heterophobics · 1 year
i hurt you a long time ago because i was an idiot and listened to lies of someone i no longer talk to. i regret it, you didn’t deserve it. i’m really sorry. i shouldve been a better friend. i hope you’re well these days.
there are a lot of things im willing to just forgive and forget about, send me and ask off-of anon or pm me and i'll give u good places to contact me!!
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theramblingsofadork · 10 days
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I’m sure some of you have already seen this from my blog banner, but I figured why not celebrate my return by sharing a WIP of the entire Starpoint Squad! ✨💫
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cosmixzpunk · 4 months
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[new and old art dump ft. River 2022-2023]
This art is so old, even the new one is dated design-wise. They are a supporting character of Starpoint. I can't go over their abilities or powers, or anything. Dated designs lead to dated problems. I drop a piece of lore here anyway; they work at a cafe and are on the verge of breaking down on a daily. Their emotions feel like they are getting tested every single day. Doesn't make it better when they end up picking up an unintentional part-time job while being in college. They keep smiling through it. Even if they are really about to crumble.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Wood Engraving Wednesday
From initial engraving to first proof to final print with supporting color blocks -- another successful wood engraving from our friend, Kentucky wood engraver and book artist Joanne Price @starpointestudio. Hot off the press! Lovely composition, nice color, and lots of dynamism. Great work, Joanne!
See more work at her Starpointe Studio homepage.
View more posts with work by Joanne Price.
View more posts with wood engravings!
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teenagedirtstache · 1 year
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Per Lui March 1989 photos William Laxton
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mysnyasper · 1 year
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you know what while i’m here posting things here’s some designs i’ve done recently for a personal project
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culturalappreciator · 5 months
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bloodstainedstar · 7 months
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i'll tell you when you get your soft, italicized, "Oh."
the unrelated moment
you tend to be more preoccupied with practical things, to the point where you've been blinded to matters of the heart. sure, you're close with this person. you like to be close with people. it is rewarding to know and be known in return. you leave realization no choice but to sneak up on you. they're not even in the room when it happens. someone or something else spells it out for you, an observant friend's passing comment or a particular sentence you were reading in a book, and suddenly it hits you, what it all means. the person your feelings have been building themselves around. Oh. it's them. it's time. it's them and you, here and now, and you have to decide what to do at this crossroads. luckily, you're practically-minded.
Tagged by @zemothethirteenth
Tagging whoever wants to do it ✨
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starpoints-series · 11 months
Five Teenagers attend a space academy that goes beyond the curriculum...
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STARPOINTS - Tales of the Fallen Stars
A W.I.P. by Yors Truly
STARPOINTS is a sci-fi fantasy, teen drama soap opera, space opera, 2D animatic series. The show is set in the distant far away galaxy, and follows an ensemble of five students as they try to balance attending school with family life... and a predetermined fate set in stone by the cosmos.
The show is currently in development; this blog was created with the intention of tracking my progress on STARPOINTS from scratch (kind of; I started this in June but haven't done a lot with it until now). Because of that, everything is subject to change.
A weird attempt at blending a variety of genres that have always interested me; it's like a mix of Harry Potter and Star Wars but not.
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Themes: freedom of choice; coming-of-age; friendship; family (found and pre-established); self-forgiveness; mutual understanding
Genre: sci-fi fantasy, teen drama, soap opera, space opera
Progress: currently on worldbuilding and character development + designs
Audience: General (mostly adolescent and young adult, though)
Aesthetic/Vibe: space-themed setting; intergalactic interactions; comedic; genuine
POV: Third person (multiple)
Featuring: Fantasy/sci-fi/space-based creatures!! Several references to astronomy and its history!! Somewhat twisted fantasy school!!
Content warning: fantasy violence; mentions of war-based conflict (or something of that variety)
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Kazz Trailblazer; a human exchange student from the "Milky Way," looking to explore and adapt to the discovered galaxy
Azerty; a previously homeschooled robot constructed for who knows what by who knows who, and is very warm and friendly
Tauri Sterope II; an Asterade with rulership in his near future, and is a huge overachiever and rule enforcer
Sufi Azophi; a Neburi artist who prefers to spend time in solitude, and is kind of (really) going through magical puberty so bare with her
Aether Lite; the strong, fast, "light"hearted, fun-loving Fenykuma whose dying to have some stability and be sane for a little bit
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# starpoints : worldbuilding, # starpoints : characters, # starpoints : species, # starpoints : concept art, # starpoints : character design, # starpoints : planet design, starpoints : casual doodles, # starpoints: text post
# character : Kazz Trailblazer, # character : Azerty, # character : Tauri Sterope II, # character : Sufi Azophi, # character : Aether Lite
Comment below to be added or removed from the tag list !
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yors-truly · 1 year
NEW DUDES!! They're pretty nice!! :D
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Their names are Kazz (first two images) and Tauri (last two images), from my newest story STARPOINTS. They're a part of an ensemble of 5 teenagers attending an academy in space (that's the basics of it anyway, still building the story from scratch)
I talked a bit about it minutes ago here, though I don't know how reliable of a source it is, it was just a coincidence lol
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nvidiaanselart · 9 months
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Starpoint Gemini Warlords
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works-of-magic · 1 year
whichh one of your pokémon 🥨 is constantly begging for treats?
I have two that fit this, actually: my first Murkrow and Starpoint, one of the resident Misdreavus!
They both just absolutely love food. Murky will eat anything, I always have to keep food stored in places that require opposable thumbs or he Can and WILL steal everything he can get his beak on, and you can bribe him to do nearly anything in the world for an oran or cornn berry.
Starpoint has much more of a sweet tooth though. She loves any sweet pokemon treat, she's especially fond of cakes and pastries, and I often have to feed her separately from the other ghosts because she eats physical food with much more eagerness than any other ghost I have, and the others will let her sneak over and finish their leftovers. She has more, ah... discipline than Murky though. She's definitely not a trouble maker and she begs because she's polite enough to Ask for it and not Steal it, at least.
That doesn't mean she won't get the more mischievous Misdreavus to pull off a food heist FOR her, though... I swear, my ghosts are never so social as they are when they're making mischief.
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theramblingsofadork · 2 months
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Here are all of the art pieces from my Starpoint Squad AU synopsis post yesterday!
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cosmixzpunk · 3 months
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These were some early rough draft of their redesigns, I forgot to y'know...go back and iterate?
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uwmspeccoll · 11 months
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Wood Engraving Wednesday
On this first Wood Engraving Wednesday in November, we mark the day with this wood engraving by Kentucky artist and engraver Joanne Price from the 2020 calendar of the Wood Engravers’ Network (WEN). Price is the founder of Starpointe Studio, specializing in printmaking and book arts in rural Kentucky. Price has been President of the Wood Engravers’ Network and is an elected member of Britain's Society of Wood Engravers. About her work, Price writes:
My ideas and images are interpreted through the bold but delicate marks of wood engraving. Wood engraving’s intimate scale and slow pace provide a welcome respite from our cyber-fast world. It is charmingly mysterious and feeds my need for quiet concentration and hands-on creative productivity. My ideas emerge from folk/fairy tales, everyday life, and nature, and are often explored through series. 
Price maintains a particular interest in the environment and the natural world:
Wood engraving’s historic use in science and literature provides a natural vehicle for these ideas. Utilizing micro and macro perspectives I strive to connect art and science in a way that I hope pushes past mere illustration.
Our copy of the calendar is a donation of WEN member and Wisconsin resident Tony Drehfal.
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View more posts with work by Joanne Price.
View more posts from the 2020 WEN Calendar.
View more posts with wood engravings!
-- MAX, Head, Special Collections
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🌹 Bright blessings!
I bring you #goodnews! 🕊
We are about to enter one big shift in energy, because a rare and once in a lifetime event is upon us. The last time this 250 year cycle happened was in the 1770s. The time of discovery, innovation, exploration and beauty.
🌹 I am referring to the Venus Star cycle. Venus, the planet of beauty, peace, love, and harmony is about to move into Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, mediation, and beauty.
🌹 Venus creates the most beautiful geometric pattern in the heavens every 8 years. Literally, thee most beautiful natural sacred geometry we know today. These 8 patterns collectively over 250 years create a star shape.
🌹 The planet, Venus, takes 584 days to go around the sun. Earth takes 365 days to go around the sun. If we divide these numbers, we get the fibonacci golden mean of 1.6. THIS is golden energy!
🌹 And this, my friends, is when we begin to see the Golden Era.
🌹 You see, Venus is creating a pentagonal pattern which resonates this sacred and holy frequency. We will feel this shift, because we've been dealing with alot of Mars energy over the past 10 years.
🌹 So finally, we're beginning a new era of the Venus Star going into 29 degrees of Libra, because this Venus star moves backwards, and it's a REAL change in energetics! This is such a HUGE SHIFT in the Cosmos.
🌹 A paradigm shift, and a once in a lifetime event. Last time this energy was here, it was a time of renaissance, artists, and classical music, like Mozart. What kind of beautiful things will be birthed from this time that WE get to experience?
🌹 Now consider, this is only the beginning of a HUGE paradigm shift. We will be moving away from this aggressive Mars, ego-driven energy, and into a much softer Venusian -- collaboration, cooperation -- type of energy.
🌹 Now, let's think about your physical body. We are shaped in the form of a star. According to certain Yogis, if we go very deeply into the spiritual eye, third eye, and meditate deeply, we will actually see a white 5-sided star, which looks exactly like the star that Venus creates in the Heavens, in her most sacred geometry formation.
🌹 The Old Ones from Ancient Greece had many forms of love they wrote about. Here are three for the purpose of understanding this significant event.
EROS: Erotic, masculine type of love.
PHILIA: Friendship, genuine type of love.
AGAPE: Higher, more divine, type of love.
🌹 And because we are entering Venus into Libra energy, we have an OPEN PORTAL from the heavens, that gives us an opportunity to elevate our consciousness into a higher understanding of love.
🌹 This ingress of Venus into Libra is a tremendous portal opening, and inviting us to create that higher expression of love and oneness.
🌹 This will be a grand period in time, when we will be able to bring information in from the Universe, from the Earth, and from our physical bodies simultaneously to come together in harmony. It's going to be a period of music, art, love, dancing, peace, and beauty that will be brought in by our will.
🌹 If you are further interested, then you should find out where your "Venus Star Point" is in your natal chart. This is a new cosmology and still very new to myself. Please refer yourself to a book or research online, for I cannot help you with this, yet.
🌹 Step into this Paradigm and call upon this harmonious energy and work with it, if you should choose. Have a beautiful week, knowing that a great change is upon us.
🌹 Stay blessed!
Thee Naturalistic Mystic
Crystal Vision Creations
🧿 The Coven of Crystal Visions 🧿
*copyright @theenaturalisticmystic
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