#stacy just vibing with the strange and bizarre things that just happen sometimes in the taiga cause she grew up in there
The Hole Skit ft. Stacy and Jack
Stacy: *sips water from a wooden bowl* Jack: Hey Stacy, have you seen my tote bag? Stacy: It's missing again? Jack: Yeah. Stacy: Pretty sure it fell into the hole. Jack: What hole--OH MY GOD!!! *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: What is that?! Stacy: It's a hole. Jack: Yeah, I can see that. What's it doing there? Stacy: Well I woke up this morning... *takes a long, slow sip out of her bowl of water* and there was this hole. Jack: Did you do anything about it? Stacy: Well, I put a rug over it. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Stacy: Yeah, it fell in the hole. Jack: Should we call the national park service or something? Stacy: I already called them, yeah... Jack: Well, where are they? Stacy: They're in the hole. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: ...Where is my camera? Stacy: *nervous sweating* Jack: Stacy, where is my camera? Stacy: It's at work. Jack: Oh. Where does it work? Stacy: In the hole. *Double Dramatic Sound Affect*
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