#starcraft rp
blizzardtm · 1 year
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❝ Adorning oneself with the armaments of heaven does not make one angelic ❞
Blizzardtm, Multi-muse, Fet. Ebyssian, Mimiron, Imperius, Alexei Stukov and others, Mutuals only, 18+, Triggering content, Penned by André
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wp100 · 9 months
it's really weird seeing world of warcraft fics tagged as "homophobia" when homophobia canonically does not exist in the warcraft universe
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Pronouns | most people use she but you can use whatever you perceive me as! I am non binary 💛🤍💜🖤
DNI - transphobes and homophobes | pedophiles and rapists| just toxic people in general :p
i'm okay with nsfw art and when properly tagged/marked with warnings, ect ect. ( i will not be posting any on this blog tho dw)
this is my main blog!
Art blog ----> @once-inallifetime-drawing
Sometimes I write little poem/essays ---> @iwriterandomstufandcallitpoetry
i also have rp blog for a victorian role play (run by @homocidalpotat and @i-eat-so-much-grass)
I play lord Rowan Castleton @thelordrowancastleton
cotl - MLP- totk -botw - toh- Pokemon - STVOE - Steven universe- she-ra - gilmore girls - tadc - animal crossing
{probably more, so don't be afraid to ask me stuff!!}
GAMES I PLAY / have played
totk | botw | animal crossing | cotl | minecraft | terraria | starcraft | portal 1 (havent played 2 yet ) | APICO | volcano princess | slime rancher + slime rancher 2 | Roblox veteran | starbound| STARDEW VALLY (im addictied) | FoM/ FIELDS OF MISTRIA (new addiction)
My ask box is open to all!! (although im sorry i cant donate any money to any go-funds rn)
im here to make friends and have fun !!!!
moots | @bees-oficial @homocidalpotat @cheekyboybeth @aubsdot @uhmmmmaixllezhere @monarchofthequeerpotatoes @dracosleftarsecheek @touslin @lunaxio @reggie-the-dyke @hirokishii
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weepingwitch · 21 days
as a child, when WoW was first a big thing, i used to dream about there being a World of StarCraft mmo bc i had been more into starcraft than warcraft. i imagined you would pick to start as Terran/Zerg/Protoss, and then level up through the different types of units. Like, if you started as a Zerg, level 1 might be as a larvae, then a drone, then a serging, etc., and like you would be able to pick from any of the unlocked unit types to respawn as when you die, and as your character levels up you would unlock more unit types, but you could also collect resources and do quests and stuff to unlock more technologies and mutations. but all of the other units would also be real people, so you could be in voice chat and coordinate a zerg swarm attack on an enemy settlement. like alliance vs horde but 3 way between the different species. you could just hang out at bases and avoid combat and trade items and chat, when you just wanted to RP. i had big plans, and wished i could get a job working at blizzard to develop it lol
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
=The Far Future AU=
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This is if I were to write Devil's Eye with a more sci-fi bent, leaning closer to influences from my favorite science fiction media as opposed to historical/period/pirate, and is intended for RP with futuristic muses and blogs.
The Legend of the Devil's Eye still applies as it would in the Main Story and the Modern AU, but taken further; in the far distant future, all of that is… well, just that. Legend. Pirate stories to tell your children as they are tucked in at night, and nothing more. What is not known, however, is that the Devil of the Sea not only still walks without his missing Eye, but the world has passed enough hands enough where searching for it has become fruitless… especially as sources of power in humanity's souls are starting to reach for the stars.
As such, the Devil has abandoned his search, opting to have… different sources of storing his power as it continues to grow. And these sources… well. The centuries haven't been kind to them or their humanity. The worst of mankind has taken a toll on what were once his last minions, but rather than allow them to go to waste, their essences are repurposed to be personal extensions of him… and how they are used is up to however he wants to at the time.
No matter the form the one once called "Master", he will always wear a necklace of seven pearls of seven different colors. In order for whatever power he has to be complete, he must keep all seven on his person at all times.
The Master, however, still requires to find the Devil's Eye--his original lost Eye--to be wholly defeated. But that would require returning to Earth and rediscovering the Legend that tells of how the Devil lost his Eye to begin with.
OOC, the focus muse of RP in the Far Distant AU is the Master, usually donning his Dr. Delmar Agdeppa disguise. However, this disguise is one of many, but with his power waxing and waning like the tides, and said power having to be divided up and store in seven different places instead of just two, he must be extra careful in how he uses that power. He will, then, continue to seek out souls, either to devour or enthrall.
As for La Demonia Roja and the Crew, that is up to the partner muse. One of the following sub-verses can used:
Variant A: The history of Earth has destroyed the humanity in the Seven so thoroughly, their bodies and souls can barely hold on any longer. However, rather than simply turn them into his Locker, the Master just repurposed them with what is left of their souls as they are wholly reduced to their Sins. Destroying a specific pearl on the necklace will release that soul into the Devil's Locker all while chipping away a bit of the Master's power. This is automatically this Verse's Doomned Ending, as the Sins are reduced to their vices and have lost their humanities altogether.
Variant B: Well, duh, humans can't handle the vaccuum of space, so the Master just kind of…. hid his thralls in pearls. Taking a pearl and breaking it will release that Sin, though it'll take a while for them to regain their bearings. They'll still be soulbound to the Master, however. Finding a way to free them will require the standard Voyage of the Devil's Eye storyline, just with whatever tech is available in this verse.
As for what kind of sci-fi I'm riding on, it's mostly the soft kind. It's also left underdeveloped so I can adjust to the Verse of the partner muse. Hence, I can easily fit it into Alien, Metroid, F-Zero, Treasure Planet, DOOM, Starcraft, any science fiction verse where an Earth may have existed once upon a time. Just don't ask how 'souls' are defined by that verse, lmao. That's too much a headache.
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tacetnix · 5 months
Tagger: @hexenjagd // Oh you~ Name: TK! Pronouns: He/They Most Active Muses? -- Mary, both here and in FFXIV -- "URIEL", an OC that I can best describe as 'What if John Carpenter's The Thing was a psychic emotional vampire and was trying to figure out human coexistence on a whim. -- Tsengel Malaguld, my FFXIV main who is a big loving himbo as a facade for a calculating lizardman terminator.
RP PET PEEVES: Oh you aren't ready for this list. Where to begin?
God-Modding is the old adage. When someone can't let anyone give them consequences for their actions. Whether it's saying heinous stuff, assaulting other RPers and then refusing to acknowledge attempts to settle the score, etc. etc. People who refuse to take what they dish out. Most recently this was someone who "avoided all the guards trying to tie her down because she assaulted a man in public because she's really flexible". If it comes down to two people not knowing how to solve a scuffle, please roll. That's wat luck and the dice are for.
People who refuse to engage in what's going on group-wise and then complain that there's nothing to do. This is very particularly targeted to some people outside of the RPC here but I wanted to throttle you. 'I'm not engaged in [Group Activity]', well I apologize but 20 other people were. You are not giving me critique or constructive criticism by saying 'I'm bored.'
Oh, my god, people who just enter a chat to say 'I'm bored.' as though they're expecting people to spoon-feed them with interaction.
Loops back to the god-modding point but "I'm too powerful for you, so I'm gonna no-sell anything you do to express the difference in our power levels." like, dude, get hit, at least give the person you're fighting the pleasure of seeing their blow push you in the dirt a bit. Have a reaction rather than "haha no *punches back with anime*". >// Multiversal RP is fun until the Anime character wants to fight.
"I am strictly into [x] so if you're anything other than something I wanna fuck then I'm going to be extremely hostile to you and casually and vocally espouse how much everything other than [x] is awful and will cite it often as a reason why I refuse to engage in any RP in this public area.' >// Unfortunately, this has happened multiple times, much to the detriment of peoples' safety and comfort in public spaces I've been in. Moderators have refused to step in, and the behavior has been allowed. ://///
"My Character is Vocally Racist." You suck. You chose to pretend like that's a character trait. You're choosing to make every minority who's experienced that shit IRL to see it again in the middle of their feel-good hobby. 'It's realistic' and you're the one choosing to bring that realism into a space for people to enjoy. Costs you zero cents not to make your characters straight up bigots.
That's all I got for now, but I could keep going, I'm sure. Sorry to just splurge all over main; I've had some baaaaad RP drama go down in the last few months in other mediums/RPCs.
LEVEL OF RP EXPERIENCE: Hah. Haha. Been RPing for 16 years about now. Started back in SPORE while coming up with little stories for my creations, and RPing out diplomatic relations with other people, to going to the JoeyRay's Bar forums for StarCraft 2 where I actually picked up proper narrative RP. Then I went to DeviantArt, RP'd in the chatrooms and learned sauciness (way too young, but oh well), and then was brought over to Tumblr by my ex who showed me @axemurderercreighton back in the day. And I've stuck here, through UNDERTALE, through Skype, through Discord, through playing FFXIV. Always back to here as a casual place to RP.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT? Angst is the most reliable, but I know I write good smut and it lets me play out fantasies. Fluff is fun, but in moderation. Too much of it and you grow stagnant. Angst brings with it conflict, and conflict drives stories onwards. Smut is the victory lap, and if that also helps serve conflict, then fuck yeah, two-for-one!
PLOTS OR MEMES? Give me a skeleton of a plot an we'll fill in everything in between. I prefer spontaneity to a firm constellation of everything that will happen for years down the line. Improv is the spice of life. Memes facilitate the funniest stuff that's happened in RP, but you wouldn't get there without plotting and having relationships with others. So... cop-out answer, but both.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? I err on the long side. But at the barest minimum... - Respond to what your partner has given you to work with (usually matches their length pretty well). - Offer insight into my characrer's thoughts or feelings or give them a general action to help immerse in the setting/scene. - Give my partners something to reply/respond to.
However long that all takes is how long my replies will tend to be.
TIME TO WRITE? Whenever I can. When I'm at work I'll steal Discord replies, when I'm waiting for bad lights I'll type and respond. When I'm in the bathroom -- you get the idea. Discord is my preferred method because I can respond without having to have icons or formatting or what have you. It's easier to just throw random ideas like darts on a board, and I get more clear notifications when someone's responded to me.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? For better or for worse, I put a lot of my anxious thoughts and my paranoia into Mary. I put a lot of how she overthinks based on my own ideations, and in a way... all of that is merged with a lot of how my wife acts. Almost any time I write Mary and you feel the love that I put into her actions, it's because I'm basing that on things I've seen and experienced intimately. She always had this role in my mind of 'cold woman who is accidentally adorable' but -- it took seeing someone who I found absolutely adorable to find the life-inspiration and information to properly convey that and bring it to life in a way that was natural and earnest.
.........God that was so much I'm so sorry for splurging. Tagging: @yellowfingcr @urbanumviolentium @bidotheuncanny @theblackwarden @tinyredrose (to surprise some of you whenever you get back, ehehe)
Thanks again to Cat for @ing me. It's been fun!
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Introductory Post
Hi! My name is [redacted], but you can call me Mod Andy, or just Andy for short.
I am a Democratic, religious (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), cishet white male of European descent (Born-and-raised American, German ancestors).
I've come to Tumblr for three things: memes, a place to post my writings if/when I revive that old hobby, and news on current events. Do to my upbringing and religious beliefs, I do harbor a degree of internalized homophobia, internalized transphobia, and a lack of understanding for modern gender rules. However, I'm also a firm believer that we are all sons and daughters of God, and that we must not allow such trivial feelings to tarnish our relationships with our fellow man. I am ashamed of my internalized bigotry, and seek to one day be rid of it. In the meantime, I have made sure to keep it in my head, and far from my social life. I understand if I lose followers because of this, but I feel like it must be said.
The following is a DNI list:
18+ blogs
Anti-men blogs
Anti-women blogs
Anti-LGBT+ blogs
Anti-religion blogs
Anti-mormon blogs (my religion)
People's who force their beliefs on others
If you unfollow and/or block me because of this post, I understand, and don't blame you.
Oh, you're still here? Excellent. With all of that serious stuff out of the way, let's get to the fun part.
Welcome to my humble piece of Hell! My hobbies/special interests include:
StarCraft II
Video game lore
Creative writing (mainly a mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror)
Random, useless pieces of information
Koala slander animal facts
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Murder Drones
Internecion Cube
Gravity Falls
Body Horror
Lovecraftian Horror
Being high by default
Refusing to shut up
And that's about it! If your somehow still here, I welcome you with open arms, and hope we can be great friends!
(rp sideblogs: @ask-wylde-and-co, @wylde-lore, @evelyn-wylde--abandoned, @storytime-with-dr-wylde)
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lestenna · 10 months
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HOME | GUIDEBOOK | DISCORD Clutch Cycle Two Information
The relative still calmness of pre-dawn morning at the Weyr was broken by the sound of wings. Not a storm of them, no, but loud and strong all the same. Without preamble or warning, Hrenth had lifted from her ledge—and a few moments later, her darker shadow came following along from his own. Laronth had only enjoyed the company of the gold's perch for a short time following their shared flight, but he remained alert to her, and keen to follow. For one brief moment the pair swirled about each other as they angled towards the entrance to the hatching sands, the bronze daring to drift closer and being driven back by irritable snorts and snaps... until the gold at last relented, and driven by need, landed to duck into the warm, sheltered cavern. Rumbling with prideful pleasure, the bronze followed suit, and the bowl returned to quiet tranquility.
A long, silent stretch grew... and then—Our eggs! They've come, bright and shining and new!
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Réalta Weyr is a young, semi-canon Dragonriders of Pern RP set roughly 100 Turns after the destruction of Thread and self-destruction of AIVAS. To accommodate the needs of several burgeoning new crafts—Computercraft and Starcraft—a new Weyr and Hold-town were founded in a verdant valley beneath the glacier on Pern’s northern continent. The people of Réalta Weyr focus on the skies—astronomy and the technology needed to eventually explore space! With wings focused on Spring Games, Search and Rescue, Space, and Exploration, life for a rider is varied and wide. Plans to explore the Western continent and beyond are just starting to unfold, and efforts to find dragonkind’s place in a world without thread abound under new Weyr management.
But along with innovation comes push back from the Traditionalists—and the attention of Holdless raiders. The appearance of new colors among all dragonkin populations (the camouflage-capable gray firelizards, the emotionally potent and manipulative scarlet dragons, and the illusion-casting pearl whers) have stirred the pot even more… and drawn the eyes of the other Weyrs to Réalta.
Now the eggs wait, hardening on the sands, although not all is well within the Weyr. Not a day after being laid, tragedy—Traditionalist forces struck Réalta at the heart, using poison to kill the Senior Weyrwoman, as well as both Junior Weyrwomen. Weyrleader Lou'an has been laid low, and is recovering slowly in the infirmary. Only a last minute swap saved gold weyrling Indria and her Vanadith from meeting the same fate, and they now must shoulder the weight of leadership before their time, and keep watch alongside Laronth over the motherless clutch. How will the eggs be impacted by such intense grief? What will become of the Weyrleader? Where will the Traditionalists strike next, and when?
Leadership spots are available, raiders are a playable option, and the clutch is hardening towards touching—with several expected adoptable hatchlings, along with PC impressions! Join us! ♥
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veresiine · 1 year
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Oh goodness, this is a bit of a difficult one, since I am so very multi-ship; it's less of "one true pairing" and more of "this vast ecosystem of hypothetical relationships is neat". And when I write I do tend to focus more on platonic relationships, which is an entirely different ecosystem existing in parallel.
But today I am going to focus on romantic and/or sexual relationships that have made my brain go brr recently:
>Leon/Raihan (Pokemon. I was neutral on it at first and preferred platonic but somewhere around the 5,000th post I scrolled through on twitter I was like 'yeah they're boyfriends' and joined the multitude. Though I do also enjoy some Leon/Milo content, it's significantly harder to find. I might have to go write a oneshot now to pay my fandom rent and meet my own needs but I am pretty deep in fucked-up hurt/comfort fics right now and don't feel like posting those publicly)
>Grom/Kargath (Warcraft, and thank you for that bit of dopamine. I keep meaning to look more into it because I had fun chewing on that post and discussing it with a discord friend. The vibes are incredible!)
>Moira/Mercy (Overwatch. I don't actually play overwatch. I just saw science/medicine character foils, and saw Moira's design and drank up everything about her (and their interactions) that I could find. Unfortunately I can't go into the tag much because there are frequently untagged triggers but I DO have it bookmarked)
>Phantom/Luminous/Mercedes (Maplestory. I appreciate how in isolation they are 3 dignified, put-together characters, but as soon as they're in a room together, they all go completely feral, either at each other or at a common enemy. I don't really go here anymore but that was a fun few years)
>Maiev/Illidan (Warcraft. For all my deeply toxic and compelling relationship needs! In the words of a discord friend, 'it's not romantic, it's not platonic, it's a problem for however many therapists to burn through'. Also Maiev/Anyone, really. She's fun!)
>Jaina/Anyone But Kalec (Warcraft. I just think she's neat! I just had the misfortune of reading the War Crimes novel and that put me off Jaina/Kalec so much that it is the only non-incest non-underage warcraft pairing on my NOTP list. Also, dunking on Kalec is a time-honored tradition of mine. Still, I enjoy shipping her with pretty much everyone else the fandom pairs her with! I also once wrote a Jaina/Abathur (Starcraft) crackfic with an RP buddy!)
Thank you for the ask! That was fun. Honorable mentions to all the potential Suramar polycules, and to Mia/Genn Greymane, and to... well, some of my own OC pairings, but that's a whole other post.
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villains4hire · 1 year
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//So I got about 50/30% split for Zatanna in making her canon and or my OC. Closing that poll and here's my concept below that I've more or less had for a while. I just never really brought her here bc using canon Zatanna is not rp friendly which is why I'll rework her time/time stop manipulation, reality bending, full damage reflection etc and a slew of many, many other powers that were really only suited for heavy plotting/high stakes or previous things from various iterations of her. Bitch is unreasonably op.
So! I will be making basically my run of the character and borrowing concepts from across media along with personality traits. So if it's the Zatanna you're hoping for from one of the many iterations? It will be my fanon run which is basically an OC run of the character. - Keynotes to make: My Zatanna is a detective for the supernatural and tracking down serial killers, missing heros, villains, important political figures of the like or carrying out tasks and figuring out important crimes, and I'll even be willing to go galactic bc of her scaling, then a paranormal investigator when dealing with other realms. Her magician work is something she has more or less as a hobby parlor trick and a front to what she does often out of the public eye. - As for power-scaling: I will be moving in the direction of utility/rp friendly... rather than the craziness of this character across iterations. She will still be a powerhouse to behold and hope to scale her well, but I will have an AU for her for when she was younger around 20 or so so she won't be unapproachable by more tame characters. - Then verses and AUs! DC and Marvel seem to love these, so yeah, I'm kinda just doing what sounds fun. AUS/VERSES: Verses that are her canon: Canon Default: Sorcerer Supreme | Teen Titans Canon Past, Request Verse: Sorcerer Titan, she will be around 20 years old and not as vastly strong in her default verse. AUs: I will have a Sci-Fi AU of her being a Psyker intended for no magic settings. Or for settings like Warhammer or something where her profession as a magician doesn't really match-up with that Universe. - I will have a Corruption AU involving my Zatanna for the Sci-Fi AU with her being a Parasitic Psyker for her Psi-Fi Verse that controls a flesh mass akin to The Many, The Thing or The Zerg from Starcraft etc. I have no real icons for this currently so I pretty much will be using the icons I have for her. - Then the other her becoming an Overwhelming Demonic Lord. Which I will be retiring my Succubus OC that's just been laying there and cannibalizing her for that AU along with faceclaim as she's just gathering layer upon layers of dust.
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blizzardtm · 1 year
Welcome  to BLIZZARDTM,  a rp  blog  for many characters from Blizzard entertainment from World of Warcraft, Diablo, Heroes Of The Storm, and Starcraft Est 08.18.2023.
The content of this blog is restricted to 18+ due to the nature of the content and my personal comfort.
My name is André, my pronouns are They / Them, I am 30 years old and a full time college student. The activity on this blog will vary, but you can usually find me on  Discord  (Mutuals only),  or quite possibly HERALDOFCTHULHU or  THESONOFBLACKHEART.
My page is under co. - though mostly there and under cut!
Warcraft -
MIMIRON - creator of the mechagnomes EBYSSIAN WRATHION - the black prince ANDUIN WRYNN ARTHAS MENETHIL / THE LICH KING - heroes of the storm / warcraft NATHANOS BLIGHTCALLER BOLVAR FORDRAGON / THE LICH KING NELTHARION / DEATHWING - heroes of the storm / warcraft DARION MOGRAINE XAVIUS - NELKO BLACKSUN - necromacer XEOTH FELSWORN - Demon hunter KADGAR - alt timeline / heroes of the storm DAR'KHAN DRATHIR JESSE AMES - twilight dragon ANDERS VAN HAVEN - nightmare druid NEZEN - long range recon officer AARON LANCASTER - twlight templar ELLIOT EVANS - wields the Blades of the Fallen Prince ILLIDAN STORMRAGE - heroes of the storm GORLEN - chaos orc OSSELI - vulpera / Dracthyr  KALERIAN FELBLADE - Nightborne VEROST FELSWORN - Nightborne  GENN GREYMANE - heroes of the storm MAIEV - heroes of the storm TICHONDRIUS THE DARKENER - dread lord GARROSH - heroes of the storm /warcraft MAL'GANIS - dreadlord MEDIVH - heroes of the storm / warcraft Kel'Thuzad - heroes of the storm / warcraft Cordana Felsong Sabellian / Baron Sablemane - World of Warcraft Eternus - World of Warcraft Malygos - World of Warcraft Nozdormu - World of Warcraft
Other Blizzard Media -
THE SKELETON KING / LEORIC - diablo / heroes of the storm Mephisto - diablo / heroes of the storm Malthael - diablo / heroes of the storm Alexei Stukov - Starcraft / heroes of the storm Lord of the Black Road / Kabraxis - Diablo Deckard Cain - Diablo / heroes of the storm DIABLO - Diablo / heroes of the storm Tyrael - Diablo / heroes of the storm Imperius - Diablo / heroes of the storm Inarius - Diablo Siggard - Diablo Darrick Lang - Diablo
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mainsaspen · 2 years
Brain power stepmania
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Even for a strategically degenerate game like RPS (rock paper scissors) could run a tournament where skill exists (due to non-ideal random number generation by humans or seeded programs) shows that strategy and skill exists as long as a human is the opponent and the game have even one element of randomness and complexity. The skill ceiling is very much a myth created by unimaginative players that can not imagine any skill outside the one they have already. It's not necessary to keep these physical aspects at such a level but I guess I'm just stuck on "don't fix what's not broken". I prefer emphasizing the physical aspects in SC2 (as far as SC:BW) for no other reason than because it takes practice and dedication and often times reflects how good you are at the game. Chess is a game of completely open knowledge whereas Starcraft is a game of hidden knowledge. I understand that Chess may not be the game for some people, but don't downplay another game for not being the game YOU want it to be.Īctually, Chess and Starcraft have one big difference. It's a pure mind game, no physical prowess required to execute even the most adept moves. Do you really think that's true? Chess has been around for 500 years and much longer then that through it's predecessors. But for those who say that a game would lack depth, challenge, longevity, competitiveness and whatever else. It's a strategy game just like Starcraft, although it's turn based rather then real time. It is and it's players have been revered throughout the world for their prowess in it. They call it the King's Game, it requires no physical dexterity what-so-ever (a paralyzed man could play this game). With a rich history dating to 500 years past, and even further then that. When you think about it, there's game, yes a game, a game just like Starcraft. I mean it really drags in my head and i'm not convinced that a game needs to have a physical dexterity barrier for it to be played. When people argue for the physical aspects of the game (which I can understand, it is impressive to see 500 APM, and it is as much a part of the game as everything else virtual), I can only think of one thing.
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herbindings-a · 2 years
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                                     𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗔 𝗗𝗢𝗚 𝗘𝗔𝗧 𝗗𝗢𝗚 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗟𝗗
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savior-of-humanity · 4 years
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Indie, semi-selective RP blog for Master Chief from the Halo franchise, and several other characters from franchises and series including, but not limited to, Doom, Monster Hunter, Godzilla, Elder Scrolls, and the SCP Foundation. Crossover friendly. Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!
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lestenna · 1 year
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Leadership spots are available, adoptable weyrlings are up from the first clutch, and you can now play raiders!
Réalta Weyr is a new, semi-canon Dragonriders of Pern RP set roughly 100 Turns after the destruction of Thread and self-destruction of AIVAS. To accommodate the needs of the burgeoning new Crafts; Computercraft and Starcraft; a new Weyr and Hold-town were founded in a verdant valley beneath a glacier in Pern's northern continent. The people of Réalta Weyr focus on the skies—astronomy and the technology needed to eventually explore space! Plans to explore the Western continent and beyond, and efforts to find dragonkind's place in a world without thread abound under new Weyr management. But along with innovation comes pushback from the Traditionalists—and the attention of Holdless raiders. The appearance of new colors among both firelizard populations (the camouflage-capable grays) and dragons (the emotionally potent scarlets) have stirred the pot even more... and drawn the eyes of the Weyrs to Réalta.
Join us! ♥
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Do I revamp this blog, or throw Kerrigan onto my Multi?
Is the Starcraft RP community still a thing?
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