ffviii-rare-pairs · 8 years
This is Old News if you know me...
First off, hats off to you guys for making this happen! 
So, as some of you may know (cause it’s almost all I talk about) I am a very proud Squall/Selphie shipper. 
When I first started playing and there was that cute scene where they bump into each other in the hall, they run into each other during the mission, and then she shows up in his ROOM. I gushed like crazy.
For a while I thought they were gonna get together until Rinoa showed up. As a 13 year old I wasn’t pleased, but whatever. I learned to love Rinoa as time went on. 
Squall and Selphie are like counterparts. I write them kind of like Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher from Uncharted (Another series I am a die hard fan of). They are like almost cut from the same mold. Mind you, Selphie is cheery whereas Squall…is not. I love to play off the fact that both are hiding behind masks-very different ones, but masks all the same. Squall is scared getting close to people.  Selphie wants people to think she’s always okay; she wasn’t really around much after Trabia was hit. She WAS found mourning her friends deaths in Trabia Garden. They two actually get along really well for the most part, and they are both leaders.
I like to think since they have SOME similarities. I picture them butting heads from time to time when paired up for a mission or something. Selphie may not take something seriously enough, and Squall might not like that. She’s also sassy and a bit flirty. I usually like to use this as comic relief and get Squall really uncomfortable in serious situations or when Selphie takes the lead on something they have to do, and it gets them into trouble. 
I find writing them as a couple challenging yet really fun. I mean, the challenging part for me is to make Selphie a little bit more serious when something bad happens. I found that balancing her personality with some maturity when its appropriate the way to go. 
I learnt this from a writer named Kount Xero on FFN, who writes Squall and Selphie very well. This writer actually just completed their whole series which starts with Estranged. 
Their Squall is a badass character. He’s the leader of SeeD, and he fucking knows it. The writer experiments with a vulnerable Squall who outwardly acts as a fierce leader to the massive organization. Squall’s written in such a militaristic fashion, but when he’s with Selphie, he’s a kitten. The series does a great job on how he matures from a 18 year old guy who just got his heart broken to a 40 year old leader who still struggles with his  past decisions, but still kicks ass. 
Selphie, on the other hand, is written to be more mature. She starts off as the girl we know and love, but as she grows up the battles start to catch up with her mentally. The writer justifies that women who use even junctioned magic can’t have children due to a mutilated womb, meaning that she can’t have kids. Selphie eventually has to live with the fact that she has to play with the hands she’s dealt and be a SeeD because that is what she was designed for. 
I have a ton of fun experimenting with this pairing, and I know and seen even other people write them, too. If you’re down, give them a shot. I would love to read it or hear what you guys think of this pairing!
Also, give Estranged a shot. The series is very well written, and I’m sure Kount would appreciate it.
Anyways enough of me. 
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