#st. catherines ontario
ingrids-lockbox · 2 years
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July 2021
Canon Sure Shot 60 Zoom - Revolog Kosmos
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Tuesday, February 13th | In front of MP Chris Bittle's office (St Catherines Ontario)| 5PM 
- We will be doing an emergency rally in front of the MP's office. 
- We will focus on demanding the federal government to call for a ceasefire, support ICJ ruling of Israel's genocide, impose two-way embargo, and call for the end of military and colonial occupation.
Niagara Palestine Coalition 
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oldshowbiz · 1 month
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April 2000.
Samantha Bee played a talking dog in the play Sylvia, performed in St. Catherine's, Ontario.
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cator99 · 2 months
Its just me and team lead doing this bulk bin installation project all over Ontario 👍 in April the job will be taking us all the way to St Catherine's. We are given up to 8 hours to complete the job but I'm a powerhouse as always so... Sitting.
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teledyn · 2 months
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St. Catherines, Ontario
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realcatalina · 10 days
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EEEEEEEE!!! Tell me about this miniature please.
It's none of Henry's wives so I would like it to be Mary Boleyn.
It's got a look of Catherine Carey in the chin and Lettice in the eyes.
Roland Hui said it was her, but he also said that bird with the abominable eye dress was Mary Howard, and you know how that turned out!
He owes me one!
This miniature is located in Royal Ontario Museum:
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And tbh until I saw pictures of it upon their webpage, I was convinced it was a later copy. Now I am not so certain of it.
But I agree with their dating of c.1525-1527. (which doesn't exclude Mary Boleyn, because we are uncertain of the exact date of her birth. Imo c.1498-1503 is most likely when she was born.)
So we have to discuss the similiarities to another miniature by Horenbout where the lady has very similiar features and same posture.
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So similiar I thought it was original and this one a copy.
But if that is not the case then we're looking at very similiar miniatures but not done at same time, fashion of gable hood is bit different. The one on right is c.1526, the one on left is more towards c.1527.
So in theory, it could be same person in two different miniatures.
You might think features bit different. However, we have two miniatures of Catherine of Aragon by Horenbout, and the differences are not just because she wears spanish outfit in one of them:
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The face is also having some differenences.
So, how likely is it that Mary Boleyn had not one, but two miniatures of herself made? Using the most expensive natural ultramarine pigment, in c. 1525-1527.
Well, actually not that bad, given the strong love for art William Carrey (her 1st husband) had. He died in great debt due to his spending not just on art.
But if so, we'd expect two have matching miniatures of him.He'd be around thirty. But they might have not survived. Or got separated.
This is him from 1526:
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So if we found matching miniatures of him, I might start believe it bit more. But I more expect we're going to find portrait matching this one.
But imo labelling it is either Mary or Anne Boleyn is just guessing.
You don't have single thing which would prove it.
But there is something which might point against it.
On museum's webpage I noted something about the outfit. We have wheels around the bodice:
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Wheels also are part of the black necklace.
And under certain angle it seems that there could ahve also been wheel in middle of the necklace:
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Lots of wheels.
The medal clearly shows female figure in period outfit(not so important).
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And tbh I think whomever can recognize the flower must be expert in plants..but I am not one. Foliage is kind of typical for Tudor portraits of 1530s and part of 1520s.
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Obviously whomever had this painted had money and lots of it. (or they spent as crazy). But I'd check english noble houses and see if any had wheel as coat of arms.
-Which neither Boleyns nor Carrey's do.
Or people named Catherine. Because wheel was asociated with St. Catherine. Obviously it cannot be Catherine of Aragon, because she was 25 in 1510.
The wheels are imo the main clue right now.
I am sorry, that it isn't the answer you have wanted and I apologise that i took so long to answer. I wrote the reply long time ago, and forgot to post it.
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candybagcj · 3 months
Who Is this CandybagCJ Creature?
Tagged by @dairy-boy my old pal
Who were you named after?
My not-legal legal name is as follows; the guy I used to be before trans-ing, a grandparent, a different grandparent, and Jonathan Joestar, respectively. My username is just the name of my business (Candybag, which is after a cute thing my Grandpa would do for me and my brother after every visit) and my name (CJ).
Last time you cried?
My toaster caught fire on Saturday or Friday because of a pop tart that fell apart for no reason and when I realized it wasn't realistic to clean it out and that I had spent like 45 minutes doing that I cried a little at the wasted time and energy.
Do you have kids?
Does my stream community count? Otherwise, no.
What sports do you play/did you play?
Kid: Hockey, Soccer, Basketball. High School: Rugby, Wrestling, Football. Currently: error, too many concussions found
Do you use Sarcasm?
In this economy? Of courseeeeee not. What a wild and strange thing to ask me.
First thing you notice about people?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, Height? Maybe how tolerant they are of my strangeness? ...humor? Everything all at once? I'm not good at these kinds of questions.
Do you have any talents?
I'm an exceptional improv comedian and entertainer (subscribe at twitch.tv/candybagcj for a good time and possibly a long time depending on the time)
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
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GIF by jazthetrashpanda (Just wholesale stealing this answer from @dairy-boy lmao)
Where were you born?
... somewhere in Niagara Region, Ontario? I'm just now realizing I don't actually know which hospital. St. Catherines maybe?
What are your hobbies?
Video Games, Watching Stuff, TTRPGs, I used to write and do sigilwork but neither of those have come up recently. I do most hobbies at least a little, though.
Do you have any pets?
Not personally, but my mom has three doggos who I hang out with regularly, and I love them all equally (Old Man Ted is my favourite actually, but shhh be cool about it.)
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
Computer Science, love me some code (yes, I'm a trans-femme stereotype)
Dream Job?
Originally I wanted to be a Game Designer or Writer, but honestly my current job of Live Streamer / Online Entertainer is like, kind of the best possible thing for me?
oh god I don't know who to tag. uhhh @risu5waffles @ketallpot i think you're the only folks on here other than @dairy-boy that I personally know so you're my only options but no pressure if you don't want to do this!
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Today in Great Lakes shipping history March 23rd.
2023- Whitefish Bay slows her speed beneath the Detroit, MI, skyline before making the turn into Windsor Salt.
2023- Captain Henry Jackman opens Seaway
CLAYTON, NY – The St. Lawrence Seaway is open for the season. Icebreakers have been in the channel, clearing the way for ships to navigate from Montreal to Lake Ontario.
The first bulk carrier into the seaway was the Captain Henry Jackman, entering at Montreal and making its way to Lake Ontario. A few other bulk carriers soon followed and are in the channel Wednesday.
2023- Niagara tips its hat as Welland Canal kicks off navigation season.
ST. CATHERINES, ON – James Ryan worked his way through the seafarer ranks to earn his role as captain. For eight years, he has commanded ships with Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), but this season, his preparation as captain of the CSL St-Laurent was a bit fancier than usual. In the form of a black beaver pelt top hat. Alongside the ship’s chief engineer, Montreal’s Stoyan Vlaev, the pair took part in their first official top hat ceremony in St. Catharines Wednesday morning, as a crowd of a hundred or so visitors — in naval tradition — tipped their hats in a show of greeting and respect. The annual tradition, in which a symbolic top hat is presented to the captain of the first upbound and downbound vessels, marks the beginning of the new Welland Canal shipping season. To celebrate, ceremonies were held at St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre at Lock 3 and at Lock 8 Gateway Park in Port Colborne. Ryan and Vlaev were appointed this season to the 36,364-tonne CSL St-Laurent, a bulk carrier built in 2014. The vessel’s first trip is to Superior, WI, to pick up a load of iron ore for Quebec City. “I’ve very excited about this season. It’s always nice to get started again,” said Ryan, hails from Newfoundland and Labrador, in an interview following the ceremony.
Boat Nerd
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“To what degree did the Ontario Hockey Association [OHA] control hockey within its area? The OHA did have absolute control of amateur hockey but its claims to control all hockey lie on less certain grounds. During the period 1919 to 1937, in any given year, there were never more than 186 affiliates. In fact, these represented but a small proportion of the teams playing hockey within the OHA's area of jurisdiction. By the late 1920s it is estimated that there were over 4,000 teams playing hockey within the OHA district. Obviously, with respect to affiliates, the OHA was a small organization. In fact, the influence of the OHA reached into all corners of the district and into all levels of hockey. This influence was exerted both directly and indirectly, through affiliation and control of the prestigious provincial championships, which in turn led to national and international competition, and paradoxically, access to professional hockey.
The most important method of influencing hockey played outside the OHA was through affiliation. Such was the prestige of the OHA within the world of hockey that by the mid 1920s it was deemed advantageous to seek affiliation. This was the case with the TAHA on its formation in 1921 and thus 500 teams were brought within the jurisdiction of the OHA. The Hamilton Amateur Hockey Association followed suit when it was formed in 1927. Thus, by 1931, all ice hockey in Toronto and Hamilton was played under the aegis of the OHA. Outside the two major urban centres [of Toronto/Hamilton and the Border Cities] the myriad of town and district leagues were closely allied to the OHA. For example the St. Thomas Town League, 1928; the St. Catherines and District Leagues, 1926 - 1932; and the Peterboro City League, 1932 - 1937, all affiliated with the OHA. Even the leagues that lay outside the OHA often accepted OHA rules and regulations. Thus, the influence of the OHA reached into all corners of the district and all levels of hockey.
However, it is important not to overemphasize the extent of the OHA's control. There were always teams and leagues that lay outside their jurisdiction. The industrial leagues that developed in Toronto, Hamilton, and Brantford in the 1920s. while gaining affiliation in 1929, maintained a sturdy independence throughout. Perhaps more extensive and more independent were the rural leagues which catered to 37.6% of the population. While these leagues must have supplied some of the players to adjacent urban leagues, they tended to maintain their independence. The extent of these leagues is difficult to determine. At the same time, it is evident that rural leagues sprang up throughout Ontario. For example, in 1926, the Brant County United Farmers Organization Hockey League, Group 2, was comprised of Lynden, St. Georges and Glenmarra. More illustrative of their nature and instability was the South Waterloo Rural Hockey League which between 1929 and 1939 attracted twelve teams, only one of which was a continuous member. The heart of the rural leagues lay in the counties to the west of Toronto. In 1932, dissatisfied with the lack of interest demonstrated by the OHA they banded together to form the Ontario Rural Hockey Association (ORHA). By 1936 the ORHA controlled nineteen leagues. However, even in this instance, if any of the players aspired to higher levels of play they had to join an OHA team. Thus, the influence of the OHA was felt even within the independent organizations.
While hockey was played in every city, town and village, amateur hockey was available only in specific areas. The OHA district contained 286 cities, towns and villages. During the period 1919 to 1937 only 141 (48%) of these were represented in OHA competition. In fact, the base becomes even smaller if one considers those areas having representation for longer than ten years. Only 70 (24%) cities, towns and villages were long term members of the OHA. Thus, OHA hockey was not available, on an ongoing basis, to the majority of Ontarians.
OHA ice hockey was rooted in the small towns and villages of Ontario. Towns ranging in size from 1,000 t o 11,000 lay at the heart of the OHA. Both the rural areas, comprising 38% of the population and the cities, with 45%. were underrepresented. Perceptions of Toronto domination were certainly not reflected in the number of teams. Even though Toronto's population, 631,607 in 1931, overshadowed the other 21 cities (604,265) and nearly doubled that of the 105 towns (339,232) Toronto only boasted 29 teams in 18 years. The focus of the OHA is illustrated more graphically by examining a typical year, 1930. In 1930, the OHA contained 186 teams. Of these, 21 were located in Toronto, 43  in 19 cities; and 122 in 84 towns and villages. If the teams had been distributed equally according to population, the cities should have had over 140 teams. The OHA was basically a small town organization.
The larger cities and towns were the permanent strongholds of the OHA. In fact, the heart of the OHA lay in the towns which contained 58% of the permanent teams. It was amongst the smaller towns and villages that the greatest instability was found. Places like Flesherton, Homby, Madoc, Mamora, Monkton, Pictou and Wallaceburg joined the OHA for one or two seasons before succumbing, usually due to financial considerations. In fact, the teams with a degree of permanency reveal certain distinct patterns. Very simply, presence and permanency weakened as physical distance from Toronto increased. There were few teams in any of the counties east of Kingston. Additionally Northumberland, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington counties provided few teams. To the west, Essex, Kent and Elgin counties did not have permanent representation in the OHA. The franchises became more stable as the focus moved towards Toronto. In summary, amateur ice hockey, the avenue to district, provincial and national championships, was not available to all Ontarians; in fact, it was characterized by particular patterns of development focusing heavily on the towns of Ontario.”
 - Alan Metcalfe, “THE ANATOMY OF POWER IN AMATEUR SPORT IN ONTARIO, 1918 -1936,” Sports History Review. Volume 22, issue 2 (Jan. 1991): 49-51, 53-56.
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bronzecats · 17 days
Original version.
May 12th: Kamloops; Haus of Misfit, 275 Tranquille Rd, 1:00-3:00PM. (Letter writing)
13th: Fernie; Fernie Seniors Drop-In Centre, 572 3rd Avenue, 6:00PM. (Letter writing and Potluck)
17th: Vancouver; šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl'e7énḵ Square - Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza, 750 Hornby St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
19th, Sunday: Abbotsford; Jubilee Park, 5:00PM. (Rally)
May 11th, Saturday: Fort McMurray; Jubilee Plaza, 9909 Franklin Ave, 12:00PM. (Rally)
12th, Sunday: Red Deer; Red Deer City Hall, 4914 48 Ave, 1:00PM. (Rally)
17th, Friday: Calgary; Central Memorial Park, 1221 2 St SW, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Edmonton; Wilbert McIntyre Park, 8331 104 St NW, 6:00PM. (Rally)
May 18th: Saskatoon; Grovenor Park United Church, 407 Cumberland Ave S, 6:00PM. (Art event)
17th: Saskatoon; Vimy Memorial Park, 500 Spadina Crescent E, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Regina; Legislative Grounds, 2405 Legislative Dr, 6:30PM. (Rally)
May 11th: Morden; Finer Spirit, 353 Thornhill St, 3:00PM. (Letter writing)
13th: Winnipeg; Rainbow Resource Centre, 545 Broadway, 6:30-8:30PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Carman; Paul's Place, 20 1 Ave SW, 7:00-9:00PM. (Letter writing)
19th: Winnipeg; Manitoba Legislature, 450 Broadway, 12:00PM. (Rally)
May 11th: Hamilton; Redchurch Cafe, 68 King Street E, 2:00PM. (Letter writing)
11th: Kitchener; Willow River Park, 2:00PM.
11th: Orillia, Orillia Public Library, 36 Mississaga St W, 9:00AM-2:00PM. (Letter writing)
11th: Ottawa; Ten Oaks Project, 400 Cooper Street, suite 9004, 12:00-4:00PM. (Letter writing and donuts)
13th: Deep River; Deep River Public Library, 55 Ridge Rd, 5:00PM. (Letter writing)
13th: London; Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. E, 5:30PM. (Letter writing)
14th: Kanata; Centre33, 33 Leacock Dr, 4:00-7:00PM, youth event (ages 12-17). (Letter writing and pizza)
14th: Killaloe; North Street Community Centre, 12 North St, 5:00PM. (Letter writing)
14th: St. Catherines; Quest Community Health Centre, 145 Queenston Street, 5:30-8:30PM. (Letter writing)
14th: Ottawa; 312 Parkdale Ave, 6:00PM. (Letter writing)
14th, Tuesday: Thunder Bay; Hillcrest Park 6:00PM. (Rally)
15th: Barrie; UPlift Black, 12 Dunlop St E, 6:00-7:30PM. (Letter writing)
15th: Chatham; CK Gay Pride Association, 48 Centre St, 5:00-6:30PM. (Letter writing)
15th: Peterborough; Trinity Community Centre, 360 Reid St, 12:00-3:00PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Midland; Midland Public Library, 4:30PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Ottawa; Impact Hub, 123 Slater Street, 2:00PM. (Letter writing)
16th: Toronto; Barbara Hall Park, 519 Church St, 11:30AM. (Rally)
17th, Friday: Barrie; City Hall, 70 Collier St, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Cornwall; 167 Pitt St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
17th: Essex; St. Paul's Anglican Church, 92 St. Paul St, 6:00-8:00PM. (Letter writing and pizza)
17th: Hamilton; City Hall, 71 Main St W, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Kitchener; City Hall, 200 King St W, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: London; City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave, 6:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Sarnia; City Hall, 255 Christina St N, 1:00PM. (Rally)
17th: Sault Ste Marie; City Hall, 99 Foster Dr, 11:30AM. (Rally)
17th: Ottawa; Confederation Park, Elgin St, 5:30PM. (Rally)
22nd: Renfrew; 161 Raglan St. South, 7:00PM. (Letter writing, fashion and makeup event, and pizza)
May 15th: Lachute; CDC Lachute, 57, rue Harriet, 12:30PM. (Letter writing event)
May 14th: Saint John; Chroma NB, 223 Germain St, 4:00-6:30PM, (use Queen St side door) (Letter writing and pizza)
17th: Saint John; City Hall, 15 Market Square, 12:30PM. (Rally, flag raising)
18th, Saturday: Fredericton; Legislative Grounds, 706 Queen Street, 1:00PM. (Rally)
May 17th: Charlottetown; PEI Legislative Assembly, 165 Richmond St, 12:00PM. (Rally)
May 13th: Grand Falls-Windsor; Harmsworth Public Library, 1 Cromer Avenue, 6:30PM.
16th: Whitehorse; The Cache, 4230 4 Ave, 2:00-7:00PM. (Letter writing)
May 16th, Thursday: Iqaluit; Four Corners, 922 Niaqunngusiariaq St, 5:00PM. (Letter writing)
Reference links:
About the Rainbow Week of Action.
Website letter writing events list (does not include all events)
General events website list (does not include all events)
Instagram general events image list
Instagram letter writing / pizza party image list
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goalhofer · 4 months
2023-24 Tucson Roadrunners Roster
#21 Miloš Kelemen (Zvolen, Slovakia)
#22 Ben McCartney (Township 12, Manitoba) A
#24 Jan Jeník (Nymburk, Czech Republic)
#26 Travis Barron (Brampton, Ontario)
#35 Aku Räty (Oulu, Finland)
#36 Hunter Drew (Kingston, Ontario)*
#41 Austin Poganski (St. Cloud, Minnesota)*
#43 John Leonard; Jr. (Amherst, Massachusetts)*
#63 Colin Theisen (Monroe, Michigan)
#91 Josh Doan (Scottsdale, Arizona)**
#13 Nathan Smith (Tampa, Florida)
#16 Ryan McGregor (Burlington, Ontario)
#23 Justin Kirkland (Camrose, Alberta)*
#28 Curtis Douglas (Oakville, Ontario)
#39 Cameron Hebig (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) A
#3 Peter DiLiberatore (Halifax, Nova Scotia)*
#5 Cam Crotty (Ottawa, Ontario)
#7 Brandon Estes (Richardson, Texas)**
#42 Lleyton Moore (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
#44 Steven Kampfer (Jackson, Michigan) C
#55 Maks Szuber (Opole, Poland)
#64 Patrik Koch (Bratislava, Slovakia)**
#77 Victor Söderström (Skutskär, Sweden)
#79 Montana Onyebuchi (Springfield Municipality, Manitoba)*
#31 Matt Villalta (Central Frontenac Township, Ontario)*
#32 Dylan Wells (St. Catherines, Ontario)*
#33 Anson Thornton (Oshawa, Ontario)**
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ivanreydereyes · 7 months
El que me encontrará un balón PINCHADO con BUFFALO me recuerda a esa ciudad del ESTADO de NEW YORK fronteriza con CANADA en el río NIAGARA y que se cruza por el PEACE BRIDGE junto al "ROBO" MART para ir a las CATA_RATAS del NIAGARA como hice la NAVIDAD DE 2009 empalmando con la QUEEN ELISABETH WAY [la REINA VIRGEN xq nunca se CASO y última Tudor fundadora del ANGLICANISMO] por cuya video de servicio luego fui andando 130 KM hacia TORONTO inspirándome el logo de la SAGRADA FAMILIA al ver el logo de HIM [HIS INFERNAL MAJESTY] junto a unos CUBOS DE BASURA frente al CASINO Y HARD ROCK CAFE de NIAGARA..dibujandolo tras pasar por ST CATHERINES [donde nació LINDA EVANGELISTA q sale en video FREEDOM del cd LISTEN WITHOUT PREJUDIGE lanzado con PRAYING FOR TIME entre cd FAITH lanzado con I WANT YOUR SEX y cd OLDER lanzado con JESUS TO A CHILD seguido de FAST_LOVE..y la cual saco un DINERAL por tener un hijo con el MAS RICO DE FRANCIA q luego se caso con MEXICANA SALMA HAYEK] y colarme en un hotel donde había una conferencia sobre el CANCER aunque yo solo asistí al CONVITE y luego me quedé en la planta de ABAJO que estaba en OBRA..recuerdo q hacia un FRIO CRIMINAL pues me quitaba un GUANTE unos segundos y el dolor en los dedos era como si te los hubieran cortado..eso sí era acojonante ver el paisaje con el LAGO NOTARIO digo ONTARIO y las mansiones q te cruzabas..mientras me preguntaba QUE YO NO TENIA NI UN APARTAMENTO de 20 mts2 x 120.000€ como el q se compró MOISES al q le faltaban un par de dedos y que extrañamente me ponía ALASKA [x cierto..era AMIGO de Valenciano VICENTE BEINAT compañero de UNIVERSIDAD como el sobrino de FLORENTINO PEREZ o Eduardo SACRISTAN PEREZ..y con el q fue a CHINA donde conocieron DOS HERMANAS CATALANAS con las q estuvimos en LAS FOLLAS digo LAS FALLAS de VALENCIA..trayendome un CUCHILLO con el q le raje las 4 RUEDAS de su BMW y rayandole en el CAPO una ESVASTICA encerrada en un círculo y tachada con una CRUZ.. al HIJO PUTATIVO de mi padre Francisco José MENCHEN CABALLERO al colarme en su GARAGE junto a la antigua CRUZ DE LOS CAIDOS cuando estaba con mi padre en la FERIA NAB DE LAS VEGAS y su mujer sola EMBARAZADA en casa..pues entre detrás de un Coche y luego no sabía como salir..aunque tuve suerte xq subí por unas escaleras a un PORTAL y di al TIMBRE DE APERTURA..x cierto..de las RUEDAS SALIO COMO UN POLVO BLANCO y hacia un gran RUIDO..luego me denunció sin pruebas ninguna pero mi padre pago los desperfectos y la retiro..antes le había pateado como un BALON DE FUTBOL frente a los JUZGADOS DE GUARDIA DE PLAZA CASTILLA mientras una señora me decía ALGO TE HABRA HECHO PERO DEJALO Q LO VAS A MATAR
Por cierto ..antes VICENTE BEINAT me trajo una PIRAÑA DISECADA DE VENEZUELA y cuando íbamos a ir a PUNTA CANA por la semana santa 2001 me cito en un restaurant CUBANO de AVDA BRASIL [MADRID] y me dijo que era HOMOSEXUAL..luego su hermana me llamó un día diciendo q creía q la perseguían en el METRO y su padre estaba como un vegetal con 50 años
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someonesawsomething · 7 months
What Happened To James Harry Cordell?
What Happened To James Harry Cordell? James was last seen on April 28, 1972 #unforgotten #unsolved #coldcase #sharethispost #missing
James Harry CordellAlias: James Henry CordellCase reference: 2014001441Missing Since: April 28, 1972Missing from: St. Catherines, Ontario, CanadaDate of Birth: 1950Age at Disappearance: 22 years oldEthnicity: WhiteGender: MaleEye Color: BlueHair: BrownHeight: 178 cm / 5 ft 10 inWeight: 72 kgs / 159 lbsJames was last seen wearing: Mauve and white terrycloth short-sleeved shirt. Grey cotton jacket.…
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shahananasrin-blog · 9 months
[ad_1] Most parts of southwestern Ontario might have felt the ground shake over the weekend. According to Earthquake Canada, a 4.3 magnitude earthquake with an epicentre northeast of Cleveland, Ohio, was reportedly felt across the region around 10:45 p.m. on Sunday.The intensity map from the National Earthquake Monitoring Authority showed that some residents felt the effects from the earthquake in London, St. Thomas, Stratford, Woodstock, Brantford, Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton, Toronto, St. Catherine’s, and Niagara Falls.The systemic event hit around 67 km east-north-east of Cleveland, and 186 km east-south-east of Detroit. The image shows areas where people reported feeling the earthquake, with the star showing the epicentre. Earthquakes Canada No damage or injuries have been reported. Trending Now [ad_2]
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courtstreetmedical · 11 months
Doctors Accepting New Patients | Court Street Medical Center
Are you looking for family Doctors Accepting New Patients? Court Street Medical Center in St. Catherine, Ontario, is here to provide high-quality, compassionate care to you and your family. With over 20 years of experience, our dedicated team of doctors treats patients like family, offering personalized care and comprehensive medical services. Book an appointment today and experience excellent healthcare tailored to your needs. Contact us at (905) 682-5411.
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heungmins · 1 year
Which universities did you apply to and why? I'm thinking of applying to Canadian unis next year lol (also why do you hate brock u?🫣)
i applied to . 5 schools😱😱😱 and all in ontario but i was never really interested in 3 of them lmao (ordered in the order i got accepted)
if you can hold a fork you can go to york etc etc
idek why i applied
toronto, good location?? i guess ??? im also p sure it's smack dab in the middle of downtown toronto . dunno how you feel abt that
fucking love this school
biggggg campus, makes moving between classes difficult
expensive (tuition, cost of living)
in the middle of toronto
(life sciences program) easy to get in, hard to graduate - competitive
u of tears
"harvard of the north"
hard to get scholarships
more known for their math and computer engineering programs
unlike most ontario universities, requires an english proficiency test if first language is not english, even with 4 years of canadian high school
had the AUDACITY to get back to me late
really really good food
im not exaggerating
great residence from what ive heard
located in hamilton booooo tomato tomato
connected to the general hospital
health sciences program is harder to get into then medical school (only program i got #rejected from)
chill vibes
bad food options
only the area around the school is good - hamilton is shady as fuck
i got a scholarship from everywhere EXCEPT THE TWO SCHOOLS I WANTED TO GO TO..................
i think york and guelph gave me the most $$$$
if you want more guidance lmk <3
as for why i hate brock - i just do LMAOOO
i dont like a lot of people that went there and it's at ST. CATHERINES BOOOOOOOOOOOO
heard their education program is decent but . if you're white go 2 queens for education lol
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