#animorphs crossover
1 - Misread this as Animorphs/MLB, and briefly glimpsed a fascinating baseball AU.
2 - I haven't seen My Little Pony. Anyone who knows both properties willing to weigh in with thoughts on this crossover?
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Prompt 22?
Imagine an Animorphs-esque Batman au
 Like, either Alfred as an andalite who crash-landed on the Wayne’s property and they just kind of pack bonded with him or some other andalite crash lands at some point. Either way, Bruce ends up being allowed to touch a morphing cube after the death of his parents. Perhaps is even given it to keep hidden- the one thing he has no files on just in case. 
 So he goes off on his training trip while hiding his whole shapeshifting, seeing as he doesn’t want to get stuck in animal form. (Though who knows, magic might be able to help if he ever does.) Only practices said shapeshifting or gathering animal forms when no one else is around, trying to get down the time and changing some things before others. Bruce doesn’t really use it for Batman, except for stakeouts. Honestly, who expects a vigilante to appear when there’s no one around but the birds perching on the buildings? And flying is always freeing. 
 Now he doesn’t mean to give his Robins the same ability, it’s not his power to give in his opinion even if it’s beyond useful. Also Dick and the others would have a far easier time sneaking out before they even became his official partner and kept trying to go off for revenge. But then Dick got separated from him and got hurt, then Jason nearly got killed, then Barbara nearly couldn’t escape something, and he brings them through the twisting tunnels one by one to the cube. There’s no take backs, only two hours in each form before they need to return to their base one. He doesn’t care about keeping secret identities, as long as they stay safe and alive. 
Some Animal form ideas:
 Alfred Human (If an alien) Raven Bobcat Polar Bear
 Bruce Wolf Capybara (Comfort to his kids) Tiger Hoary Bat Unicorn (He did in fact ride one before) 
 Dick Dog (Comfort thing) Squirrel Falcon Cassowary
 Barbara Queen Snake Owl Rattlesnake Komodo Dragon
 Jason Alley Cat (Easiest to nab) Red Fox Eagle Red Kangaroo Brown Bear
 Cassandra Cat Black Bear Mouse Eared Bat Python
 Tim Owl Raccoon Bobcat Crocodile
 Stephanie Pigeon Rat Porcupine Cape Buffalo
 Duke Goose Eagle Hippo Lion
 Damian Cat Leopard Brown Bat Elephant Demon-Bat
 Jarro Human Dog Robin Blue-Ringed Octopus
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
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Like or Reblog for a Starter with Face & Brava!
Comment if you have any specific Plots or Verses you want to play with!
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chloefraazers · 3 months
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horizon + animorphs dossier [ battle morph || bird of prey || personal ]
— Horizon Forbidden West PC
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what’s fun is Animorphs and Doctor Who could exist in the same universe. They have no timeline conflict. You can’t say “the Doctor would’ve noticed” because he was kinda busy from 1997 to 2001 fighting in the Time War. Honestly it’s even funnier when you consider the Doctor was in Cali just one year before Elfangor crash landed. He just missed it.
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kiwisandcoconuts · 4 months
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YJ Animorphs AU pt 2 Look at the sillys >w<
ap tests have been kicking my ass yall
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neunhofferart · 4 months
So, this is a really weird question, I know, but how do you think the Camp Fam would handle themselves in Lackadaisy?
They'd be the same characters except they'd just look like cats, wouldn't they?
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Summary: Kevin knows something's not right with the Sharing. He's got to be clever and he's got to be subtle- luckily for him, he's good at both. It might just be lucky for other people too.
Author: @theandxlitebandits
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tsartistry · 1 year
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Sorry, yeerk, but Eddie Brock is a one-parasite kind of guy.
Neither he nor his symbiote are interested in experimenting with others in the headroom.
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ziekaramaik · 2 months
I've seen people say how good a crossover with Doctor Who and Animorphs would be. But I'm in the other camp. A crossover between those two absolutely Would Not Work.
It specifically wouldn't work because the Doctor's whole schtick is ending alien invasions once per week without any fuss. I think the longest he ever took was six months with the Monks, and a year with the Saxxon!Master, and that's only because he was locked up the whole time. Either he shows up during the war and resolves the whole thing in 42 minutes, or he shows up after the war and everyone calls him out for not helping even though he stopped all those other invasions.
Also, there'd be no opportunity for fun scenes of the Doctor and the Animorphs interacting. The Animorphs would trust him even less than the Elimist -- meaning, less than not at all -- and the Doctor probably wouldn't bother to ask for their help when he and his companions would rather rush in and do it all themselves.
Putting Doctor Who and Animorphs together would mean fundamentally changing the genre of either one or the other. Like remaking The Godfather into a musical where no one dies. It's possible in theory, but is it really what we came for?
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cadaversandcoconuts · 2 months
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is this anything?
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Animorphs and SIX
Hi there! Cates here! Unlike Bug/Sol, I have listened to SIX, and I unapologetically adore it. So I asked her if I could take a crack at the ask about an Animorphs/SIX fusion.
To me, the way to do a match up of SIX and Animorphs would be to match each Queen with a host. The whole point of SIX is that the queens’ stories/lives are reduced to “just one word in a stupid rhyme” “cause in history [they’re each] fixed as one of six and without [Henry VIII] they disappear.”
SIX interrogates the familiar way we’ve always told a certain story, basically forcing us as the audience to confront our own complicity in silencing these women by only seeing them through the lens of a powerful man. Catherine of Aragon is a bitter divorcee, Anne Boleyn is a homewrecker, Jane Seymour is an ideal wife and mother, Anne of Cleves is ugly, Catherine Howard is a sl€t, Catherine Parr is a caretaker. Their stories don’t matter. Their voices have been silenced. They aren’t allowed to say who they are, all that matters is the shell presented to the world. They are disenfranchised and largely powerless, and they’re entirely defined by the man who literally dictated if they lived or died. Sound like any characters we know?
For me, a quick pairing would go as follows:
Catherine of Aragon: Alloran. Life did NOT work out the way he planned. Has a strict moral code. Brought low from a position of power and fame. Stuck in his role for a loooonnngggg time.
Anne Boleyn: Eva. Seen as a means to an end by the Yeerks, is much cleverer and more politically savvy than they’re anticipating, refuses to apologize for who she is, calls the Yeerks on their hypocrisy and bullshit.
Jane Seymour: Taylor. Seemingly wants what’s being offered (power, community, wealth, safety), but it’s a mistake to view her as blindly devoted to the cause. She’s grabbing as much power as she can in a situation where she’s largely disenfranchised and overlooked. She may not always understand the Yeerk empire, but they’re the best game in town and she’s pouring herself into her work because at least they didn’t toss her aside.
Anne of Cleves: Jake. The marriage doesn’t last long, ultimately he ended up with all the power and advantages from the situation. It wasn’t pleasant for him, but he came out on top. And he outlives the Yeerk Empire.
Catherine Howard: Tom. He’s a naive teenager who gets dragged into an impossible situation because he has a crush. He’s passed from Yeerk to Yeerk, each one seemingly worse than the last. He dies young, never having a chance to give voice to his own story, a child whose childhood was stolen.
Catherine Parr: Karen. She’s dragged into things against her will, but her imprisonment is NOT her whole story. She’s not looking to make waves or overturn the status quo, but she has so much life to live beyond her brief period of enslavement to the Yeerks. No one is going to remember her, but she probably doesn’t care because she’s too busy living her life.
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inkstars1138 · 2 years
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“Zara’s Saber” a commission for hork-bajir4ever on FA! Lots of fun with this, including designing the lightsaber to fit with a Hork-Bajir character. Wood surrounding the main parts where all the electronics and tech go, visible Kyber chamber, claw shaped emitter shroud and butt to allude to the blades that Hork-Bajir have, etc. The wood is probably from a personally significant tree to hork-bajir4ever’s Zara.
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muffinlance · 2 years
Heyyy so I love your stories with Song and Zuko and I was just wondering if you’d ever considered what would’ve happened if she’d met him while he was feverish and knew he was a fire bender from day 2 and he was 13 so it wasn’t as scary ah! As this child is gonna get himself killed ah! Ya know?
My friend, may I introduce you to the read the inscription series by @suzukiblu ?
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chloefraazers · 3 months
tumblr ate half the tags on my animorphs horizon post but basically im happy to do a second set with other npcs, i have ideas for hekarro and sylens and travis already, if you have your own for other characters my ask is open!
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I love making crossovers between my different fandoms. Like would blorbo set A like blorbo set B? How would Doctor Who react to Superman? How would Jake Animorphs respond to learning demigods exist? Would Spider-Man like Nyota Uhura? Who knows because nobody’s asked it before
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