#starlyht ◤ fox ◥
miidnighters · 3 months
@starlyht | Fox said "Don't say you're fine. There are bruises all over you!"
"Fox, darling," Hartley sets her hands gently on the sides of his face - reassuring him as much as herself. She certainly looks a state. Battered and bruised, purple blooming over a cheekbone and across arms. Certainly better than she'd looked yesterday, since she'd taken pains not to worry him too much.
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"I'm okay, I promise. Nothing to worry about. But I think I'm due for a bit of a holiday, don't you?"
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atomiqueen · 4 months
@starlyht (fox) — cont'd.
“oh,   no,   no!”   said the thief.  more like puzzled.  his eyes never left the dagger now somehow,   bafflingly,  infused with light.   “it's something.  can see a lot better.”  by a lot better at least now he could no longer see shit.  not that he had to tell her,   but if humans were adept at anything   ---   seeing in the dark was not one such thing.   the warm orange glow of torchlight could only radiate so far,   but this was far better.   “guess you can't teach a sorry magicless fellow like me to do that,   right?”
        lucy smiled brightly, white light reflecting in her wide brown eyes. “you can hold onto it, if you like,” she said, offering him the dagger. “the magic will last until i dispel it, and i've got these if i need 'em.” she pointed to the goggles of night perched on top of her head. “...ah, 'fraid not. it takes time, study, practice, and an affinity for working with the weave to pull this off.”
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weavecalled · 7 months
@starlyht // liked for ryn! (for sol!)
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"you're from the UNDERDARK, right? whereabouts?" her head is tilted as she asks. she's no expert on underdark geography but she has spent some time there. unfortunatly. "i only ask because I spent some time in Ust Natha a while back, was wondering what the odds of us having met before were." it was slim, gods hoping it was slim at least.
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❛   i’ve seen it kill too many folk.  ❜ - fox .
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"I never took ya for bein' a scaredy cat. Or should I say, scaredy fox," Patchwork Jack teases him with a less-than-subtle grin on his face. Despite his own teasing, he doesn't pick up the enchanted knife either. It's a magic weapon worth a jaw-dropping amount of coin... Too bad rumor has it that it is also cursed and kills all who dare touch it. "We could have the guy you charmed on the way in carry it for us?"
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oftempestborn · 4 months
{@starlyht liked for a starter from Alluin}
“This has happened before?”  Once was bad enough!
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fatespins · 6 months
@starlyht liked for a starter
THERE'S A THING in Fox's shop, for lack of a better term. They stand at his height, perhaps seeming a little taller due to the pointy-yet-floppy sort of hat atop their head, arms crossed over their chest and a finger tapping at where their mouth would be if they had one. This is what people do when they're lost in thought, isn't it? So many trinkets and baubles and items and objects to look at in this place, and no eyes to look at them with, and yet somehow the faceless sees all.
"JUST LOOKING," THEY say when they feel eyes on them, but as soon as they've said it they change their mind and swivel on their heels towards the man. "Actually, do you know anything about spell scrolls, or potion making, or anything else that requires writing things down on a piece of parchment?"
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bloodyarn · 6 months
@starlyht [Fox] liked for a starter
      𝐋𝐚𝘀𝘁 𝐥𝐚𝖟𝘆 𝘀𝘂𝐧 𝗿𝐚𝘆𝘀 𝐜𝗿𝐨𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩, 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝘂𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝘁 𝘄𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝘄𝐚𝘀 𝘀𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝘁𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞.     A campfire was already set alight, Babette sitting right next to it, fumbling with something the party found on their travels. An orb, of some kind. She couldn't figure out for anything what that little trinket was for. Maybe it was part of something bigger   ?   A crystal ball, a key for something   ?   Obviously, the seamstress was clueless what her thin fingers held, angling it to maybe become more clever about this thing.
Without succeeding.
A deep sigh. The hexblood simply wasn't well-read in magical doodads. Magical, clearly, from the small tickle the orb caused when touched. It was moments later when her head came up with an idea. There was someone at camp that faintly mentioned knowing a thing or two about similar items. With new-found vigor, Babette strode over to the thief's tent. A soft voice soon calling out to the black-haired one.
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     ❝ Fox   ?   Do you have a spare minute   ?   I can't wrap my head around that . . . ball. ❞     Both palms held out the trinket she spoke of. An orb with a smooth surface, almost like glass, but not quite. Translucent, if it wasn't for the faint milky insides that seem to stir only ever so slightly if one looks closer.     ❝ That little thing was sitting in a chest at those ruins we crossed earlier. Can you make sense of it   ? ❞
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bladesalvation · 7 months
❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜ - fox @ keiryn .
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"...Yes. No. Maybe." he pulled his gaze from the skyline, blinking away the spots from the light. "It's just... nice. Up here. Watching the skies. I never quite get used to it. But it almost makes me miss home more."
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fairytaletold · 7 months
@starlyht // continued.
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❛ Y— eeessss. It was definitely not that. ❜ Except that it definitely was. Because she might have taken the opportunity to combine her mentor's lesson with a little cathartic retribution. The man she'd stolen from had, in fact, called her a slew of unsavory opinions every time she darkened the step of his shop ( and that may have been what inspired her to linger there so frequently ). Getting his attention hadn't been the problem; distracting him had been easy. He was antagonized simply upon seeing her, but her big mistake had been to stay long enough to watch his face when he realized what was missing. Even set apart as she was, with a safe buffer of crowd, his eyes had shot directly to hers when fingers tried — and failed — to find his watch. ❛ And for the record, I was being chased, ❜ she reiterates, a point of pride, ❛ but I didn't actually get caught. ❜
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kins0ul · 9 months
@starlyht (FOX!) sent: [ LAST LIGHT. ] For our muses to rest together at the Last Light Inn.
she had felt it from the moment they crossed into the protection of the dome: moonlight, cool and pure, a breath of fresh air and comfort in a land cursed to darkness and shadow. selûne held her hands cupped gently over this place, like gently holding a moth in the nighttime grass. relief has been written into every inch of zya since they arrived, since mol came running up to speak in their defense. even faced with jaheria's suspicion, with truth potions in wine, with...all of it, there had been a sense of peace imbued in her. peace and, still, fatigue. even with her goddess's protection, it had not been easy to cross the shadow-cursed lands even this far.
there is still more to do - - much more to do. more every moment, it seems, with each new revelation: a sleeping bard's lute to find, to try to call back his soul. a curse to lift. a world to save. it seems that every step they take adds some other need, and even with jaheira's invitation to rest at the last light, zya feels the weight of each imperative weighing on her mind.
her eyes slip closed as she leans back in one of the chairs by the windows, trying not to think about the demon who had been sitting in the chair across from her not so long ago. (another thing to worry about, another thing to stop: she will not let mol be indebted to that...being.) her eyes close but her mind does not slow, and she remains aware enough to peer through half-shuttered lids when she hears fox approach.
"i've never asked selûne to curse someone," she says, "but i will if you try to steal this Guldathen nectar from me. it's miracle enough that they have it here at all." she is joking, not accusing, and it's shown in the way she opens her eyes to nod toward the other chair. shown again in the slide of her cup across the table to sit in front of it. "but you're welcome to share it, if you'd like. and to join me. perhaps it is only the strangeness of being in an inn for so long after the road, but it seems to me you look as though you have something you wanted to say."
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miidnighters · 3 days
@starlyht | Fox said ❝ you wanna go steal some stuff? ❞
Hartley grins, draping herself against his chest (reasonably sure his arms will then circle around her waist to keep her steady).
Sure, her oath was to protect - though how she interpreted that was a little flexible. Protecting him surely counted, hmm?
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"Only if I get to wear something pretty,"
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swordpact · 1 year
"It's intoxicating when you realize that what separates you from what you've always wanted can be as thin as a pane of glass." - fox .
the words ring in his head as he stares out over the sea from their position on the hill. they're so far from baldur's gate that he can't see the spires of the upper city from here, but the expanse of the sea stretches so far out beyond them in a way oriax never imagined he would witness this close.
as thin as a pane of glass. his mind reels back to the windows of his home, the glass door that he had opened to set foot onto the balcony and watch the incoming chaos of the nautiloids, and his breath catches in his chest for a moment.
" -- never heard that before, but you're not wrong. so what is it you want? what's your goal here? besides removing the tadpoles, of course. "
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countercharmda · 1 year
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@starlyht / cont. from x.
Watching Fox work was quite an interesting thing. While Serendipity had picked his own share of locks, he'd never paid much mind to the kinds of locks he was dealing with. He'd been more concerned with getting into the secrets stowed in private rooms of the manor he'd grown up in. There was, however, a vault of knowledge his companion drew from when he stepped forward to pick a lock. ( Which was, admittedly, more often Fox's job instead of Serendipity's. )
It was quite impressive, really. Most of the time.
Serendipity watches as the thief's confidence peters out bolt by bolt. He almost feels bad for the way his mouth twitches into a smirk. The claim of enchantment has the tiefling's brows raising. " Really? Well, then -- seems like we'll have to respond with magic. "
In a small flourish he's taken his violin out. With a few quick strums and a bit of Weave, the door swings open -- and is accompanied by a not-so-subtle knock. Satisfied, Serendipity takes a gracious bow. " Et voila; the puzzle is solved. "
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bloodymyhands · 4 months
starter for @starlyht 's fox / accepting
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"is there a reason we are stealing from this merchant?" minthara loudly announces, just outside of the merchant's building. thankfully, it seems to be busy enough that no one notices. "because if we are going to steal, you would do best to arm me with the strongest weapon you find. i am your best asset."
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baldursarchive · 5 months
⭐ bark. :)
hi hehe under a readmore because i kinda go all out with these, feel free to contact me to talk more in depth later hehe, this is just what i could come up with with like a quick glance, im sure the posibilites are endless...and i am open to more characters from your list! @starlyht
vivi & karlach.
um first of all, water and fire dynamic, real funny? but also the elturel and being in avernus background? some meat there to cook ! and idk i feel like personality wise they would REALLY be compatible...something to cook there depending of where we want to take it. also cursebreaker? well karlach's problem is not so magical in nature perhaps some help there would be interesting to explore....there's this one moment where karlach gets treated as an old version of the steel watch and idk,,, they could get some sort of answers there i think IDK !!
vivi & aurora.
druid to druid connection, aurora isn't as experienced with her magic given how she sort of walked into it later in life but i definitely think that druid/druid interactions are soooo fun...a jumping off point there...aurora is sweet and caring and i feel like there is another good compatibility set in terms of personality and goals
alexius & circe.
ok bare with me here, so like circe is from the hells, and kinda has figured out faerun a bit...and she would be an interesting contrast to this guy who seems to be very different from her. she is impulsive and chaotic and idk i think it would be interesting to see them in the same space, also that complicated background thing...yeah a starting off point i think.
fox & circe.
alrighty no yeah circe kinda lives for the chaos and rogue charlatans tend to give that to her whenever they are around, so like i can see something interesting there...circe also likes to gamble! jsdhfkjsdf
fox & dahlya.
hey how about an interaction with a durge...i feel we can definitely cook something here, dahlya also has that sort of compatible personality she just happens to be a bhaalspawn, idk i think something could potentially brew here...especially because dahlya is someone who is kinda up there in terms of status and power, she just doesn't know that yet...maybe there could've been an interaction prior to the whole tadpole thing if he was in baldur's gate
sol & circe.
okay like this one is based on pure vibes, like i don't have something concrete but maybe i want to see that....
sol & mathilde.
matt also has a soldier background and she's a barbarian, and is like very into fighting and letting all that energy out...she is also loud and proud like very contrasting to him i think, idk it be fun to see them getting into fights and like matt is very headstrong but i think she is adaptable around the people she ends up traveling with so hmm something there !!
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recitedemise · 11 months
Oh, no. He doesn't mean to stare, good heavens, but he can't help himself. The sweet of its music! The hum of its power! Oh, how his heart both twists and roars. Gale eyes him sharply, that locket the very mother of his hellish temptations. Yet, despite his doubts toward silver-tongued rogues, Gale's betting anyway; it's three-dragon ante. "I trust you know," he greets, approaching the fox's tent, "that I'm not a man that much delights in accruing his debts." Never. "But out of sheer curiosity—" and scholarly wonder, too! "—if one hasn't your gold, what can he offer?"
There's an edge in his voice that flirts with desperation.
That enchanted necklace... how it stirs his orb.
@starlyht, liked for a starter.
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