#starfighter cosplay
feder-costumes · 1 year
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Starfighter had it's 15th Anniversary!
I've never uploaded much of these here but I felt nostalgic over this comic I had discovered, when it had 8 pages and then continued to have such a grip on me that I learned to sew fullbody spacesuit from stretch vinyl for it. And now the smell of 4-way-stretch vinyl means friendship to me on undisclosed insane levels. Abel is me Cain is @neonpastelnina
Starfighter by @hamletmachine
Photos by Krone and Squirrel-of-Doom
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aclowntiny · 1 year
May the Flirts Be With You- Seonghwa x Female!Cosplayer!Reader
It adds years to my life as a massive Star Wars nerd that a member of one of my ult groups is one too 🫶🏻 him making a May the 4th post = instant serotonin. It's 3 weeks late, but here's a corny little fun post for SW Day 😁
Word Count: 2394 | Conventions, Nerds to Lovers lmao, that trope I've accidentally created where Yeosang plays cupid | Warnings: the con is really generic because I didn't want to rip anything real off too much & have it be something they couldn't go to lmao, plus that way I could make other popular sci-fi references >:3
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“Isn’t the cloak a bit much?”
"Come on," Seonghwa half-jokingly whined, "you said you were going to appreciate everything."
Yeosang had joined him at a sci-fi convention, something Seonghwa had always dreamed of attending. Artists sat at tables showing their amazing creations, groups of friends and family took pictures with signs and props, and of course the place was flooded with cosplayers and merch. They'd even passed by the 501st Legion.
"I do," Yeosang assured him, nodding towards an artist table stocked with hyperrealistic head sketches of the classic Star Trek cast, "like look at those. I don't even watch the show and I kind of want one."
"That's why they say these cons are so expensive, like look over there!" Seonghwa pointed eyes widening. "There's a guy selling discontinued Star Wars lego sets!"
"Oh, boy," Yeosang muttered, but with a smile as his hyung dragged him over to the man's table, where he started eagerly digging in, that childlike wonder Yeosang knew so well starring his eyes.
"This is a fun little ship," Yeosang commented, picking up a small packet, "I like the yellow."
Seonghwa turned, then gave a nod. "The Naboo Starfighter! That is cute, you should get it for your shelf."
"You know what, maybe I will."
"That's the spirit! As for me, I'm between the AT-TE and the TIE Advanced set."
"Go with the cheaper one."
Seonghwa stuck his tongue out at Yeosang, who mirrored the gesture, then giggled in spite of himself. He wasn't the only one who made the sound, though; Seonghwa swiveled around, ready to greet another lego enthusiast, but what he saw had his fingers involuntarily loosening, almost sending the (slightly overpriced, in his opinion) AT-TE set tumbling back onto the red-and-black tablecloth.
It was a girl, a young woman about his age, dressed head-to-toe in a perfect Princess Leia cosplay. And not the classic white outfit, but the Bespin gown and cape.
You made the red outfit look classically beautiful, and whether it was all your hair or some sort of wig or extensions, you'd braided it just right, the loops falling back and at each side of your face, which was focused on Seonghwa with a smile.
"Oh, sorry, you two were just funny. You look like a Jedi and his padawan having a spat."
Seonghwa tore his eyes off of you long enough to regard Yeosang. "I told you I looked like a Jedi!"
"You sure do," you added, tilting your head toward the boxes in his hands, "what are you looking at getting there?"
Seonghwa shakily lowered the AT-TE back to the table. "Oh, well, I think I'm going with the TIE Advanced set."
"Good choice," you loudly whispered, leaning a bit closer, "355 to that one's 794. A little under half the pieces, but a quarter of the price."
"That's what I thought, like the TIE is way more iconic too, sorry Battle of Utapau."
"Yeah, I'm more into the OG movies myself."
He nodded toward your cosplay. "I see that. Did you make that yourself, or buy the pieces?"
"Oh, no, I made this."
Seonghwa feels his jaw drop, warmth pooling in his chest at the way you giggle again, this time at his expression, which rises from shock to a wide, awed grin. "You- you really? How do you do it? How long does it take? One of my roommates just customizes regular clothes and it seems like he can spend hours."
"Oh, yeah, hours is about right," you chuckle, "but it feels like the hardest part is finding the right fabrics sometimes, like these thicker ones aren't at every fabric store."
"Yeah, you really sound like my friend," Seonghwa jokes, "but you look way better."
He flushes the moment the words leave his mouth, immediately stuttering backtracks. "Well, um, that is, I mean, he doesn't do cosplay, more just like paint and cutting stuff up and-"
"Don't worry, you wouldn't believe how many creeps have told me I should have gone with the slave look," your voice cuts into his ramble, "I'm not offended. I actually appreciate it, um...what was your name again?"
"Oh," he lit up, "Seonghwa. This is my first convention."
Introducing yourself, you smiled and waved a hand at the legos he paused the conversation to purchase. "And it looks like you're getting something out of it already."
"More clutter for his room," Yeosang supplied.
You laughed. "You don't want to see mine, then. Besides, I can't help but notice you bought a ship too."
"A tiny one!" Yeosang sheepishly defended himself, quickly laughing at the m-hm sound you made.
"That's how it starts. Get him addicted, Seonghwa."
He nodded. "I'm trying."
"That's the spirit," you said with a mischievous grin.
Seonghwa nodded, then felt his eyes start to lose focus from looking at your own. "Er, well, we'll see you around, (y/n)!" He waved, starting to turn and walk away with Yeosang, who immediately shoved him.
"Whoa, what's that for?"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Getting back to the convention?"
"Don't you think you should talk to her?"
"What, and follow her around like a weirdo?"
"No," Yeosang fought, "invite her to go check out the voice acting stall or build your legos together or at least just take a picture with her to remember her by if you're too scared to do anything else."
Seonghwa frowned slightly. "I'm not scared."
"Ok," his long-haired friend shrugged, "then prove it."
"I will," he said with a satisfied smile as he turned on his heels, heading back for you.
"Oh, hey, (y/n)?"
You turned around too, white cape billowing around you like angel wings. He swallowed, trying not to stare too hard.
"Can we take a picture? I- I haven't really gotten many pictures with cosplayers, and-"
"Sure!" Smiling brightly, you accepted his proffered phone, taking a couple selfies that left Seonghwa feeling like a boiled lobster, he must be so red. He wasn't expecting you to put your arm around him, but he sure wouldn't complain, either. You also had Yeosang take a few head-to-toe ones so you could see your full outfits and the poses you guys did.
By the time you were done, you both were laughing, especially at one selfie you caught of all three of you where both you and Seonghwa posed and Yeosang just had the most confused expression. In another, you reached behind you to the book stall, each picking one up to pretend to read. Seonghwa made a shocked face at James Luceno's Tarkin, Yeosang mimed intense focus on Timothy Zahn's The Icarus Hunt, and you pretended to laugh at the bowl of petunias in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
"Well, thanks!" Seonghwa exclaimed after your photoshoot, trailing off before Yeosang elbowed him from behind. "Er, well, I was wondering if you are on any social media for your cosplays?"
"Yup," you nodded, closing out your Photos app with a smile at all the new shots of you guys that had been added to your phone and sliding over to instagram, "Here's where I post a lot of my photos, but if you want to see anything more in-depth or show your fashion designing friend, I can give you my youtube."
Wow... "You have a cosplay youtube? That's so cool! I bet it's a lot of fun!"
"Sure, it's where I track progress, share my processes, and do hauls and stuff too. Oh, and these guys," you shook the box of lego you'd bought at the stall that introduced you, "will get built on there, too. Hey, would you wanna be in a video?"
This time, no elbowing was required. "On your channel? Yes, of course! We could build our legos," Seonghwa replied, feeling excitement rush to his face as he strolled past a life-size Dalek, fingers reaching out to gently brush the smooth dome atop the metal structure.
"For one, yes," you said, a hand reaching up to straighten your Leia braids, "but how would you feel about modeling a legit cosplay?"
His eyes flew open. "You'd make me a whole outfit?"
"Well, I need practice doing men's fits too," you giggled, swerving around a couple dressed as Zoë and Wash from Firefly, "and you have, like, perfect proportions."
Seonghwa's mouth opened and closed a few times, but he didn't know what to say to that. You didn't say any more, either, your interest suddenly captured by a stall selling Padme-inspired jewelry, including one thick silver choker that honestly captured Seonghwa's eyes too...
"So, uh, would you be interested?" You glanced back and forth between the stall and Seonghwa, the way your eyes peered up at him involuntarily raising the corners of his lips.
"As long as my outfit is as pretty as yours."
"Everyone's commenting asking if you're a professional model," you giggle at Seonghwa, glancing up at your phone as you hand him the bright orange brick separator.
He pries apart two misplaced lego pieces before meeting your eyes. "Me?"
"Yes, you," you fire back, closing your phone and leaning a bit closer, scanning first Seonghwa's progress, then his face, "have you seen yourself?"
Heat creeps back into his cheeks. "Yes, but I've seen you, too, so I know they should be asking that about you, not me."
"Wow, that was really smooth. No wonder I dressed you up as Lando," you grin, resting your chin on your hand.
Seonghwa just gazed into your eyes with a fond smile. That had been a long, but amazing, process as you got measurements, pinned him still until he was stiff all over, but put hours of work into detailing a masterpiece, complete with a cape of his very own. All the standing around was so worth it to feel the way your hands gently grazed his sides, to hear you laugh at his little comments and even feel it against his neck when you were working on his shoulders, to always make sure you were stopping to take care of yourself, too, and hear how grateful you were when he reminded you you were doing amazing, no need to push yourself. Watching the transformation, your busy hands at work, getting to embody a piece of the universe he loved so much, all of it made for some of the best weeks Seonghwa had had in a long time.
"That was fun," he commented, attaching two more pieces to the wing of the ship he was building.
"Yeah," you agreed, "especially when you almost kissed me."
Seonghwa reddened, stiffening and lowering the wing in his hand slightly.
It had happened one of the last times you'd met up when you were attaching his cape, hands on his shoulders. He'd relaxed too much, falling into watching you work with dazed eyes, dreaming of leaning in, and then you pulled a little too hard, sending him surging forward, his face almost crashing into yours. He'd managed to catch himself just in time and you'd edited that part out of the fitting video of course, but that moment, your awkward but thrilling almost-kiss, had been living rent-free in Seonghwa's mind ever since then. A part of him wished he'd just managed to fall all the way, but that also wasn't how he wanted your first kiss to go. If you liked him back, which Yeosang and Hongjoong insisted you did. Hongjoong had even taken to texting him 'May the flirts be with you' before he went to your studio, which strangely had encouraged him on a couple occasions to just say the compliment or to brush your hands a little when he handed you supplies or made sure you had water.
"I'm so sorry about that, I really was just clumsy and-"
"It's all right," you smirked faintly, putting the constructed cockpit in your hands down, "I was ready for it."
Seonghwa's brows furrowed as he fully set the wing down. "You... you..."
"Wait, I'm sorry, did I read things wrong? I thought we were flirting. But if not, I'm so sorry! I'm not good at this," you confessed, "you know what they say about nerds and all."
Any and all dissatisfaction about Hongjoong being right dissipated into the great sparkly abyss of joy rising and thudding out of Seonghwa's chest because holy cow, the super cool girl who makes Star Wars outfits and builds lego with him and doesn't laugh at his ASMR is interested in them? Sure, let him and Yeosang rub it in Seonghwa's face. He'd endure anything if it meant getting closer to you.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, either," he chuckled, grin widening by the second, "but yes, I was. My roommate even started texting me to hype me up before I visited you, look!"
He showed you the text, which was followed by a gif of Han Solo and a whole bunch of teasing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
"I was worried you were going to see all the youtube comments teasing me about my obvious crush on you or how cute we were together!"
His eyes widened again. "So you have an obvious crush on me?"
"Seonghwa," you folded your arms, "you don't exactly want someone to kiss you because they're like a brother to you."
"Right, right, sorry, it's just so hard to believe a real-life space princess like you is interested in a lowly smuggler like myself."
"Ok," you snorted, "that was corny."
"I was trying to be corny."
"Good," you tease, leaning in closer until your nose is almost brushing his, "I like corny."
"That's why you like Attack of the Clones. It's the dialogue."
"It's the childhood appeal and you know it! I always say they got a little confident in their millions with some of the writing, but something in it really captured a youth vibe. It's like what they did in Twilight, but better because of the rest of the worlds happening around it-" You rambled, distracted by Seonghwa's claim.
Seonghwa, meanwhile, could only stare at your animated gesticulating and think how you're most definitely the girl of his dreams. "Ok, seriously, please kiss me."
“Alright, but we’re definitely doing the cape yank next time,” you comment as you lean in, letting Seonghwa take one of your hands, the other pulling you in softly by your cheek until your lips met.
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cultpastorkevin · 3 years
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hey ;)
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cainthefighter · 5 years
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pictures taken by smol_kimmy on IG! Not sure their tumblr
Ahhh I made a Cain Playboy Bunny suit from scratch and even if it turned out pretty shitty I’m still so glad I did! I’ve been cosplaying him since 2015 and it’s really about time he got a good comeback 😭💕
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ask-myshonok · 5 years
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you're trouble
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czechmatecosplay · 6 years
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I beat it up
I bang it out
Until the sun comes up
I bang it out
Until you scream, my love
Cain: Me
Abel: Bloodyhoshi
Photo: Erik Paredes Photography
Art: @hamletmachine
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sewer-business · 5 years
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Abel is helping me be confident!
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cruel-but-cute · 6 years
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"I'll drink to that..." Starfighter belongs to @hamletmachine
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takeuchi-69 · 6 years
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Haven’t really been focusing on cosplay because I’m trying to be a functional adult. But I did fit in a bit of sewing. Working on a casual navigator jacket, inspired by @hamletmachine’s amazing BL comic Starfighter. I have been meaning to do a revamp on my Selene cosplay. I originally wanted to redo the navigator jacket design but I decided to base the final product on my own designs instead. Still waiting for that army patch to arrive!!! Will probably do a costest tomorrow I ask you to ignore the skirt at the bottom of my dolly
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kayizcray · 7 years
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More Abel ♥ what a good poor bab
(My Cain Blog)
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So I got back into Starfighter a couple of months ago and I haven’t shut up about it since. I also realised Helios is actually everything I’ve ever wanted to be in life?? So naturally he’s my new favourite cosplay, indulge me.
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fuckablenerdstuff · 7 years
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Starfighter photo set from JAN CH shots taken by Misaki Sai   Cain is Takeshi Cosplay  Abel is me <3 
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tsukkitani · 7 years
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lil abel costest !! Went a little heavy on the scar so there's def room for improvement 😩
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cainthefighter · 7 years
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this was much more saucy to post on my instagram, where smaller people follow me yike
but y’know here’s some fuckin content bc i haven’t done shit on this blog in forever and i’M SORRY
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ask-myshonok · 5 years
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" Keep an eye on him! "
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