#st michael rosary
truedevotiondesign · 2 months
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tinyshe · 1 year
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myremnantarmy · 1 year
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hereinthecanvas · 1 year
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azlrse · 11 months
➳ pater noster (a yandere!om!belphegor x gn!nun!reader) w/ a hint of solomon x reader
synopsis: some faces are not meant to be trusted but what if your faith towards father himself was just a mere illusion? or is it perhaps that the prince of sloth took a liking for you and do whatever it takes for your innocence to be tainted.
cw: yandere themes, religious au, gore (includes mutilation and blood), minor character death, manipulation, fic has a cliffhanger.
a/n: happy halloween everyone! this fic has been kept on my notes for over a year now and publishing it in the spirit of halloween (also college has been killing me slowly so this is the reason why I am not that active here anymore ;_;;).
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No one knew how humankind can feel the sense of paranoia when attending the church’s grounds, despite it’s gruesome and horrid history from the 18th century. Some say that it’s because of the church’s dark history while the others passed down the same story that you heard from your childhood that several unrested souls had haunted these holy grounds you stood above since the day you’ve arrived. Thus, beginning your mission as a devoted nun to the high divines.
You didn’t blame those people. After all, the church had stood from thousands of years ago as many of your ancestors were executed for the sake of appeasing the gods, or perhaps is it the demons who are offered these so-called sacrifices. You didn’t believed the words from that crazy woman you’ve encountered this morning that a demon took it’s residence in the catacombs below the old ancestral chruch, knowing that those words are nothing but blasphemy, words that could taint the same people you’ve worshipped and adored.
As the bells of St. Michael Parish had rung, signifying that the mass (which had begun an hour ago) had concluded. Many of the people (who attended) and your peers had left, ready to celebrate grace together with their beloved families, going out to eat or spending time alone in the covenants while a certain nun had stayed behind to make up for the missing prayer they missed this morning.
Speaking in the words of old religion, they closed their eyes and began their session alone to give their thanks to Father himself. The empty church had given (M/C) the sense of peace and quiet they needed after hearing such loud noises during the day, preventing them from having a peace of your mind and soul. They firmly gripped the small rosary that they’ve kept on the side of their habit as they spoke the prayer that indicates the beginning of their daily prayer.
“In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti”
As you lit the candle, you think about your own family. How are your siblings doing? Are your parents doing fine since your departure? Are they well? Do they missed you terribly?
They prayed for an hour, forgetting about the concept of time and was contented with Father hearing their prayers. Each hail mary’s and our father are spoken many times and it finally concluded with a small “amen.” You feel the soreness of your knees from kneeling on the tuffet as you stood up and make the sign of the cross while staring into the giant cross you say your prayers with. Before you went back to the covenant to join the others, you lit a candle and spoke a small prayer before you make your way towards the others.
Of course they are. After all, you almost recieved countless of messages from your family about your well-being. You spoke your prayers towards them for they will have a good and lasting life, away from the dangers lurking around their lives. You’ve closed your eyes for a bit until a voice interrupted your alone time. “Making up for the missing prayer for this morning, (M/C)?”
“Ah!” You jumped from the voice behind you. “Father Solomon! I didn’t know that you’re here for your nightly walks. You scared me for quite a bit and yes, I did make up for this morning’s prayer.” He replied with a soft hum and lights up another candle for him to say his thanks before he calls it a day. The looming light for the tainted windows of the solemn adds some light aside from the many candles that was lit as the buildings source of light. You find peace within these walls and the peaceful silence doesn’t even bother you, contented with your closest friend by your side.
Speaking of your friend, he breaks the silence and asks a single question that sparked up your curiosity. “Say my friend,” He solemnly spoke, lighting another candle but this time, the color of the candle he lit up was black. “Do you believe these rumors that the demons roaming this sacred grounds? Aren’t you afraid of such creatures who would lured humanity into an endless pit of sin and everlasting pain?”
Hearing that question makes your skin crawling and feeling uneasy. Speaking this kind of question during night time is kinda scary and quite unnerving at the same time. You didn’t want to upset your friend and just went with the flow upon answering his question. “While I do believe in the concept of those creatures, yes. I believe that the demons are still roaming around these holy grounds, tempting for us to succumb into their sin and no, I am not scared. Don’t you forget that one of my closest friends is an exorcist?” You patted his back as you refer to the young priest as your closest friend. The old bell rang from the tower above, signifying that the time for prayer and seclusion has been completed and what better way to call it a day was to eat dinner together with your fellow nuns.
“Now, come along now, Father Solomon. We don’t wanna miss out today’s dinner special won’t we?” Before you make your way towards the kitchen, Father Solomon stopped you on your tracks, held your hand and gave you something. “Wait, my friend. There’s something I should give you.” He handed you an item that was small and light, the first thing you thought that the item you hold was a small jewelry of some sort. “Think of this as my gift of appreciation for being one of my most trusted friends.” The priest then opens his hand and showed you a ring. The ring looks really minimal with the exception of a purple gem on top of the small jewel.
“I found this while I was tending in the gardens the other day and it turns out that this precious gem doesn’t have an owner. Plus, the color kinda reminds me of you and I want you to have it.” Speechless, you took the ring from his hands and slipped it right into your ring finger. It was a perfect size! It wasn’t loose nor tight. You loved this ring but you’re still hesitant upon accepting your friends small gift. Solomon noticed that you were nervous and hesitant on wearing that ring. “Don’t worry about that ring being cursed. For I have already blessed it with the blessings from the celestial realm. That ring definitely can protect you from any harm.”
His words convinced you that this ring wasn’t cursed but just an ordinary ring. You slipped it right back to your ring finger and thanked your friend for the small gift he gave you. “Now come on, let’s get to the cafeteria first before we ran out of those delicious juice they served!”
“You can go first, my friend. There’s something I need to tend in the gardens. I don’t want the children to be playing outside of the gardens this late.” You nodded and proceeded to walk towards the dining area where the rest of your peers gathered. It was quite unusual for your friend to tend the gardens this late, considering that the children are given strict rules when it comes to them roaming around the grounds without adult supervision. Plus, Father Solomon only tended the gardens every Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Today was Thursday and it was supposed to be his turn the next day, which is strange to say the least. As oblivious as you are, you shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a mishap or just a mere coincidence that happened today.
The dinner was good and not long after you finished your meal, everyone in the room heard a scream from the outside. Children are escorted and ran outside from the dormitories, which is led by the nun who took charge in watching over them. “What happened?!” The reverend mother spoke as the young nun shook in fear while trying her best to answer her question. “The demon attacked them! I saw the creature devouring the poor child in front of my eyes! A creature surrounded by darkness as their teeth feast on the poor child!” You hugged the shaken nun, collapsing into your arms as she sobbed and sobbed, knowing that she failed her duty in watching over the orphans, now paranoid and scared due to what’s happening outside of their dorms.
You quickly ran outside towards the scene of the crime and what came out from your mouth was a gasp and felt the feeling of dread and nausea seething through your stomach; a child’s mangled form is laying on the floor, lifeless as blood continuously flow from it’s main source, staining the dirt below. Their eyes wide open, mouth distorted into a scream, as if they had called for help. A bite wound can be seen on the side of the child’s stomach, exposing their remains.
Colors of red and blue, flashing throughout the entire grounds, despite all the noise and commotion the police made, all you can hear was a deafening ring on your ears. Your legs gave out after you knew which child is assigned to this gruesome fate. It was none other than the child whom you’ve taken care of ever since their infancy, the same child that gave you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen and the one who made your day even better. You began to cry hysterically, catching the attention to your closest friend as he gave his shoulder to cry on.
“There there, it’s okay (M/C). I know it’s hard for you to process what happened and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect them in time.” Solomon rubbed his hand back and forth on your back while watching their body being placed in a body bag and placed on the back on the ambulance, ready to be examined by medical professionals to see who’s the main perpetrator of this horrid crime.
You couldn’t sleep that night after you went back to your residency alone (due to Solomon being one of the people being questioned). The more you blinked, more tears slid from your cheeks, staining your pillows, thinking on what happens if you rescued them in time. Will they still be the same child you took care of? Will they grow up and obtaining their dream profession after they graduated college?
You wished those events can happen in real life but alas, they couldn’t because they finally succumb to their untimely death. You felt the numbness coursing throughout your body while staring towards the dimly lit ceiling of your room.
Despite trying you best to fall back asleep, you couldn’t shake the vivid and gruesome scene. You became scared for a bit but prayed to the celestial beings that you and the others are guided to a safer path. You prayed and prayed until you couldn’t feel your knees anymore as tears continuously poured down your cheek. After what it felt like hours, you lay down on your bed as eyes finally closed, taking a good night’s rest for tomorrow’s occasion.
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You woke up on a strange environment, standing barefoot on the stone cold ground gave you goosebumps throughout your entire body. You’re still wearing the exact same clothes you went to bed but didn’t remember that you put on the ring right before you went to bed. It’s strange to say the least, you remembered that you took off that ring and placed it right on your bedside table.
The ring itself began to glow, bright violet specks of light flickered as more fog appeared in this strange place. The more you walk in this endless loop, the more the temperature became colder and colder to the point that your body began to shiver. The thin clothing that clings to your skin doesn’t help and you felt like you’re about to pass out due to hypothermia.
Out of nowhere, a voice called out for you.
It was a man’s voice. It echoes across the void. You whipped your head back and forth to see who’s the owner of that voice. At first, you thought that it was Solomon’s voice but it isn’t or wasn’t it Simeon to begin with? No, it’s not the same person who spoke your name.
“Come home to me. For you have committed such crime and sin, a sin that belonged to one of my brothers.”
There it is again! And what crime is he talking about? You? A nun who’s devoted to Father himself, committed a sin that belonged to the 7 deadly sins? That’s absurd! You never commited such acts, not after you became a nun in the first place. “What are you talking about? Who are you and what crime did I even commit? I’ll never turn my back against God and commit a sin!”
The voice chuckled and that’s when you felt your ring finger began to tighten up. You tried removing the ring in your finger but it felt like it was glued on your poor finger. A bruise began to form on your finger as it cuts off the circulation. “Who I am doesn’t matter, little one. After all, you’re gonna meet me soon.” You screamed as the ring began to bury deep within your skin, blood dripping from the newly formed wound. “As for your crime, well. You already know what that is, my dear. You’re gonna find out about that soon. But for now,” You screamed in excruciating pain, more blood came rushing from the cut as your finger was completely cut off, laying lifelessly on the cold stone ground.
Before you know it, a shadow looms over you. Ram like horns on each side of it’s head and it gave you a eery smile, taking pleasure on the pain you just went through. It’s violet-pink eyes stared into yours and in response, you gave this malicious entity a sharp glare as you bare your teeth, both in pain and to show your bravery despite being in pain.
The demon surely loves your bravery towards him and it amuses him. He picked up your severed finger, keeping it as a souvenir and leaned in closer towards your face and spoke,
“It’s time for you to wake up.”
A sudden jolt of energy woke you up, sweat dripping down from the top of your head while the beating of your heart becomes faster and faster the more air you breathed in. You look around your room; the light of the sun seething through your window as the fresh breeze of cool air makes its way to your room. In a panic, you checked your ring finger. To your relief, it wasn’t severed nor wounds appeared around the finger. As for your ring, the simplistic jewelry is still on the same area you’ve placed since last night.
It felt so real. The pain, the blood dripping from your wound and the way your ring tightens up. You thought that when you woke up, all that was left on your finger was torn up muscles and blood staining the comfortable bed sheets. Not to mention how that mysterious entity pinpointed a crime that you didn’t even committed, let alone considering that it was also a sin.
A sin that belonged to one of his brothers.
Instead of becoming scared due to your horrible nightmare, you’ve become even more curious not only towards that entity but also to the ring Father Solomon gave you yesterday. And it looks like you have something to talk about to the young priest himself.
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“Solomon!” You called out to your dear friend from afar, seeing him reading the sacred scriptures underneath a tree that’s located from the outskirts of the old church. “There you are. I was searching for you everywhere and it’s unusual for you to be alone in this tree since you almost spend your time in your office.”
The priest only hums softly, moving aside to indicate that he’s inviting you to sit with him, which you gladly accepted. “I hope you’re doing well since the incident last night. Condolences to you and the others.” You smiled in sadness from the words you heard from him. “It’s fine, friend. They’re still trying to find the killer. I hope they caught them fast and finally have some justice to [c/n]. Poor child, may God let them rest in peace.”
You wiped off your tears, still remembering the sweet, innocent smile the child gave to you. They’re such a good kid, taking the role-model as an older sibling to the other orphans and even taking some of the blame if one of the orphans made a mistake. The thought quickly subsided, shaking your head and a serious look appeared on your face. “The kid’s not the reason why I’m here. May I ask you something, my friend?”
Solomon placed a bookmark on his book and placing it over the soft patch of grass. Wait a minute – you noticed that his eyes are quite strange; eye bags and the soft color of purple and pink hue over his brown eyes. You saw how his eyes twitched as if he didn’t sleep well last night. You’ve become so distracted over the color and the eye bags of his eyes that his voice broke your trance. “Ask away, (M/C) and I’ll try my best to answer those questions of yours.”
“Do you know this ring’s origins?” You showed him the ring around your finger. His smile widen when he saw you wearing the ring. “Quite beautiful, isn’t it?” He took your hand on his, inspecting the piece of jewelry he gave you yesterday. “Yes, I agree with you but I have a dream- nightmare rather, about this piece of jewelry.” The priest’s giddy expression suddenly dropped as soon as you mentioned the term ‘nightmare’. This concerns Solomon and he felt the atmosphere between the both of you became serious.
“What nightmare, (M/C)? Please do tell me what happened there?” You hesitated at first, still vividly remembering how a demon appeared out of nowhere as the ring began to sever your poor finger. The lingering pain still subsided within your mind, for the pain you felt was too real in the awakening world.
You randomly rubbed your hand against your ring finger while looking at the green patches of grass, noticing on how each sway of the individual leaves was caused by the cold winds blew across the courtyard. After what felt like hours, you’ve spoken about this gruesome dream of yours. “I’ve encountered something…evil from this dream of mine. I saw an entity that we feared and loathed, it’s horns are long and twisted, a tail which can choke a mere human to death in under a minute and his white sharp eyes.”
You shivered alone by just describing the demon’s features but it didn’t stop you from telling your close friend what such events had left you shaken since this morning. “I also remember how the ring you gave me tighten and remembering the pain I’ve endured as I try to pry off this cursed piece of jewelry. Believe me or not, this caused my ring finger to be severed, blood dripping non stop from my veins as I screamed in agony and pain while that demon watched me cry in satisfaction. What does that filthy creature even want from me?”
Solomon only listened to your words with a fixated expression on his face. “So your saying that this ring I gave you is the main reason why you have a nightmare last night?” You nodded, still feeling the your body shaken a little after you told your horrid story of a nightmare. “I thought this ring was blessed by you, father. Isn’t the blessing by the celestial beings cleansed this ring from the likes of 'it’?”
“I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unless..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence. “I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unles..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence.
“I think that the ring isn’t the target to begin with.” His words send chills down your spine. Hands are sweaty from paranoia and nervousness, eyes widen a bit from the words his spoke and your mouth wide agape; no words are even coming out from your mouth. Solomon looks at you in a serious manner for he knew that your life is in danger.
“The demon wants you, my friend. You are in grave danger…”
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The Irish Princess and her dynastic marriage to a Norman that helped shape Europe. Aoife, Princess of Leinster -> Catherine, The Princess of Wales. The Princess of Wales is Aoife, Princess of Leinster and Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke 26th Great-Granddaughter  via her paternal grandfather’s line.
** Aoife or Eva, Princess of Leinster, played a pivotal role in the history of Ireland and the Norman expansion. She was the daughter of Diarmaid MacMurrough, King of Leinster, who sought the help of the Normans to secure his throne and defeat his enemies. As part of this alliance, Aoife married the Norman leader Richard de Clare, known as ‘Strongbow,’ on 25 August 1170. This marriage marked the arrival of the Normans in Ireland, just 104 years after their conquest of England by William the Conqueror.
Through their daughter, Isabelle de Clare, The 4th Countess of Pembroke, the union of Aoife and Strongbow forged a lineage that would shape the future of European nobility. Isabelle became an ancestor of nearly every reigning monarch across Europe. Within a few generations, her descendants included much of the European aristocracy, including all the Kings of Scotland since Robert the Bruce (1274–1329) and every monarch of England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom since Henry IV (1367–1413). 
Family Line
Aoife MacMurrough, Princess of Leinster and Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke. Painting of their wedding, depicting the political and cultural consequences. 
Isabelle de Clare 4th Countess of Pembroke m. William Marshall 1st Earl of Pembroke. 
Eve Marshall m William de Briouze, born  Pembroke Castle.
Eve de Briouze m. William de Cauntelo, Coat of Arms
Millicent de Cauntelo m. Eon la Zouche, Coat of Arms
Eva la Zouche m. Maurice de Berkeley, 2nd Lord Berkeley, buried St Mary's Church, Portbury. 
Thomas de Berkeley, 3rd Lord Berkeley m. Catherine Clivedon
Sir John Berkeley m. Elizabeth Betteshorne, burial location.
Eleanor Berkeley m. Sir Richard Poynings, burial tomb.
Eleanor de Poynings m. Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland
Lady Margaret Percy m. Sir William Gascoigne 
Anne Gascoigne m. Sir Thomas Fairfax - Gawthorpe Hall, family seat.
William Fairfax m. Anne Baker - Gilling Castle, family seat. 
John Fairfax m. Mary Birch - Master of the Great Hospital at Norwich, Norfolk
Rev. Benjamin Fairfax m. Sarah Galliard - Preacher at Rumburgh, Suffolk.
Benjamin Fairfax m. Bridget Stringer - died in Halesworth, Suffolk.
Sarah Fairfax m. Rev. John Meadows - died in Ousedon, Suffolk.
Philip Meadows m. Margaret Hall
Sarah Meadows m. Dr. David Martineau
Thomas Martineau m. Elizabeth Rankin - buried at Rosary Cemetery, Norwich.
Elizabeth Martineau m. Dr. Thomas Michael Greenhow - died in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland.
Frances Elizabeth Greenhow m. Francis Lupton
Francis Martineau Lupton m. Harriet Davis
Olive Lupton m. Richard Middleton
Peter Middleton m. Valerie Glassborow
Michael Middleton m. Carole Goldsmith 
Catherine Middleton m. Prince William of Wales
*Catherine is also a descendant of Aoife via her mother Caroles maternal line.
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coraz0ndegranada · 5 months
As much as I am in love with my faith I do feel that maybe when I am talking about it with friends or family that they may think it comes easy to me. That is incorrect! Everyday I am suffering, everyday I am praying as much as I can, everyday I am trying to be in action with Christ as close as possible. And I will always fall short. So it is best left to him, anyway.
What I can do is speak to my acquaintances in heaven, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Teresa of Avila, Our most holy Mother of the Rosary & my guardian angel (who is doing their best with what they got); for help in my journey.
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saint-stanthony · 11 months
The Rosary in My Practice🥀
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October being the month of the holy rosary, I’ve decided to write about how I utilize rosaries in my practice day-to-day! This is from my perspective as a folk practitioner who works with/prays to Mary & the saints and includes many catholic elements in what I do. 
• I tend to use different rosaries for different purposes, as rosaries are not only a devotional practice in their own right, but also a lovely magical tool. However, in using a rosary to connect with Mary, I want to stress again that it’s completely fine to rewrite and reword prayers or leave one out(like the creed). Of course the traditional prayers do have a power to them BUT if it doesn’t feel comfortable for you to say all together, then you can change it. Saying a prayer is like reciting a spell. 
• Rosaries and rosary style prayer has become very important in my ritual, spellwork, and devotional work. Not just in connecting with Mary, but with my ancestors and saints! My ancestral altar includes a for my catholic ancestors that I’ll use to pray for them as an offering, and to deepen my connection and dedication to them (you do not have to include catholic elements in ancestor work and you can say no to catholic and christian ancestors!!!). I made my ancestors rosary myself and it resembles more of a Fraiskette, including medals for saints important in German and French folk religion + to my family. 
• I keep a Joan of Arc rosary close by to use and pray when petitioning Joan, and to find comfort in, as she’s a saint I love dearly and have built up a strong connection with. On my main working altar I have a rosary to use when calling in a saint/Mary to do tarot readings with, ask for assistance in spellwork or celebrating feast days important in my practice. The separate space I have for the archangels includes a St Michael chaplet I made and a rosary, again being something I’ll pray as an offering, or to deepen my relationship with them and petition them! 
• My rosaries are also very personalized, and I encourage yall to add to your prayer beads or try your hand at making some yourself, give it personal touches that make it more meaningful to you! I typically don’t pray the rosary traditionally, and will pray my own Marian prayers that feel appropriate based on what I’m asking Mary for, or which epithet of her I’m connecting with and feeling called to. Personally, rosaries for me are very comforting and I often pray them completely Mary focused with an Our Mother prayer instead of Our Father, as Mary is a big part of my life and I go to her all the time. My rosaries are often worn as well.
Rosary style prayer and beads are something I use in connection with other deities as well. My Diana beads I made are prayed like and resemble a rosary, used during rituals or spells that include her, and have a set of prayers I wrote. 
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• The rosary is a wonderful devotional and magical tool! There’s many different ways they can be incorporated in your practice and magic. From going by use of and associations with bead materials and color magic, to having a string of magical and personal charms to keep with you, rosaries have a lot of room for creativity and adaptation. The rosary doesn’t have to be prayed in full all at once either, and can be as simple or deep as you would like it to be. Write your own mysteries to think on in prayer, Marian or pagan, add your own charms and centers you like, anoint or bless your rosaries in the names of a goddesses you worship who are syncretized with Mary, make your form of rosary use personal. Most importantly, do what fits your needs and practice, and makes you happy!!
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majordemonblockparty · 4 months
for all the secrets and half-truths (and one demon deal) their marriage was based on, I do like to think that john and mary really did love each other. but I like to think that that love manifested in some pretty odd ways.
john, who keeps catching his wife sprinkling holy water in the corners of the house and murmuring in what he can only assume is latin. "I didn't think your family was that religious, mare," he says, when what he means is "thought your daddy was episcopalian, mary; what bizarre sort'a mackerel snapper shit is this?"
mary, who buys her husband a nice leather belt for his birthday, and spends interim weeks etching the inside with salt-rubbed runes and sigils to keep him safesafesafe. (that she pricks her finger and bleeds dark stains into the leather is a bonus.)
john, who keeps finding rosaries tucked into the pockets of his jeans folded in the bureau drawer, and little spiral snail shells sprinkled along the front walkway and around the edges of the property, and flat silver pendants with the image of a man and a stag on the front and the words ST. HUBERTUS PRAY FOR US stamped on the back sewn to the lining of his jackets.
mary, who leaves her husband's guns alone when she finds them tucked into his nightstand drawer, and on a high shelf in the closet. who cleans and sharpens her collection of knives -- silver, iron, consecrated bronze -- at the kitchen table after the breakfast dishes are done and puts them back safe in a spot she knows john'll never look (the false bottom of the tampax box).
john, who leaves his sleeping wife, two, three, ten times a night sometimes to walk the perimeter, gun in hand. john who flips the locks open and shut, open and shut, who checks the window casings and the closets and the crawlspace under the kitchen pantry for -- what he's never sure. not VC, not in suburban kansas, and he knows that, he does, but --
mary, who keeps adding angels to the baby's nursery; little plaster cherubs on the changing table and ceramic seraphims over the crib and a cross-stitched monstrosity of a thing with a little boy's prayer to st. michael hung on the back of the closet door. (john buys her a delicate silver -- always silver jewelry for his girl, never gold -- cross for her 25th birthday, just a little over a month before the baby comes, and she puts it on and kisses him sweetly and thanks him for it, and he never sees her wear it again.)
john, who understands that everybody needs something to lean on when shit gets fucked, that losing both her parents in one night was horrible for mary, that if a little at-home catholicism is what it takes to make her feel better, well. he's seen women cope in worse ways than that.
mary, who doesn't have a good excuse when her husband walks in on her painting protective sign on her three-week-old son's skin with a finger dipped in holy water. who looks at him with wide, no-sleep eyes and shaky hands and tells him she's just doing this to keep him safe.
("safe from what?" john hears himself ask. "from sin? mary, we can have him baptized, it's fine, you don't have to do this." but yes, she does, she really, really does.)
(it gets... not better, exactly, but not worse as dean gets older. when he can tie his own shoes and say his own prayers and keep the little silver bracelet engraved with his initials clasped around his wrist without fear of losing it. john had given it a dubious look but any comment waiting on his tongue was quickly quelled by a warning glance from his wife that could've singed the hair off his face.)
john, who's not about to tell anybody about whatever's happening to his wife, and mary, the embodiment of "it's not paranoia if they really are out to getcha". john and mary both trying to protect the other as best they know how, and neither saying a goddamn word about it.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Could I please get a number 11 and 15 from the Christmas prompt list ? Thank you!
Oh this is gonna be really funny, especially if it's with Rhett Abbott (lol).
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You had spent the entire day decorating the house and Rhett had been out most of the morning with little Hannah practically attached to his hip. "Christmas Vacation", one of Royal and Rhett's favorite movies, was playing on the TV in the living room while Cecelia was in the kitchen making her gingerbread cookies for Sister Joan and the other nuns down at the church.
Rhett came through the front door a moment later, stamping his boots off at the door and little Hannah on his hip, all bundled up in her pink and white coat and her tiny little ugg boots and purple earmuffs, shaking from the cold outside and her cheeks beginning to turn red.
"Oh holy shit, it's really fuckin coooooold out!!" Rhett sang loudly, completely off key as he helped Hannah off with her snow gear.
"Hey don't you ruin that song for me Rhett James," Cecelia ordered. "And you'd better not sing that at church on Christmas Eve, otherwise I'll be makin ya'll sit in that pew and say a rosary ten times."
Rhett returned the order with a big, shit-eating grin and an evil little chuckle as he lifted the little ghoul from off the floor and back onto his hip before placing her on the kitchen counter. "Can I sing something else?" he asked.
"Please, anything but that," Cecelia answered as she began sprinkling nutmeg into the bowl.
Rhett went to the fridge to get Hannah a juice box, singing just loud enough for both you and her to hear.
A snort escaped your nostrils, your hand quickly clamping over your mouth to keep the laugh from escaping when you heard Rhett singing "Deck my Balls" by Afroman. The next thing you heard was a dish towel snap against something, a male yelping and a tiny little girl giggling like crazy.
"GET. OUT. OF. MY. KITCHEN!!!!" Cecelia exclaimed as she let the dishtowel fly, the end of it landing straight on Rhett's ass before he came skidding into the living room, laughing up a storm.
"Need I remind you that there are little ears present in this house, Rhett?" you reminded him as you finished putting up the last of the tiny little Christmas gnomes you and your students had made the week before.
"C'mon, it's nothin compared to what Perry and I heard at her age," Rhett answered. "Ya'll should've heard my grandfather, salty as hell Vietnam vet with a mouth on him that would've had Gale Burch throwing holy water everywhere."
You snickered a little at the thought of Royal's father encountering Gale Burch, the snobby church lady who was the bane of Cecelia Abbott's existence and possibly the bane of the entire St. Michael's Parish. The week before when you and Cece had gone to help set up the church for Christmas, you had caught Father O'Keefe mimicking her high pitched, screechy voice and had a good laugh about it.
"Even still, Rhett."
Rhett smiled, rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he helped you get the living room ready. "By the way," you said. "There's an early surprise for you in your stocking when you get to it."
Rhett went to the fireplace where his had been hung, a gift from his grandparents on his first Christmas. He reached in and pulled out something small and square in the red paper you used every year. Carefully he opened it and inside was a framed watercolor sketch you had done of your twin baby boys, Tatum and Tanner who had been brought home barely three days ago.
"Oh God, darlin it's beautiful," Rhett murmured, pulling you close to him. "I gotta hang it up next to Hannah's."
You two went up the knotty pine stairs and into the upstairs hall where the other family pictures hung on the wall, the one of Hannah as a newborn, sleeping in her crib, hanging next to Royal and Cecelia's wedding photo, were all hung like paintings in a museum. Carefully, Rhett hung up the framed picture, listening carefully for any signs that Tatum and Tanner were waking up.
"What do you think?" you asked him. "Best gift ever?"
"Yeah," Rhett said, kissing the tip of your nose. "But I still say you, Hannah and the boys are the best gift I've ever gotten."
You reveled in his warmth as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close as you saw your lives together in those pictures, grateful for every minute you two were able to spend together.
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truedevotiondesign · 1 year
Now through the end of September take 30% off September birthstone rosaries 💙
Selections include September saints St. Pio and St. Michael
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catholicgurlypastor · 27 days
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🙏I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.🙏
🙏Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.Amen🙏
🙏Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.🙏
🙏Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.🙏
After finishing each decade, some say the following prayer requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima:
🙏O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of your mercy.🙏
The Hail Holy Queen (The Salve Regina)🙏Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.🙏
🙏V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.🙏R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 🙏Let us pray: O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life. Grant, we beseech Thee, that by meditating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 🙏Pour forth we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel🙏St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.🙏
This prayer to Saint Joseph—spouse of the Virgin Mary, foster father of Jesus, and patron saint of the universal Church—was composed by Pope Leo XIII in his 1889 encyclical, Quamquam Pluries. He asked that it be added to the end of the Rosary, especially during the month of October, which is dedicated to the Rosary. The prayer is enriched with a partial indulgence (Handbook of Indulgences, conc. 19) and may be said after the customary Salve Regina and concluding prayer. It may also be used to conclude other Marian devotions. (From www.usccb.org)🙏To you, O blessed Joseph, do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke your patronage also. Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus, we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood, and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities. O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ; O most loving father, ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence O our most mighty protector, be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness. As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven.Amen.🙏
FIRST PRAYER🙏O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith. “Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.🙏
SECOND PRAYER🙏“We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God”. In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are troubled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment.Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be comforted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust.Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health.Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone.Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus.Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and generosity they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic necessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity.Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will instead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all members of one great family and to recognize the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer.Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course.To you, who shine on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope, do we entrust ourselves, O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.🙏
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angeltreasure · 4 months
I have a few questions from one Catholic to another!
What are your thoughts on Pope Francis? A lot of people call him the false prophet and I was wondering if you agree or disagree with that statement.
What are some Catholic traditions that people forget about?
What is a common Catholic misconception that you are tired of and why? For me, it is the stereotype that we worship the Virgin Mary.
What is your favorite prayer 🙏 as a Catholic?
What is a prayer to rebuke demonic energy?
What are your thoughts of zodiac signs? I don’t like them at all.
Jesus loves you! Please pray for my Grandpa. He has cancer.
Good morning. Thanks for stopping by! Here we go:
1. I believe in the Catholic Church’s Magisterium and unbroken apostolic succession that our priests, deacons, bishops, cardinals, and Pope etc are all part of a lineage leading back to the Apostles and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a linage of laying of the hands which is found in the Bible. Not every word that our Holy Father speaks is done in papal infallibility. In other words, I don’t have to agree with every single word he speaks on some topics or actions he does outside of papal infallibility, but I recognize and respect that he really is our current Pope.
2. A lot of Catholic traditions come from each individual country so my answer may be different than if you ask someone else. I can think of these: praying the Angelus, saying the St. Michael prayer at the end of the Mass, saying the St. Michael prayer at the end of the Rosary, some people don’t bother to fast before the Holy Mass, going around visiting all the Catholic Churches in your area and stopping inside to say a prayer…
3. A common Catholic misconception indeed is that we worship Mary. That’s probably the most common one. Another one is that we aren’t Christians at all but pagan and that we pray to dead people.
4. It’s really hard to pick a favorite prayer! I think mine is the St. Michael prayer because I’ve really needed his intercession growing up—- still do!
5. If you want to know the proper deliverance prayers we are allowed to pray as Catholic laity I highly suggest purchasing this book by Fr. Chad Ripperger… Deliverance Prayers: For Use by the Laity. Do not attempt to use the one made for priests because Satan and the demons will know if you did.
6. What I think of zodiac signs?
2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
- #2116, Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition.
7. I love Jesus so much. Remember He loves you too. I will certainly pray for your grandpa!
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perpetual-help · 1 year
Can I ask you what are your daily prayers? Apart from the rosary, what would you suggest me pray every day and at what times? I need a prayer routine as a new born christian
In the morning (as soon as I wake up - usually 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM), I pray my daily devotionals. This includes the prayers of St. Bridget of Sweden and any novenas that I am saying. Afterwards, I read and reflect on the daily readings and pray the rosary. Around 3 PM, I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. At night (around 8 PM) I do an examination of conscience, I thank God for the day / blessings, I pray novenas for friends and family, I ask the intercession of Mary, angels, and saints, and give my daily intentions. I like to end with a prayer for humility, St. Michael prayer, and I read the gospel reading once more for further reflection.
If you are just beginning, I recommend checking out the liturgy of hours. I used to say the morning and evening prayers because I wasn’t sure what else I should pray.
In addition to the rosary, I think the Divine Mercy Chaplet would be a great thing for you to pray daily. It only takes about 6 minutes. God bless you, Anon! I’ll be praying for you. ❤️ Feel free to message me if you have any further questions.
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐦 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐚 | hp ww1 character profile
warnings: mentions of death and war trauma
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Full Name: Colm Michael O’Shea
Nicknames: Cloverboy
Name Meanings: Colm → Irish, “dove” ; Michael → Hebrew, “who is like God” ; O’Shea → Irish, “hawk-like” or “fine.” 
Name Pronunciation: “call-um” ; 1, 2
Date of Birth: August 27, 1894
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Presumed muggleborn, but he’s actually a half-blood
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Kells, County Meath, Ireland (birth to 4) ; St. Jerome’s Home For Orphaned Children, Navan, County Meath, Ireland (4 to 17) ; London, England (17 to 24) ; Dublin, Ireland (24 to ??) 
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Faceclaim: Josh Hartnett
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Height: 6’3”
Build: Athletic, but on the leaner side
Hair: Dark brown 
Eye Color: Dark brown 
Childhood & Hogwarts: None 
Adulthood: As a result of injuries acquired during the Great War, Colm has a large burn scar that extends from the small of his back to the top of his shoulders, which peeks out if he’s not wearing a collared shirt. In addition, he has a permanent limp in his left leg which requires the use of a cane. 
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None
Other Distinguishing Marks: A birthmark on the front of his neck, at the level of his shirt collar 
Clothing Style: Collared shirts, sweaters, suspenders, waistcoats, jackets, suspenders, boots, newsboy caps, flat caps, loafers, jeans
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Accessories: ID tags
What’s in His Pockets: His wand ; his father’s old pocket watch ; a compass ; a cheap rosary ; a knife ; a metal clover charm ; a handkerchief that belonged to Ione
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Voiceclaim: Josh Hartnett
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Dublin English 
Languages Spoken: English, Latin (related to mass)
Languages Understood: English, Latin (related to mass)
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MBTI Type: ESTP — the entrepreneur 
⤷ Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing.
Enneagram Type: 6w5 — the defender
⤷ Six wing Five types are Sixes that share characteristics with Type Fives. 6w5s are generally more independent and introverted than other Sixes. They are less likely to rely on and trust others, and prefer to keep to themselves.
Positive Traits: Intelligent, rational, practical, original, kind, perceptive, adaptable, resourceful, hardworking, bold, courageous, reliable
Neutral Traits: Direct, sociable, reserved, private, independent, energetic, action-oriented, persuasive, guarded, talkative
Negative Traits: Impulsive, reckless, impatient, insensitive, risk-prone, competitive
Common Stressors: The war ; his war injuries ; using a cane ; the English as an entity ; finances ; life
Comforting Things: Sweets ; woodworking ; cycling ; his dog ; dry clothing ; silence
Interests & Hobbies: Hurling ; Gaelic football ; woodworking ; rugby ; football/soccer ; reading ; board games ; skating ; cycling ; movies ; radio
Description: Colm is a “leap before you look” type of person who makes a lot of decisions without thinking things through. It’s a tendency exacerbated by the young man’s disregard for his own life and his beliefs that other people’s lives are worth more than his. He eventually learns his own worth, but he still remains quite guarded and private, leaving people to wonder if they actually know him. In addition, Colm is intelligent and a generally gregarious and friendly man, which is sometimes overshadowed by his impulsivity and guarded nature. He enjoys spending time with people, especially the cherished few who get to see beyond his guarded walls. Colm is also quite proud of his Irishness, and is an avid supporter of the Irish independence movement which has also been a big influence in his life.
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Wand: Colm’s wand is made of ash wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 10 ⅓ inches with an unyielding flexibility. 
⤷ Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands were not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes, the ideal owner might be stubborn, and would certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insisted of trying wands on this prestigious wood, would be disappointed by its effects. An ash wand cleaved to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it would lose power and skill. This tendency was extreme if the core was of unicorn hair.
Other Magical Abilities: None 
Patronus: Marsh Harrier 
Patronus Memory: His first kiss with Ione
Boggart: Faceless men dressed in the uniforms of the men who arrested parents coming to take someone else he loves away 
Riddikulus: The uniforms are replaced with brightly colored flower costumes
Colm smells like sandalwood, salt, ink, leather, and cinnamon. 
Colm smells the air before it rains, peat smoke, vanilla, jasmine, and new books. 
Mirror of Erised: Colm sees himself unencumbered with the burdens of war surrounded by his family 
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House: Gryffindor
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Poor 
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Outstanding  
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Exceeds Expectations 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Poor
Study of Ancient Runes — Acceptable
NEWT Classes:
Charms — Outstanding 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding
Herbology — Exceeds Expectations 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Outstanding  
Extracurriculars: Keeper on the Gryffindor quidditch 
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Affiliations: Hogwarts ; the British Army ; the British Ministry Of Magic ; Sinn Féin ; Irish Republic ; Irish Free State (pro Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921) ; TBD
Age 18 to 20 - Manual labor, bartender 
Age 20 to 22 - Soldier, private
Age 22 to 24 - Soldier, lance corporal
Age 20 to 28 - Ministry intelligence operative 
Age 28 to ?? - TBD
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Father: Michael Patrick “Mick” O’Shea [deceased, 1870-1899]
A member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Michael Patrick “Mick” O’Shea was born to poor Catholic farmers in 1870. He had a good early childhood, but was orphaned at the age of 16 after his parents fell ill. They were forced to sell their farm in order to pay off their debts, a move that started Mick’s overt support of the Irish Republican cause as he was never able to let go of the farm that had been in his family for generations. At the age of 18, Mick joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood and began his work for the cause. Through a mission, Mick met his wife, Joan, and fell hard and fast for her. They began courting three months after meeting and married six months after the beginning of their courtship in 1892. Less than two years later, Mick and Joan welcomed their first and only child, a son named Colm Michael, who was born on August 27, 1894. However, Mick didn’t get much time with his son as he was arrested alongside his wife in 1898 and they were charged with planning an insurrection against British rule in Ireland. He was convicted and Mick died in prison, at the age of 29 after falling prey to pneumonia. 
Colm has very few memories of his father and none of them are concrete. This is mostly because he was only four years old when his father was arrested and five when his father died. Therefore, he never really had the opportunity to know his father and based his impressions on the few memories he has of his father. Colm does wish that he could have truly known his father and not base everything on his few memories. In some ways, this can be named as the moment that really started Colm’s resentment of the British authority. 
Mother: Joan Catherine O’Shea née Butler [deceased, 1871-1907]
A witch sorted into Ravenclaw, Joan Catherine Butler was born in 1871 as the only daughter and eldest child of pureblood parents. She attended Hogwarts and became a prefect in her fifth year. After graduating, Joan was employed by the ministry of magic in the muggle liaison office. It was her career in the muggle liaison office that led Joan to meeting Mick O’Shea. Mick had seen a small incident of magic, and Joan was supposed to report him to the obliviators. Except Joan never turned Mick into the obliviators, as she was fascinated by him and he wasn’t quite sure what he had seen. Within a year of meeting, Joan had fallen in love with and had married Mick. Her family stopped talking to her, and after her son, Colm Michael, was born on August 27, 1894, she retired. In addition, Joan found herself drawn into her husband’s world of Irish independence, a cause that Joan had always been kinda fascinated by. Unfortunately, everything fell apart when Joan and Mick were arrested in the fall of 1898. They were both convicted of planning an insurrection against the British government. Instead of being condemned to execution, Joan spent nine long years in jail, aware that her husband had died and her son was alone. She died in prison, at the age of 36, from pneumonia secondary to influenza. Over the years, though, Joan had grown bitter as the ministry had not interfered, and she never knew what had happened to her son.
Like with his father, Colm has very few memories of his mother due to the fact that he was only four years old when she was arrested and because he was not allowed to visit her in prison and any letters that he tried to write were always returned. He only has impressions of what his mother was like, both from his own fuzzy memories and the few of his parents’ belongings that he was able to keep. Colm does wish that he had more memories of his mother and that he actually had the opportunities to know her. This also leads to senses of resentment towards the ministry of magic. 
Childhood: None
Adulthood: An Irish wolfhound named Daisy
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Love Interest: Ione Lumina Avery (@cursed-herbalist) 
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⤷ Colm first officially met Ione Avery after a quidditch training mishap in their seventh year, although they were both Gryffindors who had run in different social circles. From 1912 to 1914, Colm and Ione dated in secret, having excursions and dates in the muggle populated parts of England, Wales, and Ireland. However, their relationship was not yet meant to last as an engagement popped up for Ione, who wasn’t quite yet ready to openly rebel against the wishes of her parents. The relationship ended, leaving Colm, who had been working on saving for a ring of his own, heartbroken. In late 1918, they met again, this time in a war hospital where Colm was recovering from burns and a badly broken leg. Ione had been looking for her brother but stumbled upon Colm. After that chance meeting, they began to slowly reconnect and get to know one another again. Everything isn’t smooth, but Colm and Ione married on December 6, 1921.
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Daughter: Mabel Lunette Joan O’Shea
Slytherin | b. February 24, 1923
Colm has a good relationship with his eldest daughter. He is quite proud of Mabel and everything that she accomplished and tries his best to support her with everything that Mabel puts her mind to. He loves her very much. 
Faceclaim: Paula Beer
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Son: Delton Alistair Michael “Del” O’Shea
Gryffindor | b. September 20, 1925
Colm has a generally good relationship with his only son. However, due to Del being a bit too much like him, there’s a lot of arguing between the father and son. Despite all of that, though, Colm is very proud of his son and loves Del very much. 
Faceclaim: Florian Regtien
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Daughter: Willa Millicent Odessa O’Shea
Hufflepuff | Prefect | Headgirl | Heterosexual | b. March 21, 1929
Colm has a good relationship with his youngest daughter. He really adores Willa and they have a close relationship. Willa is his quietest kid and there’s something that just draws the two of them together. They’re also different enough that they don’t have many arguments as Willa is very much an introvert. He’s quite proud of Willa and he loves her very much. 
Faceclaim: Willow Shields
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Son: Arden Colm Curtis O’Shea
Ravenclaw | Seeker | Heterosexual | b. October 14, 1933
Colm has a good relationship with his youngest son. Arden is just different enough from Colm that they don’t cause too much friction from having too similar personalities, which is seen with Colm and Del. Like with Willa, there’s something that draws the two of them together and Arden’s love for quidditch is something that they can bond over. Colm is quite proud of Arden and loves his youngest son very much. 
Faceclaim: Dylan Kingwell
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Kit Enfield ; Alexej Kavinsky (@potionboy3)
Joel Mayfair (@magicallymalted)
Cayetana Narváez (@endlessly-cursed)
Linus Sullivan
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Rory O’Neill
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Kells, County Meath, Ireland
Hometown: Navan, County Meath, Ireland
Colm Michael O’Shea, born August 27, 1894, was the only child of Mick and Joan O’Shea of Kells, County Meath, Ireland. The first four years of his life and childhood were good, happy. He had two parents that loved him dearly. However, that all came to an abrupt stop one blustery November night in 1898 when the police came knocking and arrested Mick and Joan, charging them with conspiracy to commit an insurrection. That November night was the last that Colm ever saw or spoke to his parents. They were convicted and both died in prison, with Mick dying in 1899 and Joan dying eight years later in 1907. 
After that, Colm was taken in by Saint Jerome’s Home for Orphaned Children in Navan, County Meath, Ireland. St. Jerome’s was run by nuns from the area’s Catholic parish. However, strange things seemed to follow Colm, which unbeknownst to him was magic. Unfortunately, his displays of magic resulted in conflicting opinions from the nuns and the two local priests. One priest and several nuns believed that his displays of magic were signs that Colm was destined to become a saint and perform miracles. The other priest and remaining nuns, on the other hand, believed that his magic meant that Colm was infected by the devil. Either way, the conflicting opinions made his life rather miserable and lonely as very few of the other children were interested in being around him. Luckily, on his eleventh birthday, things became a little clearer as Colm received his Hogwarts letter.
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Colm was quickly sorted into Gryffindor. It took him a while to feel comfortable at Hogwarts and was rather standoffish those first few weeks. He felt awkward and struggled to connect with those around him. Eventually he grew comfortable with Hogwarts and his peers. In his third year, he decided to try out for the quidditch team and earned the position of keeper. He played alongside future Ballycastle Bats seeker, Rory O’Neill whom Colm also shared a dorm with. He enjoyed his time at Hogwarts, but struggled quite a bit when it came to planning his future.
In his seventh year, Colm began a clandestine romance with fellow Gryffindor Ione Avery. They officially met when a quidditch practice got a little out of control (and, in Colm’s opinion, O’Neill should have been paying less attention to that Ashby girl and more to the team). A slow friendship and subtle romance began burning between the two and eventually became their secret romance. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Colm began working odd manual jobs and flitting between the muggle and magical worlds. He also continued his relationship with Ione Avery, where they would often spend time in the muggle world. Things were going fairly smooth for Colm until late 1914. His relationship with Ione fell apart due to the mechanisms of her parents. His opportunities for work were starting to dwindle as well and by December, he was living on his meager savings. One snowy evening, Colm was approached by a pair of well-dressed wizards who had been watching his work as a bartender in a pub. They made him an offer to work as an intelligence operative for the Ministry of Magic’s covert intelligence agency. Nursing a bad heartache, doubting his own abilities, and being at what was probably his lowest, Colm readily agreed and the next day saw him joining the British military and training to be deployed to the Western Front of World War 1.
For a year, he served in an Irish regiment before the regiment was dispersed for unknown reasons in January of 1916. For the next several months, he bounced around between companies and grew disillusioned with the war. The moment that he became fully disillusioned, though, came in May of 1916 when he learned of how the British government had reacted to the Easter Rising and the executions of the Rising’s leaders. Any restraint that Colm had about badmouthing the British was gone and he gained a reputation for being an Irish Republican. He finally was assigned to the company of Kit Enfield, where he remained for the rest of the war and began reconnecting with those in the magical world.
In July of 1918, Colm’s time in the British army ended abruptly after an explosion trapped him in a burning barn in the countryside. He was severely injured, and was found unconscious and clutching a rosary. He was very lucky that he escaped without a head injury, but his back was covered in second degree burns and his left leg was badly broken which resulted in a permanent limp. His other permanent war injury was tinnitus or ringing in the ears. His path to healing was slow, but he managed to avoid any infections and didn’t contract the Spanish flu as a pandemic of influenza was attacking the globe from 1918 to 1920. In addition, while in the hospital, Colm began reconnecting with Ione Avery who had accidentally discovered him in the hospital while looking for her brother.
After he’s discharged from both the hospital and the British military, Colm returns home to Ireland, finding a small flat in Dublin that he can just cover with his discharge sum. It’s only a matter of time before his time as an intelligence operative ends, but Colm could feel the rumblings of discontent. He voted for Sinn Féin in that December 1918 election, and less than two months later, the Irish war of independence had begun. 
He manages to convince the ministry that the conflict is rife with the possibilities of dark wizards or witches taking advantage of the chaos. It’s not like the Great War, but god, this fight means something to Colm. And so, he continued with his intelligence work until the war ended in 1921, but didn't officially end his work until late 1922. That work had mostly finished before the civil war, over the Anglo-Irish treaty, that followed the Irish independence war erupted, though. Colm himself had spent hours and hours pouring over any information he could find on the treaty, making an informed decision for one of the first times in his life. 
On December 6, 1921, Colm married Ione Avery in a somewhat small ceremony. They had spent the years between 1918 and 1921 reconnecting and restarting their relationship. Together they had four children. Their eldest was a daughter named Mabel Lunette Joan O’Shea, who was born on February 24, 1923. Their middle child was their only boy who was named Delton Alistair Michael “Del” O’Shea and was born on September 20, 1925. Their third child was a second daughter named Willa Millicent Odessa O’Shea, who was born on March 21, 1929. Their fourth and youngest child was a second son named Arden Colm Curtis O’Shea, who was born on October 14, 1933.
After his career as an intelligence operative, Colm worked as TBD. 
Old Age:
After retiring at the age of 98, Colm spent his retirement traveling Ireland and visiting everything beautiful about his country. He also spent time with Ione and their children and grandchildren.
Colm passed away in his sleep at the age of 106 in late 2000. He left behind four children, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
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Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Pork steak and roast potatoes 
Favorite Drink: Guinness 
Favorite Weather: Rain 
Favorite Season: Autumn 
Favorite Book: The Call of the Wild by Jack London
Dislikes: The English ; beef ; wet clothes ; war ; brussel sprouts
Colm has a complicated relationship with religion, mostly as a result of the people around him. As he grew up and before Hogwarts, there were two dominant opinions about him and the weirdness that followed him. The first one was that his accidental magic were miracles and a sign that he would become a saint and perform many miracles. The other idea was that his accidental magic was a sign of the devil. Neither view won out and all it did was distant Colm from religion, until he lay, trapped, in a burning barn and clutched his rosary, reciting the Our Father. 
Colm is left with a mild case of PTSD or shell shock. He’s good most of the time, but there are some things that just set him off. He also learns how to cope with it as time passes. 
Colm has a tendency to run his mouth and not think before he speaks, especially on topics that he’s passionate about. During the war, it’s usually his frustrations with the English government, especially in relation to the aftermath of 1916’s Easter Rising. 
His nickname, Cloverboy, came from his fellow soldiers, and Joel Mayfair, in particular. 
His theme song is Hurt, specifically the cover by Johnny Cash. 
Important Links:
Colm’s tag | #colm o’shea
More information about Colm’s children
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tinyshe · 11 months
The Knights of John Paul II (TM) were founded on May 1, 2020 at the outdoor shrine to St. Joseph at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA.  Founding members were five laymen and one Deacon who consecrated the Knights to Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph Terror of Demons, The Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and of course, St. John Paul II. One week later, requiring a priest or bishop, priest Father Paul officially consecrated the Knights.  Father Paul asked to be our chaplain.  After May 1, we started assembling on the streets every Saturday morning.  We meet at a church parking lot, do an opening prayer to summon The Heavenly Army, then intercessory prayers and the Rosary.  We then break up into pairs like Our Lord sent out the 72 disciples praying the Rosary, the most powerful weapon we have been given from Heaven. In our opening prayer, we claim the town we are in by name for our King and Queen, Jesus and Mary, and we entrust that town to our King and Queen.  We call upon St. Joseph, St. Michael, and all the Angels, Saints, and souls in purgatory, not to pray for us, but to join us at that moment to drive all the demons and evil out of that town or city. As St. Paul says, “our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the Powers and Principalities.”  Our Lord: “I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and the full force of the enemy, and no harm shall befall you.” Luke 10:19. The demons have had a free reign in our towns, schools, governments, and society for too long.  It is time to fight back!
[join in Canada, USA or Australia or start a new chapter, please follow hot link above for more information; have questions? there is telephone number and email address on their web page]
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