yegactivist · 1 year
Status for All Day of Action
Status for All Day of Action by Paula Kirman
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sacredsocialjustice · 2 years
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March 19, 2023, at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton, Canada. A number of cities held rallies to support migrant rights and demand the federal government follow through on its promise to regularize undocumented workers. -- #yeg #yegdt #ableg #abpoli #canpoli #cdnpoli #statusforall #nooneisillegal #photojournalism #yegphotographer #yegactivist #edmonton #alberta #canada https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBMbYOpQ3y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michaeldeforge · 1 year
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funoovr · 4 years
thoda aur arijit singh whatsapp status | "Thoda Aur" Love 💓Song WhatsApp Status
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[Read on for instructions and talking points] Urgent: Despite insisting otherwise, Canadian officials have been quietly trying to re-negotiate the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) with the United States to make it even harder for refugees to enter Canada. While we just found out, these backdoor negotiations have been going on since September! The STCA is an unjust law that turns many asylum seekers away at Canadian land border official crossings if they entered via the US. Now Canada wants to extend it not just to official posts, but the entire border. Canada must #LetThemIn and #LetThemStay. Over 40,000 of you signed the petition calling on Trudeau to scrap the STCA. Your pressure helped force this issue onto the government’s agenda. Now we need you to turn up the heat.  
The most important thing you can do right now is take 5 minutes to call your MP calling on them to #LetThemIn and #LetThemStay Enter your information in to the box and we’ll automatically connect you to your MP.  If no one answers - you can leave a voicemail.
Here are some talking points you could include in your message:
I’m calling because I heard that you are quietly negotiating with the US government to turn away refugee claimants and extend the STCA to the entire US-Canada border. This is neither fair, nor just!  
Trump’s America is not safe. Thousands of asylum seekers are facing deportation from , separated from their families and being forced back to countries where they could be persecuted or even killed -- these people deserve to live with dignity in Canada.
Extending the STCA would force migrant to take more dangerous routes and put them at risk. Already asylum seekers are avoidding regular official immigration channels and risk their lives in crossing the border on foot. People have lost fingers and toes making this trek, and it’s unacceptable. Mavis Otuteye died crossing in to Canada.
I’m calling on the government to:
#LetThemIn: End the Safe Third Country Agreement, welcome asylum seekers fleeing Trump’s America into Canada and stop jailing them;
#LetThemStay: Ensure all asylum seekers get proper legal, healthcare, housing and social services. No more case-by-case processing, give them all permanent status now. We need #StatusforAll
Can we count on you to bring this message forward?
Canadian immigration laws are in need of an overhaul. If you want to say more, here’s a more substantive list of other things Canada could do to open its borders to refugees and asylum seekers:
Many asylum seekers are turned away from Canada because they are from a so-called “Safe Country”. Under the Designated Country of Origin (DCO) system, individuals are assessed not on the basis of their claims but on the country of origin. The DCO system must end.
Asylum seekers coming in are unable to get decent housing, social support systems and are facing a processing backlog. We need federal funding for shelters, and immediate status for all.
Lift all limitations and caps on refugee applications and sponsorships.
Many asylum seekers and migrants are jailed indefinitely in Canada including children. We need to end to all immigration detention.
Migrant workers are tied to their employers, and cannot leave jobs that make them sick. Migrant workers deserve open permits and status on landing.
Over half a million undocumented residents also fear detentions and deportations. We need status for all undocumented residents, an end to deportations and for provinces to give them basic services (Sanctuary Provinces).
Canada must rescind all federal legislation that attacks racialized Black and Brown Muslims and refugees, including the Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act as well as anti-terror legislation such as Security Certificates and Bill C-51.
Justin Trudeau is attempting to expand the dangerous and deadly effects of precarious border crossings to even more innocent people. People fleeing Trump. People seeking refuge, Mothers, fathers, children, families who only want to be safe and build a life.
Don’t let him get away with it.
Join us as we call on Canada to #LetThemIn #LetThemStay. Please call right now.
In struggle and solidarity,
No One Is Illegal - Toronto
Call your MP here (if you feel comfortable)
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graffiti3rivieres · 2 years
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"black lives matter. women's rights are human rights. no human is illegal. science is real. love is love." + "mort à la culture du char" 🚌🌻🚲
#politicalstickers #blacklivesmatter #blm #mortalacultureduchar #féminisme #féministes #antiracisme #antiracistes #nohumanisillegal #unstatutpourtous #statusforall #velorution #loveislove🌈 #noqueerphobia #stickerart #troisrivieres #troisrivières #graffiti3r
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fycanadianpolitics · 6 years
In rage and grief, No One Is Illegal-Toronto members confronted Minister Ahmed Hussen yesterday demanding #BringLucyBack #Not1MoreDeportation #StatusforAll following undocumented organizer Lucy Granados' deportation on April 13. Minister Hussen was speaking at a TD bank sponsored event trumpeting Canada's immigration system which gives status and access mostly to the rich while deporting 24 people daily. Five of us got up every five minutes to ask why Minister Hussen ignored over 14,000 petitions, calls, and visits to his office. We demanded that he use his Ministerial powers to bring Lucy back and introduce laws to grant status to over 500,000 people living without immigration papers in Canada. Once security violently pushed us out of the event, we circled around and shouted down the Minister during the Q&A. This turned into a long back and forth with the Minister making excuses for his inaction. #LetLucyStay
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sparksinthenight · 3 years
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yegactivist · 1 year
Status for All Day of Action by Paula Kirman
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sacredsocialjustice · 2 years
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CTV Edmonton filmed me filming the #statusforall rally on Sunday. #yeg https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3vvTvSI1T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sacredsocialjustice · 2 years
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National Day of Action to call for the federal government to keep its promise concerning #regularization and #statusforall. #yeg action organized by @climatejusticeedmonton and @friendsofmedicare outside MP @r_boissonnault’s office. #yegdt #photojournalism #protest #rally #migrantworkers #migrantrights (at 124 Street, Edmonton) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjyO5amPDeL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sacredsocialjustice · 2 years
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Sept. 18 was a National Day of Action for the rights of migrant workers, calling for status for all, an end to deportations, and regularization for everyone. The action in #yeg was organized by Migrante Alberta. #yegdt #statusforall #migrante #canpoli #cdnpoli #protest #rally #protestsign #protestsigns #stopthedeportations #yegphotographer #yegactivist (at Churchill Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CirLF_Ur7Dy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sacredsocialjustice · 2 years
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Status for all. No one is illegal. Regularize everyone. Support undocumented persons. At the Rights, Regularization, Status for All rally in #yeg organized by Migrante. #yeg #yegdt #migrantrights #statusforall #yegactivist #undocumented #refugees (at Churchill Square) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqjCxtPM2r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yegactivist · 3 years
Unite Against Racism - Status For All
Unite Against Racism - Status For All by Paula Kirman
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sacredsocialjustice · 3 years
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March 20 was a day of action for migrant justice. In Edmonton, migrants and supporters gathered outside MP Randy Boissonnault's office to protest against increasing racism, and to demand full and permanent immigration status for all. -- #yeg #yegdt #StatusForAll #UnitedAgainstRacism #photojournalism #yegactivist #protest #rally #migrant #migrantworkers #streetphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CbWAOLUv230/?utm_medium=tumblr
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graffiti3rivieres · 3 years
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« Réfugié·es bienvenue! » ❤️ Les récents commentaires du député caquiste Jean Boulet sont dignes du trumpisme et de l’extrême-droite : à vomir. Faire l’amalgame entre les réfugié·es et la hausse des cas de COVID – c’est faux, raciste et xénophobe. Et ça nuit à la lutte contre la COVID19. Pour rappel, les réfugié·es et demandeurs·euses d’asile ont été – et sont toujours – au front contre la pandémie. Au péril de leurs vies et de leurs conditions de vie. Aujourd’hui, la CAQ crache sur la tombe de Marcelin François. Et crache au visage de tous ces « anges gardiens » qui n’ont toujours pas reçu un statut migratoire régularisé, tel que promis, pour des raisons bidons et technocratiques. Cette tactique raciste de diversion par Boulet et la CAQ fait honte à notre région. Rappelons qu’en 2019, les trifluvien·nes se sont mobilisé·es contre l’extrême droite et le racisme anti-immigration en contrant le rassemblement de la « Vague bleue ». En 2020, des centaines de personnes ont manifesté contre le racisme à Trois-Rivières, suite à l’assassinat de Georges Floyd par la police aux États-Unis. À chaque année, les citoyen·nes répondent à l’appel du SANA de Trois-Rivières pour marcher en solidarité à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des réfugié·es. Pour combattre la pandémie, on a besoin de : ✅ Solidarité antiraciste ✅ Un statut pour tous et toutes ✅ Suspendre les brevets des vaccins : pour mettre fin à l’apartheid vaccinal mondial! #UnStatutPourToustes #statutpourtous #StatusForAll #refugeeswelcome #refugiéesbienvenue #réfugiésbienvenue #solidarité #antiracistes #antiracisme #antifascisme #vaccineforall #justicevaccinale #graffiti3r
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