#stand my heroes piece of truth
vaniadhira-27 · 1 day
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itmustbek8 · 4 months
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she knows, she's tried all the other drugs
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oneesanmarket · 5 months
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Stand my Heroes: Piece Of  Truth:  Arakida Sosei & Seki Daisuke - PASH Nov.2019 Exclusive Clearfile
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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Keita Maki from Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth
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hadukilina · 1 year
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
additional tag drop because I finally got off my ass and did them
if you're still not on here I promise I'm working on it but I have four blogs to do this on and Mal coming back means I have to do so many tags
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Keita Maki (Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth)  » March 3
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chipsboo · 2 years
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Various characters: ♡
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thepenultimateword · 2 months
Villain tried to shut the door, but Henchman was too fast, catching it by its edge before the gap could fully disappear.
“Found you," they said, half threat, half croon. They shoved into the house, knocking Villain back a few steps.
"What are you doing here?" Villain said, catching themself on the coatrack and nearly pulling it down on top of themself.
Henchman reached over Villain's head to steady it and then stayed there. Peeling back the nonchalance plastered over their shame. Taking in their altered form.
"Where have you been?" they countered, soft, knuckle raised gently against Villain's cheek before abruptly dropping again.
"Here. There. What does it matter? You found me." Villain ducked under their arm and hobbled slowly to the couch. Henchman's heavy step traveled in the opposite direction, followed by the click of the door closing, then the steps tramped back toward them. By the time Villain had plopped down on the couch cushion Henchman was kneeling in front of them. For an instant, it was like nothing had changed. Total fealty.
Villain stopped their hand short before they could touch Henchman's head. It felt wrong when they were so utterly weak. There had always been a balance, Henchman so physically intimidating, and Villain thrumming with destructive power. The upper hand, the reason for such devotion, had been crystal clear. Now, Villain could wither and scatter under Henchman's expectations.
"You completely disappeared." Henchman laid their head in Villain's lap anyway. "You were hurt and I got worried. But you didn't answer my calls. You didn't tell anyone where you were going. It's taken me 8 months to track you down. It's like you were trying to avoid me."
Villain sighed, dropping their rigidness and succumbing to the urge to stroke back Henchman's hair. It was just as soft as they remembered, thick and fluffy like an animal pelt. They twirled a piece above their ear, but avoided Henchman's watching eyes as they responded, "I was done for and everyone knew it. It was better to step down and disappear than wait for someone else to assassinate me."
Henchman reached up and took loose hold of Villain's wrist. Why was their gaze so earnest? Didn't they know? Didn't they feel the difference in them? Shouldn't that past awe and adoration be visibally dying at the sight of them?
"I would've protected you," Henchman said.
"I didn't want you to. I have too many enemies. You would have been hurt."
"Then you should've told me. I would've come with you."
"I didn't want that either."
Henchman flinched, and Villain was struck with a stab of guilt. That wasn't entirely true. Of course, Villain had wanted Henchman with them. Of course, it was agony knowing they couldn't even say goodbye. But anything but a clean break would have been worse. They couldn't just ask Henchman to give up their position, goals, and standing for life of nothing. No, more than that, they couldn't bear to see Henchman's devotion grow into disdain. The loss of their powers was the loss of their worth. Henchman would've clung to the threads of their memories but ultimately, Villain would have failed them.
Henchman dropped Villain's wrist but huddled in a little closer. "And...now that I'm here?"
Villain's heart panged. "You should go back."
Henchman hugged tight around Villain's legs, almost like a lifeline. "Why?"
Moment of truth. Time to make this permanent. “I’m not going back.”
“I know.”
“I can’t. I’m ruined. Those heroes took everything when they stripped me and left me for dead."
"I know."
"And even if I wasn’t. I still wouldn’t go back. I was getting tired. Losing focus. That's how they got me in the first place."
“I know.”
Why did they keep saying that? Obviously, they did not know if they could be so casual. This was the rest of their life!
“Henchman, I can’t give you anything anymore. I don't have the influence or power to protect you. I can't bring about a bright new world. I'm spent. A pathetic shell. You should find another person to serve. I'll never be able to give you what you want."
Henchman turned their head up at them. "Why would I want any of that?"
Villain choked. "Don't you?"
"Maybe when I was a kid. Things change over a couple decades." They lifted their head and sank back on their heels. "Your powers were amazing. It's true that they drew me to you. But I never stuck around for that. Or for the status. You're just so..." Henchman broke off, face crinkling as they searched for the word. Finally, they shrugged. "I don't know; it's too big. You spent so long taking care of me. Looking out for me. Giving me chances I didn't think I deserved. Let me do the same for you." Henchman took their hand in both of theirs, hesitantly kissing one knuckle. "Just let me be with you."
Villain flushed a little. They'd always been close. Close enough for feelings. Close enough for both to recognize it in the other. But there had never seemed to be a right time to acknowledge them out loud.
"Do you really not want me here?" Henchman said at Villain's extended silence.
"You'd be ok with a normal life?" Villain pressed. "No powers, no schemes, no money, just me?"
"It's always been just you."
Villain slid off the couch and onto the floor in front of Henchman. "Of course, I want you here."
They couldn't keep their voice from cracking in the middle and the next thing they knew they were folded up in Henchman's arms. They melted immediately. All the shame, fear, and frustration seemed to fade right out of them.
"I love you."
Henchman jolted a little, but as they pressed their head to Villain's, Villain saw a smile tugging at their lips. "Good. Then I'll always, always stay."
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Gentleman caller
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Sanji x reader. NSFW!!
This fic was inspired by Usopp visiting Kaya at her mansion at night. One Piece of course is not that sort of story, but... what if things were allowed to get a little more spicy?
TAGGING @holymusicalmothman @b7717 @mcereal @aamon47 Thanks for asking!!
"Are you sure you don't want a glass of warm milk before you go to bed, miss?"
"I am sure, Kyla." you answer politely. The truth is you haven't drunk a glass of milk to help you fall asleep since you were ten (that is, almost half your life) but your governess keeps asking, every single night, and every single night you answer no; still, you know she does it out of worry and affection for you, which you sincerely appreciate "I think I'll go now; will you tell my father good-night for me, when he returns?"
Kyla promises she will, and returns to the kitchen to clean up after dinner, while you walk out of the villa's large dining room, cross a long corridor and climb the stairs to the upper floor, finally reaching your bedroom.
Except for Kyla in the kitchen you are alone, since the cook and the gardener, who do not reside in the villa, already left, and your father is as usual busy with a business dinner. You don't feel lonely exactly, since that state of affairs has been going on since your mother died when you were still too young to remember her, but it does feel a little weird to live in such a large place, no less than twelve bedrooms on the first floor alone and at least six other rooms that have been closed for years since you literally don't know how to occupy them, when it's only the two of you... a waste of space, even though you and your father often host parties and receive many guests.
And the most important of those visitors by far is going to arrive soon, a person your father has no idea has already visited so many times before...
You take off your shoes, and spend a few minutes in the en-suite bathroom refreshing yourself before closing the bedroom's door behind you. You sigh, happy and excited, as you let yourself fall on the bed, observing the room you have slept in since you were maybe six and that you will soon leave: the desk cluttered with paper models, scarps of fabric and sewing tools; the two mannequins wearing your latest creations, a green cocktail dress and a simpler but elegant light blue men's shirt; the bookstore full of sewing manuals, fashion catalogs and the biographies of your favourite designers; the large poster on a wall, depicting a famous, elegantly dressed model... and the glass door that, only a few minutes after you have retired to your room, starts being hit by tiny pebbles, picked from the garden below.
Your guest is here. You happily stand from the bed, glance quickly to the full length mirror on the wall to make sure your hair is combed and in order, and reach the glass door to quickly step onto the balcony.
Standing in the garden under you like a suitor ready to serenade you, more handsome than a fairy-tale hero and beaming as if about to see all his dreams come true, is him. The former assistant cook of your family, your best friend in the world, your...
"Sanji!" you call out to him, voice barely rising above a whisper as you wave your hand at him, a greeting he returns in kind, clearly happy to see you, hidden among the trunks of the centuries-old trees; the night is particularly dark, heavy clouds covering the crescent moon and most of the stars, but his smile is brighter than any other source of light.
"Are you alone?" Sanji asks urgently as he glances all around him; no one has reason to visit the garden at this hour and the balcony is oriented towards the back of the villa, far from the main entrance through which your father would come in, but you both know how imperative it is to keep your rendez-vous secrets.
"I am; my dad hasn't returned yet and Kyla is in the kitchen. You can come up."
When you decided you would meet in secret at night, five years ago, you had offered to find a rope for him to climb, but Sanji never needed it. Tonight, as usual, you look on as he nimbly climbs the tree closest to the villa's wall, clinging to the huge trunk and then to the largest branches until he's jumping above the balcony and directly in your arms.
You embrace each other, your profiles standing out against the light filtering from the room, and for a full minute neither feels the need to talk. Sanji's arms hold you close by the waist, his lips pressed against your temple in a chaste kiss; you lose yourself in his scent, the costly perfume you bought for him because you knew he liked but couldn't afford it and and that never fails to make you shiver, as you enjoy the sensation of his slim but strong body pressed against yours.
"Do you have it?" you ask after a while, pulling away just enough to look at him in the eyes; you thought about nothing else for days, more nervous than if it had been your own future career at stake "The answer from the school. Did you receive it?"
"I have."
"... and?!"
Sanji, as usual neatly dressed in one of the dark suits he wears at work, smiles at you, his fingers brushing against your face; a small backpack hangs from his shoulder. "Can we go inside before we talk?" he proposes "I have something for you as well."
Knowing he brought you a treat from the restaurant he works at makes you happy, but nothing beats the simple, pure pleasure of his company. Wordlessly you take his hand to lead him inside, leaving the now empty balcony behind.
Your friendship with Sanji began exactly one decade ago; you were the only daughter of a powerful politician, living alone with him at the villa and whose pathological shyness had left her virtually friendless, him a newly orphaned boy your father had decided to hire as assistant to the cook, so that he could support himself. One afternoon, you visited the kitchen to ask for a snack, since you were starving and dinner was still hours away; the cook told you that he was sorry but your father, already then worried for your weight, had strictly forbidden him from feeding you between meals. You noticed Sanji, busy scrubbing a large pot in the sink, but he seemed so focused on his job you decided not to disturb him to introduce yourself.
You left, disappointed but unwilling to insist, out of respect for both your father and the cook who was just following orders, but a few minutes later, as you studied in the library, he joined you, a nervous smile on his face and a salami sandwich in his hands.
"Please don't tell anyone, especially not your dad." he told you as he put it in your hands "I hope you liked it, I put some mayonnaise on it because I saw the cook used it to prepare your school lunch yesterday."
You did (and still do) like mayonnaise on your sandwiches, and in that moment you were doubly astonished: that he heard your request for a snack even though he had looked so engrossed in the cookware to wash, and that he had decided to risk your father's wrath to help you, less than a week after being hired.
"Thank you, I... thank you so much! That was very kind of you." you told him, for once forgetting your shyness "My name is (name). What's yours?"
"I'm Sanji. And don't worry; I'm sure your dad means well, but no one should starve, especially not at our age. Don't tell anyone, ok? I know he forbade the cook from feeding you snacks, and i'm not supposed to visit the family's wing of the villa without a valid reason."
You obviously kept his secret, and from that day on, you and Sanji quickly became inseparable, spending together all your free time from school and work; he secretly fed you every time your father's concern about your weight made the cook limit your meals, and you used your allowance to buy him cooking books he studied to pursue his dream of becoming a famous chef. Apart from your father, you had never loved anyone like him; Sanji was the other half of your soul, an acerbic but steadfast feeling that made you sure you would never feel alone, as long as he were by your side, and you would not have left him for all the treasures, and the good food, in the world.
Your father, who was happy you had finally made a friend and didn't mind you had chosen the kitchen boy and not one of your school mates, who belonged to the city's most affluent and prominent families, never had anything against it... at least until you were both fourteen, when he suddenly decided it was inappropriate for the two of you to spend so much time together; as a sign of peace, he found Sanji a more prestigious job in a famous restaurant at the other side of the city. That, in your father's opinion, would have meant the end of your friendship, but it obviously didn't: and after all, with all the sandwiches and portions of dessert he had snuck you, hadn't your friendship been based on secrecy since the very beginning?
For five years Sanji has spent with you almost every evening he is free from the restaurant; he climbs the trees next to your balcony and you let him in, and sometimes you spend the whole night talking, or leave together to visit a bar or go dancing. Is it dangerous, should your father discover what you are up to? Undoubtedly so, especially since you know he only worries about you, whether it is about the food you eat or the places you visit in a large and dangerous city; but you are an adult, more than old enough to decide how to live your life, and Sanji is always ready to protect you when someone bothers you in a club, and he would never feed you something that could seriously endanger your health. You don't know why exactly your father has suddenly decided you mustn't be friends with him anymore, but you are determined not to lose him, especially now that your relationship has started evolving beyond mere friendship... and your own dreams risk separating you forever.
"So? What did the school say?" you insist as Sanji closes the glass door behind the two of you; your heart is pounding, wishing with every fiber of your being you could change the decision the commission must have taken days ago "Did you get in?"
For years Sanji has dreamed of attending the most prestigious cooking school in the country, the Baratie Culinary Arts Academy in the capital; this year he has finally reached the required age to enroll, but the entrance examination, that your friend has taken two weeks ago, is notoriously difficult, especially for who, like Sanji, also has to apply for a scholarship. Your friend was meant to receive the results of his exam today, and you had decided you would also share your own secret with him... and then, hopefully, you would both have something to celebrate.
"I'll tell you in a minute."
"Sanji, please... I haven't thought about anything else all day!" you complain, fearing your friend's reticence is due to shame for his failure; Sanji, busy emptying his backpack on your desk, smiles, before rubbing the back of his head.
"The truth is... I haven't opened the letter yet." he admits "I hoped we could do it together... mainly because I don't have the courage to do it by myself."
There is nothing wrong with wanting a friend close when one is both scared and excited for something, but in that moment your heart breaks for Sanji: he has lost his parents, had to take care of himself since he was still a child, and while he has a good job and could try again next year, being refused admission to the Baratie would break his heart.
You wait patiently as Sanji quickly sets the table for the two of you: cutlery, napkins, glasses, a bottle of water and his latest effort in the kitchen: two portions of a delicious chocolate cake, bigger than what your father would allow you to eat but still relatively small, since your friend does care about your health.
"This looks delicious, Sanji!" you exclaim, as always happy to taste your friend's latest creations "But wait..."
You walk to the small fridge next to the door, almost hidden under a pile of scraps of fabric left over from your latest creation and that you will find a use for one day, and retrieve a small but expensive bottle of champagne that you have bought in the afternoon.
"I thought we could use it to celebrate; I have also taken two flutes from the kitchen." you explain.
"I still don't know if I got in, (name)."
"I'm sure you did. And if the chefs at the Baratie can't see, and taste, how extraordinarily talented you are, it's their loss." you point out "You wanna open it?"
A minute later you are sitting face to face at your desk, cake and champagne ready to be enjoyed, the white envelope Sanji took from his backpack in your hands.
"Shall I?" you ask softly; your friend, who has never looked so pale and so young, nods.
You both hold your breath as you open the envelope and then unfold the single sheet of paper inside. You make sure Sanji cannot see your face as you read...
"So? What... what does it say?"
"Sanji, I'm so sorry..."
"Oh, God..." your friend, heartbroken, stares at you for a moment before slumping on his chair, face hidden in his hands "I can't believe it... I was so sure..."
"I'm sorry because you have some very difficult years ahead..."
"... what?"
"Of course. Nights spent studying, sharing a room with six other people, waking up extra-early to go to class... Really, I don't envy you..."
Finally you look at him, beaming, while Sanji's eyes grow bigger as he slowly catches the meaning of your words.
"You mean...?"
"You got in! And you got the scholarship as well. Oh, Sanji, I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"
You stand and embrace, laughing with shared delight. "I can't believe it." Sanji murmurs, still as he looks at the admission letter, signed by Zeff, a famous chef who is the Baratie's headmaster "There were so many people at the exam, and at one point I was so nervous I spilled a bowl of vinaigrette on my apron..."
"As I said, an important school like the Baratie, with so many experienced chefs, couldn't not recognize your talent." you point out, happier than you remember ever being "Classes start in a month, you'll have to give your notice at the restaurant."
Sanji takes your hands in his, kissing them devotedly. "I could have never done it without you." he murmurs, with the sort of gaze and inflection that, years after your first kiss, still makes you shiver "All the books you have bought me... and it was you who convinced me to apply. I owe you so much, (name)."
"You would have done the same for me; and we both know the two of us are beyond this sort of talk. I am so happy for you, truly; I know you will become a great chef."
Sanji smiles, circling your waist with his arm as he uses his free hand to pick one of the flutes from the desk. "Shall we celebrate, then?"
"Actually, I also have something to tell you." you admit, a new, excited smile opening on your face "You know that important fashion school in the capital, the one many of my favourite designers attended?"
Fashion has always been your greatest passion; you have designed clothes since you were a child, and thanks to a family friend who owns a large tailor shop you have learnt the basics of the trade, how to cut fabric, sew and tailor an item of clothing. Your father, who approves of your interests, has offered to introduce you to some fashion designers his friends or associates are acquainted to, but you are determined to accept no recommendations and take no shortcuts; just like Sanji, and any person who has to work hard to realize their dreams, you will pursue your education, earn an apprenticeship at a fashion house, and in time, hopefully, open your own and make a name for yourself as a designer. It will take you years and fashion is a famously difficult field to break into, but you are determined to give your all, so that whatever the future may bring you will be free from regret, and live doing what you love.
"Of course; the Nefertari Vivi Fashion Institute." Sanji promptly answers; miss Vivi is one of your idols, a ground-breaking designer who has revolutionized the fashion world and then focused on teaching, establishing one of the best-reputed educational institutions of the field "So what?"
You smile, still excited almost a week after receiving your own letter, that you asked your father to open for you.
Sanji gapes. "You are kidding."
"I am not!"
Your friend laughs. "And you didn't tell me anything!" he exclaims, and you apologize, telling him you didn't want to disappoint both of them in the not unlikely event you were not admitted.
"But you were?"
You still can't believe it yourself. "I was! There was no exam; I only had to send miss Vivi some of my creations, and a few days ago I received the acceptance letter."
"(name), that's amazing!"
"I know! I can't wait to begin. I also apply for a scholarship, but unfortunately I didn't get it."
Sanji asks whether you plan on asking your father to pay for your classes, but you shake your head: you need to learn to take care of yourself, living alone once you'll move to the capital and earning money to support yourself. To this end, you have contacted a friend who lives in the capital and owns a bookstore: she has accepted to hire you, and you have sold your jewels to pay your tuition fees.
"(name), you didn't!" Sanji exclaims, flabbergasted "Those were your mom's things..."
"I know." you sigh, still feeling saddened and a bit guilty even though you know you did the right thing "But this is my future we are talking about, the opportunity to build a career, and a life for myself, without my father taking care of me or using my family's money to buy whatever I need or want. I want to earn my keep, Sanji; I want to prove I can take care of myself, and that I am more than a spoiled little girl."
Sanji softly points out that no one who knows you could ever think that; he smiles, his handsome face expressing a joy too great and deep for words, as he takes you in his arms once more. "So we are both moving to the capital to study." he mentions "And pursue our dreams. Which means we'll both be very busy..."
"... but we won't have to hide our relationship anymore." you happily finish for him, having already reflected on the matter; you plan on living in a student residence, since their rooms are cheaper than other types of accommodation, and guests are usually not admitted, but at least you will be able to meet in the open, having dates like any other couple instead of having to hide like a married man with his mistress, lest your father learns about your relationship "I can't wait! In a month we'll both be living in the capital, studying with the best in our fields, and nothing will stop us from being together. I... I don't think I've ever been so happy!"
"Me neither." Sanji agrees, one of the flutes in his hand once more "Shall we drink to our future? And then enjoy the cake?"
You agree, but you barely have had the time to clink your glasses together when a sudden noise reaches your ears: an unexpected, but otherwise innocuous noise, at least for who, unlike the two of you, has nothing to hide...
A soft but firm knocking on the door.
Sanji looks at you, suddenly tense; you turn your eyes to the door, wishing to be able to see beyond it. "Yes?"
"(name), it's dad. May I come in?"
The flute almost slips from Sanji's fingers; terrified as if a whole army were standing at the other side of the door, ready to barge in and tear both to pieces, you both nonetheless act quickly, having prepared for such an occurrence since your first nocturnal meeting. Your friend quickly retrieves the flutes and the champagne bottle, while you do the same with the cake plates and the other things placed on your desk; a moment later, Sanji has slipped under your bed, a dusty and uncomfortable hiding spot where nonetheless he'll be safe from your father.
I hope.
"(name)? Is everything all right?"
"Just a moment, dad! I'm coming!" you answer, hoping you sound less nervous, almost terrified, than you feel; you quickly glance all around you, making sure no trace of Sanji's presence is visible, and finally go open the door.
"Hello, dad. How was dinner?" you ask, approaching to kiss him on the cheek; even though he interrupted you and Sanji, you're happy he came to say good-night to you before retiring to his own bedroom.
"Pretty good, even though the lemon cake was not up the restaurant's usual standard. Are you ok?"
"Yes, of course; I was... preparing to go to bed." you answer vaguely, before something in your peripheral vision makes you tense; it is Sanji's backpack, placed where your friend had left it less than half an hour ago: on the bed, perfectly visible.
Shit. SHIT. Shitshitshitshit...
You move a step to the right, so as to prevent your father from noticing the backpack; it is not as compromising as if he had found Sanji's tie, or his shoes, but he could notice the backpack is a men's model, and inside he could find your friend's personal documents, five years after he had forbidden you from having further contact with him. Don't look at it. Don't see it. Please please please...!
Thank God your father, a clever and perceptive man, seems unconcerned with out-of-place objects in your room. "I was thinking tomorrow we could go buy a new suitcase for you; you need a large one, since you'll have to bring most of your things when you'll move to the capital. I hope you'll allow me to pay for that at least."
You smile, grateful for the offer and even more for the intention. "Of course, dad. Thank you."
He smiles, taking your hands in his. "I am so proud of you." he murmurs "I have always known you had a great talent for fashion, but being admitted to such a prestigious school... You'll become the greatest designer of your generation, I'm sure."
"Please, let me be happy for you. You know I'm always there if you need something, right? I know you have found a job, and you are smart and mature enough to take care of yourself, but if you ever need money, or you want to come home, you can do it; no judgement. Oh, I wish your mom could see you..."
You bite your lip, suddenly unable to talk; a lump of emotion blocks your throat. You are happy, and grateful, that your father supports your desire to move to the capital and attend the Nefertari Institute, especially since he's so protective and you know he wished you would one day follow his footsteps and go into politics, and while you can't wait to start your classes and enjoy life in a big city, the thought of leaving him, and the house where you were born, fills you with sadness... and guilt.
"I... I will never thank you enough for everything you have done for me." you murmur, stepping closer to him to hug your father "And I'm sorry if... if I ever made it hard for you, especially after mom died. I love you very much, dad. I'll be back often to visit, I promise; and I'll miss you so much."
"I'll miss you too, my darling girl." your father answers; he's moved as well, but better than you at hiding it "But I'm so proud you're beginning your life in the world. And I hope you'll let me visit you as well."
"Of course! Every time you can."
"Good. Now, we should both go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."
He kisses you on the forehead, and soon after he's closing the room's door behind him. You are still staring at it when, a minute later, Sanji joins you, resting his hands on your shoulders.
"Are you all right?" he asks softly; he has known you long enough to perceive what you are feeling, the love for your father and the guilt for the relationship you are carrying out behind his back, the efforts you are making to build a life for yourself away from his protective but constrictive influence and the way you'll miss him terribly and feel guilty for leaving as soon as you could.
"Yeah, just... I was just thinking."
You sigh, turning to face Sanji, desperately trying to return to the carefree joy of five minutes ago, and drive away the melancholia filling your heart. After all, it is normal for children to find their way in life away from their family, and your father is still young, dedicated to his job and career, and has many friends and a new partner he is very close to; he'll be all right, and whatever loneliness and melancholy he will feel, you know he will accept it.
"Your father is a good man." Sanji points out as you both retrieve your drinks and plates from the wardrobe you had hidden them in "He didn't even know me, but he gave me a job when I was alone in the world, and then he found me an even more prestigious one at the restaurant; every berry I ever earned I owe it to him. I'll never forget all the help he gave me."
You smile, happy to hear your friend talk well about your father. "You still have a good opinion of him even if he forbade us from being friends?"
"Well, I shouldn't resent him for that, since we never stopped seeing each other. And he only wanted to protect you, which I can understand."
You blink. "... sorry? What are you talking about?"
"Right, I... I never told you, did I?"
Sanji rubs the back of his neck, suddenly bashful. "You never wondered why your dad was suddenly against us being friends?"
You had. "Well... I thought it was because we weren't children anymore... and you a boy and I a girl..."
"Exactly, but... there was something else. When I was fourteen, I... I wrote you a letter; there was something important I needed to tell you, but I couldn't find the courage to do it in person. I left it on your pillow one day while you were in school, but your father found it... and read it."
You wait for Sanji to elaborate, but he seems focused on staring at the floor, avoiding your gaze. "It was... something inappropriate for a father to read...?"
"Nothing vulgar, if that is what you are wondering; but... it did say I wanted us to be more than friends, and this is what your father opposed, not that I was an orphan without money and prospectives, but because he thought you were too young for that sort of relationship. So... so he asked me to leave things between us as they were, and when I refused, he decided it was better to separate us, and he found me a job at the other side of town, forbidding me from contacting you again, at least until you were of age."
He looks at you, tense since he has no idea how you could react, but the truth is you don't know either. "He sent you away because he didn't want us to date?" you recapitulate in the end, flabbergasted "What would have been so wrong about that? Lots of girls get a boyfriend at fourteen, and he knew you, he knew you would treat me well..."
"Well, he's always been protective of you. Sorry, maybe I should have told you before..."
"It's ok." you reassure him, even though you are not completely sure of it yourself; you understand your father's reasons, and appreciate he didn't simply kick Sanji out in the street, but at the same time you can't believe all of it was to stop your best friend, a boy he knew posed no danger, from confessing his feelings "I... I'm so sorry, Sanji..."
"Well, it wasn't so bad; and as I said, I really don't have a reason to complain, since we did end up becoming more than friends. I felt guilty lying to your dad... but I couldn't give up on you."
He smiles, as he picks one of the flutes up from your desk again. "Now, can we please have a toast to our future?"
You do, happily enjoying your late-night snack; you delicately clink your glasses together before taking a sip, and then feed each other cake, your knees touching under the desk.
Silence has fallen on the room, and on the two of you, as usual when you are with Sanji a comfortable, peaceful silence that you don't feel the need to fill with small talk; you smile at each other, both happy and excited at the future opening in front of you... a future that you will face together as you have always done, finding strength and support in each other.
"Does chef Zeff teaches any class at the Baratie?" you ask after a while; you know the extent of Sanji's admiration for the principal of the cooking school, and it would be amazing for him to learn personally from his idol.
"Not for first-year students; but I heard that he sometimes gives one-on-one classes, if he finds a particularly talented pupil."
"... which means he'll leave all his other classes to tutor you exclusively, as soon as he tastes your True Bluefin sauté... or your salami sandwich."
Sanji smiles; he knows how much faith you have in his cooking abilities, and he never stops being grateful for it. "You're exagerrating."
"I'm not." you very seriously protest, as you clean your dish from any crumble of cake; you know watching your diet means taking care of your health, but you would happily eat three more! "A month and he'll let you skip a year or two, I promise."
"Well, if you are so sure..."
A few minutes later Sanji is putting the dirty plates and cutlery away in his backpack, while you observe the sky out of the glass door, leaning with one shoulder against the wall.
"Once we both live in the capital we won't have to hide anymore, but we'll be so busy with school..." you consider "I'm afraid we won't have a lot of time to spend together."
"Still, it will be an improvement from what we have now. And all the city's school dormitories are in the same campus, which means we can visit each other every time we want."
You nod, still pensive, and a moment later Sanji's arms are circling your waist, his chest pressed against your back.
"It's going to be all right." he murmurs, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear in a way that makes you shiver in such a pleasant way "We are going to be all right, I promise, no matter how busy we are."
"Oh, I know; believe me, I'm not doubting my feelings, or yours. We have waited for so long to be able to live our relationship in the open, and I can't wait to be able to see you every day, even for five minutes between classes or to cram together at night. It's just..."
You turn in his embrace, almost apologetic as you smile at him. "I feel so happy, as if all my dreams were coming true: attending a great school, not having to hide what we share. It is almost too good to be true; and I'm almost afraid to wake up and find out it really was just a dream."
Sanji is too kind to make fun of your fears; he considers them as he holds you close, equally aware that no matter how steadfast your feelings for each other are and even though both of you have rightfully earned admission in the schools of your dreams, you are both beginning a new chapter in life, and neither knows what future may have in store for you.
Still, it is pointless to worry about tomorrow, and Sanji decides that more than reassure you, he wants to make you forget your fears, even if just for a minute. "You know what I'm thinking about?" he asks after a minute, his tone pensive "That I've been here for at least thirty minutes, and I haven't kissed, or been kissed by, you, even once."
"Ah, that won't do."
"It really won't. So..."
He grins, happy to see you smile as well, and when he lifts your chin with his fingers you obediently close your eyes and offer him your mouth to kiss.
Almost three years have passed since your first time, in this very room, and kissing Sanji still makes your heart tremble; he is sweet but passionate, not aggressive but intense enough to leave no doubt about his feelings, and his intentions. You enjoy the feeling of his mouth on yours for a moment before kissing him back, Sanji's lips hot against yours; you feel him smile, his hands now holding you by the waist while yours gently caress his hair and neck.
"Gods, you taste so good..."
"It's the cake, Sanji."
"No, it's not. You are delicious, (name); absolutely... mesmerizing..."
You keep kissing for a while, as your hands start moving on each other's body; Sanji whispers your name, suddenly breathless, as your mouth descends towards his neck, at first gently pecking at the delicate skin of his throat, and then sucking hard enough to make him moan.
"(name)..." he murmurs again, and you smile, circling his hips with your arms; you nuzzle at his chest, the soft fabric of his shirt so familiar and comforting against your skin, and wish you could stay like this forever.
You feel Sanji's hands move on your hips and back, his fingers brushing against the hem of your skirt.
"I like this one." he murmurs in your ear; he is aware of the effect he has on you and exploits it mercilessly "Is it new?"
"Made it myself." you answer proudly; you had seen the skirt on a fashion magazine, and rather than buying it you had decided to see whether you could recreate it "Does it look good on me?"
"You look absolutely ravishing, my darling..."
And ravish is exactly what Sanji seems intent on doing; a minute later your back is pressed against the wall, with a very handsome, very amorous young chef intent on making you forget your very name.
Sanji's back and shoulder muscles are taut under your hands as they run all over his body, like a beautiful clay statue molded by your touch; you can feel his heart pounding against your chest, the tenseness in his body as he tries to restrain himself in order not to unsettle you, not to take more than what you would be ready to offer. Dear Sanji, you think fondly as you arch your back to press your chest against his and finally, finally feel his hands grab at your buttocks, don't you know at this point you don't even have to ask?
Sanji's jacket is the first item of clothing to go, falling on the closest chair after you helped him take it off; he returns the courtesy freeing you from the heavy sweater you wear, leaving you with a tight camisole, the different colour of your bra visible under it. He smiles, clearly appreciating the view, but a moment later his expression turns serious, almost reverent, as he gazes at you, almost as if he couldn't believe he's really holding you in his arms.
"I love you so much, you know that?" he murmurs, and no matter how many times he has already uttered those words, you know how deeply he means them, how utterly and hopelessly devoted he is to you and to what you hope to build together. To be the object of such an intense ardor is... humbling, since you're not quite sure you deserve it, and you could even feel guilty for it, if your feelings for Sanji were not equally deep and strong. You don't remember a day in which you didn't love him, ever since he risked your father's ire (and, consequently, the job he had just gotten) to feed you, there has always been a special place for him in your heart, a place no one else could ever occupy; Sanji is the other half of you, someone who you don't need in order to live but who you want to share your life with. Without him you could go on; but you know you'll never feel complete ever again.
And to express everything you feel -all the love, the joy that fills your heart when he's by your side and the hopes you cherish for your future together- you are unable to say more than...
"I love you too, Sanji."
... and that is more than a little frustrating.
You know what you share goes beyond physical attraction, but you can't deny it is flattering, and exciting, to know you can have that sort of effect on Sanji, a man attractive and charming enough he would have no troubles attracting a date; you sometimes think about the girls he meets at work, or the clients he could easily flirt with when he has to cover for a waiter at the restaurant, but you know he is being sincere when he swears you're the only one he cares about, and that he has never betrayed your trust. On the other hand, you are not good with words and Sanji doesn't care for expensive gifts, which makes you fear, sometimes, you could do more to prove how much you care for him, and how committed you are to your relationship; the truth is, you love him so much, a feeling deeper and more encompassing than anything you thought you would be able to feel, that you lack the words to express it, and any declaration, no matter how grandiose or romantic, would fall short of your actual feelings.
Then, you suddenly realize, maybe you shouldn't tell him; after all, like your father always says, actions do speak louder than words...
Sanji's stares, eyes wide open, as he sees you take off your camisole. A moment later, he hurries to unbutton your shirt, and you move to help him, and somehow, maybe because you're in a hurry or because your hands are shaking, you tear off a button.
"Oh, Gods..." you stutter, embarrassment filling you "I'm so sorry, I... I'll sew it back on, I promise..."
Sanji shakes his head, as if to say you needn't worry; he is a sight to behold, short of breath, his usually pale complexion turned pink with excitement - with lust. He looks at you, he looks at your hands still holding the two panels of his shirt, and orders:
"Tear it off."
"... what?"
"Rip it off me. (name), please, I want you to undress me."
"Are... are you sure?" you ask again; the idea is more than a little exciting, but the experienced seamstress and future fashion designer in you hesitates at the thought of ruining a perfectly serviceable item of clothing.
Sanji grins, desire and affection filling his brown eyes. "Yeah, sure; it's an old one. Please, darling..."
"As you wish..."
A sound of tearing and ripping fills the room, and a moment later Sanji's shirt, now missing every single of its buttons and irreparably damaged, lies on the floor, while he's naked from the waist up - and Gods, just looking at him is enough to make you forget any hesitancy you may have... including the ones regarding the presence of your father, in his bedroom at the other hand of the corridor.
He smiles, more than aware of the effect he's having on you, as he shamelessly stares back at your body. "Come here, my beauty." he invites you, and a moment later he has taken you in his arms once again, your hands moving on each other's newly exposed skin.
"Let's move to the bed." you propose in a whisper between kisses, and laugh softly as Sanji hurriedly picks you up, bridal style, to carry you and delicately lay you down on the light blue sheets of your bed. A minute to take off your shoes, and he has joined you; you are kissing again as he makes quick work of your bra's clasp, but Sanji stops to admire you, lying under him, and for a moment he seems unable to speak.
"You are so beautiful." he murmurs; he looks you in the eyes, to gauge your reaction and make sure he's not overstepping, before letting his hand brush against and then close around your breast "My (name)... I've waited for this moment since I was maybe twelve, you know?"
"You could have told me before."
"A gentleman never asks, he waits for the lady to offer."
You smile, shamelessly enjoying the sensuality of his touch, the delicious sensation of Sanji's warm hands caressing and stimulating and gently squeezing the warm flesh of your chest; he sees you jolt when the pad of his thumb finds your nipple, and smiles, and you smile with him.
"Well, this lady is offering." you point out a moment later; you want there to be no doubt or ambiguity about what you want "I want you, Sanji. Will you make love to me?"
Unexpectedly, and while you can see the desire in his eyes as he looks at you, he hesitates. "You know we don't have to do it." he softly points out "You don't... owe me anything; I don't want you to think this is something we need to do in order to make our relationship last, or since we have been together for a while..."
"I know. I... I just want to live this with you; I want you to be my first, as well the last. I want you, and I'm tired of hiding it."
"(name), I..."
"Sanji, please."
That last word, as well as the tone you utter it in, being begged to take you in his arms and make you scream, would make even the most dispassionate man forget himself, and Sanji is far from that. In a whisper, he asks you to lift your hips, and takes both your skirt and panties off; he licks his lips as he looks at you, as if anticipating what he is going to do to you, and delicately lifts your foot in his hands. His first kiss is placed on your ankle, and then the second at the bottom at your calf, and the third a bit above it, and then on your knee and on your thigh until Sanji is lying on the bed between your open legs, and the sensation of his tongue and hips doing magic on the most hidden part of you is so delicious, so lurid and at the same time heavenly, you have to press your hand to your mouth to keep yourself from screaming. You can feel the wave mounting inside you, and you couldn't stop it even if you wanted to, and a minute later your first real orgasm hits you, and you are shaking in Sanji's grasp as he licks you like a man starved, proud and excited by the pleasure he was able to give you.
Your eyes meet above your heaving chest; you are both smiling, breathless. "That was... amazing." you whisper, and Sanji grins as he reaches to kiss you once more, neither bothering about the taste.
"We have just started." he assures you "Will you help me with my clothes, darling?"
He stands from the bed to let you take his trousers off, smiling softly as he sees how your hands shake; a moment later he's finally naked, and you can't help gulping as you gently take his erection in your hand, heavy and hard. You swallow, and instinctively lower your face to it to lick the tip.
Sanji jumps. "Shit..."
"I'm sorry, I thought... that was ok..." you stammer, suddenly alarmed "Did I hurt you?"
"Hurt?" he repeats, completely breathless, as if he had never heard that word before "Quite... quite the opposite. I... (name), I..."
He can't find the words to describe what he wants, but thank God you know it already, and this is miles beyond what you had already experience in, but you must be naturally talented, or perhaps this is one of those things you simply know how to do. You keep Sanji's eyes in yours as you take his erection in your mouth, swallowing it almost to the base and using your lips, your tongue and even (cautiously) your teeth to give him pleasure; he moans, bucking his hips, his hands caressing your hair.
"God... you're so good, baby... you take me so well..."
Emboldened, you wish you could make him climax with your mouth, but Sanji asks you to stop after a while, smiling as he sees you pout. "As much as I love the feeling of your mouth, there is somewhere else I'd rather come." he tell you as he cleans your lips with his fingers "Let me take care of you."
A silent nod is the only answer you feel able to give, and the only one Sanji needed; your hand guides him back on the bed where, a slight and natural awkwardness covered by your kisses, Sanji lies above you, gently caressing your hair as he lifts your leg above his hips.
"I love you." you murmur; you feel barely able to breathe, but those words easily leave your lips, as natural as a breath "Sanji, let me be with you forever."
He smiles, pressing his forehead to yours; he isn't inside you yet, but the intimacy of that moment goes beyond what you could describe in words, the marvelous feeling of being one, a closeness born from love and passion and trust and empathy. You doubt you will ever feel anyone as close as Sanji is in that moment, and that makes you happy.
"Nothing and no one will ever come between us." he murmurs "I promise."
You spend what feels like hours locked in an embrace, exchanging lazy but hot kisses as your hands explore each other's body. Your fondling makes Sanji grow turgid once more, and he has to use your pillow to suffocate his screaming (yes, screaming) as you do get to make him come in your mouth; he gets even a minute later when you both find out that you really enjoy your chest being sucked, which Sanji does until you are a moaning mess, begging for mercy, and he has to gift you your third orgasm, this time using his fingers, to make you calm down.
This night is perfect; this night feels as if it would never end. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and an hour before dawn, after he risked for the second time to fall asleep with his cheek pressed against your chest and your fingers in his hair, Sanji reluctantly abandons the warmth of your bed, and of your body, to get dressed. You both know it can't be helped; if your father discovered him in your bed, even now that you are an adult and about to go live on your own, the consequences would be catastrophic.
"Things will be different once we have moved to the capital." you reassure him as you pick up what is left of his shirt to throw it away "I want my dad to visit, but we can tell him we met again on campus and decided to date; he does like you, and he'll accept I am old enough to have a boyfriend."
"I hope he will." Sanji considers, as he ties his shoes; he hesitates for a moment, and then: "What if I wanted to tell him the truth?"
"You mean...?"
"About us, yes. I could have never given up on you, (name), but I didn't like lying to your father; I owe him so much, and I'd like give his blessing to our relationship. Don't you?"
Nothing would make you happier, even though, you must admit, the prospect of having to confess you have deliberately disobeyed him for five years is not pleasant; you love your father, and the last thing you have ever wanted was to disappoint him, even though there is no price you wouldn't have paid if it meant being with Sanji. You admire the fact your boyfriend wants to be honest with his benefactor, and you need - no, you want to be as brave as he is.
"Then we will tell him."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. It's not going to be pretty, and I know he'll be very angry, but he deserves the truth. We all do." you point out with a sigh; then, seeing Sanji is almost done getting dressed: "Wait..."
You stand as well, and walk to the mannequin wearing the men's shirt, an elegant light blue model with white collar and cuffs. You return to Sanji to offer him the shirt. "Here, wear this."
"... are you sure?"
"Of course, I had planned to give it to you to celebrate your admission to the Baratie. Try it on, let me see how it looks on you."
It looks great, even though it is perhaps more because of Sanji's good looks and physique than anything else; he carefully buttons it, and happily looks at himself in the full-length mirror. "My favourite tie will go perfectly with this."
"I know, why do you think I chose this colour?"
Naked as you are, you don't feel cold, especially as you feel Sanji's gaze lingering on your body as his brown eyes admire the flesh he has lost himself in just two hours ago, but that he's not yet sated by.
Soon, your smile tells him as you return the gaze, committing the beauty of his lithe but strong body to memory, as soon as we have moved to our dormitories, or as soon as my father has to leave for one of his work trips. I want you again too; I think I'll never stop wanting you.
As usual Sanji seems to understand you without the need for words, because he smiles once more and, as soon as he is done admiring himself in the mirror (which you cannot blame him for; the shirt does look amazing on him!) he takes your face in his hands to kiss you once more. "I am so happy." he murmurs "Happy we got to share this moment. I... I do want to be with you forever, but..."
"... but you are happy I was your first, and you mine. I know, Sanji; I feel the same."
You spend a precious minute like this, your foreheads touching, your fingers intertwined, as you breathe in each other's air and savour that new form of intimacy. In this moment, you are not afraid Sanji can doubt your feelings anymore; but in any case, you promise yourself, you'll still make sure he knows how much you love him, every day from now to eternity.
In the end, it's time for your boyfriend to go. He takes his backpack and insists you put your nightgown on, in case one of the neighbours looks out of their windows, before you accompany him on the balcony, where a last kiss sees him climb over the parapet and cautiously reach the tree's closest branches.
"Thanks for the cake! It was really delicious."
Sanji winks at you, mischievousness dancing in his eyes. "I think you thanked me enough already."
"Oh, you are so vulgar..."
Your laugh follows him as Sanji quickly climbs down the tree, finally reaching the ground safe and sound; he looks up at you and waves, and you wave back, and "I'll be back soon; I promise." he says, and you nod as he starts walking away, and remain where you are until Sanji has disappeared, hidden in the murmuring darkness surrounding the villa.
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itmustbek8 · 1 year
We might be in too deep to quit, at this point
Commentary for Stand My Heroes: Piece of Truth season 1, episode 4
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justauthoring · 1 year
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"It's my fault."
Huffing, you shake your head. "Stop that," you hiss, turning to Bakugou with a glare; "it isn't."
But he doesn't argue. Doesn't huff or puff, or yell at you for glaring at him or throwing attitude. Any sort of normal attributes that Bakugou displays almost on a daily fall silent and instead, you watch as his eyes flicker across you, taking in every inch, and he just sighs.
"But it is," he says; and it almost doesn't sound like him because of how soft his voice is.
"It isn't," you huff, desperate to make him understand. "I chose to go out there. You didn't make me."
You now you're right. Everything you say is completely and whole-heartedly right... but you couldn't see what he could. Not in the same way. Not in the way it looked to him, and nor could you hear the thoughts that fluttered through his head like millions of tiny little bugs that filled him with guilt and fear and such heavy, immeasurable pressure that this was all his fault.
The large bruise on your left eye, purple and blues mixed together in a nasty welling that had your eye shut from the size of it -- you'd gotten it from a particular nasty punch from a group of villains you'd both been trying to take down. The cuts along your skin, slices, were from one of the villains quirks, knifes that had sliced you apart repeatedly; blood gushing from your skin and tiny little welts that would turn into scars over time.
But really, it was the burns across your arms, now covered in tight, white bandages, that made Bakugou's heart squeeze painfully in his chest; constricting with every breath he took because the reality was, he shouldn't be alive after what he'd done.
When you and Bakugou had been briefly briefed on the mission, still both only in your third year at U.A., trying to make names for yourselves; neither of you had been told about the extremely dangerous and life-threatening quirk at play. The truth was, no one knew about the quirk or the person it belonged to.
An underground member of the villain group you both were tasked to take down -- an unforeseen event that had lead to what Bakugou could only describe as his worst nightmares.
Mind-control. Or something of that sort. Bakugou still didn't know the specifics and truly, for once, he didn't want to know. Didn't want to even have to imagine what else that he could've been made to do, especially to you, had it not been for Shoto and Deku's arrival.
Wounds worse than burns, destruction beyond repair, or worse, death. Bakugou hated having to feel like he owed anyone anything, but he couldn't even deny that Shoto's and Deku's arrival was both needed and a great turnover for the hero-side.
You would've died otherwise. That, or seriously hurt.
Hurt more than you already were and Bakugou already felt like the worst piece of sh*t possible because you were hurt because of him.
He'd hurt you. Set his explosions off on you, been the one to make you scream in pain and cry out for help; cry out for help when it should've been him helping you. Instead, he was the one causing the damage, and it had taken both Shoto and Deku to pull him off of you and restrain him until the effects of the quirk wore off.
And now, left with the aftermath of his own actions, Bakugou couldn't stand himself.
"I hurt you."
He says it with such pain, one that instantly pulls at your heart, hating that you were the reason he was in so much pain.
"You weren't in control of yourself, Katsuki. We both didn't know that that man would be there, nor did we know what his quirk was. There was no way we could've been prepared for it," you explain, shifting in your hospital bed, trying not to pull at any of your injuries. "You have to understand that. I could blame you. I never could."
"Doesn't change the fact that I still did it," he whispers, staring at his own hands; the ones that had hurt you... attacked you...
You reach forward, taking his hands in your own before he can pull away or argue. You tug, enough that it pulls his gaze on you, and then move your hands to his cheeks, cupping them. You hold him in a way so he can't pull away, can't refuse.
"It wasn't your fault."
And his lips part, to say something, but you just interrupt him.
"It wasn't," you say firmly, then, face softening at the rare look of vulnerability on his face, you smile gently; "okay?"
Bakugou doesn't believe it. He doesn't know if he ever will. The guilt inside of him is so strong, the feelings that he'd failed at being the one thing he strived so hard to be and worse, it was because he'd hurt you... it makes him feel sick. Makes him want to rip at his own skin so that he doesn't have to feel this way anymore.
But he's already hurt you enough and you look so desperate, pleading with him to just believe you... and he can't hurt you anymore.
So, he nods, even if he feels sick doing so;
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munchcorner · 1 year
Tokoyami has always admired Hawks' generosity. He thought maybe it was natural for him since he was a hero, but after seeing him donate more than half of his earnings, Tokoyami began to wonder what made him so generous.
“Where are we going?” Tokoyami asked as he trailed behind Hawks.
“To an orphanage. It’s where I used to spend my free time,” Hawks answers. Tokoyami nods and looks at the boxes behind them.
“I can help you carry them,” Tokoyami offers, but Hawks shakes his head, “my feathers are enough to lift them. Besides, you’ll need your hands when we arrive.”
A fond smile graced Hawks’ lips as he spoke. Tokoyami didn’t understand the meaning of Hawks’ words until they arrived.
The children rushed toward them after the adoption counselor announced their arrival. They flocked toward Hawks.
“Hey, now,” Hawks says, “gather yourselves. I have someone I want to introduce.”
Tokoyami silently walks towards Hawks and stands beside him.
“This is my intern, Tokoyami. Be kind to him, okay?” Hawks says. The children nodded and collectively began to ask him questions.
“What quirk do you have?”
“How old are you?”
“Can you show us your quirk?”
Those were some questions the children asked. Tokoyami looks at Hawks, silently asking if he could. Hawks give him a slight nod and lift both his fists to show encouragement. Tokoyami sighs and entertains the children while Hawks talk to the people in charge.
They spent the day playing with the children. That day, Tokoyami saw a different side of Hawks. For once, he saw his mentor act his age. He’s used to seeing Hawks be mature, responsible, and solemn. But in the closed space of an orphanage on the far side of the country, he witnessed Hawks being playful and childish, most importantly, happy.
The smile plastered on Hawks’ face that day was far more genuine than the one he constantly wore when working. Tokoyami considers it an honor to see Hawks smiling that brightly. He captures the smile and records the laughter to keep in his heart and memory.
“You seem happy today,” Tokoyami says on their way to Fukuoka.
“I’m always happy,” Hawks smiles at him.
Tokoyami opens his mouth to retort to the statement but decides against it. Instead, he asks, “why do you give the orphanage more than they need? You don’t even have enough furniture in your apartment.”
Hawks hums, “what do you want to hear? The truth? Or a lie?”
Tokoyami rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe you’re asking me that. The truth, of course.”
“But I don’t want you to pity me,” Hawks playfully says as he wraps his arm around Tokoyami’s shoulder. He pulls Tokoyami inside a restaurant and orders them a meal.
“I won’t. I promise,” Tokoyami says, making Hawks shake his head, “don’t make promises without even hearing the details. That’s a bad habit.”
“I need your answer to my question, not a lecture.”
Hawks grabs his chest in faux pain, “I didn’t know you could be this harsh to your mentor.”
“Stop stalling,” Tokoyami says, impatient.
Hawks chuckles, “I guess there’s no escaping this conversation,” he whispers and takes a sip of water.
“Well, I grew up in poverty. It was a luxury for me to get proper nutrition, much less a toy.” Hawks start. He glances at Tokoyami, gauging his reaction before continuing, “I remember my mother getting beat for buying me an Endeavor plushie on sale. It wasn’t much, but my mother still suffered the consequences of fulfilling my wants.”
Tokoyami fists his hands, ‘what a horrible father,’ he thinks.
“I grew up in a run-down house. The rain would seep through the roof, and I’d have to find a way to collect them. It was a poor attempt at stopping the house from flooding, but no matter how much effort I put in, it still flooded.” A sad smile appears on Hawks’ lips as he recounts his childhood, “At winter, I’d bear the cold. I only had a few pieces of thin clothing, so I had to find a way to keep warm. I’d curl in a corner and imagine a warm fireplace. If lucky, I’ll collect dry leaves and sticks, then light them on fire.”
Hawks chuckles as he remembers his struggle with lighting a fire. But the look on Tokoyami’s face makes him stop, “do you want me to continue?”
Tokoyami shook his head. He couldn’t handle hearing the stories Hawks shared. It was both painful, pitying, and infuriating.
“This is why I told you not to promise me anything before,” Hawks says. He pats Tokoyami’s head. “You’re horrible at hiding your emotions, you know?” 
Tokoyami looks away, “I’m sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Hawks says.
Silence envelops them as Tokoyami takes in Hawks’ story. The food arrived, and they quietly ate until Hawks broke the silence.
“I give everything I have to that orphanage because they remind me of my younger self. Those children came from poverty and abuse. Since they’re far from the city, they don’t receive much funding.” Hawks says. Tokoyami remains silent as he lets Hawks talk. “Do you know what kept me going when I was young?”
Tokoyami shook his head, “what?”
“The Endeavor plushie. It was my light of hope, and I wanted to be that to those children. The first time I went there, their eyes seemed dead and hopeless. I didn’t like seeing that. That’s when I decided to do my best to support them.” Hawks says and proudly smiles as he continues. “Now, did you see how bright their eyes were?”
Tokoyami nodded with a smile, “they were the brightest smile I’ve ever seen.”
“Even the smallest action can bring the biggest changes,” Hawks says, “the money I spent on that orphanage is small considered to the joy they bring. The money, I can earn it again, but who knows what would have happened if I didn’t support them.”
Tokoyami’s smile grows brighter, “I’m glad I’m under your wing,” he whispers shyly.
Hawks laughs, “why are you suddenly shy?”
“I’ll make sure to continue what you started,” Tokoyami says, “I want to be other people’s hope too.”
The determination warms Hawks’ heart, “I can’t wait to see what kind of hero you’ll be in the future.” He then teases Tokoyami to lighten the mood before flying him home.
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Good to have u back!
Can i have a scenario with aizawa vs a villain that is always flirty with him, untill him decides its enough for him and they end up in a steamy situation and she gives up to him cause she reeeeeally likes him😳
If enough people like this scenario, I'll probably write a part 2
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Aizawa narrowed his eyes. God, this was such a pain. It was always the same game of cat and mouse, and to make matters even worse, you insisted on being an insufferable tease every time.
"What's the matter, Eraserhead?" you giggled, deftly evading his cloths. "You look like you're having a hard time catching me. By the way, you're as hot as ever. What would it take to let me ride you?"
Precocious little brat.
You were absolutely incorrigible. Ever since you'd first crossed paths, he'd been victim to countless of your shameless attempts to flirt with him. He'd never expected that he would have to deal with a villain that seemed interested in getting into his pants at any given opportunity. He knew he had to take his job seriously, and you were actively breaking the law, but it was difficult to stay focused — not only because you kept goading him on, but also because you were far more attractive than he could stand.
Aizawa was ashamed to admit that he'd masturbated to the thought of you more times than he could count. It was a mixture of frustration at always failing to apprehend you, but most of it was just lust, plain and simple. It also didn't help that your villain costume was so goddamn revealing.
"This is the last time I let you get off easy," Aizawa muttered.
That was what he said, but the truth of the matter was that you were remarkably difficult to catch. Even when he canceled your Quirk, it didn't make a difference. You were naturally agile and skilled at hand-to-hand combat, as well as a master of weaponry. Aizawa wondered if he would ever be able to arrest you.
As far as villains went, you hadn't committed any particularly heinous crimes, but the law was still the law. You also had a habit of almost only appearing in front of him. Aizawa was a grown man, so it was obvious to see that you were attracted to him — either romantically or purely sexually. Plus, the comments you made were already a dead giveaway.
You evaded his attacks once more, then hoisted yourself up on a nearby rooftop and grinned down at him from above.
"I have a proposition for you," you grinned. "Fuck me just this once, and I'll let you arrest me. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to break out of prison anyways, but this way you get to take credit for a job well done, right?"
Aizawa's brow twitched. "Don't patronize me. I don't need any freebies, and I'm not stupid enough to believe that a villain would hold up their end up the bargain."
"I can prove it," you insisted, and to Aizawa's immense surprise, you jumped down from the roof and landed mere inches in front of him. His hero instincts took over, and he bound you in his cloths without so much as blinking. You didn't bother to struggle, though. In fact, if the flush on your cheeks was anything to go off, he might've thought you actually enjoyed being tied up. "Oh no," you mused. "I've been caught. Are you going to punish me now?"
You really were a piece of work, and as much as Aizawa wanted to pretend like he was above all this, he could already feel his cock throbbing.
He decided to give in to your provocations, just this once.
"Maybe I am," he gritted out, then shoved you against the nearest wall, while your limbs were still bound. He pushed down you down by shoulders until you collapsed onto your knees in front of him. He could see your grin getting wide with excitement as he used his free hand to pull down his pants and reveal his boner.
"Oh my god," you moaned, pressing your thighs together in anticipation. "Your dick looks amazing. I've been wanting to see it for so long."
Aizawa had to admit that the prospect of doing something so taboo — a hero fucking a villain — was really, really turning him on.
"Since you're such a needy little slut, I'll be nice this time and give you what you want." He grabbed fistfuls of your hair and pulled you in until the tip of his cock was pressed against your cheek. "Now, suck it."
Despite being a villain, you were awfully obedient when it came to such matters. You didn't need to be told twice before you were dragging your tongue all the way up the length of his shaft.
Aizawa let out a quiet hiss. Fuck. Even just your tongue already felt incredible. As much as he wanted to maintain the illusion that he was completely composed right now, his heart was beating ridiculously fast.
"So good," you breathed, licking and sucking with an enthusiasm he hadn't known was possible. You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, then puckered your lips, sucking in awfully hard.
Aizawa could feel his self-control dissolving the longer he stared at your sinful expression. He just couldn't get enough of how you looked to be completely transfixed on his cock, strings of saliva spilling out over your lips.
He inhaled, then gripped your head tighter.
"I believe I told you to suck. What are you taking your time and messing around for? Do it properly."
He shoved his entire cock into your mouth, making sure that it bottomed out against the back of your throat. You gagged from the sudden intrusion, a few tears reflexively prickling at your eyes, but your arms were tied up, so you couldn't push him away.
He doubted you would've actually wanted to, though.
Aizawa barely even bothered to stifle his groans as he fucked your face relentlessly. The sound of you choking and struggling to breathe while you were forced to deepthroat him was honestly like music to his ears. He wanted to burn this image into his mind; remember every little detail so that he could jerk off to it later on.
"Fuck," he growled, thrusting sloppily, "your mouth feels so good. I guess a slutty villain like you has probably been around quite a bit. Well, how is it? How does it feel to have a hero violate you?"
Tears were streaming down your face, and your cheeks were a flushed mess of crimson hues. You gagged in between your moans, but didn't make the slightest attempt to fight back. Aizawa loved seeing you like this. After being unable to apprehend you more times than he could even count, the sight of you being completely at his mercy was almost too good to be true.
Aizawa bit back a gasp. "Shit... I'm already about to cum. Drink it all up. If you waste even a single drop, I'm not going to forgive you."
Between how roughly he was thrusting into your mouth, it was incredible that you managed to nod hazily. Aizawa couldn't help but crack a crooked grin at your fucked-out and nearly delirious expression. This was easily the most turned on he'd ever been.
He came a few moments later, busting his entire load into your mouth. Ever the obedient girl, you swallowed every last spurt of his thick cum. Even though you were probably desperate for air by now, you stayed perfectly still and let it all slide down the back of your throat.
Aizawa eventually pulled back, delighted to see you smiling through your tears, chest heaving under the heavy weight of your arousal.
"You taste so good," you panted, strings of cum glued to your lips and chin. "That was amazing. I can't believe I just sucked your cock. I love you so much..."
Aizawa felt himself blush ten times more fiercely than before. Fooling around was one thing, but to hear you say that loved him was a different thing entirely. It seemed like your feelings for him were a lot more serious than he'd first though.
After a brief pause, Aizawa eventually released you from his cloths, and just as promised, you made no attempt to run away.
"I guess I'll go to jail now," you sighed. "Oh, well. It was worth it. I wonder how long it'll take me to get back out."
I should turn her into the police. She's still a villain.
Aizawa was a hero, and he had a duty towards the public. But at the same time... you weren't really hurting anyone. You'd pulled off a few robberies to make your name known, and shortly after, you'd started appearing around him, but not much else.
He couldn't believe he was having such conflicting thoughts. There was only one right call, and he was struggling to make it.
Aizawa adjusted his pants in place and turned away from you. "Leave," he grimaced. "Before I change my mind. Like I said before, I don't want any freebies. I can apprehend you on my own terms, without needing to be given a handicap."
You stood up with a gasp. "Y-You're letting me go? So, then... will we get to do this again?"
Aizawa was unwilling to show you his expression, so he kept on facing away from you. It was better this way, otherwise you would've been able to see the grin creeping onto his lips.
The next time you ended up meeting, Aizawa was going to give you the pounding of your life.
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whereisten · 10 months
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Late Night Adventures with a Green-Haired Kingpin
*Wildcard Ending*
Part 1 | Part 2 Intro | Part 2 | Part 3 Intro | Part 3 | Part 4 Intro | Part 4: Yuta Oneshot! | Part 4 | Part 5 Finale (Happy Ending) | Part 5 Finale (Sad Ending) | Part 5 Finale (Wildcard Ending)
Summary: You couldn’t quite explain how you, a normal office worker that didn’t even have a traffic violation, ended up in a gang leader’s bed, but here you are.
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, mafia
Pairing: Gang Leader!Taeyong X female reader (who is also a gang leader now)
Warning: violence, graphic descriptions of death and murder, cursing, cheating, toxic relationship, gun and knife mention, possessiveness, manipulation and blackmail, alcohol and cigarette use, character death, smut (unprotected (be safe!), rough sex, impregnation k!nk, dirty talk)
Word Count: 12.2K
(a/n: wow wow wowww we have finally reached the end of this series, I can’t believe it, I’m actually kinda sad to say goodbye. Greenie, I will miss you :( anyway! I hope you enjoy the finale, both endings start off the same for about 1k words, then veer off to two completely different scenarios, so I hope you’ll consider reading both. let me know what you think about them! I had fun writing both! its been some time so my writing style has changed, hope thats okay. Thank you for your support <3)
“Do you think not eating will make me pity you?” Jaehyun stares at you sitting across the table from him sternly. 
You look down at your now unbound wrists in your lap then up to the guards standing in all four corners of his dining room. You couldn’t escape if you tried. 
“What’s your plan here? What’s your goal? You’ve already killed Yuta…I’m willing to give you everything we owned..and yet..you don’t want it.”
You sniffle as you think of your last moments with Yuta. As frustrating as he was, you didn’t want him to die. You never wanted him to feel pain. He was just a young, insecure guy whose downfalls could’ve been redeemed if given the chance. And in just under a minute, all that was taken from him.
You sit there, stitched up and still in pain as tears fall onto your hands.
Jaehyun carefully cuts the fat from his steak. “Oh..you misunderstand me..I do want everything, and I will take it when I please..but I also want Taeyong to pay for his, and his father’s, wrongdoings. You also must pay for your wrongdoings. You chose to protect your men, I chose to avenge my sister. With each choice comes a consequence, wouldn’t you agree?”
You don’t nod, you only cry harder. A slight feeling of shame hits you and you think of how Yuta would scold the shit out of you for showing weakness if he were alive to see it.
“Hmm?” Jaehyun places a finger on your chin and tilts it upward. You were too lost in your tears to notice he had walked over to you while carrying a piece of steak on a fork.
The annoyingly handsome man smiles slowly while tilting his head. “I have no doubt that Taeyong will find the whereabouts of your men and bring an end to this chapter, I always get what I want.”
You chuckle and brush his hand away. “You’re a fool, he knows I’d never forgive him for revealing that.”
You wince as a sharp pain cuts deep into you again, reminding you of the accident that occurred just hours prior.
“Me? A fool? Hmm and yet you’re in this situation with no Superman to save you..your other hero lay dead, headless, and covered in bugs as the first stage of decomposition starts and-“
“Fuck you! Don’t talk about him like that! You think you’re better than him, but the truth is your daddy gave you everything! You’re nothing but a spoiled brat struggling to fit into his big man pants for the day!” You stare into his eyes and curse him through gritted teeth. Before you can take another breath, he grabs your chin and tightens his grip, then stabs your wound with the opposite end of the fork.
You scream at the sudden pain while trying to escape his hold, but you can’t get away from him. He laughs as you squirm in pain.
“And are you so different? Fucking a kingpin on the first night of meeting him? Learning all there is to know about this business just so you can fuck another man and become work buddies?” 
Your eyes widen as your eyes slowly drift up to his.
Jaehyun pouts. “Oh..you didn’t know that I know you’re a whore, a smart whore, but a whore nonetheless. You spread your legs for Taeyong and it got him all googly-eyed and stupid, so stupid he gave you everything. Fuck, pussy must’ve been that good.” 
He laughs as he shoves the utensil in deeper. You groan. “Stop!”
“Inheritance is inheritance, who cares how it’s gained..isn’t that right, honey?” The wild look in his eyes reassured you that he was having fun with this.
“Fuck you! You know nothing about me! You’re lucky your dad worked his ass off so you don’t have to lift a finger, you fucking asshole!”
“You know so much, honey. You’ve also got a dirty mouth. Be careful or I might start to like you.”
Your nose flares as you breathe heavily.
He uses his hand on your chin to pull you upwards into a standing position. You try to fight him off, but he overpowers you easily. Something about him makes his strength feel unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
He releases his grip and moves to stand behind you. He then holds the piece of steak up to your face. “Now, eat.”
You turn your head away, letting out a huff. Jaehyun pushes two fingers into your wound, making you scream again and bend over. “Stop! Please!” You grip the edge of the table, still trying to fight him off.
He only chuckles and pushes his fingers in deeper. “Just open your mouth and I’ll stop, it’s pretty easy.”
You cry harder, but do as he says, opening your mouth as he places the fork inside. 
“There you go, good girl.” He smiles again as you chew.
He lets you go and walks back to his seat at the table, leaving you a crying mess. It takes you some time and strength to sit back in your seat, your hand over your wound as blood begins to pour out. 
“You and your men are starting to piss me off, but as I said before I always get what I want.” He cuts into the steak slowly, the fork and knife held by his fingers still covered in your blood.
You feel weak, his face becomes a blur and you pass out within seconds.
[5 Hours Later]
With only a few hours left, Taeyong arrives at Jaehyun’s mansion. He sits on the couch and waits for Jaehyun to show up.
He hadn’t slept all night, he’d been working with Taeil to figure out where your men were. He immediately knew he was going to find them and give their location away to save you. As he said before, he didn’t give two shits about them and didn’t care if that offended or upset you. Yuta was killed and he needed to save you before it was too late. He lost his best friend, he couldn’t lose his true love too. Furthermore, you could help him find Haeju.
Jaehyun arrives after about 5 minutes, walking towards the love seat facing him. You walk in after him. Taeyong’s eyes follow the leash connecting Jaehyun’s clenched fist to the collar around your neck and nearly loses it. Taeyong is saddened to see you like this, your shirt stained with blood, your eyes low and red from crying, and your face drained. To make matters worse, the collar has chrome letters decorating it to spell out ‘JAEHYUN’S’.
He truly was a petty and sick man.
“Kneel.” Jaehyun commands while pointing to the spot beside his feet on the floor.
Taeyong’s eyes grow. How dare he, he’s out of his mind. His heart starts to race as he grows angry. “N-“
“It’s okay, Taeyong..I’m okay.” You kneel quickly, ignoring the fact that Jaehyun was hell-bent on breaking you down and putting you below him. He was exactly as you told him, a spoiled brat.
“Good girl.” He smirks as if hearing your thoughts.
Taeyong grits his teeth when he sees you clutching your stomach and wincing.
“She needs to rest.” He says to Jaehyun sternly.
“Oh god, I hope that’s not what you came here to tell me.” Jaehyun rolls his eyes, leaning back and taking in Taeyong’s irritated appearance. He knows he’s practically two seconds away from lunging at him, and he loves it. 
“Taeyong..you don’t have time.” You whisper through a strained breath. Kneeling in that position puts more pressure on your wound.
Taeyong swallows hard. “Fine..here..the coordinates of where their men, along with my own will be meeting. I faked a message from Yuta’s number calling for an emergency meeting at 12.”
Your eyes grow, you shake your head. “No! What are you-“
He continues. “It’s a warehouse, so there will be approximately 5 exits your men will have to cover. Do what you will, they mean nothing to me now, let y/n go so I can save my sister.”
“Taeyong, don’t do this.” You start to cry once you see the paper Taeyong places on the center table.
“Oh? It’s that easy, is it?” Jaehyun crosses a leg over the other, his dimples showing through as he grins.
Jaehyun’s right hand man grabs the paper and leaves the room to make preparations for an attack.
“I gave you what you asked for, now let her go.” Taeyong doesn’t look at you, for the sight will drive him mad if this takes any longer.
Jaehyun nods. “Sure. Go on.”
And it’s a little too easy. No catch? No pause? Just freedom? Oh no..you both knew Jaehyun better.
You start to crawl towards Taeyong, and once you’re within an arm's reach away, Jaehyun tugs the leash hard and snatches you by the collar back towards him. You yelp and grab at the collar once it tightens.
“But..I didn’t get what I asked for, did I?”
Taeyong stands up. “Stop with the fucking games! Let her go!”
You cough and gasp for air.
Jaehyun shakes his head while laughing. “I think she can stay beside me for a few more minutes..at least until my guys confirm yours are dead. It’s only fair. Or…you could stay here and let your sister die.”
Taeyong sighs and sits back down.
After a few seconds, he says through gritted teeth. “You’re an asshole.”
Jaehyun nods. “Yes..well, it’s just another day.”
“Just…five minutes..give me five minutes then.” Taeyong looks into his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassing tone of desperation.
Jaehyun scoffs then eyes him up and down. “You don’t need five minutes, you probably finish in two..”
“You broke your own rule and lied..the least you can do is give us that…I don’t even know if I’ll see him again.” You growl at him.
Jaehyun looks down at you. “Ahh..and the bitch makes another demand.”
Taeyong's eyes narrow, he never thought he'd feel such a burning urge to kill anyone as strong as this.
“Two minutes and bring my toy back unharmed.” Jaehyun lets the leash go.
Taeyong quickly kneels to the ground with you and holds you in his arms closely. He helps you up to your feet then quickly walks you outside.
“Listen, we don’t have much time but trust me, okay?”
You sniffle and shake your head. “Taeyong, you bastard, I’ll never forgive you for this.”
He holds both of your arms and holds you firm towards him, his eyes growing as his grip tightens. “Y/n, just trust me!” 
You nod, but don’t look into his eyes.
“I’m..sorry I couldn’t save you, but I know he won’t kill you, he needs to have something over me and as of right now, he knows it’s you..it’s you above everything..look at me.” He uses his finger to bring your chin up towards him. 
Your teary eyes finally meet his, melting him where he stands. Had his mind not been in a million places at once, he would’ve kissed you until the sun set. “I love you.”
“That’s not enough, Taeyong..what are you going to do?”
“First, I’m going to save Haeju, then I’ll come back for you, just wait for me, I promise..”
You nod. For a moment, you had forgotten that Haeju was running out of time. “She’s probably at the pit, it’s a house in the middle of nowhere..here take this.” You hurriedly hand him your smart watch. While getting stitched up, you remembered that it was connected to a tracker you left inside a vase at the house. The watch could pinpoint where it was once the app was activated.
“Follow it quickly, it’s just a guess, but I doubt Yuta would leave her in a place that I don’t know of.” 
Taeyong nods. “Thank you, do whatever he says, give him whatever he asks for..just until I get back, okay?”
You nod. “Please…be careful.”
He can’t hold back any longer. He leans down and kisses you deeply, drawing you in as your eyes shut. Your heart starts to race and tears flow down your cheeks as you think this will be the last time, if not for a while, then for forever.
Taeyong feels himself tearing up as well. He remembers all the moments you spent together and the times you made him happy. He remembers when you lived together like a normal couple and how your smile brightened every day for him. Losing Yuta was too much for him to bear, he knew he couldn’t lose you too.
You finally pull away and press a hand to his chest. “You have to hurry.” You swallow hard and look away.
He nods and hurries out of the mansion.
You watch him walk away and it feels like everything moves in slow motion. You’re being dragged back into the room by the guards, your arms ache, but all you can do is watch Taeyong leave. Your heart breaks slowly as you know it will be the last time you see your green-haired lover. You don’t feel the guards tightening rope around your wrists once more.
Jaehyun places an arm along the top of the couch, watching you sit still on the couch across from him.
About 30 minutes pass as you stare at the ground and Jaehyun checks his emails and calendar on his phone.
He finally places it down and grabs your leash.
“So…How does it feel? To be used and thrown away like nothing?”
You chuckle and look up to him. “He isn’t throwing me away, he’s saving his sister..then he’ll kill you.”
Jaehyun only laughs. “Why do you even care for that freak?”
You sigh and rest your back against the cushion. Maybe if you visualize yourself choking the life out of Jaehyun, you’ll be satisfied enough.
“It doesn’t matter to you.”
“Well..do you love him?”
“If I say yes, will you leave us alone?”
Jaehyun laughs again, his dimples showing through even in the dim lighting of the gold-lined room. “Now, you know I can’t do that.”
You laugh. “Of course…coward.. are you scared you’d have to keep looking over your shoulder?”
He smirks, tilting his head as he observes the collar around your neck. “You’re lucky I need you.”
“And you’re lucky I’m tied up right now! You bastard!”
“Hey hey hey..” he yanks the leash, bringing you to the edge of the couch. You steady yourself on your knees to avoid falling off.
“No need to yell, you’re funny, but don’t push your luck with me..” he stares into your eyes and there’s a dark glint in them this time. For once, you genuinely feel threatened and it sends shivers down your spine.
“Boss!” One of his henchmen bursts into the room.
“It was a set up!” 
Jaehyun lets the leash go and stands up. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
The man hands the phone to his right-hand man. You strain your ears to listen and hear they were unable to make contact with the team that set out to kill your members at the meeting. The back up team arrived at the location Taeyong told him about and discovered that Jaehyun’s men were victims of a building bombing. Bombs were set up and detonated when the clock struck 12, killing all of Jaehyun’s men. Your guys were safe, the meeting was faked. 
Taeyong must have met with your guys and devised the plan while he was gone. He knew it was risky, but took a chance anyway, knowing that Jaehyun would trust him if he left you behind.
You smile in relief, but know you’re about to see a side of Jaehyun you’d never seen before.
You can’t help but laugh when you see his face become drained of all color while listening to the person speak over the line.
He throws the phone to the floor, watching it break into several pieces. He stomps over to you quickly and grabs you by the collar, raising you off the couch as you whine.
“Did you fucking know about this?” He takes a knife out of his pocket and presses the tip into the space just below your jaw.
However, you don’t stop laughing, it was about time the bastard felt pain like you did.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, maybe I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” You chuckle and the knife goes in deeper. You could care less what he did to you, you just wanted your guys to be safe and Haeju to be found before it was too late
He growls then throws you back down onto the couch. “Fucking bitch!”
“What’s the problem? Daddy can’t fix this for you?” You say in an annoying high pitched voice. Jaehyun slaps you hard, making you split blood onto the couch. You go dizzy for a moment, but resume your laughing fit.
“First, I’ll tear him limb from limb, then gonna kill him in front of you!” Jaehyun growls.
You chuckle. “You idiot. You killed him the moment you killed Yuta and took me away, you killed him the moment you made him choose between his sister and me..”
Jaehyun stops his pace and smiles slowly. “Hmmm..you’ve given me an idea actually.. what’s worse than killing someone quickly?”
You sniffle while sitting up slowly. What is he getting at?
He sits beside you, making you slightly nervous with the close proximity. Would he kill you now? “Killing them slowly..what if I *did* marry his sister?..he’d have to see my face, always next to his poor, innocent sister’s, and regret being alive every single day.”
You turn to him, shaking your head furiously. “No..it’s not what Haeju deserves..leave her out of this..”
Jaehyun looks down at you with furrowed brows, taking the leash up slowly into his palm. “Now..now, you’re in no position to be making demands..unless..you’d like me to marry you instead?”
You knew what he wanted. To not only hold his marriage with you above Taeyong’s head, but to gain complete access to your money and assets now that Yuta is dead. 
You chuckle. “You’re insane.”
He stands up. “Fine. Haeju it is.”
You jump to your feet. “No! Neither of us..you won’t hurt him this way, you’ll only dig a deeper grave for yourself if you marry either of us in front of him!”
“Well, sweetheart, I’m quite the daring person, I’d love to see how deep the grave gets…so what- or who- will it be? You or her?”
[10 Days Later]
You’re getting dressed when a notification pops up on your phone screen.
[BREAKING] Body of Young Woman Found, Mutilated by Knives
Your eyes widen. You unlock your phone and read through the article quickly. “No..no, it can’t be.”
“Are you ready?” Jaehyun opens your door and walks in.
“No..this..this can’t be happening..” tears flood your eyes, it was your worst nightmare playing out in real time. The body was confirmed to be Haeju’s. You feel your heart break into pieces. You stumble back and sit onto the bed as everything turns gray. Jaehyun didn’t let you have a phone so you couldn’t get in contact with Taeyong. His guys were also unable to find him. This is why.
He must’ve lost it when Haeju died. There’s no way he’d be back for you now, the one person he truly loved was gone. You wish you could apologize to him, you wish you could console him as he cries.
“Let’s go.. and don’t make me come back.” Jaehyun leaves your room, ignoring the fact that you’re sobbing into your hands after hearing the news. He’s cold-hearted, cruel, unfair, and now, you’re stuck with him forever.
Guilt eats away at your heart for the entire day. You can’t focus on the new responsibilities you’re tasked with as Jaehyun’s wife. You were able to save your guys after everything, begging Jaehyun to allow them to live as they had nothing to do with you and Taeyong’s choices. He could use the men to replace his that passed, and you proved that they were valuable by highlighting their accomplishments. 
You even surrendered everything to him once you married, combining your accounts and giving your businesses to him so he’d take the title as the owner alone. You knew Yuta would’ve cursed you out for giving him everything, but it was all you could do to save everyone. 
Now, with not a penny to your name after all these years, you were reduced to being the wife of a kingpin, a woman whose only duties were to provide a man’s needs while sitting quiet and pretty. It upset you, to feel like just an object after all you’d been through. But this was your punishment after letting Yuta and Haeju down. You deserved this, you deserved to be unhappy for the rest of your life.
Jaehyun was just happy to own you. Taeyong was nowhere to be found to pay for his crimes, he knew sooner or later, he’d be back for you. He awaits the day he gets to kill you both, not until after inflicting so much pain that you beg for death of course. Until then, he’d have to keep you alive.
In the meantime, both you and your men pledged allegiance to him and he couldn’t be happier.
[Three Months Later]
As time goes by, you worry for Taeyong, but you also feel as though you’ve been abandoned again. Could you blame him? You let his sister die. Why would he want to see you? You’re also a practical death trap for him here with Jaehyun.
But still, you wondered why he didn’t care about what happened to you.
“Hey..everything okay?” Xena leans over and asks as you both get pedicures together. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have taken care of your appearance, but Jaehyun said that he’d never have a disgusting woman by his side for his business partners to see. If you wanted to be claimed as a luxurious handbag for a man, you needed to look expensive like one. And that meant getting all sorts of treatments done to your body daily. It was tiring, but it meant pleasing Jaehyun and in turn, staying alive.
You turn to her. “Not really, but it’s okay.”
Surprisingly, Xena was nice to you. She ended up falling in love with a doctor from the underground hospital she stayed at while healing. You realized it didn’t take much to get her to be head over heels though. She told you she thought she loved Taeyong, but she didn’t, she just liked the attention and his smile.
She knew you were stuck here in this never-ending loop of life while being a wife to Jaehyun of all people. She could see that it was hard and that you missed Taeyong, and the pain in your eyes was satisfying enough. After all, you did cause her to be shot.
Then again, Jaehyun was harsh and she couldn’t imagine being with someone she didn’t truly love.
“Okay..” she nods.
Later that night, you, Jaehyun, Xena and her new boy toy, Doctor Kun, have dinner together. They laugh and have a great time, while you give a small smile and nod. How could you find joy like some regular housewife?
After about two hours, you say your goodbyes and start to clean the dishes.
Jaehyun leans against the counter and looks at your sad face. “It’s been months..when are you going to get over it?” He says sternly as he crosses his arms in disappointment. 
He eyes you up and down in the lavender colored spaghetti strap silk dress he chose for you.
You chuckle. “Get over it? That’s funny.”
He raises his brows. “If you don’t want to do the job of a wife, then I could just kill you and get another, would you like that? How about I relieve you of your duties?”
You look onto him with empty eyes.
“Taeyong would be sad though..” he tilts his head, his mouth tilting upwards once he realizes he’s said the words that will spark feelings in your heart again.
“Oh fuck off, Jaehyun, you need me.”
He steps closer to you. “What I need is for you to smile and stop being a self-indulgent bitch. You make people uncomfortable when you act like that.”
You suddenly throw a dish to the floor and look up at him. He isn’t startled, only amused as he always is when you get upset. It’s like seeing a dog run wildly through the house because he caught the zoomies.
He chuckles.
“Uncomfortable? Jaehyun, I’m in a fake marriage! Oh, I’m sorry if I look miserable, but maybe it’s because I fucking AM! Have you ever thought about that?!”
“And how did you get into this position? Your memory isn’t that bad, is it?” He says smoothly.
He steps closer and you can feel the heat in your cheeks rise. He’s so intimidatingly close, he towers over you and you back away, but the edge of the kitchen counter hits your back.
“All I want is for you to smile..I give you everything, your life is grand and expensive..look at this mansion you can prance about in.” He stands directly above you, eyes staring intently into yours as he smirks.
You can’t help but look away, feeling the intensity might burn right through you if you stare any longer. Jaehyun can practically feel your heart racing.
He wraps an arm behind you and reaches to the back of your head, grabbing your hair clip so it falls loosely to your shoulders. You look back up at him through wide eyes, slightly scared by him in this moment.
He places it onto the counter then leans down. He’s intoxicating as his movements hypnotize you, your mouth opens on instinct. He presses his knee in between your legs, making the fabric of your dress rise. His lips just centimeters from yours, you feel his hot steamy breath enter your mouth. 
But he doesn’t kiss you, instead he places his hand onto your neck and squeezes. You whimper at the sudden sensation of his finger tips digging into your throat. He leans back and looks into your eyes. “Smile.” 
You shake your head, causing him to tighten his grasp. You hold his wrist in an attempt to stop him. “Smile or I’ll kill you right now.”
His knee presses into you harder, giving you friction that you so desperately need in between your legs.
“No.” You grumble out.
He turns the stove top on the oven beside you on. “Don’t push me, y/n.” His husky voice enters your ears.
“I hate you.” You look into his eyes.
With that, he spins you around, grabbing the back of your head and forcing you down onto the stove. You place your hands on the counter on either side. “Stop!”
“Smile!” He presses you down harder against your resistance.
You’re just centimeters away from the stove, feeling the heat decorate your cheeks as it gets hotter with each second.
“Okay!” You cry out, tears now falling out of your eyes.
He lets your head go and spins you around. 
You smile and wipe away your tears for him. 
He finally smiles back and rubs the back of your head. “Good girl.”
He kisses you for the first time, it isn’t nearly as magical as it was with Taeyong, but you welcome the embrace. It has been some time since you last felt lust like this and you needed a release.
Jaehyun wasn’t kind and he wasn’t gentle, but he was handsome and good at winding you up.
You take his shirt off over his head and unbuckle his pants.
He rips the straps off your dress, allowing your chest to be free. He then kisses your neck and shoulders as his hand holds the back of your head. You moan, chills running wildly throughout your body before he takes one of your nipples into his mouth while caressing the other. 
He pushes the bottom of the dress up so you can wrap your legs around his waist as he kisses your neck. He enters you quickly and easily, noting how you were turned on just as much as he was by his actions. He grunts and curses as you cry out his name. Your nails scratch his broad shoulders then his back, drawing out blood as he fucks you against the kitchen counter for the first time. 
“Fuck..” you whimper and shut your eyes tightly. He’s rough and unforgiving with his thrusts, you nearly cry from the feeling of being stretched out to fit him, but within minutes you reach your climax together. 
Jaehyun pants as his head rests on your shoulder. “He’s never coming back, y/n.”
You look down at the knife set to your left, you have him right where you want him. So why don’t you do it? You could end it all now, but you know that stabbing him will only lead to your death.
You had to follow Taeyong’s orders. You had to wait for him. Surely, he’d show up.
You never made love again after that day, you were only lustful for that moment, but never again. Jaehyun wasn’t Taeyong, he’d never be him.
You did, however, help Jaehyun make business decisions and even caught when partners were trying to sell him short.
One day you meet with property owners looking to sell a nightclub. They inform Jaehyun they only wish to receive 30% of the profit from the club, leaving Jaehyun with 70%. They call it a fair deal, but you notice something is wrong.
Jaehyun’s advisor agrees with it at the meeting, but you stop Jaehyun from signing.
“I’m sorry..it’s just, something isn’t sitting right with me..” the men turn to you, their sharp eyes exposing their disgust at you opening your mouth in the first place.  
“Go on.” Jaehyun looks at you and nods. 
But you didn’t need his permission to. You continue. “The club is located in a city with a diminishing population, folks are getting older and leaving to calmer places once they retire. By investing in this club, Jaehyun would be losing more than what he would gain, resulting in immense negative profit for us, and minimal loss for you as you would no longer have the responsibility of upkeep and creating appeal.”
The men are stunned silent, two shift in their chairs and look down.
Jaehyun smiles slightly then looks back at the men. “Well..is my wife correct to assume you are setting me up?”
“No..sir, we’d never do that, please believe us-ah-we just..” one man scrambles to come up with an excuse.
Jaehyun raises his hand. “That’s enough, get out.”
They move quickly, knowing that Jaehyun has a short fuse and would easily end their lives if he felt the need to.
Afterwards, it’s just the two of you in the room. He is impressed by you and even turned on by the way you talk, he wishes he could take you right then and there, maybe even while the advisor watches. Nonetheless, he knows you’ll never touch him again so he chuckles and stands up to leave with his advisor.
“You’re talented and smart, I’m happy I kept you.” He says over his shoulder as you bow.
You grimace while feeling like some sort of pet for the man.
“I was only stating my findings. It was pretty obvious what they’re trying to do.” You stand up straight and meet his eyes, the ones of Satan himself. He never let you have a phone, but he did get you a computer to do research. Of course, he also made sure to track every website you went on.
Jaehyun smiles then closes the door behind him.
[Two Months Later]
You were sitting at your desk when you heard Jaehyun call you downstairs.
You enter the dining room and feel an overwhelming sense of shock when you see him.
He smiles when you walk in, making your heart melt. You feel a mix of emotions. Happiness, regret, and fear all flood you at once. You wondered why he had dared to enter the lion's den, but you also felt relieved to see he’s still alive and well. 
His hair is an intense raven black color now, but makes him look more mature and just as handsome as he was from the very first day you met him. You want to hug him, to cry with him, to feel his heart against yours once more.
“Sit.” Jaehyun interrupts your thought, he feels ill seeing you happy at the sight of Taeyong.
You do as he says, sitting in the seat between him and Taeyong.
Taeyong is overwhelmed when he sees you. Just as pretty as ever, you look healthy and gorgeous in your lavish jewelry. They weren’t you and he knew that, but he figured Jaehyun would dress you up like a doll just because he owned you. He wanted to kill him so badly, for many reasons. Behind all the glamour, however, he could see the emptiness in your eyes. They were now a dark abyss that had lost hope and he felt bad for being the reason for it. Soon, he’d make it up to you.
“Well..should I kill you or her first?” Jaehyun places his hands on the table and leans forward while smiling.
Taeyong looks away from you and back to Jaehyun with an evil glare. “I’ve come to talk..after some time away, I’ve made the decision to leave everything to you…Jaehyun.” 
You gasp. Was Taeyong really willing to give everything up?
“You expect me to thank you? Why shouldn’t I just kill you and take it? It belongs to our family anyway. Haeju is dead so there goes the idea of our families merging.”
Taeyong shows his irritation at the mention of Haeju and clears his throat. “I guess I should explain the benefit behind keeping us both alive..”
“I’m losing my patience, Taeyong.”
“My businesses are still gaining value with interest as time goes on. Everything imported into my account will automatically be put into yours, but only while I am alive. It is not until I die that the value of these investments will be frozen and assessed by a special agent. Long story short, I’ve made it so that my assets will increase drastically over the next few months and years…so if you killed me now..you’d lose a lot. And no one likes to lose, isn’t that right Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun chuckles. “You sly bastard..”
Taeyong slides two stacks of papers across the table to Jaehyun.
“Just sign it and my earnings become yours forever…”
Jaehyun leans back in his chair. “What’s the other contract for?”
Taeyong’s nods and crosses his arms. “Oh that? Those are just divorce papers for you and y/n.”
Your eyes widen. Taeyong was insane if he thought this would actually work on Jaehyun, but then again, has he ever proven to be sane in the time that you’ve known him?
You look up at Jaehyun whose smile slowly turns downward. Why did he seem to be more upset about the divorce? 
“The papers state that everything y/n owns now belongs to you and she leaves with nothing. Although, I suppose she’s already given you everything, so in that case she will have to pay a certain percentage of her income for the rest of her life to you. 90% to be exact.”
Your brows furrow. You open your mouth to protest at the absurd request, but you trusted Taeyong to have a plan. 
Jaehyun shows his disapproval with the request with his facial expression alone.
“Both contracts state you agree to let us live freely while still benefiting from our hard work.”
You knew Taeyong was smart, but you didn’t expect this sort of courage. Who was this Taeyong in front of you? Maybe Yuta and Haeju’s deaths changed him. Maybe the absence of green hair dye allowed him to think clearly. 
After a moment of silence, Jaehyun laughs like a maniac at the table. You swallow hard. It wasn’t going to work, he was going to kill both of you.
“Guards.” He waves a hand and every guard in the room points their shotgun at you, some point theirs at Taeyong.
“You’re pissing me off, I like having y/n by my side, I own her..” he says the last three words with a snarl.
“You don’t have to beg him, y/n, not anymore..and definitely not while I’m here.” Taeyong reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ziploc bag and placing it into the table. 
“When’s the last time you’ve seen your sister, Jaehyun?”
You look closely and find..a finger.
But not just any finger.. one with the initial’s ‘XK’ tattooed onto it. 
Xena. You were with her when she got the tattoo to prove her loyalty to Kun. You draw in a sharp breath. “Taeyong..”
He slides the bag across to Jaehyun who stops laughing and looks closely. 
He holds the blood-stained bag up and realizes it’s his sister’s ring finger. 
He slams it down and stands up. “Where the fuck is she?!” He takes his own gun out of his pocket and points it to you. “Tell me now or she fucking dies!”
Taeyong only laughs “I’m the only one that knows where she is, kill her and you’ll never know where she is..all I can tell you is she doesn’t have much time.” He smiles wickedly.
Jaehyun cocks his gun. “Do you think I’m fucking playing with you?! Tell me now!”
Taeyong leans forward, staring into Jaehyun’s soul like Lucifer readying to claim.  “Sign both contracts and I will tell you. Should the contracts be broken, my lawyer has the right to take all of your assets and put them into a private account.”
Jaehyun grumbles. “Why the hell would I trust you after what you did last time?!”��
Taeyong tilts his head to the side. “Yes, what I did was shitty, wasn’t it? This time, I will go with your men to her location, but first..you must let y/n go.”
You shake your head, knowing that they’ll just kill him after Xena is found. “No..Taeyong, come with me please.” You start to cry. “Don’t leave me again.”
Taeyong continues to impress you, but the biggest surprise of all is that he is willing to give everything up for you, even after you unknowingly aided in Haeju’s death.
He turns to you and reaches his hand out on the table. You take it and sob. 
Taeyong rubs his thumb over it slowly. “It’s going to be okay..he won’t kill me, he’d lose too much, and Jaehyun is too smart to make a mistake like that, isn’t that right?” He turns to look at Jaehyun who still holds his gun out furiously.
After being pushed into a corner, Jaehyun has no choice but to agree. “Fuck..fine!” He signs both contracts quickly and puts his gun down. 
“You better not fucking die quickly.” If there was anything Jaehyun loved more than himself, it was money. From birth, he had access to everything because of it, he was greedy and would do anything to have it. He couldn’t love you, he wouldn’t even try, but he did love the idea that you belonged to him at the end of the day. 
You were just another item for him to have access to because of his wealth and status. The fact that Taeyong was actually able to take something out of his hands like a spoiled baby losing a toy pissed him off. More than ever, he felt the urge to kill him.
“Get her out of my sight!” Jaehyun yells. Some farewell that was.
The guards drag you by both arms from the table and out of the dining room. “Taeyong! Don’t do this! They’ll kill you!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay, I’ll know where to find you, just remember what I told you.” Taeyong yells back before the heavy doors close with an echoing bang.
[The Next Day]
With the help of public transportation and a few nice strangers, you found your way back to Taeyong’s old mansion. You traveled with tears overflowing you during some moments. Taeyong risked everything for you, even harming Xena in the process. How would you see him again? 
You also had nothing but the clothes on your back, no phone, no purse, no money. How would you survive? You’re free from Jaehyun, but at what cost?
You brushed your thoughts away and headed to the only place you felt was home. You hoped he’d pop up one day if you stayed there. You’d persevere no matter how long it took.
Taeyong’s house was now abandoned, and with no gate guard, you walked in easily.
You hoped you had some old clothes there in good condition. You push the heavy doors open and walk in, wiping tears away after the long journey. His mansion was vastly different from the very first night you entered it. Much like your life, it quickly lost its charisma and beauty.
You gasp when you see someone in the shadows. It couldn’t be..
You walk closer.
“I’m sorry, love, it’s just me.”
Taeil turns to you. You sob harder as he pulls you into a hug.
After pulling yourself together, you sit down at the table with him.
“Taeyong wanted me to give this to you.” He slides a briefcase on the table.
You furrow your brows. “What..what is this?”
You open it to see wads of cash under a passport. 
“We created a new one for you, he told me to tell you to leave..go somewhere you’d both go and don’t look back.. don’t tell anyone where you’re going, don’t even tell me..” Taeil says lowly.
“B-but I can’t leave, not without him..”
“Y/n..I know it’s hard, but you have to trust him. You already know where he’ll meet you.”
You look down at the passport. 
If you left now, just how would Taeyong find you? You nod towards Taeil and tell him thank you. 
Before he leaves, he turns to you. “I’m sorry.”
You nod, but you aren’t sure why he was apologizing. Did he think Taeyong wasn’t going to make it?
[One Month Later]
When the first two days passed, you were okay. “It’s only been two days, y/n, calm down.” Then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month.
Taeyong never showed up. You sit on the beach and take in the sight of the crystal blue water of the Bahamas. You’re right back where you started, regretting the night you met Taeyong and let him turn your life upside down. He put business first, he always has and always will. 
He probably stayed to take care of things with Jaehyun. But then again, what if he was killed? There was no way of knowing now. You didn’t have a phone, you couldn’t risk being tracked. You only had your shack that was adequate for you and the small amount of things you had.
Day after day, you engaged in your routine of having breakfast at a nearby cafe, going to the library to catch up on the news, getting dinner items from the supermarket, then watching the sunset. Oh, and your nightly cry, it was at night that you missed him the most. You missed being in his arms and feeling his warmth around you as you fell asleep. You missed feeling safe and happy.
[One Month Later]
A few more weeks pass and one day, while in the supermarket, you glimpse someone with green hair.
“I must be seeing things, plus his hair isn’t green anymore.” You mumble to yourself and continue shopping.
Then minutes later, you turn the corner to get to the aisle with eggs and collide into someone, making your basket drop as you yelp.
“Oh! I’m sorry.” You bend down and pick your basket up.
“It’s fine, y/n.”
This person somehow knew your real name, and not the fake one from your passport that you told to everyone. Did Jaehyun find you?
You look up slowly to see wavy green hair touching the man’s shoulders. Your eyes shift to his.
“Taeyong-“ you gasp, dropping your basket before throwing your arms around his neck.
He runs your back and smiles while breathing in your scent. “Y/n…my baby.” 
You start to sob into the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry..I’m so sorry about Haeju.” You sniffle.
Taeyong pulls away and smiles softly. “Let’s go home and talk.”
Taeyong takes you to his home, a new house he purchased with cash he withdrew before leaving. 
You enter it and stare in awe. “It’s so beautiful, Tae.”
“It’s perfect now that you’re here.”
You put your hands on your hips and turn to him. “What took you so goddamn long?” You manage to get out while choking up. You missed him so much, you couldn’t believe you were actually with him.
“Y/n..” he pulls you close and kisses you deeply, you close your eyes and fall into him while he caresses your back. 
“I thought you died.” You cry harder, but he kisses your cheek and wipes your tears. 
“I know..I know, I just had to make sure you were okay first.”
“You don’t get it Taeyong. I’m never okay when you aren’t here.” 
He looks into your eyes, holding back his own tears. You’re more beautiful than ever in his eyes. He wants to kiss you for days, he wants to caress you until he takes his last breath.
“Come with me..” he takes your hand and leads you to his patio where you sit down together in front of the beach. 
He runs his fingers over your hands and swallows hard. “I haven’t..been honest with you..mainly because I haven’t found the time until now..but I need to explain what happened in the time that I was gone.”
Taeyong was different, he spoke more maturely and he was gentler. His hair was green again, but he wasn’t the maniac you met on the first night.
“Haeju didn’t die..I was able to save her in time at the pit thanks to you, and the private account I told Jaehyun about is actually hers.”
Your eyes widen. “But..I saw it in the news.”
He nods. “I know..I had my guys “burrow” a female body from a morgue, they placed it in the trap after we got Haeju out. The body was so badly destroyed with the bomb Yuta set up, we only had to leave her wallet and belongings there for investigators to confirm her identity. Taeil forced news stations to release the article so Jaehyun could believe her death.”
Your mouth falls open. Haeju was alive after all. You felt relief.
“I dyed and cut my hair, then Haeju and I went to Japan. We both changed our names and she enrolled in a different college while telling her closest friends what happened. She wasn’t too happy about it, nor the fact that Yuta used her, but she’ll be okay…I’m sorry, y/n, I had to protect her.” He looks into your eyes as the reflection of the sun setting hits them, bringing out the depthness of the color. A truly beautiful work of art is in your eyes right before him.
“I see..I’m so happy she’s okay..I wish you could’ve found some way to tell me..but I get it, Tae. I’m just glad you’re here.”
He smiles and hugs you close, bringing you into his lap as he resumes your kiss. You hold his face in your hands and turn your head to give him more access. Being this close to him, feeling his heart race as his hands grip your body, it still isn’t enough.
You pull away. “Before we continue, I still want to know what took you so damn long.”
Taeyong gazes down at your lips, wishing you’d kiss him again. 
He licks his own. “Okay..” he drags his fingers down your arm, making the hair in the back of your neck raise. He had changed since you’d last been together, but he still knew how to make you weak.
[Before Taeyong’s Meeting with Jaehyun]
Xena is in the kitchen cooking when she here’s a knock on her apartment door. “Kun, baby, can you answer that for me.”
Since being shot, she decided to live a “normal” life, while still indulging in expensive things of course. She just didn’t need the drama that came along with the money, and Jaehyun was doing a great job of running their father’s business anyway. When she first decided to work for him, she had her eyes and heart set on Taeyong. He was her incentive, but once everything happened, she discovered that she didn’t love him, she only wanted his attention and with you still around, that would never happen.
Kun made her happy though. He lived a simple life and showed her what true love was.
Kun walks out from his office room and does as she asks. “Who are you?” He eyes the strange man up and down.
“I’m here to see Xena.”
“Who is it?” She shouts out and looks toward the door.
She nearly drops the spatula when she sees him.
“Taeyong” comes out in a faint whisper.
He walks in. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, I won’t take up much of your time actually.”
“Wait..did THE Lee Taeyong apologize?” She crosses her arms and walks toward him. “Kun, can you finish that for me?”
Kun nods and walks into the kitchen, leaving her and Taeyong to talk alone.
“How did you find me?” She asks as Taeyong makes himself comfortable on her living room couch.
He smiles. “Come on Xena, you know how this works.”
“You should be apologizing for putting me in the fucking hospital. You never even visited me. Were you too busy dyeing your hair a normal color?” She sits down across from him.
Taeyong nods. “I’m sorry..it wasn’t supposed to happen that way..”
She rolls her eyes. “So..you disappeared, your girl is married to my brother, I’ve clearly moved on…what is it you want?”
“Haeju..was murdered..I couldn’t save her..” Taeyong shakes his head, his eyes well with water.
Xena leans forward. “Haeju..your sister? No..she-“ memories of Haeju flood her mind as she thinks of when they met for lunch. She was sweet and they bonded well. She had nothing to do with this world and shouldn’t have suffered because of it.
“She was being held captive, but Jaehyun didn’t allow me to get to her in time.”
“I’m..so sorry.”
“I need you to help me.”
“Taeyong, if this is about the merge of our families, I can’t do it anymore, I love Kun and-“
“No..no, it’s not about that..I need to get Jaehyun to let y/n go.”
She chuckles and leans back into the couch. 
“Wow..” she rubs her temple. “You are a man with a serious deathwish. You do know who my brother is, right?”
Taeyong nods and leans forward. “It’s exactly that..he’s your brother, you’re his only weakness.”
“He will never let y/n go, Taeyong. I’ve seen it myself..”
“Seen what?” Taeyong’s brows bunch together. Jaehyun couldn’t possibly be in love with you. He’d kill him on sight if that’s the case. He was already upset with the fact that it was a business marriage and you now carried a last name that wasn’t his.
“Jaehyun is infatuated with the idea of owning her. He watches her like a hawk and doesn’t even let her hang out with anyone but myself. It would be like taking a toy out of a two year old’s hands..”
“Well..it’s not impossible..” Taeyong persists. 
“I don’t know..he’s still my brother after all-“
“Xena..listen to yourself right now. Haeju is dead because of him. None of this is her fault. And y/n being a prisoner for the rest of her life, I know you never cared for her, but do you really think she deserves that?”
She looks to the floor while thinking. “Just what is it that you want me to do?”
Taeyong explains his plan to fake her kidnapping. They “borrow” another body from the morgue, but this time, only cut off a finger and tattoo it to match Xena’s ring finger.
Once the plan was set in motion, Taeyong led Jaehyun’s men to Xena who was in a hotel room sleeping safe and sound.
Taeyong then escaped to the pit to prepare for his departure from the country again. He had to lay low and untraceable once Jaehyun discovered he was tricked again.
[Present Day]
“That’s it?” You look up into his eyes.
He scoffs. “What do you mean “thats it?” You should be thanking me or telling me how smart I am right now, do you know how much planning when into saving you from that obsessive asshole?”
You only smiled while Taeyong went on and on. It was nice to have him back.
“Speaking of..are you sure he won’t scour the world for us?”
Taeyong looks to the water. “He won’t..he’s too preoccupied with other things.”
You lift your head from his chest. “Wait..what DID you do during those months?”
Taeyong’s mouth pulls into a sly smile. “Don’t worry, baby, I took care of everything.”
“No more questions for today.” He puts a finger to your lips.  “Kiss me or I’ll leave for a few months again.” 
You gasp. “Lee Taeyong! Are you insane? Threatening to leave me? Oh you’ve really pissed me off.”
You lift yourself up completely and stop into the bedroom. “I’m going home!”
He runs in after you laughing. “You’re already home! Come back here!”
He spins you around and drags you back to the bedroom, pushing your body into the wall. Your shoulder blades collide with it, but you’re too distracted by his smooth lips and wandering hands to care.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer as you kiss. His hands rest on your hip, fingertips digging in deeper and deeper as your tongues tangle around each other.
He leads you to the bed as you moan, laying you down before leaning over you and taking your shirt over your head. It has been way too long since he felt you, he was going to go crazy if he waited any longer.
You feel the same way, shimmying off your sweatpants so you can finally feel his skin on yours.
He places his jeans below his hips and kicks them off. He then resumes your kiss while still leaning over you.
You unbutton his shirt, revealing his beautiful tattooed body little by little.
“Tae..I need you.” You whisper into his ear, feeling his fingers release your waist then float down to your apex.
You widen your legs more as he groans.
His eyes leave your face to focus on your pointy nubs begging for his attention.
He licks around both of them as his finger massages your folds slowly but purposefully. Your hands find his hair, combing through his emerald locs while he works both nipples in his mouth. He pushes his fingers in, moaning when he feels how wet and tight you are for him.
Your head falls back into the bed as you grind onto his hand. “Fuck..” it feels good to have him touch you after all this time. His thumb flicks against your clit while he lays sloppy kisses onto your neck.
His lips graze your ear. “It’s been so long, baby, but you still feel so good. I’ve been thinking about you and how you feel around me…” he uses his other hand to play with your nipple in between his thumb and index finger.
You draw in a sharp breath as his fingertips press onto your sweet spot. “Tae..”
“You’re so pretty, I just want to fuck you all day and night long..can I do that? It’s been a while, right?”
“Yeah..” you whimper. He can feel you clenching after hearing his proposal.
“I’ll take you in any position and in every room in this house, would you like that?”
You nod and close your eyes, preparing for the climax of your life.
“This pussy is mine, right? It’s so good, I had to come back for you.” His fingers move fast, he moves his other hand downwards to tap away at your clit. 
You clench even more and grasp his arm. “Yeah..right there.”
“I’m gonna fuck you until you’re round with my kids, we can finally fill this house, what do you say?” His husky tone makes you lose. 
“Yes!” Your nails dig into his arm as your body contorts below him. Your head falls back into the bed while he slows his fingers and kisses your neck.
“Hmmm..it’s been so long, you don’t even remember the rules..”
Your eyes open. “Rules?”
He nods. “I didn’t say you could cum, did I?”
“No..but Tae, it’s been so long I-“
“Shhhh..it’s okay, we have a lot of making up to do..I just hope you’re ready.”
You swallow hard and look into his eyes as he moves further down your body.
“Now..let me taste you.”
He grabs both legs by the crooks of your knees and pulls them apart. He wastes no time and begins licking up your essence. He uses the tip of his tongue to lick in-between your folds and then your clit.
You let out a mewl and place your hand in his hair.
He licks all over, his tongue going deeper and deeper with each swipe. He teases you with light movements from his tongue for a few minutes, making you breathe heavily and curse under your breath. “Tae..please.” You whine.
You try to push him closer but he resists.
“I’m so hard, but I still want to take my time.” He smirks then maintains eye contact while flattening his tongue against you.
You throw your head back. “God..I missed you.”
With that, Taeyong moves faster. You start to ride his face, moving back and forth until you see stars.
He stands up and flips you over so you’re on your stomach with your ass up. “You’re lucky I’m too fucking hard to play with you more.”
“What’s the rush? We have an entire lifetime to play..” you chuckle, but it’s interrupted when he slams himself into you. The breath leaves your body before you groan. “Taeyong!”
“You’re right, I’m gonna enjoy ruining you every night.” He pulls out slowly, enjoying the way your tight opening quivers with him inside it, struggling to adapt to his length fast enough.
He grabs your hair and snaps your neck back. “Ow!” You yelp.
He pushes back in again. “Did you miss this?”
“Of..course..fuck.” You shut your eyes tightly. Taeyong was fucking you to fit him, you couldn’t focus on anything but the grinding sensation of him finally in your body.
Your ass hits his hips as he goes deeper with each thrust. You can’t keep yourself from moaning, listening to how he pants and whispers curses.
“This pussy is so good..I’m going to fill it until you leak all over me..”
His fingertips dig into your hips, leaving a burning sensation and you’re sure you’ve started bleeding.
“Tae..I’m going to..”
“Let me see your pretty face as you do, baby.” He pulls out and lets you turn over on your side.
He kneels and then straddles your leg while curling your other leg around his side.
He holds his hard cock in his hand, brushing the tip against your dripping folds.
He pushes in while looking into your eyes.
His intense eye contact and the way he clenches his jaw makes you even wetter than you were before.
He thrusts into you, watching as you grip the sheets beside you and whine.
This position allowed him to go even deeper while still maintaining eye contact with you.
Your clit was perfectly stimulated and he could watch every cry escape your mouth as well as your breasts.
Here you were, looking perfect as ever for him during the sunset. You always took him well while still looking so pretty. He falls in love with you all over again, gazing at your face, then your neck, your breasts, your stomach, and your thighs. If he could paint you in this moment he would. But he knew he was blessed to have you all to himself. You’re all his finally and falling apart on his cock once more. He had no plans to let this sight go for the next few days. He really did plan on fucking you everywhere and every day.
“Fuck, it’s so deep inside you..” his tongue darts across his bottom lip.
He thrusts harder than pulls out completely. 
“Faster..please.” You beg him while looking at his beautiful body above yours. The way his veiny hands roam your body and keep you in position for him drives him crazy. You can clearly see the base of his dick disappear inside you now, the sight makes you dizzy.
“Of course. Anything for you.”
And with that, Taeyong drills his cock into your pussy, whimpering as it swallows him, begging to be emptied into.
“Taeyong!” You cry out while watching his abs flex and his beautiful body glisten in sweat above you.
He moves fast and places a hand around your neck, knowing that you preferred being quieted this way.
He squeezes your throat and starts to choke you.
Your body moves up and down on the plush bed, your breasts bouncing up and down while he destroys you.
He throws your leg up on his shoulder, his cock his your g-spot repeatedly and you silently go insane. His thrusts are fast, but his sturdy length slides in and out of you easily, never failing to press against your extremely sensitive areas.
“Good girl...take it just like that.”
His tone is low and husky, he continues to choke you while looking into your eyes deeply. The dark glare turns you on even more. Of course you were his, no one gets you to the edge like he does and no one is as beautiful when they try.
And with a few more thrusts, you come undone just as he does, your body shaking once again.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as he kisses you through it.
It feels like minutes pass by while you experience your most intense orgasm. He ensures you are stuffed with him completely before pulling out.
He lays down beside you and kisses your forehead. “Rest for now..we have a few more days of this to prepare for.”
You laugh. “Still greedy as ever.”
He runs his fingers along your back. “Mhmm.”
“You’ve changed, Taeyong..how could you leave the business behind? You were a kingpin.”
He smiles and kisses your neck. “I guess I have changed, I’ve been too easy on you..”
“I’m being serious..why did you choose this life?”
He sighs. “Well…we never got a chance to talk about it, but…when Yuta died, I realized that I didn’t want that anymore. I didn’t want the pain.. I only wanted to be with you. I need you to be happy and alive. In just a few seconds, all that was taken from Yuta…how could I let that happen to you too? It’s tiring.”
“What is?” You run your hands through his hair.
“Having to watch my back all the time..having to dominate all the time..so I did what my father failed to do..I put love first. I don’t want to lose you and the chance to live happily.” 
You tear up at his confession and kiss him again. 
You made love several times that night after taking a shower. Taeyong made true to his promise to make love in every room, making you cry out his name until your voice became hoarse.
A few days later, you get a job at an insurance agency while Taeyong buys supplies for his craft. He starts painting and selling some of his works, but most of his money is made from investments he executed while staying in Japan. These were done under his fake identity, so technically Jaehyun didn’t have the rights to them. You both live a normal life and just a few weeks later, you hear the good news.
[Five Weeks Later] 
You’ve been feeling ill for the past few days, so Taeyong takes you to urgent care. When you describe the news to the doctor, he states he suspects you’re pregnant.
Taeyong’s eyes widen. “P-pregnant?”
You roll your eyes before looking at him. “Well..you did say you’d make it happen.”
You take the test and confirm your pregnancy.
To Taeyong, you are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen while you grow throughout the months. He takes care of you and makes sure you have everything you need. Massaging your feet and giving you warm showers whenever you asked.
“We’re naming him..Cerulean right?” Taeyong rushes you to the hospital after your water breaks.
“We are NOT naming our baby after a color..oh God this hurts.” You wince in pain as Taeyong speeds through traffic. “Be careful!! You’re going too fast!! You’re driving like a maniac!” Some things never change.
You give birth to a healthy baby boy and name him Cyan. Your hearts grow even more when you become pregnant again soon after, giving birth to a healthy baby girl named Dahlia.
Taeyong is the most attentive father you’ve ever seen, rocking the babies to sleep and feeding them whenever they cried. Of course, it’s the bare minimum, but the man before you blew your mind away. You love him so much.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He says before taking his shirt off and crawling into bed beside you. He had just put the babies to sleep.
“Oh..nothing.” You chuckle.
He snatches your book away from you. “Hey!” You call out while leaning over him to get it back.
He places it on the nightstand beside him and turns to you with a mischievous smile. “You look like you wanna have a third one so let’s get started..” he tickles your side and nuzzles your neck while you giggle.
[6 Years Later]
You’re heading home after picking the kids up from pre-school.
“How was your day today?” You turn to face them in the backseat of your car.
“It was good, mommy! How was yours?” Dahlia calls out.
“It was good, thank you for asking. Cyan, honey, how was your day?” 
Cyan pouts and looks out the window.
“Cyan got into a fight with a boy because he made fun of his name!” Dahlia swings her feet.
“Oh…Cyan, it’s not good to fight. Solve your problems with words next time, okay?”
Cyan nods, but still pouts while looking out. He couldn’t be any more like his father, could he?
“With that being said, did you win?” 
He flicks head towards you and smiles while nodding. “Yes, mommy!” 
You smile brightly and give him a hi-five. “Good job buddy! But don’t do it again, okay?”
He nods. “Okay, mommy.”
“Alright, let’s go home to daddy.”
Taeyong was out at the supermarket picking up pasta for dinner when you entered the house. The kids run off into the living room as you place your purse down.
“Hey! Who are you?!” Dahlia calls out. Your brows furrow as you walk in after them.
You see Dahlia looking up at a man with long black hair. You gasp when you recognize the person.
You step in front of the kids to block him.
“W-what the hell are you doing here?” You panic. How did he find you? Your home phone is too far away to grab.
Jaehyun maintains eye contact with you, then kneels down and looks at Cyan and Dahlia with a smile. “Hey, little kids…go play in your rooms now. Your mom and I are gonna have a little chat.”
Cyan looks up at you with wide eyes. “Mommy, who is he?” 
Jaehyun smiles widely, but it gives Cyan a bad feeling. “A friend.”
“Y-yes, go to your rooms and lock the doors. Don’t come out until I call for you, okay?”
They do as you tell them. You breathe a sigh of relief once they’re out of sight, then look back at Jaehyun. “He’ll be home any minute now.” You say through gritted teeth.
The man you once saw in freshly tailored suits every day now wore a simple white t-shirt and jeans. His hair was also messier than usual. Dark rings settled under both eyes. He didn’t have any guards around him. Something was definitely wrong.
He steps closer, making you trip and fall into the couch behind you. “I could care less, y/n. I’m here for you. Did you think you could escape me? Taeyong tore you away from me, and that’s never happened before..I always get what I want, y/n.”
You reach behind you to see if you can fish out the hidden gun. “Jaehyun..you have to let it go..it’s been years.”
“Oh trust me…I know how long it’s been, I’m the one who lost everything..Taeyong set me up, he rewrote contracts and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I lost everything…” he looks towards the kids’ rooms. 
“I think it’s time you lost everything as well..I’ll take care of them and we can get going, y/n, just you and me. I don’t have nearly as much money as I did before, but I’ll have you.. rightfully.” He smiles and turns to walk, but you quickly pull the gun out.
He turns swiftly, leaping back to you to get it out of your hands. “Get off of me!” You yell during the struggle.
Then suddenly, you hear a sharp pop echo in your house.
Taeyong speeds towards you as you stare at Jaehyun who stops moving. “Y/n! Are you okay?! Where are the kids?!”
Jaehyun spits blood out and onto your face as you stare in horror. He chuckles before falling to the side and bleeding into his hand from his abdomen.
Taeyong grabs you from the couch. “Y/n! What did he do?!”
You shake your head. “I-I’m fine..the kids are in their rooms. He-“ you breakdown into tears after feeling horrified at Jaehyun’s sudden drop in. 
During the time that you waited for Taeyong, he executed a plan to destroy Jaehyun and it worked. He rewrote percentages behind Jaehyun’s back, causing a negative spiral in profit. Jaehyun’s business partners turned their backs on him, becoming his enemies one by one. He was left with nothing after slowly losing his profit over the years.
Taeyong puts the kids to sleep while you wash your face off. You then burn his body on the beach and sit beside the fire. “Why..didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t think he’d find us..I was sure someone would kill him once they found out “he” changed their contracts.”
You look towards him, tears in your eyes again. “We could’ve..” you sniffle. “We could’ve lost them, Tae.”
“No..that will never happen, I’ll always protect you, the bastard is dead and no one knows where we are..we’re free.”
You nod, still shaken up by what happened, but he was right. With Jaehyun dead, you didn’t have to look over your shoulders everywhere you went. It was finally over.
Taeyong takes your hand in his and kisses it. “I love you, let’s live happily.”
You give him a small smile. “Ahh Greenie..an entire lifetime with you? What a headache this is gonna be.”
The two of you laugh before heading back inside to your sleeping kids
And so, you raised them together and lived an honest life, enjoying the simple things like beach days and amusement parks as well as teaching your kids about art, how to drive, your responsibility of course, and eventually, how to apply for scholarships. 
Haeju visited every now and then too. The world of underground crime was no longer part of yours. 
Taeyong didn’t think it was possible to escape and be happy with a normal life, or rather he didn’t think he’d feel the need to, but he was wrong. He found someone worth leaving it for. He found someone worth living for. 
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violetlunette · 5 months
Twst Spoilers for Chapter 7 ahead!
I’ve seen many people talk about the Knight of the Dawn’s design and how it’s lazy, as it’s just Silver’s sprite with a different hairstyle and clothes. Personally, I like that he looks almost exactly like Silver. I think it adds to the story in quite a few ways.
For one, it adds to the emotional angst for Silver, as when he realizes the truth, he doesn’t see the KotD. He sees himself. Silver sees himself invading the land, attacking the castle, and killing Malleus’ mom. He sees himself as the cause of Lilia’s pain. Because they look so much alike and other factors, Silver has trouble separating himself from the other. On top of that, this is why he has trouble believing Lilia loves him. He’s sure all Lilia sees when he looks at Silver is his enemy. But here’s the thing: Lilia does love him, despite this.
The lookalike also allowed us to see Lilia’s strength of character (and his love for Malleus).
Lilia wanted to kill Silver when they met, just because he was the knight’s son. Malleus never would have known, nor anyone else, just him. However, he didn’t. Lilia's love for Malleus and his old friend trumped his hatred and thirst for revenge.
On top of that, this allowed Lilia to test what he always wondered: could he love a human from the bottom of his heart?
For him, this was the ultimate test, as not only was Silver the son of the man who took everything from him, but he looked exactly like him. Therefore, whenever Lilia looked at Silver, he was reminded of everything he had lost.
And yet, Lilia does love Silver. He dotes on him, teaches him to stand up for himself, and more. Lilia loves Silver so much that he's able to accept who he is and love him anyway.
And because the knight looks just like Silver, we get to see something else as well: The knight was just a kid when he was sent to war.
He wasn’t a man; he was a boy. He was a boy over his head who was pressured by everyone around him to do things he wasn’t comfortable with. All the human soldiers and civilians saw him as a hero who would save him; their eyes lit up when they saw him, but he wasn’t. He wasn’t a hero, and he knew it. He was a kid with talent, manipulated by the adults around him.
The Knight is a reflection of what Silver could have been if Lilia (and Malleus) didn’t love him, and it wouldn’t have hit so hard if Silver didn’t look just like him.
(Also, you can view it as Lilia not remembering anything about the knight's appearance at all; only that he gave Lilia Silver. But I digress.)
So, I like that their sprites are similar. As stated, things wouldn’t have hit as hard as they did if they weren’t. That being said, I do have one issue: the colors.
The colors are flat and boring, especially on the hair. I get that it’s natural blond, but...
a) It’s not visually appealing.
b) Lilia hinted that the knight’s hair was a result of the Diurnal’s blessing, so couldn’t they spruce up the color a bit?
I did a quick recolor to demonstrate my point and make the hair look more like a rising sun, and, for extra, I gave the skin tone a pink look to differentiate between Silver and the knight and make it look more like the knight was a child of the day.
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(Left mine, right original. Note, I said quick edit, so sorry if it's sloppy.)
Doesn't that look more appealing than the other? Or is my love of color getting in the way?
Anyway, that’s my piece on the subject. Reblog and share yours, please!
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