#srn 004
theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Ra Moon doesn't have much for combat capability so he's usually found with one of the other Stardroids, particularly Mars!
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quietlydiabolic · 3 years
Top Ten Robot Masters I Forgot
My mind is like a steel trap... that’s rusted open. And truth be told, I haven’t personally played every single Mega Man game... okay, I haven’t played most Mega Man games. Between that and some Robot Master’s complete and utter lack of fan presence, I forgot what a few of them looked like, or what their gimmick was, or, well... that they ever even existed to begin with.
Having started a project that requires review of all the Robot masters, I was surprised to discover just how many had slipped my mind. So here’s my list of the top ten Most Forgettable. (Please note that this list is not a reflection of how good these characters are, how difficult they were or were not to beat, the quality of their design or level or music, etcetera.)
Honorable Mention: MKN-002 Punk [MMIII] - there’s Ballade, there’s Enker, and then there’s Whatshisname The One With The Buzzsaw Mohawk.
10: DLN-006 Bomb Man [MM1] - while his design is unique and memorable, his lack of fan presence makes him the most forgettable from the early games.
9: WWN-002 Mega Water S & WWN-003 Hyper Storm H [Wily Wars] - sure we all know there were three special Robot Masters based off of characters from Journey to the West. But let’s be honest, Buster Rod is the only one who manage to endure.
8: DWN-043 Flame Man [MM6] - I think we all kinda want to forget about him and Tomahawk Man...
7: DWN-035 Stone Man [MM5] - pretty unremarkable from a group of otherwise very memorable Robot Masters.
6: DLN-065 Concrete Man [MM9] - who even remembers the poor man's Guts Man?
5: SRN-004 Mars [MMV] - has a literal head cannon and yet I could not recognize him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single solitary fan art of Mars.
(Actually if you go by fan art, there are only like four Star Droids.)
4: DWN-051 Burst Man [MM7] - the most forgettable of the... wait, I already forgot what kind of Robot Master he was... hang on... oh yeah, the "water types".
3: DWN-076 Chill Man [MM10] - literally the reason I started this list.
2: Dark Man Series 1- 4 [MM5] - ?????
Winner: DWN-080 Solar Man [MM10] - dead up thought he was a MMWiki April Fool's prank.
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dwarfstardroid · 5 years
stardroid heights
it's headcanon time babey !
srn-001 terra: 5'9"
srn-002 mercury: 5'8"
srn-003 venus: 5'7"
srn-004 mars: 5'9"
srn-005 jupiter: 5'11"
srn-006 saturn: 5'6"
srn-007 uranus: 8'0"
srn-008 pluto: 5'5"
srn-009 neptune: 6'0"
sunstar: 6'1"
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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"And if that don't work, use more gun." Seems to be the entire design philosophy behind Mr. Danger Pumpkin here. I'm surprised he doesn't straight up have a glock but maybe that was due to sprite limitations.
MMV Week Day 4 - Mars vs. Roll
Bonus: the original block in I sketched when figuring out the composition... was going to be a lot more comedic.
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