#star wars crossover rp
mantleoflight · 8 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Everything || Pt 2
The Vex tunnel shone like a distorted Warp space, neon latices forming and shattering, pieces of half-manifest Vex debris appearing and vanishing in an instant. Echo gripped the dual helm sticks she used to steer for all they were worth, desperately trying to keep on course while praying she wouldn’t burst into splinters.
“Echo! I see an end!” Whisper shouted, her guardian barely hearing her over the turbulence. “Keep holding on, we’re almost out!!!”
The cockpit shook violently as turbulence intensified, and for a moment, Echo thought she was going to be crushed by the sheer g forces pushing on her. Then, like the snap of a rubber band, they were out, the light of the Vex net vanishing as they escaped into real space.
The Velocimancer wobbled its wings, it's nose dipping as Echo throttled back and tried to regain her bearings. “We’re not dead?” She asked, blinking stars from her dazzled optics.
“Not yet,” Whisper answered quickly, “but we’ve got hostiles! Dog fighters ahead!”
The shapes of round, black ships with wings like twisted candy wrappers roared and twisted as long, more conventional shaped ships chased and were chased by the black candy fighters.
"What in the absolute-" Echo began when Whisper cut her off. "FIGHTERS UP TOP, DIVE 90-0-23!"
Echo pushed her flight sticks forward and down, sending her ship into a sharp nose dive as two fighters roared passed, swerving to avoid hitting her. Blue light trailed in the wake behind her as she went, but as she looked up from the front, she saw her position had revealed a whole space battle happening above her.
Two huge ships glided through space, trading canon fire like ketches of the Old Crews but bigger. Part of her thought of the large war freighters the Cabal had stationed protectively over the Last City, Psion star fighters ready to launch in their hanger bays, or that the Shadow Legion had stationed on Neomuna with their destructive Nighthawks and tanks.
Around one flew the black, candy-shaped ships, their engines roaring like angry ascendant hive knights. Meanwhile around another flew the white, needle-nosed ships trading red laser fire for green with the black ones. But with them were also odd ships that looked something like an Arcadian jump ship but with no wings and only its engines secured to the main body. What kind of ship was that?
Echo shook her head and glanced at her ghost. "Oh boy, Whisper triangulate our current position and get us the heck away from these guys. I don't want to be part of whatever party these guys are having."
Whisper chirped and extended her scanning reach. "Got it - ECHO!"
"HOLY--" Echo hauled on her helm sticks, maneuvering her ship as she threaded through a knot of fighting forces. In the moments the hunter had looked at the battle and glanced at her ghost, her ship had soared down and around the main part of the conflict only to find herself in the other half of it! Unbeknownst to her, she had come in at a split vector, right through the middle of the main forces of fighting and unfortunately like all dog fights, forces move.
"Hang on!" she shouted and shifted in her seat, weaving and juking as she tried to thread her way out of the battle. Finally, she saw an opening and took it and a whole planet opened up to her.
A planet! Her ship was made for interplanetary travel! If she could get down there, she could do a warp snap perpendicular to it, allowing her to get past the atmosphere and get to cover before she ended up mince meat for these dog fighters.
With that in mind, the long nosed jumpship wove its way through the fray, dodging red and green laser blasts as Echo tried to escape from the battle. With any luck, the other fighters would be too busy to worry about a blueberry like her. After all, from the looks of the war carriers, they had much bigger problems to deal with.
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spectrefour · 4 months
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SPECTREFOUR — an independent, private, & selective blog for GARAZEB ORRELIOS from STAR WARS: REBELS. Canon compliant with a mix of headcanons. AU, crossover, & OC friendly. Blog is 18+. Adored by KIMBA. She / Her. 30. EST.
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savior-of-humanity · 6 months
@hymns-across-the-stars -- continued from here!
Atreus was no stranger to being lost in a foreign realm, with little - if any - means of getting his bearings regarding just where exactly he was. It was something he was accustomed to, really, especially given how far he had traveled and how many sights he had seen in his journeys through the Nine Realms and beyond. It usually didn't take him long to adjust to a new situation, to learn how to navigate both geography and conversations with any local peoples that lived there. But the place he found himself in now was unlike anything he had ever seen in his entire life. In every direction that the Jotunn looked and traversed, Atreus was surrounded by a sprawling labyrinth of ancient, worn metal; expertly constructed, yet weathered from wind and time. Even beneath the plant life that seemed to grow from almost every single surface of the complex, he could tell that the architecture and craftsmanship was utterly alien to him. Not to mention, given just how far the tunnels and shafts that made up its depths went, no civilization he knew of could've made such a massive complex. And yet, there was no sign of any people living here...
...well, except for the creatures that called this maze home.
Many were just as alien as the labyrinth itself, though they held similarities to other creatures Atreus had seen before; multi-colored lizards the size of dogs, roving packs of spiders, enormous armored centipedes, and too many other little things to list off. He swore he saw a glimpse of what looked like some sort of enormous bird-like creature soaring above, but given the huge towers that reached up to the heavens and obscured the sky almost totally, it disappeared just as quickly as he'd spotted it. Survival wasn't too difficult, which was largely due to the relative abundance of both safe food and drinking water; but as the sun eventually began to approach the distant horizon, he knew he'd have to find shelter for the night. There was no telling what sort of nasty critters would come out in the dark, after all - but the abrupt noise of some distant commotion snapped Atreus out of his thoughts of finding a place to hunker down. Atreus paused and listened; normally, he'd avoid it entirely as it'd usually just be a scuffle between some big lizards, but there were no snapping jaws, guttural snarls, teeth digging into skin and flesh. What he could hear insisted solely of ghastly shrieks and what he could only describe as small explosions. Logic dictated that he should ignore it and keep looking for shelter while he still had daylight - but something about it urged him to go, to look. And look he would. It'd taken him a while given how long and winding the passages of the labyrinth's underbelly were, but eventually he'd crawl out of a vent overlooking a small ledge to spot the source of the once-distant battle. There were two creatures that were of immediate interest to Atreus; one was a huge, gaunt and avian-looking creature, much like the one he had spotted a glimpse of earlier in the day. Its hostile gaze was locked upon the other individual; a small red-furred creature resembling some strange cross between a mollusk and a cat. And, based on the way they not only held their body posture but also wielded a spear, Atreus immediately guessed that the little thing was not only intelligent, but also exhausted from a previous fight. He didn't hesitate to notch an arrow into the string of his bow, draw, and then send it flying straight at the tusked face of the bird-beast. In that moment, Atreus learned two things; the first was that the skull-like face of the "bird" was not a face but rather a mask. Through a stroke of luck, the arrow had hit at just the right angle to dislodge it from the creature's true face, sending it clattering to the overgrowth below. The second was that this also happened to piss it off. Severely.
He didn't wait for its response - already he had leapt from the ledge to the ground below, landing into a roll to minimize potential injury from the impact, before he jumped back to his feet and began to run like Hel to the closest semblance of safety. Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the general direction of the red-furred spear wielder. "GO!" He had no idea if they could understand him or if they could even speak, but he hoped that at the very least, the urgency and volume of his voice would spook the creature into fleeing as well. "RUN! RUN! I HAVE ITS ATTENTION!" He knew that because he could literally hear it coming after him with those huge beating wings. All he could really do was hope that he was faster than it was.
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teknah · 1 month
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INTERPLAN Command seeks to study fringe phenomena and journey to new worlds by any means achievable!
Technician Nero Pathan however, attempts to pass the time...
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kneel-to-seto-kaiba · 3 months
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The Supreme King with yellow eyes in GX? I got your other Supreme King with yellow eyes right here 👑 XD
“I destroy all who get in my way!” - Darth Kaiba
“Only a sith deals in absolutes, Kaiba!” - Master Yugi
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shin-rp-promos · 8 months
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Hey, all!! Shin, from @shinsources, here to announce a whole new blog entirely dedicated to promoting RPC blogs here on Tumblr!! Want more people to interact with and get put on the map?? Feel free to tag me via #shinrppromos and I'll be more than happy to reblog your promo!! If you have any questions on who is active in a certain fandom that you're active in then you can always shoot an ask I'll answer it to the best of my ability!!
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maladcmini · 17 days
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“̲ Some said none could escape that place alive. But I was born of the Nine Hells - I would not be contained by even the deepest pit or the tightest snare. Where others saw only ruin, I saw opportunity & flew free on wings they could never clip... ٬٬
GOOGLE SITES. headcanons. memes. eighteen plus! mature themes!
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
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Like or Reblog for a Starter with Face & Brava!
Comment if you have any specific Plots or Verses you want to play with!
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qweengiba · 1 month
SOOOOOOOOOOO, the brainrot refuses to leave (thankyouverymuchADDforthat). So I tried to write..... something???? Please do correct me if I have done the Clones or the GAR any injustice.
When the explosive energy of the Catalyst had surrounded and consumed Shepard, their eyes were already closed. Their body was far too gone to feel the pain of being ripped into a million atoms as they finished the job that they had set out to finish. Yes, they would die again, but at least this time, Shepard could smile. No matter what happened next, the main threat was gone, and the fragile peace that they created between every species was not their duty to maintain.
It took several moments, though if they were seconds, minutes, or hours, they were untellable to Shepard. But it took them several moments to begin questioning their own situation. Was there actually an afterlife? Were they just just stuck floating in nothingness without sensation and feeling? Would they be forever alone? And what the fuck was that whistling sound?
That last question sent a shock through Shepard, one that made what should be a still heart into a racing beat that thrummed under their skin. Opening their eyes greeted them with an unfamiliar sightfar below them was what looked to be a war grounds on a planet that was very much not Earth. In just a single instance, several facts slotted themselves into Shepard's mind.
First of all was that they were free falling from a considerable distance from the ground.
Second was that their armor was somehow in one piece again, helmet and all. Every readout was positive for functions and objects in their kit, omnitools registered and non active, full omnigel and medigel, hell even full ration packets for after biotics use.
Third was that they felt no pain, and their helmet feedback wasn't screaming at them, so they were pretty sure there were no more injuries for them at this current moment. Which was facanatincing because taking a reaper beam to the face was a whole new pain that they were glad it was over, hopefully.
Fourth was that far below them was what appeared to be a rather nasty battle between white and brown bipedal beings with lights flying between the two groups unequal in number. Two clear lines against each other with the whites seeming to be losing ground and cover.
One deep breath, their ribs expanding with ease instead of the burning pain they can remember from only minutes before, and then Shepard was acting. They sparked up in blues and violets as they used their biotics to lighten the mass to help with deceleration as they spread their limbs apart as far as possible. To slow down their descent to gain a bit more time to think. The helmet hud was scanning the environment below and was throwing up multiple errors and failures. No information on location from the geographic landscape, no System Alliance or Council beacons to connect to in near by space, no real technology at all that their systems were recognized as friendly or known that could be possible connected to, the only actual usable information being that those in white were 78% chance of being organic while those in brown had a 99% chance of being synthetics. And that apparently the strange giant brown lumpy thing with a long barrel attached was most likely either a tank or heavy artillery. The barrel moved, first swinging to the side before what appeared to be minor adjustments for angles before it reared back, and a short red beam left the muzzle. And then what had been some gray jagged piece of ruin that had two whites behind it was gone in an explosion of fire, only smoke and strewn pieces left behind.
And then the barrel was moving once more.
Shepard is the first to admit they are an impulsive person who acts just as much as they think. They know their next action will be against the tank because past experiences have them leaning towards helping organics over synthetics, but also because they are a bit of a sucker for the underdog. They ponder only for a few seconds, which of their load out would be most useful to take down something so big from the air before a singular idea launched to the forefront. It was stupid, peak of reckless, several people Shepard personally knew would call it insane. Grunt and Jack would love it for how possibly destructive and flashy it would be. It was a good thing they had their helmet back because Shepard knew the grin on their face was absolutely feral like a krogan.
They activated their omnitool and quickly set their personal shields into overdrive. It would drain their charge harshly at first impact, but that was all they needed. A glance at one corner of the hud gave them an estimate on distance left till ground and it was in the number that Shepard had trained for biotic jumps, though that still involved a lot more deceleration than what was next. Another deep breath, and then they were flipping in the air before stabilizing in a standing position.
"Well, I have always wanted to be a meteorite." Their biotic signature was able to latch onto the large mass of metal and energy, allowing Shepard to use said biotics to pull their gravity to the tank while also increasing their mass. The entirety of their body was encased in a blue and violet electricity, with a blue vapor near their body. The several barriers they were wrapping about themselves only made the ethereal light show brighter.
Stat was hiding behind a large chunk of something made of duracret with two fellow vod while the rest of the company was spread thin behind poor cover. That left them all just pretty little targets for the very much not included in any intel, Armored Assault Tank that was currently treating this like some little shooting range game. He was sure that Captain Tyto was injured but alive from grumbling commands on holding the line and trying to stay alive for backup. But those were hard commands to follow when every time the main cannon from that AAT fired, there was a loud CRACK-pop over the coms as another few vod were sent marching on ahead. 27 vod haven't been heard from since the last shot, and Stat could only pray to little gods that if his cover is next to be hit that it would be fast and painless.
Pyew fzzzzzzzzzzzztfump BANG. CRACK-pop pop.
The blaster in Stat's hands was going to start to crack from how tightly he grips it as he refuses to look to his left to see two more gone. 29 now silent vod. The line crackles alive, and instead of the call off, it was a question.
“Does anyone else have eyes on the sky? Because what the kark is that a klik up from the AAT?”
That got Stat to turn from pressing his back against the cover to facing it and leaning back. Anything in the sky means they were all spotted no matter what, and anything on the separatists side was always bad news. But instead of the expected ship or droid, it was an electric explosion of blue and purple and every shade in-between. It hovered in the air for a single breath before rocketing down at the AAT like a comet, a trail of blue streaking behind. The muzzle of the tank was still lining up to fire when impact happened, the brown metal folding and cracking apart. Then it exploded gloriously that any vod who had made one would have been proud. The view obscured by smoke, dirt, and fire, even the droids just stared at the destruction.
“Did that really happen?”
“The scanner says the AAT is gone.”
“That wasn't a jedi, right? Like, I'm pretty sure their magic doesn't do that.”
“No lights as far as I'm aware.”
“Blasters up vod, just because the AAT is out of the way doesn't mean we are clear yet. Backup is still two hours out at the least, and I want all those damn clankers dealt with now.” Ah, good old Captain Tyto, keeping focus on the target as always.
Someone else was just laughing quietly with a pitch of hysteria, though they had quickly switched off their comm.
The rest of the comm channel filled with chatter as they began to easily pick off the standing clankers. The commander droid must have been in the tank for how simple it was to pick off droids, no tactics other than straight forward. The line advanced and it was becoming clear that the droids were distracted by whatever took down the AAT because what sounded similar to slugthrower was coming from the still smoking wreck that was also in a small, very newly formed crater.
Stat was the first one to make it to the edge of the crater, droids falling before anyone fires. A glance over showed physical damage with no burns so not anything plasma, but slugthrowers and like normally didn't have the power to punch clear holes through droid heads and chassis. Looking over the edge showed a being covered cacophony of those same blues and purples from the thing in the sky, the comet that saved them. Underneath the unknown power was a humanoid covered head to toe in black armor unlike any seen, what could possibly be classified as a rifle in their hands as they fire at the last droid on the other side of the crater they created. Surrounding them were the twisted remains of the AAT. An all-clear was called out on the comms, and a thorough sweep would have to happen, but most if not all the droids were dealt with. The light show that surrounded the being in black died down, leaving only a whisper of color that lingered around their body. The rifle they held was one not known by Stat, but they pointed it down instead up at them, which was a good sign. Stat holstered his blaster, his hands going up to be held in the air in front of himself with fingers spread wide to show nothing in his grip. A nice, mostly universal sign for non aggression for fellow sentiments, to which the being in black nodded their head and put away their own weapon. With a flick of his eyes in his hud, external comms turned on.
“Thank you for your help.” Maybe not the correct thing to say to an unknown on a battlefield, but kriff it all if Stat didn't thank the person who single handedly turned a slaughter into a battle. “As a member of the Grand Army of the Republic I request you to identify yourself…. Please.”
What sounded like a sigh came from the black armor as they shook their head while shoulders moved into a shrugging. Then a voice came from them, distorted by speakers but still clear and in a language unknown.
“Ey doont un derstan yew und eym gussin yew doont un derstan me eethr.”
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pateretfilia · 10 months
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PATERETFILIA Indie dual muse rp blog for Angel and Handsome Jack from the Borderlands series. OC, Crossover, & AU friendly. Heavy topics and triggering content present and tagged. See pinned post. Follows from @markershub.
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dominionfamorousrp · 2 years
Serve the Empire (Star Wars/Multi; Open to Male/Female/OC)
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“What do you see here, Hand?” The Dark Lord Darth Vader asked his second in command. Overlooking the horizon of his empire. “Tell me of your assumptions about what you are seeing now?” His voice soft yet deep likened the rolling sound of thunder
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w1heda · 7 months
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# 𝐖𝟏𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐀 // independent roleplay blog for clarke griffin of the 100. // crossover friendly. // adored & fiercely protected by andy for many years.
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mantleoflight · 4 months
Sol and the Known & Unknown Regions of the Galaxy
Deep in the Unknown Regions is a large swath of space called the Blackout Region. The Blackout Region encompasses a number of Destiny species and star systems in the Unknown Regions such as Torobatl, the homeworld and center of the Cabal Empire; Riis, the destroyed homeworld of the Eliksni (later known as the Fallen); and Fundament, the ancestral gas-giant homeworld of the Hive and Hive Worm Gods.
The Blackout Region is known as such because once someone goes in, it becomes impossible to get out again without hyperspace technology. This is actually due to paracausal terraforming done by the Traveler on its way to the center of its circle. The Traveler needed a large enough space to lure and contain the forces chasing it within the Blackout Zone (Lobster Trap). Unfortunately, the center of this lobster trap ended up with the Traveler in Sol, staying on Earth in a final sacrifice to keep the dark forces away from the rest of the Galaxy.
Thus, this region accounts for the zealous conquering of the Cabal, the piracy of the Fallen, the aggressive terraforming of the Vex, and the fact that Hive are all-consuming pestilence determined to devour all other living things they encounter. It hopes to contain these hyper-aggressive enemies within its lobster trap, and hopes the people of Sol whom it has empowered with pieces of its own Light (the Ghosts) will forgive it for its part in their continual misfortunes.
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prism-gravity · 5 months
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"Now, I think about it. I was pretty reckless back then."
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hello There. You can call me, Sage. 21+ and in Star Wars mood.
MUST be at least 21+ (20 would be the youngest but not preferred). Interested in MxM. Write in 3rd person. At least literate. Mutual understanding that most of the time there will be no automatic responses that depending on how busy life gets it can take days. Staying true to character’s main personalities/characteristics. NSFW friendly but not the main focus, I like plot and building up to it. Dark themes are expected due to the nature of this side of Star Wars. Also being willing to double up and write as NPCs when applicable. Platform I only use is Discord.
Looking for end of TCW, perhaps midway through the war before the events or ROTS. Or I’m open to a Jedi Fallen Order plot (sadly haven’t played Suvivor yet).
Although in canon I prefer Anakin/Padme, rp wise I’m interested in exploring Obikin (Obi/Ani) obviously a relationship establishing in adulthood which would be when the overall plot would be for the rp - think of it as padme/Ani in AOTC but instead during TCW. Open to expanding upon plot with partner. I’d be writing as Anakin as I want to integrate his inner conflict of morality and don’t like when he is written as a saint.
Other idea was a random idea that popped in my head: a sort of JFO/Shameless type crossover. Basically Cal remains as is with the events of JFO occurring. This would be diverging from plot of survivor. With Cal having a few run ins with an inquisitor/an alternative version of the 13th brother which would be based on some characteristics/personality of Mickey Milkovich it’s fine if you want to come up with a name for the Star Wars shameless inspired version. Eventually Cal is captured and is tortured by the empire but along the way the two can’t fight their connection any longer despite being assholes to one another where it leads to having them plan an escape. Once escaping there is an imbalance of the two holding to their beliefs with uncertainty who will turn to which side. That was a messy plot summary it can be altered or expanded upon, collaboration is encouraged/welcomed. I’d be writing as Cal.
-Star Wars
-Shameless (inspired)
-Cal Kestis x Mickey Milkovich inspired alternate 13th brother/inquisitor
-Anakin x Obi-Wan
Bold = I’ll be writing as
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ofluckandmagic · 10 months
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Image ID: [a four leaf clover with the text: OfLuckandMagic. In smaller font is the words, “a Multimuse/multifandom, OC RP blog, penned by Rhythm]
Multi fandom and crossover friendly!!
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