galaxymagick · 9 months
240104 fan cafe ☕️
Notice Regarding VIXX Official Fan Club 'ST★RLIGHT' 6th Generation, 'The 6th Star' Official Fan Kit Items
Dear ST★RLIGHTs, hello! This is ST★FF. This is an announcement regarding the Official Kit for VIXX Official Fan Club 'ST★RLIGHT' 6th Generation, 'The 6th Star'.
We have made confirmation that the ‘ID Card Set’ from the already delivered Official Kit contain errors at the bottom of the cards. Such issues did not exist in the final version of the data files approved by Jellyfish Entertainment And after checking with the production company, We have received word that such errors occurred in the process of delivering the data files to the printing press.
For this issue that has risen with regards to the long-awaited Official Kit for ‘The 6th Star’ We offer our sincerest apologies to all members of ‘The 6th Star’, And have outlined below our steps to remedy said issue following discussion with the production company. 1)    For ‘The 6th Star’ members whose Official Kits have already begun delivery as of Wednesday, January 3rd, you will be sent a newly printed ‘ID Card Set’. No separate application for defective products is required, and due to the time required for the production of the revised ‘ID Card Set’, delivery will begin on the week of January 23rd.
2) For ‘The 6th Star’ members whose Official Kits were to begin delivery between Thursday, January 4th and Friday, January 5th, your Official Kits will be repackaged with the newly printed ‘ID Card Set’ on top of the original ‘ID Card Set’ and delivered. Due to the time required for the production of the revised ‘ID Card Set’, delivery will begin on the week of January 23rd.
We ask for understanding from all members of ‘The 6th Star’ And will try our best to ensure that everyone receives their Fan Club Kits as quickly as possible. We apologize once more for causing concern with regards to the delivery of the Official Kits. Thank you
*the production company made an error by printing 8th instead did 6th on the bottom of the card *see image
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mad-rdr · 3 months
June Reads
10 books this month!
Lightlark by Alex Aster (★ ★ ★/5): there's so much potential but unfortunately the author fell into the trope hole and came up with a love triangle out of absolutely nowhere. Could've been more creative with the names too lol no need to be so boring
Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution by Cat Bohannon (★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5): this was super informative without being a bunch of nonsense technical words. The human body is an incredibly complex thing and we always forget that
Assistant to the Villian by Hannah Nicole Maehrer (★ ★ ★ ★/5): this wasn't perfect but it was entertaining so I can definitely see myself reading the sequel- I love "evil" people who are wonderful employers
A Game of Hearts & Heists by Ruby Roe (★ ★/5): if you're going to have an enemies to lovers at least make the arc make sense ffs, also this plot was so full of holes I could barely follow it
The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed (★ ★ ★ ★/5): wildly suspenseful and downright creepy, this short story about an otherworldly forest left me wanting more. Give me the strange and weird things! please!
Beach Read by Emily Henry (★ ★ ★/5): this did not in fact take place on a beach (okay barely) and was kind of cliche but it was cute so it gets four stars instead of three
Murder Your Employer by Rupert Holmes (★ ★ ★ ★/5): this was so entertaining and unlike anything I've read before; a guide to murder (or delete) someone in your life at a top secret university designed to teach you the best way to achieve your murder (or thesis). Very fun read and unique idea
Final Deception by Stephanie St. Klaire (★ ★ ★/5): falling in love with your bodyguard while you’re in witness protection? Questionable. Him coming to save you over and over and over again till he kills the you coming after you? Acceptable.
Angel on My Corner by Kyle Scafide (★ ★/5): this book was fucking weird and was trying way too hard to make meaning out of something. And the religious iconography was not working the way the author hoped
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver (★ ★ ★/5): I need authors to stop writing for the booktok audience PLEASE. I still found this one enjoyable but my god can we please focus on a story and not just the smut
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hangesbabymomma · 8 months
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keep in mind that this blog is for 15 and up! I don't mind ageless blogs looking and interacting with my posts but please be mindful of my disclaimer <3
✮⋆˙ do not request the following:
- any extreme kink (piss kinks and scat are a HELL NO!)
- aged up minors for smut (ts weird and I will not be writing it + your request will be deleted ASAP!)
- anything with r*pe, abuse, inc*st, pedophilia, or anything of the sort.
✮⋆˙ feel free to request the following:
- fluff & smut (no angst for now)
- headcannons
- poly fics (reader x 2 characters)
──★ NOTE !
I mostly write for jjk but I can do other fandoms as well <3
The ffs I write will mostly be out of character or based on some of my hcs so if you don't like stuff like that don't read my posts!
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alternianative · 6 years
rando... conversation between deimos and echo / a super brief context is that at this point in time dei is living on pas’s planet
-- ambitiousMuse [AM] began pestering insomniousAstronomer [IA] at 19:20 --
[07:20] AM: funny funny, i didn't take pascal for the sort to collect pets pets.
[07:20] IA: i'm n☉t ★ pet.
[07:21] AM: are are you sure of that that?
[07:21] AM: why why else would he let a lowblood take up space where he's not supposed to be be?
[07:21] IA: i live here.
[07:21] IA: i'm interning with his n★vig★ti☉n te★m. i'm n☉t ★ pet.
[07:22] AM: oh oh, how cute cute. you you think that just because you've gotten yourself an "internship" that you aren't a plaything plaything.
[07:22] AM: interns interns don't live in palaces, little boy boy. they they stay in the barracks with all the other dregs dregs.
[07:24] IA: ugh i'm here bec★use p★sc★l thinks its s★fer th★n st★yin ☉ff p★l★ce gr☉unds n☉t 'c★use i'm ★ pet, f☉r the l★st time. why d☉ y☉u even c★re?
[07:24] AM: watch watch your tone, lowblood lowblood.
[07:25] AM: you're you're replaceable, don't forget that that. i i don't know what false ideas you have in that defective thinkpan of yours but don't think for a second that you're worth more than a second glance glance.
[07:26] AM: why why i care is none of your business business. if if you aren't permitted to live elsewhere then you are, without a doubt, not a free troll and that quite simply defines you as a posession posession. you you follow me, right right? this this isn't going over your head head?
[07:27] IA: if y☉u ★tt★ck me p★sc★l will n☉tice.
[07:27] IA: i'm n☉t ★ pet, i'm here t☉ study ★nd then i'm g☉ne, th★t's it.
[07:28] AM: no no lowblood is worth bringing into the inner part of the palace just to study star maps and navigation navigation.
[07:28] IA: i g☉t ★ rec☉mmend★ti☉n.
[07:28] AM: from from who who?
[07:28] IA: n☉ne ☉f y☉ur business.
[07:28] AM: is is that defiance defiance?
[07:29] IA: fr☉m ☉ur m★tesprit. but i e★rned in ☉n my ☉wn.
[07:29] AM: ugh ugh, keegan keegan. that that explains the lack of taste taste.
[07:30] IA: d☉n't.
[07:30] AM: you you aren't in a place to tell me not to do anything anything.
[07:31] AM: will will you tattle to pascal that echoni was mean to you while he was away away? or or perhaps to eldrid eldrid? you you lowbloods certainly like leaning on your betters when things get tough tough.
[07:32] IA: yes ★ctu★lly i will bec★use this is bullshit ★nd i d☉n't h★ve t☉ t★ke this fr☉m y☉u.
[07:33] IA: t★untin' me ★b☉ut c★llin' in my "betters" ★in't g☉nn★ st☉p it 'c★use y☉u ★in't g☉nn★ listen t☉ me s☉ i might ★s well get s☉me☉ne y☉u might ★ctu★lly listen t☉ inv☉lved.
[07:34] AM: you're you're welcome to try try.
-- ambitiousMuse [AM] ceased pestering insomniousAstronomer [IA] at 19:40 --
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carguytimes · 6 years
【ピレリスーパー耐久2018】欧州そのままの本気バトルで話題のST-TCRクラス。開幕戦の鈴鹿を制したのはModulo CIVIC TCR!
4月1日に鈴鹿サーキットで決勝レースが開催された、ピレリスーパー耐久シリーズ2018「鈴鹿 春の陣」。 FIA-GT3の走るST-Xクラスから1500cc相当のST-5までの7クラス・52台が5時間後のゴールを目指してのレースとなる鈴鹿 春の陣。その中で今期も大注目なのがST-TCRクラス。 ST-TCRクラスのTCRは世界ツーリングカーカップなどで使用される車両規格で、概ね2リッターターボの4または5ドア量産FF車がベースとなります。そんなST-TCRクラスの開幕戦をポールポジションで飾ったのが、19号車BRP★Audi Mie RS3 LMS。ライバルを合算タイムで2秒近くも突き放すというとんでもない速さを見せつけました。 しかし、BRP★Audi Mie RS3 LMSは序盤で足回りを損傷して戦線を去り、予選2番手だった45号車プリズマ☆イリヤ RS3 LMSがトップに浮上。今年のアウディ勢は一味違うというところを見せつけます。 ST-TCRクラスで注目だった新型シビックのTCRマシン。到着したばかりの新車で、たいしたテスト走行も行えぬままの鈴鹿 春の陣参戦で、予選こそ調子がつかめずアンダーステアに悩まされていましたが、それでも97号車Modulo CIVIC TCRが予選3番手は素晴らしいポジション。 F1経験者の中野信治選手、今年のGT300でModulo KENWOOD NSX GT3をドライブする大津弘樹選手、昨年はGT500のARTA NSX-GTをドライブした小林崇志選手、2003年のJGTCから2008年のスーパーGTまで自らのチームを率いて参戦していた植松忠雄 選手というドライバーラインナップに恥じぬポジションをModulo CIVIC TCRは手に入れました。 予選4番手だった10号車Racingline PERFORMANCE GOLF TCRは昨年の富士SUPER TEC10時間レースでポールtoウィンという快挙を成し遂げたチーム。3位浮上から一気に駆け上っていこうという意欲が走りにも現れます。 序盤のST-TCRクラスのハイライトは、そのModilo CIVICとGOLF TCRの激しい2位争い。はるか前を行くプリズマ☆イリアAUDIに追いつかんばかりの勢いのまま続くドッグファイトは手に汗握る大一番の様相。 しかし6周目にリアタイヤに振動の出始めたプリズマ☆イリアAUDIがタイヤ交換のためにピットイン。ここでModulo CIVICがトップに浮上。この先、いかに逃げ切るかが勝負を決します。特に、今回のレースで初めて導入された、コース上でアクシデントがあった場合に全コースで速度制限がなされた上に追い越し禁止となるというフルコースイエローという制度をいかにうまく使っていくかが勝敗を決するポイントともなります。 折り返しともいえる3時間前後に他のチームにも異変が訪れます。75号車m-1 CARFACTORY RS3 LMSが3時間半で、96号車B-MAX Engineering CIVIC TCRが3時間で戦線を離脱。生き残りの4台がスタートから5時間後の17時20分のゴールへ向けて爆走を続けていきます。 昨年のチャンピオンチームゼッケンとドライバー加藤寛規選手を擁し、高橋一穂選手などSUPER GTの現役選手や経験者などで布陣を固めた98号車FLORAL CIVIC TCRは目だったトラブルなく走りぬいていきます。 義務付けの3回のピットのうち3回目をギリギリまで我慢したGOLF TCRはピットタイミングのチャンスなどでラスト40分までトップに君臨、このまま逃げ切るかと思われていました。 しかし、フルコースイエローの間に無駄なく義務ピットを消化していったModulo CIVICは残り30分あまりの頃に再びトップに浮上! そのまま逃げ切りをみせて2位以下を全て周回送れとする122周でチェッカーを受けます。 シェイクダウンテストもままならない状態で5時間を走りきった97号車Modulo CIVIC TCR。新型シビックにとっては初優勝、CIVIC TCRを使ってスーパー耐久に、レーシングチームとして復帰した童夢としては2年連続の開幕戦優勝となります。 見事にデビューウィンを飾った新型CIVIC TCRのModulo CIVIC TCR。そのドライバーのひとりである中野選手の誕生日は奇しくも4月1日!まさにバースディウィナーというダブルハピネスを手に入れたのです。 新型に変更され、その戦闘力が格段に上がったと思われる新型CIVIC TCR。その中でもエースと目されるModulo CIVIC TCRの快進撃は今後も続くのでしょうか?それともAUDIやフォルクスワーゲンが巻き返すか?注目のST-TCRクラスはスーパー耐久シリーズの目玉カテゴリーになることは必至。 次戦のスーパー耐久シリーズ第2戦は4月28日(土)・29日(日)の2日間、宮城県のスポーツランドSUGOにて3時間×2グループのレースで開催されます。スプリント要素が強く、同時走行台数の少ない3時間の2グループ制レースでは、また違った展開を見ることが出来るかもしれません。 (写真・文:松永和浩)   あわせて読みたい * 【ピレリスーパー耐久2018】混戦のST-5クラス、NDロードスター優勝でマツダが通算6連勝! * 【ステップワゴン スパーダ・ハイブリッド試乗】「シリーズときどきパラレル」。セレナ e-POWERとは似ていて違う、ホンダの仕組み * ホンダ・N-BOXシリーズは現代の「国民車」!? 2017年の新車販売台数ナンバー1を獲得 * 2018年からYouTubeでの生配信が始まったD1GP、生放送の意外なメリットとは…!? * 世界に一台しかない幻のクルマの展示も!ツインリンクもてぎの「ホンダコレクションホール」が開館20周年を記念してリニューアル http://dlvr.it/QNcgz8
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galaxymagick · 1 year
231005 realvixx 🐦
VIXX 공식 팬클럽 ‘STARLIGHT’ 6기 별여섯 모집 안내💙💛 🌟모집 기간 23.10.12(목) 11:00 ~ 10.31(화) 23:59 자세한 사항은 팬카페 공지를 확인해 주세요❕ ▶️ https://cafe.daum.net/RealVIXX/86Ek/1413 #빅스 #VIXX #STARLIGHT #별여섯 #HAPPYSTARLIGHTDAY
VIXX's official fan club, "STARLIGHT" 6th Star Recruitment Guide💙💛 🌟 Recruitment period 23.10.12 (Thu) 11:00 to 10.31 (Tue) 23:59 Please check the fan cafe announcement for details❕ ▶️ https://cafe.daum.net/RealVIXX/86Ek/1413 #VIXX #STARLIGHT #HAPPYSTARLIGHTDAY
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[VIXX Official Fan Club 'ST★RLIGHT' 6th Generation, 'The 6th Star' Recruitment Notice]
Recruitment Period: October 12th, 2023 (Thu) @ 11:00 (KST) ~ October 31st, 2023 (Tue) @ 23:59 (KST)
Membership Fee: 35,000 KRW (Shipping fees and overseas transactional fees not included)
that is roughly:
21.30 Pound sterling
24.64 Euro
35.64 Canadian Dollar
25.96 United States Dollar
40.84 Australian Dollar
Those who live overseas may register from the Interpark Global page
(korean sites don't let you change emails like international sites do, so i'd make sure to use the same email for: global interpark as you use for kakao/vixx cafe login)
full english cafe instruction guide uncut
[VIXX Official Fan Club 'ST★RLIGHT' 6th Generation, 'The 6th Star' Recruitment Notice]
Dear ST★RLIGHTs, hello! This is ST★FF.
VIXX Official Fan Club 6th Generation of <ST★RLIGHT> 'The 6th Star' Recruitment
will begin on 'Interpark Ticket' at 11:00 (KST) on October 12th (Thu)!
Please refer to the following so that you may not encounter any issues while registering.
Recruitment Period: October 12th, 2023 (Thu) @ 11:00 (KST) ~ October 31st, 2023 (Tue) @ 23:59 (KST) Membership Term: ~ The following recruitment period Recruitment Target: Domestic/ Overseas  ST★RLIGHT who loves VIXX and also:
Is registered on Interpark Ticket with their own name via a valid registration number (Those who live overseas may register from the Interpark Global page)
Membership Fee: 35,000 KRW (Shipping fees and overseas transactional fees not included) Admission Site: Interpark Ticket (https://tickets.interpark.com/)
[ How to Register for The 6th Star ]
: You may register by logging onto Interpark Ticket (https://tickets.interpark.com/) And proceeding as if buying a ticket for a performance.
01. Log onto [Interpark Ticket] and check your personal information (to match with your current address and phone number)
02. Purchase the ‘ST★RLIGHT' 6th Generation ‘The 6th Star’ Fan Club Product on [Interpark Ticket] (Only 1 product per person available, must be purchased with an account with matching names as the purchaser)
03. Submission of information while registering for the fan club by clicking ‘Submit User Information’ is required
(Email connected to the KAKAO account used to register for ‘VIXX Official Fan Café)
04. Check the delivery method and purchaser’s information before proceeding with purchase
05. After purchase, check your preorder from the ‘Preorder Confirmation/Cancellation – Preorder Details’ page
[ How to Submit User Information for The 6th Star ]
: Entering Email Connected to the KAKAO Account Used to Register for ‘VIXX Official Fan Café’
In order to receive your ‘VIXX Official Fan Café Level Up’ and ‘Other Benefits’ You must submit the ‘Purchaser Additional Information’ when registering for ‘The 6th Star.’ You will be unable to use ‘The 6th Star’ member-specific message board on the Fan Café if you do not submit it, so please proceed with the correct information when submitting.
*How to Confirm‎ Your Email - Log in to DAUM > Manage KAKAO Account > ‘Email’ Login Information  - Please provide your full email address. (ex. Including the section after the ‘@’)  - Due to DAUM ID Login Services no longer being in use, please make sure to proceed after connecting properly to your KAKAO account.
[ The 6th Star Membership Privileges ]
◆ Issuance of ST★RLIGHT 6th Generation Membership Card ◆ ST★RLIGHT 6th Generation SPECIAL KIT (1 shipment within the membership period) ◆ Priorities for Participation in official VIXX schedules :: Public Broadcasts, Concerts, Fanmeetings, etc. (If agreed upon with organizers) ◆ VIXX Official Fan Café Level Up (Semi-member[★], Member[★★] ㅡ> The 6th Star[ST★RLIGHT]) ◆ Exclusive Rights to Use The 6th Star Members-Only Message Board on the VIXX Official Fan Café (The 6th Star-specific contents to be provided)
- Preorder benefits are limited to domestic (Korean) performances within active periods. - Preorder benefits may be subject to change according to arrangements with Organizers. - If you are found to have taken part in illegal transactions such as selling preorder tickets, your tickets may be subject to automatic cancellation and your fan club membership may be revoked. - If you are found to be sharing information regarding The 6th Star official contents and other benefits to others
Your fan club membership may be revoked for the appropriate membership period.
[ The 6th Star SPECIAL EVENT for Registration  ]
10 registrants for The 6th Star will be randomly selected and be each given 1 Polaroid photo.
(The Polaroid photo will be shipped with The 6th Star SPECIAL KIT.)
[ Precautions for Registering for The 6th Star ]
01. You may only register with 1 Interpark Ticket ID that have completed self-verification (cell phones, i-PIN, etc.) with your name.
02. If registered on ‘Interpark Ticket’ with an account belonging to others such as family, the “purchaser’s name” will be registered via the account holder’s name, So you must register with an ‘Interpark Ticket ID’ registered to your name, And registration with accounts of others including parents, relatives, etc. are not allowed. (※ Cancellation and refunds related to changing the “purchaser’s name” after registration is also impossible, And you must be able to verify your name on-site for fan club member-specific events through personal ID. If not, you cannot receive The 6th Star membership-related privileges.
03. Overseas registrants must submit their names as written on their passports.
04. Your membership number will be selected according to the order of payment (via card) or deposit
And will be printed alongside the “purchaser name” registered on Interpark Ticket On the VIXX Official Fan Club <ST★RLIGHT> 6th Generation Membership Card.
05. Please make sure to print out your reservation details after your payment has been completed, As your privileges will require your printed details until the Membership Cards have been shipped out.
06. The 6th Star Membership Card and SPECIAL KIT will be produced after the end of the recruitment period and shipped via batch delivery.
Please check your Interpark Ticket personal information and delivery details.
(‘Address changes’ for deliveries may only be made within the fan club recruitment period.)
07. For overseas registrants, extra shipping charges will be incurred due to overseas shipment and will be charged differently for each country.
08. The responsibility for SPECIAL KIT delivery issues related to personal mistakes or the submission of incorrect information is solely on you, so please make sure to carefully check your information before submitting to avoid any related inconveniences. (※ If the SPECIAL KIT is returned due to wrong addresses submitted, change of addresses after the recruitment period, no one receiving the delivery or being able to be contacted, etc., Please note that an additional shipping fee will be added and the SPECIAL KIT will be re-sent.)
09. Membership Cards cannot be reissued if lost so please take care of them If lost, printed purchase details may be used instead for verification, But in the event that they are insufficient or also lost, please note that you may receive disadvantages.
10. Fan club membership cards and the SPECIAL KIT are only provided to fan club membersAnd thus may not be sold or given away to others. If found to be taking part in such actions your membership will be revoked and you will be unable to register for future memberships as well.
11. Canceling, refunds, replacing and/or returning products after fan club registration without valid reason is not allowed under any circumstance So please make sure to register after careful consideration. (If the product is found to be defective, we will replace it if you submit a replacement request within 1 week from your date of receiving the product.)
12. Before <ST★RLIGHT> 6th Generation’s membership period ends, withdrawing your account from Interpark Ticket Will make you unable to receive benefits such as preorders for Interpark Ticket-run concerts so please take note.
13. Level adjustments for Official Fan Café 'The 6th Star(ST★RLIGHT)' members will be done after the recruitment deadline And details regarding level adjustments and the opening of The 6th Star member-specific message board will be announced Through the Official Fan Café (http://cafe.daum.net/RealVIXX) in advance.
14. Personal information submitted when registering will be used solely for the issuing of fan club membership cards and managing members and will be discarded after the membership period.
15. Inquiries regarding fan club recruitments may be made to Interpark Ticket. * Interpark Ticket Customer Service Center 1544-1555
(※ Weekdays & Weekends: 9:00 ~ 18:00), or via 1:1 Inquiries
Thank you.
- This notice is subject to change according to additional questions.
Please be sure to continue reviewing this notice until the fan club registration period begins.-
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galaxymagick · 2 years
230117 - @realvixx | fan cafe☕️
[NOTICE] 20230119 #M Countdown Information on application for participation in pre-recording
▶️ https://cafe.daum.net/RealVIXX/Q3SK/1025
VIXX official fan cafe.
20230119 M Countdown Live Broadcast Announcement (Pre-recording)
Hello, Starlight! This is ST★FF.
We are informing you of the application for participation in the open broadcast of Leo, Ken, and Hyuk's "M Countdown," which will be held on Thursday, the 19th of January
It will be pre-recorded with a performance medley stage (Shangri-La + Chained Up + Voodoo Doll) presented at the site of the 2023 VIXX LEO KEN HYUK FAN-CONCERT 'ING: As Always'. *It will not appear on the main broadcast .
This special performance of "M Countdown" is only for Starlight, Please show a lot of support to Starlight.
[NOTICE] 20230119 #엠카운트다운 사전녹화 참여신청 안내
▶️ https://cafe.daum.net/RealVIXX/Q3SK/1025
VIXX 공식팬카페
20230119 엠카운트다운 공방공지 (사전녹화)
안녕하세요, 별빛 여러분! ST★FF입니다.
1월 19일(목) 진행되는 레오, 켄, 혁 '엠카운트다운' 공개방송 참여 신청 공지 안내드립니다.
2023 VIXX LEO KEN HYUK FAN-CONCERT 'ING : As Always' 현장에서 선보인 퍼포먼스 메들리 무대(도원경+사슬+저주인형)로 사전녹화 진행됩니다. *본방송에는 출연하지 않습니다.
오로지 별빛을 위해 진행되는 이번 엠카운트다운 스페셜무대에 별빛 여러분의 많은 응원 부탁드립니다.
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alternianative · 7 years
[bc this is funny as shit]
-- insomniousAstronomer [IA] began pestering turbulentInquisitor [TI] at 13:44 --
[01:44] IA: hey el
[01:44] TI: -v-E ==> HEllo.
[01:45] IA: ☉h shit y☉u ★ren't el
[01:45] IA: g☉dd★mn tr☉lli★n fuckin up ★g★in ugh
[01:45] TI: -v-E ==> Vho i2 El? And vhat i2 thi2 problEm you arE having vith Trollian?
[01:46] IA: el's n☉ne ★ y☉ur business ★nd tr☉lli★n fuckin did ★ r★nd☉m enc☉unter inste★d ★ mess★gin the pers☉n i w★nted t☉ t★lk t☉
[01:46] IA: figures its ★ fish
[01:48] TI: -v-E ==> VEll Excu2E mE! I va2 2imply vondEring but you ju2t HAD to unnEcE22arily gEt your point acro22 rudEly.
[01:49] IA: w☉w if y☉u think th★t's rude then y☉u're in f☉r ★ re★l sh☉cker d☉n't get y☉ur gills in ★ twist c★use guess wh★t s☉metimes pe☉ple just t★lk like th★t
[01:52] TI: -v-E ==> Golly you arE alrEady 2omEfin El2E; activEly mocKing my 2Ea dvEllEr 2tatu2. I could Ea2ily 2ay thE 2amE fin about you vith that prEtEntiou2 looKing quirK of your2. Vhat arE you trying to do? 2hov off?
[01:54] IA: its right there in the ☉pen just ★skin t☉ get m☉cked, ★nd y☉u're even pilin' ☉n the dumb fish puns t☉ m★ke it even m☉re ☉bvi☉us. h☉w is this quirk even rem☉tely pretenti☉us ★ls☉ wh★t the fuck w☉uld i sh☉ve it ☉ff ☉f ★nyw★y ☉h w★it th★ts s☉me s☉rt★ dumb ★ccent isnt it
[01:54] IA: puh-le★se ★ddin th★t in is quite p☉ssibly the m☉st pretenti☉us thing y☉u c☉uld d☉ ★side fr☉m the puns
[01:57] TI: -v-E ==> I can not hElp my accEnt. That i2 ju2t hov it i2. I lovE hov you'rE going out of your vay to maKE dErogatory rEmarK2 about 2omEthing I can't hElp vhEn I can't EvEn undEr2tand 2omE of thE 2hit you'rE 2aying. Vhat arE you trying to gEt at hErE? I2 thi2 your vay of throving pEoplE off?
[01:58] IA: wh★t the fuck is thr☉ving. ★ls☉ y☉u d☉ get ★ ch☉ice dumb★ss y☉u g☉tt★ pr☉gr★m y☉ur quirk in the client it d☉esn't just ch☉☉se itself unless y☉urs did in which c★se w☉w h☉w l★zy d☉ y☉u even h★ve t☉ be t☉ let ★ pr☉gr★m ch☉☉se y☉ur quirk th★t shit's s'p☉sed t☉ be like, Y☉ur Thing
[02:02] TI: -v-E ==> Don't play dumb vith mE, and I did program it! Thi2 i2 hov I 2pEaK in rEal lifE; my quirK on Trollian rEflEct2 my vay of 2pEEch.
[02:02] TI: -v-E ==> Funny hov you'rE putting vord2 into my mouth and a22uming you Knov vhat I'm liKE vhEn you rEally don't.
[02:02] IA: if th★t's the c★se then why ★re y☉u s☉ upset i must be hittin s☉me kind★ truth here ☉r y☉u'd ign☉re it
[02:04] TI: -v-E ==> Oh you rEEly don't 2Ea it? You do not 2Ea vhy I am angry? Or do you ju2t not givE a 2hit? Oh vait I am prEtty 2urE it'2 thE lattEr bEcau2E you'rE clEarly avarE of vhat you'rE doing.
[02:06] IA: n☉ i see it i see why y☉u might be upset ☉n ★cc☉ut ★ s☉me☉ne y☉u're pr☉lly used t☉ trippin ☉ver themselves t☉ m★ke y☉u h★ppy ☉n ★cc☉unt ★ their c☉l☉r is ★ctu★lly n☉t h★vin ★ny ★ th★t shit ★nd is p☉kin ★nd pr☉ddin ★t wh★t he c★n find just f☉r shits n giggles
[02:06] IA: ★nd b☉y
[02:06] IA: is it w☉rkin
[02:06] IA: y☉u ★re s☉ e★sy t☉ mess with
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alternianative · 6 years
🗣 for Pas and Dei
MS: - - - yOu shOuld cOme visit sOmetime -->
IA: sure let me just h☉p int☉ my sweet sp★ceship ★nd c☉me right ☉n ☉ver th★t'll t☉t★lly w☉rk
IA: ☉h w★it, i d☉n't h★ve ☉ne
IA: visit c★nceled.
MS: - - - yOu are sO cOmbative, hOnestly -->
MS: - - - cOme when el stOps by Or sOmething -->
IA: right s☉ while th★t'd pr☉lly w☉rk th★t'd me★n i'd be stuck ☉ver there 'til he h★s time t☉ t★ke me b★ck here
IA: ★nd i g☉t ☉blig★ti☉ns
MS: - - - yOu can't dO things remOtely? -->
IA: th★t's c★lled skippin cl★ss 'n the te★chers ★in't t☉☉ underst★ndin' ★ it even if i were t☉ s★y '☉h but i'm visiting r☉y★lty'
IA: 'd☉n't m★rk me ★bsent i'll send in my shit l★ter'
MS: - - - surely yOu have a break? -->
IA: ye★h
MS: - - - then cOme On the break : ) -->
MS: - - - we'll dO sOmething abOut thOse dreadful under eye bags yOu have gOing On -->
IA: ★nd there it is, the re★l m☉tive
IA: th★t's ★ wh☉le l☉tt★ schedules ★lignin th★t y☉u're c☉untin' ☉n y'kn☉w
MS: - - - i'm sure it can be arranged -->
IA: wh★tever, bre★k's next week.
MS: - - - Oh that's plenty Of time tO get things lined up -->
MS: - - - yOu're always such a dOwner, dO try tO wOrk On that deimOs -->
MS: - - - nOt everyOne has patience fOr it -->
IA: i'm g☉nn★ d☉ the m★ture thing 'n st☉p resp☉ndin' t☉ y☉u inste★d★ g☉in ☉ff be th★nkful th★t i still h★ve s☉me sm★ll shred ☉f self c☉ntr☉l left in my sleep deprived thinkp★n
IA: d☉n't mess★ge me in the middle ★ the fuckin d★y if y☉u w★nt me t☉ be cheery
IA: i g☉tt★ g☉ the meds ★re fin★lly kickin in
MS: - - - sure sure we'll talk later -->
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