#terra (earth)
wonders-of-the-cosmos · 10 months
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Solar System Planets including Pluto aligned in a planet shape
Credit: Ika Abuladze
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hive-sight · 1 year
Concerns 1
Sentients. This one has news. Upon encountering Raxor in the halls of the ship, this one inquired into their change in disposition. What could crush the spirit of this one’s companion so?
Raxor’s response… It is worrying.
RAXOR:        The Terrans… they do not enjoy war.
ELYSIA:        That is good, yes? Too many of the new races seem to revel-
RAXOR:        No.
ELYSIA:        No?
RAXOR:        They are a war race. Their history and evolution are paved in the ashes and blood of their enemies. Yet they do not revel. The Skellesian Bloodmites revel. Their weapons are made to draw out battle and prolong suffering. Barbed rods for the rending of flesh. Heated blades to ensure the enemy stays standing no matter how much is chopped off.
                      The Stol’oon of Grumha revel. Their cowardly tactics involve slowly terraforming the planets of surface-bound races while they are defenseless to stop them. Slowly cooking as the atmosphere of the only home they have known becomes their crematorium.
                      The Terrans? They do not revel in war. They hate war.
ELYSIA:       This one does not understand. The race was molded by war, yet hates it? Do they hate what it has made them? Are they a drink that hates the shape its container has forced upon it?
RAXOR:       They hate the acts. This one asks Elysia to consider, if one despised an action but the action was needed, what would they do?
ELYSIA:       This one does have experience with this. This one dislikes having to configure variables in simulations. This one wrote a script to automatically program variables if given a planetary identification code.
RAXOR:        Why?
ELYSIA:        To get it done as quickly… and…
RAXOR:        Yes.
ELYSIA:        By the Queen. Have the Terrans… streamlined… war?
This was not the end of the discussion, Raxor proceeded to request a cancellation of the mission. They claim that the Queen would not have allowed the mission had she known.
Unfortunately for Raxor, after more than the expected number of delays, the ship has already entered the Sol System.
On this, the Terran Date of May 21st of 2030, or XD 4682C 4A 2L, and with an uncertain future, this is Elysia of Xyloptha, signing off.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
A new record: temperatures are so high, that yesterday Gavarda (a town in the Valencian Country) registered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe in January: 30.7°C (87.26°F). This would usually be the expected temperature in early May. The previous record was set in 2021 (29.8°C in Alacant). We are record after record, and it's not good.
This adds on the drought that the Catalan Countries have been suffering for 3 years. We have water use restrictions and many farmers have lost the harvests for months because they're not allowed to water the fields. And there's no prospect for generous rain any time soon. Experts have been warning that for every degree Celsius that temperatures rise in the Mediterranean region, annual rain will reduce by 4%, and since we're a region that is already naturally prone to summer droughts, this will mean 20% less water resources.
The Mediterranean region is one of the places in the Earth that heats the most because of climate change. There will be 40% more days with extreme heat (days with temperatures higher than 35°C=95°F), which will have effects on health, particularly on open-air workers, and will suppose a 17% decrease in agriculture produce. That is, without counting rising sea levels.
The Mediterranean region is inhabited by 400-500 million people, out of which 150 million live on the coast. Experts calculate that the sea will have risen 1 meter (it's not out of the question that it might have risen even more if polluting emissions aren't reduced) by the end of the century. Considering that 37% Mediterranean coast is very low, on sea level, this means that this rise of the Mediterranean sea will put about 42 million people in extreme danger. One of the first victims will be (and is already suffering the early effects) the Delta of the Ebro river, a mostly-agricultural area in the South of Catalonia which is also a Biosphere reserve due to its great biodiversity.
And some people still say climate change isn't real 🤦
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kdramamilfs · 18 days
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simone kessell as alicia washington in terra nova (2011)
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nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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i am once again thinking abt the aqua axelea team attack dialogue
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bittersweetbonbon · 2 months
If aliens accepted Earth into their intergalatic society, would you want to change the planet's name?
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moonlitministry · 2 months
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Earth/Terra ghoul appreciation and a little something for the Infestissuman anniversary
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byfulcrums · 2 months
my favorite moment in invincible is during the 5 year time skip (INVINCIBLE COMIC SPOILERS)
i do agree that the time travel was done in a somewhat awkward way and that if the series ever gets to that scene, it should try to change it for the better. but-
but that moment, man.
“saving the world would mean killing my daughter”. mark is given the chance to fix everything, to save everyone. but he doesn't take it, because he has a little kid back at home
this is mark grayson, at his most selfish. this is the hero deciding to not be heroic. it would mean killing my daughter, he says, and It's surprised that he didn't choose the more heroic path. he would trade the world for his daughter. he wouldn't trade his daughter for the world
he chooses to let everyone die again. he chooses to not fix it, to not save them. he doesn't regret it (he would do it again in a heartbeat)
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belle--ofthebrawl · 7 months
Ivy before Mountain was summoned: I will knit a sweater so they know this is not like the pit and that we are a family and that there are no hard feelings about my replacement.
Ivy after Mountain was summoned: I'm going to need more yarn.
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caucasianbuttslut · 2 years
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Today on Prime Earth Twitter (1/?)
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askponyinuyasha · 2 months
Terra*playing with a bike bell she found as it makes a loud dinging sound oblivious of reactions*
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anideterm3: Terra *playing with a bike bell she found as it makes a loud dinging sound oblivious of reactions*
Inuyasha: K-Ka...
Inuyasha: You??
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut)
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Terra and her bike bell were so fun to draw. She's so cute!
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hive-sight · 11 months
Changes 2 and Domestication
Greetings Sentients. With the passing of a few Lums, the changes presented in Lumina have become more… pronounced. This one can hardly be in the research deck without encountering Lumina examining the social culture of Terrans of many different varieties. They truly appear to have taken to this role in ways that none of this crew could have predicted!
Raxor has taken to research of their own. They have begun studying the various fauna of Sol-3. One phenomenon Raxor has discovered is the concept of “domestication.” This is the process through which a wild creature interacts with a sentient race in such a way that, over generations, changes to the creatures DNA are shown to make interaction with the sentient easier.
One common change presented in most examples of domestication, is that the creature will become smaller. Raxor has taken an interest in the creature from Sol-3 known as a wolf. Quadrapedal, furred apex predators that exist in a pack structure. Perhaps the creature’s existing pack structure made for an easy victim of the domestication process, as the domestication of the wolf was the first recorded instance of this phenomenon.
Initially, wolves and early Terrans competed for food. This would become especially egregious during the harsher cold periods known as “winter.” The wolves would invade Terran settlements to search for the stores of food the Terrans had built up to sustain themselves. Sometimes these invasions would be successful. Sometimes the invading wolf or wolves would be killed. Sometimes the invaders would kill a Terran.
Records seem to be unreliable, but one theory is that a settlement discovered that, if they left some amount of game away from the stores, the wolves would take that and leave the rest of the settlement be. Over time, the settlement became the default feeding area of the wolves.
The next part is mostly speculation. Perhaps another predator had invaded the settlement. This predator had been found by the Terrans and a battle had ensued. The wolves, hearing the struggle and realizing that their new providers had been in danger, ran through the barriers into the settlement and, to the surprise of the Terrans, began fighting alongside them against this shared threat.
This one knows that may be a dramatized view of what happened, but the important part to realize is that some event happened which forced the two species to work alongside each other. Then calmer wolves, more willing to work with Terrans, were welcomed into the settlements permanently, while more aggressive wolves were sent back out into the wild. This selective breeding of the calmer individuals eventually begot evolutionary changes in the wolf to the point it could only be a new species. A species that Terrans have colloquially named “dogs.” Raxor found this entire idea to be utterly fascinating and is now hoping that the Terrans will allow them to have a dog of their own.
While this one had never heard of the process of domestication before, this could purely be due to other species having never considered this. Xylokthians, for example, keep and breed the Xylo-palm flies as they produce the staple crop of Xylopthia that is roughly akin to Terran honey. But never had this one considered that, prior to Xylokthian interference, that the palm flies could have been an entirely different species. Perhaps some event in the past meant that the ancient palm flies could not survive in the wild while the protected individuals could thrive. Or perhaps, regrettably, the ancient Xylokthians did not allow any temperamental individuals back into the wild as the Terrans did with the wolves.
The Terrans history is beginning to make this one believe that there is more to this one’s own history than they are familiar with. It is unsettling…
But, nevertheless, on this, TD 10th of June, 2030, XD 4682C 3A 30L, awaiting the next revelation, this is Elysia of Xylopthia, signing off.
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aashiyancha · 9 months
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The main farm
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what they do
ask by @green-screen-green-god
background ponys
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animegirlsicons · 1 month
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Young Justice icons
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© @batgirlbarbg
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kajoodles · 2 months
The full planetgame lineup is complete!
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From shortest to tallest, matching their celestial counterparts:
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Pluto, Luna, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Terra, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Sol
The name "planetgame" and all character names, besides Luna and Terra, are placeholders.
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