#sry for using my tumblr as a livejournal. AGAIN.
oysters-aint-for-me · 5 months
i’ve been trying to eat during the daytime more because right now i only eat after the sun goes down basically and even though i still miss traditional hunger signals (ie tummy hurts) thanks to my new meds i am starting to feel and notice other less obvious hunger signals (ie irritability, difficulty focusing, feeling like i am incapable of doing anything, sneezing*) and so now that i know eating helps with those things, it’s just silly not to. except my stomach isn’t used to eating during the day and it’s a crapshoot** as to whether or not the food will send me running to the toilet. yesterday i went to a baseball game and had half of a soft pretzel and my stomach went “UUUHH??? it’s 1 pm? i’m not on shift what do you expect me to do w this” then later at like 12 am i had two microwave burritos and a plate of tortilla chips and my stomach was completely fine. stomach, we can’t keep living like this bro, we gotta start assimilating at least a little bit into the normal rhythms of the human species if we wanna start feeling a little better
* don’t ask i don’t know
** pun not intended but embraced wholeheartedly
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