“Bad news” Hemsworth yelled out, getting everyone’s attention. “This building has been running on generators. There’s no power in the whole lot.” He dramatically shook his arms, flinging rain water on you and Andi.
“No wonder this water has gotten so cold” Evans added, shivering. “It’s usually warmed, but It’s ice right now.”
You sent a text to the director who was in a meeting with the writers. You received a text back fairly quickly. “Let everyone know we’ve got 6 more rooms at the Hyatt Hotel a few towns over for those who don’t have trailers on the lot. Tell everyone else that it looks like the power won’t be fixed until tomorrow afternoon. There’s a whole line of downed power lines that they can’t get to until the storm stops. The generators only run lights and a few outlets and it looks like they’re going to die soon too. The 16 seater van is outside with a driver to take people to the hotel.”
“Looks like we’re done for the day.” You said mostly to yourself, with Hemsworth and Andi hearing you.
“Everybody in.” Hemsworth hollered out so you wouldn’t have to yell.
“Thanks.” You shot him a smile.
“Any time” he replied, flinging his long wet hair towards you.
“I take it back.” You laughed, moving to stand on your chair.
“I know that not everyone has a trailer in the lot yet as we haven’t actually started filming, so for anyone that doesn’t have a home here there’s a van outside that will take to you the hotel that has power nearby. It’s already super chilly in here, so I imagine it’s freezing outside.” You spoke so everyone could hear you.
“Can confirm.” Hemsworth said, starting to shiver a bit.
“There’s umbrellas near the catering tables and there’s a bunch of old hoodies and jackets in the extras costume bay. Make sure you’re warm and dry before you head to the van.”
Everyone that didn’t have a trailer on set left once they had their instructions.
“As for the rest of us, we have to hunker down in our trailers until this passes. I have solar power and full solar batteries on my trailer so all of you are more than welcome to come crash with me if your trailer is too cold or you need electricity for anything.”
You, Hemsworth, Evans, Tom, and Scarlett were the only ones on set that had trailers so far.
“It can’t be THAT cold” Evans joked, grabbing his bag and heading towards the door.
“Scarlett went to her trailer a few hours ago” Tom shared. “I only got here last night so I don’t even have my trailer set up. Are you sure you’re okay if I go grab my bag and come steal some of your space?”
“Absolutely” you smiled at him. “And if I know Scarlett, she’s already in my trailer. I don’t think her trailer was even hooked up to power yet. Her’s was the newest one on the lot.”
“Thank you, darling. I’ll go grab my bag and check Scarlett’s trailer on my way to yours.” Tom replied and then jogged towards the door.
Andi left to catch the van once you passed your notes from the day on to her. “Be safe. Don’t worry about making it back tomorrow. I will email you any further updates I have for assignments.”
“I’m going to head back to my trailer and see if I have any cell services.” Hemsworth shared after everyone else had started leaving. “I know my wife probably has all of the weather and accident alerts on for the whole county and she’s probably worried.”
“Be safe.” You said, taking his offered hand so you could step off of your chair safely. “I’ll grab the satellite phone in the emergency kit and take it to my trailer just in case we need it.”
“It looks like you may have a full house tonight.” Hemsworth Joked.
“You’re welcome to join the insanity.” You teased, throwing your hoodie on and grabbing the satellite phone.
When you made it to your trailer, you were pretty soaked. Even with the umbrella, the rain was insane.
“Thank God you didn’t leave.” Scarlett startled you.
“I knew you’d already be in here.” You laughed. “Tom is on his way. His trailer is like yours. We didn’t even get a chance to get them hooked up before this crazy storm hit.”
“Oooo Lover boy is coming.” She teased.
“Oh, shut it. We’re friends, Scar. That’s it. We’ve never been more than friends.” You started stripping out of your wet clothes and slipped on a pair of soft black sweatpants and your favorite hoodie. It was dark green with “Mischief” written across the front. There were gold horns painted on the hood.
“I’ve known your friend almost as long as you have and the way he looks at you…I’m just saying. I think there’s something there.” She teased, gathering your wet clothes and putting them in a laundry bin that was tucked under one of the beds.
You both turned to the door hearing what sounded like a woman screaming bloody murder. “Let me in” Evans yelled, banging on the door.
Scarlett opened the door while you grabbed a towel. She laughed at him, seeing him drenched head to toe. “It was unlocked, tough guy.”
“You hit an octave I don’t think I can even reach, Cap” you teased, throwing him the towel and going back into your PJ drawer for an oversized t shirt and a baggy pair of sweats.
“I was wrong. I was so wrong. It’s fucking freezing in my trailer and I didn’t realize that the water would be cold because the power has been out for so long.” Evan’s teeth were chattering as he stripped out of his clothes, trying to dry off.
“I think I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen you naked, Evans.” Scarlett laughed, handing him the clothes you picked out for him.
“Thank god you aren’t seeing the front. It’s so cold I think my manhood has retreated fully into my body” Evans replied, throwing the clothes on and drying his hair with the towel.
Both of you laughed. You started brewing a pot of coffee and turned your water kettle on for tea. “Well, Scarlett already claimed the couch.” You mentioned. “Why don’t you take the regular bed so that if Hemsworth joins, you two can bunk together. It’s queen size so it should fit you both comfortably.”
Evans crawled into bed, wrapping himself in the blankets and trying to warm up. “Where will you sleep?”
“The dining room table and benches turn into a bed.” You replied. “It’s a full size, so almost as big as the one you’re in.”
“Did you hear that?” Evans perked up, trying to look out the tiny window he could still see through from the bed.
You and Scarlett quieted down. Getting louder you could hear Hemsworth yelling “NO, I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER!” every time lighting would strike and the sky would boom.
“Looks like it’s going to be a full house tonight.” Scarlett laughed, opening the door. “Get your godly ass in here, you crazy Australian.”
“He’s clearly the superior Chris” Evans joked. “Are you fucking crazy?” he asked as Hemsworth stepped into the trailer.
“Possibly. Probably.” Hemsworth laughed, trying not to get water all over the floor.
Scarlett grabbed the towel Evans had used to dry off and put it down on the floor by the door. “Here you go.”
“Much appreciated.” Hemsworth replied, dropping his duffle bag. “Can I change in your bathroom?”
“It’s all yours” you said. “Do you need clothes or did you bring some dry ones?”
“I brought some. I also brought some fun. I’ll show you after I get out of my sopping clothes.” He answered, leaving his shoes by the door and stepping into the bathroom.
When the bathroom door clicked, you heard a knock on the door. “Tom, come in” you hollered.
Tom was wearing a long poncho with an umbrella. He had a large bag with him and when he got inside he kicked his shoes off, putting them by Hemsworth’s shoes. You grabbed his bag from him, putting it by the second bed you had just finished setting up. He closed the umbrella and pulled his poncho off, his black sweatpants and black hoodie bone dry.
“You make the other two look like heathens.” Scarlett laughed. “They showed up soaking wet and screaming.”
“He is a gentleman.” You gave him a smirk, causing his cheeks to blush ever so slightly.
“Is there even room for all 5 of us?” he cleared his throat and laughed.
“Absolutely” you ushered him towards you. “Evans and Hemsworth are sharing that bed. Scarlett has the couch. I just set up the extra bed right here, for you.”
“For us” he replied with a stern look. “I know you too well, darling” he smirked. “You’re going to offer to sleep on the floor by the couch and I won’t have any of it.”
“Tom, it’s fine. I have a sleeping bag and…” You tried to ensure him you’d be okay, but he interrupted you.
“If you try to sleep on this floor I will walk back to my freezing trailer so you can have the bed to yourself.” The stern look softened as he pulled you into a tight hug. “You know you don’t always have to be the one to make the sacrifice. Plus, I promise I don’t talk in my sleep or have crazy dreams. I’ve even been told I’m quite comfy to cuddle with.” He dropped his eyes to yours, smirking.
“Oh, if I must.” You teased him, kissing his cheek as Hemsworth finally came out of the bathroom. “Scarlett knows where the laundry bin is.” You pointed him towards the hamper full of wet clothes.
“Do I smell coffee?” Evans sat up in bed, looking towards you. “Come cuddle, buddy” he laughed opening his arms for Hemsworth who let all of his body weight drop on Evans. “Jesus Christ, you’re a brick.”
You laughed, pulling down mugs from the cabinets and making everyone coffee. “Coffee or Tea, Tom?” you looked over at him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed you two would share.
“Tea, my sweet. But let me help you.” He stood and started grabbing sugars for everyone’s coffee, asking how many they normally added.
“There’s pasta in the crock-pot as well if anyone is hungry.” You announced.
“Food?” Hemsworth’s head shot up and he crawled off of Evans.
“God, men are so simple.” Scarlett laughed, grabbing the coffee you handed her.
“You are not wrong.” Evans added, asking if he could help with anything now that he wasn’t freezing to death.
“I think we’re good.” You replied, dishing up some pasta for Hemsworth and Evans and passing them off to the boys. “Scarlett?” you offered her food, as well.
“Actually, I’m craving something sweet.” She answered.
“I’ve prepared for this one” Tom answered, going to the large bag he brought with him. “It took me so long to get here because I walked to the catering room to grab some snacks. I’ve got a whole tub of cookie dough that probably needs to go in the refrigerator soon, a tub of sour sweets, and what looks like a large cherry pie.”
“Pass the cookie dough this way” Scarlett answered. “This man has his priorities straight”, she laughed.
After everyone had sat back on their beds, dug into their food, and warmed up with their coffee or tea, Hemsworth remembered his bag. “Since we are most likely going to be stuck in this trailer until tomorrow afternoon, I brought a different kind of treat.” He picked up his bag and started pulling out bottles of alcohol and putting them on the counter. “Anyone opposed?” he asked.
“What a G!” Evans laughed, crawling out of the bed to help Hemsworth make drinks. “What kind of mixers do you have, Y/n?”
“There’s some cans of soda, some energy drinks…there’s some juice…and then we’ve got coffee for that Bailey’s I see” you answered.
Tom was smirking next to you as the Chrises started making a make-shift bar out of what they had available to them.
“We’ve got to get this started with a bang” Hemsworth said, handing everyone two shots each. “The first one is to us having a great night reunited with our make-shift family.” He smiled at everyone and downed the first shot, everyone else following suit.
Evans spoke up after. “The second one goes to our incredible, gracious, and always prepared host. To Y/n!” He downed the second shot, everyone following his lead. Except for Tom.
You shivered as the second shot went down your throat and looked over at Tom who was still holding his full shot glass, sitting next to you on the bed. He had a small smile, giving you a look you couldn’t place. Quietly he spoke to you “I’d like to add a few things to his toast, but I think it may take a few more drinks to find the right words.” He downed the shot and took a sip of his tea to wash it down.
“Who wants what?” Evans asked, making everyone a strong drink.
For the first few drinks, everyone just talked and caught up. It had been a while since the group had been on a press run or a film set together.
“Y/n!” Evans spoke up.
“Yes, Cap?” you answered, starting to feel the alcohol course through you.
“Truth or Dare?” He smirked. His eyebrow raised like he was challenging you.
“Truth.” You answered, staring him down.
“Hmmm…Have you dated anyone working on any of these movies? Cast or crew?” He asked, finishing off his drink and standing to make another.
“I haven’t” you answered truthfully.
“Wait, let’s not do truth or dare, lets do truth or shot.” Scarlett suggested, wanting to get a few answers out of you and Tom.
“I like it.” Evans said, grabbing everyone’s shot glasses back and filling them so he could hand them out as needed.
“I answered, so I’m in the clear. Hemsworth has a higher alcohol tolerance than we do so I need him to catch up. Who is an actor in the MCU you hope you never have to work with again?” You asked, hearing Tom chuckle next to you.
“I can’t answer that!” he laughed, taking the shot Evans handed him.
“That’s the point.” You laughed.
He laughed, handing the empty shot glass back to Evans. “Fine, fine. Tom. In our last interview panel together, they kept asking you if you were seeing someone and you answered no. You then said that you were interested in someone, but that you hadn’t done anything about it. Who is she?”
“Oh no.” Tom laughed, feeling the alcohol a bit himself. “I think I need to take a shot. Are all of these going to be so hard?” He grabbed the shot that Evans passed off to him.
“I think you guys just need to not be pussies and answer the damn questions” Scarlett laughed, shooting you a look.
“Right?” Evans laughed, taking the empty shot glass from Tom.
Tom scooted a bit closer to you when he handed off his shot glass. “Okay, Evans. If you had to marry one of your on screen romantic co-stars, who would it be?”
“Oh, come on! It’s gotta be Scar Jo! The one and only.” Evans laughed, putting his hands over his heart and giving Scarlett a loving look. “We’ve been in movies together damn near my whole career.”
“We would annoy the hell out of each other.” Scarlett laughed.
“It’s true. We’re practically siblings. Okay, Y/n” Evans rubbed his hands together like he was plotting. “Favorite actor you’ve been able to work with ever.”
“Why do I feel like there’s a very specific question you want to ask, but instead you’re asking questions trying to fluster me?” you shot him a look, trying not to blush.
“Hey, I’m just playing the game.” Evans laughed, picking up a shot to let me know I didn’t have to answer.
“Keep your shot. I’ll answer this one. It’s definitely Mr. Mischief himself over here.” You pointed your thumb to your side at Tom, trying not to blush.
“No, there has to be someone cooler than me.” Tom blushed, hiding his glee by taking a sip of his tea.
You looked at him, summoning the strength of the drinks you’ve been throwing back. “You should give yourself more credit. You’re amazing.”
You stayed in the moment for a few seconds, just smiling at each other. “I think it’s your turn”, Tom said, putting his arm around your shoulders.
You blushed, realizing you had just been staring at him. Leaning into his side, you asked “Okay, Evans. Have you slept with any of your MCU co-stars?”
“Oh shit!” Scarlett laughed, standing up and handing Evans one of the shots.
“Yeah, yeah.” He laughed, downing the shot. “I’ll pick on someone else this time.” He filled up everyone’s drinks while thinking of his next question. “Okay, Scar. Who is the most attractive man in the current MCU?”
“Oooh, good question.” Scarlett thought about it, going through the movies outside of the Avengers. “I have a few different answers.”
“Explain.” Hemsworth replied.
“Well, There are a few people I find attractive for different reasons, I guess.” She answered.
“How about you share this list and we decide if you still need to drink for not picking one person?” You laughed.
“Well, Hemsworth is an amazing dad. Like, you look your happiest when you’re in the messiest, most chaotic situations with your kids. Most dads are the opposite. They’re trying to escape that.” Scarlett explained her first answer.
“Valid points made so far” Evans agreed, leaning against the counter.
“Hiddleston is the fucking epitome of a gentleman. You’re literally everything women want.” Scarlett turned towards tom, making him blush.
You quietly spoke “She’s not wrong” in Tom’s ear, feeling him pull you tighter to his side in response.
“You’re too kind”, Tom answered to her, downing the rest of his drink.  
Scarlett looked to Evans. “I think I have to go with…Idris Elba.”
“I want to be mad that I didn’t make your list, but that man is truly a god.” Evans responded.
The game started to wind down as it got later into the night. Seeing everyone kind of calm down and get settled, you walked around making sure everyone had what they needed.
“Anyone want water so you don’t wake up hungover?” you laughed, pulling some water out of the fridge.
“Here!” “Please!” you handed water bottles out to everyone.
“I’m not setting an alarm for the morning. It’s super late and I doubt anyone is going to be back on the lot before dinner time anyways.” You said, grabbing you and Tom each a water bottle before turning off the main light.
You turned on the small light above your bed so you could sort out your sleeping arrangements. You grabbed your toiletries bag and pulled out a make-up wipe, trying to clean your face since you didn’t really get to do your nightly routine.
“Can I use one of those?” Tom asked, realizing he hadn’t been able to wash his face either.
“Come here” you said, scooting against Tom so you could run the damp cloth over his face. He watched your gentle movements, feeling you run the cool cloth across his skin.
“Thank you” he said, kissing the back of your hand before scooting back in the bed and laying down.
You put your bag back and drank some of your water before crawling fully into the bed and turning off the light. “Are you good?” you asked, turning to face Tom in the dark. You could feel his hand reach out and settle on your arm.
“I am” he answered, running his hand down your arm, to rest on your hip. “I want to finish your toast” he whispered, scooting his pillow closer to yours. “What Evans said was true, but you’re so much more, y/n. You’re beautiful and incredibly intelligent and there is not a single person I look forward to seeing more than you.”
“I think you’re drunk” you replied, knowing that if the light was on your face would be bright red.
“I am” Tom chuckled. “I still stand by what I said.”
You reached forward and ran your hand up Tom’s chest until you felt your fingers graze the side of his face. “I’m going to have to thank Hemsworth for getting you tipsy” you laughed, teasing Tom. You scooted closer to him, feeling him wrap his arm around your back and hold you against him.
“I couldn’t have waited much longer to tell you anyways” Tom replied. “I was just nervous you didn’t feel the same. We’ve been such good friends for so long…”
You interrupted him, capturing his lips in a kiss. “I’ve wanted to do that for years” you said, connecting your lips in a second kiss.
“Oh, thank god.” Tom said, a little louder than intended. “Can I call you mine?”
You laughed, trying to stay quiet. “Please, do.” You answered reconnecting your lips.
Tom rolled to hover over you, deepening the kiss.
“Fucking finally!” you heard Scarlett call out, making Tom collapse on top of you in laughter.
“Right?” Evans added. “It’s been ages.”
“Fair warning, I am telling this story at your wedding” Hemsworth said.
“I think our friends are happy for us” Tom said in a much quieter voice, flipping the two of you so that you were laying against his chest.
“I mean, I’m pretty happy for us” you replied, snuggling into his warm chest.
“Me too, love. Get some sleep” he said, running his hand up and down your back as he felt your breaths even out.
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captainpikeachu · 5 years
Star Trek Picard NYCC Trailer Analysis!!
this one took a bit but here is the trailer analysis for Picard!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR ALL THE NEW THINGS BUT ALSO GREAT TO SEE OLD FACES!
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we began the vineyard, Chateau Picard
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then we see Data standing underneath a tree, he’s painting something
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Picard slowly walks up to Data, note that Picard in this shot is wearing his TNG era uniform as well - indicating that this can’t be real and is likely a dream
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Data(?): “Would you like to finish it Captain?”
There is some ominous echo on the word Captain
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then we are presented with image of some cloaked figure standing by a cliff side overlooking water? I’m not sure who this is or what is happening here, but this could be connected to some dark traumatic thing that is haunting Picard, perhaps someone died? (pls pls don’t let this be Beverly Crusher nope)
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Picard replies to Data(?)’s question, “I don’t know how.”
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Data(?) counters with “That is not true, sir.”
that weird haunting echo happens with Data’s words as we go into a montage of flashes between images of ships attacking somewhere and Data handing the paintbrush to Picard
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now the ships that’s flying around attacking and setting things ablaze, I am not sure what they are, but if they are Romulan ships, they look to be similar to either the scout ships or the Valdore type warbirds 
if this is Romulan ships, then it begs the question what is happening and what are they attacking? we know that Romulus was destroyed, so is this people trying to escape Romulus or is this some refugee area or another colony being attacked by other Romulans? or another species’ planet being attacked by Romulans?
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next shot is Picard waking up, this could indicate that what we saw before was something that Picard was just dreaming about and he’s having nightmares
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a good doggo Number One comes to Picard, and Picard says “Oh it’s alright Number One”
the first thing this feels to me is that Picard is suffering from some sort of PTSD, and Number One is possibly and likely an emotional support dog trained to help Picard when he’s dealing with PTSD episodes
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more shots of the vineyard
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we see Picard and Number One walking through the fields with Picard’s voiceover, “I came here to find safety but one is never safe from the past.”
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in the next scene we see that Dahj, this mysterious new character played by Isa Briones, finds Picard at the vineyard
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Dahj says “Please sir, someone’s after me.”
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Picard looks shocked and concerned and worried
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and here we are back to good ole San Francisco, home of Starfleet WOO!
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this looks like Starfleet Headquarters? or at least the administrative wing of HQ
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this I’m pretty sure is a projection of the Galaxy-class Enterprise D? because the nacelles doesn’t seem to match the Sovereign-class Enterprise E
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so Picard comes into HQ and has to go to the receptionist desk, a funny conversation ensues here
Picard: “I have an appointment.”
Receptionist: “Your name please, sir?”
Picard: “Picard - p, i, c, a, r, d.” 
Receptionist: “It’s nice to see you up and around again.”
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LOL Picard’s face, he is most definitely not pleased at that last comment about “up and around again”
but hey, he gets a visitor’s badge!
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now these two images are interesting, I am not sure where Picard is, but this is not at Starfleet HQ because his clothing is different and he doesn’t have a visitor’s badge, so this is at some other facility
the person next to him in white could be an android
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these all look like androids, my guess is this is the same scene as the previous two shots of Picard at whatever facility he’s at, this could be a place that is developing androids?
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this is a scene I believe that is taking place at the Borg cube, probably that same place in the last trailer where they are containing people who have been de-borged I assume? and where Dahj is being kept at?
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now all the previous shots were played over Picard having a talk with this female admiral who’s name we do not know
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Picard: “We have an obligation to investigate.”
Admiral: “There is no we, Jean Luc.”
Picard: “Admiral, I am standing up for the Federation, for what it should still represent!”
Admiral: “This is no longer your house, Jean Luc, go home.”
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we see Picard leaving after this, and he does not look very happy. we also see a shuttle in this shot, it looks similar to the ones we see on Discovery, so this could be some old model still in use
now the conversation between Picard and the Admiral is a very interesting one, first from Picard’s side, he claims to be standing up for the Federation and what it SHOULD STILL represent, meaning that he doesn’t believe they are representing what the Federation should be right now, there is some resentment here that’s happened between Picard and Starfleet, and that may have been the cause for his retirement
but on the Starfleet Admiral’s side, there seems to be resentment here too, for Picard leaving, in the way she says how there is no “we” and that this is no longer Picard’s house because he left and he doesn’t get to just march back and tell people what to do
all of this just indicates further that something broke down between Picard and Starfleet, and it could very well be what is causing his nightmares
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we see Dahj in the rain, I think this is before she goes to find Picard, but probably after she escaped from the Borg cube place
on the TV screens in the window, we see an image of Picard, and it looks like two people under an umbrella is watching this interview, I assume this is how Dahj decides to go find Picard, she probably saw this interview and somehow felt connected to Picard as we noted from her dialogue in the last trailer where she claimed that everything in her says that she’s safe with him
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Picard is having a conversation with someone whom we don’t know, but Picard says “I have to help her.”
The other character (who looks to be played by actor David Paymer) asks, “You really wanna go back out into the cold?”
someone suggested that this character could be a Traveler, jduging by the clothes, hair, and hand
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we see Picard looking out into the stars and then putting on his old communicator badge, the kind that’s seen last in the TNG films
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and the decision is made when Picard answers the other character, “More than ever.”
so, Dahj is the catalyst to Picard having his sea legs back and wanting to do something more than just sitting around the vineyard
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release date confirmed for next year! very soon now!
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very cool landscape at we see Picard heading towards a house(?)
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here we meet one of our main characters Raffi Musiker (played by Michelle Hurd), described to be an old friend of Picard’s and a former intelligence officer who is dealing with substance abuse, she has her ties to Starfleet as well and one of the other main characters Chris Rios
in this conversation, Picard says “I have a plan”, to which Raffi replies, “Another top secret unauthorized rescue mission?”
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Picard scoffs a bit
now this conversation is interesting, because in one of the earlier trailers, it is noted that Picard presided over the biggest rescue armada in history? so Raffi’s comment here about unauthorized rescue mission could mean that this rescue armada that Picard had, it wasn’t Starfleet or Federation authorized, and this could explain the bad blood that seems to be happening between Picard and Starfleet
it is possible that the Federation/Starfleet refused to send a rescue armada to Romulus, perhaps thinking that Spock going there with the red matter was enough, but Picard refused to just stand by and do nothing so he secretly got a rescue armada out there to get people and maybe they lost ships and people died in the resulting mission when Romulus exploded? we know that Spock got there too late to stop the planet from exploding, so was Picard also there on hand to witness the destruction?
also Raffi here doesn’t sound so pleased about it either, given her sarcastic tone, so whatever that drove Picard away from Starfleet, could also have resulted in Raffi exiting Starfleet as well, hence her reaction to him at this moment
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I’m not sure what this place is, but this doesn’t seem to be Starfleet? Maybe some research facility? perhaps Romulan? I’m not sure what that floating station is for? but that looks Romulan in design
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but whatever it is, I think this is where Alison Pill’s character Dr. Agnes Jurati works at, we hear here saying, likely to Picard, “This is everything that ever mattered to me.”
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this is a later scene, judging by her clothes, maybe she comes to Picard’s place to join him? but she says “I’m going with you.”
my assumption is that Dr. Jurati is working on something android or Borg related that is helpful on this mission or else I don’t think Picard would have gone to her
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this could be a Romulan colony or refugee place?
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here we meet Elnor, played by Evan Evagora, he’s supposed to be a young Romulan who is very loyal to Picard
this also seems to be the same place in the last trailer where we saw Picard going to and got manhandled by some Romulan guards
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and here is our cigar smoking(?) space cowboy Cristobal “Chris” Rios (Santiago Cabrera), another ex-Starfleet officer and friend of Raffi, who captains the ship that Picard and team is going to be traveling on
the ship’s name starts with an “L”, I believe Santiago mentions it at the panel at one point and I think the name got out due to an instagram post by a younger actor on the show - Lascerina(?) or something similar, I will have to check that again
we also hear Picard’s voiceover scenes of Elnor and Rios, “I need your skill and your courage” - skill on a shot of Elnor, and courage on a shot of Rios
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so this is that Borg cube we have been seeing before where a bunch of Romulans are working on
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now we got some bloodied body parts? looks like Borg people are being hung up and experimented on?
but there is a body on the floor so I guess something went wrong?
and someone standing over the body on the slab?
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the next shot shows that it looks like it was Seven who was standing over the body, and she’s holding the body and crying
there’s been many speculations over who this could be - some have said, Chakotay, some of said maybe hers and Chakotay’s child, or Icheb, or Hugh
I don’t think it is Hugh, as I think Hugh has a different and bigger arc in this story, they wouldn’t just have brought in Jonathan Del Arco and have him be involved in promoting the show if he’s just going to be dead
I’m also not sure that it’s Chakotay because why would the Romulans want to experiment on him? He’s Maquis, not Borg, and that hair is pretty dark and I think by now Chakotay would have gone grey?
so perhaps either Seven and Chakotay’s kid or Icheb, most likely, Icheb
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here we have a shot of Raffi looking rather pensive
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this is Rios’ ship flying over Earth, I think
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Rios in his seat in the captain’s chair, we see Picard and Elnor to the left of the shot, and Raffi and Jurati on the right
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all of this is playing over Picard’s voiceover that says “The past is written, but we are left to write the future.”
it looks like he may be saying this to Rios while on his ship, so maybe he’s trying to convince Rios to join in this scene?
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then we have Rios going “Hold on...” sounding like a total cowboy, he might as well have said Giddyup! i’m starting to sense we have another horse obsessed person named Chris happening over here
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new updated tech on ships than we’ve seen before, no arm rest, but holographic controls
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ship is flying off to the new journey!
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yes he is a legend
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now this is Rios’ ship and another smaller vessel firing upon a Romulan warbird, in fact, it’s a 23rd century Romulan warbird back in TOS time - this makes sense though since with Romulus being destroyed, it’s likely that they are falling back on old tech to keep going
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this is at the place where Elnor is at, looks like Picard is getting into some sword fighting with a Romulan guard? old man still got it!
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here is a masked figure smashing a window - this could be someone possibly searching Picard’s place? maybe to find Dahj? Or something else is happening
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yeah...so....NEW SHIP
Rios and Jurati being super cute here celebrating with a high five
they are already adorable
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back to the Borg cube
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we see Dahj, this is pre-escaping
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here we have two Romulans - Harry Treadway’s Narek and another unnamed Romulan female played by Peyton List - they are discussing about Dahj, with the female Romulan saying “She was sent for a reason.” and Narek replying “I’ll get the information we need.”
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well, that apparently means have sex with her >.<
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Elnor drawing his sword - I think this takes place on the Borg cube, there is something in this shot behind Elnor, I think it’s Hugh
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now I think this is Picard going to where Seven of Nine is living - she did ask him what he was doing there in their conversation in the last trailer
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a shot of Hugh!
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Seven and Picard seems to be continuing their conversation from the last trailer, and here we hear Seven say “I help people who has no one else to help them.”
again this seems to imply that bad things have been happening and Starfleet/Federation isn’t doing anything, and Seven doesn’t look like she stayed in Starfleet either, so there seems to be a lot of ex-Starfleet people running around doing their own thing
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then we get this moment
who is this big tall fella standing in this nice kitchen??????? IS IT OUR BELOVED HUMAN NUMBER ONE WILLIAM T RIKER???
We hear a kid going “Daaaaddddd!”
Riker: “What!”
Kid: “Come out here!”
Riker: “StOp YeLLiNg!”
Kid: “It’s Jean Luc Picard!”
Riker freezes after that as we hear the TNG theme swells up to...
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Picard: “Hello Will.”
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we then hear Deanna Troi saying “Jean Luc” as she greets him!!!!!!!
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RIKER AND TROI ARE STILL TOGETHER, THEY ARE HAPPY, AND THEY HAVE AT LEAST ONE KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *inhuman screech*
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this looks like more shots of Rios’ ship fighting against the Romulan warbird
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someone is dribbling a soccer ball, but I’m not sure where this is, maybe Rios’ ship or some other facility
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a group of people in black robes standing around a circle as some sort of wave is released, and it seems to knock them down - I’m not sure if this location is where Picard finds Elnor?
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here we have Hugh seemingly leading Dahj and Picard around some corridors - I assume that Dahj somehow gets recaptured once she finds Picard and this is what leads Picard to get out there to go find her, so this is Dahj’s second time escaping from the Borg cube?
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some sort of game is being played? likely by Dahj, since it looks like her hands and her clothing that she was wearing in a previous shot, or maybe some sort of tarot card reading?
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Rios and Jurati ship is sailing!!!!
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this looks like ships attacking some space station? not sure if this is a flashback or not?
this looks similar to the ship in Picard’s dream montage
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Seven again!
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this could be a young Dahj perhaps? pre-assimilation maybe? there’s a rainstorm outside
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Raffi is checking a phaser 
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Dahj is screaming as we see burns on her face, maybe this is how the Romulans capture her after her initial escape where she finds Picard the first time? it’s certainly on the same steps where Picard saw her fighting a couple of soldiers
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a shot of Picard clapping
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looks like more shots of Rios’ ship fighting the Romulan warbird
all of these shots playing over Picard saying “We all have a story just waiting to be claimed.”
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and we are back to our boys on the lakeside (RIKER AND TROI HAVE A LAKE SERIOUSLY OMG???)
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Picard says, “Thank you for not trying to talk me out of all this.”
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Riker chuckles and replies, “Believe me, I know better.”
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Picard pats Riker’s hand that’s on his shoulder
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we see the shot of them sitting by the lake, just the two of them chuckling
this moment between them is so much more intimate, more warm, and more welcoming than all of their interactions from the previous episodes and films - no doubt helped by the fact that we are not longer looking at a captain and his first officer who has to remain professional, but just two old guys on equal footing able to indulge in a close friendship, since it looks like neither Riker nor Troi are in Starfleet any longer
and of course, this moment also speaks to the real life friendship between Jonathan Frakes and Patrick Stewart as well, they are finally able to bring more of their real life bond into the relationship on screen
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so, we get the title card, Star Trek Picard we will out starting January 23, 2020!!!!!
i’m honestly really really psyched! and of course the old faces coming back is always great, but I am already in love with these new characters and I am excited to see Trek move forth in the timeline and dealing with the aftermath of Romulus’ destruction and what the state of the galaxy would be like afterwards
not to mention the state of the Federation and Starfleet itself, as it seems there may be a gradual decline, as many of our heroes seems to have left Starfleet or running around doing things behind Starfleet’s back
2020 can’t come soon enough!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 3
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language
Word Count : 3.5k
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The week went on just as the previous ones : wake up, prepare yourself, go train with Mason who you discovered was also hired as stunt man for the movie, go back home, have something small to eat and crash down on your bed.
It was so far, the beginning of shooting. You grabbed your suitcase and headed to the airport, catch the plane for Atlanta. The stewardess guided you towards your seat and you noticed that your neighbor was already there looking out the window. Taking a book out of your bag, you sat down, put your seatbelt on and shot off your phone. Not really fond of airplanes, your hands and nails gripped the armrest next to you, while you closed your eyes and waited for the takeoff to end. When the plane was stabilized, the stewardess came back and asked you if you wanted anything to drink. "Yes, some sparkling water please." She nodded and focused on the man seated beside you. You dived back in your book but couldn't help listening to what she was saying. "I'll bring it right away Sir and if you need anything, anything at all I'm at your disposal", she seductively claimed. You raised your eyebrows, surprised of her openly flirt with one of the passengers but didn't look further into it and continued reading. "It would be all", replied the man. Five minutes later, she put your orders in front of you and left abruptly. 'That was weird', you thought.
Another 20 minutes passed by when the man besides you cleared his voice and spoke to you. "I see you don't like planes." You lifted your head and looked beside you. There he was again : Chris Mothafucking Evans. Your eyes widened and you gasped, "Hey" He chuckled and replied, "I was wondering how long it would take you until you noticed that I was your neighbor all along but you were so concentrated in your book and didn't even looked my way once, that I lost patience."
"Sorry, didn't see you. Are you stalking or something? We keep bumping into each other all the time", you joked. He laughed louder this time before denying such accusations. "I could ask you the same thing", he smiled. "Nah, I'm not I swear", you laughed along. Now you understood why the stewardess was such a flirt. "Good. I guess we could take this opportunity and talk, get to know each other since we're gonna work and spend 4 months together", he suggested. "Yeah totally", you managed to reply smoothly. "Oh and thank you again for that lift the other day", he commented. You shook your head and told him it was nothing. "I hope you slept well then." You frowned confused and he chuckled. "You know, you said that you wouldn't sleep well knowing that I would take my car but since you dropped me at the hotel, you must have slept well." You gasped and replied, "You remember that?" "Of course I do", he said and leaned closer. "I told you I could hold my liquor." Having him so close to you, heat and shivers began to slowly creep up your body. Your only reaction was to nod and face your glass of water before taking a large gulp of it. Focused on your drink, you didn't notice Chris's smirk. You spent the rest of the flight talking about your respective lifes. It was nice to get to know the man behind the myth, without all the glam surrounding him, without hiding himself. It only made you fall even more for him. 
Since you were heading to the same place, you and Chris decided to share the cab and drove to the set. When you arrived, the staff showed you your trailer and informed that you were needed for the final fittings regarding your character's clothes. You dropped your things in what was serving you as home for the next few months and immediately headed to the clothing trailer, leaving your stuff for later. You greeted the crew and they gave you the clothes. After the readjustments, you marched towards your trailer when you crossed road with members of the cast. "Hey how are you?", greeted Scarlet, Mark, Jeremy and Robert with a side-hug. "I'm good what about all of you?", you asked with a wide smile. "We're fine", answered Mark. "We heard you had company in the plane", commented Robert. You chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, God news travel fast in here." They laughed and affirmed that they did but mostly because they've seen Chris before bumping into you and he told them you were on the same plane. "Anyway, I've got to go. Don't forget people, Downey town at 7pm", yelled RDJ while going away. "Downey town?", you wondered. "Oh and you too Y/N", he shouted and disappeared at the following corner. Scarlet circled her arm around your shoulder and whispered, "It's Robert's side of the set. He has like 5 trailers so we named it Downey Town. He invited the whole cast for diner." You gasped, "Oh okay. That's really nice." You were arriving at your own trailer and were about to dismiss yourself to take a shower when Scarlet told you she would come get you at 6pm and show you around the set. "Alright, thank you", you said and went inside.
You had two hours before Scarlet would show up, so you took your clothes out of your bag, disposed them in the small closet before grabbing your toiletries and heading towards the shower. Since it was still hot you decided to let your hair dry out naturally, put on a jeans and t-shirt with sneakers and checked your watch. You had exactly 10minutes left and texted your best-friend. A couple of days after the table read, they authorized you to tell your family and close friends that you were casted in the movie, so you immediately called Aaron and informed him of the good news. No need to say that he was beyond happy for you, best friends having the chance to be part of the same cinematic universe.
To Aaron : I've arrived on set. The flight was ok. You're never gonna believe who sat beside me.
From Aaron : Beyoncé?
To Aaron : Ha ha … *I wish tho*. The most righteous person ever…
From Aaron : Beyoncé??!!
To Aaron : Dude…Captain fucking America…well Chris Evans to be precise.
From Aaron : Ohhhhh H-I-M !!!
He knew of your long-time crush about Chris and used every opportunity he had to tease you about it.
To Aaron : Don't start. It was weird at the beginning but then we began talking and he immediately made me feel at ease. He's really nice and his eyes…god his eyes. He's so cute.
From Aaron : 😏😏😏
To Aaron : Alright I've gotta go. RDJ invited everyone to Downey Town. Kisses to the fam. ILY
From Aaron : HE WHATTTT? How come I've never been invited to Downey Town? Anyway, have fun and keep me updated. We love you too. Sam and the girls say hiiiiii.
You chuckled at his last message and shook your head. You opened your door, still looking at your texts and smiling and heard Mackie say, "Someone's happy." You smiled even more and greeted him, really excited to work with him. He and Scarlet showed you around, telling you where to find the make-up trailer, cafeteria and small gym disposed for the cast. "Awesome thanks guys". "You're welcome", answered Scarlet. You arrived at the famous 'Town' and holy shit they weren't kidding, because the place was huge. You were sitting beside Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland and were enjoying talking to them, since you hadn't had the opportunity to do so. They were telling you the magic feeling of surfing and you listened attentively, captivated by the passion they were putting into their stories. "That sounds amazing." "It really is. You somehow feel free", mentioned Hemsworth. "But besides surfing, Australia is also amazing for their wildlife : koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles, their huge spiders." At the mention of spiders, your face crisped in disgust because you hated spiders. "Seems like Y/N doesn't like spiders", remarked RDJ. You shook your head, "Nah I hate spiders, they creep me out." You heard Tom gasp in shock. "The disrespect. I feel attacked", he said mockingly, to which Mackie rolled his eyes. "Ain't sorry", you replied back with a laugh. "Ohhhhh snap", snickered Mackie proudly and you laughed louder. "Come on Y/N, not you too", sassed back Tom. You only shrugged in amusement and continued talking with other actors around the table. Since it was getting late, everyone went back to their trailers because the following day was the first day of shooting.
Following day
You didn't get much sleep because you were too excited and found yourself at the small gym at the other end of the set to do some stretches. You thought that being that early you would be alone but found some of the actors already working out. "Aren't you brave, waking up so early", said Chris Evans. "I could say the same for you", you teased back. "Ready for your first day?", he asked more seriously. You sighed and declared yes even if you were a little nervous about it all. "I know what it's like. I was a mess on the first day of Captain America : First Avenger, but then it becomes a routine and you will get used to it, you'll see." You nodded, "I hope so." You let him continue his workout while you found a little corner, isolated and planted a mattress on the ground before starting your yoga session. An hour later, you head back to your trailer, took a shower and went to the makeup trailer. You greeted the crew and let them do their magic, while going over the lines for the day.
Elizabeth soon followed and you both talked about what's going on with your lifes since last time you were together. " Your sister got a baby?", she gasped after you revealed it. "Yeah, it's a little boy. He's 3 now." "Congrats for the parents. You must be happy to be an aunt." You smiled, seeing that little monster's face in your mind and replied, "Yeah, he's so cute, already a little rebellious but it's a child right?", you chuckled. "Of course and don't forget you got to be the cool aunt." You nodded and laughed, "That's true. He was no idea what's coming".
"Y/N, five minutes and you're headed to the dressing trailer", called out one of the director's assistant. "Showtime", you breathed out to Lizzie who crossed her fingers for you, "Break a leg." You give her a wide smile and exited. Your first scene was already one were you would have to wear your suit and you couldn't contain your excitement once you put it on. "Wow, it looks amazing, thank you guys", you told the dressing staff. They smiled seeing how happy and beautiful you looked and wished you good look. While marching to the shooting set, you crossed roads with Mason who was dressed in an Iron Man suit. His whistle caught the attention of the people around and you shook your head. "You look amazing", he told you with a wide smile. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." You saw him blush a little and had to bite down your lip to not let the small chuckle escape your mouth. "Iron Man, hein?", you smirked. "Yep, what can I say I am indeed a Genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist."
Seeing him quote Tony Stark made you laugh loudly and again catch the wandering eyes of the people around. Mason was about to respond when Joe Russo called you. "Sorry have to go." Mason grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes, "Don't forget our training and you'll rock that scene. Good luck." You nodded, cherishing his support and thanked him. The Russo Brothers indicated you the position of the camera angles and their vision for the shoot. You listened to their details attentively and nodded along, saving their instructions in your brain. You walked at your standing point next to the original Avengers and took a deep breath. "And…ACTION". It took four takes for the initial dialogue and 8 takes for the fighting scene to get it in the box. "CUT !", the directors shouted. "Amazing start people. Lunch break before we head back at it, in an hour." You grabbed a bottle of water and saw the cast join you. "You did amazing dear, keep going", complimented RDJ and the others followed his comment with their own encouragements and how awesome your moves were. "Thank you guys, it means a lot", you breathed out with a wide smile. The day went by until late evening.
The days passed and you were getting more at ease with everyone, joining them whenever it was to tease someone or roast. Chris's (Evans) birthday was coming soon and you still had no idea what you would get him. It was hard to find something for someone who already had everything. You began asking discreet the others actors questions about his tastes or funny stories they could tell you. "Why all those questions regarding Chris?", asked once Scarlet with a smug smirk. Your eyes almost popped out of your skull being busted. "What? No, I'm not. Just trying to get to know you", you mumbled not convinced by your own excuse and seeing the face of Scarlet and the others, neither were they. You dropped the questions and tried to come up with something by yourself. One day you were walking beside Chris who asked you if you wanted to go over the lines with him. You agreed and he proposed to work in his trailer. He motioned you to sit down where you wanted and disposed a bottle of water in front of you. "Thanks", you smiled back. He dropped his script and phone on the table in front of both of you before asking you if you didn't mind if he left you for 5 minutes to take a fast shower. You gulp harshly, thoughts of his glorious body overflowing your mind before clearing your throat and replied, "Ehm yeah, no, no problem. You go do that."
He chuckled and fumbled through his dressing before heading at the back of the trailer. You took a gulp of the fresh water to cool you down, when the phone rang. First you thought it was yours but looking at the devices in front of you, you saw that it was Chris' phone. It wasn't your attention to sneak at it but saw his brother's name pop on the notification bar. That's when the idea of asking his brother for a birthday gift came up to you. You quickly grabbed your phone and went through Twitter and finally found Chris' brother's social media.
You hit the DM's button and wrote : "Hello how are you? My name is Y/N. This may sound weir but I'm currently working with Chris on the new Marvel movie. I'm really sorry to bother you and who knows, you probably won't even pay attention to this message but I was wondering if you could help me. I know his birthday is in a couple of weeks and was wondering if you had any idea of what he might like. I'm kinda lost here and really wanted to give him something that I know he will love. Here's my number if you prefer texting. Again sorry if I'm disturbing and I hope you have a nice day."
You were sure he wouldn't reply, probably thinking it was another fangirl, so you didn't made a lot of hopes in it. Chris got out of the shower and seeing your concerned expression he asked, "Everything alright?". You looked up to him and give him a small smile, "Yeah just a little tired is all." "If you want I can go over the lines by myself and let you rest." You shook your head, assuring him that it wasn't necessary. "Don't worry, I also have to go over the lines anyway. I don't know them by heart yet." He nodded and sat in front of you and began working on it right away. When you were done, you headed back to your trailer and checked your phone and saw a text from an unknown number.
Unknown : Hi, I'm fine. What about you? I confess that when I saw the message on Twitter I was skeptical but then I remembered Chris telling me your name and that you joined the production. It's nice to virtually meet you. Regarding me helping you, totally. Text me back whenever you have time. -Scott.
You were squealing in your bed, happy to have some guidance in that matter. You texted him back, thanking him for his reply and wrote down the small list with gift ideas you had so far. He told you that some of them were cool but that Chris already had them or did them, like the one when he was skydiving.
The past few weeks you and Scott hit it off, even texting randomly. He would ask you advice for personal matters and you would do the same. You could say that you were beginning to become friends.
You were currently training with Mason when Kevin Feige stepped inside the room, making everybody stop on what they were doing. "Y/N, can I have a second", the Marvel president said. You cleaned your face and marched towards him, your body slightly shaken, scared of what he had to tell you. "Y/N there has been a change. I'm really sorry to announce you this because you've been doing great in portraying Y/C/N but unfortunately, I'm forced to let you go and recast you." Your mouth opened wide, not believing you were getting fired. "You will still be part of the movie I can guarantee you that but you will be playing a minor character, a tech Shield agent to be exact." "Why?", was the only thing you managed to say. He saw the pain in your teary eyes and slightly bowed his head in shame. "It's not my duty to tell you the circumstances of this change but I can see how painful it is for you. Our biggest executive producer requested the change for someone else.I know this was a life changing opportunity but I had no other choice then agree to it"
You gulp harshly, hurt until the pain was subsided with anger. At this point you didn't care anymore and said, "May I say something even if this might cost my place in the production?" He nodded and you told him how you were feeling. "I understand what you're telling me and even if I shouldn't argue with that because I'm literally no one in the business to say something but it pains me. A lot. I know that one of the goals in the MCU is to promote diversity and including a plus size female playing such an important character with such an arc would have change a lot in the industry. Finally, plus size females would have had a figure, someone representing them and it's gone. It's taken from them."
"I understand your point of view but it will not change the situation. I'm giving you the opportunity to complete your contract by portraying another character. It's up to you now if you still want to do it or not", he replied back. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before exclaiming firmly, "I'll be the best tech Shield agent you'll ever see." He nodded and before he could state something else, the gym doors opened and you saw her enter the building. Goosebumps, the bad kind, raised all over your body and you breathed harshly. "Hiiii, have you heard the good news? I'm playing Y/C/N after all", spat Rebecca proudly. "Congratulations", you hissed back in fake kindness. You could see the mischief in her eyes and it made your stomach churn. "Mason", called out Kevin Feige. He sprinted to your group and heard the president tell him he would have to prepare Rebecca as fast as possible for the role. He frowned and looked back at you and saw you trying to hold it together in front of them. He was about to ask why when Feige cut him and said, "That would be all !" Mason nodded while clenching his teeth and Feige exited the room but not before handing you the new script, with your new lines. Rebecca stepped closer and whispered in your ear, "I told you, you wouldn't see the last of me. You see I made myself a promise. The promise that I would turn your life into a living hell and I think it's starting just fine." She winked at you before seductively sashaying over Mason. You were on the verge of crying and had to exit the room quickly. Mason shot you a pained and apologetic look seeing you exit the room before his features hardened once facing Rebecca who had a victorious smirk plastered on her face. "Let's get to work !", spat Mason rather harshly towards her.
You had no idea how, what was supposed to be the best moment of your life turned so shitty in matter of seconds. Little did you know that it was only the beginning.
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* gifs not mine, credit to owner*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse @meggie-mouse-28 @krissyq @moviefan97 @morningstar09
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Meeting the Avengers family; Chris Evans x teen reader
This request was my first ever Chris Evans request that I had ever written. I hope you guys enjoy it, not really any warnings except for utter teeth rotting fluffiness, sparks of first romance and the Three Leaders of Team Cap picking on a small Tom Holland. 
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It was the beginning of May and my dad Chris Evans and I have just arrived at the first location spot for the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War film. Now I have been to all the premieres and heck I have all the DVD's but I've never once gotten the chance to go with my dad to see him on set as Captain America (I blame school for that) but now since I've finished my finals and am currently done with school, I have bargained with my dad to allow me to go with him on set to see Avengers: Infinity War and here we are now.
"Okay (n/n) we're here" my dad said as he patted my knee which made me take out my earbuds and shut my music off and I got out of the car with him and we were guided by some of the Marvel staff into the studio where we were welcomed by the entire cast and crew that were there.
"And there he is Captain America ready to return for one more, grand ass-kicking movie!" RDJ proclaimed as everyone applauded and my dad smiled and saluted before going in and hugging some of his cast mates.
"And I see you brought young Evans with you too huh Chris?" stated Scarlett as she came up to me and hugged me. I have known Scarlett ever since I was a little girl when she and my dad first met and for years whenever he was too busy or any other of my family members couldn't babysit me, he called up Scarlett and she became like a second mother to me.
"Hey Scarlett" I said as we hugged each other.
"Hey (n/n), ohhh girl you are getting bigger every time I see you" she said as she rocked me back and forth.
"Is that the Princess Leia to my Luke Skywalker I hear?" A huge smile grew on my face and I ran and glomped my big bro Sebastian Stan. He twirled me around the two of us laughing with each other as he squeezed me in his famous Sebastian teddy bear hugs. "Ohh how you doin doll?"
"Been better just glad to be out of school and see you all become your characters for what may seem the final time. I didn't know you were gonna be in this movie?"
"Told your dad to keep it a surprise from you".
"That's why you randomly took my phone away from me that week!" I exclaimed at my dad as he and the other Avengers laughed. Seb wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me in close to him and kissed the top of my head playfully while also gently giving me a noogie.
"Now then, there are some other superheroes you have yet to meet so me along with Seb and Anthony Mackie are gonna give you a little tour around the set to meet them before we get you settled in your trailer".
"For realzies?"
"For sure Lady Liberty!" I heard Mack-attacks voice. He opened his arms out for me and I went into his arms as he rocked me back and forth. "What's up Lady Liberty? You getting bigger or something? Last I saw you, you were—" he then teased me as he placed his hand on my head and measured me and then went about a foot down as he continued, "That tall?"
"Haha very funny!"
"No Chocolachino's right, when I first met you back in 2010 you were about—this big" he teased going lower than Mackie had his hand then I exclaimed out.
"Who you calling small that you wanna crush like an ant!?"
"Hey there will be no ant-crushing while I'm around!" It was then Paul Rudd came up along with one of my favorite actresses and role models Evangeline Lilly.
"Hey Rudd, Eevee" my dad said. "(Y/n), this is Evangeline Lilly and I'm sure you remember Paul Rudd" and believe me when I say I was a little star struck when I found myself standing face to face with Evangeline Lilly.
"Hi (y/n) Paul's told me a bit about you during the Ant-man and Wasp movie from when he met you during the Civil War premiere" said Evangeline.
I froze in shock and nervousness and smiled bashfully I swear my face was probably even redder than the Ironman suit.
"Aww (n/n) gone all shy now!" teased Mackie.
"Shut up" I stuttered. I then turned to Evangeline and said, "It's a real honor to finally meet you I've—I've been a fan of yours ever since I first watched you in Lost. Then when you were on the Hobbit I just—oh my god...." I looked down almost tearing up and everybody awed at me then I felt Evangeline Lilly actually hug me.
"It's always nice meeting a fan of mine. It's an honor to meet Captain America's daughter, I'm thrilled to meet you sweetie" she told me.
"You know Eevee, when we went to Wizard World last year, she actually cosplayed Tauriel and she actually made the cosplay herself. Weapons and all" my dad said.
"Really? Do you have a picture?" she asked.
"Right here, I actually got a video of it on my phone" Sebastian said. We then crowded around Seb and he opened up his phone and played back the video of me doing a testing of my handmade Tauriel daggers in full costume in my hotel room.The video first showed a door and my voice came out.
"You ready Seb?"
"Yeah I'm rolling, Anthony cue the music!" Seb's voice rang out and soon Tauriel's battle music came out and the door swung open and there I was in full costume twirling the daggers pretending to fight and intimidate any orc that came my way. My father's, Seb's and Mackie's voices all cheered out and cried out in exclamation.
"Oh my god! That is so cool!" Eevee exclaimed. "You look exactly like Tauriel! How long did it take you to make the entire cosplay?"
"Four months to make the actual cosplay itself and the weapons about a month so in total five, five and a half. I wanted to be as detailed as possible because she's my favorite character and I wanted to do you justice" I admitted bashfully.
"Well justice is served, wow (y/n) that—that is amazing! High-five badass She-elf!" I then high fived Evangeline and soon the directors called for the actors to get ready for shooting so everyone dispersed and went into their trailers to put away their stuff and get ready for the big day of shooting Avengers: Infinity War.
While heading to my trailer I accidentally bumped into someone dropping my luggage and the damn zipper broke spilling out some of my movies from my bag.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry here let me help you with that" we both knelt down and when we looked up at each other I was staring face to face with the new Spiderman Tom Holland. Though I did see him at the premiere of Civil War I never did really get a chance to talk to him but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I had a small little crush on him.
"Thank you" I said as he handed me my Star wars: The Force awakens Blu-ray.
"So you like Star Wars too?" he asked me.
"Yeah I—I grew up with it and know every single line to the originals and this movie". I said to him shyly.
"Me too, my brothers and I loved having our Star Wars days when we were kids".
"Me too, hell my dad and I still kinds do that with my cousins whenever he's on break. I also love watching them with my big bro sometimes too".
"If you don't mind me asking, I mean I feel like I've seen you before but I can't quite put my finger on it".
"Well you might remember my father. He's the one your character shares a common New York charisma and my brother is the one who had the metal arm which you thought was awesome".
"Oh my god—you're Chris Evans' daughter?"
"Yep. (Y/n) Evans at your service". After the introductions and gathering up my spilled DVD collection to keep me entertained while my dad is filming, Tom and I went inside my trailer and the two of us just talked for hours on end until he was called to set.
For the next several weeks, I got to meet several other actors who had come in to shoot their scenes like Benedict Cumberbatch, the Guardians of the galaxy (Pratt and I hit it off and he officially claimed himself as my 'other father' since he and my dad have the same name, Hemsworth preferred to be the spoiling uncle carrying me around as Thor whenever he could), Brie was also a lot of fun to be around she became like another sister to me alongside Lizzie and Eevee Lilly.
But the one cast member I found myself bonding to the most was Tom Holland since he and I were the youngest on set that and my crush on him was really starting to blossom into something more. He and I hung out almost every day until he got to set, we worked out together, watched movies on my computer together, he shared with me some pictures and videos of his cute dog Tessa, we did almost everything together.
And of course things like this never stay quiet on set. As the Avengers and the Guardians were all at a late night dinner, RDJ brought up the topic.
"Hey have you guys noticed that lately (n/n) and Holland are spending a lot of time together".
"Robert don't you dare even go there!" warned Sebastian as he ate his dumplings.
"No need to get so defensive there Robocop all I'm asking is if anyone else has taken notice of it".
"I have and I gotta say it's kinda cute" said Scarlett.
"I agree, they do make such a cute little couple together" admitted Lizzie.
"Well I don't like it, little brat's not good enough for her!" stated Anthony.
"I conquer! No man is good enough for my daughter!" exclaimed Pratt.
"Pratt stop she's not really your daughter" stated Zoe.
"Well what do you think of it Evans? You haven't said a word on it and she is your baby girl. What do you say?" asked Paul Rudd. Chris drank his diet-coke and stated.
"My daughter hasn't really had the chance to find love, and even when she did the guys she's dated have just used her to get to me or any of us. Broke her heart over and over again. I'll be honest; even though I've never been cool with my daughter dating, I'm grateful she's found someone who seems to care for her and not just because she's the daughter of Captain America. Mackie, Stan, tomorrow we're gonna give those two a little chat".
"Way ahead of you man" stated Sebastian.
"We got your back Cap" said Mackie.
The next day, Tom actually had a break from filming and he invited me to go out for lunch. Once I had gotten dressed and I heard a knock at my trailer and when I opened it there stood Tom Holland all dressed up semi-casual and said.
"You ready (y/n)?"
"Yep now let's go before the High members of the Team Cap Protection Program finds us". We then quickly raced out of the studio and got into a van and headed downtown for lunch.
As we ate, and after a few fan encounters during lunch, I couldn't help of how my heart was racing as I looked at Tom interacting with his fans. He was such a sweetheart and a loving, dorkable guy that I wouldn't mind dating but I doubt he'd want to go anywhere else in our relationship, plus with all the guys that have used me to get to either my dad or any other member of the Avengers have left me scarred and unable to trust anyone in a serious relationship.
"Hey (y/n),"
"Mind if I take you somewhere else before we head back?"
"Uhh yeah sure, lead the way". We then paid for our lunch and our driver took us to a beautiful park and Tom lead me through it until we reached a beautiful gazebo with a beautiful lake surrounding it with water lilies, and swans swimming.
"(Y/n) I—I've really been having fun these past few weeks with you".
"Yeah I've had a really great time too Tom, thanks for making my first studio experience a wonderful one".
"No problem". We sat there in complete awkward silence for a bit before we both said.
"(Y/n) I—"
"Do you wanna head—ohhh you first".
"No, no you first".
"Tom I insist, what were you gonna say?"
"Well umm—ugh uhh (y/n). You are probably the most—no umm you are the most fun person to be around and don't get me wrong when I say I haven't enjoyed it but I was wondering if uhh—that is if you're alright with it would you uhh—consider maybe being....."
"Are you—asking me out?"
"YES! I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that but yeah...I love you (y/n) Evans. Will you be my girlfriend?" My heart sped up and my face blushed.
"I know this sounds rubbish and completely cheesy but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and Robert did tell me before-hand that you have been used before by other guys but I promise," he took my hand in his and squeezed it to emphasize his point "I promise I will not be like those awful gits. I promise to treat you with the right respect and you never have to worry about me using you to get to the Avengers since I am technically apart of the Marvel world, what do you say (y/n) will you be the Spider-girl to my Spider-man?" Tears formed into my eyes and I let out a choked laugh but nodded and said.
"Yes! Yes!" We then leaned forward into our first kiss before embracing each other while I cried in happiness.
When we got back to the studio with me leaning against Tom's shoulder and his arm wrapped around my shoulder we stopped in shock as standing right in front of us with arms crossed over and putting on their 'Intimidating Soldier faces' were the High members of Team Cap, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie and my dad Chris Evans.
"Mr. Evans sir, I promise you we—we didn't do anything we were just uhh—"
"Quiet spider-boy!" proclaimed Mackie.
"Yes sir" Tom said submissively as he looked down.
"Dad can you please call off the Falcon and Winter Soldier there you're scaring the poor guy".
"Its okay guys I've got this" said my dad. He and I walked up towards each other and he continued "so, are you two a thing now?"
"Yes, he just told me he loves me and he loves me for me, not like all those other guys I dated back home. Besides he's already in the Marvel so he promised to never use me to get to any of you guys". He looked between Tom and I a few times before smiling and saying.
"I approve, he's a good kid and he is one of the only guys I would trust you with when I'm not around". I smiled and hugged me dad tightly and he hugged me back. "But remember this Holland, you break her heart, I won't hesitate to take my shield and really cause some harm" he warned to Tom.
"Same goes with me, you harm Lady Liberty, I'mma gonna take you for a flight without your little webbings in our next scene together" threatened Mackie. I could swear poor Tom was going to pass out but of course Sea-bass had to make everything worse. To emphasize his point, Seb took me into his arms as he said.
"This sweet little angel is the Princess Leia to my Luke Skywalker, you harm my Princess, and there will be a fate worse than being frozen in carbonite waiting for you. And I'll even get my father to double account for that since she's met him too and he loves her".
"Oh God Seb don't bring Mark into this!" I groaned out.
"Wait you mean—" Tom started out and both Seb and I nodded and it was at that moment Tom Holland fainted.
"Thanks guys, you broke my boyfriend".
"Anytime". They all answered.
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