greyeisacreativecolor · 2 months
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Runda San Syrro was a young girl when Republic embargoes were placed on Kalee. A species who had grown to plentiful were trapped on a planet with limited resources. It was during an illegal food drop by death watch that the teenaged Jurpurk Vizsla was impressed by Runda's skill as a hunter and took her under his wing as an apprentice. By the time of the Clone Wars Runda had become the Rally Master for Jurpurks clan, and those who would go on to become the Children of the Watch.
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jeffs-gamebox · 2 months
#RPGaDay2024 August 3.
I ran Star Wars D6 from West End Games all through high school, college and a few times afterward. I also messed around with Star Wars d20 for a long time. I never get tired of pre-Disney Star Warsh.
Most often played: Star Wars D6 from West End Games. This one is a really tough call. Must be a sign of old age. I had to think about it for a long time before I decided on Star Wars. AD&D 2nd Ed, D&D 3rd Ed, and ICONS all come very close. Cyberpunk 2020, Deadlands, and Werewolf: the Apocalypse are way up there. I’ve just named seven games I never get tired of running. Star Wars D6 has only…
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mikylsandoval · 2 years
Character Portraits from a @FantasyFlightGames @StarWarsTTRPG that I ran in 2016
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greyeisacreativecolor · 2 months
podrace pilots don't have enough style in the movies, but maybe that's just because we only saw them on tattooine
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jeffs-gamebox · 5 months
May 4th, 2024
Some musings about the Star Wars RPG.
Star Wars TTRPG using the good old d20 system deserves more praise. We were sad to see the old West End Games Star Wars RPG go out of print back in the day. I was prepping a huge pre Rebellion game because Phantom Menace had just been in theaters, and I was really hyped up on it. Jedi doing actual Jedi stuff. Luke is good, but he’s no Qui-Gon Jinn. Then the turn of the century happened.…
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jeffs-gamebox · 6 months
Research Efforts for BRP Design Challenge Part 2.
Why space might be the final TTRPG frontier. Sci-Fi games set in the depths of space is probably one of the hardest genres to break into successfully. There are subgenres to consider. There are huge titles in every subgenre. Here’s a list of space TTRPGs that are intimidating to try to compete with: Traveler. Star Trek. Star Wars. Star Frontiers/Frontier Space. Starfinder. Warhammer…
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jeffs-gamebox · 1 year
#RPGaDay2023, August 31: Favourite Game of ALL TIME.
#RPGaDay2023 comes to a close. Star Wars RPG, despite heavy competition, gets the Number One spot on my list. So many others that come close, though.
This is probably one of the toughest questions of them all. I could probably name half a dozen or more that all belong at the very top of the list. I love TTRPGs. I’d still be running most if not all of them if I had players and time. Narrowing it down to just one is tough at best. If I had to choose only one game to run for the rest of my days, it would probably be Star Wars by West End Games.…
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jeffs-gamebox · 1 year
May the Fourth Be With You.
Waxing nostalgic for the old Star Wars TTRPG. I've done so much in the pre-Disney eras. It's kinda sad this game line isn't being supported by anyone officially.
I miss running Star Wars TTRPG. It was one of the first games I ever picked up that wasn’t made by T$R or Mayfair Games. I was a Star Wars fan clear back in 1977 when my dad took me to see the original. My favorite toy as a child was Luke’s Landspeeder. Of course, I had Luke, Ben, C-3PO, R2-D2 and a couple of Tusken Raiders and a couple of Stormtroopers. Best darn toys ever!That was then.…
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jeffs-gamebox · 2 years
RPG Systems for a New Star Wars Game?
I would LOVE to see a new Star Wars RPG and I have some suggestions for systems that would probably work.
May Fourth’s article got me thinking… Edge Games recently announced they are reprinting the some of the FFG Star Wars. Personally, I’d like to see a new system or a reprint of one of the classic systems. You can read the ENWorld article here. If I were to design a new Star Wars RPG based on an existing system, what would I use? What would catch the cinematic feel of Star Wars? What is the best…
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