#stand my heroes natsuki sugano
favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Sugano Natsuki (2nd July)
Stand My Heroes
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0802-nik · 3 years
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] 花ざかりのSwallow tail (Swallow Tail in Full Bloom) Event Story: Investigation ⑤ Translations
*Master-list will be created In the future *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei *Scenerio Writer:  @benihara_k  (紅原香)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Investigation 5: Chapter 1
Rei: (Uhh, I suppose I should first start off by clearing away the empty plates...)
I removed the plates that had been emptied of food and placed it upon the serving card I was pushing along. Still, this is quite a bit of work, all things considered.
Hiyama: What are you doing, Izumi?
Rei: I’m cleaning things up since I was asked to.
Hiyama: I see. Allow me to help out.
He silently cleared the empty plates set out before him. Even despite how casual he was being, I couldn’t help but to be entranced by how smart his every action was.
Hiyama: Seems like that’s all there is.
Rei: Yes, thank you so much! That was of great help!!
Hiyama: I’m glad to be of help.
Hiyama: Although, I must say, you do look pretty picturesque dressed as a butler.
Rei: Thank you. You look brilliant in it too!
Hiyama: Indeed. It turned out better than I thought. Also…
Hiyama: Who would’ve thought that there would be such a surprise hidden within the wax seals; what an interesting turn of events.
Hiyama: And the decorations on the swallow-tail coats are also tailored to fit each individual’s motif.
Hiyama: I’m impressed by how much dedication and effort has been put into each and every one.
Miyase: Here’s some freshly-made lasagna, right out from the oven. Would the two of you like to try it?
Rei: Huh? Wow, that looks mouthwatering...Wait, Miyase-san!?
Hiyama: You’re the star of the party today, aren’t you? So why are you doing the serving?
Miyase: I couldn’t really sit still and do nothing. It seems like I’m the type who has to always be on their feet doing something.
Hiyama: I see. Come to think of it, this entire garden’s being managed by you, right?
Hiyama: I’d always wanted to talk to the person who was caring for this stunning garden.
Miyase: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Hiyama: This garden’s always refreshing to look at.
Hiyama: And the plants and fauna are always growing prosperously,
Hiyama: regardless of how different they are from each other, attaining a strange balance whilst expressing their own individualities.
Hiyama: It’s doing so well that even I’m tempted to ask you what your gardening secrets are.
Miyase: I don’t have a secret or anything like that. But, I suppose if I do have one…
Miyase: I suppose it would be to listen closely to what the flowers are saying…?
Rei: The voices of the flowers...
Hiyama: Oh? And how, exactly, do we do that?
Miyase: You get up close to them, turn your gaze to it and listen intently.
Miyase: You’ll naturally come to hear it if you do that.
Hiyama: I see. I’ll try doing that.
Rei: (He managed to understand him just from that alone? ...Wow, that’s amazing...)
Miyase: Plus, this garden was something that’s been entrusted to me, so…
Miyase: I try not to let the blooms in this garden run out to prevent anyone who gazes out at this garden from ever getting bored of the magnificent sight it presents.
Hiyama: I see. I feel like I’ve finally managed to understand your gardening secrets. Thanks.
Shindou: Sorry for being late. The treatment of my last patient on the list took way more time than I expected.
Miyase: Good work, Shindou-san.
Shindou: There’s no way I’d fail to turn up for a banquet held in your name.
Miyase: You’d do that for someone like me…? Thank you so much.
Shindou: “like you”? I’m taking time out just to participate in this because it is “for you”.
Shindou: You’d do well to remember.
Miyase: ! ...Of course.
The expression on Miyase-san’s face at that moment in time- Was one of absolute joy. Although, he did seem a little as if he was about to cry.
That was how he looked.
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 5: Chapter 2
The servers at the serving venue seemed to have calmed down from their frantic scramble earlier.
Rei: (Standing for as long as this really does take a toll on your feet.)
Kaname-kun had said “You can just do whatever’s within your means and you don’t have to do it all too seriously either.” Or so, he told me. However, I still ended up going around serving and clearing plates because I just couldn’t help but to be concerned.
Rei: (There’s just a little more left anyway so this is the last spurt.)
Asagiri: Rei-san.
Rei: Yes?
Asagiri: Have you seen Natsuki anywhere? He was together with me a while ago, but now he’s upped and gone off to god knows where.
Rei: I’ve not seen him around here, but we could search for him together if you’d like.
Asagiri: Please, if you will. I’m here today to keep an eye out for him after all.
Asagiri: Let’s start from that area over there.
He sped-walked towards the table-seating area. Following after him, I soon spotted a familiar face coming in my direction.
Sugano: Oh, Rei~! Where did you run off to?
Rei: Sugano-kun!? Huh? Wait, weren’t you missing?
Sugano: Huh? But I’ve been here all this time!
Rei: Asagiri-san? What’s this supposed to be about…?
Asagiri: You’d have been stuck serving over there for an eternity if I didn’t say something like that to draw you away.
Rei: ! You were looking?
Asagiri: Of course. Running around to and fro like that; I couldn’t have missed it even if I’d wanted to.
Asagiri: I don’t know the reasoning behind your actions, but,
Asagiri: What I do know, is that it isn’t the Kujo Family’s intention to make a guest run around doing errands without even partaking in the food that’s being served here either.
Rei: ……!
Asagiri: Here, take a seat. It’s also part of the guest’s job to enjoy the party.
He elegantly pulled out a chair.
Rei: I’ll take you up for your word then.
Asagiri: I’ll bring you some food so just wait here for a while.
He headed to the table where all the food was laid out, took a plate without hesitation, and started loading food onto it.
Asagiri: Here you go.
Rei: That’s a lot…!
Asagiri: You haven’t eaten anything at all, haven’t you?
Rei: Thank you so much. I won't hold back then.
Asagiri: That Margherita pizza has been baked pretty well. I recommend it.
Rei: I’ll try eating this first then!
Rei: ! It’s crispy and really delicious!
Asagiri: It is. It comes close to my favoured Domingo’s Pizza.
Rei: And, uh...thank you, for looking out for me.
Rei: And thank you so much, for everything as always.
Asagiri: Why are you repeating yourself?
Rei: I thought that I’d go around thanking people for their daily efforts since it also coincided with the theme of this party.
Asagiri: You’re putting too much effort into trivial things again, I see.
Asagiri: ...But I’m also thankful for you.
Rei: Huh!?
Asagiri: I can’t say that I agree with your recklessness, but I did end up being saved by you in the end, most of the time.
Rei: ……!
Rei: (To think that the day would come that I’d hear that Asagiri-san speak such words...)
Asagiri: What? Why do you look like a pigeon who's been shot by a peashooter?
Rei: No, I thought that maybe I was dreaming and...
Asagiri: ...Are you half-asleep?
Rei: I’m awake, right and proper!
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 5: Chapter 3
Things had finally calmed down after I had finished eating all the food that Asagiri-san had brought me.
Rei: (I’m actually more tired than I initially thought I was. I guess I was only a step short to an accident back there...)
Rei: (I really have to thank Asagiri-san for pulling me out of there.)
Sucking in a breath, I turned to look around. People were still avidly engaged in chatter with each other all around.
Rei: (They all look like they’re having fun. This is really a magnificent party.)
Kaname: Oh, big sis. So here you were.
Rei: Kaname-kun! Is there something you’d like for me to help you with again?
Kaname: Yeah. I think this should be the last one so it’d be of great help if you could.
Rei: Of course.
Kaname: Come with me then. It’s something pretty huge so be prepared.
Rei: (H-Huge? I wonder what it is…?)
I headed to the catering table together with Kaname-kun. And there, stood Imaoji-san; alone.
Rei: T-This is…
Imaoji: Rei-san. I’m glad you’re here.
Imaoji: I thought that I’d help Kaname-kun out since he seemed like he was having trouble, but…
Imaoji: It doesn’t seem like we can handle this ourselves even if we tried.
In front of us stood a gigantic, no- a gargantuan cake.
Rei: (It’s also three-tiered to boot...It seems like someone went a little overboard with this.)
Rei: (Plus, it’s also decorated by lots of macarons with Miyase-san’s face printed onto them.)
Kaname: Amazing, isn’t it?
Rei: It’s certainly impactful.
Kaname: It turned out like this on Koya-kun’s suggestion. Seems like he wanted to express his feelings for Miyase-san based on the size of it.
Kaname: He’s the kind of person who thinks that the bigger the better, after all.
Rei: That sounds just like him.
Kaname: By the way, the Macaron’s were Kiyoshi-san’s idea.
Rei: Huh? It was his idea!?
Kaname: Yup. He was present when we met up to decide on the cake, but…
Kaname: Then it’s decided that the last dessert will be cake.
Kirishima: It’s not gonna be any normal cake, even if it is just cake!
Kirishima: In short, just make it a humongous one! And then, we’ll put Miyase’s face on it!
Kaname: ...I’m pretty sure there’s a limit to this so let’s try keeping it within more realistic means.
Kujo: ...Wait. I’ve noticed something alarmingly important.
Kirishima: What is it!?
Kujo: Let me make sure of this first. Everyone’s going to be eating that, yes?
Kaname: Yes, that’s the plan.
Kujo: If so, then...what do you think would happen to Miyase’s face if we were to cut it?
Kirishima: Tha-...That’ll be bad; really bad!!
Kaname: Now that you mention it…
Kujo: ……
Kirishima: Damnit! What should we do…
Shindou: ...I’ve got a suggestion.
Shindou: How about printing the image on Macarons instead?
Kirishima: You can do something like that!?
Shindou: Yes. There are specialized stores out there for that. Or I could place the order for you if you’d like.
Kaname: There’d be no need to cut it then. I think that’s a brilliant idea.
Kirishima: Now we’re talking, Shindou!
Kujo: Then it’s decided. I’ll be leaving it to you then.
Rei: I see...
Kaname: I was surprised since I never thought that Kiyoshi-san of all people would suggest something like that.
Imaoji: That’s a really good suggestion though.
Rei: Yeah, I think it’s great too. These Macarons really express everyone’s feelings towards him.
Kaname: ...It’s just a tad overwhelming, I’d say.
Kaname: In any case, I’d like for you to help us carry this.
Rei: Alright. This is a huge responsibility, isn’t it?
Kaname: Yup. I do need an extra pair of hands to help out here but I thought that maybe throwing a flower into the fray might help soften the awkward image of two men carrying a cake.
Rei: No, no, I’m nothing akin to the flower you’re seeking for. Actually, I’m pretty sure there must be other candidates out there if you’d like…
Kaname: I called you because you’re you.
Rei: ……!
Imaoji: I think you’re the right person for the job too.
Rei: (When two men blessed with good looks tell me that...)
Kaname: Well, let’s hurry and get started. Be careful not to lose your balance.
Rei: Okay. Slowly, carefully…
We moved the cake from the serving cart it was set on onto the catering table with utmost caution. It was quite difficult carrying the cake while making sure that it’s three-tiers remained intact throughout.
☆⋅⋆ …⋅─────────────────────────────────────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Investigation 5: Chapter 4
Rei: There we go…
Everyone started to gather in the center courtyard where the tables were set out in response to his call.
Kirishima: ‘right! Everyone’s here. All that’s left would be…
Miyase: Sorry for being late!
Kirishima: Oh, there you are. You’ll be sitting over here, Miyase.
Miyase: But isn’t this seat the head of the table…?
Kirishima: Just sit down already. You’re the star of the party today, aren’t you?
Miyase: ...Alright. Pardon me then.
Kaname: I’ll be cutting everyone’s share of the cake then.
I brandished a knife and started slicing the cake along with him.
Hinata: Wow...that’s one gargantuan cake right there.
Shindou: (Who would’ve thought that those printed Macarons would be made by the same maker who made Rilagoma...)
Sugano: I’ll help too. Do you still have another knife to spare?
Kyosuke: I’ll bring the cake around to the others then.
Asagiri: I’ll help with serving too.
Hinata: I’ll go fetch the plates.
Hiyama: There are still some plates left over here.
Thanks to everyone pitching in to help out, the cake was cut and shared with everyone present in just a moment and we were all finally able to take our seats.
Kirishima: Now then, I’ll leave the rest of the stuff to Kujo-san!
Kujo: Of course. Pardon me while I serve the tea.
He moved gracefully with fluid movements as he poured tea into the cups of everyone seated at the table. After everyone had been served a cup, he stopped in front of Miyase-san and placed a tea cup before him.
Miyase: ! Kujo-san, you can’t!
Kujo: Why?
Miyase: Because...Isn’t this part of the antique tableware set you treasure all so dearly?
Miyase: I’ve been told that only a few sets of it exist in this world and that it is something that’s extremely rare!
Miyase: Serving tea to a servant like me...that’s something that can never measure up to it’s worth.
Kujo: Go, I’m sure you’re also aware that there’s no meaning to tableware if it’s simply being kept on display.
Kujo: It is also valued because it can only be used by those who are worthy enough.
Kujo: I had decided that this would only be used by those who are important to me.
Miyase: …..! Thank you so much!
He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of the tea he was served.
Miyase: This is…
Kujo: It’s Rose Tea; something that I had ordered just for today.
Kujo: Go. This tea is also something that’s only yours.
Miyase: ...It’s very delicious.
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
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Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth click and drag game!
(I thought it'd be a good idea to make a click and drag game to celebrate Stand My Heroes' recent anime release! 🎉)
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pomelojin · 5 years
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Stand My Heroes - Piece of Truth [2/2]
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xlysaaa · 5 years
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they look so good in those attire🤩
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akashi-tetsuki · 6 years
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Character design for Police from the Stand My Heroes anime
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otoroll · 6 years
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Attention passengers, welcome aboard to Flight Nosebleed Your Heart Out on STAND Air...
Current event in Sutamai is pilots!!!
And the older Tsuduki brother is an SR so he doesn't get to be featured in Tweets, but he's my gacha pull and we're rolling with it.
Stand My Heroes Official Twitter
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tsumikashares · 6 years
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スタンドマイヒーローズ・Stand My Heroes
菅野夏樹・Natsuki Sugano
Coly Inc
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idol-arcadia · 7 years
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I ended up starting Stand My Heroes, a Candy Crush-esque game with cute boys in it, recently! Literally a day after I started, the one year anniversary started and I ended up getting a ton of rewards and crystals for pulls!
I don’t have the screenshots for it, but I have my little card inventory to show all the other 5*s I received prior to my pulls today!
So, on to today’s rewards:
My first SR+ envelope opened right to an SSR ;v; Sosei is one of my favorite characters too, so I was VERY excited. :’3
In my second envelope, I kind of wanted to nab the SR Go on the left, but I couldn’t resist the Soma. I also pulled a second Soma from another envelope later, but forgot to screenshot it. He’s so strong now :”D
I also pulled the Go on the right and Natsuki in a pull later!
I pulled the Kiyoshi, Kotaro, and Natsuki all from normal pulls and then the Koya, x2 Somas, and Sosei I got from SR+ Envelopes! I think I’ve been pretty lucky so far :”D
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🇯🇵 (Goods) Stand My Heroes Mame Kororin vol.3
Presenting mini mini size 50mm versions of the super popular 80mm Mame Kororins! This line up contains six characters from Stand My Heroes: Seki Daisuke, Natsume Haru, Sugano Natsuki, Hiyama Takaomi, Kujo Soma & Saotome Ikuto! Order the box of six and get a bonus button badge while stocks last!
HOW TO BUY: Just visit our Japanese store linked in our Tumblr header and search this code - 4549502047268
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canele1112 · 6 years
荒木田蒼生:( ......司果然是犬控無誤...)
荒木田蒼生:......那,耀sir 呢?
荒木田蒼生:...原...原來如此...耀sir 說的是。
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newsintheshell · 6 years
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“Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth”
Serie TV anime, ottobre 2019
Adattamento animato di “Stand My Heroes”, un videogioco per dispositivi mobili lanciato nel 2016, orientato verso un pubblico femminile.
Itsuki Aoyama: Tomokazu Sugita 
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Shun Imaouji: Daisuke Namikawa 
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Daisuke Seki: Tomoaki Maeno 
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Satoru Watabe: Kousuke Toriumi 
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Koutarou Yui: Natsuki Hanae
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Sousei Arakida: Tomohito Takatsuka 
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Tsukasa Asagiri: Tetsuya Kakihara 
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You Hattori: Takuya Eguchi
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Natsuki Sugano: Yoshitaka Yamaya
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Haru Natsume: Yuki Kaji 
Takaomi Hiyama: Yuusuke Shirai 
Aki Kagura: Seiichirou Yamashita 
Keita Maki: Taku Yashiro 
Hatori Ootani: Yuuma Uchida 
Kyousuke Tsuzuki: Koutarou Nishiyama 
Makoto Tsuzuki: Shunsuke Takeuchi 
Kaname Yamazaki: Daiki Yamashita 
Kouya Kirishima: Yoshiki Nakajima 
Souma Kujou: Chiharu Sawashiro 
Gou Miyase: Yuuichirou Umehara 
Kiyoshi Shindou: Toshiki Masuda 
Il puzzle game segue le gesta degli investigatori dell’unità antidroga Matori. Il ruolo della protagonista, che ha la speciale caratteristica di essere immune agli effetti degli stupefacenti, è quello di cercare e reclutare gli uomini più affascinanti e abili, per creare un team formidabile.
Twitter ufficiale
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Stand My Heroes] Case File:研究対象Sの記録 (Case File: Records on Research Subject S) Event Story: Investigation ①~③ Translations
*Master-list is in progress *MC name is retained default Izumi Rei
Part 1 / Part 2 
--I might have been born into this world as a “Being”, but… I do not know the contact of “Others”
“Humans” are also something that I cannot comprehend due to how absurd they are.
That’s why…That’s precisely why, I—
⋆⋅☆ Interrogation Room ☆⋅⋆
Arakida: I’m asking you if you abducted and confined eight people in an underground facility.
Male Suspect: …I apologize for that. I just wanted to see how they’d turn out in the very end.
Arakida: --
Male Suspect: I mean, aren’t you curious about it too, Mr. Officer?
Male Suspect: Aren’t you curious about what they might be hiding? About the reason fuelling them to attempt escape from the underground facility?
Male Suspect: Is it family? A lover? Friends? Their job? Interests? Or is it a promise they made?
Male Suspect: That reason only exists because they’re “Human”. But what if you were only a “Being”? Isn’t fleeing an instinct?
Male Suspect: I was simply gathering reference material for my next new work under the pen name of “Benio. SF. Takeshi”!
Sugano: (Whew, this guy’s really screwed up in the head.)
Arakida: --Real name: Akao Takeshi. So, you’re admit that you’ve confined these people.
Male Suspect: Like I was saying! I’ve only done this all in light of attaining material for my next sublime masterpiece—
Arakida: …I know of such writers who do that, but you’re a totally different case.
Sugano: (Seems like this’ll be a long and gruelling process…)
⋆⋅☆ Investigation Planning Division ☆⋅⋆
Natsume: --Oh? They say that the writer “Benio. SF. Takeshi” has been arrested.
Aoyama & Yui: Benio…?
Rei: Is that a pen-name…?
Natsume: That’s right. Seems like hhis real name’s “Akao Takeshi (28)”
Natsume: Arrested on grounds of Kidnapping, Assault and Attempted Murder.
Natsume: He’s a pretty popular young author out there. He’s even No.1 Trending on Social Media.
Rei: Heh…Oh, you’re right. He’s even on the top when I search him up on the net.
I clicked on the records we had on him on my laptop. The words “Investigation Department One” entered my field of vision.
Yui: …I see. “New Generation Writer SF, someone who’s works can also be enjoyed by the Young Generation.”
Aoyama: This is the first time I’m hearing of him, though.
Imaoji: It seems like he first gained popularity through publishing a series of short stories on the net.
Natsume: His popular work’s a science fiction set in the near future where a guy eats the female as a part of the mating routine…ugh.
Aoyama: What morbid taste.
Rei: “His motive was to gather reference material for his new work, and he admitted as such during interrogation.” –Or so it’s written here.
Yui: Looks like the eight people he kept captive all managed to escape just fine.
Natsume: It’s also written here that one of the eight people held captive managed to escape and made it to the nearest Police Box in the area.
Imaoji: Wow.
Rei: The guy who escaped also provided his motive for escaping the place during an interrogation.
Aoyama: “It’s my Wedding Anniversary, so I absolutely had to get out of there”, huh.
Rei: That’s a pretty romantic reason, all things considered.
The conversation ended with us coming to a joint conclusion; no matter what had gone down in that place, it was a good thing that all the victims managed to escape unscathed.
--A few days later.
⋆⋅☆ Inside the Car ☆⋅⋆
Seki: I’m sure you must be tired from walking around all morning. Should we grab lunch somewhere before heading back? My treat.
Seki-san and I had spent the entire early afternoon investigating the area where a new drug was rumoured to have been circulating.
Rei: Thank you so much! I think I’m starting to get a little hungry.
Seki: We’ve been at it all morning after all; good work. We’ve managed to attain some remarkable information so let’s go get a good meal.
Seki: Is there anything you’d like to eat?
Rei: Let’s see…I think I’ll settle for something Japanese. A set meal, maybe?
Seki: Nice. Seems like there are lots of stores around here that sell those too.
Rei: That’s right. It caught my eye when I saw it through the car’s windscreen.
Seki: ----The one over by the traffic light seems like it has a carpark.
“Exquisite Set Meals, 700 Yen~” I caught sight of the flag sparkling under the sun.
Rei: I’m rather interested in whatever their Exquisite Set Meal is.
Seki: Shall we settle for that shop then?
Rei: Okay!
⋆⋅☆ Izakaya ☆⋅⋆
Shop-keeper: Welcome! How many people?
Seki: Two…
Rei: (It’s pretty crowded in here…)
The store wasn’t very big and one could see that it was a full-house at a single glance.
Shop-keeper: Sorry, will a shared seating be alright with you?
I met Seki-san’s gaze and affirmed him that “I’m okay with that” with a nod.
Seki: We’ll take that, thank you.
Shop-keeper: Thank you very much! Two people; shared seating!
I could hear joyful and enthusiastic calls of “Welcome!” from coming from the kitchen area as we headed to our seats. And then--
Sugano: --AH.
Rei: Ah.
⋆⋅☆ Izakaya ☆⋅⋆
Sugano-kun and Asagiri-san were seated at the table we were led to.
Seki: What a coincidence.
Asagiri: Indeed. Feel free.
Saying that, they both stood up from where they were seated and moved further in to allow us space to join them.
Rei: Thank you so much.
We proceeded to seat ourselves at the table, only to realize that that said table was devoid of food.
Rei: Did you just arrive?
Asagiri: What sharp inference skills you have. That’s right.
Sugano: The Seasonal Set Meals here are really good and they change every season.
Seki: I’m guessing that that’d be the Fried Oyster Set right now?
Sugano: Yup. It’s crunchy and juicy and absolutely delectable!
Rei: Ahh…I can already taste and feel the oysters.
Sugano: Haha. But the Scallop and Ebi Mixed-Fry set is also a pretty bad boy!
Rei: Ahhhh…I can taste the Mixed-fry set already, but my stomach still has the oysters in mind…
Sugano: Haha!
We chatted for a while before an employee came by to serve us water and to hand us wet towels and the menu.
Seki: What are you settling for, Izumi?
Rei: Hmm, I’m still thinking.
Asagiri: I’ll take the Ramen Set.
Sugano: Tsukasa-san, were you even listening to my recommendations?
Asagiri: I’ve actually been craving ramen all morning.
Sugano: Actually, is there even a time where you don’t crave ramen…?
Asagiri: What a stupid question.
Rei: (He really like his ramen…)
In the end, Asagiri-san took the Ramen Set while Seki-san and I took the Fried Oyseter Set. Sugano-kun decided on the Mixed-fry Set and that concluded our order.
Sugano: Oh, come to think of it. There was that one guy in Benio SF’s short stories who loved ramen and was supervising a shady research facility.
Sugano: I recall that he was portrayed to be able to talk for days on end when it comes to anything ramen-related.
Both: ----
Asaigiri: Don’t go giving out investigation information at the drop of a hat like that— Or so, I’d like to say.
Asagiri: But that was something that had already uploaded onto the internet to begin with, isn’t it?
Sugano: That’s right.
Sugano: Rei and Seki-san, have you guys read it before? Benio’s light novel that’s been the talk of the masses recently.
Asagiri: A Science Fiction that takes place in the near future— It’s nice to hear and all but right now, it all boils down to being a criminal’s childish delusions.
Rei: A Science Fiction that takes place in the near future…
Seki: Is that the story that gave birth to his motive as a criminal?
Sugano: Yes…Oh, right. This shop is really thorough in their preparation of food, so it’ll take some time before our food arrives.
Sugano: Shall we talk about his childish delusions as a makeshift way to kill time while we wait? This time in our own style.
Them: ----
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
--This facility was where the “Special Ability Programme” took place.
It also housed “Special Subjects” within its compound. This facility will be…
Watabe: We needed a “Special Communicator” in this place. That’s why I reached out to you with an offer.
Natsume: It’s nice to meet you, Number 1230.
Rei: Am I to be referred to my number at all times…?
Yui: There are a lot of subjects housed here. We’ve also got many communicators like you.
Yui: So it’ll be easier if we just referred to everyone by their serial numbers. It reduces the complications involved.
Rei: …Alright, I understand.
Rei: So…why was I called to this facility?
Yui: Allow me to rephrase your question. “Why is a normal Office Lady (OL) like me who works for an ordinary company-“
Yui: “Being scouted by the Special Research Facility that’s being funded by the National Budget?” --How’s that sound?
Rei: Thank you for translating…
Watabe: The answer’s—
Watabe: Who knows?
Rei: Who knows…?
Watabe: No, sorry. We don’t know what the requirements are when it comes to selecting a communicator.
Natsume: In other words, we only know what the job pertains.
Natsume: Communicators generally face the inmates, in other words you’re going to go up face-to-face with the subjects.
Rei: I’m going up against them? …How is it generally like?
Yui: It’s obvious, don’t you think? You’ll do so with your heart, body, and mind. Basically, you’ll be communicating with them.
Rei: Huh…? I understand the part about the heart, but…wait, what do you mean by body-
Yui: Exactly what I just said.
Rei: --!?
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Rei: C-Communicating with them with my body…? Regardless if it’s on orders by the country, this is a little…
Rei: I can’t do it! I’ve never met them before in my entire life, and it isn’t even ethical in the first place and—
Watabe: Haha…
Rei: !
Natsume: You’re jumping to conclusions way too quickly.
Yui: Seems like I’ve taken this joke a little too far.
Rei: Joke…?
Watabe: There’s only one job for a communicator,
Watabe: To be chat buddies with the subjects since they cannot leave this facility.
Watabe: It’s a straight-to-the-point job with no questionable ethics in play.
Natsume: Well, you’ll still be eaten whole if you let your guard down in here, though.
Rei: Wha-
Yui: Have you not learnt?
Rei: Ugh…it’s a joke again, isn’t it?
Natsume: Sorry, sorry.
Watabe: You can rest assured. Everyone here isn’t all too different from us who lead normal lives.
Watabe: So you can just talk to them like how you do to everyone without base for suspicion.
Yui: Just treat them like normal humans.
Rei: (The more we talk about it, the more confused I get about what I’m even doing in such a facility…)
Rei: Why are the subjects inmates here anyway? What’s the motive?
???: You’ll best bring that up to the chief.
Rei: Huh…?
???: --
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (Who are they…?)
Imaoji: Nice to meet you, No. 1230. I’m Imaoji, the supervisor of this facility.
Asagiri: I’m Asagiri.
Arakida: …Arakida.
Imaoji: We’ll be protecting you from everything and anything while you’re here.
Asagiri: I’ll bring you to the chief.
Arakida: ……
Rei: I’ll be in your care then…
Watabe: See you, No. 1230.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Chief’s Office ☆⋅⋆
Imaoji: --Pardon the intrusion.
Arakida: We’ve brought. No. 1230.
???: Right on time, I see.
Seki: Glad to see that you’re here. This is the Hattori, the Chief, and I’m Seki, the Vice-chief.
Rei: I look forward to working with you.
Hattori: Chief is just a title.
Hattori: The real Chief of this place is the one who created this place to begin with.
Rei: ?
Seki: This facility was built to isolate people with special conditions and to shield them away from the rest of the world.
Hattori: In the name of justice and love.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Chief’s Office ☆⋅⋆
Rei: ……? Special condition? Whatever do you mean?
Seki: I can’t divulge that.
Rei: Eh…?
Hattori: Well, let’s just leave the complicated parts at that—How about you go meet them instead and see for yourself?
Seki: Let’s bring you to a subject to talk to, where you can do your job as a communicator.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
I followed the supervisor with no questions asked as he took the lead before finally stopping in front of a door.
Arakida: --Here we are.
Imaoji: We’re normally stationed right outside of the room so we’ll be leaving you here.
Rei: I-I’m supposed to go in there alone…?
Asagiri: We’re able to tell whenever there’s an anomaly in the inmate.
Rei: …Alright, I understand.
Imaoji: Before you enter, there’s just one other thing I have to tell you.
Rei: ?
Imaoji: Having a relationship with an inmate is forbidden, so please do watch out.
Rei: I don’t think a relationship’s even possible, given the atmosphere in here…
Imaoji: Heh. Well then, feel free to open the door.
I sucked in a deep breath and turned to face the door.
Rei: (Behind this is a subject who has become an inmate…)
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
???: --Oh! You’re here!
Rei: --!?
???: Come on, come on in. Let’s start~
Rei: (He’s way more cheery and optimistic than I expected…)
Rei: Pardon the intrusion.
???: Haha. You can just sit over there. Are you nervous?
Rei: …Yes.
Sugano: Aren’t you an honest one! Actually, we can do away with the polite speech. No need for that here.
Rei: …Okay, sure.
???: I can’t help but to be in high spirits since this is the first time I’ve ever got a communicator assigned to me.
???: I was so excited that I didn’t manage to get even a wink of sleep last night.
Rei: Oh, me too, actually.
Sugano: You too? –Actually, what’s your name?
Rei: Oh...I’m 12-
Sugano: Not your serial number.
Rei: --Izumi Rei.
Sugano: Rei, then. I’m Sugano Natsuki!
Sugano: Hey, Rei.
He suddenly turned to look straight at me, his gaze turning into one of utter seriousness, as if he had just turned into another person; a twin of sorts.
Sugano: Let me out of this captivity.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Rei: Wha-
Sugano: Please? I’m about to go stir crazy from being kept cooped up in this place.
Rei: But…
Sugano: I’ll become yours.
Rei: I’m sorry, what…?
Sugano: I’ll give you anything within my means if you help me.
Rei: Even…Even if you tell me that…
Sugano: ----
Rei: Urk…
Sugano: Just kidding~
Rei: --!
Sugano: I’m joking. It’s just a joke~
He mentioned the word “joke” louder the second time round. He turned to look up. Following his gaze, I could see a surveillance camera mounted on the wall.
Rei: (I suppose they’re listening in to all the conversation that goes on within this room too.)
Rei: (…Well, I suppose that’s to be expected. They are inmates, after all.)
Sugano: But, you know. I’m glad to see people who come in from the “Outside”. They’re always like a breath of fresh air.
Sugano: I do talk to people like You-san, but it’s usually pretty boring in here.
Rei: You-san?
Sugano: Hm? Haven’t you met him? The chief.
Rei: Ahh, you mean Hattori-san!
Sugano: Yup, yup. Pretty handsome, isn’t he?
Sugano: Actually, all the supervisors here have a pretty high facial deviation.
Rei: Now that you mention it…I think you might be right. But, I was so nervous back when I met them, so…
Sugano: What about me?
Rei: Huh?
Sugano: How would you rate my looks?
Rei: You’re…
Sugano: Oh, wait. I think I’m better off not hearing it. I think I might just pin you down if you told me that I was worth a 100 points.
Rei: ???
Sugano: Or are you that sort of communicator, little miss comm?
Rei: I-I’m not going to do it with my body!!
Sugano: Ahaha. That’s a nice reaction. It’s really…how do I put this? Hmm…
Sugano: Like a proper human, I guess?
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
I left Sugano-kun’s room as he saw me off with a farewell line of “Come by soon again!”
Imaoji: Good work.
Rei: Oh, Good work to you too.
Imaoji: I’ll see you to your room.
Rei: Thank you so much.
Asagiri-san and Arakida-san where no where to be found, so I ended up walking alongside Imaoji-san, alone.
Imaoji: How was your first job as a communicator?
Rei: I was a nervous-wreck, overall.
Imaoji: I understand how you feel. The job this time round came by so suddenly, I’m sure you must have it hard.
Imaoji: It’s almost unheard of for a communicator to be privately scouted and hired like you were, so we fully intend to aid you to the best of our abilities.
Imaoji: Do tell us if there’s anything troubling you.
Rei: Thank you.
Imaoji: You don’t have to thank me for it.
Rei: (Whoa…he really does have good looks and a good facial variation.)
For me to be able to think of such thoughts, I suppose my initial nervousness must have worn off. And this must be all thanks to Sugano-kun, since he was such an easy person to talk to.
Imaoji: --Oh?
Rei: ?
In direct line of his vision as he came to an abrupt stop was—
Natsume: I’m telling you, this isn’t anything dangerous at all.
Arakida: Then allow me to check it.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Rei: (The two of them are…having a dispute over something?)
Natsume: It’s fine, isn’t it? It’s not like you have anything to lose anyway.
In his hands was something that resembled a Headgear of sorts, made up of increasingly bizarre and complicated machinery parts.
Arakida: I have. I lost 3 days to sleep…
Natsume: But that was Kotaro-san’s Nutritional Drink at work so that’s not my fault!
Imaoji: What are the two of you standing around here talking about?
Natsume: Ohh, good work.
Rei: Good work today.
I got closer to where they stood and lowered my head.
Arakida: --
Imaoji: Are you asking for experiment assistance again?
Natsume: He’s lumping my experiments together with Kotaro-san’s warped ones!
Natsume: Even though all mine does is to only measure your brain waves!
Arakida: Absolutely not.
Natsume: You seem pretty adamant about it.
Arakida: Tsukasa-san told me to never trust you lot from the Research Department whenever you dish out the word “only”.
Natsume: ……Tsuduki Makoto’s pre-release book.
Arakida: !!
Rei: Wait, you mean THAT famous author?
Natsume: He actually came down here not too long ago seeking data for his new work since it was something science-related.
Natsume: Tsuduki-sensei said that he didn’t mind showing us researchers his new work if we promised not to accidentally leak word of it.
Natsume: So I thought that maybe I could share it with you as thanks for your help.
Arakida: Urk…
Natsume: You heard me, No. 1230. You’ll be able to read it if you cooperate with me; how about it?
Rei: It’s a new work yet to be released to the world?
Natsume: Yup!
Arakida: Damnit…
Rei: But that Headgear…
Natsume: It really only just measures your brain waves. It’s absolutely nothing dangerous at all.
Rei: Then—
Arakida: Wait.
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Hallway ☆⋅⋆
Natsume: What is it; Arakida-san?
Arakida: ……I’ll do it.
Natsume: Huh?
Arakida: I’ll cooperate with you.
Natsume: But I’ve already passed it over to No. 1230-
Arakida: Ngh…
Rei: (I-If he’s making such a pained face over this, then I suppose…)
Rei: I’ll back out if he’s willing.
Arakida: --
Rei: (He looks really happy about it…)
Imaoji: Heh.
Natsume: Is that so? I suppose I’ll have to ask Arakira-san to do the honours then.
Arakida: Of course.
He took the Headgear and plopped it atop his head.
--And when he did, an AI spoke from the device, stating “Activation Complete”. …Suddenly, plumes of smoke started billowing from the device.
Arakida: !?
Imaoji: Smoke is…
Rei: Wait a minute, isn’t this…Isn’t this thing burning!?
Natsume: Huh? Wait, this brain wave measuring device’s…
Natsume: Ah! I accidentally brought the one that Kotaro-san prodded at!
Arakida: OI! I CAN’T GET THIS OFF…!!
Natsume: Oh no. Kotaro-san might be the only one who knows how to remove it.
Natsume: Please run to the Research Lab.
The both of them made a mad dash for the Laboratory and disappeared down the hallway.
Rei: W-Will they be okay…?
Imaoji: Of course. It’s a usual occurrence after all.
Rei: It’s something that’s normal…?
Rei: (Now I really wonder if I can survive in this facility…)
I rubbed at my eyes that had gotten slightly teary from all the smoke the device atop Arakida-san’s head had been emitting…
⋆⋅☆ Research Facility: Room ☆⋅⋆
Sugano: What’s with that! That’s so amusing! I want to be there too to see it with my own eyes.
Rei: You think so…? I didn’t see Arakida-san this morning.
Sugano: He might have just overslept. –Want to go pay him a visit?
Rei: Wait…Can you even leave this room?
Sugano: Sure I can. There’s a condition though.
Ran: A condition?
Sugano: You’ve got to put a collar on me.
Rei: (A collar!?)
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
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ljaesch · 5 years
English Cast Announced for the Stand My Heroes Anime
English Cast Announced for the Stand My Heroes Anime
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The English cast has been announced for the Stand My Heroes anime:
Jill Harris is Rei Izumi
Aaron Campbell is Itsuki Aoyama
David Wald is Daisuke Seki
Ricco Fajardo is Shun Imaoji
David Matranga is Haru Natsume
Anthony DiMascio is Satoru Watabe
Chris Burnett is Kotaro Yui
Christopher Wehkamp is Sosei Arakida
Dallas Reid is Natsuki Sugano
Cory J. Phillips is Yō Hattori
J. Michael Tatum is Tsukasa…
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Natsuki Sugano (Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth)  » July 2
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