#crossover verse
lara-prism-light · 6 months
Soon, these characters will interact with each other...
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How and when? What do you think?
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Continued (x) || @uramii
Well, this is a pleasant surprise; there is no need to defend himself for the moment. His counterpart is smart enough to think before acting, something he can't say about all of them. He does suppose Wisdom isn't something many of the Boarbloods incarnate with, so it follows suit.
Hearing that little utterance is quite amusing for the visitor. There's never a day gone by without something happening, be it positive or negative. He won't comment on that, not to this Ganondorf. He's still reeling with speculative information.
"To simplify this, you may refer to me by my middle name, Toba. Your Majesty would also suffice, but we are both kings, so I do not see a need for titles." He pauses, giving the faintest hint of a smile as he addresses another elephant in the room. "I am in possession of all three pieces of the Triforce. Do not worry yourself; I am not here to conquer what you already have. No, I am more curious as to how your reign is proceeding comparatively to my own."
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deitysmuses · 1 month
Mun Speaks!
This is a reach out post for all roleplay blogs that both follow and don't follow my main. I am a 21+ Rp blog that currently has a selection of Marvel/Xmen Muses and Oc Muses. I have been on and off Tumblr for the past 8 years. I am multi-ship, mulit-verse and multi-muse, crossover friendly.
I do not roleplay smut or anything past -pg-18 (suggestive situations get faded to black after a certain point). I roleplay for chemistry and plot, I am not super picky about shipping but if it feels forced then it's a big turn off.
Currently I have a small but amazing set of regular muses/muns I interact with. They are very creative and friendly, and if you see my blog and see them on it, go look and follow and interact with them. They are delights to plot with and just have general conversation with.
However, I am looking to broaden my interactions and devel into more writings with others. So if myself and my muses peak your interests, please feel free to send a pm to plot or throw out an ask or starter request. <3
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mantleoflight · 8 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Everything || Pt 2
The Vex tunnel shone like a distorted Warp space, neon latices forming and shattering, pieces of half-manifest Vex debris appearing and vanishing in an instant. Echo gripped the dual helm sticks she used to steer for all they were worth, desperately trying to keep on course while praying she wouldn’t burst into splinters.
“Echo! I see an end!” Whisper shouted, her guardian barely hearing her over the turbulence. “Keep holding on, we’re almost out!!!”
The cockpit shook violently as turbulence intensified, and for a moment, Echo thought she was going to be crushed by the sheer g forces pushing on her. Then, like the snap of a rubber band, they were out, the light of the Vex net vanishing as they escaped into real space.
The Velocimancer wobbled its wings, it's nose dipping as Echo throttled back and tried to regain her bearings. “We’re not dead?” She asked, blinking stars from her dazzled optics.
“Not yet,” Whisper answered quickly, “but we’ve got hostiles! Dog fighters ahead!”
The shapes of round, black ships with wings like twisted candy wrappers roared and twisted as long, more conventional shaped ships chased and were chased by the black candy fighters.
"What in the absolute-" Echo began when Whisper cut her off. "FIGHTERS UP TOP, DIVE 90-0-23!"
Echo pushed her flight sticks forward and down, sending her ship into a sharp nose dive as two fighters roared passed, swerving to avoid hitting her. Blue light trailed in the wake behind her as she went, but as she looked up from the front, she saw her position had revealed a whole space battle happening above her.
Two huge ships glided through space, trading canon fire like ketches of the Old Crews but bigger. Part of her thought of the large war freighters the Cabal had stationed protectively over the Last City, Psion star fighters ready to launch in their hanger bays, or that the Shadow Legion had stationed on Neomuna with their destructive Nighthawks and tanks.
Around one flew the black, candy-shaped ships, their engines roaring like angry ascendant hive knights. Meanwhile around another flew the white, needle-nosed ships trading red laser fire for green with the black ones. But with them were also odd ships that looked something like an Arcadian jump ship but with no wings and only its engines secured to the main body. What kind of ship was that?
Echo shook her head and glanced at her ghost. "Oh boy, Whisper triangulate our current position and get us the heck away from these guys. I don't want to be part of whatever party these guys are having."
Whisper chirped and extended her scanning reach. "Got it - ECHO!"
"HOLY--" Echo hauled on her helm sticks, maneuvering her ship as she threaded through a knot of fighting forces. In the moments the hunter had looked at the battle and glanced at her ghost, her ship had soared down and around the main part of the conflict only to find herself in the other half of it! Unbeknownst to her, she had come in at a split vector, right through the middle of the main forces of fighting and unfortunately like all dog fights, forces move.
"Hang on!" she shouted and shifted in her seat, weaving and juking as she tried to thread her way out of the battle. Finally, she saw an opening and took it and a whole planet opened up to her.
A planet! Her ship was made for interplanetary travel! If she could get down there, she could do a warp snap perpendicular to it, allowing her to get past the atmosphere and get to cover before she ended up mince meat for these dog fighters.
With that in mind, the long nosed jumpship wove its way through the fray, dodging red and green laser blasts as Echo tried to escape from the battle. With any luck, the other fighters would be too busy to worry about a blueberry like her. After all, from the looks of the war carriers, they had much bigger problems to deal with.
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edwinspaynes · 3 months
Edwin looked over toward Alastair. He was now speaking with Matthew about Zachary’s many offenses, and Matthew waved a hand in the air with the sort of great affect that Thomas quite lovingly associated him with. “Who is that man?” Edwin asked. It was an odd question, but Thomas shrugged. “My friend. Matthew.” “Oh,” Edwin said. “My mother always tells me not to move in that way.” “What do you mean?” “It’s inconsequential,” Edwin said, and Thomas scratched his head. “Well, you clearly are a smart lad,” he said. “As you know the word ‘inconsequential.’” “I know a great many large words,” Edwin said, waving his hand, smiling at Thomas with a somewhat Matthewesque shoulder roll. “I am seven years old, so it is important that I learn things.” - Or, the one where a seven-year-old Edwin Payne meets some very kind, very queer adults.
tsc taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @staywildefairchild @sourlemons262 @belle-keys @drunkonimagination @alastaircarstairsismybff @vwritesaus @claritywithclary @luciehercndale @what-ho-christopher-put-in @life-through-the-eyes-of @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @bluewrite @lulusofis @oursoulstheyplay @tessherongraystairs @athearaej @faithfromanewperspective @vwritesaus @imabitchforjemcarstairs @emmalovesfitzloved @daisymydaisycarstairs @fangirlghost-19 @angeldaisies @celias @hanelizabeth @fangirlghost-19 @tiredandoptimistic
dbda taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @tiredandoptimistic @thevagabondexpress @stormkitty97 @innocentmapleleaf @honorarypines @tragedy-machine @pisces-swirlix @authoricdemon
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bloodxstarved · 1 year
@assilat-vojjor [continued]
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"I could ask the same thing about your pack sniffing around Dracula's castle." Golden eyes glistened in the torchlight as he focused on Drogo but stayed aware of the other werewolves that surrounded him.
"You very well know who I am, or atleast of me. The half-blooded son to the original source of all vampires, the natural mortal enemy to your kind. You may call me Alucard." He bowed his head to the pack leader. "I decided to confront you face to face instead of waiting to see if my home would be invaded by werewolves..."
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retconned-royalty · 1 year
Starter for @ofwaywardsunshine
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"Mother fuc-"
Damon grabbed the other vampire literally by the scruff of his neck and bodily hauled him off the random highschooler who really shouldn't have been out this late. The intention had been to hold the guy up like chastising a puppy, but he was just so... Long?
"Jesus fuck how tall are you," he grumbled, deciding to toss the dazed and blood drunk vampire aside instead while he dealt with the victim. Another body would mean another problem for him and Damon had enough of those right now. He quickly sliced open his wrist with a fang and shoved the bloody cut into the girl's mouth, before compelling her to hightail it home.
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"Okay, now who the hell are... FUCK. You again?"
Oh look, the consequences of his actions catching up to him. Again.
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rangers-arecool · 1 year
The Sentinel / Tolkien crossover
Verse Info
The Sentinel
American TV Show
Ran between 1996 - 1999
Across 4 seasons
A Sentinel is someone who has hyper-acute senses, acute to the point of dangerous “zoning out”
A Guide is someone who prevents “zoning” because of empathetic or psychic abilities
Mundane - someone with normal senses
Zoning out - getting hyper fixated on something i.e. like on the smell of blood
Non-canon (although most class it as canon since 90% haven’t seen the show)
Facts about both Sentinels & Guides (everything mentioned below is based around the LOTR/Hobbit verse so alter if needed)
Most tend to work in occupations where they can use their abilities to help people. This would be like: the Rangers, soldiers, healers etc.
95% of Sentinels & Guides start coming online gradually between 10 & 20 years old. This allows them to learn about their abilities in a less dangerous setting
The remaining 5% of Sentinels & Guides come online instantaneously, normally due to serious or life threatening danger
Typically the Dúnedain, Elves and Dwarves gain the most Sentinels & Guides, for they tend to be the wanderers
Most Sentinel/Guide pairings are within their own races, either romantic or platonic
There are some who have found their Guide/Sentinel in another race, although this is very rare
Facts about Sentinels
Sentinels can range from being online with only one sense i.e. Hearing to all five - Touch, Hearing, Smell, Sight & Taste
Some sentinels are able to pull themselves out of a light zone but most tend to fixate (zone) to a point that could become dangerous or fatal if not pulled out of it
Warriors, fighters, leaders - rarely found working in a place of healing as their skills are more useful elsewhere
Can be possessive and many aren't a fan of being alone
Facts about Guides
Are just as, if not more, dangerous than Sentinels due to their empathy
Normally healers or working in a occupation that allows them to utilise their empathy
Many young Guides are buffered by their family members until they either find their Sentinel or their mental shields are strong enough to not be overwhelmed by their empathy
Racial Differences
There are very few Sentinels within the Shire - most are within the Took family to no surprise. Although the Fell and Long Winters brought a lot more Hobbits online as Sentinels
However one is rarely far from a Guide and it is rare that they will leave any Sentinel in distress, no matter the race
Dwarves are the opposite to the Hobbits, for they have more Sentinels than Guides
Unlike the Men and Elves, most Dwarf Sentinels don't need a Guide to manage their senses.
Dwarves with 4 or 5 senses aren't common but they are most at risk of falling into a zone and needing a strong enough Guide to pull them back out
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Chireru Verses Space Godzilla (2006 compared to 2023)
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fadedheroicxxdreams · 2 years
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Perhaps it wasn't the best ide as there was many threats to deal with and time was of most importance for the both of them. However it would seem by some miracle of the gods the problems of the world had subsided for once , for how long she did not know but she was not one to look a gift Chocobo in the mouth. And with the one day where the skies weren't on fire, she would use this time to its fullest extent.
And so a letter had been sent to her dearest servant bright and early in the morning to meet her in the The Quicksand. Yes the message may have been hastily made under her dainty miqo'te fingers , but she did not one to waste a single moment and sent the hastily made letter as soon as she could. As the more time she could spend bonding with her dear servant , the better the day would be.
As K'alian knew despite being her servants "Master" the red headed feline woman felt as if they had not really bonded or really knew each other, and so wanted to take this rare opportunity to really get to know who her . Yes she under no illusion that she had summoned her from another world for the sole purpose of saving it and she knew there would be chance that this meeting was meaningless, but at the same time in her head she did not want to be simply seen as someone who only sees her servant as a simple beat stick to be used against her foes and so K'alian planned on getting to know so more about her servant and what her own goals were.
So with all of that, she felt determined and eagerly waited in the rather dim looking tavern for her dear servant to come running along.
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Continued (x) || @gerudospiriit
Ah, so he's right. It's just his luck the Triforce decides to throw him into a time and place where Nabooru exists. The tone of her voice is enough to give away her distrust (perhaps distaste as well). Has the Ganondorf here already done something?
"I believe I am lost, likely in more ways than one. The first question I should ask is where we are."
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vickychendraws · 2 months
I don’t usually do crossovers, but a comic idea popped into my head, so i decided to see where it went o/ cw: blood
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mantleoflight · 8 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Everything || Pt 1
Echo hauled on her jumpship's flight controls, dancing her ship between the simulated Vex debris. They'd found it - one of the core systems in the VexNet that regulated Vex travel. They'd come tracking in Vex from Neomuna and found not just an Incursion Vex Mind, but an entire system of data routes diverging like space lanes!
At its center was an enormous Vex Mind. Like a giant traffic controller, the Vex Mind, Laertes-α, had been assisting in the directing of each cast - The Sol Collective, Sol Divisive, the Encursionists, and numerous others she only happened to glimpse as they passed through the portals and data streams.
It was the Hub of Hubs and her fireteam and a set of others had been tasked with tearing it down. With their modified Jumpships, the three teams had managed to do just that. Unfortunately, dropping bombs on a load-bearing vex mind like Laertes-α, means the entire surrounding Vexnet goes down. And when it goes down, it goes down on top of whoever's inside.
"Oh, this was a bad idea," Echo growled between her mouth plates. Tapping her controls, she shifted the overshields to the front of her ship. A blue glow surrounded her ship as it pulled energy from the Vexnet, the turquoise light deflecting the shard-like debris that spattered along her ship.
A strained voice filled her comms as her other teammates wove between the debris. Bright kaleidoscope disks burst open and closed at random, forcing Echo to weave and juke between them. The first fireteam had already made it out, but the debris was coming from everywhere now, and destabilized gates were appearing and vanishing, sending in debris or pulling it away at random!
Her warlock teammate ducked and wove off her three-o-clock, trying and failing to keep in formation. "Lead, portals are popping up everywhere! I'm trying to keep clear, but they just keep cropping up!"
Echo grit her mouth plates before keying her comms.
"Alright, everyone! Line up high on my six! There's too much debris to fly horizon. Kal, bring your wing in behind Riggs. Stack together so you're not in each other's sights. Kal, you and I will fly add-clear with debris. Riggs, you fly center, keep us buffed with area overshields. If we can focus our firepower on the blocks in front of us, we'll be able to clear the way to our exit! Ghosts keep scanning for debris and Vex Gates and we'll make it out of this!"
"Roger that!"
With the confirmations ringing in her receivers, Echo steeled her light and took point, keeping herself just below Riggs' Sailing Shield to avoid being in his line of sight. This was going to be difficult, but with the pattern of debris and the randomness of the portals, this was the best she could come up with. Really, it was like playing Land Mine Vex edition! But with the Titan projecting his Light through his jump ship emitters and the two of them running their guns, Echo saw the odds a bit more in their favor.
"Alright! Keep on me!" She called and throttled forward. Like an angled worm, the three ships worked to fly in tandem, all three ghosts taking, processing, and sharing data as it came in. Echo kept an eye on her scanners her other on the Net space in front of her. As they went, their first target materialized and she made the call,
Shards of debris shattered under the force of energy and kinetic rounds, smaller bits sending ripples along their overshields as they flew. If Echo could sweat, her chassis would've been soaked right through, but as they dodged and maneuvered around the larger debris, vaporizing what they couldn't dodge, Echo felt almost excited that they were going to make it!
A ghost's voice snapped over the comms. "Debris vertical, Heavy, twelve-o-clock!"
"Split!" Echo shouted, shoving her nose down to duck her ship under a chunk of forward debris. She heard and saw the flash of energy rounds and the after-light of blue vexnet energy. "Report!"
"Kal here," came the warlock's tenor over the coms, "lost heavy weapons to debris but I'm heading back to Riggs' six!"
A low, gruff voice crackled over the comms after Kal. "Riggs here, I'm fine. Heading to the portal. You need an assist?"
Echo swooped her jumpship from under the colossal debris block aiming her nose back toward the formation. With the two larger blocks disintegrating with the net behind her, Echo shook her head habitually at the comms. "Nope! All clear down here. Rejoining formation behind Kal in 5 seconds! Head through and head home!"
"Rodger, Echo," Kal called back, "heading through!"
The titan's Sailing Shield vanished in a flash of light, passing through the brilliant swirl of the vex portal. Behind him, Kal's Brazen Spark flew in right after him.
Echo pulled the nose of her Velocimancer up, the shine of the vex gate glaring across her ship. She had almost nosed into the portal when--
A flash of blue white filled the cockpit as a new Vex portal opened, swallowing the Velocimancer before closing right behind it, leaving only the startled cry of the hunter's ghost hanging in the comm lines.
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marionmaverick · 2 months
"I don't want to lose you."
“If it helps, I don’t plan on dying.”
It’s a joke, but his voice sobers quickly.
“My home is on the line, we can’t run from this, and I’m the one most practiced in killing gods,” he said. “I have to do this, even though it’s frightening. But I promise to do what I can to come back.”
He pulls Sebastian toward him and places a lingering kiss on cold lips.
“When this is done, we’re finding a wish spell. You’ll be a human again and I’ll drag you to Eorzea to meet the scions. My family. I promise.”
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eternalstarlights · 8 months
@melodysian continued from here.
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His wounds… Due to the strange situation, Regulus had almost forgotten about his injuries until the stranger pointed it out to him.  He was so focused on trying to understand his situation.
“Oh, thank you but my injuries are not too serious. I am more worried if there are any more threats here to take care of.”
Like that god that he was fighting earlier. He couldn’t feel the god’s presence anymore… Perhaps, the god simply vanished or perhaps he was teleported to somewhere else.
Lan Sizhui, a disciple of the Gusu Lan Sect... He had never heard of them before, however, there were many things that he did not know of. If he was a disciple, perhaps they were a school or a clan. Perhaps, it was a small clan since he had not heard of them. Sizhui mentioned he was a cultivator so a clan of cultivators?  He had no idea what that meant.
Regulus only gave him his name and did not tell Sizhui who he really was. Formalities and titles were never important to him. He rather had people call him Regulus and treat him as any normal person. Not only that, it was also because he thought Sizhui was an ordinary person who knew how to fight very well, however, now that he thought about it some more and seeing how everyone was wearing very similar clothing, he must definitely be in some sort of important group.
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Shaking his head, Regulus answered, “No. I don’t recognize this place especially when it looks so different from the place I was a few minutes ago. Perhaps I was teleported but this feels different… Anyway, it is nice to meet you, Lan Sizhui. My apologies, I had never heard of the Gusu Lan Sect before. Is it some sort of clan? I didn’t know you were someone from a clan. I guess I should fully introduce myself. I am Leo Regulus, the Leo Gold Saint of Athena.”
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guardianspirits13 · 1 year
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lets just say that they would *not* get along
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