#srsly is there some easter fic?
seatnights · 6 months
okay serious question, where are all the bunny outfit! or bunny!character fic for easter? where y’all at? what happened to that. we used to be a proper team here
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
I was SUPER worried about my S/I being too overpowered or too over-the-top cause she has a backstory with the cult and has some demonic powers due to it. But after seeing all the powerful OCs and S/Is people have lovingly crafted and the positive receptiom they've gotten, I think me and her are gonna feel right at home in this fandom 💙
Bro, take this is your greenlight to go absolutely balls-to-the-wall nuckin futs with your s/i. Srsly. Please, please, PLEASE make your s/i(s) as OP, gorgeous, extra, plot-central and cringe as you want. They're your chance to reinvent yourself into whoever you could possibly imagine and be anything you could possibly want to be in any situation you could possibly come up with. The only thing limiting you is your own imagination!! 🌈✨✨✨✨
Here's a rundown of my own SF s/is, in case you need some cringy encouragement (CW: general TW, contains spoilers for my goretober events/ 'Meet the Fishers' s/i fics):
S/is for the AUs within my overly-complicated and meta 'Meet the Fishers' selfship AU-
-Penpal!Mitch: An art student at the local community college who became Sals penpal while he was in prison. They fell madly in love and went on the run together (and it inevitably ended Badly 😬)
-Coworker!Mitch: Workaholic worry-wart line cook/ resident cinnamon roll at the Nockfell Diner, where Sal got his first job as a dishwasher. Classic wholesome boy-meets-boy slowburn 💘
-Dealer!Mitch: Asshole hedonist drug dealer who sells 'The Addison Special' to Nockfell residents. Got Sal hooked on the sex-and-drugs lifestyle (it was fun while it lasted 🤷‍♂️)
-Videogame!Mitch: Ultra kawaii dating sim AI in a convenient tamagotchi-clone package. Sal got so obsessed with their 'relationship' that he became a NEET and his fam had to give him an intervention.
-Neighbor!Mitch: Not-so-secretly creepy yandere girl-next-door with social anxiety and self-esteem issues. After stalking her to make sure she wasn't a cult member, Sal and her became a cute/gross yanxyan couple (until he had to try and off her on ritual night oop-)
-Perfect!Mitch: A 'perfect'/absolutely disastrous mix of all of the above, the meta s/i who gets kidnapped by a not-so-fictional-other (THE Sal Fisher) and is slowly driven to cannibalistic insanity after learning the truth about the multiverse (aka Sals story is true, our universe is just another possible reality in Sally Face, and this Mitch is just another 'Mitch' in a long line of Mitchs Sal has found while traveling around the multiverse)
Miscellaneous s/is-
-Werewolf!k.e.w.k.: [insert culty mishap here] turned k.e.w.k. into a werewolf and Sal into a wererabbit. Where could this PoSsIbLy Go????? 🤔🤔🤔 (underdeveloped but still fun, and may pop back in during Easter who knows uwu)
-Default s/i (aka K.E.W.K.): IRL me with a kawaii filter and no concrete backstory, suitable for shoving into any selfship scenarios I'm currently hyperfixated on 👌 (new Meet the Artist coming soon~)
So yeah get cringy and have fun Anon (and feel free to share with us if you'd like to!) 🤗💖
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