#srry theres no fluff like you requested
euopligue · 1 year
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☆ About the writer☆
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The name is Tobi Im a writer on Tumblr & Wattpad I'm known for writing Kny character(s) x reader fics, stories, hcs and Oneshots. Right now I'm focusing on kny content so I won't be able to write stuff from other animes at the moment. Please do keep in mind I'm a new writer so please don't expect much from me, thanks for understanding <3.
☆themes I can write☆
• Fluff
• Soft
• lemons
• Modern Au
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I don't know how to say this but I really do appreciate it when I get requests ( Mostly because I'm a dry thinker and can barely get idea's) but yeah Requests can help alot, but I'm not going to guarantee you that I'll be able to write every single Requests so I will try my hardest to write it on the week you request it.
☆ Lgbtq themes☆
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I'm fully open to lgbtq themes like for an example fem kny character x fem reader or a male kny character x male reader. I also dont mind writing threesom or polygamous fics, I don't just write couple fics I can also write kny character x reader as friends fics.
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《I'm open to write like any kny character in the series even if they are a hahsira/demon or demon slayer I'm up to it.》
☆ Hcs☆
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Like I said before I'm pretty new here so yeah not alot of Oneshots done O-o
☆Series I'm working on☆
☆ ¡Go Follow My Wattpad!☆
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I hope my fanfics and stories satisfy you and that you guys enjoy reading them thanks for the support <333
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creamcoffeelou · 4 years
@slowlyseducedbycurls told me to write some angst w fluff and a happy ending so I thought I’d attempt to write an idea that’s been rolling around in my head for a while 
This is def only the beginning of somehting that’s going to be WAY longer
Clouds of smoke hung thick in the air, stagnant and stale between gusts of air from the rarely opened door. A record spun soundlessly from the left of the bar, the DJ having abandoned his booth to use the toilet only leaving the loud ruckus of the men playing pool and talking too loud from the farthest corner of the bar. 
The sign on the outside of the door read gentlemans club, but he’d heard the whispers of the men on the street that this is where men with eyes for other men found themselves in the evening. He’d heard it hushed first, stacked between whispers of sin, only until the gentleman he’d been speaking with had realized he didn’t have a wife. 
“Nothing wrong with a queer, son” He’d said, “We just don’t take well to the type that leave their wives at home alone to frequent them clubs,” one of the men he’d had the conversation with had cut in from across the bar, lips cracked from the smoke of his cigarette. 
He wondered how many of the men that found themselves through the seedy doors of the club did leave their wives behind to see the barely-legal boys that danced in heels and dresses on the stage. 
Those hushed conversations were how he found himself at the farthest end of the bar at Crimson Rose. 
“Blondie at the end of the bar bought you a drink,” The bartender said with a gravelly, long-term smokers voice at a break in the thumping of the music. He’d been barely there all evening, only floating around when his coke had been empty for several minutes. Louis couldn’t blame  him, really. He knew drunks tipped better. 
“Can you make it virgin? Charge him full price if you like, he doesn’t look the type to tip well.” That got a laugh from the man, but he just moved wordlessly to make his drink. 
As soon as the glass was placed in front of him the man at the edge of the bar moved to the seat beside him. He smelled like stale cigarettes and rum. All Louis could do was smile to keep himself from turning his nose up. 
“You’re not from around here.”
“I’m just passing through town.” He smiled, turning in his seat to completely face the man opposite him. “I’ll be honest, I’m not really about the small talk. Do you want to get a room tonight?” 
He ran a hand through his hair and ran his tongue over his teeth, waiting. 
“You’re sure?” He said next. Louis quirked an eyebrow and nodded. 
“I’ll be outside. Meet me out there once you’ve paid both of our tabs.” He ran a hand down the bare skin of the man’s arm, with a playful smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”
He left, then, walking outside with quiet steps. 
He stood outside for barely ten minutes before the man joined him, a hand on his hip. “Let’s go.” 
He hailed a cab from the corner as the man kept a firm hand around his waist. 
It was a silent ride to the hotel room, the silence filled with the empty promise of a night to remember. 
Louis wasn’t sure what the other end of that night looked like. Whether the man beside him had a wife, a family, a job. He didn’t really care. Those weren’t the thoughts filling his mind as he sat beside a face that felt too familiar.  
It didn’t matter, really. 
The cab ride was quiet. Each of them stayed on their respective sides of the seats, silence heavy between them as the eight track cassette that the driver had restarted after it finished. 
The hotel was closer than Louis thought it would have been and they made their way inside too fast. 
The elevator and the roomkey and everything felt like a blur of moments that Louis could barely focus on. All he could bring himself to focus on was the  bag that hung around his shoulder. 
And yet, as soon as they were inside Louis’ mind felt hyper focused. 
Kissing the man who’s name he didn’t care to remember felt wrong. 
Every part of him wanted to reject it, and yet he stayed. Let him touch him as he peeled off pieces of clothes that weren’t meant to come off. 
The room he’d booked was a full suite; a living room and a bedroom. The TV was on, playing some news anchor who droned on in the background the Louis was more interested in than the lips pressed against his own. 
“Let me make you a drink. Then we can go to bed.” 
“Oh that’s alright –“ Tension spread through the man’s muscles all at once as he leaned forward, body following Louis’ movements as he moved from his lap to pad across the floor. 
“We’re in no rush, right?” He bit his lip with a gentle smile, eyebrows raised just slightly. “We have all night, right?” He watched with wide eyes as his body language relaxed, body falling back to rest in his chair once again. Louis doubted he even realized how much he told with his movements, the story radiating off of him in full phrases as Louis watched him. 
He mixed the drink with his finger as he walked, sucking the tequila off of it with hollowed cheeks as he let his eyes rake over the man in front of him. Tasteless, scentless. 
Clean and easy. 
He planted himself back onto his lap as he pressed the glass into his hand. 
He took one drink, then two. Pausing between each to rake his eyes up and down the expanse of Louis’ exposed skin. 
Minutes passed. He sipped at his own soda, watching as the redness in the cheeks of the man across him deepened. 
“You remember me, right?” Louis asked, running his tongue over his teeth. The smile fell from his face as Louis wrapped the lace of his robe tighter around his body. 
“let me give you a little reminder. I was sixteen and you were at a party with some of your,” He paused, grimacing, “Friends.” 
A flash of recognition swept over his face all at once and Louis smiled with a closed mouth. It wasn’t forced for the first time throughout the entire night, and that sent some sort of twisted satisfaction up Louis’ spine. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, such a shame. Because I think you do.” 
He was certain that the man in front of him knew exactly what he was talking about, without so much as a doubt in his mind. He’d been one of the five men that had ruined his life, and he wanted nothing other than the revenge he knew he rightly deserved. 
He stood there for a moment once the movements stopped. 
The silence felt too loud. Deafening. Yet it quieted some of the ruckus inside of his head. Not all of it, not enough of it, but some, and that was the start that Louis knew he needed. 
He ran his hands down the front of his shirt, smoothing out some of the wrinkles there. Then he took a last glance at the animal, finally in hell where he belonged, on the ground in front of him. A smile spread over his face as he walked out of the motel doors, peace resting on his shoulders instead of the burden of his past. 
Morning came much too fast. 
He felt rested but his eyes felt heavy as he nursed the cup of coffee that his waitress refilled graciously without nicety or small talk. He leaned himself over the counter, guarding the coffee with tired eyes and a sore body. 
A body took the seat next to him and his eyes darted over. Too many rings on long fingers caught the glimmer of early morning light cast from the window, attached to pale hands. 
“Whole bars open, you know.” He said first, straightening out his hunched back as he glanced over. 
“You took something from me, and I’d like to know why, exactly.” 
“Afraid you’ve got the wrong guy. I’m just passing through town.” 
“Well ain’t that something. I could have sworn your name was Louis Tomlinson, and last night you murdered Samson Trell.” 
He stiffened, back straight as he finally looked clearly at the man that sat beside him. The entire diner had cleared out, his eyes darting from table to table where he knew people had sat just minutes before. His eyes raked over him then, surveying the crisp press of his gray suit coat that matched the hat that sat on the counter just beside him. 
“You writin’ a book or something, or are you gonna let me enjoy my coffee in peace?” 
“I’d like it if you answered my question, actually.”
“Didn’t hear a question there.” 
“Did you murder Mr. Trell?” 
“No, I did not.” In his mind, it wasn’t a lie. What he did wasn’t murder – just revenge in the only form he could ever see it taking. The man beside him hummed, but he didn’t sound convinced. “You seem to know my name. Mind if I get yours?” 
“I do mind, actually. Now, I’d like it if you told me the truth.” His green eyes glowed brighter in the morning sunlight, flakes of brown and gold swimming in too-big irises, but they felt darker as he shifted his shoulders, revealing the gun tucked into the seam of his pants. 
“You a cop?” He didn’t get an answer, instead just a a lifted eyebrow and a slight frown. “I didn’t murder anybody.” 
“See, now I gave you two chances,” The man said with a perfectly straight toothed smile that felt genuine yet somehow still sent a chill down Louis’ spine. “You’re gonna tell me the truth this time, or I’m going to kill you.” 
A different kind of dread seeped down into Louis’ stomach at that moment, eyebrows drawing down with slightly parted lips. 
“When I tell you that I did, are you going to shoot me anyway?” 
“Depends on how good of an explanation you have for why.”
He grit his teeth, sighing on an exhale. “He raped me three years ago. Took me this long to find him and get to him.” There was a pause between them, then. He felt the other man’s eyes raking over him, an imaginary heat radiating against his skin where he looked at him even if his gaze looked neutral. “I didn’t murder anybody. He got what was comin’ to him and if you wanna kill me for that then I don’t know what to tell you.”
Louis just looked at him, trying to hold the same intensity of his gaze even over the pounding of his heart. 
“I’m not going to kill you, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you took something that belonged to me.”
“I certainly wasn’t aware that he belonged to anyone,” Louis scoffed. “I’m not sure what you’re playing at here, but why don’t you leave me be? I’m just trying to have my breakfast so I can leave town and you can forget all about me.” 
“Well, darling, if I just forgave every debt I was owed what kind of businessman would I be?” 
“Do you always draw everything out so much? Can you just get to the point? Good Christ.” 
“Well Mr. Tomlinson, since it seems you’d like me to be blunt, you’re going to replace Mr. Trell. You won’t be taking his job, specifically, but from now on you’ll answer to me. In return, I won’t kill you.” 
“If I say no?” 
“I don’t take you to be that stupid.” 
“I don’t take well to being given an ultimatum.” Louis raised an eyebrow, frowning. “And you haven’t even so much as told me your name.” 
“You can know my name once I know your answer.” 
“Between the choices of dying and answering to you I’ll obviously join the latter.” 
He finally got a smile from the man across him who stood, replacing the hat on top of his head after setting a five dollar bill onto the counter. He reached out a hand with confident movements and Louis found himself standing, too, motions coming before the thoughts felt solid in his head. He considered himself a master at reading people, yet he drew a blank with this man. All he could do was meet his hand and shake it, his grip firm and solid and the rings cold against his fingers. 
“My name is Harry Styles. Let’s take a walk.” 
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bedeobsession · 2 years
guys i really love bede like i really really love bede
um pokemon x reader requests open ig …
i’ll write for these characters :
pkmn swsh
✰ bede ( obviously )
✰ milo
✰ nessa
✰ kabu
✰ bea
✰ allister
✰ gordie
✰ melony
✰ piers
✰ raihan
✰ leon
✰ hop
✰ marnie
✰ avery
✰ klara
pkmn sm
✰ guzma ( i’m trying to get strtd on the game he is the only one i know i ltrly don’t have money )
pkmn bw
✰ n. just n. idk anyone else here either. ( i’m trying to play the games i promise )
theres a slight possibility i will make a multi fandom account , but not right now since my hyperfixation is bede ( swsh )
what i DONT write
✰ nsfw of allister , it’s so wrong to me , i’m not srry
✰ character x character
✰ rape / non con , pedophilia , incest , etc
✰ weird kinks , SPECIFICALLY piss and scat , yes i will kink shame you
what i WILL write
✰ nsfw , all characters will be aged up or remain at their current ages
✰ fluff
✰ angst
✰ i’m open to a lot of stuff tbh
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bitchiha · 4 years
Upcoming Works
!For the month of JULY!
A/N: Shawties, I am not promising that I will  finish all of these requests by the end of the month. I am simply showing you how fucking garbage my work ethic is! And theres no way I can pull through all these in that time. Requests are simply requests, if I don't want to write them I am not going to force myself too! Also, some of these are some self indulgent works I have been personally wanting to write. And YES I have 7 current works <3 I don't know why I did that to myself but I did. I only did up to 30 of my requests 4 this
Request: NSFW! for a friend! Also for myself bc I’m self indulgent.. Yamato + reader + empty hokage office, do the math luvs <3
Request: hii can you write some detailed nsfw headcanons for kakashi or just write a smut fic i love your writings so i wanted to ask if u could do it or not!
Request: Can I request some filthy nsfw hc’s for Tobirama , Shikamaru and Sasuke makeup sex w s/o after a pretty heated argument? Ofc if you feel comfortable writing for them! Thank u, ily 🥺
Request: Hiya! You’ve got me lovin’ that Yamato so could I ask for Yamato with a S/O who is the epitome of an angry lil midget (like 5’3 and under)? S/O’s also got that life-of-the party personality which totally clashes with Yamato’s gentle and sweet, would be interesting to see how that goes!
Request: I hope it’s ok I’m requesting Tsunade. Hcs of her having a daughter figure in one of her students. Like a few years younger than Shizune but she is qualified as a kunoichi and exceptional in what she is doing. I would really wanna know how she would act with her etc.
Request: heyyy!!! can i get a neji, kiba, shikamaru headcanon where they’re jealous over their s/o??? — anon 🧊
Request: I loved your headcanon about Genma Ibiki and Omoi! Would you mind doing the same with Raidou? Finding some content abt him is so rare 😩
Request: hiii! please can you do nsfw hc for neji?❤️
Request: Can you do oblivious reader headcanons for Neji and Raikage Darui please?!
Request: Hey, so after reading my matchup again, I got an idea for a head-canon. I'm not sure if this has already been asked, but headcanons with Shino that has a S/O who has a fear of bugs, but doesn't want that to ruin their relationship with Shino and tries to work on it ( side note: gotta love that auto correct changes Shino to Rhino).
Request: Teehee, could you do a headcanon in how Kakashi would react if he was out at a bar with his friend he’s crushing on and he let something close to “I love you” slip out in front of her (bonus points if she ends up feeling the same?) Omg it would mean the world ❤️
Request: Can we have more Kakashi love Super PLEASE? how about a s/o who is motherly towards team 7 - especially Naruto, & loves taking care of Kakashi. 👀
Request: Can I request some Boruto team 7 headcanons? How they confess to their fem crush? Or other way how they would react to a love confession from their crush *^*
Request: 🌻Hi! Some shisui headcanons with S/O coming from different culture? I know that their villages have same/very similar cultures so how would he react to S/O from like another😅 im sorry english is not my native language
Request: jealous sasuke or kiba 👉🏾👈🏾?? maybe please 
Request: Hello! I love your blog. You're amazing. Can I request some Kiba fluff where he proposes to his S/O with Akamaru's help? I think that would be super cute. Thank you!
Request: Hi lovely! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba and Shikamaru's reactions to finding out their S/O is pregnant with twins? Thanks a lot :)
Request: Wait, can I request Shikamaru meeting his s/o’s ex too please? Wlfklskajdkskamdnemks
Request: Hi! I love your writing! Could I ask hcs of Madara with a s/o, please? Like under what circumstances would he get one? What'd attract him and make him go for it? And how would he behave around his s/o?
Request: Lizzie 😭❤ may I request headcanons for Shisui where the fem reader is a new ANBU member and is really strong but is underestimated by her male team mates (except Shisui) so he hears her crying in the evening in her room and comforts her by making her compliments and they start kissing and making out? 😊
Request: ummm i just read ur last ask andddd are there any other characters you’d wanna write for that situation? 👀 (S/O walking in on character masturbating) 
Request: hi can i request some smutty smutty hcs about fem s/o waking neji, hidan, and kisame up in the middle of the night w a bj? 👀 throw in a bonus kakashi if u feeling extra generous 🙏🏼✨
Request: it says ur requests are open, if not i’m sorry for bothering you :( but can we have tenten relationship headcanons, u could do nsfw only if u want to!
Request: Same anon from a similar ask, what if it was flipped, how would kakashi, yamato, and iruka react if they walked in on their s/o masturbating? 👉👈
Request: I love your worksss 🥺💕💕 so I’m new in the tobirama club so can i request sfw and nsfw headcanons of him?? 🥰✌🏻
Request: May I request a hc for Kisame, Hidan, Deidara, and/or Itachi (separately) with an s/o who's a total mom-friend in general, but becomes a merciless killer in battle. Just 0-100 real quick-
Request: Hello! ❤️ I was wondering if You could write a small scenario or headcanon (which ever is easiest on you) of how Kakashi would react if Jiraiya and Gai brought him to a strip club for the first time? (It’s something that’s been in my mind for a hot minute)
Request: Hi could you maybe possibly do a headcannon for Kakashi or Shikamaru with them and their s/o being cuddly/just laying in bed together? 👉👈 ty ilysm
Request: Pls- just something Might Guy/Rock Lee related... they practically carried the show and for that, they need more love 
Request: Love your writing, would love if you wrote something for Sasori one day
Request: Gai/Lee anon here! SFW and NSFW pls :3
Request: Scenario where reader is having a wet dream while cuddling with Kakashi and starts mumbling lewd things in their sleep and Kakashi wakes them up and it leads to sexy times 👉👈 ik that's hyper specific srry 💜
Request: what would kakashi do if his s/o teased him so bad 👀
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The Greatest Showman
Tom Thumb x female! reader
Warning: bullying, the mob being a holes 
Specifics: blurb / drabble, angst, romance, comedy, fluff, race neutral reader 
People: tom thumb (charles stratton), p.t. barnum, anne wheeler, mob 
Words: 877 
Requested: By @sexuallyconfusedspacedragon456 Okay so I have a request that just randomly came to me,I was hoping you could do it?Basically, we've always seen Charles as like flirty and like always cracking a joke right?What if one day the reader finds him sobbing because what the mob as been saying got to him?And like the reader asks him whats wrong and he instantly puts on a tough guy facade and cracks a joke,but the reader gives him the look that someone gives another person before they spill what was wrong and the reader comforts him
Authors Note: i was gonna make this a platonic reader buttttttttttttttttt i just felt like writing fluff and romance and then i thought WHY NOT! i never have done platonic for tom or charles whatever u call this beauty and so i hope y’all like it if u dont well im srry i tried and thats my life. see ya! 
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“Y/n hey y/n over here beautiful,” Tom whistled at you as you walked past him in your costume. Your scene ending for the night. You rolled your eyes and proceeded to walk making Tom run after you. 
“Hey baby don’t run away from a lonely soul like me,” he joked as he flashed you a wink that sent you giggling like a little school girl. Finally you paused to give Tom attention, placing your hands on your hips, “what do you want you fool?”
“Ooh playing tough to get I see. Don’t worry doll, I’ll get you one day. But you gotta admit, it is working a little isn’t it?”
You bit your lip and playfully pondered over the thought, then you nodded, “fine you got me, but only a tiny bit play boy.”
Tom flirtatiously growled at you and motioned away with a blow away kiss. 
Thats how Tom usually was. He was always flirting with all the women but mostly you. You were his favorite. He liked you the most because you were never harsh on him and if you ever were it was because you were joking. You understood him the most and truly cared for his well being. 
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“Mr. Barnum they’re at it again sir,” you rushed to your boss. Out of breath as you made a run to P.T. as the mob suddenly appeared outside the circus. 
“Oh for heavens sake,” P.T. cursed under his breath as he sprinted to the others. He stood in front of his friends that were being persecuted and shouted at the mob. You stood next to him and shouted as well. It seemed to work, the mob men all left muttering profanities. 
Your first thought was to see if Tom was okay but as you looked at the group you couldn’t find him no where.
“Hey Anne have you seen Tom?” You asked your good friend. She pointed to the back of the circus. You could see him there resting on a chair. 
Making your way to him you could of sworn you heard sniffles as if he was crying. “Hey buddy, you okay?” As you got a good look at his face you noticed his dark eyes were red a puffy, as if he were sobbing. You sat beside him and wrapped his hands in yours. “Charles whats wrong?”
Tom shook his head and played a fake chuckle for you, “eh don’t worry about me doll, I think its just allergies. Let me tell you around here soon it will make you stuffier than a pig.” He joked but then noticed your face was still of worry. Thats all he ever wanted to do was make you happy, and now you were worried and scared for him, he felt terrible. He felt he wasn’t doing a good job. All he wanted was to see your beautiful smile. 
Your face was serious, you sternly stared at him, “spill the beans soldier.”
Tom was going to put a tough guy act but then everything spilled. His tears rushed back into his eyes and they let go and fell onto his cheeks. “I just feel useless sometimes. I feel like a mistake. I usually don’t ever let what the mob say get to me but this time y/n it hurt, it hurt for real. The words they repeated and screamed have touched my heart and make me just wanna hide. I feel like I’m no good. I can’t even make you stay smiling, and that smile of yours. Sometimes I feel like I ain’t good for ya. I mean I know I’m not. I just, what they said made me open my eyes and see that all that wishing and dreaming is for waste because it will never happen. I’m sorry you have to see this.”
You felt tears wet your eyes and Tom had on a worried expression, “no please y/n no. Please don’t cry at least not for me. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
You placed a loving hand on his cheek, “please Charles. Its okay to cry and I feel you are someone so important to me, thats why I cry. What those idiots said about you and the others are not true. You are not a mistake in fact you are a gift. Its understandable that they hurt you, but just know what they said its not the truth, none of it. You are good enough, and you are so good enough for me. You make me laugh Charles and you make me feel beautiful and loved. I just hope you know that I see you that way as well. You are incredible and make me happy, I love you for being you and don’t care what any one else says. You’re perfect.”
Tom stared into your eyes like they were stars. They held such immense beauty in them. You were perfection in his eyes. 
Bashfully you motioned forward to him and kissed his lips lightly. You could feel Tom stiffen up but then relax and place his hands on your cheek. It was short and small but full of love. You placed your forehead against his and smiled. 
Tom took a breath and whispered, “theres that beautiful smile I love so much.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @divaanya, @dirbel
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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