#sprite needs to go to bed🙄
sprite-periodt · 1 year
Yeah if you make me admit that it tickles and act like you don’t know that it does I’ll just turn into goo or something
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ghostherlig · 10 months
some more random hcs!!
bc im going to be away from my pc for like a week and wont be able to write until i get back home :')
please enjoy some more poly earth champs 😌 (under the cut bc idk how long this is going to be- update: it's long :))
raiden picks up sayings and swears from each of his bfs- the first thing he picked up was kenshi's small curses in japanese, to which kenshi, when he first heard, gasped and asked "who taught you that?!?" before realizing raiden was repeating what kenshi had said a few (thousand 🙄✋️) times before
raiden also picks up johnny's internet lingo/slang and sometimes uses it- also picked up the "get in the bed" jokes from johnny (ie, "i'll show you (insert adjective here), get in the bed")
lao and raiden already talk like they're the same person, but raiden sometimes mimicks how lao says things- like tone, intonation, sometimes will even pitch his voice to match lao's
kung lao is a fiend when it comes to video games- has the most number of smash bros wins and wears that crown with pride (lao mains king dedede and kirby, johnny plays king k rool and bayonetta, raiden plays ice climbers and pikachu, and kenshi plays mr game n watch (theres a blind joke in there somewhere) and luigi)
kenshi actually really likes playing games- he's a very playful and coy person at heart and when he's comfortable his cheeky nature appears and always gets his bfs to laugh and swoon- he's also very funny when he's comfy
when johnny gets super comfy, he coos similar to a pigeon- it's always quiet and usually unintentional but whenever one of his bfs ctach the sound they melt- kenshi rumbles when he's comfy, almost like a purr before it trails into a sigh (and then a nap), lao stretches out and does this minute long sigh, and raiden grumbles before he fully settles
their coffee/tea preferences!! johnny needs his coffee, and he usually does it without syrups- just black coffee with extra espresso shots or a plain latte- johnny got lao into coffee but lao likes the fun syrups a lot and really loves when johnny makes him caramel macchiatos- raiden and kenshi are the resident tea drinkers 😌 raiden drinks mostly green tea since it's a nice boost for him in the morning, but kenshi has discovered london fogs and he cant go back- he saves his green teas for the afternoon or evening when he wants that lil boost
kenshi and johnny are both fantastic cooks, but raiden and lao can bake like no one's business- raiden really enjoys making bread and lao likes making cookies- often they can be found gossiping with sugar and butter beating in the stand mixer
kenshi will make ramen for his bfs during winter or when one of them is sick- it's his family's recipe and he's perfected it
johnny has the singing voice of someone on radio in the 40's and all of his bfs swoon whenever they catch him singing, especially when it's later in the evening and johnny is dancing in the kitchen to sinatra
raiden plays the kalimba!! he knows all sorts of songs from howl's moving castle to claire de lune and he usually plays in the afternoon- kenshi will always smile when he's drinking tea in the living room and hears the soft tinkling from upstairs
favorite sodas!! lao loves dr pepper- johnny is a coke drinker through and through, raiden likes sprite and ginger ale, and kenshi usually gets root beer or fruity sodas
the first time johnny took kenshi to a Mitsuwa the man was skeptical, but he found it had a lot of stuff he missed from home- johnny would've bought the whole store if it made kenshi happy
johnny begged madam bo for a few of her recipes (lao and raiden's favs) and he spent weeks with her near perfecting them before he cooked them for lao and raiden at home- they both cried (and so did johnny)
when kenshi is off around the world working with jax, lao will call him spontaneously just to fill him in, usually when johnny and raiden are napping or when he really misses kenshi- sometimes kenshi can hear how much lao misses him even though he doesnt say it :(( he always promises he'll be home soon and will blow a kiss through the phone
johnny has a huge walk in closet that he encourages his bfs to use also- johnny loves when any of his bfs "accidently" grab one of his shirts and wear it for a day- they all end up wearing each other's clothes anyway
raiden and lao are plant dads- they have a lucky bamboo plant in the kitchen and a few trees and a mint plant scattered through out the house- there's also eucalyptus in their giant shared bathroom which johnny cannot live without now that he has it
kenshi is the reason the other three love the smell of incense- kenshi used to burn some whenever he was really stressed (like once a week to a month) and he always smelled like incense- now his bfs will burn some when they miss him
johnny loves when his bfs sleepily talk to him in their native languages- he's picked up a bit from each of them and can make out a few sentences but really just loves how they sound-
johnny does math for fun (phd in quantum mechanics) and sometimes his bfs will find notes around the house of numbers and equations that mean nothing to them- but they keep a pile in a drawer somewhere bc they like johnny's loopy hand writing
johnny will slip into german when he's drunk- like full accent and everything- he's barely conversational in german sober though so when he watches videos of himself the next morning he has no idea what he's saying
kenshi hates bugs- like cant stand roaches or spiders- for the longest time johnny dealt with them for him when they lived together
lao makes fun of kenshi for jumping or getting anxious around spiders and roaches but he also gets jumpy and anxious around spiders and roaches
kenshi has his phone auto read texts and johnny will send awful texts when the house is in dead silence- like johnny will be upstairs or in the bathroom and kenshi will be in the kitchen or living room making food or relaxing and suddenly his phone will go off with nonsense or pick up lines over and over again and johnny is laughing somewhere in the house and kenshi is sighing trying not to laugh
raiden likes making mead at home- he's also dabbled in making beer and wine but he prefers mead bc he likes how simple the recipe is and how he can switch out the fruits depending on the season
johnny just doesnt like regular cows milk, so he always has a milk substitute available for himself- at first he was all about almond and oat milk but then he realized he could just use coconut milk and coconut cream for things.... he's a changed man
they all patch each other up after missions- usually it's a quiet affair and they all just soak up being home and safe together again, but other times it can be loud and boisterous or sometimes an argument will break out if someone was injured for a stupid reason (like when johnny broke a rib taking a hit for lao, or when raiden almost got thrown off of a cliff after taking on like five assailants at once)
johnny runs super hot, kenshi runs super cold, lao's thermoregulation is honestly impressive, and raiden says he's fine but his fingers and toes get cold hella fucking fast
despite lao being the one with the chakram hat, johnny's hands are the most scarred thanks to split knuckles, clumsy moments with sharp objects, his loose use of knife safety while cooking, and how often kenshi and him used to spar at wu shi
the only bf without a single tattoo on his skin is lao- kenshi has his body murals, johnny has a few small ones that can be covered by make up, and raiden has a small smiley face on his ass cheek after losing a bet to lao
when talking about his bfs to jax, kenshi never specifies until jax asks- so kenshi will go on and on about how one of his bfs has been getting into this new show, and jax will have to use context clues to be able to tell if it's johnny, raiden, or lao-
johnny plays with the press a bit by mentioning his bfs in passing but almost as if he's talking about one dude- it's a whole thing when he breaks that he's in a polycule
kenshi doesnt like being on camera, so often photos with kenshi are cropped or taken with his head/face/tattoos out of frame- the most kenshi interacts with fans is when johnny does short lives and kenshi will talk to them there while johnny reads the comments to him
raiden and lao always crash johnny's lives- lao and johnny will chat with ppl and raiden usually sits nearby but also doesnt love being on camera- so he's given his privacy unless he tells johnny otherwise
the four are well known at the closest ER- johnny is very clumsy and living with antique swords, a chakram hat, several super sharp kitchen knives, and a lot of glass antiques as well can lead to a lot injuries- the night nurse knows the four of them fairly well and johnny is always sure to send her little gifts during the holidays and on her birthday- she's like an honorary fifth member of their lil family
unless he's cooking, going out, or working out, raiden leaves his hair down- all three of his bfs love running their hands through it
johnny does skin care nights for his bfs- he pampers himself and all of them with face masks and special treatments, they make a night of it and order in and put some music on while they chill in comfy clothes and indulge in self care
kenshi is a master at massages- his bfs are always spoiled if they complain of back pain or sore muscles-
lao will make cookie dough if he cant sleep, and several times all three of his bfs have caught him up at 4 am leant over the counter mixing chocolate chips into cookie dough before shoving the bowl in the fridge and getting dragged back upstairs
kenshi smokes sometimes when he's stressed or needs to think smth over- johnny used to smoke and sometimes joins kenshi outside just for the smell, though johnny has stolen cigarettes before when he was a little too stressed with work
raiden and lao are always dragging johnny and kenshi away from work late at night- they both overwork themselves and it's always "one more thing" until it's 2 am and then raiden and lao go and drag them off to bed
lao has music going 24/7- it's impossible to catch him without an ear bud in (he listens to all sorts of music but johnny and kenshi introduced him to rap and dad rock and that's a good portion of his music)
lao also listens to a lot of hip hop and can be caught dancing around the house to whatever is playing
that's all i got for now- it's almost 2 am for me so now i must go to bed lmao, but i love polychamps so much 🥺💖
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
i think im getting sick and the only way im going to make it through this is having some papercut taking care of each other when they're sick hcs. so please, for a possibly sick girls wish.... give me some hcs....
of course,,,anything for u anon,,
pony taking care of curly
•curlys the kind of guy to deny he’s sick, he could sound and look like he has the second coming of the black plague and he’d try to ignore it, thats something that he got from tim, pony has to FORCE him to lay down
“its just allergies”
“allergies do NOT look like that, curly”
•curly is such a agitated s.o.b when hes sick, even if he only has a stuffy nose hes annoyed, cause he finds it SO annoying
•its a chore to get him to even sit up to take medicine, he just wants to be left alone in the dark forever, what a wimp
•he will be abusing the fact that ponys taking care of him though, pony basically becomes his butler, he WILL call pony for any little thing, pony said he was there to take care of him so he WILL🙄🙄
•he completely loses his appetite so pony has to force feed him
curly taking care of pony
•oh BOY, does pony NOT want this at all, last time he was sick, curly wanted to be sweet and stay in bed w him but he forgot that the fucking stove was on still and nearly burnt the place down AND the soup
•curlys restricted to just using canned foods now, which pony will TAKE, curly can microwave foods semi fine so at least he feels safer than before
•the shepards have a lifetime supply of ginger ale and sprite, now why sprite??? curly says its bc “theyre both colorless so they r both good for u when ur sick”, pony just stared at him for a sec n side before taking the sprite
•HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YALL, CURLY WILL BE WHIPPING OUT THAT VICKS VAPORRUB AND LWIL MASKRITI🗣️🗣️🗣️ u dont need a doctorates in the shepard house when ur sick,,all u need r those two things
•curly would still kiss and be around pony, he says it takes a lot to get him sick anyways
them both sick and “taking care of each other”
•theyre both fucking annoying my god, just in bed whining and crying
•its like they wanna b close to each other but at the same time it is NOT the temperature to b doin allat
•they dont even warm up their food, they just open up a can of chicken noodle soup, get too spoons and go to town
•honestly theyre as free as they wanna b when it comes to being close to each other, they kiss, cough without covering their mouths, just walking in there should be a biohazard
•ponys a lil out of it when hes sick and he mumbles to himself and curlys like “yea,,,ok,,”, neither of them know whats goin on😭
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foldable-mattress · 2 years
For the character ask game I want to know your thoughts on everyone's favorite brat. Hiyoko.
Ooo~ this is such an interesting one
Favorite Thing: My favorite and least favorite things about her are going to be fairly similar. I've heard so many people say that the SDR2 class is the closest out of the main three games to which I completely agree. This is why I enjoy the contrast that Hiyoko provides. She's rude, she's snarky. It adds a fun tone to the class of people that overall get along with each other
Least Favorite Thing: I don't like how she mostly only bullies Mikan though. Characters like Miu and Kokichi are fun in their vulgarity and bullying because they target everyone, including themselves. Hiyoko tends to mainly just bully Mikan while only targeting the others here and there. AND NO ONE STOPS HER >:(
Favorite Line: She has so many funny ones but "If you can't answer that, I'ma bop you on the head!" is iconic in my mind
BrOTP: Her and Ibuki have such a fun dynamic that I would love to see more of. Performing art besties
OTP: I don't love love any ships with her, so I'll go the obvious and say her and Mahiru
NOTP: Once again stating the obvious and going with Mikan. I'm sorry I'm predictable
Random Headcanon: She loves playing with people's hair. I don't mean mean like in a cutesy way where she's like braiding and running her fingers through someone's hair. I mean she loves messing it up. Ruffling hair to make it look like someone just climbed out of bed, putting an absurd amount of ponytails in people's hair, stealing Kaz's hair gel to maximize the ridiculous hair styles she can give people. Sometimes, she gets Ibuki to join in on the fun to give their classmates a fully personalized makeover!
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think she should've swapped places with Sonia or Fuyuhiko. I feel like she lived long enough to give her character full potential, the writers just didn't give it to her (big surprise 🙄). I'm not saying that I would've disliked it if she lived longer, there are just other characters that are more developed and lived shorter. Not her fault.
Song That I Associate With Them: This is a hard one for me because she's one of those characters that I need the perfect song for. There's plenty that I could see her with, but just don't scratch the itch I'm thinking of. Therefore, I'm going to say Candy Store from Heathers. It fits her insult to injury character motif while using sweets as a common theme that she's commonly associated with.
Favorite Image: This sprite is so silly
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Henry characters and their preferred kink furniture... yeah dont ask i was up all night and my mind just wont stop so here we go, a shitty list that noone asked for!
@infinite-shite @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @spazzymamahenrylover @thelastsock @iloveyouyen @littlefreya @mary-ann84 @libbymouse @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @the-soot-sprite @foodieforthoughts @angryschnauzer @inlovewithhisblueeyes @viking-raider @sif-the-tsunami @luna-aestas @blakerogue @sillyrabbit81 @nuggsmum @littlebirdofrivia @hisangelicdemon @fivequartersoftheorange @pussyverson
(Hiding under cut bc purity police might come and put me in tumblr jail 🙄😒)
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August would have one of these bad boys! Not only can it be used for play with the convenient stockades and jump rings for chains but theres he neat little cage below. Once kitted out with some fairy lights and little matress and some food and water bowls its the perfect place to put his naughty pet princess if shes being a very very bad girl, the worst punishment is not being allowed to snuggle your master in the middle of the night! August doesn't need much else he is a tad old fashioned and like to pull you to pieces in his own bed, so this is the perfect all in one for him.
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Now i know i know its a human bird cage but hear me out. This man is all about style, he wants the best of the best but also likes to be fancy~ and what better place to put his 'little song bird' then a bird cage, he even got you a little perch in the form of a swing~ napoleon loves nothing more then to cuff you to the bars and taunt you. A sunday of stuffing you full with toys whilst strapping you to your swing and swaying you until, you sing for him is a sunday well spent! Not only that but its a show piece, everyone knows exactly what its for and Napoleon loves to show it off, there's something about his guests knowing how kinky his little love bird is that gets his motor running~
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Now speaking of fancy? This is the cream of the crop! Siege d'amore the comfy gilded sex chair used by kings! Sherlock has this tucked away in his office. He spends many hours working over his desk with you sprawled out over it open and 'accsessable' he likes to keep you there legs spread and pussy wet when he's working so he can 'fuck away the stress' and think clearly when he gets the urge. Which is pretty regular if you do say so yourself. Not that you mind, after all it is padded and the bottom bed area does allow for napping if you get exhausted whilst giving him easy access to your little slit even in slumber.
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Okay i can't help it, I think walter would have a piece of dungeon furniture maybe a set? The man is in some dark shit. A hard dom with a capital D... or master with a capital M, not that he hasn't got the D becausethis man certainly does. And when its play time, its play time. He is practical and prone to changing his mind so would get something that is versatile, that can put you in any position that strikes his fancy. And with this bad boy? There are o many that he genuinely hasn't tested out all of them, and its not for lack of trying. He loves the fact that he can punish and reward you all on one handy little piece of furniture, though sometimes your unsure which? Because when Walt gets you on this thing you wont be getting off anytime soon... well thats debatable~
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Now to say Sy was happy when he realised no one would bat an eyelash when he bought a padded saw horse to the ranch was a fucking understatement. Your spanking bench is his favourite thing on the entire ranch! And he had you on it as much as he could! Anything that kept you still and comfortable when he played with your glorious peach was perfect for him! Bent over, straddling, cuffed, tied down you name it! Sy was all over this thing- well he had you all over this thing~ and let's not get started on the fact he realised the front jump ring is to attach a collar to? Which was now used regularly to stop your squirming. This thing is a god send for sy, not only can he 'saddle up' and feast on your peach with out having to hold you still but there were never any questions about it, after peeling you off it and wiping it down he just threw a saddle over it useing it as a stand for polishing the leather!
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