#started on them last friday and finished up today; 4 for 93 and 12 for 94
kaiowut99 · 1 year
GX Finalized-Subs!93 & 94 Update
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? No. 2. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? Nooo. 3. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yeah, a few times. 4. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? It’s only 3 in the morning. We’ll see. I have a doctor appointment this morning; though, so it’s not going to start off great. 5. Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? Nope.
6. How about you, do you have a bf/gf? No. 7. Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give a shit how attractive they were if they were like that.  8. So do you have a best friend? Yes. 9. What would you do if your best friend kissed the last person you kissed? My mom would never do that. 10. Do you dislike anyone? No one I know. 11. Did you message your best friend today? No. I’ll see her later on, we live together. 12. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? Nope. 13. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? Always. 14. How do you feel about your hair right now? I love the color since I just got it done a few weeks ago and it looks healthier since I got it trimmed, but still I hate that I don’t do anything with it besides throw it up in a pony tail. I’ve never been good at styling my hair, it never comes out good. I have long hair, it would be nice to actually do something with it. 15. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? Well, I’m sure there’s people with “Stephanie” tattooed on them, but not anyone I know. 16. Who did you last see shirtless? An actor on TV. 17. How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I don’t like anyone in that way. 18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating? Yes. 19. Do you like to make the first move? Noooo. 20. Do you think you will ever be married? No. 21. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? I’m a big disappointment to myself and everyone else I feel like. 22. Is it possible to be single and happy? Yeah. I mean, I’m single and unhappy, but it’s not because I’m single. 23. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? It’ll be male (my brother). 24. Do you remember who you liked on New Year’s? No one. 25. Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m barely a person. 26. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I’ve gone 7 years so far and have no desire for it. 27. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? I’ve always felt that way. 28. Is there anyone who likes you? Not in the romantic sense. 29. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? Ha, no. They wouldn’t give a single fuck. 30. Do you understand football? I get there’s touchdowns... that’s about it. ha. 31. What’s the first thing you heard this morning? It’ll be alarm. D: 32. Who last called you beautiful? My hair stylist did after she finished with my hair.  33. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No. 34. How many kids do you want when you get older? Zero. 35. Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week? Uh, no. I’ve been single for 7 years and haven’t even talked to anyone in that way in 4. 36. Ever been called a jerk/bitch? Yes, playfully. 37. Do you have feelings for anyone? Not romantic ones. 38. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? “Fell pregnant.” I’m a virgin and can’t have kids anyway, so. 39. What’s your full name? Stephanie is all you need to know. 40. Are you young or old? I’m old. 41. What’s the gender? I’m a female. 42. How’s your heart been lately? Physically, it’s fine.  43. Why aren’t you in bed? I am. 44. Did you do laundry today? No. 45. What kind of computer do you have? A MacBook Air. 46. Are there always other fish in the sea? So they say. 47. What can your tongue do? I can’t curl it or make a clover or anything. 48. What do you think your mum does when she goes out? My poor mom doesn’t do much outside of work, taking care of my family, especially me, and caring for a family friend. She hardly gets any time for herself.  49. Do chickens have feelings? Yes. 50. Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? We’re made in God’s image. I need to learn to love myself and my body, though, cause I definitely don’t. 51. So how are you feeling today? Blah. 52. Where is your sister right now? I don't have a sister. 53. Name five things you did today? So far just YouTube and surveys. 54. What kind of phone do you have? An iPhone XR. 55. What are you listening to? An ASMR video. 56. What do you smell like? Like me. 57. What colour are your eyes? Brown. 58. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? No. 59. Do you know someone named Betsy? No. 60. What colour is your mum’s hair? Black. 61. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? Yes, a 3 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. <3 62. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? Yeah. A lot of Barney songs, especially. 63. Are you married? Nopeee. I’m very single. 64. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? Last night.  65. Do you play an instrument? I played some piano back in the day. I regret not keeping up with it, though. I wish I took it more seriously. 66. Do you like fire? I like bonfires or fire in the fireplace. I love that autumn fire smell. However, you’ll never catch me lighting a fire. Not even a candle. I’m a big scardy cat. 67. Are you allergic to anything? Tangerines. 68. Have you ever been to a spa? Nope. 69. Do you miss someone? Always. 70. Views on premarital sex? I’m just waiting to be in a loving committed relationship. Someone I’m very comfortable with. He’ll have to be someone very patient and understanding. 71. What is a noise that you cannot stand? Eating sounds--slurping, smacking, sucking... I CAN’T. 72. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? I can’t do that. 73. What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? I don’t wear sunglasses as someone who has to wear glasses because I’m basically blind without them. I’ve had the transitional glasses in the past, though. I don’t have them currently cause I didn’t want to pay for that. 74. Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? No. 75. Do you shower naked? Uh, yeah?  76. Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? It can. Doesn’t make me look smart, though ha. I’m not fooling anyone. 77. Are you ADD or ADHD? No. 78. Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? No, we just have the boring plain ones. 79. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? No. 80. In one word, how would you define yourself? Disappointing.  81. Tell me about a dream you had recently? Nah. 82. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? I haven’t been around drunk people in a long time. 83. How did you feel when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I know I won’t be happy when my alarm goes off. I have a doctor appointment in the morning. :/ 84. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? It’ll be “ughhhhh I don’t want to get up.” 85. Name something great that happened on Friday? I don’t know, it’s Thursday. Ask me tomorrow. 86. When was the last time you saw your father? Last night. 87. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? No. You know... it’s weird. I heard from Ty out of the blue yesterday for the first time in almost 5 years and it didn’t stir up anything in me like it would have in the past. 88. Have you ever been kissed by a person whose name starts with J? Yes. 89. Do you crack your knuckles? Yeah. 90. What were you doing twenty minutes ago? This. 91. You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you? I am now cause of that question where I talked about Ty. 92. Have you held hands with anyone in the past twenty-four hours? No. 93. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? I would have an issue with that. 94. What if your partner went through your cellphone? I don’t want that kind of relationship. Like yeah, we should have nothing to hide, but still there’s just no reason for it. 95. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? I’d most definitely have a problem with that and would say something. 96. Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? Yes. 97. You want someone/something? I’m already looking forward to lunch. 98. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? There absolutely is. Coke all the way. 99. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? I’m hungry, but it’s 330 in the morning and I’m not going to get anything. I’ll get something later after my doctor appointment. 100. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? It really doesn’t matter anymore. 101. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? Yeah, my mom many times whenever I was sick. That’s even still to this day as an adult. One of my former friends was with me a few times after getting sick from a littleee bit too much to drink. :X 102. Background on your computer? Alexander Skarsgard. 103. Have you cried recently? Yes. 104. Who has hurt you the most? Myself. 105. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? I’m perfectly fine with being single. 106. What language do you want to learn? I want to be fluent in Spanish. I should start practicing again, it’s been yearsss so I’m definitely rusty. 107. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? I don’t drive, so I’d be of no help. 108. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? I’d only hit someone out of self-defense.
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drarrylovebot-blog · 7 years
I love you (And the Other 100 Ways of Saying It.)
Prompt: I love you (And the other 100 ways of saying it.)
It’s Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter Eight Year in Hogwarts. The new blooming friendship has started since the very next day after Voldemort died. Harry has visited the Manor to give Malfoy his wand back. They forgave each other. They let go. They moved on. Rebuilding Hogwarts for four months is also a good way to build a friendship, you know? Once school started, they have been quite close, closer than expected because apparently Hermione and Ron don’t come back. Somehow The Hogwarts Express has been awfully late.
1.      The next compartment is empty, but you’re alone. “You mind sharing a compartment? The rest is already full.”
2.      “Happy belated birthday, Potter.” Puts a small gift on his lap.
3.      It’s awfully late, I bet you haven’t eaten anything. “Stop staring, Potter, it’s rude. Here, I’m full anyway.”
4.      Idiot, stop kicking your blanket to the floor, it’s cold. Put the blanket in place and cast a sticking charm over it.
5.      “Here’s your trunk.”
6.      Cast a warming charm for the whole carriage. “What? The thestrals must be cold too.”
7.      “Welcome home.”
8.      Nonchalantly sit beside Harry in the Great Hall.
9.      Put two treacle tarts on Harry’s plate. “What? You like them.”
10. “Goodnight, Potter.”
11.  “Morning, Potter.”
12.  Slides a cup of coffee towards Harry.
13.  “Don’t forget your Charm books.”
14.  “See you later.”
15.  “How’s the day?”
16.  “Stop hogging the food, Potter.” Eat slowly, you git, you’ll get a stomachache.
17.  Casually put two glasses of water on their bedside drawer.
18.  Put an apple beside Harry’s breakfast. “You’ll die early with your diet.”
19.  Our first class is potion, will you be okay after Severus’ death? “You’re helpless, Potter. Sit back and observe, maybe you’ll learn something by being my partner.”
20.  Slap Harry’s hand away. “Idiot. Clean your hands.”
21.  “Remember, 7 times clockwise, Potter.” It will be dangerous if you stir only 6 times.
22.  “Finally, a decent result.” It’s a really good result, but let’s not feed your ego.
23.  You look extremely tired. “Stop being unmotivated git. Long day?”
24. “Don’t forget to work on your charm essay.”
25.  Smiles softly when he has finished his homework only to find Harry’s asleep on the sofa.
26.  Take off Harry’s glasses and fix his blanket.
27.  Check Harry’s charm essay and gives some pointers on wrong statements.
28.  Levitates Harry and tucks him in bed. Essay and glasses neatly put in their bedside drawer.
29.  “Wake up, Potter. Finish your essay.”
30.  “Your mood puts me in a bad mood, Potter. See you in DADA.” Cheer up, you git.
31.  “Fancy a duel?”
32.  “Impressive, Potter.”
33.  “That’s your best shot? Aim better.” Stop channeling your power without precision.
34.  “Focus, Potter. I could kill you.” Fuck you, Potter, that’s a fucking lethal curse. Thank Merlin you move.
35.  Grinning with twinkle in his eyes. “Nice duel.”
36.  I would love to see that expression on your face everyday. Don’t lose it.
37.  “Knackered?”
38.  “It’s Friday tomorrow, fancy a seeker match?”
39.  Your nightmares are getting worse.
40.  “You wish you’re the better seeker.” Whatever, of course you are better.
41.  “Nice game, Potter.”
42.  “We’ll crash the library tomorrow, Potter.” Your homework are piling, stop procrastinating, you git.
43.  Pointing the answer on the book. Rolls eyes exasperatedly.
44.  “Potter, accompany me tomorrow in the Room of Requirement?”
45.  “I’m brewing a potion. You’re here to distract me from sleeping.”
46.   You need this as much as I do, you git, that’s why you’re here. “Stop whining, Potter.”
47.  “Of course, you’ll sleep eventually.” Transfiguring the chair into something more comfortable.
48. ‘Modification of Dreamless sleep that doesn’t give you an addiction. Your nightmares are getting worse. –DM’
49.  “You are welcome, Potter.”
50.  Your nightmares are not getting any better. Are you okay? “Do the dreamless sleep at faulty?”
51.  Then why do you keep having nightmares?! “You’re still having nightmares.”
52.  “I’m so sorry, Potter. For all it’s worth, it didn’t fair.” I’m sorry. I hope they’re happy and proud wherever they are right now.
53. ‘Happy Halloween, Potter.’ Put a bag of Honeydukes sweets on the edge of Harry’s bed.
54.  “Happy Thanksgiving, Potter.” Put a large piece of Turkey meet on Harry’s dinner plate.
55.  “Look, it is finally snowing. First snow this year.”
56.  Throw a snow ball on Harry’s back.
57.  Have a happy snowballs fight.
58.  “Happy Christmas, Harry.” Put a Christmas present on Harry’s lap before leaving to the Manor.
59.  Put the charmed snow globe from Harry on the bedside drawer in the Manor. Thank you, it’s pretty. Mother and I’s miniatures look happy, playing in the snow.
60.  ‘Happy new year, Harry. May this year be good to you. –DM’
61.  “Stop slopping around, NEWT is just around the corner.”
62.  “Come on, I’ll help you with Potion.”
63.  “You don’t work hard enough.” Come on, Potter, you need to be better than this if you want to be an Auror.
64.  “Have you decided on your future career?”
65.  You’re one of the few who don’t think it’s an impossible job for me. Thank you.  Smiles softly.
66. “Do you ever think of applying to be a DADA teacher here? Or being recruited into a Quidditch league?” I just need you to know there are other options that will give you less stress.
67.  Well whatever your future job is, Harry Potter, please be safe and happy.
68.  “Stay away from dragon scale, it will trigger an explosion on your calming draught.” Stop being an idiot please, you could actually lose your life.
69.  “Good luck on your NEWTs.”
70.  “Potter, tomorrow is Charm, not Transfiguration.”
71.  “Here, have some.” Slide a box of Narcissa chocolates for Harry.
72.  “She’ll love that.” Yes, she also has been asking about you. I believe your visit would be good for Mother. Thank you.
73. “Ready for Potion? Relax, you’ll do well.”
74.  “How’s potion? Don’t tell me you blow anything.” Please remember potions can be lethal sometimes.
75.  “Remarkable, Potter.”
76.  “Cheer up, tomorrow is the last day.”
77.  “Thank Merlin and Salazar, it’s all done! How are you holding up, Potter?”
78.  “Can’t sleep either?”
79.  “Fancy a night stroll?”
80.  Rolls eyes swiftly and casually fixes the scarf on Harry’s neck.
81.  “You see that star? That is the reason Mother named me Draco.” Maybe you’ll remember the star, and you’ll remember me each time you look at the sky.
82.  “You’re a good company, Harry.” It’s nice being like this with you.
83.  Thank you for deciding in befriending me that day, you give me a new purpose to keep fighting. “Thank you.”
84.  For saving me again and again, from Voldemort, from the Fiendfire, from my own demons. For giving me a common sense to keep living. For offering your hand in friendship that day after the war. For trusting in my ability to become a Potion Master.  “Just for everything and anything, really.”
85.  You really are beautiful under the moonlight.
86.  “What do you think will happen after Hogwarts?” Would we still be like this? Could we? Is it ridiculous for hoping?
87.  “You really believe that?” Because I want that to happen too, for us to not stop being friends, maybe even more?
88.  Yeah, I like that very much. “Okay.”
89.  “Don’t forget your spare glasses, Potter.”
90.  “Seriously, you need to stop procrastinating and panicking on the last second.” Seriously, you don’t forget anything, just lock your trunk.
91.  “Tomorrow would be very different, wouldn’t it?” I’m afraid to go back to the real world. Are you?
92.  It might just be our last day meeting each other. “Accompany me to Hogsmead?”
93.  “Fancy a butterbeer? Come on, drinks on me.”
94.  “You what?” God, it must be a dream, right?
95.  “You’re being serious right now?” Cause if you’re not, I’ll saw off your balls and ship it to America right now, Harry Potter. If you’re joking, you’re a dead man.
96.  “Okay then, I would like that very much.”
97.  “Sleep fine?” You sleep as peaceful as a baby, I almost stop the train so that the bumpy ride doesn’t wake you up.
98.  “Mother said she will pick us up.” You sure want to visit Mother? It doesn’t have to be today, you know.
99.  “Mother, you remember Harry Potter? Harry, Mother. Mother, my boyfriend.” You git, stop smiling like you need to impress someone. You have a life debt toward Mother, just act normal. Salazar, help me, this is embarrassing,
100.  Marry me. “Scared, Potter?”
101.  “You wish.” Fuck you, I’ll be damned if I’m scared. I love you, you git.
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Joe’s Weather Blog: 3 records…3 days…an unprecedented happening (SUN-1/12)
Happy Sunday and GO CHIEFS!
The weather has been fascinating this week. In the end the snowfall forecast more or less worked out OK. Not perfect but widespread 2-4″ amounts when the forecast on Friday was 2-6″ with an emphasis on the lower side of the totals was good. KCI actually had one of the highest totals…3.6″ for the Metro at least and areas east of KC had close to 5″ or so…in Lafayette and Johnson Co MO.
Today…I’m watching a small but soon to be potent little disturbance come this way. It may generate some snow later this afternoon…and there may be a coating in spots…especially on the north side of the Metro into northern MO. It’s possible there are some raindrops mixed in if the precip is light enough..but if a bit heavier it will changeover to flakes. It will be in and out in a few hours it appears.
The week overall will be somewhat uneventful…although towards the end of the week a wet system is likely in the Plains meaning rain chances increase heading into Friday.
Today: Mainly cloudy with a chance of some sort of wintry mix or snow later today. Highs near 35°
Tonight: Clearing out and colder with lows in the teens
Tomorrow: Not too bad with highs in the 40s. There may be a few showers Monday night
Tuesday: About the same…40s for highs
I wasn’t going to blog today…but I realized something yesterday about what has happened over the past few days…and it may never have happened in KC weather history before (dating back to the 1880s at least).
We set 3 weather extreme records (by KC standards) on 3 consecutive days…
To be fair that may have happened before…what though is unique about this…in my mind at least is the types of records we set over those 3 days…
Record #1: Thursday.
We hit 66° breaking a record high temperature set back in 1902.
Record #2: Friday:
We set a precipitation record with 1.36″ of moisture for KC. Breaking the previous record of .93″ back in 1975.
Record #3: Saturday:
We set a snowfall record for the date…3.7″ breaking the previous record by .1″. The previous record was 3.6″ set in 1963.
Records 1 and 2 have probably been done before…on back to back days.
That combination though of a record high one day…precipitation record the next day and finally daily snowfall record for the day…on 3 straight days…that to me might be unprecedented in KC weather history.
I have no real desire to go through all that data…but it seems to me like this set of 3 particular records hasn’t happened before on back to back to back days.
To tidy up the snow situation…
2-4″ for the Metro…a few higher totals east of KC.
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I saw a few folks saying we blew it…not so sure I totally agree with that opinion at this point.
So now it’s time to say goodbye to that system.
By the way our total for the fall/winter season is up to about 9.3″. That’s 1.5″ or so above average.
Aside from the chances later this afternoon…and barring and dramatic changes for the Friday system…we may sort of go back into another mostly snow free period of time for the next 7-10 days or so. Here is a look at the EURO ensembles…each run…some 50 of them. Going out to about January 25th or so…
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Something to put on the radar for the end of the month…some potential cold air…for how long remains to be seen but data has been pointing to this for awhile now…and I just want you to be aware of this…
This will likely come in several waves but here is a look at the 5 day average. Take a look at the forecast anomalies up at around 5,000 feet os so for the night of the 21st > 26th. Reds over blues…cold for many in the USA east of the Rockies.
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Also the data compared to the last run has trended a bit colder too…so that may be how we finish the month of January.
What will cause this…a reversal in the upper air pattern. .Alaska is going to start to moderate and get warmer. When that happens the colder air will start to pour southwards into Canada and into the US…especially from the Rockies eastwards.
See how we change from the anomalies at the surface this afternoon…
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See all the chilly weather compared to average in western Canada and AK?
Now look towards the end of the month…
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That will be some cold air…note how AK is back to average…and probably will be above average again.
We’ll see about the snow situation towards late month because that would certainly make it colder.
Our feature photo comes from @fatfoxcoon on twitter…
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No blogs for a couple of days…time to take a blog break.
  from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2020/01/12/joes-weather-blog-3-records-3-days-an-unprecedented-happening-sun-1-12/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/01/12/joes-weather-blog-3-records3-daysan-unprecedented-happening-sun-1-12/
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theairportau · 7 years
the airport AU, part 116 by rjdaae and hopsjollyhigh
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 101, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 111, 12, 13, 14, 15
It isn’t fair, she thinks, her heart aching at the resigned honesty of his answer.
At that very moment, over seven hundred miles away, her former workmates would be wrapping up the final few transactions of the day, glancing longingly towards the ’Closed’ sign and trying to hide the glares they would shoot at any new customer who happened to wander in at the last minute. Impatient to finish their work and free themselves for the evening ahead, Fridays always found the other girls at their most efficient—and Christine at her most eager to avoid them. More than once, she’d been invited to join them, but had been subjected to enough of their gossip to know that she wouldn’t enjoy their raucous brand of drinking and dancing.
*They* had seemed *never* to be tired, possessed of an energy that Christine had yet to ever see exhausted; but even if it *were* truly endless, it would never be used to paint a single picture, to bring a single song into the world.
She finishes her tea, setting the mug aside as Erik passes her the tablet; as she reads the message, she wishes that the cup was still full, that she might have an excuse to stay longer. It *hasn’t* even been such a long day—and how has it been spent: sitting on the couch?; drinking tea and reading stories? *She* isn’t in need of rest.
But *he* is.
Another look towards the window confirms that the late-autumn sunset won’t be kept waiting for long if she doesn’t want to walk back to the hotel in the dark; she doesn’t have to look at Erik again to know that she’ll be walking alone. If she’s going to go, it needs to be very soon. And she *does* have to go. If she stays tonight instead of going back to her room at the hotel, she won’t be able to change before her day with Darius; if she stays, and Erik doesn’t feel better, she might not be able to convince herself to go out at all.
She forces herself to nod, overruling the argument between the half of her heart that wants to stay and help, and the other that knows she can only help *by* leaving him to rest; she fails to curb the part that has noticed his free hand, still resting on the cushion after handing her the tablet. As her fingers close around his thin, scarred ones, she tries to convince herself that the tea has done its job, that he doesn’t feel *quite* as cold as he had when she first noticed his fever.
“Innan jag lämnar, är du verkligen säker på att du inte—” she begins a bit too quickly; shaking her head apologetically, she tries again, speaking with simple words, their purposefulness mirrored in the gentle pressure of her hand around his own, “Någonting annat? Att hjälpa dig?”
He doesn’t know if the feeling will ever go away- the way his heart seems to jump whenever she touches him, whether or not the touch is anticipated. He also isn’t certain whether he’ll ever lose the instinct to apologize for the roughness and the coldness of his skin. She always manages to stun his mind into a fraction of a moment of radio silence, and he wishes he could exist in that thoughtless moment forever, aware of nothing other than the gentle pressure of her hand on his. But it never lasts as long as he wishes it would. She is close to him now- but it’s to say goodbye, and even after years of preferring the isolation of his apartment, he wishes beyond anything that he could just ask her to stay here like this with him. It would make it all so much easier- he’d rather be like this than face the overwhelming task of sleep, but before she even asks whether there is anything that she can do, he already knows what he will tell her.
Even in the light, he’s reluctant to let her walk alone. After all, it hadn’t been long after sunset when that desk clerk harassed her outside the hotel- and he’d even been with her then. But with the end of their togetherness coming near for the day, he feels the aches in his body more acutely than he had a few minutes ago. Everything seems to be sore; it is a strain on his eyes to even stay open, and he would be no use to her out there. After all, she always walks alone in the morning. He squeezes her hand gently in return before he forces himself to let it go, and to look away from their hands, up to her face.
“Jag kommer att bli bra,” he says, after a moment. It’s the most honest thing he can think to say. He knows that he ultimately will make it through the next couple of days, no matter how difficult a struggle it is; he feels more purpose to do so now than he has in years. He will take care of himself tonight. He owes that to her- to actually feel better after taking a day away from her. He knows, on a practical level, what it is that his body needs. It’s just so damn hard to go through with doing those basic things sometimes- making himself eat, and sleep, and take his medication, and tend to his wounds. His hand feels empty now, without hers in it. He pulls it under the cover of his blanket, to keep himself from reaching for her again.
“Var försiktig,” he adds, fixing her with his dead serious stare, devoid of any humor when it comes to this particular topic. He would so rather walk her home. “Berätta för mig… din telefon. När du är tillbaka. Okej?”
He stumbles through the words a bit, taking a few moments to think through each, and still, he isn’t certain how clear he is. She doesn’t need to call him- it would put his mind at ease if he would text her when she’s back at the hotel. He certainly won’t get any sleep being uncertain of her absolute safety.
Maybe it’s the incongruity of his haltingly-phrased request and the adamant expression that accompanies it; or maybe a simple short-circuiting of her emotions, overloaded with worry for Erik and regret at leaving him. Whatever the case, Christine finds herself smiling—a flicker of silent laughter across her face, even as the disappointing emptiness of her hand feels suddenly that much sharper.
“Ja visst,” she says with a firm, reassuring nod, “Det ska jag gärna göra.”
It takes less time for Erik to break his gaze than it does for Christine to actually move from the couch. Glancing around, she hesitates, taking stock of the mugs on the coffee table, her purse, the book of folktales that served in place of her lesson today. Finally shifting her feet back to the floor, she leans awkwardly forward and reaches for her things; “Det var trevligt att läsa,” she says genuinely, fondly tucking the book into her bag; a gentle smirk makes her eyes sparkle as she swipes a quick gaze back at Erik, “Fast att sjunga är ju trevligare.”
Soon, their lessons will start again. He will rest, and heal, and get well. He’ll be okay. She has to believe that; has to *convince* herself of it, if only to get through tomorrow. As she stands, it’s a struggle to bite back one last offer of an extra blanket.
Her smile is contagious. It isn’t often that he feels unconsciously compelled to smile, but the tone of her voice, and her backwards glance, is enough. Despite the ache in his eyes, they fill with unusual light.
“Alldeles strax, hirondelle,” he says, and though he doesn’t say as much, the words feel like a promise, with all of the weight of one behind them. “Ha roligt i morgon.”
There are specks of light that dance in his vision as he watches her turn to leave. There is no part of him that wants her to leave, but how could he ask her to stay here? He knows how much he is to deal with when he tries to sleep. He wouldn’t even have anything for her to do. It’s better for her to go to the hotel. She can rest- she’ll have fun tomorrow, seeing Paris at last. He’ll have to text Darius letting him know the plan. And Khan will come over tomorrow- if not Christine, at least somebody to keep him from self-destruction while faced with the overwhelmingly miserable task of relaxing. It’s ridiculous, but it can’t be helped. Things become so difficult without adequate distraction. He doesn’t want her to worry, though, so even as these things invade his momentary peace, he attempts to keep up the smile she had so unexpectedly caused.
“Godnatt, Christine,” he says warmly. There is no reason to make her think about him during her day off. With any luck, he’ll be able to think of her, too, rather than himself.
‘Soon, hirondelle.’
It’s the encouragement that she needed. Christine smiles again, more easily this time, fear and hope coalescing into genuine reassurance—Erik’s own rare smile touching her heart with a warmth that briefly drives the worrying chill of his hand from her thoughts.
“Jag ska försöka,” she promises, nodding.
She leaves the tablet on the coffee table; there’s no need to take it out with Darius.
There’s more that she wants to say, as she reluctantly pulls herself away across the living room—more that she *might* say, if she could speak as easily to Erik as she can Darius.
’Don’t worry about me, I’ll walk quickly.'
’I hope that you are able to get some rest.’
’Once you feel better, maybe we can all go somewhere *together*.'
As it is, though—with the ever-present risk of words being misconstrued, of upsetting him just as she leaves him on his own for the night—nothing that she might want to tell him seems quite as important as preserving his unsteady smile. And so, with a small, awkward wave, and a simple, bright, “Godnatt, Erik,” she turns and descends the stairs.
One last call of, “Vi ses!” rings upward into the living room after she has retrieved her coat and shoes, and then she is gone.
The moment the door clicks shut behind her, it’s as if the breath leaves his body- as if she had been the energy source keeping him running for these past few hours. He tilts his head back and groans, hands sliding from his chin up his face, dislodging the mask and flipping it off onto the back of the couch. He sits like that for a moment, staring at the ceiling, before leaning forward, his movements slow, and pulling the cool washcloth out of the bowl that Christine had brought for him. It’s a pity she can’t see how he appreciates it now, wiping the grime and sweat off of his forehead. Pressing it to the stinging, infected flesh around the wound is a relief. Some scabbing peels off into the cloth, but it doesn’t bleed again. It has healed that much, at least.
His limbs feel like weights, and he is dazed by exhaustion, but he can’t sleep quite yet. It’s the only thing he can bring himself to think of, now that Christine is gone- getting the rest that he so sorely needs. With a limp hand, he scribbles, to the best of his ability, the activity that he missed in the little notepad provided by his doctor, with times as accurate as he can remember them. This, at least, he can do under the blanket, but he needs to eat something, as well. Nothing that requires preparation, but he promised her that he would be better soon. If nothing else, he has to do it for her- give his body some fighting chance. So begrudgingly, he throws the electric blanket to the side, with his mask, and forces his aching joints to push him up onto his feet. Mona approaches, seeing him standing, but he doesn’t pause to pick her up, and after a moment’s hesitation, she follows him into the kitchen. The orange, he thinks. Those are supposed to be good when one is sick. His clumsy fingers scrape at the rind, and though it gets stuck under his nails, it peels away, and he eats the fruit quickly, in large, messy bites, before he has time to think about it any more than he already has. His hands are sticky with orange juice, but he tosses the peel in the garbage on his way out of the kitchen without bothering to wash them.
He’s been looking forward to this now for too long; despite the cold, once he reaches his room, he nearly rips his sweatshirt off, and throws it on his bed along with the t shirt he had worn underneath it. He scratches around his collarbone, and on his ribs, where the electrodes are attached. Under normal circumstances, he would have to go in to get them taken off, but his doctor has acknowledged that strictly necessary procedures should take place in the office, having seen his reaction to being out in public. Ripping them off of his skin feels similar to ripping off a bandage. He can feel where one rests over a rib that never quite healed correctly after being cracked. After everything, it’s a wonder that his body is still together- everything feels somehow broken about it; he can hardly move his hands without encountering some sort of break, or scar, or the portions of skin on his back that are too smooth to be natural. A wave of nausea comes over him, and he pulls his t shirt back on once the monitor is off and tossed on the bed. His eyes narrow as his resolve hardens.
Why should he care whether his body is repulsive? Who would he ever want to see it?
A quiet anger simmers in the back of his mind as he steps into his bathroom. He keeps his back turned to the mirror as much as he can, gathering a towel with unnecessary ferocity, kicking shut the cabinet it had been kept in, and setting it down on the ledge of the tub, next to the shower. It had been glass when he moved in- it had been one of the first renovations he did, making the walls and door around the shower stall solid. And then shrinking the mirror behind the double vanity. He has done plenty of work to ensure that even he doesn’t have to look at himself on a regular basis. As long as he keeps that work up, none of it should even matter.
True to her unspoken word, Christine wastes no time in getting back to the hotel. Not that there’s anything about the damp, chilled air that would encourage her to dawdle. Even the Christmas lights that have sprung up in the window of the bakery seem dulled by the wash of greyness. Pulling the thick wool of her collar closer around her neck, she thinks of Erik’s promise of brighter weather for her and Darius’ day out. She hopes he’s right: another such bleak day might see her sacrificing her clothing budget for a supply of raincoats and waterproof boots.
She reaches the hotel on the heels of a small family, just checking in. Towing suitcases and a child in a stroller, they monopolize the attention of the desk clerk—for which Christine is grateful as she thinks of the puddles of grimy rainwater that she’d tracked through the lobby a couple of nights ago, and her awkward attempt at apologizing to the older woman now once more sitting behind the front desk. As the contents of an upturned cup suddenly spill from the stroller, scattering bits of dry cereal across the spotless tile floor, Christine and her dingy sneakers are able to slip past virtually unnoticed.
Back in her room, after draping her coat over the chair—but before turning her attention to the disarray of *the rest* of the clothes piled around her suitcase—she digs her phone out of her purse.
’Tillbaka säkert :)’  
A text seems like the best idea—less likely to distract Erik from his rest, and less complicated than the prospect of the two of them trying to actually *speak* over the phone.
Christine’s text manages to pull him out of his own mind a bit. It’s good to know that she is back at the hotel, and safe. He hopes that she, at least, is having a relaxing evening, enjoying her room service and looking forward to seeing the city tomorrow.
It reminds him- he hasn’t contacted Darius. He hastily sends a text- will you take Christine out shopping tomorrow?
True to form, Darius is attached to his phone, and it is only about thirty tense seconds before his own phone buzzes with a response.
Okay! I can meet her in the lobby at 10 if that works?
It’s refreshing to see Darius willing to loosen his control of the restaurant enough to go out with a friend for a day. He is too young to be consumed by a business. There are too many opportunities for him. Too tired to relay the message in Swedish himself, he steps back out of his room for a moment to get the tablet, and precisely copies the translation that it provides for him.
Thank you. I asked Darius about tomorrow. If 10 is a suitable time, he can meet you in the lobby.
He wants to forget the phone and take his long-awaited shower, but figures he should make sure that they are set up to meet tomorrow before he leaves the picture. It would be a terrible let down for Christine if it somehow didn’t work out, and even though it seems simple enough, it is his job to ensure it. He would feel terrible if it fell through.
The sight of the clothing spilling from her suitcase taunts her as she turns to plug in her phone. It’s a visible mark of how the past week and a half has effected her—throwing her off balance, normal priorities supplanted by worries and ambitions much weightier than keeping a wardrobe in order. But a *mundane* responsibility is *still* a responsibility; she can’t allow such things to fall entirely to the way side. And how can she think of going out and buying *more* clothes tomorrow while taking such bad care of the ones she already *has*? Leaving her phone to charge on the desk beside her purse, Christine moves reluctantly towards the neglected chore.
No sooner has she begun sorting her clothes, though, than the phone gives a bright chirp; it takes less time for her to reply than it does for her to escape from the pile of laundry and retrieve her phone.
’Det blir bra, tack! :)‘
She keeps the phone at her side as she settles once more on the rug in front of her bags, but no more messages come; she hopes that means that he is resting.
Outside, a set of plastic wheels squeak softly against the polished wood floor of the hallway, and Christine recognises the voices of the couple who she’d seen checking in; they’d spoken in French to the clerk, but now she picks up on the distinctive tones of German. The man laughs gently, his words muffled and unintelligible as he replies to something his companion has said. A door opens and closes, and all is quiet again. As the dull grey beyond her window gives way to a dark but peaceful twilight, Christine lets her thoughts fade into the well-worn routine of sorting and folding, absently humming an old pop song that she was always told had been a favourite of her mother’s.
The job goes quickly, and soon enough everything is once again packed neatly into the bag that she has designated for laundry-to-be-washed. The only thing left in the suitcase is the skirt and blouse that the hotel staff had cleaned for her—the outfit that she’d worn the night of the altercation with the former desk clerk, and has avoided wearing since. She moves them to a drawer in the small bureau in the corner of her room, telling herself that she’ll wear them again…eventually.
She gets dinner from room service; has a shower; skims through her French book for anything that might be useful on a day out in the city. (She isn’t sure whether it will do her any good to be able to ask, ’Can you please tell me the way to the Métro?’ when she doesn’t yet know where any of the trains *go*, but maybe tomorrow she’ll at least make a start of it.) She spends a few minutes sorting the rest of the books again. She rearranges the other various items on the desk. She rinses the crumbs from her dinner plate in the bathroom sink. As she stands in front of the mirror, having decided to wash her face (despite having only just showered), the sight of the damp washcloth in her hands makes her realise what she’s doing.
As stressful as it might have been to spend the night in Erik’s house—to lay awake in the guestroom, listening worriedly for the slightest whisper of distress from down the hall—perhaps it was at least better than the uncertainty of *not knowing*.
But he might be just fine. He might be. Maybe he’s even already asleep; it’s not unlikely, given how tired he had looked when she left.
Driving herself to distraction won’t help him get better. If he knew that *she* was sitting up worrying, he *would* be upset.
She owes it to him to get her own rest; to go out tomorrow and with enthusiasm to learn the city that he has done so much to enable her to remain in. She owes it to *herself*, and the dreams that brought her here in the first place.
She switches off the lights; curls up in the crisp white hotel bedding; and though her thoughts remain restless, she finally falls into a peaceful sleep.
(Part 117)
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volubrjotr · 8 years
Keith Neumeyer, the CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp returns to dissect the documented manipulation of the silver market in 2016, and the road ahead. As we post this interview, the stated US debt is on the cusp of $20 Trillion, Bitcoin just surpassed $1,025 yet silver sits around $16. But the hard numbers outlined at US Debt Clock.org show that the REAL silver price in today’s dollars should be $1,005/ounce. Only the clear and present manipulation of the precious metals is keeping them from reaching Bitcoin’s heights. We also get an update from Keith on Silver One Resources, First Mining Finance and First Majestic Silver. Published on Jan 2, 2017
United State’s Biggest Threat Is Still Its Banks
You May Never Get An Opportunity to Buy Silver & Gold at This Level Again
Kraken Queen’s Silver Opium
An Elephant In The Room November 22nd, 2016 at 2:11 PM (CST)
by Bill Holter:
Here we are again, just six days away from a major COMEX gold (and silver) delivery month with a huge outsized amount of contracts outstanding versus deliverable inventory. For a background, COMEX holds 2,083,000 (nearly 65 tons) of registered gold. This amount is much higher than it was last December when it stood at a miniscule 152,000 ounces (4.7 tons).
Since May of this year, something has drastically changed in the monthly amounts delivered. For all of 2015, only 51 tons were delivered which amounted to about 4.25 tons per month.
Here’s the FACTS [Second Quarter 2016] from the Office of the Comptroller of Currencies (OCC)
(Table 9) Precious Metals aka Money = Mostly Silver
JP Morgan = $16.7 Billion Citibank = $8.3 Billion
Bix Weir
If you recall, many months would arrive at first notice day with a huge amount of contracts open, only to see the contracts evaporate before the close of the delivery period. I postulated then and still believe, contract holders were offered premiums to “just go away” and not take delivery.
I cannot prove this but you must ask, why someone would FULLY FUND their account to take delivery and then not follow through. It makes no sense other than if they were enticed not to take delivery after placing the full amount of funds in their accounts to settle delivery.
So far this year, 191 tons have stood for delivery, 168 of those tons since May. The average delivery since May has been over 24 tons per month with only two of the seven months being a traditional delivery month. June and August amounted to nearly 93 tons alone. The change since May has been astonishing.
Found Dead: JP Morgan Bank Administrator And Her Sister Added To The Growing List Of Dead Bankers By Unnatural Causes 9/30/2016
Rather than contracts being “bled down” each month (enticed by premiums offered?), nearly every single month has had more standing by the end of the month than were at the beginning of the month (nearly double in some cases).
China Moves To Physical Only ~ Derivatives Not Allowed.
China Escalates Crackdown On Corrupt Banking: 370 People Arrested In Illegal Foreign-Exchanges Totaling $64 Billion.
Another big change is, previously, the bulk of deliveries would be withheld until just before the end of the delivery period. Now, massive deliveries are being made on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th delivery days of the month. Please remember, it makes no sense to “wait” to make a delivery as storage fees add up for each day …it seems to me that it is now known that many contract owners cannot be enticed with premiums!
Chinese Gold & Silver
So why has this begun to happen, why are more contracts demanding delivery and why are they jumping queue and opening more contracts during expiration?
I believe it is simply because there is either a greater “need or desire” for gold. If I had to guess, I believe the new and different demand is in large part a function of the Shanghai Gold Exchange opening in September.
Immediately after opening, we saw close to $4 premiums for gold (versus COMEX and LBMA pricing) and around .50 cent premiums for silver.
These premiums are now recently much higher! For the last few weeks these premiums have grown to the $10-$12 range for gold and over $1 for silver. The premiums shot up on Monday to $20.33 for gold and $1.35 for silver. This is obviously more than generous enough to allow massive arbitrage to occur.
As a side note, I have been asked why we are not seeing arbitrage en masse? Simply put, I believe there is a great risk here where you sell something for delivery without knowing positively you will be delivered on the buy side. Should the game end, an arbitrager might be contracted to deliver something (sell side) they cannot attain in a runaway upside market (because of the failure to deliver on the buy side).
Curious that these large premiums exist as they should never exist …unless the players do see risk in a supposedly risk free trade! The premiums are now getting to large to ignore and look more like the elephant in the room.
As we approach the final days of Silver Market Manipulation ~ it wasn’t surprising that the Financial Stability Board has named JP Morgan and Citibank as the most Systemically Dangerous banks in the World!!
Forget Deutsche Bank: These 2 US Banks are the Most Systemically Dangerous in the World
Yes, this is a very big deal as the two largest holders of Silver Derivatives in the United States are…JP Morgan and Citibank!
Bix Weir
So where are we now for December expiration? Currently with only six trading days left before FND (first notice day), 217,000 contracts representing 21.7 million ounces versus 2.08 million registered to deliver. At the very same day last year, there were only 133,000 contracts outstanding or a difference of 84,000 contracts (8.4 million ounces).
The Comex ~ Comex Gold & Silver “Deliveries”: Comex Con’s Last Breath ~ The Noteworthy Trend
While we certainly cannot say the COMEX [Crime Scene] will default and not be able to deliver for December, we can say the numbers are much larger …AND so is the pressure (via arbitrage)!
To again put this in perspective for you, the entire registered category holds well less than $2.5 billion worth of gold. I would ask you this, “how many $2.5 billion events have occurred”? The answer of course is too many to count and they happen every single day in many markets, and all over the world.
China Reset
The spread in silver is getting close to a 10% number, how long will the spread be allowed? The problem of course is this, when the arbs do come in to close the gap it will create buying.
The buying will require delivery as the sell side in Shanghai will demand metal for their purchase. This poses the problem, COMEX inventories cannot meet Chinese demand.
To finish, please keep in mind that the global credit markets are now experiencing extreme liquidity tightness.
Previous “credit events” were ugly and all ended the same way …with more debt and more currency units issued.
As we have seen in India, as gold has not been available since their recent kamikaze currency move, gold was changing hands at $2,900 per ounce on Friday and $3,600 over the weekend due to lack of supply.
Ask yourself, at what dollar price will gold be available should someone (or collectively) put up $2.5 billion to clean out the COMEX?
Yes I know, the COMEX is not the only market in the world:
But a run on the COMEX will be a run everywhere and will result in finding available gold nowhere.
A “run” can start for any number of reasons. It can be “intentional” or not.
The problem from a visual standpoint is this, the amount of physical gold behind the paper gold edifice is like a “BB” in relation to the financial Earth.
If you don’t believe the global debt can ever be paid back in current currency values …dig into this one as it’s even more lopsided, paper gold can never be delivered by the real thing as the real gold simply does not exist!
That will do it for this holiday week as I plan to take a little time off. Unless something really big breaks, Jim and I do not plan on our weekly interview and will resume next week. We wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!
Standing watch,
Bill Holter
Holter-Sinclair collaboration
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2017: $20 TRILLION US DEBT, $1,025 BITCOIN, $1,005 SILVER, $9,096 GOLD Keith Neumeyer, the CEO of First Majestic Silver Corp returns to dissect the documented manipulation of the silver market in 2016, and the road ahead.
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zolganif · 5 years
1. Did you do something mean to someone today? Nope.
2. You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you don’t like; you say?
I don’t care who he is having a kid with lol. He can date whoever he wants, just stay away from me lol 
3. What does your hair look like now?
Its up in a ponytail 
4. Will you be single over winter? It looks like it 
5. Has someone ever made a promise to you and broke it? Oh yeah 
6. This time last year, do you remember who you liked? Yes 
7. Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a J? Yeah
8. Where is the person you last kissed at this moment? No idea 
9. What do the majority of people in your life call you? Jamie 
10. Was your last text from a girl or boy? Girl 
11. Think of the last person you said "I love you" to; did you mean it? Yes 
12. Last person you talked to for more than an hour? Mom
13. When was the last time you were out of state for more than a day and why? January. Was on vacation. 
14. Did you sleep alone Friday night? No 
15. Anything good happening tomorrow? It’s possible 
16. What’s wrong with you right now? Nothing 
17. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be? A forest 
18. Does anyone call you babe?
19. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
No idea 
20. Were you happy when you woke up today? I was okay.
21. Relationships or one-night stands? One night stands right now 
22. Do you know someone who is CONSTANTLY texting? A few people.
23. What do you currently hear right now? Music 
24. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Of course 
25. Have you ever cried from being so mad? I always seem to 
26. If something was wrong, who would be the first male you would go to? One of my friends or Andrew 
27. Did you ever want to be a doctor? No 
28. Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? Yeah
29. Who was the last person you high-fived? No idea 
30. Have you done anything sneaky lately? Nope.
31. Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? We’ll see 
32. Would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over? Doesn't matter to me
33. Do you remember who you liked three months ago? I didn’t like anyone 
34. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? No 
35. How was last night? It was good 
36. If you could change your eye colour, would you? No
37. Is there anyone that you would do absolutely everything for? Yes 
38. Are you dating the last person you talked to? No 
39. What are you sitting on right now? On my bed 
40. Can you have more than one best friend? Yes 
41. Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you? Yeah
42. How many pairs of Converse do you own? None 
43. What do you want to get accomplished today/tonight? I just want to get laundry finished, then relax, while watching Revolution
44. Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in six months? It’s possible 
45. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? Female
46. Are you a cuddler? I am 
47. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? It's possible.
48. Do you have any sisters? No 
49. Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? Yeah
50. Honestly, what is one thing you need more than ANYTHING right now? More Ambreigns fics 
51. What were you doing at 2AM? I was watching some videos on Youtube 
52. Would you ever quit a bad habit for someone? I would quit a bad habit for myself.
53. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? Yes.
54. Given your all to someone who later walked away? I have, yes.
55. What are you thinking about? Not much
56. Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? Yeah 
57.  Honestly, do you have a deep, dark secret? Not really
58. What time did you wake up today? 12 pm 
59. What did you do on Friday? A lot of stuff 
60. Where is the biggest scar on your body? I don’t have any
61. Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships? Love one person 
62. Why aren’t you dating the last person you texted? That’s person is a family member 
63. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Yes.
64. When is the next time you’ll see your best friend? I'm not sure 
65. Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to be with? Yeah
66. Is there anyone you want to come see you? No 
67. Anyone you would like to get things straight with? No 
68. Think relationships are worth getting your heart shattered? They are 
69. Have more guys or girls for friends? An even mixture 
70. Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile? Either one is fine.
71. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? I would prefer that they didn’t 
72. Have you ever hugged a complete stranger? Yes 
73. Do you know anyone who is truly obsessive? Yeah
74. Does it make you mad when people stare at you? I hate that
75. How do you feel right now? Excited 
76. When’s the last time you had a headache?
77. Is the person you last texted single? Nope.
78. What was the first thing you thought this morning? I don't remember.
79. Would you skydive for £400? No thanks 
80. Think of the most important person in your life. Would you die this very moment to save their life? No
81. Would you shave your head for £500? I might.
82. What time is it right now where you live? 7:43 pm
83. Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? I didn’t text anyone today
84. Are you easily scared by horror movies? Nope 
85. Does someone like you right now? Maybe?
86. Are you anyone’s first love? No 
87. Are you looking forward to anything? Yes :)
88. Have you worn the opposite sex’s clothing? Sure.
89. Do you miss someone? No 
90. Is there anybody who truly disgusts you? Oh yes 
91. Next time you will kiss someone? I don't know yet.
92. If your ex said they hated you, what would you say? Good for them 
93. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about your feelings? People close to me 
94. When did your last hug take place and with who? At home, my mom
95. How many months until your next birthday? 2 months and 9 days 
0 notes
truesportsfan · 5 years
Maxi Kleber’s big night off bench helps Mavericks win on road
ORLANDO, Fla. — All-Star Luka Doncic did his usual thing in Orlando and got some unexpected help from teammate Maxi Kleber.
Doncic nearly had a triple-double, finishing with 33 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists, and the Dallas Mavericks cruised past the Magic 122-106 on Friday night.
Kleber added a career-high 26 points off the bench as the Mavericks improved to 19-8 on the road this season. They won just 18 road games the last two seasons combined.
“I probably never had a night like that in the NBA,” said Kleber, a 6-foot-10 forward from Germany playing his third season in the league. “I didn’t really even notice. It just sort of happened.”
Kristaps Porzingis chipped in 24 points and 10 rebounds, and Tim Hardaway Jr., scored 16 points.
Evan Fournier led Orlando with 28 points. Nikola Vucevic had 27 points and 12 rebounds, and Terrence Ross scored 19 points for the Magic, who were doomed by another dismal shooting night. Orlando made just 9 of 43 attempts from 3-point range and shot just 39% from the floor.
“We had a bunch of open shots the whole game,” Orlando coach Steve Clifford said. “What’s better than a wide-open shot? You’ve got to make them.”
Maxi KleberAP
The Magic trailed by 18 in the first half, but surged ahead behind Fournier’s 18 points in the third quarter. The shooting guard hit four of his first five shots to spark a 17-4 run in the first 5 minutes of the second half. His driving, baseline layup gave Orlando its first lead of the game, 69-68.
That one-point advantage lasted one possession and turned out to be Orlando’s lone lead of the game. Porzingis drained a 12-footer to put Dallas back in front, and the Mavericks extended the lead to 91-84 by the end of the period.
Kleber scored 12 points in a little over 3 minutes early in the fourth to help the Mavs pull ahead 107-93. The forward from Germany hit three straight 3-pointers and finished his run with a three-point play that started with a rousing dunk.
The Mavericks never let the Magic get closer than 11 the rest of the game.
Doncic had 24 points, five rebounds and five assists in the first half, which Dallas controlled throughout. Doncic, Porzingis and Tim Hardaway Jr., combined to hit 8 of 13 3s, while Orlando made just 3 of 22 from beyond the arc before the break.
Kleber ended up making 3 of 6 from behind the 3-point-line.
“It’s great having 7-footers who can shoot,” Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said of Kleber. “The boost he gave us in the fourth quarter was huge. It gave us some separation and allowed us to bring the game home.”
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/maxi-klebers-big-night-off-bench-helps-mavericks-win-on-road/
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noahhernandez · 5 years
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? I do not know, lol.  2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? I am dating an 18 year old now oops 3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? ???? 4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? I do it all the time  5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Nope. 6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Not that I can think of at the moment. 7. What exactly are you wearing right now? Adidas joggers and a long t shirt with Jason on it 8. How often do you listen to music? Literally every day 9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans 10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013? Wow this is old! Let me assume this was done in 2012, so 2020? Before 2020? Nah 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? Antisocial does not mean not social lol 12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? Yes 13. What about ‘R’? R..... I do not know 14. Can you drive a stick shift? hell nah 15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? Not really.  16. Are you going out of town soon? Yes! Las Vegas this Friday 17. When was the last time you cried? Today when I was watching Freedom Writers with Bri (Fleming) 18. Have you ever told someone you loved them? Yes huge mistake bitch!  19. If you could change your eye color, would you? Nah 20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? No, lol. Not everything 21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. That I did not get to see Braeden and that I worked a really weird 12-8 shift. 22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? I suppose but I got a big ass forehead 23. Are you dating the last person you talked to? Angel? no lol 24. What are you sitting on right now? In my dining room which is rly just my desk 25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope!  26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? I am sure 27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? I really dont know lol 28. Do you get a lot of colds? Not recently 29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from? It is from Hot Topic 30. Does anyone hate you? I am sure but i dont know  31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? No because I am 22 years old lol 32. Do you like watching scary movies? It is the only type of movie I watch 33. Do you want your tongue pierced? I already have it pierced 34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? 2017 35. Did you have a dream last night? I am sure, but I do not remember it 36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Um, Last April? 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? I hope not. 38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Braeden, lol 39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? I don’t think so it’s like 4am 40. Did you have a good day yesterday? It was okay! I got to see all my friends (at work) and then Bri came over and we watched Freedom Writers and went to the corner store by my (new) apartment and it was AMAZING!!! 41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? I was not 42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? A girl.. yes 43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? I want to say yes 44. What’s the best part about school? That I finish in a year--- I lowkey liked Abnormal Psychology and that was the best part about this semester that I just FINISHED !! 45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? i am not uploading one 46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? i’m old 47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? yes  48. Were you single over the last summer? Yes I was 49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Hell no! I am doing so much better 50. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing! School is OVER!!! 51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Any guy I have a conversation with I like 52. Are you nice to everyone? I am pretty well known for being a bitch 53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes a white person 54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes I did it for 18 months 55. Are you good at hiding your feelings? I like to think so, but some things can specifically open me up 56. Do you think you like someone? i do like someone! 57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’? uhgdfj probably ??  58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? I don’t have a preference but I lean more towards having girl friends 59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry? Yes lol 60. Do you hate anyone? Yes Giovanni Santiago 61. How’s your heart? Good 62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? No, I like talking about stuff that has happened to me show I can hear myself say it and realize that I have grown from it and so that other people can see that i have grown a lot. Especially about my mental health and education.  63. Have you ever cried over a guy? gross yes 64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? hmm interesting question I am not sure 65. Are your toenails painted pink? No my pinky and thumb are though 66. Will your next kiss be a mistake? no!  67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct? I am a boy  68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? no! 69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? .. i think Angel 70. How do you look right now? Like im about to go to bed 71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Yes, my coworkers and Michelle, Faith and Peter and Pajak 72. Can you commit to one person? Yes I can 73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? Yes a lot of the girls 74. Have you ever felt replaced? Not really because I know I am getting older so ?? 75. Did you wake up cranky? very lol 76. Are you a jealous person? i’m sure  77. Are relationships ever worth it? I would like to say yes despite things 78. Anyone you’re giving up on? no 79. Currently wanting to see anyone? not really but maybe Braeden yes 80. Name something you have to do tomorrow? WORK and pack 81. Last person you cried in front of? Braeden 82. Is there someone you will never forget? I will never forget a lot of people !! I remember so many things 83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?  i do not understand the question 84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? laying down doing nothing  85. Are you over your past? No I am never over anything 86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? no lol 87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? MICHELLE, FAITH, PETER, PAJAK 88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? leave  89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? yes lol 90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? I was in love with someone that my friends told me to leave for over a year 91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months? Probably 92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael? Yes, legally named Michael, but goes by Michelle 93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew? I do not think so 94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going? No 95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March? Yes 96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? Angel.. She is pretty but her baby is prettier 97. Who do you have texts from? Angel, Bri, Braeden, Pajak, Janett, Keith, Emily, Adrian, and then I use FB message for my group with Michelle, Faith and Peter 98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? not surprisde 99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes, gross the guy from NOLA was like 38 100. Who’s in your profile picture with you? me 101. Ever kissed under fireworks? i do not think so 102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies? Yes
0 notes
lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
1) Are you really ready for 1000000 questions? Sureee.
2) What was the last thing you drank? Coffee. Of course.
3) Do you believe in God? Yes.
4) What did you last say? “Ohhh.”
5) Do you regret it? No?
6) Have you ever been depressed? I am depressed. I have chronic depression.
7) Have a best friend? I don’t even know.
8) Are you a boy or girl? I am a girl.
9) What is your relationship status? In a committed relationship with coffee.
10) How do you want to die? I’d rather not talk about that.
11) What did you last eat? This hotel I’m at has a good breakfast spread. I just had a muffin, coffee, and biscuits and gravy. Yesterday I had a couple muffins, coffee, and an omelette.
12) Play any sports? Nope.
13) Do you bite your nails? I pick them more than bite them.
14) When was your last physical fight? Never.
15) What is the last sound you just heard? I hear the TV.
16) Do you hate anyone at the moment? No.
17) Do you miss anyone? Yes. A few someones.
18) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? I cut and twirl.
19) Do you tan a lot? No.
20) Have any pets? No. :(
21) How exactly are you feeling? I feel okay. I’m on my second cup of coffee, so we’ll see if that gives me a little boost of energy.
22) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? Yeah, many times.
23) Ever made out in a bathroom? Nope.
24) Would you take any of your exes back? No.
25) Are you scared of spiders? Extremely.
26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Part of me says yes, the other part isn’t so sure. I’d like to change some things for sure, but how does that affect everything else? If it wouldn’t change anything somehow, I’d definitely do it.
27) Do you regret anything from your past? Oh yes.
28) What are your plans for this weekend? Well, today is Sunday so it’s just about over. On Friday we went out of town and stayed in a hotel suite my dad rented for my little brother’s birthday on Saturday. We got to experience it first, and then he and his friends got to yesterday/today. So, Friday night we had dinner at this really good restaurant and then just chilled at the hotel. Saturday my mom and brother saw Rings, and my dad and I just chilled for awhile at the hotel. Then we all had lunch. My mom, dad, and I planned on going home yesterday once his friends arrived, but we decided to also stay another night so we got another room on another floor haha. My brother just turned eighteen, so he wanted to do his own thing with his friends and whatnot. We were like, “We’ll be on a whole other floor you won’t even see us. Just act like we’re not here.” lol. Anyway, we just had dinner and hung out in the room last night. This morning I went and got the free breakfast the hotel provides and now we’re just soaking up the last hour we have here before it’s time to check out and go home. Back to reality. :/
29) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with a C? Nope.
30) Do you type fast? Yes.
31) Do you have piercings? Just my ears.
32) Can you spell well? Yes.
33) Do you miss anyone from your past? I do.
34) What are you craving right now? I’m good right now.
35) Ever been to a bonfire party? No. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do, though.
36) Have you ever been on a horse? Once, when I was a kid.
37) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? Nope.
38) Last hug? My mom.
39) Have you ever been cheated on? No.
40) Last thing you watched on tv? The Boss last night.
41) Would you live with someone without marrying them? I think you should live together first.
42) What should you be doing? I already finished packing, so I don’t have anything else I need to be doing right now.
43) What’s irritating you right now? Nothing at this moment.
44) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Yes.
45) Does somebody love you? My family.
46) What is your favorite color? Yellow, teal, and pastels.
47) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yes.
48) Do you have trust issues? I just have a hard time opening up in general.
49) What’s the last thing you said out loud? “You’re always losing something.”
50) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink? No.
51) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes.
52) What’s on your mind? I still feel kind of hungry.
53) Last book you read? He Found Me by Whitney Barbetti.
54) Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom.
55) Do you give out second chances too easily? Yes.
56) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive.
57) Is this year the best year of your life? It’s only early February, but no it hasn’t been off to a good start. Last year wasn’t so great either. Last year’s stuff just carried over, and then some.
58) Do you think you’ re a good person? I would like to think so. I’m not perfect.
59) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yes.
60) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? I was watching an ASMR video, and next thing I knew it was morning.
61) Does your mind ever get stuck in the past? Only all the time.
62) What is bothering you? Right now, my stomach.
63) Have you ever been out of province?Out of county? Yes.
64) Do you play the Wii? We have one, but no I don’t play.
67) Are you listening to music right now? Nope.
68) Do you like Chinese food? Yeah, some.
69) Do you know your fathers b-day? Yes.
70) Are you afraid of the dark? Yes.
71) Is cheating ever okay? Not to me.
72) Are you mean? No.
73) Can you keep white shoes clean? I can.
74) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal? Nope.
75) Do you believe in true love? I believe it exists. Just not me.
76) Are you proud of the person you’ve become? No.
77) Do you like the outside? Not particularly. Depends where I am and what we’re doing. I despise it during the summer.
78) Are you currently bored? No.
79) Do you wanna get married? It’s not something I’m thinking about at this point.
80) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I didn’t like it when my ex called me that.
81) Are you hungry? A little.
82) Do you have a bank account? Yes.
83) What makes you happy? My morning cup of coffee brings brief moments of happiness
84) Ever been to Alaska? No.
85) Do you watch the news? Yes.
86) Do you like Subway? I do.
87) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? It would be. So much time has passed between us. A lot has changed.
88) Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My mom.
89) Do you talk like your friends? It’s been awhile.
90) What’s a word you say a lot? “Nice”, “wow”, “okay”
91) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? Yes. :X
92) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? No.
93) Who is the last girl you talked to? My mom.
94) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? It would matter, yes.
95) Do you go to church? No. I would like to start.
96) What’s going on between you and your best friend? Nothing.
97) Who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? My mom.
98) Have you ever regretted letting someone go? Yes.
99) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos? No.
100) What do you wear more: Hoodies, Jackets, Cardies..? Hoodies.
101) You’re a Sharpie marker, what color are you? A pastel color.
102) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? At night.
103) Have you ever said you’d never love again? I’ve said I wouldn’t find anyone again.
104) Do you want to please everyone? Yes. :/
105) Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? I haven’t heard any music so far today.
106) Has someone ever made you a promise & broken it? Yes.
107) Are you alone right now? Nope.
108) Did you speak to your father today? Yes.
109) How many months/days untill your birthday? Five months.
110) Did you enjoy this survey? Sure.
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junker-town · 7 years
The top 100 games of the 2017-18 college football season
We move closer to the top, this time counting down 40-11.
We did it. After 834 regular season games, 40 bowl games, 4,376 Nick Saban scowls, and one hell of a national championship game, the college football season is over. To remember and honor the season that was, I (along with a little help from the rest of the SB Nation college football crew) am going to count down the best 100 games of the season. We’ll unveil 30 games at a time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, then count down the top 10 on Friday.
100 - 71
70 - 41
40 - 11
10 - 1 (Fri.)
Let’s get to the list:
40. Oct. 21: Oklahoma 42, Kansas State 35
After 41 combined points in the first three quarters of Kansas State’s homecoming battle with Oklahoma, the teams scored 36 in the fourth alone. On three occasions, OU took a touchdown lead, but the Sooners had to time the last one — a 22-yard Rodney Anderson run with seven seconds left — to make sure KSU didn’t have a chance to respond.
39. Sept. 29: Washington State 30, USC 27
USC nearly survived the regular season with national title hopes intact, except for a Friday night trip.
Ronald Jones’ 86-yard run helped the Trojans stake a 17-10 lead, but Washington State took a 27-20 lead on Jamal Morrow’s 23-yard reception in the final period. USC tied, but Morrow’s 35-yarder — WSU’s longest run of the entire season — set up Erik Powell’s field goal.
Dreams die in Pullman.
38. Oct. 28: Nebraska 25, Purdue 24
This was a good season for Purdue, with the Boilermakers rising to a bowl win in a single season under Jeff Brohm.
And this was a bad one for Nebraska, as the Huskers finished with four wins for the first time since 1962, the final year before Bob Devaney showed up to resurrect the program.
On the final Saturday in October, roles reversed. Bad-year Nebraska, facing a 24-12 deficit in the fourth quarter, surged by good-year Purdue.
37. Sept. 3: Virginia Tech 31, West Virginia 24
by Alex Kirshner:
This was so good that it overcame being played in one of the worst stadiums in a league neither of these teams plays in. Thousands of fans had to skip tailgates or cram them in just before kickoff.
But once they were inside, Appalachian football’s biggest reunion of the season turned out to be a great one. West Virginia’s Will Grier aired the ball out all night, and Virginia Tech redshirt freshman Josh Jackson announced himself. Grier almost threw a touchdown in the final seconds to tie, but Tech held on with a fourth-down stop.
Virginia Tech took a lot of pride in hoisting the rivalry’s Black Diamond Trophy at midfield, with ex-coach Frank Beamer in the celebration at the start of a season that would end with his selection to the College Football Hall of Fame.
But nobody saw it, because they left to try and beat traffic.
36. Sept. 4: Tennessee 42, Georgia Tech 41
by Steven Godfrey:
This was as functional, effective, and entertaining as Tennessee would be in 2017. The Volunteers gave up 41 points and 655 yards to a team that would limp to 5-6, and the only reason the Vols escaped is because Tech made a bad read on a two-point conversion in OT. This game was the high-water mark.
Photo by Michael Wade/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
35. Sept. 9: New Mexico State 30, New Mexico 28 34. Dec. 2: New Mexico State 22, South Alabama 17 33. Dec. 29: New Mexico State 26, Utah State 20
If you’re a loyal Podcast Ain’t Played Nobody listener (and if you aren’t, why not?), you know that I announced my pet cause as rooting for New Mexico State to reach a bowl and end a 57-year drought.
It began with a wild catch and a rivalry win in Albuquerque ...
... and ended with back-to-back field stormings. First, NMSU took down South Alabama to reach six wins and qualify for the Arizona Bowl.
Then, the Aggies beat Utah State in overtime.
If you watch this and still want to tell me there are too many bowls, then forgive me for the snide words. New Mexico State’s run was the best thing about college football in 2017.
32. Nov. 4: Wyoming 16, Colorado State 13
Fell for the okie-doke there. @wyo_football rips off a huge 40-yard-run to get into scoring position. http://pic.twitter.com/BeuXCwYBCM
— CBS Sports Network (@CBSSportsNet) November 5, 2017
31. Oct. 13: Syracuse 27, Clemson 24 30. Nov. 4: Clemson 38, NC State 31
On Oct. 13, Dabo Swinney’s retooled squad headed to upstate New York with a banged-up quarterback. Kelly Bryant struggled, then got hurt again in the second quarter; backup Zerrick Cooper did no better.
Syracuse dictated the terms, but Tanner Muse’s 63-yard fumble return kept the champs close, and Travis Etienne’s 52-yard run tied the game heading into the fourth quarter. Syracuse’s Eric Dungey (278 yards, three touchdowns) engineered a final field goal drive. Storm the field.
Rich Barnes-USA TODAY Sports
Three weeks later, NC State led at halftime in Raleigh, until the Tigers seemed to put the game away with a 21-7 run keyed by Tavien Feaster’s 89-yard score. But State cut the lead to 38-31 with under two minutes left and forced a three-and-out.
Ryan Finley completed three passes to work the ball inside the Tiger 30, then hit this fourth-down pass.
Only ... that’s an illegal shift at the bottom. On a fourth-down do-over, Clemson ended the game with a pick.
29. Nov. 25: SMU 41, Tulane 38
Literally as close to bowl eligibility as possible.
SMU Football Video
28. Oct. 28: Northwestern 39, Michigan State 31
Northwestern won three consecutive overtime games on its way to an eight-game winning streak. It took three OT periods for the Wildcats to put away a Michigan State ranked 16th at the time. It also took a play in which State’s Brian Lewerke both fumbled and threw an interception.
27. Dec. 28: TCU 39, Stanford 37 26. Dec. 29: Wake Forest 55, Texas A&M 52
Alamo Bowl Second Half TCU is one of the greatest teams ever. Two years after completing a 31-point Alamo comeback against Oregon (the second-best game of 2015), the Horned Frogs turned a 12-point deficit into a win against Stanford. Jalen Reagor’s 93-yard catch and run made it 31-29, then Desmon White’s 76-yard punt return gave the Frogs the lead. Stanford went ahead again, but Cole Bunce’s 33-yard field goal sealed the deal. And there’s always a shirt change involved when TCU’s unleashing a comeback.
The next day in Charlotte, Wake and A&M had a track meet. Despite a 31-0 mid-game run, Wake trailed in the fourth. But the final two drives of quarterback John Wolford’s career were touchdowns. The Demon Deacons needed both. After A&M responded, the Deacs went 69 yards and won on Matt Colburn’s short score.
25. Oct. 7: Miami 24, Florida State 20
Six seconds left, seven-game Florida State winning streak against Miami on the line, Malik Rosier to Darrell Langham.
24. Oct. 7: Navy 48, Air Force 45
Nuts from the get-go.
Navy scored on runs of 91 and 75 yards.
Air Force scored on passes of 51 and 59.
Navy went up 28-7, then Air Force scored four touchdowns in 18 minutes to take a 45-41 lead with under two minutes left.
Too much time on the clock.
23. Nov. 11: Alabama 31, Mississippi State 24
Alabama nearly fell victim to the SEC’s Bulldogs, blowing a chance to finish a comeback with a field goal but scoring a huge touchdown by little-used freshman DeVonta Smith.
I’m not talking about the national title game. I’m talking about two months earlier in Starkville.
Mississippi State played brilliant ball control, held Bama to 56 snaps, and led most of the way. But the Tide tied in the fourth and survived when, on that 56th snap, Jalen Hurts hit Smith for a 26-yard catch and run. MSU couldn’t complete a Hail Mary.
Smith had seven catches all year. Two were game-winners.
22. Oct. 14: Boston College 45, Louisville 42
Between mid-November 2014 and mid-October 2017, Boston College scored more than 30 on an FBS opponent just twice. Over the final six games of the 2017 regular season, the Eagles did it five times. And their hot streak began with a perfect foil: Lamar Jackson.
Louisville led 21-7 in the first half, and BC had punted on four of its first six possessions. But freshman AJ Dillon scored with 51 seconds left in the second quarter, then twice in the second half. His 75-yard run gave BC a stunning 42-28 lead with 12 minutes left, but Jackson’s 41-yard score tied the game back up.
The Cardinals were driving with under two left when Kamrin Moore recovered a fumble. Seven Dillon rushes — he had 39 for 272 yards — set up a kick at the buzzer.
— BC Eagles (@BCEagles) October 14, 2017
21. Oct. 7: Michigan State 14, Michigan 10 20. Nov. 4: Michigan State 27, Penn State 24
By Jason Kirk:
TCU in the second half of an Alamo Bowl. Michael Jordan with a dubious illness. Lil Wayne in the late aughts. Mark Dantonio in disgusting weather.
Knowing of the MSU coach’s powers made the Michigan game ominous. The Wolverines surely knew they’d need a comfortable lead — in this series: roughly five points — before the forecasted rain arrived. But the Spartans gained a 14-3 lead and docked the tugboat, then pointed and laughed as Michigan kept passing in a downpour.
One month later, the Nittany Lions were doomed once lightning forced a delay. Their fate dimmed as the delay reached three hours, with players sustained by emergency pizza and Chick-fil-A. Seven hours after the first kick, Matt Coghlin hit the last one and splashed across wet turf.
NEVER DOUBTED HIM FOR A MINUTE! http://pic.twitter.com/z4jGFVNgLc
— The Only Colors (@TheOnlyColors) November 4, 2017
19. Dec. 9: Army 14, Navy 13
by Steven Godfrey:
In 2016, Army broke Navy’s 14-game winning streak in the series, but this season was Jeff Monken’s true proof of concept win over the Midshipmen. Navy wasn’t down to a third string QB this time, and for the first time in decades (literally, decades!) the two service academies looked like equals.
18. Nov. 4: Oklahoma 62, Oklahoma State 52 17. Nov. 18: Kansas State 45, Oklahoma State 40
The two most exhausting shootouts in Big 12 play took place in Stillwater.
First, you had the most bedlam of all Bedlam matchups. After only one of the first four possessions resulted in points, OU and OSU scored on 11 of the next 12. At halftime, the teams had combined for 76 points and 645 yards.
Marquise Brown’s 77-yard TD made it 55-45 OU, but OSU drove 75 yards to cut the lead again. When Chad Whitener picked off a Baker Mayfield pass in the end zone with three minutes left, OSU had a chance to steal it. But a fourth-and-8 pass from the OU 38 fell incomplete, and Trey Sermon’s 53-yard run put the game away.
Baker Mayfield on why he wasn’t going crazy celebrating tonight: “Winning around here is expected. Winning against Oklahoma State is expected.”
— Max Olson (@max_olson) November 5, 2017
Two weeks later, OSU still had its sights on a major bowl when 5-5 Kansas State came to town. The Cowboys led 10-7 when Byron Pringle struck. He had four scores of 47 or more yards, all on seven touches. And with 20 minutes left, KSU had a 45-20 lead.
It almost wasn’t enough. Three OSU touchdowns in five minutes made it 45-40 with four minutes left, and after a KSU three-and-out, the Pokes had the ball with a chance to win.
16. Sept. 9: Georgia 20, Notre Dame 19
Jake Fromm’s first start began what nearly became a national title run. The Dawgs relied on their defense, and it worked, in part because of a late Rodrigo Blankenship field goal and this absurd Terry Godwin catch on a third-and-goal.
15. Nov. 11: Boise State 59, Colorado State 52
After a 2-2 start that featured a confusing blowout loss to Virginia, Boise State caught fire. The Broncos would win nine of 10, but their mid-November trip to Fort Collins nearly went awry. It typically does when you spot a talented home team a 28-3 advantage.
The Broncos needed all 60 minutes to cut Colorado State’s lead to zero. Alex Mattison’s 70-yard run made it 35-24 early in the third, and Sean Modster’s 13-yard reception made it 52-45 with 1:41 remaining. Star receiver Cedrick Wilson recovered an onside kick, and five plays later, the game was tied.
In OT, Mattison gave Boise the advantage, but CSU was in position until Leighton Vander Esch forced a fumble at the Boise 5. Comeback complete.
14. Oct. 7: WMU 71, Buffalo 68
At some point, you go from wishing a game would end to praying it never does. You’d have to ask the 17,048 in attendance at UB Stadium where that line was, but I’m guessing it was somewhere around the fourth overtime.
It looked as if this would be a routine road win for the defending MAC champion. But Buffalo caught back up, and a field goal with 34 seconds left sent the game to OT. And OT, and OT, and OT, and OT, and OT, and OT.
The teams traded TDs in each of the first two overtime periods, then went scoreless in the third. Each scored touchdowns with two-point conversions in the fourth, then each missed NCAA-mandated two-pointers in the fifth and sixth. When Buffalo settled for a field goal in OT No. 7, it opened the door, and Franklin ran through it.
The funniest part: It was over in four hours and 31 minutes, only 15 minutes longer than Oklahoma-Oklahoma State, which didn’t go to OT.
13. Dec. 23: USF 38, Texas Tech 34
Eleven seconds left in the Birmingham Bowl, and USF has trailed for most of the game. Quinton Flowers’ last pass:
College football is going to miss the hell out of Flowers. And no, this isn’t his last appearance on this list.
12. Dec. 23: Army 42, San Diego State 35
by Steven Godfrey:
How good is Army? SDSU, one of the most talented G5 programs in the nation, finished with 10 wins, two wins over Pac-12 teams, a No. 34 ranking in overall S&P+, and losses to only the Mountain West’s division champs and ... Army.
You almost certainly didn’t see this game because it was crammed into a holiday afternoon, but after SDSU’s great Rashaad Penny scored his fourth touchdown to give the Aztecs a 35-28 lead with under six minutes, the Black Knights drove 72 yards like a wood chipper welded to a go cart.
Emotional wins over other services academies are comfort food, but this was different. Army beat a really good team, full stop.
11. Dec. 2: UCF 62, Memphis 55
In September, UCF crushed Memphis, 40-13. That was the third of seven straight double-digit wins to start the Knights’ season.
By the end, Memphis was ready for a rematch. The Tigers won seven in a row to win the AAC West and a conference title shot in Orlando.
UCF built a 17-7 lead, but Memphis responded, going on a 24-7 run. It was 34-31, Memphis, when UCF went on a 17-0 run. But the Tigers again responded, tying with 4:13 left and picking off McKenzie Milton at the end of regulation.
Memphis kicked off OT with a 15-yard strike from Riley Ferguson to star Anthony Miller. UCF responded, then scored first in OT No. 2. After a huge fourth-and-7 catch by Miller, Tre Neal picked off Ferguson at the UCF 4 to clinch a New Year’s bid.
Check back tomorrow as we unveil the top 10 games of the year.
100 - 71
70 - 41
40 - 11
10 - 1 (Fri.)
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Thursday Morning Roundup
Joel Embiid wasn’t supposed to play last night against the San Antonio Spurs because of a hand injury he suffered in Phoenix.
He played. And posted a double-double with 21 points and 11 rebounds to go along with four blocks in the first quarter to help the Sixers prevail over Brett Brown’s former team, 112-106, for the first time in his career. It was the Sixer’s first win against the Spurs in 13 tries, dating back to 2011.
Ben Simmons tied a game-high with 26 points (Patty Mills also scored 26), and JJ Redick added 20. The Spurs did not have many of their key contributors, including Kawhi Leonard.
It was a big win for this team. Beating the third place squad in the Western Conference shouldn’t be too easy, even if they’re without Leonard, Manu Ginobili, Danny Green, Rudy Gay, and Tony Parker. But it also matters in the playoff hunt. The Sixers are now a half game behind the Pacers for the eighth and final playoff spot.
Fifth place is only 2.5 games out of the Sixers’ reach, where Milwaukee now stands. Detroit is sixth with the same record, but don’t have the tiebreaker. Speaking of the Pistons, the Sixers will play them Friday night at home, before flying overseas to take on the Celtics in London.
The Roundup:
Your reminder that one week from today, we’ll be having a live podcast from Carlino’s in Ardmore from 7 until 9 PM. Talking Philly sports and eating some damn good food. Come!
More Sixers! Kevin dove into some more numbers, with a focus on three-point shooting and other categories.
Markelle Fultz shot some free throws as he continued to work on returning to game condition.
With the Eagles not playing this week, they’re practicing in pads, something the players wanted. It’s also a great time for Nick Foles to settle down and get caught up before the postseason begins, as Zach Berman writes:
Foles has taken stock of the situation he’s in and the opportunity that’s in front of him. Foles packs much into his work week, and the pressure is magnified as the starting quarterback. Since Foles joined the lineup, he’s needed to help the Eagles secure a first-round bye and home-field advantage all while adjusting to receivers he hasn’t had much work with and taking more practice snaps than he’s had all season. So he hasn’t stopped to think much of his last playoff appearance until this week.
“It has been a whirlwind. A lot’s gone on the last couple of weeks,” Foles said. “I had some time to reflect – me [in 2013], playing in this game, what that season was like, the atmosphere, the visualization of it all. Because that’s important. It’s going to be here before we know it.”
The team finished third in the league with 133.2 rushing yards per game. They’ll need their runners to be more effective in order to help Foles succeed.
Bleeding Green Nation takes a look at the head coaching scene around the NFL, and which coaches might be possible replacements if the Eagles lose some of their guys.
The Giants will interview Jim Schwartz this weekend. He’s also being looked at for the Cardinals’ job.
The MMQB thinks Howie Roseman is the Executive of the Year.
Good news: There were fewer dropped passes this year! But Nelson Agholor actually had more drops.
The team also officially signed four players to reserve/futures contracts, including two players that attended training camp this year.
Anthony recaps the Flyers’ bad game against the Pittsburgh Penguins.
The team made one transaction, calling up… Tyrell Goulbourne …from the Phantoms. Kind of a head-scratcher.
They’re back home tonight against the New York Islanders. Puck drop is around 7 PM.
The Phillies signed 10 players as non-roster invitees.
Ruben Amaro Jr. played his dad on the most recent episode of The Goldbergs:
Here’s former Phillies GM Ruben Amaro Jr. (playing his father, Ruben Amaro Sr., on tonight’s episode of The Goldbergs) being told to sit down and shut up. http://pic.twitter.com/gvNjtbSduq
— Matt Mullin (@matt_mullin) January 4, 2018
In college hoops, St. Joe’s got their first Atlantic 10 victory with an 87-81 win over VCU at Hagan Field House. Freshman Taylor Funk scored 19 points.
La Salle fell to A10 favorite Rhode Island 74-62. Isiah Deas led the Explorers with 17 points, who didn’t have A10 leading scorer B.J. Johnson for the third straight game.
Tonight, Temple hosts No. 19 Cincinnati at the Liacouras Center. Tipoff is at an unusual 9 PM start time on ESPN2.
In other sports news, Marquette sophomore guard Markus Howard scored a school record and tied a Big East record with a 52 point performance in a 95-90 overtime win over Providence.
Congratulations to UCF, who are college football’s national champions, according to UCF:
Perfection achieved. #ChargeOn http://pic.twitter.com/cLJb8MrJLw
— 2017 National Champions (@UCF_Football) January 3, 2018
AD Danny White is planning a parade and a national championship banner. Coaches are also getting paid their national championship bonuses. As much as I think they should be in the College Football Playoff, this is childish. Congrats on a fake national championship!
The Ball family were welcomed to Lithuania, the land of the beautiful ladies (that’s actually part of one of the country’s songs). It was like a huge celebrity came:
Insane. Ball family came to Lithuania, Absolute chaos in Vilnius airport http://pic.twitter.com/vZALO33BSw
— Donatas Urbonas (@Urbodo) January 3, 2018
They are here: @LiAngeloBall, @MELOD1P and @Lavarbigballer have touched down in Lithuania. Now, it's time to ball! #betsafeLKL http://pic.twitter.com/wBG1Y8dhrY
— Betsafe LKL (@betsafeLKL) January 3, 2018
Enjoy this version when they announced their intention to go to Lithuania:
This LKL TV commentator felt like @Lavarbigballer, @MELOD1P and @LiAngeloBall needed a special welcome to Lithuania and burst into song at the beginning of the broadcast of today's Vytautas game.
I am dying, call an ambulance. http://pic.twitter.com/EnDNAwVYN1
— Simonas Baranauskas (@LithuaniaBasket) December 12, 2017
I really like what Kyle Kuzma said about the Lakers’ 133-96 loss to the Thunder:
“We gave up,” Kuzma said. “You could see, they got basket after basket, we had no resistance on them on the defensive end and offensive end. When things got tough, we tried to do it individually, and you can’t do that in this league.
Here’s a pretty bad column from Rod Watson of The Buffalo News pretty much telling Bills fans to stop caring about their team making the playoffs and care about what’s going on in the real world. Pretty hot take.
Isaiah Thomas returned to Boston and got a standing ovation from the Celtics faithful. They also saw a 102-88 win over the Cavaliers.
Josh Rosen declared for the NFL Draft. Minutes later, Sam Darnold did the same.
Things don’t look good for Rich Rodriguez after he was fired by Arizona on Tuesday.
The Dallas Mavericks have a new Chinese name. They’re now the “Lone Ranger Heroes” after the actual translation came out to be “Little Cows.”
Grambling States’ Shakyla Hill posted a quadruple-double with 15 points, 10 rebounds, 10 steals and 10 assists in the Tigers’ 93-71 win over Alabama State.
In the news, it’s snowing here.
CBS News fired political director Steve Chaggaris due to allegations of “inappropriate behavior” in the past.
Paul Manafort is suing Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice over the Russia probe.
A Fresno State student was found dead at a frat house near campus.
The Bay Area got a early morning wake up call with a 4.4 magnitude earthquake.
$1 nacho fries are coming to Taco Bell.
Kinkead: I’m still disappointed the rolled chicken tacos are no longer in rotation.
Your Thursday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
BLOG TOUR - Another Man's Poison
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Another Man’s Poison by Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa
Cup of Tea Books, a PageSpring Publishing Imprint Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Release Date – August 29, 2017 236 pages Will be up on GoodReads and Amazon Soon
• No explicit language and the only scene with any lack of clothing contains no actual sex.
Crime reporter Colleen Caruso has an appetite for romance…and trouble. When someone tries to poison Ken Rhodes (her handsome boss and boyfriend), Colleen vows to hunt down the culprit and serve them up to the police. She’s whisked away into the scrumptious world of restaurants and gourmet food as she tangles with four culinary divas from Ken’s past.
Trouble is, Colleen doesn’t know when to turn down the heat.
Is this Jersey Girl’s investigation a recipe for disaster?
Or will the poisoner get their just desserts?
Interview with the Author
What initially got you interested in writing? I honestly don’t remember back that far. I started writing short stories in the fourth grade and wrote periodically after that. Writing has always felt normal to me.
  What genres do you write in? I write mostly mysteries, but have published in both sci-fi and horror. Presently I’m working on something far more literary – and it’s certainly a challenge after concentrating on cozy mysteries for the past five years.
  What drew you to writing these specific genres? I love a good murder! Who doesn’t? As for horror, I also love being scared out of my wits and I like trying to scare other people out of theirs.
  How did you break into the field? I broke in by sending out an endless stream of short stories to magazine editors. When a writer constantly sends out submissions, eventually she’ll get a lovely acceptance letter from some publication. I also joined several writing groups. Writers are generous with their contacts and happily share advice with other writers.
  What do you want readers to take away from reading your works? There’s certainly nothing brilliant or earth-shattering in my published fiction so far! I’d rather create characters that readers can relate to and identify with. It does my heart good when someone reads one of my books and says, “the main character reminds me of my mother” or better still, “she’s just like me!”
  What do you find most rewarding about writing? When someone reads my book and tells me she couldn’t put the book down until she finished the very last page. Then I know for sure I’ve done a good job.
  What do you find most challenging about writing? White screen terror is the most challenging aspect for me! Facing a blank page and trying to start a new story is a scary proposition. I don’t have a real feel for the characters yet when I begin, and the storyline is just a vague notion until I’m at least twenty pages into the book.
  What advice would you give to people wanting to enter the field? Read as much as you can in your chosen genre. You’d be surprised how much you can learn from other authors’ fiction. Be consistent, persistent, and don’t self-edit while you’re writing a first draft. Chug along and bang it out. You can always go back and dress up the manuscript later on in the process.
  What type of books do you enjoy reading? I enjoy bios and memoires, true crime, self-help books, mysteries, horror, and anything to do with American history.
  Is there anything else besides writing you think people would find interesting about you? Sure. I am an avid skydiver and I’m wanted in fifteen states for poisoning a string of husbands – no, not really! Actually, I’m pretty boring.  I’ve worked in a lot of different areas – appellate printing, the government, college admissions, a newspaper stringer (though that is writing, too), an arcade game manufacturer, and a PR office. I don’t know if anyone finds this interesting, but it’s certainly eclectic.
  What are the best ways to connect with you, or find out more about your work? Visit my website at joannlamonreccoppa.com or shoot me an email at joannreccoppaauthor at gmail.com
  About The Author
About The Author
Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa is the creator of the Jersey Girl Cozy Mystery series, which includes New Math is Murder; Hide nor Hair, and the latest installment, Another Man’s Poison. Her short fiction has appeared in many magazines and anthologies. Reccoppa worked as a stringer for Greater Media Newspapers for many years and wrote hundreds of articles, covering everything from serious medical stories to restaurant reviews. She draws on her past newspaper experience to create quirky characters and outlandish scenarios for the Jersey Girl Cozy Mystery series.
Webpage: https://joannlamonreccoppa.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Jo-Ann+Lamon+Reccoppa&search_type=books
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Another-Mans-Poison-Jersey-Mystery-ebook/dp/B074XG62GP/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1503800504&sr=1-2&keywords=another+man%27s+poison
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/another-mans-poison-jo-ann-lamon-reccoppa/1127008297?ean=2940158561641
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BLOG TOUR – Another Man’s Poison was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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