#stardust video and coffee
joebustillos · 10 months
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theyellowestmustard · 5 months
I got tagged in a thingy!
tagged by @atomicruinsperfection (thank you!!)
LAST SONG: Start with a Coffee by Sunny Flowers. She's local to where I live!! I saw her perform in fairy wings at a little punk club on new years eve a couple years ago and she's had my whole heart ever since. If you like hip-hop/electronica or want to support a very cool and approachable trans artist, give her a listen!
FAVOURITE COLOUR: ooooh like a blurple for sure. or a lavender. anything in the purple family. also yellow. obvs.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: my cat trying to gnaw through the box that contains her toys. and old kurtis conner videos. he's my comfort show.
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY: YO I have done a FULL 180 since turning 30 and now I'm a full-blown savory supporter. I don't do spice above like a sriracha level. I'm a lil bitch. I'll own it.
CURRENT OBSESSION: OFMD, the iced dirty chai specifically made by the coffee van that visits my workplace, podfics, snorkeling.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: the opening hours of my favourite bar
tagging: @bizarrelittlemew @stardust-ti @spookyfbi @romcomtelecom @depressedgremlinbitch and uhhh that's all i got, it's not 9 people but it'll do
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violetpixiedust · 2 years
thinking about soft!boyfriend steve. who grabs whatever inanimate object is closest to him and sings a silly little song into it whenever you’re sad just to see you break into a smile. who bundles you up in the coziest scarf he owns at the slightest inclination that you’re cold, he keeps it in the trunk of his car for you just in case. steve, who cuts off your self deprecating speech with a head spinning spearmint flavoured kiss because he adores you so incredibly much, and he knows that no words he could ever say would speak louder at that particular moment. steve, who reaches up wordlessly with a veiny hand to grab anything off the top shelf before you can even lean onto your tip toes. steve, who’s crafted from stardust, donning constellations made up of moles and freckles, scattered across his sun kissed complexion for you to trace, kiss, and memorize. steve is the act of selflessly switching ice creams or even sandwiches with you when you end up not liking yours. a rosy flush never fails to adorn his cheeks the day after, when you sweetly drop off coffee and baked goods at family video for him and robin to share as a thank you. steve is the colour of sunshine. paisley, warm and illuminating. steve is the epitome of lovesick when you laugh a bit too loud, knowing that you learned to shed your fear of doing so after you told him an ex of yours loathed it. he would give anything to hear you laugh like that every time. steve is the type of boyfriend who twirls you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waistline after spending fifteen minutes apart from you. who goes helplessly weak in the knees when you kiss him, because every time feels like the first time with you. who fiddles with the hem of your clothing, a lock of your hair, your dainty jewellery, anything to be closer to you while you speak to him. who reads with you from behind your shoulder, and quietly kisses the crook of your neck to let you know that you can turn the page. who promptly kneels onto the floor in front of you no matter where you are before fixing your shoelace or heel strap when he notices it’s come undone, much to your appreciative embarrassment. who lifts you up onto the nearest surface before he protectively bandages your wounds no matter how small, even if it was just a little scrape from when you clumsily banged into one of the cupboards, placing a tender kiss to the area after he ensures the edges of the plaster are smooth, wiping away your tears if any. steve, who feels the garden of his chest bloom with fresh wildflowers every time you say you love him, because he knows that you mean it, he can feel it, also because you’re so endearingly bad at telling even the whitest of lies. he drifts off to sleep whenever you play with his silky hair at the end of a long day, your manicured fingers gently scratching his scalp as he leans into the safety of being taken care of. steve is sticky lipgloss coated kisses on the cheek, intertwined fingers, dusky almond toned eyes brimmed with infatuation, fresh linen scented lullabies, bottled springtime, bouquets of your favourite flowers at any hour, stray flowers picked by you innocently placed behind his ears or braided through his hair. unbeknownst to the both of you, you’ve each started your own flower pressing journals, preserving every single petal that you’ve ever received from the other. steve is confidently mispronounced words that have you rolling in giggles and falling for him impossibly harder. he’s rose water scented love letters, time capsule polaroids of you in every nook of his burgundy bmw despite max saying that it looks like a shrine, slow dancing tipsily as dinner cooks on the stove, teary eyes at animal shelter commercials between bubblegum dramas, stolen kisses in broad daylight, absentmindedly humming along to the radio on the drive to lovers lake, fleeting confessions in the purple dawn. finally, steve is the schoolgirl type of love that has you twirling and daydreaming airily before opening your window for him when he sneaks into your childhood bedroom. lovestruck forever.
*soft!boyfriend stevie owns my ♡*
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Random Social Media from VTurtles! Fans. Vtuber Turtles!
Unicorn_Turtlefan: My roommate was able to get some Caffeinated Turtle Coffee. It tasted amazing! And with just one cup I stayed up all night cramming for a huge test, sat through the test and following classes, and promptly crashed at 9pm. 10/10 Would drink again!!!
》QuackChirp_TurtleDuck: Is that even safe, and if so which blend?
》Unicorn_Turtlefan: Well it's about as safe as any highly Caffeinated drink, and it was The Andromeda Mocha blend.
Turtle-Conspiracy: You can not tell me they don't have more than just a cat as a pet. Did you here that Hiss during Dees' stream? That was reptilian, not mammalian!
》PopGoesTurtle: Really living up to your username aren't you? They could've just been watching a pet for someone. They're very knowledgeable in reptiles.
》Shelldon & River: We've seen weirder stuff from random conspiracy theorists on here. Can't confirm or deny anything.
》PopGoesTurtle: I feel like I was just blessed and cursed at the same time.🐢📱❤
Blissful_ArtBlock: I got some Caffeinated Turtle tea from a friend, who was sworn to secrecy on where they got it. Stardust Dream Lavender blend. Best. Tea. Ever! I was so rested afterwards, could not recommend it enough. If you can ever get it.
》RainbowBonbon: How rested are we talking here? Asleep for 12 hours rested, or 3 Days of no obligations rested?
》Blissful_ArtBlock: Like I went to bed at a reasonable hour, and didn't need to be anywhere the next day! Plus my body didn't wake me up at 6am automatically!
Softshell_Simp: Dee could infect my computer with a highly destructive virus, and I would thank them~~~~💜💜💜
》Dee_Softshell: Well this is highly disturbing, and I don't believe I will send you a virus, I will instead just request you go to therapy.
》Softshell_Simp: NO Wait!!!! Please come baxk!?!!?!`#*&&*:# IT WAS A JOKE!!!!
Video: Red Angel flexing compilation!❤
Video: BlueNeon being a Sassy Queen!
Video: Edit of everytime Dee dances on stream!
Video: Mandarins random advice during streams.
TurtleinaPaintcan: Here's some progress pictures of my Blue cosplay, with a WIP River prop!
[Image ID: 1. A in progress of Leo's Event Costume, currently showing the Royal Blue Kimono Jacket with possible LED elements. The pants are folded next to it. 2. A pile of metallic teal fabric cut and waiting to be stitched together.]
》SplashofSeaPaint: That looks Awesome, I'm working on a Dee costume with a Shelldon. Team Up for an Event?
》TurtleinaPaintcan: If we can both get to the same event, maybe. Pics?
Turtle-Conspiracy: I did another rewatch of all of the VODs, there is no way they had a reptilian pet, there would be no reason to have one close to the recording area. There is evidence that they're Hiding Something! And not just their identities. I will find out this secret if it's the last thing I do! Link to all my findings -Here-.
》Dee_Softshell: Congratulations! You just won a remote harddrive wipe. Please Hold!
》Turtle-Conspiracy: How? HOW? IT'S ALL GONE!!!!! EVEN THE BACKUPS!!!
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httpknjoon · 2 years
masters of handling break ups | ksj
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plot | After the tabloids released news of you and Jin ending your unconfirmed relationship, the world watches how you two will handle it.
words | 1210
genres | humor/crack, barely fluff, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
warning | language
disclaimer | usernames used in the fic are all fictional.
note | i was inspired to finish this after jin's the astronaut. it's wonderful. y'all better stream 🤨 this scenario is inspired by a real-life Hollywood couple haha have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Sometime in 2018, a year after the release of your first film with Jin, another rumor went around. It was a hundred percent different than the usual news about you two. It was a split-up rumor. Of course, it caused a disastrous stir both in the media and on the Internet. 
@/y/nfan: what do you mean YN-JIN broke up????????
@/Y/NJINUpdates: [closed]
replying to @/YNJINUPDATES
– @/Y/NJINUpdates: No, I’m kidding. I’m not closing this account since neither Y/N nor Jin shared any statement about this issue.
@/itsworldwidejin: y’all didn’t believe me when i told u that relationship is just pr 🤣
replying to @/itsworldwidejin
– @/y/nism: please 😭😭 neither of them needed pr
@/glossylips: My mom is wondering why my sister is crying in her room for hours now. How am I going to explain this to her????
replying to @/glossylips
– @/Andrei101: Just tell ur mom two celebrities broke up.
— @/glossylips: No, can’t do. I’m crying too 😭💔
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“Oh my god. She was a mess.”
A source shared with some news outlets. Tabloids and magazines had your pictures on their front page. The images were all unflattering, honestly. It was taken during your regular routine when you don’t have work. You were seen getting coffee with a messy hairdo with dark sunglasses on. 
“She always wears those to hide her tired eyes. She has been crying all the time since Jin broke up with her due to her extreme jealousy. There was a time she was even sobbing while ordering her usual cup.”
Almost four weeks after that news, all eyes were still on both of you. You flew to Atlanta for the production of your new Apple+ movie. Still, the paparazzi are taking every chance they can to have snaps of you in your worst times. One of them is you walking to your trailer while tearing up. There was even a video of you being hugged by Florence Pugh, one of your co-stars, while you sobbed.
“It was heard that she and Jin tried to fix everything. But it was useless. Their busy schedules didn’t help. Her co-stars were all kind and considerate of her when she ask for a quick break.”
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Jin was seen in the same somber mood too. Although the media didn’t get many shots of him like yours, who’s always teary,  they still got many contents to feast on. Especially since Jin is doing promo and interviews for his film with a friend, Hoyeon Jung.
During press junket, everyone always pointed out how quiet Jin is. He didn’t really talk much unless needed. He wore a plain expression on his face, looking more serious than those times he was doing press with you. Yes, he would laugh with Hoyeon but he doesn’t joke much. His fans defended him, saying that the actor is probably tired. 
“Jin is totally heartbroken by the split up. He is a loner type. He would separate himself from his castmates after promos. After the premiere of Stardust in New York, Jin didn’t attend the afterparty and flew home to California instead. He and Hoyeon are just friends. It was Y/N’s jealousy and later, their limited time, that pushed them to break up.
They are also reports where a source shared that Jin was heard talking to someone through a phone call. They suspected it was you as the actor can be heard being “soft” with his choice of words and tone.
Fans and the media waited for any statement from you or Jin. But you two remained quiet on social media, only posting ads for your sponsors. Jin, who is a very private person, always has his manager look out for any possible intimate questions that the newspeople will ask. Donny was even asked about you two during his Instagram Live but he simply dodged it. Your manager, Hailey, was the one who handled your phone since you rarely used it during production.
It was safe to say that both of your and Jin’s separate fanbases were in a drought.
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Almost eight weeks after the news circulated the world, Jin was the first one who broke the social media silence between you two. He uploaded a two-minute-long clip. It was an instant viral video as you were also in it. 
“So…I have some news to break to you, Y/N.”
It seems like you two were just out for your usual tennis game. You wore a white v-neck tennis dress with a matching Nike visor. A couple of tennis rackets can be seen in the backseat of the car. You looked absolutely better than the anguish paparazzi photos of you going around for the last two months. 
“Wait.” you took a sip from your water bottle. “Okay, what’s the news, Jinnie?”
“They said, we broke up because of jealousy… “ Jin reads the magazine in his hand.
You gasped dramatically, “We did?!”
Jin bit his lower lip, trying not to laugh at your exaggerated reaction. But you continued, “I bet it’s because of Francheskat.”
He nodded, “Yeah if there’s a fire right now, I’m taking Francheskat with me.” 
“Brave of you to assume that. Of course, my lovely daughter and I already got out of the fire by the time you went in.” you rolled your eyes. Your eyes landed on the magazine he was holding. You took it and read it yourself. “Oh, wait. It’s not because of Francheskat. This one says, Y/N is jealous of Jin spending more time with his co-actor, Hoyeon Jung. Please, Hoyeon likes me more than this old man right here.”
“That’s–” Jin was about to object but he paused. “That’s true– not the old guy part– but Hoyeon does like Y/N more.”
“That’s why I’m asking her to marry me next time I see her,” you added. Then, you turned to Jin with a wide-eyed expression. “Wait, are we even dating?”
Jin mirrored your expression, gaping, “Oh my god. Are we?”
The video ended in that scene. Jin simply captioned it with four exclamation marks. Everyone found it hilarious. Hoyeon even commented:
@/hoooooyeony: @/urfavecatlady darling, i’m waiting for the ring 😪
Other celebrities commented too, laughing at how you two reacted to such news from a gossip magazine. At the same time, your fans were all jumping to Twitter. Rejoicing like rain finally came to stop the drought.
@/seokiejinnie0613: 그들은 정말 짜증나 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ  (Translated: They are so annoying hahahaha)
@/YNJINUpdates: Finally, it’s official! This account remains open! Kala niyo mapapabagsak niyo ko, mga tanga HAHAHA (Translated: You thought you can drag me down, idiots! HAHAHA)
@/missy/n: y/n looks so good in that video
@/alpacaarejins: YNJIN remains strong. Love is still alive, people!
@/sunnyy/njin: the fact that we cannot tell if they are really together or what 😭 i’m confused af
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On Florence Pugh’s birthday, you posted the same paparazzi photos that were taken earlier. The one where you were crying in her arms. You captioned it: 
@/urfavecatlady: Happy birthday to my beloved, @/florencepugh. Thank you for giving me the warmest hugs during my worst times (FUCKING MENSTRUAL CRAMPS 🤬😤😡). Know that I love you so much. Sending you love from LA. 🤍
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taglist rules
@seolaquotes @fatimaaaaa129 @bangtannieshope @jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @prlan @lovesickbangtan @zealouslightcookiebasketball @rapmonie2047 @potate-oh
@dunixxd​ @cixrosie​ @moonchild1 ​ @jksjx​ @embrace-themagic ​ @buttvi​  @starbtslove​  @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @barbiekatz
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f1xmeinfortyfive · 1 year
𝚂𝚘 𝙼𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝙵𝚘𝚛 (𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚛)𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜
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As the tour has turned out to be a rollercoaster of emotions and nostalgia, I decided to concentrate in a small masterpost each of the surprise songs played by the guys throughout the whole tour. It will be constantly updated and is not free of errors, if you notice any mistake in the dates or the position of the songs, feel free to comment and I will fix it. By now the source is the people who had contributed to the setlist.fm website, so I will try to look for more reliable sources with links to their respective creators (and also videos if it's possible) Thanks for reading, and happy tourdust to all. 🖤✨
Take This To Your Grave (2003)
Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today • Dead On Arrival • GRAND THEFT AUTUMN / WHERE IS YOUR BOY • SATURDAY • HOMESICK AT SPACE CAMP (Jun/30) • Sending Postcards From A Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here) • CHICAGO IS SO TWO YEARS AGO • The Pros And Cons Of Breathing • Grenade Jumper • CALM BEFORE THE STORM • Reinventing The Wheel To Run Myself Over • The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes • Roxanne 
From Under The Cork Tree (2005) 
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued (Jun/27) ● OF ALL THE GIN JOINTS IN ALL THE WORLD (Jun/23) ● DANCE, DANCE ● SUGAR WE'RE GOING DOWN ● Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner ● I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song) ● 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen) ● SOPHOMORE SLUMP OR COMEBACK OF THE YEAR (Jun/24) ● Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends ● I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me ● A LITTLE LESS SIXTEEN CANDLES, A LITTLE MORE "TOUCH ME" ● Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows) ● XO ● Snitches And Talkers Get Stitches And Walkers • The Music Or The Misery 
Infinity On High (2007)
Thriller ● "THE TAKE OVER, THE BREAKS OVER" (Jun/23) ● THIS AIN'T A SCENE, IT'S AN ARMS RACE ● I'M LIKE A LAWYER WITH THE WAY I'M ALWAYS TRYING TO GET YOU OFF (ME & YOU) (Jun/24) ● HUM HALLELUJAH (Jun/24) ● GOLDEN (JUL/2) ● THNKS FR TH MMRS ● Don't You Know Who I Think I Am? ● THE (AFTER) LIFE OF THE PARTY (Jun/28)● The Carpal Tunnel Of Love ● BANG THE DOLDRUMS (JUL/3) ● Fame < Infamy ● You're Crashing, But You're No Wave ● I'VE GOT ALL THIS RINGING IN MY EARS AND NONE ON MY FINGERS (JUL/3) ● G.I.N.A.S.F.S. (Jun/21) ● It's Hard To Say "I Do", When I Don't
Folie à Deux (2008)
DISLOYAL ORDER OF WATER BUFFALOES ● I Don't Care ● She's My Winona ● AMERICA'S SUITEHEARTS (JUL/2) ● HEADFIRST SLIDE INTO COOPERSTOWN ON A BAD BET ● The (Shipped) Gold Standard ● (COFFEE'S FOR CLOSERS) (JUL/1) ● WHAT A CATCH, DONNIE (Jun/28) ● 27 ● Tiffany Blews ● w.a.m.s. ● 20 Dollar Nose Bleed ● West Coast Smoker ● Pavlove ● Beat It ● Lullabye
Save Rock And Roll (2013)
The Phoenix ● MY SONGS KNOW WHAT YOU DID IN THE DARK ● Alone Together ● Where Did The Party Go ● Just One Yesterday ● The Mighty Fall ● Miss Missing You ● Death Valley ● Young Volcanoes ● Rat A Tat ● SAVE ROCK AND ROLL
American Beauty / American Psycho (2015)
Irresistible ● American Beauty / American Psycho ● CENTURIES ● The Kids Aren't Alright ● UMA THURMAN ● Jet Pack Blues ● Novocaine ● Fourth Of July ● Favorite Record ● Immortals ● Twin Skeletons (Hotel In NYC)
M A N I A (2018)
Young And Menace ● Champion ● Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea ● HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T ● THE LAST OF THE REAL ONES ● Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) ● Church ● Heaven's Gate ● Sunshine Riptide ● Bishops Knife Trick
So Much (For) Stardust (2023)
Evening Out With Your Girlfriend (2003)
Honorable Mention ● CALM BEFORE THE STORM ● Switchblades And Infidelity ● Pretty In Punk ● Growing Up ● The World's Not Waiting (For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van) ● Short, Fast And Loud ● Moving Pictures ● Parker Lewis Can't Lose (But I'm Gonna Give It My Best Shot)
My Heart Will Always Be The B-Side To My Tongue (2004)
My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon ● "It's Not A Side Effect Of The Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love" ● Love Will Tear Us Apart
PAX AM Days (2013) 
We Were Doomed From The Start (The King Is Dead) ● Art Of Keeping Up Disappearances ● Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside ● Love, Sex, Death ● Eternal Summer ● Demigods ● American Made ● Caffeine Cold ● New Dreams
Llamania (2018) 
Past Life ● Footprints In The Snow ● Wrong Side Of Paradise  
Lake Effect Kid (2018) 
Lake Effect Kid ● City In A Garden ● Super Fade  
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wh0lemilk0vich · 4 months
tag game! Tagged by @creepkinginc thx nosho
rules: go to pinterest, search "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard from the results.
I had to fudge it a bit or else I only got pictures of Misha Collins
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Lots of get to know you stuff under the cut
you name: Misha (any spelling or variation of Michael except "Mike")
age: 29
starsign: Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising
your first language: English
second language: German/Russian
(third language: Polish)*
(fourth language: Irish)*
favourite lip product: I let God decide what happens to my lips.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: I can make a pasta sauce out of basically any vegetables and some meat. I also cook pretty decent Korean food.
if you drink tea, what kind?: herbatki "Malwa" z suszu owocowego, either czarna porzeczka or owocowa.
if you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: I don't drink coffee, and haven't had caffeine in 2 years.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: God, these days Minecraft or other video game let's plays, game streams, comparative mythology, or world building videos?
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: I absolutely could not tell you. What did annoying theatre kids watch in 2012?
favourite item of clothing right now: I have a couple dresses and sweaters I love.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: lololol probably the American Eagle button down shirts I insisted on wearing with a vest and blazer, but then for some reason boot cut jeans.
* I had to rep for USAmericans who are multilingual
three movies you recommend: Morozko/Ivan Vasilievich Back to the Future, Stardust, The Lord of the Rings.
your favourite concert: i really don't like concerts haha.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: not really.
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: not really, I still feel like I'm trying to enter them tbh.
the best tv show you watched last year: honestly probably Shadow and Bone or House of Dragons (it's probably been longer than a year but I mean writers strikes and stuff, I don't remember seeing a good show) or Gilded age! Nothing happens in Gilded Age and I love every minute of it.
do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: I don't think I picture actors or types in my head when I watch or read things.
a ship you've abandoned: none they're always bouncing around there and can always be reactivated. Especially if you can give me a juicy crossover, make it supernatural/fantasy, or make one of them chubby.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: oh lol, I was about to say pretty open but then I remember some of the stuff I read so hard 0.
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?): no and don't think I want one, but I have tattoo ideas
what fandom do you wish was bigger?: I'm honestly not sure maybe Magicians, I get intimidated by big fandoms haha.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: the last season of game of thrones was abysmal.
have you …
... swam in an ocean?: yes, as it happens.
... ever been vegan/vegetarian?: nö.
... gone skinny dipping?: no, but I would with the right people.
... gone skiing?: never and no desire.
... been to a convention?: a couple academic conventions.
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mirrorthoughts · 8 months
15 questions 15 less than 15 mutuals
I got tagged by the lovely @vmures 💕 thanks!
1. Are you named after anyone? Yeah, my second name comes from my great grandmother who was still alive when I was born (though she died when I was around 1) and my third one comes from my godmother!
2. When was the last time you cried? It was either Monday the second October or somewhere later during that week. I did cry on monday, not sure about the rest of the week, I was not in a good head space then.
3. Do you have kids? Nope!
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Oh that's gonna be a funny list: Ballet (I was very young, didn't do it v long thanks to my mum), soccer/Fußball (also not that long), swimming (actually did that for a while competitve), standard dance, judo, aikido, I tried capoera (but being fat didn't help with trying to do the movements slowly - my center of gravity is different), currently I'm trying to somehow get into the shape for parcour
5. Do you use sarcasm? Nooo, I would never dare to use sarcasm...
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Their voice and their general vibe I think...
7. What’s your eye color? Blue with a brown ring in the middle which makes it look blue-green-grey-ish
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I like both. I do generally prefer happy endings though. (So I love Scary movies with happy endings!)
9. Any talents? I'm a jack of all trades.
10. Where were you born? Germany, Bavaria
11. What are your hobbies? This will be another funny and long list 😂 Writing (stories & rpgs), reading, reaseraching, listening to & making music, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, drawing, video games, movies & shows, documentations & video essays, crafts in general, puzzles & riddles, boardgames, TTRPGs, escape rooms, trying new stuff other people gushed about.
12. Do you have any pets? Sadly no.
13. How tall are you? 1,67m
14. Favorite subject in school? Math, Economy & Law (that was one single subject at our school)
15. Dream job? I wanted to be an astronaut and an author when I was young (and also later - at least the author), but my perfect job would be owning a café (and yes I know v already said that, but we are apparently simmilar in that way 😂) and I say owning bc my social skills are horrible and my social anxiety would not help in actually working there myself. I'd call it the "Black Cat Coffee Corner" and it would be a 24/7 book café with large shelves of second hand books, comfy chairs and large baskets of yarn and crochet and knitting needles everywhere. And you can crochet/knit or read while you're there but if you want to take what you crocheted/knitted/read with you you would need to pay for the yarn/book. And. Well. For whatever coffee and stuff you'd consumed.
Low/no pressure tags for: @lucky-bishop, @aurevell,@bucky-boychik-barnes, @midmorning-bomb, @meggie-stardust, @the-clintster, @tkwritesdumbassassins, @msridcully, @teenwerewoofs
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sunhated-a · 6 months
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tagged by : Stolen from an ancient blog. tagging : You.
ARIES:  bonfires, competitiveness,  hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair,  sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs,  candle lights,  body language, creaking floorboards,  ouija boards,   having no regrets,  karaoke nights out.
TAURUS: house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla-scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies,  baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele.
GEMINI:  femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans.
CANCER: mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields,  gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends.
LEO: confident in what they do,  kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.
VIRGO: pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably into photography,  neutral colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
LIBRA:  soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends,   hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely,   tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.
SCORPIO:  cottages in the woods,   in love with greek mythology,   vintage t-shirts,  really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined,   moonlight,   pretty handwriting,  into the retro aesthetic,   rainy days,   doesn’t judge people,   cats.
SAGITTARIUS: always ready for an adventure, street smart,   wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people,   alcohol,   paintbrushes,   can’t sit still,  untied shoelaces,   tangled up earphones,   blasting music at midnight,   eye-gazing.
CAPRICORN: cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going,  probably hasn’t slept in two days,  actually a big softie,  high-waisted jeans,  cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.
AQUARIUS: loves to paint and do any kind of art,   wants to live at the seaside,  knows a lot of random facts, shares food,  messy notes,  bullshits an entire essay,  graffiti,  has their own distinct style,  wants to live their life like they want to.
PISCES:  old teddy bears,  unsent love letters,  mom-jeans,  loves to sing,  feels at home by the ocean,  writes poetry,  hard-worker,  always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze.
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niragixpsych · 5 months
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tagged by : no one
tagging : whoever wants to do this
ARIES:bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair,  sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards,  ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out.
TAURUS: house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla-scented candles,  aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele.
GEMINI: femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans.
CANCER: mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends.
LEO:confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably want’s to visit Paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.
VIRGO: pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
LIBRA: soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.
SCORPIO: cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats.
SAGITTARIUS:always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people,alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing.
CAPRICORN: cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably hasn’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.
AQUARIUS: loves to paint and do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to.
PISCES: old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry (here and there), hard-workers, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze.
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blysse-and-blunder · 1 year
midweek commonplace book: the rough drafts
5pm, wednesday, june 28, 2023
it's been over a month since i drafted the following ilcb post, and here i am again, in the same coffee shop i was in back then, again avoiding working on a cover letter for a course instructorship position. in the intervening time, i a) got that job b) taught that whole class, c) took a weekend trip to see a friend get married, and d) am now applying for the next one! figured it was time to open the vault (my chaotic drafts folder) and let these musings see the light of day. maybe it's the key to my success.
edits and new text below in [brackets] to preserve the original draft's ~authenticity~. XD
in lieu of a commonplace book: may day
3pm sunday, april 30 -- 6pm sunday, may 7, 2023
it's rainy and there are so many flowers starting to emerge in the neighborhood, and i've been cozily reading escapist fantasy instead of writing my syllabus or facing the future head on.
reading since i last made one of these posts, i've finished reading the following: the golden enclaves by naomi novik (audio), the jasmine throne by tasha suri, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid (audio), dial a for aunties by jesse sutanto (audio), and the tyrant baru cormorant by seth dickinson. this not being exclusively a book review series, unfortunately, we're just going to talk about the [left out the title but did include the picture so we know it was at the feet of the sun by victoria goddard!].
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[i think i failed to actually write out my thought about this one because a number of people who follow me (@spoonierbard, @hematiterings) were either reading it or were about to start reading it, and i didn't want to color their experiences. i was also not entirely sure how i felt about it? i think i went in with expectations this time, which is a recipe for disappointment-- and i also had actual literary 'critique' thoughts primed and ready, as opposed to the pure vibes and pleasure with which i approached hote. overall-- and i say this as someone who reads and loves fan fiction-- it felt like reading fan fiction, ambitious, self-indulgent, big focus on relationships and feelings, and with a definite Point to Make. a behemoth of a book, and full of things to love--but less transcendent, for me, than its precursor. happy to expand on these feelings in a pm!]
[i didn't write anything here, but i did include the two videos below. both were new to me this spring-- i never had a fallout boy phase in high school, please don't laugh, so it was very exciting to fall in love with first so much for stardust and then, at the recommendation of my housemate g, this track from folie a deux. 'disloyal order of water buffaloes']
[i think both of these songs are saying something about the mood i was in this spring-- yearning? defiant? a little pissed off? "hundred days" was a sptify recommendation, and fuck if they didn't get me in one. i have since investigated the duo behind the album a little and realized i have... possible thoughts, about their oeuvre, about making art out of their relationship, but this particular song unfortunately goes extremely hard for folk so i am compelled to love it! there's just something about the main melodic hook, the plaintive/desperate tone of some of the lyrics (especially 'i want / a hundred days / of bright light' each! time!), and the way there's so much going on in the arrangement at 2:34 ish-- i wish the rest of the album was as good as this one track. i want a hundred good days! of bright light! I do regularly think about things i'm trying or striving for and think "I want ! a hundred days !" of whatever it is. At least 100 days. there's something almost reminiscent of tiffany aching to this, for me-- using your selfishness/unvarnished wants to motivate you.]
watching taking a break from prestige tv!... with more prestige tv. started severance while my fellow succession and ted lasso-viewing housemate is out of the country. i love the stylization, the aesthetic, the eeriness! this is what i was hoping don't worry darling (2022) would be, in terms of combining a mid-century aesthetic with our main characters working for some enigmatic brain-washing Company or Project. Lumon better not be a simulation-- as i discovered back in january, i like it when there's some *there* there, when the conspiracy is actually as trippy as it seems, i understand that sometimes people want to write misdirection but man i am sad anytime something was all an illusion after all. also watched a bit of the first season of the gilded age and the first truly wild episode of mrs. davis with another housemate; there is no witty comparison or fun snappy one-liner i can come up with about these two.
[the above remains true-- i just watched a bit more severance yesterday! there was a massive cliffhanger just where i stopped, but the tone of the show is so Much that i actually was glad for the break. don't get me wrong-- i love how stylized it all is, still, i love the aesthetic and all the visual and verbal details that build up to mad-men-esque 60s office culture-horror, it's fantastic. getting that little extra moment with dichen lachman's character and hearing her talk about her experience was...gutting... but my favorite character continues to be devon.]
[triumphant return to both dnd campaigns in the past week or so! it hasn't been entirely my fault that neither group met for most of the past six weeks, but i didn't help. campaign B had our one-year anniversary on sunday! one of the players went really overboard and commissioned a bunch of beautiful cards and badges and coins for us and our characters' little secret organization!! we broke the dm's screen door briefly and saw how big her baby has gotten!! we cried over @dimir-charmer's wedding dress! we successfully escaped the wild west!]
[didn't even draft this section. i thing i had just fixed...something, but who remembers what. pro cooking tip, leftover tortilla soup can become poor grad student shakshuka so easily. two eggs + in a pan + simmer = profit]
[working on]
[aforementioned cover letter for a course instructorship for next fall is due tomorrow. technically there are two i could be going for, both of which have definite pros and cons, but i'm pouring all this time and angst into one and just kinda forgot about the other? also i'm grading for two different classes, figuring out how to have sooo many tabs open at the same time and how to juggle spreadsheets+answer key+word+ pdf reader all at the same time. oh for the days of paper submissions, you know? last but not least, i am desultorily staring at the manuscript + outline for my conference paper for next month (less than a month now! fuck!) for like an hour a day, and making very little practical progress on it. so.
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izuku · 4 months
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bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies.
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 : bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards, ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out.
𝐓𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 : house plants, over-sized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele.
𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 : femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans.
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 : mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming, plucking fresh fruit, loves fashion, would die for their friends.
𝐋𝐄𝐎 : confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.
𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐎 :  pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, love going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 : soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.
𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 : cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats.
𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 : always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing.
𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 : cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably hasn’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.
𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 : loves to paint & do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to.
𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 : old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry, hard-worker, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze.
if you wanna do this too for your ocs, please say i tagged you!
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kuinaoflight · 5 months
ARIES: bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards, ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out.
TAURUS: house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla-scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele.
GEMINI: femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans.
CANCER: mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends.
LEO: confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably want’s to visit Paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.
VIRGO: pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
LIBRA: soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.
SCORPIO: cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats.
SAGITTARIUS: always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing.
CAPRICORN: cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably hasn’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.
AQUARIUS: loves to paint and do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to.
PISCES: old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry (here and there), hard-workers, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze.
Taken from: @niragixpsych
Tagging: You~! 😘✨
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rejectshumanity · 10 months
bold what applies to your muse;
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aries: bonfires, competitiveness, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2am, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, candle lights, body language, creaking floorboards, ouija boards, having no regrets, karaoke nights out
taurus: house plants, oversized sweaters, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the colour yellow, vanilla scented candles, aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, the mom friend, loves the ukulele
gemini: femme fatale movies, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, do no harm but take no shit, in love with dogs, probably cries during sad movies but won’t admit it, easily excited, ripped jeans
cancer: mermaids, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends
leo: confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit paris once, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons
virgo: pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably into photography, neutral colours, handwritten letters, stardust
libra: soft blankets, cuddling the ones you love, always standing up for your friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous
scorpio: cottages in the woods, in love with greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn’t want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, rainy days, doesn’t judge people, cats
sagittarius: always ready for an adventure, street smart, wants to travel the world someday, doesn’t easily trust people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earphones, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing
capricorn: cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably haven’t slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays
aquarius: loves to paint and do any kind of art, wants to live at the seaside, knows a lot of random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, graffiti, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to
pisces: old teddy bears, unsent love letters, mom-jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry, hard worker, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze
tagged by: @forfamily
tagging: you!
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kenobihater · 9 months
Found a cool post and wanted do it for Khazarrin!! The rules r to bold any and all that apply to your OC :^)
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[ COLORS ] crimson. red. burgundy. brown. orange. yellow. green. dark green. olive. khaki. shamrock. blue. dark blue. purple. lilac. pink. black. white. teal. mint. silver. gold. grey. metallic. matte. cream. ivory. beige.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. fog. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. ears. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. lean. piercing. tattoos. lithe. moles. dimples. athletic. lanky.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. bow. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. telepathy. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles. words. wealth. knowledge. charm.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amber. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. grain.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. wildflowers. flowers. petals. thorns. weeds. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. rain. thunder.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. birds of prey. singing birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. rats. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. livestock. foxes. jackals. martens.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. bitter. spicy. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. ice-cream. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. house plants. smithing. sculpting. whittling. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. history. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. flight. climbing. running. freerunning. exploring. yoga. meditation.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. heavy armor. medium armor. light armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. flower crown. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform. fancy shoes. leather jacket.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. anger. bittersweet. happiness. luck. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. secrets. lies. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. kisses. hugs. revenge. lust. regrets. passion. spontaneity. potty mouth. recklessness. cautiousness. compassion. practicality. chivalry. tradition. patience. impatience.
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levinbolts · 9 months
i found another one of these and ofc wanted to do it for valen because why wouldn't i. if anyone else wants to go ahead !
Rules: - bold any which apply to your oc
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[ COLORS ] crimson. red. burgundy. brown. orange. yellow. green. dark green. olive. khaki. shamrock. blue. dark blue. purple. lilac. pink. black. white. teal. mint. silver. gold. grey. metallic. matte. cream. ivory. beige.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. fog. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. lean. piercing. tattoos. lithe. moles. dimples. athletic. lanky.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. bow. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. telepathy. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles. words. wealth. knowledge. charm.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amber. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. grain.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. wildflowers. flowers. petals. thorns. weeds. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. rain. thunder.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. birds of prey. singing birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. rats. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. livestock. foxes. jackals. martens.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. bitter. spicy. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. ice-cream. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. house plants. smithing. sculpting. whittling. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. history. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. flight. climbing. running. freerunning. exploring. yoga. meditation.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. heavy armor. medium armor. light armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. flower crown. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform. fancy shoes. leather jacket.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. anger. bittersweet. happiness. luck. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. secrets. lies. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. kisses. hugs. revenge. lust. regrets. passion. spontaneity. potty mouth. recklessness. cautiousness. compassion. practicality. chivalry. tradition. patience. impatience.
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