starmended · 6 months
i be so scared of interacting with people its crazy… but hello anyone who sees this
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siennablaze219 · 3 months
DWC Day 2 Prompts Suppress/Pastel
(TW graphic violence, depression, self harm
(Events from the beginning of Legion, pieces about Mirri’s family history)
*”The skies they were lovely, how had I never noticed how the sun turns the clouds to such beautiful pastel colors when the evening came?”** That was the last thought that the Sentinel Spy had before the sayaad that was holding her drew a blade across her neck, then there was an explosion and the beauty of the very world was lost to the Kaldorei.
Water dribbled on her lips, Tyshaelle lifted a hand to brush away the droplets, or at least she tried. Golden eyes snapped open and saw a cone of leaves over her head, rafters, light from two sides, a hut or cabin. Water… where was it coming from?
“Oh” a voice sadly softly, then more excitedly, “Oh! Asyeel go and get the healer, she is waking!”
**”Where am I?”** The thought only on her head, why could she not ask the question out loud. Was she captive? Maybe a spell or drug? Tysha tried to strain to break whatever bonds that held her, but her muscles would not respond any better than her voice did.
Shuffling sound next to the bed, her ear flicking to pick up what it may be, senses honed to notice everything and have complete control over herself. Wait… her ear moved, why was that? Only her ear, nothing else responded, then she looked to the side, moving her eyes alone. A small building, maybe a home, some windows a door, the framing, oh, Feralas, New Thalanaar. Came through on the way to… the Crossroads. The Legion’s attacks there, I came through here when I came up from Silithus to respond to the expected attack the seer there told her about.
**”I came back? Was it to see those warriors? They said they were happy to have me join them for a few nights.”** She tried to wiggle her toes but could not feel anything shift at all. Taking inventory it seemed anything from the neck up worked, except her voice. More sounds and more light flooded the room then a shadow dimmed it until the door closed completely, Tysha tried to look to see the doorway but she actually felt bindings that held her head in place.
“Ah good, you are back with us, wasn’t sure that Elune wasn’t taking you to walk the paths.” The woman’s voice was deep and pleasant, “Sentinel Aiorise, we are glad to have you back but not under these circumstances. You were gravelly injured in the Crossroads and as you had some items from your trip through it was assumed you were stationed here and they brought you expecting that we would have someone that needed to sing of mourning for you. You seem willing to knot your fingers in the treads of life and hang on.”
Aiorise? Then Tysha remembered, that was the name the Sentinel Spy used when she moved through here. Even to the true Sentinels what the spies did was kept a secret, and she had been a spy since she was chosen by a friend of her mothers and she could not get away from her family fast enough.
The priest looked into her eyes and then cupped her cheeks and smiled, “Give me a moment of patience and I can explain more.” The eldest of the Starmender twins saw the shadows move and assumed she was being examined, then the sound of a chair being drug over, “I am Kaestreel, now let’s start with the injuries. Plenty of bruises and minor cuts and slashes, those were easily handled, the worst was that your throat was cut but not cleanly as an explosion tore the sayaad away from you. Another Sentinel saw you and pulled you from the fight and field dressed your wound. Once the Legion was beaten back the injured were sent out, we received a number here.”
“Your throat has been healed mostly, it will take time to regain your voice and you have been asleep a while, so practice is needed. We have kept a small gag across your mouth so the dreams and the pain of the healing did not tear your voice more with your screams.” Tysha lifted a violet brow inviting the woman to continue. “When the demon was thrown from you her blade curved and nicked your spine, not clear through there either, but you are paralyzed from the neck down, but we believe that it is healing, it will just take time. Your head is restrained to allow no strain to it.”
**”Trussed like a pig on a spit, got it.”** Her mental voice said, as acrid in tone as any of the times she had dressed down Mirri for being a useless tag along. Who has the last laugh now, who will truly be useless, not just an ungifted little mothers’ baby. She closed her eyes for a moment then looked into the healer’s eyes and lifted a brow again.
“I have been working for weeks on your healing and will continue, this will be the hardest challenge of your life, nothing in your training has prepared you for this, this is a true fight for your life, though the battle to save your life is over, now we work together to save your body.” The priest rose, “We are giving you an healing potion laced with herbs to make you sleep once more, we will lessen those now that you have joined the land to the wakening once more. Rest, next time you wake we will begin to work on gaining your voice back, you have a long journey ahead.”
And a long journey it had been, months… almost six months… and Tysha still did not have full control of her minor motor skills, she could feed herself, sure, but she could not do anything with more difficulty. Walking and running had come easier and she spent most of every day running through the jungles. At first she had been accompanied because they were afraid she would fall and hurt herself, plus to guard her from trouble that surrounded the camp. Now she could at least, clumsily, use a sword enough to, maybe, not get killed by wildlife.
Standing on a bluff overlooking the waters of the Thousand Needles her eyes traced across the surface, then the cliff faces looking for watchers. She had been here many days in a row now, she was certain if she threw herself off the cliff the impact of the water would kill her, if she didn’t hit an6 of the rocks on the way down to end her before she made a splash.
She had tried stealing enough herbs to make some of her old poisons but it was like Kaestreel could read her mind and just before she got out of the storage with them. After that they watched her closely for over a month and eventually she settled on this new plan, running from the trees at top pace she should be able to pass the higher selves, what a waste it would be to just hit one of those and then brought back to heal again.
Not today though, not today.
Turning around she began the run back to the camp. Once there she was called over, a goblin trader was set up near the entry to the camp, not allowed in, but close enough to let everyone a chance at new wares. One of the guards waved her over, it was one of those warriors she had considered bedding so long ago, now the thought of anyone touching her made her ill, but they had become friends, well they became friends with Aiorise, no one here knew her name and she left it that way.
“I bought you something,” Gamtreal said. “Mother said that your dagger skills need some work, but you need to work on some other things first so here.” The guard, who was easily a thousand years older than Tysh, but she would never admit that, in fact voicing anything about her past wasn’t something she did. More than one in the camp wondered if she couldn’t remember and just didn’t want to admit that… as if that, after everything, was something to worry about. In fact, it was the opposite, she suppressed the knowledge of her past as much as possible and so it was just easier to be the ‘poor Aiorise’ the woman that they had to help learn to walk, dress herself, even bathe herself again.
Gantreal shoved a pad of paper, pencils and pastel chalks into her hands, “Write, draw, do whatever, but start building skills not much else can, especially since you refuse to help it( sewing.” It was half a joke, but not really, after trying it and feeling the pain of the needles poking into her skin to many times she went into a rage and destroyed not only the piece she was working on, but the entire tent that the tailors used to work.
She had been sedated and kept under watch once more, this time not for wanting to kill herself, but for the despondency that the release of the anger heralded. Feeding herself was too much of an effort, cleaning herself was worth nothing, why should she even try? The answer came in the fact that even if she had given up on herself, no one here had and they would do all the could to keep her from being a danger to herself. People came by to talk, joke, share stories, help her, it dawned on her that if she ever wanted peace and quiet again she had to take steps to make these people think she was over that depression and moving forward.
Taking the gifts she frowned. “Knock that look off your face, try it, it will hurt nothing. Elune forbid you find something you might like in this world, maybe if you find that you can start to like yourself better.”
With that the warrior walked away and left her to try and figure out all that was there, sitting on a bench and beginning to run a pencil across the paper. By the end of the day she had created a mixture of colors on the paper that matched the last sky she remembered as a whole person.
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the-world-of-ignavus · 6 months
Moggi of the Storm (Embers) - Starmender Speckledholly
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Name: Speckledholly
Other Names: Speckle (cadet), Speckledtalon (guard)
Meaning: Blotchy Colored (Speckled-), Talented Fighter (-talon), Dangerous (-holly),
Age: 4 moonspans and 5 moons | 4 years and 5 months
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Asexual | Homoromantic
Rank: Starmender
Former Rank(s): Guard
A long-furred, primarily black tortoiseshell molly with a white chest plume and sunlight yellow eyes. The ginger color of her pelt is broken up along her back and flanks, forming small, streaked spots banding across her. Her shoulders and hips are bright orange, with long faded scars poking through her fur. Both of her ears are split, and the short fur on her face reveals scarred clawmarks on her lower jaw. All in all, she’s a rather terrifying looking mender; battled scarred and bulky, with muscle betraying her past as a guard. Though Speckledholly was sworn to a mender’s role now; those that come across with violence on their minds are reminded that she was once promoted early with the suffix -talon.
Speckledholly was the larger of twins born and received the luck of also being the healthier one. It became readily apparent the older she got that Speckled had a gift for combat - her reflexes were always high, and she picked up on new techniques rather quickly. Her first drillmaster, Wishedfire was very excited to get his paws on her. He started with small, simple techniques; rapidly escalating in complexity when it became apparent that she was catching on quickly. Battle wasn’t exactly fun, but was something that she was good at, something she found easy. It made her parents proud to see her skills.
Her raw talent for combat drew the attention of Yarrowtalon, one of the faction’s other skilled fighters. He began offering her private training sessions, teaching her more and more advanced battle-moves away from others. Speckled was skeptical until a run-in with an aggressive party of Shorerisen moggi resulted in her lashing out with the new move, chasing them off. She threw herself into the training from there, eager to learn more and better moves for defense. This was also when Yarrowtalon began to show a more marked interest in her and began to spend more time with her outside of private training sessions. 
He began encouraging her to spend time with his son, Calla. Training them together, teaching them more battle-moves and having them improve with each other. He started inviting her on hunting patrols and border patrols. Speckled started to get a bit of an uncomfortable feeling from him when he began expressing distaste for her spending time with her twin; starting to monopolize more and more of her time. His attentions began to feel smothering as he demanded they groom each other after every sparring session, “to check for scratches” he always insisted. Asterdawn took her aside in private on more than a few occasions, asking her if she was okay. Her questions were never pointed but Speckled always had the feeling the molly knew more than she was letting on; having caught Asterdawn’s whispered words of fury to him on occasion.
One day, Speckled and Yarrowtalon were on another border patrol together; Speckled mostly silent while Yarrowtalon talked about battle-tactics and their future together. He finally stopped when they were at the Boa’s Sarsen, watching the sunrise when he asked her to be his mate. Speckled didn’t have the chance to answer because they were ambushed by a Fennyield patrol not long after. As it was dawn, the scuffle disturbed the blackwhips and Speckled had the misfortune of being bitten. Yarrowtalon raced her back to the Stormborn’s barracks and the Fenn’s mender approached with the antidote. Though the threat of death had been removed, Speckled would need to wait a moon before she was cleared for activity again. Goldanthem promoted her to her guard’s name of Speckledtalon, honoring her long-known skill in battle, though Speckled felt strange with the prideful look Yarrowtalon gave her after receiving her name. 
Spending the next moon in the mender’s den with Silverdream was an interesting experience. In her boredom, she asked about the herbs and their uses and found to her surprise that the memorization was… hard. Excitement she was unused flashed through her, and she began to probe more and more for information about healing. In that moon, she slowly acquired an understanding of the herbs and treatments used; enjoying the true challenge that came with it. She enjoyed it so much in fact that when she was cleared to attend her first Eyes-Games that she actually requested that she become a mender’s cadet training under Silverdream.
Though she enjoyed her new rank, Yarrowtalon was furious. He stalked around the den frequently, alternating between snapping at her for choosing to become a mender and wasting her talents, and trying to coax her into returning to her rank as a guard whenever they went on their walks. Eventually, they got into a blow-out argument over ‘wasted potential’ that resulted in a claw’s out argument between them, and Speckledtalon stormed off. When Asterdawn asked about her sour expression, she couldn’t help it, spending what felt like forever ranting. The lieutenant was very kind to her, listening with a calm and alert expression as she expressed herself. Speckledtalon eventually apologized for how much she talked, only for the other to be reassured that she had nothing to be sorry about.
When Yarrowtalon returned to the barracks, he’d had a new set of claw marks raked over his face and a truly nasty looking bite on his throat that was just barely shallow enough to not be fatal. He shouldered his way into the mender’s den and requested Silverdream specifically to treat his injuries without giving her so much as a passing glance. Asterdawn returned to the barracks not long after. Speckledtalon has her suspicions about the incident, but never found proof no matter how hard she looked.
Speckledtalon would go on to finish her training as a mender, taking on the new suffix -holly to honor her training as a guard while still showing her new pathway as a healer. Speckledholly watched with pride as her brother received the lieutenant’s position, stepping awkwardly but eagerly into the role bestowed upon him. She felt very little emotion when Yarrowtalon’s body was found on the Shore-Storm border, mangled and bleeding. As an adult, she knows that the way he treated her was gross and icky, so it was privately a bit of a relief to know he was dead.
Speckledholly is a slightly flirtatious, serious and kind of gruff molly. She’s known for her slightly morbid jokes that contrast with her lighthearted and friendly demeanor. 
Drillmaster(s): Wishedfire (deceased), Silverdream (deceased)
Cadet(s): N/A
Parents: Marestrike (mother|deceased), Bullsnakestrike (father|deceased)
Sweetparent(s): N/A
Auncle(s):  N/A
Sibling(s): Mottledstrike (twin-brother), Garterpounce (sister|deceased)
Nephling(s): Coyote (niece)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Wildheart
Crush(es): Primroselyric (cadethood), Asterdawn (cubhood)
OoC Friends: N/A
Cub(s): N/A
Speckledholly still brings treats and gifts to Asterdawn as a thanks for her interference
She and Callastorm are still a bit awkward around each other at the realization that Yarrowtalon was attempting to make her his new 'mom'
She's very popular with fennyield mollies due to the scars littering her fur - she's not at all upset about that
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strelles-universe · 7 months
The Greenwood Empire - The Search
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The final step to becoming a leader in the Empire is to put their spirits in the paws of their Ancestors and the Souls that guide them. Though rumors of nine lives are often waved off by others as a Queen’s Tale, the sukeme of the Empire know good and well that they’re all true. Escorted by their starmender to the Moon’s Fang, potential leaders touch their nose to the sacred stone and find themselves placed in a fairly vulnerable state as their spirits are transported to the Starlands.
When they awaken in the Starlands, they will be in what is called The Three Borders - a somewhat uncreative name for where all three territories in the Starlands touch each other. Sitting around them will be nine, small creatures - the sacred animals of the Great Souls and the Spirits ready to lead them deeper.
Lives have to be volunteered by the ones donated.
The Spirits known to the Empire through their myths and tales are known to touch down within the Starlands at times, taking the forms of their parents’ sacred animals to visit a cat they believe deserving of their blessings and knowledge before seeming to vanish among the stars once more. On the mortal side of things, nine of the anima that were closest to the potential leader or can make a good case as to why they should be brought into the drawing step forward to offer a life. Once they’ve chosen, they scatter throughout the Starlands; waiting for the life-reciever to begin their Search.
The cats often start with their Spirit Lives as they’re usually considered the most important. Spirits are fickle, powerful beings that are quick to wander away once they’ve lost interest. The factions tend to place high value on attaining spirit lives as they’re considered great blessings; granting strength to the cat in vein of their domains. Some spirits are more likely to offer lives than others - Hanimu the Orphan and Siyeyim the Planner being the most prolific while hardly any leader has truthfully ever seen Huyewa the Dreamer or Haanuki, the Harbinger. These spirits often set up a test of some sort that would challenge the cat, forcing them through a scenario of their making in an attempt to see if there’s still a spark of what drew the spirit to them in the first place. They tend to hold timed events, should a leader not complete a scenario in enough time it will fade and the Spirit will leave without granting a life.
On the mortal side, things are a bit more… emotionally taxing. Though Spirit lives require a lot of mental energy for imagined scenarios, mortal spirits often bring up a key memory or moment. The anima will hide in a created location of significance they need to the life-reciever to understand. It could be witnessing again the death of someone dearly loved or a critical mistake that cost the receiver a lot - mortal challenges are what makes it so taboo to attempt to force a leader to speak about their Search. 
With timed events and draining encounters, it’s not surprising to discover that it’s fairly rare for a leader to collect a full set of nine lives. Often the ceremony is so draining and exhausting that a leader will wake up early from the sheer stress that weighs on their minds, ending the ceremony and preventing them from gaining any further lives - there are some who manage to press on, forcing themselves through the pain and remaining in status but it leaves them incredibly weak when they reawaken. Ultimately however, waking early is the better of the option. Some anima will set a short limit to how long the receiver can spend on their life while others will easily give them the rest of the night - and those that linger for too long risk a terrible fate.
For when the sun rises, no longer does Moonsoul’s Fang work as necessary - the sunlight severs the tether from the living and the dead and then the Mother Maw awaken; devouring the remaining spirit from the leader’s body leaving nothing but a crystallized skeleton in its place.
Should a leader survive their ceremony however they will receive a sigil marking them for whichever Soul had left the largest impression upon their Soul - determined by the number of lives gained in their honor. These marks are branded upon their foreheads for all to see - though starmenders are capable of sensing and reading the remaining energy in the sigil which conveys the number of lives a leader has left.
Most leaders keep their list of lives and what happened to them strictly between themselves, their starmender and perhaps a mate or a best-friend.
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regalart-creations · 11 months
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Portrait: Mirri Starmender
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talthorn-sylvoran · 11 months
"Do you still consider women attractive? ARE there any women you consider attractive? Can you name a few? If you need to narrow it down since you find many people gorgeous, maybe some Kaldorei women? That you may or may not know personally already?"
Absolutely I do! I adooore the female form. And there are quite a few I can honestly say are extremely attractive in my eyes. While I wouldn't dream of narrowing it down to just Kaldorei or Highborne ladies it is a grand idea to have a focal point due to the long list I possess. And that's just the physical! Jiroki Glaivefall, Mirri Starmender and Saedre Starweaver are but a few fine examples, and distinctly different in body type and personality but I find very attractive in their own unique light. It's their own 'magic' about them, whether confidence, kindness or passion too! Truly beauty to appreciate. (Appreciate the ask MYSTERY PERSON anon ) (@bread-elf @siennablaze219 and @arcanist-starweaver for mentions! Adore you all )
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lyzerne · 1 year
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Mirri Starmender for Twitter client.
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regal-art-creations · 3 years
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Mirri Starmender, Dreamgrove Moonwell, Val'sharah
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bonegnaws · 5 years
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more like Star stitcher, but whatevs.
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Owl Fest Friday Vendors
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Here’s a list of the vendors you’ll be able to see at this years Owl Fest on Friday!
Owl Fest Sept. 27th & 28th 6PM WrA Seradane, Hinterlands Full flyer here!
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Booth 1: 
Booth name: Shadowglen Glassworks Character name: Zayneth Shadowspite Items sold: Glass animals, wind chimes, perfume bottles, ect. @glass-phoenix
Booth 2:
Booth name: Happy Trails Caravan Guild name: Happy Trails Caravan Items sold: Potions, inventions
Booth 3: 
Booth: Heart of the Raven Tavern & Inn Guild name: Heart of the Raven Items sold: Food and drink @heartoftheravenwra
Booth 4: 
Booth name: Fence Macabre Guild name: Fence Macabre Items Sold: Forsaken crafts, bone carvings, curios @fence-macabre
Booth 5: 
Booth name: Old Elli's Curious Cartomancy Character name:  Ellipsis Items sold: Tarot readings
Booth 6: Booth Name: Auspicious Accoutrements Character name: Riley Rhimeshard Items sold: Spoopy-creppy snacks, arcane chicken divination (tarot reading), unique curio-bartering, and undead-centric sundries! @rimeshard
Booth 7: 
Booth name: Kegfist Brewery Character name: Kegfist Brewery Items sold: Drinks @kegfistbrewery
Booth 8: 
Booth Name: Moonspelled Crafts Character Names: Mirrielyanna Starmender Items sold: Candles and herbal items
Booth 9: 
Booth name: The Howling Owl Guild name: The Howling Owl Items sold: Brewfest brew samplers, brewfest style foods
Booth 10: 
Booth name: Harvest Moon Publishing Character name: Lynae Clarke Items sold: Books, writing tools, book repair services @lynaeclarke
Booth 11: 
Booth name: Tattered Wings Hookah Character name: Nex'Ilthan Balamoor Items sold: Hookah & accessories @nexilthan-balamoor
Booth 12:
Booth name: The Catalog Guild/group/character name: Concourse of the Phoenix: Daesong and Seran'thor  Items sold: Glass blown and Woodworked art, artifacts and relics. 
Booth 13: 
Booth name:  From Darkness to Light Character Names: Velinthria Lightwhisper Items sold: Paintings @velilightwhisper
Booth 14:
Booth name:  Bear & Natural Character name: Lendarin Amberbow Items sold:  Natural living products, homemade soaps, tea, pickled goods, jams and jelly and baked goods. @lendariinamberbow
Booth 15: 
Booth name: The Cuddle Crew Guild name: Brotherhood of Valor Items sold: Art
Booth 16: 
Booth name: Succulent Tart Guild name: Succulent Tart Items sold: Tarot readings, demonstrations, learn a Tart skill @succulent-tart
@the-royal-courier @wracentral @wowrpevents
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starmended · 6 months
Masterlist,, Masterpost
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ⓘ a place among the stars (series)
spock x nonhuman!female!reader
summary: on their 1460th day in deep space, the enterprise encounters a strange and mysterious rift in space, unbeknownst to them, the imminent danger that would arise would cause them to leave their galaxy with no way back.
Series coming soon….
ⓘ Bliss
spock x betazoid!female!reader
summary: while the enterprise deals with a potentially dangerous anomaly, spock becomes incapacitated (alongside most of the crew) and begins to relive his past, specifically when he met his dead partner. but as he neared the death he choose to suppress deep inside his memories, he awakens and things become very complicated.
Series coming VERY soon….
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ⓘ my beloved, data
data x human!fem!reader
summary: no summary yet, this is just an idea !!
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ⓘ canon of proportion
vorik x romulan!female!reader
summary: the lost starship voyager discovers a romulan ship with only one life form. the romulan had been sentenced to death but managed to escape. the voyager crew is initially wary of her because of her romulan background, but she assures them that she is no longer affiliated with the romulan empire and wants to join the federation. due to her expertise in science and technology, she is assigned to the engineering department, where she gains the trust of the crew. vorik, however, remains skeptical of her, which would lead to a strong connection between them.……
a request, possibly a two or three part series.
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James T. Kirk
no requests sent just yet, feel free to do so though !!
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ill add more later on…
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kyphaz · 5 years
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Mirri Starmender - Commission :D
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the-world-of-ignavus · 6 months
Greenwood Dynasties - The Stormborn
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The long line of caesars, menders, lieutenants and diplomats that have led and guided the Stormborn. Subject to change as the story continues and more ceasars are added. I may eventually start adding pictures for each of the ruling groups and little summaries about what each reign was like and what it was remembered for.
Updated as of Book 1, Embers prologue
Caesar: Rumbling-Storm - A dark gray and white tom with pale orange eyes and thick mane
Flash-Fire - An orange white long furred molly with bright blue eyes and a spinal mane
White-Sight - A long furred white tom with a feathery tail
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s):  No Official
Caesar: White-Sight - A long furred white tom with a feathery tail
Lieutenant(s): Mare-Charge - A sleek furred, long-legged black molly with white paws
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Mare-Charge - A sleek furred, long-legged black molly with white paws
Lieutenant(s): Frosted-Branch - A brown furred tom with a white tail and white ears
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): No Official
Caesar: Frosted-Branch - A brown furred tom with a white tail and white ears
Lieutenant(s): Braided-Vine - A short furred brown tom with darker legs and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created 
Starmender(s): Daylight-Flutter - A long furred calico molly with pretty blue eyes
Caesar: Braided-Vine - A short furred brown tom with darker legs and yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Warblerscry - A black tortoiseshell molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Smokey-Blossom - A long furred gray molly with green eyes and a lighter belly
Caesar: Warblerscry - A black tortoiseshell molly with a white throat and blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Timid-Carnation - A fluffy russet and white molly with blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Smokey-Blossom - A long furred gray molly with green eyes and a lighter belly
Caesar: Timid-Carnation - A fluffy russet and white molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Golden-Mane - A long furred golden tom with a thick mane trailing from his shoulders and brushing his belly
Diplomat(s): Role Not Created
Starmender(s): Shining Night - A short furred black molly with sharp blue eyes and a locket
Caesar: Viridianlily - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with deep green eyes and white front paws
Lieutenant(s): Danglingthorn - A thick furred, brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Cryingnight - A short furred black tom with blue eyes and a white locket
Starmender(s): Sharptooth - A battle-scarred brown molly with a spinal mane and amber eyes
Caesar: Danglingthorn - A thick furred, brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes
Lieutenant(s): Hazyskies - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with white paws and blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Porcupinebite - A long furred darn brown and gray tom with particularly long quills and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Ligonstare - A mostly cream cherry-point tom with blue eyes and a torn ear
Caesar: Hazyskies - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with white paws and blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Rainymorning - A long furred primarily ginger torbie molly with amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Skunkchatter - A black and white tom with a series of white spots on his back
Ligonstare - A mostly cream cherry-point tom with blue eyes and a torn ear
Stoneshear - A large dilute tortoiseshell tom with one blue eye and over-grown claws
Caesar: Rainymorning - A long furred primarily ginger torbie molly with amber eyes
Lieutenant(s): Flashingleaves - A pure molly with pale pink eyes and flushed extremities
Diplomat(s): Brambleleaves - A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Torrentbird - A long furred dark brown molly with cream tears throughout her coat
Caesar: Flashingleaves - A pure molly with pale pink eyes and flushed extremities
Lieutenant(s): Bleedingeyes - A scar riddled black tom with red eyes and a paler mouth
Diplomat(s): Sunnyeyes - A golden furred molly with amber eyes
Starmender(s): Grayswallow - A light gray furred tom with a white throat and blue eyes
Caesar: Bleedingeyes - A scar riddled black tom with red eyes and a paler mouth
Rustleclaw - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes
Fairylure - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with violet eyes and a white underside
Diplomat(s): Volefur - A dark brown furred tabby tom with long whiskers and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Bushstrike - A dark brown tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and orange eyes
Caesar: Fairylure - A dilute tortoiseshell molly with violet eyes and a white underside
Lieutenant(s): Berrycurl - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes and white paws
Diplomat(s): Piedstomach - A black and white tom with blue eyes and torn ears
Starmender(s): Blueblizzard - A long furred silvery cat with yellow eyes and a white underside
Caesar: Berrycurl - A mottled tortoiseshell molly with green eyes and white paws
Lieutenant(s): Roaringclouds - A large molly tortoiseshell molly with a cream mane and copper eyes
Diplomat(s): Brindlefur - A dark brown furred with thin, crowded stripes and yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Tinyspots - A very small brown tom covered in a fine layer of spots
Caesar: Roaringclouds - A large tortoiseshell molly with a cream mane and copper eyes
Lieutenant(s): Stemsprinkle - A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Diplomat(s): Antlerspring - A powerful brown tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Kindlehowl - A chocolate brown tom with golden eyes
Caesar: Stemsprinkle - A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Sootywinter - A dark gray ticked tabby molly with pale green eyes
Diplomat(s): Hollybough - A green-eyed, short furred white molly
Starmender(s): Blotchedthroat - A thick furred tortoiseshell molly with a white mouth and throat
Caesar: Sootywinter -  A tall, long-legged molly with blue eyes
Lieutenant(s): Earthfurrow - A dark brown furred molly with three legs and yellow eyes
Diplomat(s): Brindlepace - A dark gray tabby tom with woven black stripes; (Keeper, Whiteflowers)
Starmender(s): Goldenstars - A thick furred golden molly with a white underside and green eyes
Caesar: Fawnsdance - A pale brown and white molly with spots littering her back
Lieutenant(s): Buzzingfeathers - A brown tom with deep black stripes and one green eye
Diplomat(s): Whitetongue - A short furred white tom with blue eyes; (Keeper, Quilltooth)
Starmender(s): Elkwhistle - A muscular brown molly with white ears and white paws
Caesar: Buzzingfeathers - A brown tom with deep black stripes and one green eye
Mumbleshake - A dark gray ticked tabby tom with yellow eyes
Redfray - A heavily scarred brown pinstripe tom with shredded ears and amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Softmuzzle - A short furred gray tom with yellow eyes and a lighter underbelly; (Keeper, Greenglory)
Elkwhistle - A muscular brown molly with white ears and white paws
Blackbirdleaves - A completely black furred tom with blue eyes
Caesar: Redfray - A heavily scarred brown tabby tom with shredded ears and amber eyes
Coaltwine - A black furred tabby tom with braided stripes and orange eyes
Hawkfray - A light brown tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes
Mazzardwhisker - A deep russet tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes
Diplomat(s): Mousetongue - A short furred dark brown tom with orange eyes
Starmender(s): Blackbirdleaves - A completely black furred tom with blue eyes
Caesar: Mazzardwhisker - A deep russet tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and amber eyes
Cliffballad - A dark gray tom with darker limbs and intense blue eyes
Goldanthem - A fluffy coated ticked golden tom with copper eyes
Diplomat(s): Tallwhispers - A short furred brown tom with a scarred throat
Gyrechorus - A lanky reddish brown tom with a speckled belly and green eyes
Milkweedpuff - A mostly white tom with a black back and overtail and blue eyes
Batdream - A messy furred, thick coated blue point tom with blue eyes and long upper canines
Caesar: Goldanthem - A fluffy coated ticked golden tom with copper eyes
Lieutenant(s): Asterdawn - A muscular blue point molly with teal eyes and blue tears throughout her coat
Tallwhispers - A short furred brown tom with a scarred throat
Larkswing - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Milkweedpuff - A mostly white tom with a black back and overtail and blue eyes
Batdream - A messy furred, thick coated blue point tom with blue eyes and long upper canines
Silverdream - A long furred dilute tortoiseshell tom with blue eyes and a feathery tail
Caesar: Asterdawn - A muscular blue point molly with teal eyes and blue tears throughout her coat
Lieutenant(s): Mottledstrike - A long furred primarily ginger tortoiseshell tom with pale-green eyes and notably full ginger tail
Diplomat(s): Larkswing - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Starmender(s): Speckledholly - A long-legged and slender but muscular classic brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
6 notes · View notes
strelles-universe · 1 year
Strike the Match - Pre-Story Allegiances
The Stormborn - Sweetsoul’s Treasured
The Brastilian: Asterdawn (Bluestar) - A short furred blue molly with darker legs, ears and tail - her eyes are blue/green. Asterdawn is a muscular cat which intimidates other cats.
Lieutenant: Mottletail (Redtail) - A long furred primarily ginger calico tom with pale green eyes and a vibrant ginger tail. Mottletail has rounded paws and a slender build.
Diplomat: Larkwing - A smaller but long-legged brown tom with a gentle heart and yellow eyes. Larkwing is well muscled with long ears and a short muzzle.
Starmender(s): Spottedholly (Spottedleaf) - A pretty primarily black furred calico molly with a white chest plume and pretty leaf green eyes. She has a bushy tail and is known to carry moon berries in her fur. | Mender
Guards (Heavy Defenders and Patrollers)
Head: Lionbelly-  A large golden tabby tom with a fluffy mane around his neck and green eyes. With a long tufted tail and wide feathered paws; he holds the form of a Stormborn.
Tigerslash (Tigerclaw) - A large deep red near brown tabby tom with amber eyes and claws that were too long to be fully sheathed. Tigerslash appears to have been blessed with Ancient Fennyield’s braided stripes and claws. 
Cricketleap - A short furred chocolate cat with two white toes and sharp pale green eyes. Their ears are folded.
Wildheart - A thicket coated cinnamon tortie cat with round, sharp yellow eyes and a white splotch on their left ear and on their hind leg. They wear feathers in their tail to convey their current pronouns.
Swallowflail - A cinnamon tabby tom with interesting russet front legs and orange eyes.
Chikadeechitter - A short furred fawn tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and a white chest.
Pricklestripe (Darkstripe) - A large lean, sleek, dark gray tabby tom.
Volewhisker - A gray smoked, ticked mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Longtail - A pale sandy colored, long-legged tabby tom with black stripes and a narrow muzzle. His tail is much longer than the average Stormborn cat and is thin.
Hunters (Primary Feeders of the Clan)
Head: Callastorm (Whitestorm)- A lithe and fast mostly white tom with blue eyes and long double layered fur. His tail, legs and ears are all faintly shaded black.
Thrushpelt - A pale grayish brown tom with a white plume on his chest and pale very light green eyes. Thrushpelt is flecked with small thin white streaks.
Acornleap - A light brown furred classic molly with pale blue eyes and darker legs and tail. Her tail is very faint.
Dovetail - A long furred cinnamon tortie molly with pale green eyes and a pale belly. Her paw pads were gray and so was her nose leather.
Titfeather - A medium furred cinnamon mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes.
Cedarfur (Mousefur)  - A small and fast solid dusky brown molly with smaller and rounded ears and orangey-yellow eyes.
Nadderpelt (Willowpelt) - A pretty silvery gray she cat with pale blue eyes
Crafters (Barrier Builders and Innovators) 
Head: Thicketdawn  - A light gray, ticked spotted tom with sharp green eyes and a double layered coat. He is blue shaded. Acting Head.
Pollendance - A small thick-furred golden cream mackerel tabby molly with yellow eyes and a splash of white on her belly
Aspenwind (Runningwind) - A lithe, lean and muscular light brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Buzzardback - Cream mink-point tom with a heavily scarred back and sharp yellow eyes
Apprentices (In Training to become Warriors)
Chaffinchpaw (Sandpaw) - A buff cream with classic molly with powerful legs, small ears and a short muzzle. Her hind legs are noticeably longer than her front legs and her tail is average length, but the base is stiff. Training under Callastorm.
Wrenpaw (Dustpaw) - A very dark brown short coated tom with darker stripes and amber eyes and a shorter than average tail for a Stormborn cat. Training under Mottletail.
Ravenpaw - A short furred, long-tailed bicolored tom with one white right paw, a white tip on his tail and a white locket on his chest. Ravenpaw has pale purple eyes with semi-short whiskers. Training under Larkwing.
Jackdawpaw (Graypaw) -  A long furred, thick coated gray smoked ticked tom with bright yellow eyes. Jackdawpaw has longer whiskers than the average cat. Training under Lionheart.
Cardinalpaw (Firepaw) - A medium furred ruddy rosetted tom with distinctive green eyes and white front toes. Training under Brastilian Asterdawn.
Monarchs and Sitters (Nursing cats and cub watchers)
Head: Brindlewing (Brindleface) - A braided pale gray molly with green eyes and a rounded face.
Frostfang (Frostfur) - A pale white short furred molly with sky blue eyes. Mate to Lionheart, nursing his cubs; Cinder, Warm, Singe and Bright.
Daisyflower (Goldenflower) - A long-furred pretty golden coated molly with yellow eyes and pale stripes. Raising cubs sired by Minkbelly, Lynx and Wolf.
Speckletail - A pale goldish classic molly with amber eyes and a curious spray of spots on her tail
Elders (Cats relieved of Active Duty)
Sparrowtail (Halftail)- A large dark brown, patchy furred tabby tom with a very short tail and yellow eyes. Lecturer.
Elkear (Smallear) - A short furred gray tom with amber eyes and small folded ears. Retiree.
Minkbelly (Patchpelt) - A small black and white tuxedo tom with yellow eyes. Retiree/
Dappledfawn (Dappletail) - A broad-shouldered, calico molly with a thick, sleek coat, a shiny pelt and yellow eyes. Lecturer.
Whiteeye (One Eye) - Pale gray virtually blind molly. Her left eye was clawed out, and the wound has since sealed shut- her remaining eye is a foggy yellow. Retiree.
Roselyric (Rosetail) - A silvery-gray molly with an unusual russet tail. Retiree.
Sablefoot - A deep chocolate brown tom with a long tail and dark brown eyes. Lecturer.
Hollypelt - A medium furred black molly with two white back paws and yellow eyes. Retiree.
Juniperhaze - A long furred blue smoke tabby molly with white paws and a lighter underbelly and chest. Lecturer.
Bearnose - A short furred brown tom with a naturally stubby tail and small, round ears. Retiree.
The Galespun - Servants of Moonsoul
The Vendus: Magpietail (Tallstar) - A short furred tuxedo tom with a long tail, long legs and a narrow muzzle. 
The Zephyr: Deadfeather (Deadfoot) - A small fully black tom with a twisted left front paw with pale green eyes and a long tail. Deadfeather can walk on his left paw but it causes him immense pain.
Diplomat: Grasswhisker - A pale brown long whiskered molly with an even longer tail and orange eyes. Grasswhisker has a single splotch of white on his chest and his left ear is torn.
Moth: Briarflutter (Barkface) - A short furred, dark brown tom with a naturally bobbed tail and yellow eyes. | Starseer
Guards (Camp Defenders)
Head: Splitears (Tornear) - A dark gray, black striped tabby tom with yellow eyes and one missing ear. Both of his front paws are white.
Redtooth - A russet pelted tabby tom with longer, thinner legs than the average tom and sharp yellow eyes.
Gorsepelt - A deep orange tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and a lighter underside.
Pinkfoot - A shirt furred white tom with pale red eyes.
Oatwhisker - A lanky long furred golden tom with long dainty whiskers
Runners (Over-Ground Hunters)
Head: Ashfeather (Ashfoot) - A short furred and long-legged gray cat with blue eyes. Her back is speckled with darker gray marks.
Milkblossom - A predominantly cream, short furred chocolate pointed tom with yellow eyes and pink pads. Milkblossom has longer upper canines that stick out from his mouth.
Branchtail - A long-legged chocolate tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and chest.
Volespring - A dusky brown tom with short fur, short whiskers, yellow eyes and a long tail.
Prickletoe - A dark brown mackerel tabby tom with orange eyes
Rushtail - 
Tunnelers (Underground Hunters)
Head: Sunwhisker - A short furred, pale gold tabby tom with pale green eyes and brown paw pads.
Ashwhisker - A long furred molly with a silky gray pelt and darker ears.
Rabbitear - A short tailed gray molly with yellow eyes and a white belly.
Bristlebark - A medium furred gray tom with fur that sticks out in every direction and yellow eyes.
Smokepelt - A short pelted gray molly whose fur is darker along her spine and gets lighter going down her belly. Her eyes are an intense, light blue.
Escorts (Territory Monitors and Watchmen)
Head: Cloudrunner - A mostly white long furred tom with blue eyes and gray legs, ears and face. 
Haresprint - A short furred tan tom with blue eyes and hind legs longer than his forelegs. He has four white socks and white tipped tail.
Morningflower - A long furred predominantly cream tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes and four white paws.
Darkfoot - A medium furred black tom with blue eyes and a white splotch on his chest and two white front paws.
Flytail - A short furred black tom with white back legs and a white tail.
Wrenflight - A short furred brown molly with yellow eyes and four white paws.
Mintpaw - A tan broken mackerel tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and lighter paws. Training under Grasstooth.
Hornetpaw (Onepaw) - A mostly pale brown tom with long gangly limbs, large ears and yellow eyes. Training under Prickletoe.
Tumblepaw - A deep brown spotted tom with amber eyes and long legs. Training under Gorsepelt.
Swallowtailpaw (Leo) - A medium furred, glossy ginger mackerel tabby tom with bright yellow eyes. His tail and front paws are white. Training under Rabbitear.
Quietpaw (Melody) - A dilute mackerel tortoiseshell molly with irregular splotches of white along her back and olive eyes. Training under Wrenflight.
Monarchs and Sitters
Head: Meadowslip - A pale gray, short furred molly with orange eyes.
Acornstripe  - A dusky brown torbie molly with yellow eyes and a short coat. Former tunneler nursing Brown and Vole
Pidgeonfeather - A light gray tabby molly with white splotches on her chest and flanks. A runner nursing Crane.
Bluebellwhisker - A long furred, pale blue classic tabby molly with bright green eyes and a white underside. 
Coalpelt - A dark gray, near black classic tabby molly with a short coat and yellow eyes. Former escort nursing Cobweb and Tiny.
Quailfeather - A long furred lanky blue tom with pale blue eyes and white paws.
Fieldsight - A medium furred brown and white molly with yellow eyes and gloved paws.
Sereandeplume (Bailey) - A medium furred tortoiseshell molly with gentle yellow eyes. She has a white locket on her chest and white paws.
Crowfur - A short patchy furred black tom with green eyes and a silvery muzzle. Retiree
Redclaw - A small dark ginger mackerel tabby tom with interesting tabby hind legs and dark green eyes. Redclaw has one white left front paw. Lecturer. 
Whiteberry - A small, short furred completely white tom with blue eyes. Retiree. 
Eagletooth - A short furred thick pelted brown tabby tom with amber eyes and white back paws. Retiree. 
Ryestalk - A pale tortie molly with kit soft fur and a pretty smile. With long legs and angular features, she’s the pinnacle of Galespun beauty. Lecturer.
Stagleap - A short furred brown tom with a shortcut tail and permanent limp favoring his right hind-leg. Retiree.
Doespring - A long-legged light brown molly with a sleek coat and pale eyes. Lecturer.
Silverchime - A silver classic tabby molly with yellow eyes and white legs. Both of her ears are torn. Retiree.
Larksplash - A patchy furry tortoiseshell molly with long whiskers and pale-green eyes. Retiree.
Aspenfall - A short furred cream tom splotched with irregular patches of white. Retiree.
The Shorerisen - Favored of Riversoul
The Styrman: Stormdrift (Crookedstar) - A massive light brown tabby tom with a twisted jaw and sharp yellow eyes.
Lieutenant: Oakshanty (Oakheart) - A large and powerful pale brown tom with yellow eyes. 
Frill: Reedtail - A russet and white speckled molly with a long, bushy tail.
Cottonberry (Brambleberry) - A small and lithe black spotted molly with a pink nose. | Mender
Mudsky (Mudfur) - A lithe and long furred pale brown tom with yellow eyes. His belly is a lighter brown than the rest of him. Mudsky was once a warrior. | Starfrayer
Guards (Heavy Defenders and Patrollers)
Head: Stoneswipe (Stonefur) - A pale, silvery blue tom with yellow eyes and a like his sister, a rather heavyset build. Stoneswipe is short-furred with wide, heavy paws and one split ear. His whiskers are short and he has a pink nose and pink ears. Dual Class: Ice-Stomper.
Tidestorm - A well muscled, blue furred tom covered in spots. His muzzle and underbelly are pale gray and his eyes light blue. Tidestorm has pink ears and paw pads with long feathered whiskers. Dual Class - Ice Stomper.
Frogleap - A powerful ticked gray tabby tom with amber eyes, a broad head and large paws. Frogleap was named for his hind legs which are longer than his front ones.
Beetlenose - A short furred muscular black tom flecked with scars and pale yellow eyes
Carpfin - A massive tannish/brown ticked tabby tom with copper eyes. Carpfin has a boxy shaped muzzle and short-whiskers- he’s often asked to help out the Ice Stompers when the river begins to freeze over.
Troutleap - A large, muscular red furred ticked tabby tom with large heavy paws and yellow eyes.
Grassfeather - A short and glossy furred molly with pale rosettes and pale green eyes with white lock on her chest
Blackclaw - A sleek, short furred powerful smoky black tom with sharp orange eyes. Blackclaw has a torn right ear and a long tail.
Asterlichen - A long furred blue tabby tom with heavy paws and yellow eyes.
Hunters (Dry-Land Hunters)
Head: Leopardshine (Leopardfur) -  sleek golden furred molly blessed with the rosetted coat of Ancient Shorerisen with amber eyes. Leopardshine has as powerful build- her pads and nose are brick red.
Mudbelly (Loudbelly) - A large muscular dark brown tom with pale yellow eyes and large paws. Mudbelly’s ears are shorter than usual and he’s been proven to be capable of closing them underwater. Mudbelly’s sealable ears are thought to be a gift from Riversoul. Dual Class; Ice-Stomper
Ottersplash - An mostly orange molly with various patches of white all over her fur. Ottersplash has a short muzzle and amber eyes. Her paws are larger than usual and her right ear was shredded in a previous battle.
Hibiscousfoot (Mistyfoot) - A large and powerful looking molly with thick muscles and a thick jaw. Hibiscousfoot has a lilac tortie lush, thick coat and is more heavyset than the average hunter. Her pelt is more pale lilac than the other colors only a splotch of pale orange on her back.
Whiteriver (Whiteclaw) - A solid, golden powerful tom with white paws and a sleek coat.
Silverwhisker -  A long furred, rough coated silver-gray tabby tom with yellow eyes
Blackear - A short furred, long-legged black tom with a cap and saddle pattern on his fur. Blackear has amber eyes and a boxy muzzle. Blackear is lankier than the average Shorerisen cat.
Divers (Specialized Aquatic Hunters)
Head: Sedgecreek - A long furred brown tabby molly with light green eyes, two white paws and a very thick coat. Like her brother, she inherited small ears albeit she can’t seal them - something she good-naturedly says is unfair given their roles in the pride.
Ripplepelt (Rippleclaw) - A silvery blue furred molly with short ears, and small paws. Ripplepelt is sleek and skilled with a talent for twisting herself in various shapes and direction when swimming. Her muzzle is short and whiskers are long.
Skyheart - A pale brown tabby molly with completely torn ears and green eyes. Her stripes are only apparent on her legs and tail.
Puddleeye (Puddlefur) - A short furred solid brown tabby tom with amber eyes and long legs with wide paws. Puddleeye has unusually long straight whiskers and fluffy ears and a sloped muzzle. Puddlefur has a very rare trait: a second clear eyelid said to be a gift from Riversoul himself as a method of assistance for swimming in murky water.
Eelmane - A short furred sleek charcoal tom with pale rosettes and yellow eyes
Crafters (Weavers and Designers)
Head: Goldenfin - A long furred shimmery, golden classic tabby molly with a pink nose, pink pads and a pink inner ears. Goldenfin has four white boots on her paws and her whiskers are long. On her front paws, Goldenfin has an extra toe that she uses for tasks that are harder to do with lesser toes.
Brushwhisker - A short furred brown tabby tom with orange eyes and a tan underbelly. Brushwhisker’s whiskers are much longer than the average cat and his paws are small and rounded.
Owlnose -  A thick furred, sleek coated brown tom with a white underbelly, white hocks and white tipped tail
Baywish - A sleek furred and silky coated cream ticked tabby molly with a lighter underbelly and green eyes
Cadets (Cats In-Training)
Emberpaw - A short furred primarily ginger calico molly with intense blue eyes and webbed paws. Training under Owlnose.
Heavypaw - A short, thick furred tom with yellow eyes and pale pink ears, His belly and mouth are a paler brown than the rest of him with a broken black mackerel pattern. Training under Blackear.
Shadepaw - A very dark gray furred molly who appears black coated at first glance. Her eyes are yellow and she has very faint broken mackerel stripes. Her stomach was rusted by the sun and appears bronze or copper. Training under Stoneswipe.
Fogpaw - A pale furred gray, mackerel tabby tom with a thick sleek coat that runs easily off of his back. His whiskers are long and feathery with a rougher edged underside with intense bright blue. Both of his front paws and his mouth is white. Training under Puddleeye.
Osierpaw (Silverpaw) - A long furred, silvery classic molly with pale green eyes and one white paw. Osierpaw has a pink nose and pink paw pads with rounded paws. Osierpaw’s pelt is sleek and very soft with a white underbelly. Training under Ripplepelt.
Rushpaw - A small but powerful short furred torbie molly with long legs and a bouncy personality. Rushpaw has brick-red paw pads and nose and her claws always seem to poke out from her paw. Training under Goldenfin.
Monarchs and Sitters
Head: Lilystem - A gray mackerel tabby molly with a thick, long coat, round cone ears and feathery whiskers.
Ospreyfreckle - A pretty brown and white tom with white paws and a big fluffy tail. He has streaks of darker brown scattered throughout his fur.
Hakeflower (Greenflower) - A sleek furred, brown molly with a white splash on her chin and a plump build. Pregnant, undisclosed sire..
Swantooth - A lithe and long furred mostly white calico molly with pale blue eyes and black paw pads.
Elders (Retirees and Lecturers)
Softwing - A lithe but powerful mostly white molly with patches of golden striped fur scattered at random across her body. Retiree.
Petaldust - A thick coated, mottled tortoiseshell molly with leaf-green eyes and chronic joint-pain. Retiree.
Dawnlight - A tortoiseshell molly with a white underbelly and a thick, sleek coated molly with yellow eyes. Retiree.
Fogpool (Graypool)  - A short furred predominantly dark gray molly with a thick, sleek coat and sharp yellow eyes. Lecturer.
Pheasanttail - A sleek furred, handsome tom with a long, red coat and a vibrant and much lighter red tail. Retiree.
Panda - A somewhat sickly short furred black and white bicolor molly with soft yellow eyes and small, rounded ears. Being supported until death.
The Fennyield Pride - Slysoul’s Devoted
The Skua: Raggedjaw (Raggedpelt) - A messy coated tom with matted legs and perpetually tangled coat.
The Heir: Brokenclaw (Brokentail) - A large brown tabby tom with matted fur and a flat faced with orange eyes. | Former Guard | Executioner
Diplomat: Toadpelt - A pale brown tom with green eyes, short legs and a slashed ear.
Boarfang (Yellowfang)- A flat faced, long furred molly with pale yellow eyes and a tangled coat. Boarfang has small ears and very round eyes with a set of claw marks scarred onto her face. | Starfrayer
Mangrovebay (Runningnose) - A skinny, patchy gray and white tom with amber eyes. There’s crust around his nose and in the corner of his eyes. Mangrovebay has the longest legs and tail of the Fennyield cats and it’s often remarked that it’s a shame he isn’t a hunter or a murker. | Starfrayer
Guards (Heavy Defenders)
Head: Blackfoot - A mostly white furred tom with huge black paws, black rimmed ears and yellow eyes. His right front paw has six toes.
Scorchedmaw (Scorchwind) - A long furred, ginger tabby tom with round paws and a rounder than usual face. Scorchwind has very short whiskers and long legs. Scorchedmaw is intensely scarred with claws over his eyes and missing patches of fur on his back legs.
Clawedears (Clawface) - A thick furred brown tabby tom with yellow eyes who is covered in various scars, both of his ears are torn
Jaggedstump (Stumpytail) - A large, long-legged, small eared tom with a slightly offset jaw from his cadet-hood. His tail is short and bobbed. He has a dark brown, thick sleek coat with thin, black stripes running along his body.
Flintfang - A powerful fluffy gray tom with yellow eyes and large paws. His paws are unusually fluffy, and his right ear is shredded.
Howlstep (Wolfstep) - A long furred gray tabby tom with a thick coat and short rounded ears. His eyes are a sharp blue and his whiskers are slightly curled at the end. Howlstep’s underbelly and legs are white.
Lizardsnarl (Lizardstripe) - A pale brown tabby molly with white underbelly and pale yellow eyes. She’s proud to have many battle scars including a torn left ear, a permanent mark over her eye and a slight limp favoring her hind leg.
Toadskip - A short furred, sleek tabby tom with cone-shaped ears and a rounded tail tip. Toadskip’s face, legs and underside are all white - in theory.
Grayspeckle - A pale gray cat with a soft, short coat. Despite the way his coat feels like laying in a pile of dandelion fuzz, it’s noted to be sleek and distinctly waterproof. He has white ‘tears’ throughout his coat and pale yellow eyes.
Mousewhisker - A small short furred brown tom with white paws and deep brown eyes. His ears and paws are round with his ears being thickly furred.
Boulder - A medium furred classic tabby tom with green/blue eyes and a large, muscular build. Boulder is aptly named and many cats joke that fighting him like being repeatedly smacked by an animated mountain.
Ashheart - A mostly pale gray, short furred tortie cat with pale blue eyes and long curled whiskers. With a dark gray nose and sturdy paws, some cats wonder about the heritage of her parents with curiosity.
Saffronblister - A lanky ginger ticked tabby tom with a long winding tail and intimidating yellow eyes
Applescratch (Applefur) - A short furred and soft coated lilac tortie point molly with large, cone-shaped ears and striking green eyes.
Hunters (Dry Land Hunters)
Head: Tangleburr (Tanglefurr) - A short furred brown and white tabby molly with a white underside and white paws. Tangleburr is named for her curled coat that dries surprisingly fast.
Hemlockflower (Darkflower) - A medium furred, dark gray tabby molly with orange eyes and a torn left ear from the occasional scuffle she was in.
Russetflash (Russetfur) - A dark ginger tabby molly with a medium length coat, fluffy soft fur and soft pink ears. Russetflash has long, feathery whiskers and sharp green eyes that seem to catch everything.
Newtspeck - A thick furred, short pelted tortie molly with yellow eyes. She has a permanent limp from a previous fight. Newtspeck used to be a Sitter.
Mazzardfoot - A short furred ticked ginger molly with gentle yellow eyes and a lighter undrebelly
Patchflicker - A golden brown torbie tom, with sections of his fur that appear to be lumped together
Murkers (Swamp Water Hunters)
Head: Amberleaf - A pretty long-furred amber molly with light green eyes. Her paws are all white while her back and ears are a darker gold than the rest of her. Her underbelly is slightly lighter than the rest of her.
Salamanderfoot - A pretty long-legged, tortie molly with green eyes and two white front paws. She has medium length furred with a fluffy plumed tail that she is very proud of.
Fieldpoppy (Tallpoppy) - A long-legged, light brown tabby molly with green eyes and long lightly curled whiskers. Her fur is short and very sleek, seeming to shine under moonlight. Fieldpoppy’s underbelly and chest is paler than the rest of her.
Bogswirl - A short furred, thick coated olive-brown classic tabby molly with pale yellow eyes
Stagclaw (Deerfoot) - A short furred brown tabby tom with a white right foot and yellow eyes
Head: Sunstone - A short furred, sleek golden-brown mackerel tabby molly with round, orange eyes
Willowthorn - A short furred, torbie jack with tufted ears and green eyes. Their left ear is split.
Marrowfang - A surprisingly lanky, brown and white van patterned tom with blue eyes
Crowtalon - A short furred, sleek coated tom with a locket on his chest and yellow eyes
Quiveringheart - A short furred ticked russet tom with pale green eyes
Thistlesight - A chocolate tortoiseshell jack with yellow eyes and paler front paws
Cadets (In Training to Become Legionaries)
Wetpaw - A long furred dark gray-almost black -tom with brilliant yellow eyes. His stripes are almost the same color as his general coat. His legs are shaded in a way that makes them look wet even when they’re not. Training under Boulder.
Littlepaw - An absolutely tiny long furred color pointed cream cat with a pink nose, pink pads and a pink nose. His eyes are a gentle yellow green and his whiskers are feathery. Training under Applescratch.
Mudpaw -  A short furred chocolate tortoiseshell molly with piercing orange eyes and small, semi long claws. Mudpaw has a long tail with small but cone-shaped ears with an orange splotch just below her eye that looks vaguely like a leaf. Training under Newtspeck.
Minkpaw - A short furred black jack with pale blue eyes and small ears. Training under Sunstone.
Cootpaw - A predominantly black furred tortoiseshell molly with only a couple orange splotches and only yellow. Training under Thistlesight.
Tinypaw - A small mostly black classic tabby tom with a lighter underbelly and yellow eyes. Training under Fieldpoppy.
Monarchs and Sitters
Head: Maggotflight - A medium furred tabby tom with a chocolate shaded fawn coat. Both of his ears and have been shredded.
Nettlespot - A dark gray molly with a large orange splash on her chest. Nettlespot’s fur is waterproof but wirey and rough which allows water to reach her skin - much to her annoyance.
Nettleflower (Brightflower) - A bright ginger tabby molly with a flattened face, a snub nose and wide set amber eyes. She has a beautifully curly coat that is difficult to maintain in the muddy territory but she’s proud of it all the same.
Dawncloud - A short furred dilute tortishelle molly with a series of white splotches across her belly and on her front legs. Her eyes a gentle light blue and her whiskers are all shorter than average.
Fernshade - A slender tortoiseshell and white molly with long, wirey whiskers and gentle yellow eyes
Hollythorn (Hollyflower) - A dark gray and black molly with a more silvery underbelly and deep blue eyes. Her muzzle is turning white with age. Lecturer.
Spidercloud (Poolcloud) - A long furred molly with a pale gray and white coat with striking light blue eyes and two shredded ears. Lecturer.
Rowanberry - A short furred and sleek coated chocolate and cream tortie molly with small rounded ears and amber eyes. Retiree.
Deerleap - A short pelted warm gray tabby molly with light blue eyes, white paws and a white belly. Retiree.
Featherstorm - A brown furred, small pawed molly with a lighter underbelly and yellow eyes. Retiree.
Nightrattle (Nightpelt) - A short furred, sleek pelted solid black tom with intense yellow-green eyes and a long tail. Both of his ears are nicked from the various battles he’s been in, and his muzzle is going gray. Retiree.
Cinderburr (Cinderfur) - A short furred, thin gray tom with dark yellow eyes and half chewed off whiskers. Retiree.
The Kingdom of the Shining Sun
Queen: Iyeŕa (Acting Queen) - A bronzey spotted molly with serious golden eyes and a very sharp tongue. Though sweet in private, Iyeŕa is a very strict molly and liable to tear out your throat for rudeness
King: Hraye - A fluffy, spotted ginger tom with a distinct shade of green eyes. Okohi was a wanderer and is very familiar with the clans. Deceased.
Crown Heir: Isaŕia - A long furred, plump brown and white molly with two white front paws and a spotted underbelly
Heirs and Honored Guests
Asha - A pale cream rosetted molly with golden-brown eyes, a white belly and a thick fluffy coat. Second in line.
Hreto - A medium furred cinnamon rosetted tom with two white paws and a white belly. His eyes are bright blue. Fourth in line.
Soŕi - A medium furred ruddy rosetted tom with distinctive green eyes and white front toes. Fifth in line.
Adihikko - A very dark almost black rosetted tom with odd-colored eyes (one blue, one gold) and two white front paws. Last in line.
Ahasra - A long furred silver charcoal sokoke molly with hyacinth eyes and a white underbelly. Ahasra also has white front-paws. Third in line. Squiring for Osheŕa. 
Sumisiŕa - A medium furred, feather-tailed blue lynx-point tom with pale blue eyes. Second prince of the Rising Moon.
Enforcers (Defenders and Combatants)
Lead Captain: Xibo - A short furred, muscular brown tabby molly with a white underbelly and yellow eyes. Xibo’s coat is actually somewhat coarse and thick preventing most claws from penetrating.
Co-Captain: Kibaŕa - A medium furred burly chocolate brown molly with orange eyes and a sun-rusted underside
Healers (Advanced Healers and Makai Users)
Lead Captain: Yakuyi - A golden tabby molly with a feather whiskers, a white belly and pale green eyes
Co-Captain: Ilanoko - A short furred cream ticked tabby with short puff of a tail and blue eyes
Seekers (Couriers and Bounty Hunters)
Lead Captain: Shaŕi - A small but skilled russet furred tom with long, soft fur and red paw pads.
Co-Captain: Aŕasi - A short and sleek furred charcoal brown tom with golden eyes and black paw pads.
Farmers (Livestock Maintainers and Breeders)
Master: Aneha - A thick furred, somewhat stocky black smoke tabby molly with yellow eyes
Gardeners (Herb Producers)
Master: Puffin - A thick-furred, double-coated sleek round black-and-white appaloosa tom with gentle yellow eyes
Nurses (Child-Minders and Caretakers)
Master: Huyanra - A long furred and lanky chocolate and white furred molly.
Artisans (Crafters and Innovators)
Master: Onehuŕa - A dark gray tabby tom with two torn ears, a faded scar on his muzzle and pale blue eyes.
Master: Yuŕa - A short furred ticked golden molly with a white underbelly and dark-green eyes
First Chapter
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The S.S. Kestrel hovers down in the Verdent Brink as the Wyvern Patriarch attacks a group of Pact soldiers
“Please tell me there’s something wrong with the view screen,” Ret Starrunner said as she gaped at the scene before her.  On a tall rock formation, peaked on a flat plateau, a massive wyvern was breathing fire while a number of soldiers were defending against it.
“That thing is bigger than our ship,” Rukki Starsong said as she stared at the screen.
“Lizard like qualities, wing span of over 150 meters, possible weight estimated at four metric tons, and...” Ronnie Stardigger said as she read her scans but suddenly stopped as tried to conceive of what she was reading.  “By the Great Bird of the Galaxy, it has what is basically a plasma chamber in it’s gullet.  It can create a fire that is equivalent to the destructive power of a low yield plasma torpedo!”
“I hate to draw people away from the obvious,” Meika Surgeonstar says as he approaches Ret’s captain’s chair.  “But there are injured on that plateau. We need to help them.”
Ret flicked an ear as she looked to her uncle. “I’m thinking about where we can land, if at all, but right now I’m gonna be sarcastic.  I thought you said we shouldn’t be here because this is a pre-warp society.”
“Dad’s got a point, Ret,” Rillo Starmender said with a huff.  “We can’t ignore what’s going on.”
“Besides, maybe we can get some answers to these readings,” Ronnie perked up and looked to her husband Kos.
She right, Kos Scanstar signed to Ret. These readings say some of those people are Romulans. He quickly tapped his console and brought up the information.  Ret got up from her chair and moved to stand at Kos’ console.
You’re sure, she signed to her brother. There’s nothing wrong with the scanners.
Nothing, he signed in reply.
Ret looked to the view screen once again.  She was well aware that the people on that plateau were painfully aware about the retrofit Bird-of-Prey hovering in the air just out of reach. “Set, can we land?”
“No,” Ret’s chief engineer announced without hesitation from his workstation.  “Transporters are out, even if we use the pattern enhancers.  Too much power drain.  But, I can give ya the loading bay.”
“That’ll be a neat trick,” Hrit Yen called out from the pilot’s console.
“Just keep her steady, Hrit,” Ret said as she looked over the information at her command console.  “Srus, Rei, Rukki.  You three guide Uncle Meika and Ronnie out there.  Grab whatever weapons you need to help take that thing down.  Take enviro suits and grab what medical supplies you can. Hrit, just keep the bird steady and we should be good.”
“I’ll give ya thirty minutes,” Hrit said.  “Then we’ll have ta head outta these updrafts.”
Ret looked to the five who had gathered together their gear. “Get to the loading bay.  We’ll open up and you run out as fast as you can.  Hopefully those people will be quick in their understanding that we’re here to help.”
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starmended · 6 months
My Rules…. My Guidelines
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‧₊˚⊹ please be respectful in my inbox,, do not send me hateful messages anywhere…. anywhere
‧₊˚⊹ my requests are open until i have at least 10 or 12… after that im closing it until i finish all 10-12 requests.
‧₊˚⊹ if you are a minor.. DO NOT request smut.
‧₊˚⊹ please note that this is a blog that contains nsfw content, they are labeled so if you are under the age of 16 avoid interacting with that content please…
‧₊˚⊹ please don't constantly bombard me with messages to publish or write anything, because sometimes I do have a tight schedule and may not be ready to publish anything at that time…
‧₊˚⊹ i would very much appreciate it if you had an age indicator !! anything works really! #teen #ies, 20's, adult, 18+
‧₊˚⊹ i will not follow back if you lack a pfp, have the classic "untitled", & have no posts whatsoever— really anything that makes it seem like you’re a bot. i go through my following regularly, so if you don’t fit these, you will get hard-blocked.
‧₊˚⊹ please do leave feedback,, just not mean criticism,, it makes me feel better if i have feedback in my stories and stuff
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my request rules + what i don’t write (&& why!)
i will not write this…
‧₊˚⊹ male x male, woman x woman ,, it is not that i’m opposed to doing anything platonic— however, i am a straight woman and i will NOT fetishize LGBTQ+ there are plenty of writers who will gladly write those though !! please support them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— any incest, piss kinks, r*pe, ddlg, scat, extreme bdsm, beastiality, character x character, real people like celebrities, male!reader, anything for characters that are minors.
i will write this…
‧₊˚⊹ smut, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort
‧₊˚⊹ sfw/platonic one—shots, drabbles,
‧₊˚⊹ smut with plot, smut with no plot,
‧₊˚⊹ siblings or child reader,, platonic always
‧₊˚⊹ two- three parts, series
‧₊˚⊹ betazoid! reader,,, vulcan! reader,, human! reader, even a romulan!reader for all i care… it doesn’t always have to be human… you can even make your own species (just give me the details babe lol)
‧₊˚⊹ pregnancy stories,,, i don’t mind them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— my default is femalebodied readers,,,
‧₊˚⊹ to compensate my LGBTQ+ readers, i am completely open to doing gender-neutral readers. i won’t be specific when it comes to details regarding the reader like hair colour or eye colour, etc. unless you request it of course.
When you request… please include,,
‧₊˚⊹ which character you want me to write for (obviously the ones i list.)
‧₊˚⊹ give me a summary. if you want a certain story, be much detailed in the summary, enough for me for work with.
‧₊˚⊹ indicate the vibe of it, is it dark, romantic, suggestive, even a combined vibe.
‧₊˚⊹ is the reader a human or not… if she’s not, what is she. be detailed.
‧₊˚⊹ you want me to include certain looks? details please, is she black? or from a certain background, does she have straight hair? curly hair? colored hair? you tell me please.
really anything that can help me out will be appreciated <3
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I write for….
mainly spock. doesn’t matter which version, you tell me !!!
you can request for chris pike, hemmer, data, picard, riker, sulu, mccoy, kirk, Q, worf, elnor, tom paris, vorik, taurik, brad… even sam
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