#steddiemicrofic asks
steddiemicrofic · 4 months
photo of steve w the bat: i'd nail u anytime, valentine ;)
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pizzaqueen · 7 months
Rest Stop
Written for the prompt ‘rest’ for @steddiemicrofic
387 words / rated T / pre-slash
Recreational drug use
There’s a rest stop on the decommissioned road a little ways out of Hawkins. It’s not a lot of anything, a tin roof over a picnic table, but Steve likes it. Thinks of it as ‘his’ spot, even though Tommy H told him about it. But it’s a good place to be alone. To, well, rest.
And, sure, Hawkins is full of places like that, quiet, empty places, and alone isn’t something Steve likes to be that much, but nights like tonight…
He sighs, tips his beer to his lips. It doesn’t hit him often, but when it does, it’s a restless itch; he can get away from Hawkins, from his house, his job, his nonexistent love life, but he can’t get away from that feeling. Out here he gets close, though.
Tonight, his solitude is short-lived. Footsteps make Steve tense, and a deep voice cuts through the night: “Steve?”
The tension drains; Steve turns. “Hey, Eddie.”
Eddie blinks. “I found you.” He scratches his head, nods at the table Steve’s sitting on. “Mind if I…?”
“It’s a free country.”
“So I’m told.” Eddie’s lips quirk; he sits beside Steve, pulling a joint from his jacket. He waggles it; Steve nods.
“Why were you looking for me?”
An orange flame sparks from Eddie’s lighter, catching the end of the joint. “I wasn’t.” Eddie takes a drag, gives the joint to Steve.
“You said you found me…”
“Don’t have to be looking for you to find you.”
Steve shakes his head. “All right.” He takes a hit, relishing the pleasant buzz, passes it back.
“What brings the valiant Sir Steve out here?”
“I like the quiet.”
“That a hint for me to shut my yap?”
“No.” Steve knocks their shoulders together. “I like listening to you talk.” Why did he say that? He doesn’t really care. Huh.
Surprise flickers over Eddie’s face, but it settles into something pleased. “Good.” He winks. “Because I have plenty of stories to tell.”
After a few moments, Steve says, “Well,” waving his hand, “go ahead.”
Eddie’s eyes sparkle; he starts talking, gesticulating wildly, and Steve realizes the restlessness is gone. Maybe it’s the weed. He’s pretty sure it’s all Eddie.
Okay. Something to look at later. For now, he basks in Eddie’s voice and the easy, restful feeling of being near him.
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wormdebut · 4 months
@steddiemicrofic | PROMPT: edge | WORD COUNT: 509 | Rated: T | CW: internalized homophobia, anxious Steve
Here they are again, Eddie on one side of the couch, Steve on the other. Steve isn’t even sure why he’s currently hanging off the edge of his own couch like a fucking weirdo, but he and Eddie stay on their sides.
Which—doesn’t make any sense to him, because he and Tommy would share space and blankets and body heat in the winter and—it was normal. Right?
At least—he thought it was normal—but maybe this was normal, and Steve simply didn’t know any better.
Turns out staring at your best guy friend longingly from the edge of your parents stupid ass, hoity-toity sofa is ‘not normal behavior Steve, that’s pretty fucking gay.’
Steve is currently pacing the length of his kitchen, trying to process his stupid dumb conversation with stupid dumb Robin.
He couldn’t be gay—right? That is so—that would be so—Women, you know? But also—Eddie. Eddie is kinda—no! But…yes?
“Fuck!” Steve yells.This is so stupid. Why is this all so fucking confusing?
“Um—Stevie? You alright over there?” Eddie’s voice rings through the kitchen and he tenses.
“Hi, Eddie.” Steve intones, it’s flat. “You know what? I’m not okay. I feel like I’m going insane because I can’t stop thinking about you. Which—don’t get me wrong there are certainly worse people that I could be thinking about—“
“Gee, thanks Stevie.” Eddie offers. Steve keeps rambling—explaining his scattered thoughts to a very red faced Eddie.
“And then Robin said that clearly that means that I’m gay or bi-something—which—I’m not—cause that would be—“
Eddie breathes in with a sharp inhale. “That would be—what, Steve?”
“Well—that would be—“
“That would be.” Eddie quips as he hops off the counter quickly. “Hey—listen Steve, I’m gonna go, okay?”
“Wait!” Steve pleads, “Why?”
Eddie runs his hands over his face. “Because, Steve, I don’t really want to sit here and listen to the guy I have a big fat crush on, panic about how he may or may not feel the same way!”
Eddie—what? He—what?
“Y-you, like me?” Steve asks and Eddie nods. “Then why do you sit so far away from me on movie nights?”
Eddie laughs, “What? Steve, this whole crisis is because of that?”
“Well—yes?” Steve isn’t sure why that’s what set all this off, but it is. He tells Eddie as much and he laughs, again.
“Stop laughing at me Eddie! I’m trying to explain and—“
Eddie cuts him off, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Steve, baby, I’m not laughing at you.”
Baby. Baby. Baby.
Steve watches as the hand on his shoulder moves, Eddie cups Steve’s cheek and he can’t help but lean into it.
Steve can’t say shit, ‘baby’ still playing on loop in his head.
“I’m laughing because we’re both idiots.” Eddie says, it’s soft, and his stupid eyes are shining. Steve thinks Robin is right.
“Eddie?” Steve breathes. Eddie’s hand is still on his cheek, his thumb running across cheekbone.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Kiss me, please.”
Later, Steve and Eddie are on the couch, not a trace of space between them.
Steve couldn’t be happier.
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hotluncheddie · 8 months
for the october @steddiemicrofic prompt 'suck' ! happy halloween !!
wc: 480 | rated: T | cw: none | tags: bestie robin, chubby steve, horny eddie
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‘bet you can’t keep your hands off him for the whole party.’ robin stares eddie down from across the sofa.
‘what? on Halloween? is that how you think of me bobbie? i’m wounded’ eddie watches steve’s ass as he walks to the kitchen.
robin throws popcorn at him ‘eddie. the only reason you're not still sitting in his lap is because i asked him to get more soda.. literally a second ago.’ 
‘and you were so mean for that.’ eddie folds his arms, eyes flicking between robin and steve at the fridge. robin is scowling.. ‘fine. your bet, what’s the stakes?’
robins scowl drops and she sighs 'i need steve to wingman. the new girl from work is bringing her roommate and it’s been hinted her favourite colour is violet and i need this eddie, like, seriously.’ 
eddie softens. ’it would be homophobic of me to take that away from you.’ poking her with his socked toe. ‘do i get anything? for keeping my hands off?’
‘24 hours. i have a project due but no time till the day before. apartment will be yours. you two can do what you want.. my rooms off limits.’ 
‘you, miss robin buckly, have a deal.’ 
‘you, are an evil witch robin buckley’
‘oh, get over it!’ robin huffs, tipsy.
‘how could you do this to me! on halloween!’ eddie pouts.
‘suck it up buttercup. just remember what’s at stake.’ 
‘yeah because i’m so sorry i convinced steve to pick that costume. even though he had to buy it, so it’s his, forever.’ 
‘…did i ever tell you you’re the light of my life?’
robin flicks him on the forehead and walks back over to steve and the girl.
eddie tracks her. resigned to sulking. 
and blue balls.
because steve is in a sailor uniform, but this one is off-white with black accents, complementing his tan. the trousers are long, wide in the leg and tight in the ass. cupping around the curve of it, like eddie wishes he was, right now. the hat on his head is at an angle and pushes his hair down, so it frames his rosy cheeks, and pretty smile.
and the top. oh! the top. the flap collar frames broad shoulders and deep v exposes chest hair. it ends at his hipline and flowed nicely but steve’s had a few beers. bloated, his belly has started filling in the front, started pulling around his love handles. the outline of his soft, wide belly button is just visible.
‘just one night.’ eddie mumbles to himself, leaning against a wall. ‘then 24 uninterrupted hours.’
steve readjusts the waistband of his trousers, hiking them a little higher. eddie sees how the movement makes his belly jiggle. 
sliding slowly down the wall and into a heap on the floor; eddie bites his fist and allows himself one tiny, tortured little whimper.  
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
re: the ask where another anon said they felt the fandom dying
hi! i watched the entire show for the first time about 2 weeks ago (at the ripe age of 19, sue me) and ohhhhhh my god. oh my GOD. im obsessed and this is the first fandom ive ever been interested that wasnt totally dead and im SO glad there are authors and artists active and making things!! im probably abt to binge read all of your stuff after reading the trailer park au (which i adore btw. please tell me there will be more.) idk what the fandom was like before, but i just started writing my first steddie fic and im so happy theres a community that seems nice and fairly active <33
if you’ll allow me to be one of those annoying old people having a crisis about the passage of time for a hot second, this message just got me thinking about the 14yo version of me who was first discovering fandom and fanfic on ff.net, and what a fucking revelation that was to a lonely bookish young dweeb. to realize that you could just… add? whatever you want?? any story you love, you can just take it and make it your own personal barbie doll and no one can tell you what not to do??? incredible. absolutely delightful. and you’re so much closer to that girl than i am now on the timeline and i’m- i’m—! 😭😭
i’m being so aggressively 30 about this lmao i’m sorry. local woman is spoken to by a youth and has an all lowercase meltdown about it. more at 9.
anyway, welcome. there’s definitely a thriving group of clever, passionate, and talented creators in this fandom; honestly there are too many writers and artists i admire on this site to even begin to name them all, but here’s a couple you can check out to start (my blog is also full of art and fic recs, and you can find some fantastic writers through the @steddiemicrofic challenge): @aidaronan @thefreakandthehair @palmviolet @eddywoww @maikaartwork @inklessletter @cranberrymoons @bpillustrated
(to answer your question, yes, there will be more of the trailer park au. current plan is to write a new part each day until i have enough for a chapter, then publish the chapter on ao3; rinse and repeat through the end of nanowrimo and see where that gets me. so far i’m finding it a lot easier to stay focused on a single continuous story when i write in little daily snack bites like this, but we’ll see how the rest of the experiment goes 🤷‍♀️ i’m having fun with the story for now, so that’s really all that matters.)
…jesus christ, i wrote you a novella my absolute bad
- wynn 🦇
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i hate drabbles and microfics. Hate them. they always hit me like a cruel tease, to make me want more and then deny it. they feel like going to a restaurant and getting a snack when you ordered a meal.
THAT SAID. i read everything you write, and yes i do always wish there was more but in the way that you want another bite of a delicious chocolate in a nice sampler.
so uh, thanks for writing. Sorry if this is weird.
Aw, this made me smile, thank you. It's really sweet to hear that you enjoy my little ficlets even though drabbles aren't usually your jam. 🥰
I enjoy doing challenges such as the @steddieholidaydrabbles and @steddiemicrofic bc they allow me to get so many pent-up ideas out. And there's definitely always the chance of them being expanded if the brainworms won't stop wiggling.
@house-of-the-moving-image and I already have one of the holiday drabbles picked to expand into a larger project, and there's several others I'd love to turn into more next year. 🤩❤️
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starryeyedjanai · 3 months
the coffee shop meet-cute @steddiemicrofic prompt: pin, 388 words | rated: g
“I think you dropped this,” Eddie hears as he’s waiting for his coffee.
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, looking up, his heart coming to a halting stop as he lays eyes on the most gorgeous guy he’s ever seen.
“You dropped this,” the guy says again, holding out a napkin.
Eddie’s brain is still offline as he reaches his hand out, hand brushing against the guy’s as he takes the napkin from him.
He feels pinned under his stare and he can't seem to take his eyes off him— the sharp line of his jaw, the moles dotted on his face, the dark hazel eyes. He thinks he would look at him all day if he could.
The guy seems to be looking right back, which is doing a number on his heart rate right now.
“Have a nice day,” the guy says after a moment of silence, a shy smile on his face, his cheeks a little pink.
Eddie snaps out of his reverie and says, “Yeah, you too. Thanks.”
He watches as the guy walks towards the door, watches as he turns back before he gets to the door and catches his eyes again.
Eddie hears his name being called and has to turn away. He walks forward to grab his coffee from the counter. He reaches out to grab a couple napkins and then frowns.
He hadn't grabbed a napkin before now so there’s no way he dropped the one that cute guy had just handed to him.
He looks down at the napkin clenched in his hand and finally notices the ink on it. His heart clenches in his chest.
Ten digits— a phone number.
Under the numbers is just a simple: You’re cute. Call me? -Steve
Eddie recalls the shy smile and flush on the guy’s face as he walked away and a flush comes over his own face.
He stops at a table before he leaves and sets his coffee down to plug the number into his phone.
There's a grin on his face as he texts the number, as he slips the napkin into his pocket for safekeeping because there’s no way he’s throwing it away when he thinks he just met the man of his dreams.
He tamps down his smile and walks to work with a pep in his step.
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steveseddie · 2 months
since day one
@steddiemicrofic prompt: fool, 454 words rated: g | cw: none | tags: pre-relationship, steve has a crush, even gareth knows, soft boys
“You’re not fooling anyone.”
Gareth’s voice makes Steve look up, finding him leaning against the kitchen doorway.
Then he looks down at the cookies he’s moving from the box they came in to a plate, frowning. “I wasn’t trying to. Just thought it’d be easier to grab the cookies this way.”
Gareth rolls his eyes. “No, about why you’re playing DnD with us.”
“I just wanted to-”
“Spend quality time with the children, uh huh,” Gareth finishes, using Steve’s words. “That’s not it. You wanted to spend time with Eddie.”
Steve flushes but tries to act nonchalant. “Yeah, with all of you-”
“No, specifically with Eddie. You even asked Byers to help you study the handbook to impress him!”
Steve bites his lip, thinking. “Did I?”
“Did I impress him?” Steve asks. Gareth clearly saw through his lie and probably knows what Steve is doing. He might as well figure out if it’s working. “Because I’ve been trying to since I realized I have a crush on him-”
Gareth waves his hands in front of him. “Woah, woah, you can’t say that.”
Steve frowns. “Oh, but you know that Eddie likes guys, are you not okay with-”
“Of course I’m cool with that, Harrington, but Eddie is my best friend. I’m like, obligated to tell him now.”
Steve’s eyes widen. “You can’t. You can’t tell Eddie!”
“Can’t tell Eddie what?” Eddie asks, strolling into the kitchen.
Gareth glances between the two before jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go,” he says then hurries out.
Eddie skips over to Steve, grinning at him. “What secrets are you keeping from me, Stevie?”
Steve focuses on rearranging the cookies on the plate. “None, no secrets, nothing, nope.”
“See, I know that’s a lie. You didn’t tell me mini Byers was helping you learn DnD.”
“I was trying to surprise them-”
“I could’ve helped you.”
“I guess-” Steve says quietly, “I was also trying to surprise you.”
“Steve, you haven’t stopped surprising me since the day I met you,” Eddie says with a chuckle. Steve looks up and finds Eddie staring at him with a soft look, eyes sparkling with something.
Something that makes Steve a little bold.
“I was also trying to impress you,” Steve says shyly.
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up, pointing at himself. “Me?”
“Yeah, you,” Steve says, poking Eddie’s chest in the same spot.
Before he can back his hand, Eddie wraps his fingers around Steve’s wrist, keeping his hand against his chest. “Guess what, Stevie?” Eddie gives him a slow grin, his dimple popping. “You haven’t stopped doing that since day one either.”
And oh, Steve thinks, maybe he didn’t need to try so hard to get Eddie’s attention after all.
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
Well, Hello, Sailor
written for @steddiemicrofic | prompt: ‘pin’ | wc: 388 | rated: T | cw: slightly racy photos?
“Oh my god,” Eddie gasps.
“Oh my god,” Steve echoes, groaning.
Eddie hadn’t meant to drop the box, but it was heavy; it had been a rescue from the back of Steve’s closet as they moved his stuff out of his old apartment (preparing to move into their new one, together), and it had been full of forgotten papers and old magazines and – photos.
The stash had spilled out in front of Eddie like it had been waiting for him, full-color and glossy and glorious.
There’s Steve posed front and center, on his knees and looking back over his shoulder at the camera. He’s wearing a little pair of navy blue shorts and a little red ascot and precious little else. The shorts are indecently high-cut, hugging his ass like they were made for it, but it’s the sailor hat settled jauntily on top of his head that really makes it for Eddie. Steve’s eyes are wide and sweet, as if he’s been caught by surprise, with his lips parted in that inviting way that haunts Eddie’s dreams, even though he can technically see it any time he likes now.
He’s the very picture of a perfect little pin-up boy.
“Oh my god,” Eddie says again, unable to get much else out.
“It was– uh, for a magazine,” Steve stutters out. “I forgot I even had copies of that shoot.”
“Uh huh.” Eddie nods, still staring, mesmerized, at the pictures in his hands.
“It was during college, after my dad cut me off. I needed another job, and this paid, like, surprisingly well, and–”
“It damn well better have,” Eddie says, finally smirking up at Steve. “I bet they made bank off of you, baby.”
Steve pauses, blinking. “You’re not– upset?”
“Why would I be upset?” Eddie asks; honestly, he’ll only be upset if Steve tries to pry the photos away from him before he’s had a chance to thoroughly inspect them.
“Just– some people have gotten… jealous, I guess?” Steve shrugs, glancing away.
“Other people can look if they want.” Eddie leans over to press a reassuring kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. “I know I’m the only one who gets you live and in person.”
Slowly, Steve smiles. “Well. If you like the sailor shoot, I bet you’ll love some of the others.”
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hellfireloserclub · 3 months
For @steddiemicrofic March prompt Pin
388 words | rated g | no cw | tags: fluff.
“Hold on, put a pin in that.” Eddie paused, eyes blown wide. “Be kind, rewind Stevie… Tommy did what?”
Steve rolled his eyes, the same way he did when Robin latched on to his and Tommy's past. 
“We kissed. Once. It was just a normal friend kiss...” Steve huffed, turning his attention back to the stack of videos, they weren't going to shelf themselves. Eddie followed him down the aisle.
“Nope, I'm with Buckley on this one, definitely not normal behaviour. Never once have I kissed Jeff. Maybe the rules are different for pretty boys like you, but that's definitely punch to the face territory for us balrogs.” Eddie glanced around him, checking he wouldn't be overheard- not that there had been anyone in the store all night. 
“You sure Hagan wasn’t trying to hit on you? I mean, did you like it?” 
Had he liked it? At the time it had felt nice.
He gave a non committal shrug.  
“I'm not hearing you say you hated it princess.”  Eddie was up in his space again, always was. He had the look of a man who had found a thread to pull at and wouldn't be happy till the whole thing unravelled, mess be damned. 
“I didn't hate it.” 
Eddie stepped back, turning his gaze away and randomly pulling cases off the shelf. Had Steve said something he shouldn't? It was hard to know where you stood with Eddie, how much of the Munson show was part of his defence mechanism.
“So you kissed Tommy, as a friend?” Eddie asked eventually, as Steve retrieved the copy of scanners that Eddie had tucked into the documentary section. 
“Yes. That's what I said, isn't it ?” Eddie crowded behind him as he put it back in the right place.
When Steve turned, Eddie was so close they nearly bumped noses, then he was closer, lips pressing against Steve's, and Steve was helpless to do anything but kiss him back. 
Then, just like that. Eddie pulled away, Steve gawped after him as Eddie headed for the exit, grinning over his shoulder.
“I think Hagen was on to something.” He 
winked as got to the door.
"But me? That was a move, Harrington. you coming? "
In hindsight, maybe Tommy was hitting on him. But it was Eddie that sealed the deal.
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steddiemicrofic · 9 months
HELLOOOOOO follow up announcement, the september prompt is still dropping at noon today so feel free to start submitting stories however the mods are offline this weekend (mickala’s kiddo is doing some super impressive sporty shenanigans and i will be smoochin’ mutuals irl)
we’ll start reblogging submissions on monday 🩷🩷🩷 have the sexiest weekend okay love u bye -wynn
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
not a top
for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘top’
rated e | 510 words | cw: recreational drug use, questionable consent if you squint really hard and close both eyes due to the previously mentioned recreational drug use | tags: unclear relationship at the beginning, anal fingering, anal sex
“So you’re…not a top?” Eddie asked Steve, high enough to forget how they got on this topic at all, but not high enough to ever forget the way Steve’s hand hadn’t left his thigh for the last ten minutes.
“I’ve never-“ Steve sighed. “Never had sex with a guy, not all the way. So I guess I don’t actually know. But I just kinda feel like I’d enjoy being a bottom more.”
Eddie was ready to propose marriage, maybe offer to give him a home and as many babies as he wants. Maybe he could bribe scientists to figure out how they could biologically have their own kids together.
“What makes you feel that way?” Eddie managed to ask in a high-pitched voice.
Steve shrugged. “Just think I’d like being under someone, being held. I dunno. Sounds stupid out loud.”
“Like fuck it does.”
Steve’s head whipped around, eyes wide. “What?”
“It doesn’t sound stupid at all. It sounds like you want someone to take care of you and make you feel nice. You don’t have to be a bottom for that, though, if you end up not liking having something in your ass,” Eddie really needed to stop smoking with Steve.
“I do like things in my ass, though.”
Eddie has to stop smoking. Period.
“You said-“
“I said I’ve never had sex with a guy. I didn’t say I haven’t had stuff in my ass,” Steve smirked. “You think I went to Indy with Robin last month and didn’t stop at a sex shop?”
“Uh. Yeah. Yeah, I did think that.”
“Big mistake.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, looking up at the ceiling of Steve’s bedroom. Steve’s hand was still on his thigh, even though the angle probably wasn’t great with how they’d migrated more perpendicular than parallel.
“You should fuck me.”
Eddie sat up.
“I should what? I think I have something in my ears.”
Steve sat up, slower, turning so he was facing Eddie, hand still on his thigh.
“I want you to fuck me.”
“That’s not what you said the first time.”
“It’s what I meant.”
“Steve, I’m honored. But I think the weed is a bit strong for you tonight-“
“Eddie. Kiss me. Touch me. Fuck. Me.”
Eddie was not one for authority, but he was quite good at following directions when it involved getting his lips and hands on a pretty boy.
He kissed Steve. He touched Steve.
He opened Steve up slowly, even when Steve begged for more, faster, harder.
“Need you,” he whined.
God, he whined so pretty.
Eddie was tempted to open him up on a fourth finger, but decided his own cock couldn’t take another second without being inside him.
“Gonna fuck you, sweetheart,” Eddie gasped as he slid the only condom in Steve’s drawer down his length. “Gonna fuck you so good.” He covered himself in lube. “Give you what you need.”
When he bottomed out, Steve sighed.
“Yeah. Okay.”
Eddie kissed his forehead, silent question in his eyes.
“I’m definitely not a top,” Steve winked.
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hawkinsbnbg · 1 month
cherry on top
Prompt: top | Word count: 510 | Rated: E | Tags: dry humping (just a bit), grinding (on the dance floor), mutual pining, modern setting | @steddiemicrofic | ao3
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Eddie thought he was going to die.
Because seriously, Steve and crop tops? A killer combo.
And here, in a Metallica crop top and snug jeans, Steve was bopping on the dance floor, so carefree and sexy that it drove Eddie up the wall.
Nope, he wasn't annoyed when some guys sidled up to grind against Steve like animals.
Just… Jesus H. Christ.
When the fuck did Steve get a belly piercing?
With a thumbs up from Gareth, Eddie inhaled deeply and sauntered to the dance floor as confidently as possible.
“Hey,” Steve smiled over his shoulder.
Eddie wanted to lick him. Or kiss him.
“Hey yourself,” Eddie smiled back and put his hands on the waistband of Steve's jeans. “May I dance with you?”
It sounded utterly ridiculous. Like they were in prom and not in the middle of a gay bar with music blasting their ears off.
Despite that, Steve still pressed his back to Eddie's chest and guided Eddie's hands up to grab his naked waist.
“Thought you'd never ask.”
Eddie couldn't say anything. Because his brain had short-circuited by the soft and sweaty skin beneath his fingertips.
His hands couldn't help but wander, scratching lightly at the happy trail and earning a soft chuckle from Steve.
“Where did this come from?” Eddie toyed with the rhinestone cherry dangling just below Steve's navel.
“Robin took me to Chicago on my birthday and we got this together,” Steve answered easily while swaying to the music, grinding his ass against Eddie’s clothed half-boner.
If God was real, then she was Robin Buckley. Eddie fucking decided.
Tightening his grip on Steve's waist, he grazed his teeth on Steve's pulse point. “It suits you, sweetheart.”
“Yeah?” Steve moaned and craned his neck aside. “There's also a rose gold one on my left nipple.”
Eddie checked immediately and true to Steve's word, he found it beneath the thin fabric.
He pulled Steve out of the bar and moments later, he found himself kissing the daylights out of Steve in his bed.
Once they parted, Eddie was pushed onto his back with Steve straddling him.
“Hi,” Steve smiled down at him, hips undulating artfully and driving Eddie crazy.
“Baby,” he choked, grabbing and pulling Steve down on his aching cock.
“Shh,” Steve stroked his cheek gently. “Let me make you feel good, okay?”
Eddie nodded and when Steve moved again, slow and sultry, he was a goner.
It was embarrassing how fast he came, but he couldn't care less when Steve looked so beautiful above him. Like an angel.
“Let's date,” Eddie blurted out sometime later while they were cuddling.
“You're not joking?” Steve arched an eyebrow.
“No,” Eddie shook his head. “I mean you're beautiful and totally out of my league but–”
His rambling was cut short by tender lips.
“You’re lucky you're cute,” Steve smiled between the kiss. “Just treat me right and I’ll be all yours, honey.”
And since Eddie lived to serve, he had spent the rest of his life giving his baby everything, including his heart.
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yournowheregirl · 8 months
for this months @steddiemicrofic
prompt: suck | wc: 480 | rating T | cw: lake creature eddie, suggestive language, tentacles
“Is that a hickey?”
Robin’s voice is loud, way louder than it should be and Steve thanks the heavens that Family Video is deserted today. He tries to ignore her screeching, but then Robin sides up to him and pokes at his neck.
“Didn’t you hear me? I asked you—.” Robin says as her eyes zero in on Steve’s neck. “Correction, are those hickeys? As in multiple?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Yeah, right.” Robin scoffs. She grabs Steve’s face and angles it away from her, exposing more of his skin. Steve yelps in protest, and from the corner of his eye, Steve can see Robin’s face falling. “Shit… Steve. These aren’t just normal hickeys. What the fuck have you been up to?”
“It’s nothing, Robin.” Steve grumbles, yanking his face from her grip. “Probably some allergic reaction from that new moisturizer I bought last week.”
“You need to see a doctor.” Robin huffs. “This kind of reaction isn’t normal, Steve!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
Robin decides to drop it after that, but Steve can still feel her eyes on him throughout the rest of their shift.
After closing off, Steve gets into his car and starts driving, far past Hawkins’ suburbs until he reaches the edge of the forest. He parks his car there and resumes his way on foot, familiar with the forest even in the dark. After only a few minutes, the forest clears and Steve is greeted by a lake, the night dead silent.
But Steve knows this lake is anything but quiet.
After taking off his clothes and shoes, Steve walks up to the pier. He sits down on the edge, inhales deeply to whistle a familiar tune, and waits.
Something splashes in the water then and Steve bites back a grin as the something swims closer and closer.
“Hi Eddie.” Steve says as Eddie’s head pops above the surface, his webbed ears peaking through his wet hair.
“Steve! Surprise!” Eddie smiles brightly then, flashing his sharp teeth.
“Yes, I know I said I wasn’t coming tonight. But I needed to talk to you about something.” Steve sighs. “We gotta be more careful.”
“Careful. Danger? Where?” Eddie all but growls, his eyes growing impossibly darker as he scans the surroundings.
“No, no, it’s alright. No danger. We’re safe.” Steve says. He reaches out and cups Eddie’s cheek gently. Eddie feels cold, he always does, but never uncomfortable. “You just gotta be more careful with your tentacles, love.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side.
“Last night? When you uh— around my neck?” Steve’s face flushes with the memories of last night, of having Eddie all around him, in him…
Eddie nods with a knowing grin on his face.
“Yeah, your suckers left marks.” Steve chuckles.
“Suck less?” Eddie offers.
“That would be a start.”
Eddie swims closer and Steve feels two tentacles circling his calves.
“Try again?”
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All you have to do is ask
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, March 2024 edition.
Prompt: pin, 388 words
Rated: T
Tags: Post-Vecna; Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington; Recreational drug use; Horny disaster Eddie Munson; Some light feminization kink
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In retrospect, Eddie’s gonna blame the weed.
They’re lying on the trailer roof, Steve and him, finishing their second blunt. Or third? It’s hard to tell with the thrum in his veins, with Steve’s head tucked against his shoulder. Steve’s eyes outshining the stars.
“Bathroom,” Steve murmurs, and then he’s up and climbing through Eddie’s window with a grace belying his buzzed state. “Be right back.”
Eddie finishes the blunt, watching the smoke curl up into the night while he mourns the loss of his warmth. Tells his stupid feelings to fuck off for the thousandth time. Steve will never be into him like that, so-
“Erm … Eddie?”
Steve’s voice floats up to him, shaky and confused. Eddie frowns.
Then he remembers.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he squawks, clambering up on shaky limbs and propelling himself through the window. Because he left his sketchbook open on his bed and oh God, please, don’t let him have the sketchbook.
Steve has the sketchbook. He's staring at the open page with a blank expression, the page that Eddie filled last night in another weed-fuelled frenzy.
“Dude,” he mutters. “Are those pin-ups?”
For a moment, Eddie's tempted to claim that it isn't what it looks like, but seriously?
The pictures may be stylized and cartoonish, but there’s no denying who the guy in the revealing outfits and provocative poses is. The voluminous swoop of hair. The scars poking out from the low-riding gym shorts in one sketch. The sailor outfit and the ice cream scoop balanced loosely in one hand in another.
Steve glances up at him, hand hovering over the largest picture - the one of little pin-up Steve propped up on his nail bat, the skirt of his cheerleading uniform riding up his muscled thigh. Eddie’s soul departs his body.
“Listen, I'm sorry,” he says. Steve slaps the book shut and he flinches.
“Yeah, you damn well should be.” Eddie screws his lids shut, bracing himself for a punch- ... but the fingers that touch his jaw are featherlight. “You got the moles on my thigh all wrong.”
Eddie’s eyes fly open.
Steve winks at him. His smile is bright like the stars, his blush hot like the sun as he slowly leans in.
“Y’know, if you wanted me to pose for you … all you have to do is ask.”
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aidaronan · 3 months
Microfic; Macropenis
Another @steddiemicrofic March for "pin" || 388 Words || Explicit Warnings & Tags: sex under the influence of drugs/alcohol, Eddie has a big dick
"I mean, you've heard about him, right?" Tommy asked.
"Eddie Munson?" Steve looked to where Eddie was balanced on a lunch table, orating about the unfairness of funding for the arts versus sports. "About how he deals?"
"No, everyone knows that. About how he's, like, this total and complete freakazoid obviously, but he's packing serious heat."
"Huge dick," Carol said, putting her finger in her mouth and making an obscene pop. "But he won't let anybody see it. I've tried."
"Uh…?" Steve looked back and forth between her and Tommy.
"Don't be such a prude, Steve," she said. "Tommy knew. It was pure espionage. Plus I was trying to score us free weed. I get pinned, we get pot, ya know?"
None of that really made Steve feel any less floored, but he let it go, looking back to Eddie instead. Steve was, of course, unable to keep himself from looking at Eddie's crotch. It looked fairly normal as far as Steve could tell. No massive bulge or anything. Just denim being denim.
Still, Steve couldn't let it go. Lunch ended, then the day ended, then the week, the month.
A party rolled around, Munson announcing his wares to the whole assembly like a merchant traveling town to town in some medieval flick. "Hear ye, hear ye!"
Somehow, Steve ended up alone with him on the front porch, both of them getting some fresh air while the party raged in the house and the backyard.
"Is it true?" Steve asked, floating high on beer and Eddie's star product.
"Is what true?"
"That you have, like, a horse dick."
Eddie spat beer all over his own shoes but quickly recovered, wiping his face with his sleeve.
"Why?" he asked. "You aiming to find out, Big Boy?"
Steve glanced behind him as though there might be someone there, but there was no one. "And if I was?"
Which was how he found himself pinned in the back of Eddie's van, one knee shoved up, Eddie easing inside of him inch by massive inch.
In that confined space, high and buzzed, the world felt soft as cotton. And Eddie felt…
"Well?" Eddie asked, brow sweaty as he pumped his hips. Steve's mouth hung open in uninhibited pleasure, come spurting out onto his belly.
"Yeah," Steve rasped. "Yeah, it's pretty big."
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