#squick: drunken behavior
wetbloodworm · 1 year
articulating my thoughts re: alcoholism in fiction/roleplay wif frens, because i don't think i did a good job verbalizing my thoughts in call and i wanna analyze this like i analyze everything lmao
tl;dr i have Trauma®️ when it comes to alcoholism so it can be a bit of a touchy topic for me but it's not off-limits
alcohol in general is fine! getting drunk is fine! getting VERY drunk is fine! FREQUENTLY getting drunk is fine! getting drunk and there being Consequences is fine!
my main Trouble is when it's, like, actual addiction territory. where it's a pattern of behavior that consistently negatively effects a character and their loved ones. that theme just hits real close to home and would make me uncomfortable to have played out, though i could be chill with a warning ahead of time i think. i do have an au where that's a bit of a theme and it's sometimes cathartic but idk it's touchy, i've drifted from it somewhat over time. basically i think this is the touchiest thing for me, it's just a Rough theme and i don't need to be shielded from it but i think it'd need to be handled carefully. just warn me and don't be shitty about addicts i guess??
oh uh. alcoholics specifically dying from their alcoholism is probably a Hard No for me.
characters using alcohol as a coping mechanism without actually getting into it being A Serious Problem kind of like, toes the line a little, but it's fine. i Notice that but it doesn't bug me, if that makes sense? i am Aware but not upset. no worries there.
i AM a bit sensitive to alcoholism being made into a joke. it's very not funny to me. there's nuance there in the same way that Drinking To Cope isn't necessarily alcoholism so jokes about bad coping mechanisms are fine but like, y’know.
the way of the drunken master monk was brought up and i think i don't actually have a problem with it, there was just some language in the subclass description that was a little triggering for me. descriptions of the way drunk people move just kind of set a fire in my brain a little. but the subclass is fine. i might get a bit squicked if someone played up the 'behaving like a drunk person' thing a bit too much but overall having a class based on erractic movements is chill.
so... yes. i think that articulates it better? largely i would just appreciate warnings and need addicts in writing to be treated with respect, and have a hard line about alcoholics dying due to their addiction, otherwise no need to keep content away from me.
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🐱 with shikamaru pls!
A/N: Thanks for the request anon! I love writing for Shika, and this prompt was amazing. I really got into writin this one, I hope you enjoy it!
🐱: “She’s not yours anymore, so you might as well leave.”
Word Count: 1,395
Check out the master list for my prompts here!
Squicks: Alchohol mention, drunken behavior, hints of abusive relationship
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Shikamaru stared across the room as he watched [Y/N] dance with Daichi, her fiance. Her lavender dress flowed around her with every twirl, she was the only source of color among the black tie affair.
“Could have been you.” Choji remarks standing to his right as he nods towards the couple.
“Yeah, right.” Shikamaru huffs, “Marriage is a drag, definitely not for me.”
Choji laughs and looks at his best friend, “This coming from the same man who practiced proposing to [Y/N] in front of me almost a hundred times?”
Shikamaru rolls his eyes but is unable to meet Choji’s knowing gaze. His hand touches his best friend’s shoulder and gives him a squeeze, he knew how deeply this was affecting Shikamaru even if he wouldn’t admit to it.
“If you love her Shikamaru, go get her. Girls like her don’t just appear every day.” Choji chimes into Shika’s thoughts before he goes back to the table where he sat with Ino.
Shikamaru watches as [Y/N] breaks away from Daichi’s grasp and makes her way to the bar. He decides to make his way over.
“A whiskey straight with a water back for myself and whatever this lovely lady would like.”He says to the bartender coming up behind [Y/N] who glances over her shoulder at him in surprise.
“Shika! I didn’t expect you to come.” She says with a soft smile, and he shrugs with a casual smirk etched onto his face.
“Choji said it would be rude if I didn't, so here I am.” He explained and she awkwardly nodded as she glances at the bartender.
“Make that two straights, no water back on mine.”
“Since when do you shoot whiskey?” Shikamaru teases her as their drinks are poured and slid across the bar. Shika pays and leaves a decent tip before picking up both of their drinks and leading her away from the bar.
“It’s been three years since you last spoke to me, things change.” The bluntness of her voice almost makes him laugh, she was trying so hard to sound mean. He hands her the cold glass as they steal away to the garden outside.
“Evidently.” Shikamaru nods towards the ring on her finger, “If I remember correctly, you told me you were never going to get married.”
Before she can respond, he continues, “If I also remember correctly, you said that as I was down on one knee in front of you.”
Y/N pauses and clenches her jaw, “If you came here to just make me feel bad about something I did when we were seventeen, I’ll see you out of the door myself Shikamaru.”
He sighs, almost immediately regretting the words that had left his mouth. He places his glass on the tall table next to where they stood in the glow of the fairy lights.
“Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to come say congratulations?” He offers, sitting on the garden wall.
“Not in the slightest.” She chuckles and sits next to him. She sways her feet slightly as they don’t touch the ground.
“I figured.” He picks up the glass and throws back what is left of the whiskey. She quietly nurses her drink, her body swaying softly to the music that played around them.
“So why are you really here Shika?” The question slaps Shikamaru across the face, why was he really here? He glances sideways at her and then gives a halfhearted shrug.
“Well my fawn, I just wanted to see you one last time before you became somebody's wife.” He smiles softly as he watches a soft blush paints itself across her cheeks.
“Wow, it's been a long time since someone called me that.” She chuckles and raises the glass to her lips again.
“You know why I called you that, don't you?” He inquires as he gently moves a stray hair away from her face, she shakes her head ‘no’.
“Your eyes, they remind me of a doe’s eyes. Soft, brown, full of mysteries no man will ever understand.”
She cackles, nearly spitting out some of her drink.
“Oh Shika, I have to wear boots around you.” Her voice twinkles across the night air as she wipes the bit of the liquor off of her dress, “You create more bullshit than my father’s cows.”
“I missed that laugh of yours.” He remarks suddenly, “The way I could hear it in a crowded room and immediately know where you were.”
She goes to speak but he stops her before she can utter a sentence, “I miss that little chipped tooth you have. From when you smashed your head against Hinata’s during training at the academy, I also hoped you would never get it fixed. I miss the way you always had a smile on your face when I walked in the house after a mission. I miss getting lost in the woods with you, I miss the way my father used to tease me in front of you, trying to embarrass me. I miss everything sweetheart, and it makes me physically ill to know you're marrying Daichi.”
The words crash over his lips like a captured wild horse who finally broke free of its ropes, it didn’t care what damage it caused. It just wanted to be free, just as Shikamaru wanted to be free of these thoughts he carried around with him like a permanent set of luggage.
“Shika, Shika I’m so sorry.” Her hands grab onto his and squeeze gently, “I don’t know what to say.”
“Than don’t say anything my fawn.” He kisses her forehead and then stares down into her eyes a glimmer distracts him as she looks down at the engagement ring that adorned her left hand.
“If he ever, and I mean ever, lays a hand on you in a way that isn’t out of love, [Y/N] I will kill him.” Shikamaru’s voice is cold, as if something else had taken over him. If he couldn’t protect [Y/N] by being by her side, he at least would be on her side, through everything.
“There will never be a day that goes by where I will forgive myself for saying no to you all those years ago. I was just a dumb little kid, and you deserved so much more than that.” Her voice shakes slightly and she throws back the rest of her drink.
“[Y/N!]” A voice calls from across the garden and they both looked up to see Daichi, followed by his friends, approaching them. His face flushed from the amount of liquor he had consumed.
“Daichi! I would like you to meet Shikamaru Nara, we’ve fought beside each other since we were children.” [Y/N] jumps up and stands with her fiance, “We were just catching up.”
“You’re the little fuck who proposed to her aren’t you?” Daichi spits at Shikamaru who doesn’t flinch.
“Daichi! You’re drunk.” [Y/N] tries to direct him away, “I’m sorry Shika, please excuse his behavior.”
Daichi shakes her off with a swift but hard shove and she has to grab onto the table to keep her balance. Shikamaru stands and steps up to the man who stood between him and the girl he loved.
“You’re lucky she didn’t fall, otherwise I’d make sure you found yourself falling from the roof.” Shikamaru fumed, not paying any mind to the men who stood behind Daichi.
“What are you even doing here? Hoping to steal her from me?” Daichi laughs, “Well, newsflash lover boy. She’s not yours anymore, so you might as well leave, and I better not see you anywhere near our wedding. Otherwise, you’ll have a few people showing you the way out.”
Shikamaru rolls his eyes, “Whatever.”
Daichi clenches his jaw, he wasn’t used to someone not being intimidated by him.
Shikamaru turns to [Y/N] who still had a grip on the table she had fallen into. He reaches out and gently strokes her tear-stained cheek. Their eyes met and Shikamaru tried hardest to remember them because after tonight, he knew he would never see her again.
“Take care of yourself my little fawn, if you need me, tell Choji. He’ll know how to find me.”
He walks away from the party and onto the road heading back towards the village, he tried to remember ever step he took. He wouldn’t be coming home for a long time.
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sixmorningsafter · 8 years
SMA Bamon AU Drabble - Meeting during their teen years by @attolirene
I didn’t send that ask MEANING to write this but…I did anyway.  So here’s a Bamon-y drabble from an AU of your AU where they meet during their respective destructive phases.
I’m not sure how old Damon was supposed to be when the stuff with Katherine went down, so this might be wildly off by several years?  And it’s not supposed to be shippy–Bonnie’s 15 and Damon’s 18, which happens in high school but still squicks me out–but it is supposed to be a sorta character study thing.
SO what I’m trying to say is, I hope you like this lmao.
Damon noticed people.  It wasn’t a conscious thing; if he saw the same person more than once, he’d remember them.  Pick up on their habits.  Didn’t matter how unremarkable they were.  It was probably a defense mechanism, hypervigilance or some bullshit like that. 
And the girl he kept seeing at parties recently wasn’t what he’d call unremarkable.  Damon had seen her show up with Klaus and Enzo, who he knew mostly through reputation.  He’d wondered at first what she was doing with them.  She seemed a few years younger, and definitely less comfortable with the scene. 
Then he’d actually seen her in action.  The girl–Bethany, Brianna, something like that–always seemed to be in the center of things, getting the most fucked up, doing the most outrageous shit.
So what was she doing lurking around the peripherals of this house party, exactly?
Not that Damon could talk.  Katherine had disappeared into a corner with someone else a while ago.  She’d made it abundantly clear that they weren’t exclusive, but–
Well.  It wasn’t the same, without her.  So he leaned against the wall near where B-whoever stood by the fireplace, and watched as she very deliberately knocked an expensive glass ornament off the mantelpiece to shatter on the brick hearth.  She stared at it for a second, took a swig from her cup, and reached out a finger toward a second ornament.
“Are you part cat or something?” he asked.
B-whoever turned to face him and gave him a thoroughly unimpressed once-over.  “Is that supposed to be a line?”
Damon smirked back.  “It was supposed to be an honest question.  But hey, if you want it to be…”
Damon chuckled, shrugged, leaned back against the wall.  “Your loss.”  Though really she looked–what, thirteen?  Fourteen?  Too young for him, anyway. 
B rolled her eyes.  Her gaze flicked away from him out to the crowd, but she settled in beside him at the wall, her arm brushing against his.  Damon couldn’t tell if it was deliberate or just a drunken lack of spacial awareness. 
“Where are your friends?” Damon asked.  At B’s blank look, he elaborated, “Klaus and Enzo.  You usually come with them, right?”
“They couldn’t be here.”  Bonnie shrugged.  “Figured I’d come on my own.  Turns out, it’s a lot more boring to be at a party where you don’t know anyone.”  She wrinkled her nose and took another swig of her drink.  “What about you?  Fell out with the girlfriend?”
Damon blinked.  He hadn’t expected her to notice him.  Then again, he had dashing good looks on his side.  “Katherine’s busy.  And she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Ah.  Explains that, then.”  B nodded to the side of the room where Damon had been pointedly not looking all evening.  Where Katherine was leaning against the wall, someone’s hands shoved up under her shirt, her skirt pushed up her thighs. 
Jealousy flared, bright and hot, in Damon’s stomach, and he swallowed it down with a swig of his beer.  It wasn’t his business.  She wasn’t his girlfriend, wasn’t his.  And it was pointless to get too attached; that was one of the first things she had taught him.
“Yep,” Damon said, and turned back to the kid. 
The detachment in her eyes had turned to amusement.  Huh.  He hadn’t pegged her for a sadist. 
Then she abruptly leaned forward, all four feet of her in his personal space.  “If you’re looking for a distraction,” she said, aiming for a sexy purr, not quite confident enough to pull it off, “Pretty sure there’s an empty room somewhere in here.”
She was trying very hard to be sexy, and it was how obviously fake that was, more than anything, that had Damon gently pushing her away.  Jesus.  “First of all, kid,” he said, “you’re about twelve.”
Her eyes narrowed.  “I’m eighteen.”
Damon raised an eyebrow. 
B huffed.  “Fine.  Fifteen.”
That, he could believe, though she still seemed too tiny for it.  “Yeah.  And I still have standards.  Second–not interested.”  He’d tried sleeping with other girls during times when Katherine wasn’t into him.  It didn’t help, and after the third time he was slapped for saying the wrong name, Damon had given up. 
B looked very steadily at him, then at where he knew Katherine was currently getting some action, then back at him.  “So it’s like that.”
She was perceptive.  Fan-fucking-tastic.
“It’s like that,” Damon agreed.  The kid shrugged, seemingly unphased by the rejection, and made her way back to the mantelpiece.
He wanted to say something to her– don’t hit on creeps who would take you up on that, be careful with Klaus–but hell.  Damon had a lot of flaws; hypocrisy wasn’t one of them.
Gurl. GURL. ELANA I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Legit when I wrote the whole ~~someone should drabble it~~ I was like ‘honestly I would die if someone did' in my head and THEN YOU DID AND YOU DID SUCH AN INCREDIBLE JOB LIIIIIKE. I love every word. It’s so note-perfect. Bonnie looking even younger than she is, having that drive to be taken seriously as a ‘bad’ kid, Damon noticing everything around him and her noticing everything back (possibly to better mimic the people around her, possibly because that’s just the level of focus she puts on anything she’s set her mind to, vs. I think Damon, like you said, notices everything all the time no matter what as a survival instinct), his relationship with Katherine (which I’ve struggled to narrow down a bit in my head and this just felt really, really perfect), the age gap you gave between her and Enzo/Klaus (not sure I ever said that but I ABSOLUTELY saw it that way, like these two notorious seniors or maybe even older, like Enzo’s a senior and Klaus is like 20/21, who are hanging out with this 14/15 year old girl and it’s just extra sketchy), their interaccccction (dying over how perfectly you captured Damon, like you just snuck in that noble streak and how it clashed with the lifestyle he’d chosen for himself but still stubbornly persisted anyway - particularly evident in the last two lines. Loooooved those so much). Loved that he wanted to warn her instinctively but then the learned ‘fuck it nothing matters’ behavior kicked in. Loved that he recognized his own hypocrisy. LOVED THAT HE CALLED HER KID THE WHOLE TIME. And loved his observations of Bonnie trying so hard and having this artificiality to her ‘sexiness’ - it felt so, so accurate. I always find it super weird when 15 year olds trying to be sexy are described as being super seductive/pull it off - everyone’s still pretty awkward/mimicking what they see on TV at that age, man. 
Anyway, all this is to say that I freaking loved this and I hope everyone gives it the love it absolutely deserves! I would read an entire fic about this man. @attolirene back at it again with the wonderful writing. #blessed tbh.
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💙 + 🐯 with Kakashi please?😊😊
Sure thing lovely anon💞
💙: “Sooo who was that?”
🐯: “Is She really just a friend?”
Word Count: 801
Squick: Alcohol Mention
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[Y/N] sat up in the king sized bed she usually shared with her boyfriend. Around her, his ninken comfortably slept. Pakkun nuzzled in his usual spot that should have been in between his master and his girlfriend.
Except tonight, only she occupied the bed.
The glowing red numbers of the alarm clock on her bedside table told her that Kakashi should have been home over two hours ago. He was never one to break a promise, even when he was drinking.
She slips out of bed, adoring her black robe and pink slippers. Perhaps he had fallen asleep on the couch with his book, he did that every once in a while. She would always sneak down and cover him up with a blanket, pull down his mask and steal her goodnight kiss.
She turns into their living room and sees the couch empty. Not a single light was on downstairs, his keys weren’t next to hers on the hook.
He hadn’t made it home.
Worry crept through [Y/N]’s body as she peeks out the front window. Kakashi had once fallen asleep out there while talking with Gai.
It was empty, the porch light illuminated their front lawn. The porch light stayed on until the last person made it home, it was a family rule.
[Y/N] steps into the kitchen and picks up the kettle to bring it to the sink. As she fills it with water, she glances out the kitchen window every so often, she just wanted to see him stumble home.
She usually didn’t enjoy him when he was overly intoxicated but, she would prefer a drunk Kakashi over a missing one any day.
Placing the kettle onto the flame of the stove, she busies herself with picking out tea and a mug.
The kettle whistles as she reassues herself that surely, if something had happened to her love that the dogs would have woken. They were so intuned with each other.
The tick-tock that echoed through the empty first floor was eerie as she watched her tea steep.
Her head perks up as he hears laughter from the pathway that lead up to their home. It was Kakashi, and a woman she didn’t recognize.
She hears the fumbling of keys and the door creaks open. Instead of walking out to greet the arrivals, she waits in the kitchen.
“You are far too sweet to me Emika.” Kakashi purrs to woman as he puts down his keys.
“Just had to make sure you got home safely!” The soft teasing twinkle of laughter that followed almost made [Y/N] sick to her stomach.
She listens to them talk for a few minutes before the woman leaves and Kakashi shuts the door.
“Sooo, who was that?” [Y/N] calls out curtly and she hears Kakashi walk towards the kitchen.
“Hi angel, you’re up late.” He comments with a hiccup as he leans on the counter across from his girlfriend.
“Who was that?” She questions again as she stares him down.
“Emika Hinato, she’s a new chunin who is teaching at the academy alongside Iruka.” He explains as he starts to snack on the strawberries she had cut up and forgot to put away befoe going to sleep.
“Uh huh, a friend of yours then?” [Y/N] asks as she stirs in ginger syrup into her tea, the spoon clinking against the mug with her aggressive stirs.
“Yes, baby is something that matter?” He asks as he pulls his mask down, he rarely ever wore it when they were alone together.
“Oh, I don’t know Kakashi. You promise to be home at midnight, it is now almost three am and you swagger home with a young girl on you arm while your pregnant girlfriend is awake worrying about you!” [Y/N] exclaims as she glared at him, “Is she really just a friend Kakashi? Just tell me now. I’ll be gone by morning if that's the case.”
She watches as his face falls into a look of despair, he reaches for her hand, gripping it tightly.
“[Y/N], I would never do anything to ruin our family. I swear on my father’s grave.” His voice is hoarse from drinking, but she can tell he is sincere.
“I’m so sorry I jumped to conclusions.” [Y/N] cried as Kakashi came around the island and hugged her tightly against his body.
He places a gentle hand on her stomach, she didn’t have a bump yet beingly only eight weeks along but still, a baby Hatake was just below the surface.
“I love you, and this baby we’ve created more than life itself. You both are my reasons to live.” He kisses her cheek again and presses her forehead against hers.
“I’ll always come home to you.” He says gently.
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