#stacy hinjosa
Do you think Stacy was ever reported missing? Also, do you think a village kid will catch on? If they know which direction miram’s house is in (who’s claiming to be her guardian) but yet never see Stacy come or head to that direction, someone might catch on.
I definitely think Stacy was reported missing--after all, Stacy's parents and she herself were seemingly on record. They kept the secret of the wolves as explorers but they didn't seem to be keeping THEMSELVES a secret. You need so much paperwork to get a helicopter. Plus Stacy's mother mentioned Stacy's dad's artwork was well received by the public, so he was probably well known, definitely enough that fans would at least notice his absence. And Stacy was their daughter. Stacy mentions herself in Sentinels in the Deep Ocean that she probably has files reporting her missing, and uses the fake name Daisy for that reason.
I could see someone in the village catching on, especially someone Stacy is friends with, or an enemy (like Mathilda Lemming, searching for things to tease Stacy about), or just a nosy neighbor. I could also see Stacy catching on that they're catching on and like. spending the night at Miriam's just to throw them off her trail. she's like katniss everdeen how she schemes and plots
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acaciapines · 11 months
Have you ever read the Wild Rescuers series by Stacy Hinjosa, a.k.a. StacyPlays? The first book is Wild Rescuers: Guardians of the Taiga. It'd be interesting to see what kind of daemon au you'd make of that. MINOR SPOILERS: It's about a girl raised by wolves since age 8, and all the wolves develop super powers as the series goes on and the girl discovers these wolves' origins. SPOILERS OVER. Just struck me as the kind of thing you'd like.
huh, ive never heard of it but a quick look into it and it seems the sort of thing i would’ve loved when i was a kid! ive always liked “raised by animals” types of stories and been very sad when they inevitably end with the main character returning to a human life, lol.
can’t say anything on a daemon au for this series in particular, but i did make notes for a nightfall daemon au, forever ago…. (nightfall being, of course, a httyd fic/fic series in which hiccup is taken with valka and thus grows up a dragon) can’t remember much of it but i think in cases like this i might touch on like. identity? ie human-half and daemon-half are both dragons, but it’s easier for the daemon to express that for obvious reasons.
but! never got much deeper into it cause im not writing that, so.
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Do you think Stacy's classmates are other YouTubers? Stampy, Lizzie, Graser, Joey, Megan, do you think she ends up going to the arcade with her group of friends and she doesn't think she'll like it because she's a nature girl but they convince her to play Mario or something and she surprises herself by really enjoying it? Graser can't actually be a robot, but Stampy can wear a cat hoodie like in MC story mode and Lizzie still can have pink hair.
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! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Stacy (after almost dying for the third time this month): This is great. I'm going to get a good grade in rescuing animals, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve!
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The quote "Why are those two sitting with their backs to each other?" "They had a fight." "Then why are they holding hands?" "They get sad when they fight." is SO Stacy and Everest coded. Like it's hilarious how even when they're mad at each other they're not ACTUALLY mad at each other. Everest growling about Stacy sneaking off to the town council meeting while she just keeps talking about how to get a camera like nothing's up. Him being so so MAD after the bunny rescue at the beginning of the series even while ever-so-gently tending to the rabbit and helping. Stacy being frustrated when Everest underestimates her even though she knows he's just trying to protect her. y'know. them.
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also, the wolves have to shed somewhat. If someone (especially dr. Berg’s team) were to notice arctic wolf fur, but especially mostly around consumable plants and such (also, no animal carcasses large enough for a pack of wolves showing up after the timber wolves were basically eradicated), especially with human blood around, like if Stacy got ensnared on a black berry vine (actual thing that has happened to me, sometimes those bushes grow like, vines across the ground) and her leg bled because of that, and their was arctic wolf fur around as well. Also, someone had to have noticed that some animals were going towards a cave dangerously close to the fire in book one. And remember when Noah was shot with a tranquilizer dart (I think it was after they got their powers) Stacy sent Basil out to lead the scientists away from the cave? If they had cameras with them (for observation and recording purposes or something like that) and basil had to go up to her full speed? It’s been said in, I think escape to the mesa or expedition on the tundra that Basil could literally outrun a cheetah, if someone watched that footage back, someone would’ve noticed.
Man, this "Dr.-Berg-And-His-Team Knows About The Wolves' Superpowers" theory was meant to be silly but it's becoming more and more plausible by the moment. You make some good points! you definitely know your stuff.
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adding onto my last ask, I don’t think some wolves would be taken for disection. The living population of the wolves is only around 10. They would basically be considered extinct in the wild, if they did dissections, the dept. of fish & wildlife (as well as some ngo’s) would have the scientists head. They would most likely be observed. As science gets better (mri’s, PET and CAT scans, dna testing, etc), dissections also aren’t really necessary either.
Oh yeah, good point. Come to think of it, that's exactly what Dr. Berg and his students were trying to do in Expedition on the Tundra--put tracking devices on the wolves and observe them. Though he just wanted to know about arctic wolves in a taiga environment.
dr. berg knows about the wolves' superpowers conspiracy when
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So remember the runes on the ice spike? I don’t think they were meant to be translated, but I still translated them. but anyway, they translate to: wolves, before, from, elders, toward, go, lore, ancient, the, seek, who, set.
Not exactly in that order, BUT WHY WAS THAT HIDDEN FROM US.
(P.S, if you want to chat about this, please just reply to this ask on your public page, and we can chat in the reblogs or reply section. I don’t feel comfortable using private chat with people I don’t know on the internet)
How did I lose this in my inbox for so long???
thank you so much for the translation (and for being patient), this is very interesting new-old information. Where to begin? I think the "before" and "from" might refer to the tundra being the birthplace of Stacy's pack, originally, where they were from before. "Elders" and "wolves" are pretty self-explanatory. "Go"...to where, I wonder? Referring to Stacy's pack going to the taiga? To Stacy's parents plan on going to the mesa? The world may never know. "Lore" might just be author Stacy messing with us because we're finally getting the story's lore. "Ancient" is actually very, very intriguing. The oldest wolves we've seen so far are the taiga pack's parents (I think. correct me if I'm wrong. I really need to reread the series.) Does this go back further??? How long have these mysterious wolves been a part of the world??? "Seek"...hm...Seek out animals to rescue??? Seek out Ames, who went missing??? Maybe????? "Who" and "the" are just kinda. there. not sure what to make of that. And "set" could mean, like...a set of wolves? A set of runes?
I loved analyzing this so so much thank you thank you for the ask it genuinely made my day. Lesson learned, I'll be checking my inbox more frequently from now on T_T
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[Image ID. a screenshot of StacyPlay's Minecraft "Comments On" world, riding her coppery horse through the mesa to her round yellow house. Captions say "books because there's another one that I'm going to announce soon" End of ID.]
So Wild Rescuers fandom, where do we think the new book will be set? Maybe a desert, or we could explore that swamp Stacy put on the map in Book 1, where Noah fished once in a while and came home grimy.
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Tried to draw Stacy and Miriam from the Wild Rescuers and Rescue Tails series! I'm not much of an artist, but this fandom needs some FANART! So I'm being the change I want to see in the world. This is set around the time of Wild Rescuers: Expedition on the Tundra.
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Hi! I got the new book "Rescue Tails: The Treacherous Tower" and loved it <3 it was a cozy little read and here are my thoughts:
Basil and Stacy bonding time!!! would love to see individual rescues with her and each of her wolves. character dynamics. they are family.
rainforest awareness, we love to see it
The scene where Stacy thought she might die was actually kind of visceral, love wild rescuers' ability to just intertwine near death experiences with just her everyday life
the bat!!! gotta appreciate that gross little guy
So Everest can only hear Stacy's thoughts if they're both in the same biome/Stacy is in the taiga, huh? interesting. might do a more detailed analysis of that.
the ocelot kitten was adorable
OF COURSE Stacy is that kid who's friends with the librarian that's HER <3 <3 <3
Stacy honey you look adorable Mathilda Lemming doesn't know what she's talking about
and you are TOO SWEET for not insulting her back
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Welcome to the Wild Rescuers Fanpage!
"Wild Rescuers" and "Rescue Tails" are book series written by Stacy Hinjosa, aka StacyPlays on YouTube. Wild Rescuers has four books, and Rescue Tails currently has one. They exist in the same universe and Rescue Tails picks up the story from where Wild Rescuers leaves off. It's about a girl who lives with magic wolves and rescues animals. I was disappointed when I didn't see much online fandom for it, and decided to change that!
Things to do here:
Submit a post! It can be fanart, fanfiction, an analysis, a theory, rambling, incorrect quotes, anything you can conjure up. If it's family friendly and related to Wild Rescuers, I'll be ever-so-grateful. (I also just reblog anything Wild Rescuers I find)
Talk! Going insane over a book series is more fun with other people. Chat about the series, send me your headcanons, etc.
Ask me questions! Don't understand something in the series? Curious about reading it? Want to test my knowledge, maybe? I'll do my best to answer.
Scroll. While I'm extremely happy to receive contributions, you can also just enjoy what's already here.
Keep it family friendly. This is a children's series and we are in their space, so make sure to keep it family friendly. (Plus, StacyPlays is a family friendly youtuber.) If you're submitting an incorrect quote with swears, simply change them to non-swears.
Stay on topic. Try to focus on Wild Rescuers. The series is very linked to Dogcraft, so the two subjects may overlap occasionally. Plus it's okay if the conversation leads to Stacy's minecraft videos. Who am I, the fun police? But Wild Rescuers is the main focus.
Be respectful to everyone. Lots of people can like a book series. Respect differences and enjoy Wild Rescuers, and maintain and respect boundaries talking to your fellow fans.
WARNING: This blog will almost certainly contain spoilers!
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Here's the link to the new book, "Rescue Tails: The Treacherous Tower" on Amazon! Unfortunately I haven't gotten my hands on it yet, but when I do, it's over for you. I probably will not shut up about it.
Happy Reading!
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The runes from Wild Rescuers, StacyPlays's books! They first appeared in Wild Rescuers: Expedition to the Tundra and we got the key for it in the beginning of Wild Rescuers: Sentinels in the Deep Ocean. They were used by Stacy's mother in her journal, and Stacy began to use them in her own journal afterwards. Now StacyPlays fans have our own secret language.
(Petition to put this on Google Docs)
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The Hole Skit ft. Stacy and Jack
Stacy: *sips water from a wooden bowl* Jack: Hey Stacy, have you seen my tote bag? Stacy: It's missing again? Jack: Yeah. Stacy: Pretty sure it fell into the hole. Jack: What hole--OH MY GOD!!! *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: What is that?! Stacy: It's a hole. Jack: Yeah, I can see that. What's it doing there? Stacy: Well I woke up this morning... *takes a long, slow sip out of her bowl of water* and there was this hole. Jack: Did you do anything about it? Stacy: Well, I put a rug over it. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Stacy: Yeah, it fell in the hole. Jack: Should we call the national park service or something? Stacy: I already called them, yeah... Jack: Well, where are they? Stacy: They're in the hole. *Dramatic Sound Affect* Jack: ...Where is my camera? Stacy: *nervous sweating* Jack: Stacy, where is my camera? Stacy: It's at work. Jack: Oh. Where does it work? Stacy: In the hole. *Double Dramatic Sound Affect*
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