#steel magnolias from 1989
kit-just-kit · 1 month
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comfort food(s): *Häagen-Dazs Pralines and Cream, wine, chip butties, a good cuppa, great Italian food, Five Guys, pretzels with beer cheese sauce*
comfort(s): *My puppy (who is actually 14 years old) - Izzy, cos she's adorable. My hubby, my kids. You lots (cos you're the bestest!), having a sense of humour despite life's twists*
comfort movie(s): *Steel Magnolias, Inception (there is comfort in the mind-bending lol.....also TH), The Little Mermaid - both animated from 1989 and live action from 2023, Toy Story 1, 2 & 3*
comfort show(s): *Friends, SATC, AHS (though not anything after Apocalypse), Only Connect*
comfort clothing: *Very oversized t-shirts, leggings, long socks you can crinkle around the ankles, comfortable knickers (i.e. not thongs), Ugg boots, huge sweatshirts or jumpers you could fit a double-decker bus in!*
comfort song(s): *'Bette Davies' Eyes by Kim Carnes, 'I Found' by Amber Run, 'The Silence' by Manchester Orchestra*
comfort book(s): *Pride & Prejudice, the full LOTR trilogy, Chocolat*
comfort game(s): *I know this means vid games but, I don't do them (I am old!). So, does chess count?*
tagged by: @wrathfulmercy (thanks sweetness x)
tagging: @all-o-y'all-seeing-this-now!!!!!!!!
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aniron48 · 1 year
friends were a fate that befell me
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“What’s the film, then?” Bond asks, resigned. “And how did you know I would have a DVD player?” “Lucky guess,” Eve says, at the same time as Q offers, “Takes a relic to own a relic.” Bond sighs, and Tanner intervenes. “It’s Steel Magnolias,” he says. “Have you seen it?” “I can’t say that I have. Comedy or tragedy?” “Yes,” Q says, and that’s all anyone will tell him before the screen fills with the opening credits, and the camera pans to a young Daryl Hannah walking down the street.
My first creation for MI6 Café 007 Fest 2023! This fic is for @anyawen, who suggested the prompt lyric "friends were a fate that befell me" from the song "Dinner & Diatribes" by Hozier.
Trigger warning for grief and discussion of both M's death and losing an (adult) child, if these are things you need to treat tenderly right now.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but spoiler warning for Steel Magnolias, I guess, even though it came out in 1989.
You can read on ao3, or here, below the cut.
It’s two weeks to the day since Skyfall went up in flames when Tanner, Eve, and Q knock on the door of Bond’s new flat. It’s still so empty that their voices echo as they push inside, all talking at once.
“—figured you wouldn’t be doing anything—“
“Anyway, Q picked the movie, I hope you—“
“—told them you wouldn’t have any good snacks, so I’ve brought an assortment.”
They shuck off their jackets and leave them piled unceremoniously on Bond’s floor, revealing a ludicrous assortment of casual wear. Tanner is clad in navy joggers and a worn grey sweatshirt with the name of his university across the chest, and Moneypenny and Q are wearing pyjama separates. Eve’s are a respectable emerald green silk with white piping, while Q’s appear to have a Fair Isle print, but on closer inspection, reveal a pattern of snowflakes interspersed with the TARDIS from Doctor Who.
“What,” Bond says finally, over the din, “is all this?”
The three of them exchange significant glances until Eve gives in and answers.
“It’s been a bloody terrible two weeks,” she says. “And we thought you might like some company.”
She’s only half right. It has indisputably been a bloody terrible two weeks, but company is the last thing Bond needs. He’d been intending to spend the evening much as he had the last several before it: waiting to be sent back into the field, replaying the events leading up to M’s death to decipher when it all went wrong, and drinking until he was able to fall asleep. 
“So you decided I needed a pyjama party with someone who shot me, someone who helped sell off my old flat, and someone who still has spots?” He says instead. It’s not so much that his hackles are up, as that he’s certain theirs ought to be. It’s a slippery slope from whatever this is to forgiveness, and from forgiveness to trust, and he’s just proven with spectacular aplomb exactly why trusting him is a bad idea.
But Q just looks at him over the rim of his glasses. “I see you’ve still only got the one joke, 007. You might consider another.”
And then he’s making himself at home on Bond’s expensive, uncomfortable leather couch, with Moneypenny on the other end. She hands Tanner a pillow and he sits on the floor with it, leaning back against her legs. Bond is forced to squeeze between Q and Moneypenny, but instead of shifting away, they both lean in even further. Moneypenny has produced a pair of fuzzy blankets from somewhere, and they settle in as if they are here to stay.
It’s ridiculous, is what it is. He needs neither comfort nor coddling; he has lived long enough without either that their sudden appearance registers somewhere in his hypothalamus as equal parts bewilderment and threat. It would be best, now that he’s officially back from either Turkey or the dead, depending on how one looks at it, to reestablish some boundaries. This is not the kind of fraternization he is wont to engage in. But he’s hemmed in by his colleagues and their soft pyjamas and their ridiculous blankets, and James Bond, the man who once escaped from a locked ice chest in the back of a burning train plummeting down a mountain pass in Kazakhstan, decides that he is effectively trapped, and may as well stay where he is.
“What’s the film, then?” Bond asks, resigned. “And how did you know I would have a DVD player?”
“Lucky guess,” Eve says, at the same time as Q offers, “Takes a relic to own a relic.”
Bond sighs, and Tanner intervenes. “It’s Steel Magnolias,” he says. “Have you seen it?”
“I can’t say that I have. Comedy or tragedy?”
“Yes,” Q says, and that’s all anyone will tell him before the screen fills with the opening credits, and the camera pans to a young Daryl Hannah walking down the street.
Bond has not exactly made a habit of watching films about the American South in the 1980s, so he’s not sure what to expect. He’s taken in by the banter and the witticisms and Dolly Parton’s sky-high hairdo, and thus, despite Q’s earlier comment, he is unprepared when the film takes a turn for the tragic. Even so, he can admit that Sally Field is masterful playing M’Lynn Eatenton as she mourns her daughter, taking a scene from heartbreaking to hilarious and back again as her friends gather around her to help her grieve. It is nothing short of wrenching in its raw humanity. Q and Moneypenny are both openly weeping as they watch, holding each other’s hands through it in a way that would be sweet were they not further infringing on Bond’s personal space by doing so across his lap. Tanner is dabbing manfully at his eyes with a napkin, his wine gums and Stella forgotten beside him on the floor. Bond swallows. The back of his throat feels tight. He must be getting a cold.
“I just sat there. I just held Shelby's hand,” M’Lynn is saying onscreen, “There was no noise, no tremble, just peace. Oh god. I realize as a woman how lucky I am. I was there when that wonderful creature drifted into my life and I was there when she drifted out. It was the most precious moment of my life.”
It is nothing at all like when M died. He was holding her when she died, yes, but the similarity ends there. Though it was quiet in the chapel, too, he supposes, the explosions and the guns all gone silent. It was quiet enough that Bond heard the moment she stopped breathing. 
He absolutely would never have called her a wonderful creature, or anything approximating it. Anything approaching an honest sobriquet would be unrepeatable, the sort of thing that was banned on the BBC. And yet he understands, deep in whatever is left of his soul, what M’Lynn means when she says it was precious, to be there at the end, knows what it means to have inhabited a moment that is profuse with grief and horror and regret, and yet somehow limned with the holy: to have been there, to have been alive together, and then alive alone, as she left all of it behind. To know that part of him is in that moment, still, and maybe always will be.
Bond clears his throat, then looks around. Tanner is at the wrong angle to see his face, and Moneypenny and Q are very pointedly not looking at him, and there is nowhere, he realizes, that will be safer than this uncomfortable couch in his empty flat, surrounded by elite members of Britain’s intelligence services who are nonetheless willing to pretend that he’s crying over M’Lynn Eatenton mourning her daughter’s death. He clears his throat once more, and lets the tears come.
There is no drastic sea change, after, once the film has ended and he has seen Q and Moneypenny and Tanner and their bags of snacks out of his flat. He doesn’t stop drinking or replaying what went wrong or seeing Skyfall in his uneasy dreams. He doesn’t suddenly join Q and Moneypenny for their boozy brunches or agree to watch a match with Tanner down at the pub. But from time to time, when they meet in the halls of MI6, Tanner will say, “My COLORS are BLUSH and BASHFUL” in the worst approximation of a Southern accent that Bond has ever heard, and when Bond walks into Q Branch without all of his gear, Q will sigh and say, “If he’s trying to drive me crazy, it’s too late” in a surprisingly accurate one. What he feels in those moments isn’t exactly peace, he doesn’t think, but it is the closest he has come in a long, long time.
In memory of N and P. Every moment with you was precious.
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cammie · 1 month
watching steel magnolias (1989) rn and i know julia roberts is from georgia but this is the worst southern accent i’ve ever heard in my life 🥲
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crestfallercanyon · 9 months
It's Weekly Tag Wednesday! (and I'm actually getting to it on Wedneasday!
name: crest
zodiac sign: pisces
fuzzy socks or fuzzy blankets? fuzzy blankets I think. though I like both.
do you enjoy winter? I do when there's actually snow. I like the crisp air. I like the snow. I like wearing sweatshirts and sweaters and bundling up and getting to look cozy in my office.
what’s your comfort book or movie? comfort book? The Night Circus or A Psalm for the Wild Built or This is How You Lose the Time War or actually The Southern Reach trilogy. Comfort movie? Steel Magnolias (1989) or Tombstone (1993) or Secondhand Lions or The Holiday
what’s your favorite way to wind down after a long day? if the weather's comfortable enough, I like to go on a long walk and listen to music. or I just like to take a long hot shower and then lay on my couch and drink tea.
tell me something you like about yourself: I try to be a good friend.
favorite artist? I'm in love with Chiara Bautista and the stories and characters she creates with her art.
how do you practice self-care? not to be annoying, but the term "self-care" has become so amorphous that this could be a lot of things, from going to a therapist to clipping my toenails. I like candles, does that count?
what’s a song that makes you feel joyful?
a book you want to read this year: Wool by Hugh Howey
what advice would you give your younger self? No one thinks you look as bad as you do.
and finally, you’re given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, no strings attached. where are you going? I should list somewhere exciting, but honestly? I think I'd go back to somewhere nostalgic.
tagging! I think many people have already been tagged, so... here are @callivich, @mmmichyyy and anyone else who wants to join!
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doesnotloveyou · 4 months
i come bearing more movie recommendations! some you may have airway seen but some you may have not
- wizards (1977): a film major friend of mine showed this one to me and it is. an experience. you may have actually seen a clip of it floating around on tumblr. a prime example of how animation and cartoons aren't just for children and in this case it is *definitely not for children*.
- the mummy (1999): the movie, the myth, the legend, it defies genre and is a delight the whole way through. 10/10
- paris is burning (1990): an excellent documentary about the mid to late 80s ball culture in new york city and the various minority communities involved in it
- steel magnolias (1989): not actually one of my personal favorites but it is one of my moms. a comedy-drama about a group of women in a southern community and how they deal with the loss of one of their own
- fried green tomatoes (1991): another comedy drama that my mom likes. this one is about intergenerational friendship
- to wong foo, thanks for everything! julie newmar (1995): a movie from the nineties about three drag queens on a road trip who get stranded in a small town. has a very iconic "i am spartacus" moment along with some other very important and emotional moments
- spirit: stallion of the cimarron (2002): in another universe this movie would have made me a horse girl. excellent soundtrack and excellent characters
- the last unicorn (1982): an animated classic with some very iconic moments and very meaningful themes
- atlantis: the lost empire (2001): one of my favorite animated films of all time.
- cats (1998): the superior cats. well worth a watch for the choreography alone
dude, Spirit hit me while I was a horse girl. That movie slapped. Steel Magnolias is better every time I watch it, and no matter what it hurts like hell.
Some of these are on my list, so yay reminders are good, and some I've never heard of! Thanks so much!!!
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theangiediary · 1 year
people you'd like to know better tag thank youu @deanwinchesterpregnant @dyed-red
Last song: Outta Time - Natalia Kills (really the whole Trouble album) ((it IS a Dean song btw))
Currently watching: I've been having a weird time with visual media recently. Saw and disliked Barbie*, saw and loved Steel Magnolias. Very casually trying to get through late seasons spn.
Currently reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It's good, a little slow. A friend recommended it so I'm trying to get through before I see him in a couple weeks so we can talk about it.
Current obsession: uh. Kink, maybe? Honestly I haven't had a good obsession in a minute, I miss it 😔 but I'm exploring that right now. Went to a waxplay workshop earlier this week, camp later in August (if you're a east coaster and know what I'm talking about... Uh hiii 👀). Getting myself so many presents :)
Tagging: I've seen many moots hit already so taking the lame way out and saying: if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
*Barbie critique (don't read it if you liked the movie ok I'm a hater it will just upset you) ⤵️
It was fine, for an ad. By their own admission Mattel has been struggling as a business, so this- along with the theme park they're building- is to create a "Universe" rather than just physical dolls. The in-movie criticism of Mattel doing things for money doesn't it not true. Look at the sheer volume of collabs, commericals, etc that's happening.
(Same with the "if you want to make this point about not being pretty don't hire Margot Robbie!". Like, cute 🙄. You still did though.)
And as a dyke I was irritated by the treatment of 'weird Barbie'. I had bad vibes from the trailer where Kate offered the Birkenstocks as "truth" and the heels as "ignorance". And the other Barbies calling her "broken" bc she "got played with too hard".... making her only role in Dreamland to "fix" other Barbies while being sooo scary..... ew.
Which leads me to something that really irritates me: people calling this movie "queer"! No! Obviously Weird Barbie (played by a lesbian, and since it relies so heavily on star power/meta it's pretty clear what they were doing) treated poorly, and then Alan.. well. I know some Twitter Gays/Bi love to be "ooh I'm so pathetic and scared 🥺" so great rep for them, but the Kens dance being "homoerotic" after immediately following his rampant misogyny, creepiness/sexualization of Barbie, etc is not, in my opinion, good!
The second half overall was just bad. Ferrera's speech was basic (we've been saying that for 40 years. Happy for you if it you took something from it but did nothing for me). Hated the "Girlbossing through playing a bimbo honeypot" 🙄. Sarcastically grateful that Ken thought the patriarchy was horses otherwise he might have put up a fight! And don't even.. listen I was ready for Barbie not to be Confirmed trans/ace/aro, okay I'm not an idiot, put the final moment being a bait and switch- "is she going to a job interview? NO big bright smile for the gynecologist!" made me so angry. They really said "human womanhood is defined by a pussy 🙂 Please still be pretty, hairless, and happy 🙂". Are you kidding me? #feminism ????
A much better film about womanhood, growing up, and mother-daughter relationships and frankly, queer rep, is Steel Magnolias (1989). Hooo boy. Actually cried. Without spoiling it bc you should watch it, the characters actually had personalities, and conflict, and it felt like you could (and would want to) walk right into Truvy's beauty shop and be part of something. Ouiser was my favorite of course.
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Favourite* 50 Movies Seen in 2022
A little later than normal, but hey, it’s never too late to show off my questionable taste in film! Here’s my annual top 50 for you to ignore at your leisure. I feel like this list is particularly unwell, and if I redid think ranking tomorrow, it could be entirely different. Hard to say, honestly.
1. The Last of Sheila (1973)
2. Cabaret (1972)
3. Xanadu (1980)
4. Body Double (1984)
5. Five Easy Pieces (1970)
6. Almost Famous (2000)
7. Savage Streets (1984)
8. Class (1983)
9. Basic Instinct (1992)
10. When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
11. The Godfather (1972)
12. The Ref (1994)
13. The China Syndrome (1979)
14. The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947)
15. Shirley Valentine (1989)
16. Escape From Alcatraz (1979)
17. Road House (1989)
18. Loverboy (1989)
19. Chilly Scenes of Winter (1979)
20. Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
21. Casualties of War (1989)
22. American Gigolo (1980)
23. Licorice Pizza (2021)
24. X (2022)
25. Steel Magnolias (1989)
26. Elvis (2022)
27. Jerry Maguire (1996)
28. FM (1978)
29. Adventures of Don Juan (1948)
30. Confess, Fletch (2022)
31. Cool Runnings (1993)
32. Body Heat (1981)
33. The Body Guard (1992)
34. The Boy Friend (1971)
35. State Fair (1945)
36. The Rain People (1969)
37. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
38. Viy (1967)
39. Oliver! (1968)
40. Shoot the Moon (1982)
41. Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)
42. Nightmare Alley (2021)
43. Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
44. The Power of the Dog (2021)
45. Oliver & Company (1988)
46. Escape From L.A. (1996)
47. No Way Out (1987)
48. Valley of the Dolls (1967)
49. The Little Princess (1939)
50. To Die For (1995)
*Also, an important caveat: Favourite ≠ Best
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of-fear-and-love · 14 days
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Armadillo cake from Steel Magnolias (1989)
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techtow · 7 months
A Tribute to Mother's Love: Quotes, Poems, and Movies
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A mother's love is a force that knows no bounds, a source of warmth and comfort that shapes our lives from the very beginning. In this article, we celebrate the essence of maternal love with heartwarming quotes, touching poems, and a glance at movies that beautifully capture the unique bond between a mother and her child.
Quotes that Embrace Momma's Love:
"A mother's love is endless, a beacon that lights our way in the darkest of nights."
"In the tapestry of life, a mother's love is the most vibrant thread."
"Mom: a title just above queen, a role beyond compare."
"A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible."
"Behind every great person, there's a mother who believed in them first."
Poems to Melt Momma's Heart:
"A Mother's Embrace"
In your arms, I find solace sweet,
A haven where worries and fears retreat.
Your love, a balm for every wound,
In your embrace, joy is always tuned.
"To My Dearest Mom"
Your love, a gentle whisper in the wind,
A constant presence, a guide and a friend.
Through every trial, every joy and strife,
Your love, the melody that shapes my life.
"A Mother's Song"
In the symphony of life, your love's refrain,
A song of comfort in joy or pain.
With every note, a lullaby so sweet,
A mother's love, a melody complete.
Movies Celebrating Motherhood:
"Terms of Endearment" (1983):
A touching film that beautifully portrays the complexities of the mother-daughter relationship, reminding us of the enduring strength of a mother's love.
"Steel Magnolias" (1989):
This film explores the unbreakable bonds of friendship and motherhood, emphasizing the resilience and love that mothers bring to their families.
"The Pursuit of Happyness" (2006):
Based on a true story, this movie showcases a father's unwavering love for his son, underlining the sacrifices and determination that often define a mother's love as well.
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Why a Mother's Love Matters:
A mother's love is a powerful force that shapes our emotional well-being, instills values, and provides a foundation for growth. It is a love that sacrifices, nurtures, and endures. In times of joy, a mother's love celebrates; in times of sorrow, it consoles. The influence of a mother's love resonates throughout our lives, leaving an indelible mark on the people we become.
In the tapestry of our lives, a mother's love is a thread of infinite strength and tenderness. Through the quotes that echo sentiments, the poems that express the unspoken, and the movies that capture the essence, we honor and celebrate the profound impact of a mother's love. It is a force that shapes, guides, and remains a source of comfort—a love that is truly unparalleled.
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tvfavorites · 7 months
Sally Field Says Julia Roberts Was Mistreated By Steel Magnolias Director Herbert Ross
Julia Roberts hit a professional milestone in 1989 with the release of “Steel Magnolias” ― but according to one of her co-stars, she was enduring some behind-the-scenes bullying from the movie’s director, Herbert Ross. In a new interview with New York magazine’s Vulture, Sally Field described Ross being “very, very, very hard” on Roberts while filming the dramedy, which raked in more than $83…
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usagoodnews · 1 year
Leave the World Behind film: A powerful role from Julia Roberts on Netflix
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Leave the World Behind is a film that has drama, and suspense and shows the fears within the characters. The director of this movie is Sam Esmail and this movie is based on the novel Leave the World Behind which has been written by Rumaan Alam. In this, you will see Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Mahershala Ali, and Myha’la Herrold in the lead roles. After watching the trailer, there is suspense in the minds of people about it. Let’s talk about the movie.
“Sometimes, what you’re thinking, it’s not really the truth. It’s only what you’re thinking.” –By Rumaan Alam
Leave the World Behind Movie Story
The movie starts with middle-class white couple Amanda (Julia Roberts) and Clay (Ethan Hawke) in New York City organizing a trip for their young children, Archie and Rose. They decide to rent a luxurious vacation home in a remote area. After reaching the holiday home, the peace of the environment fascinates them and they settle there. Their peaceful vacation is interrupted when an elderly black couple, George and Ruth, knock on their door late at night. George (Mahershala Ali) and Ruth (Myha’La Herold) claim to be the owners of the vacation home and explain that they have fled town due to a sudden blackout.
As they struggle to figure out the situation, emotions between the two families increase as the power blackouts continue. They are afraid and nervous since they have no idea much about what is going on in the outside world. The nervousness and mystery are increased by strange happenings and scary noises outside the house.
Leave the World Behind Movie’s Cast
Julia Roberts
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Born in Smyrna, Georgia, USA, Roberts, whose full name is Julia Fiona Roberts, is an American actress. She received her first Academy Award for her performance in the 1989 film “Steel Magnolias.” Roberts’ career skyrocketed in the 1990 romantic comedy “Pretty Woman.” This film was a huge success at the box office, which established him as a Hollywood star. She has received the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in “Erin Brockovich”. Apart from the Academy Award, he has also been awarded BAFTA and Golden Global Awards. She is so famous in the hearts of people for her acting that she has become the highest-paid actress.
Ethan Hawke
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53-year-old Ethan Hawke was born in Austin, Texas, USA. Apart from being an actor, he is also a writer and director. With a career that includes critically acclaimed roles in films like “Before Sunrise,” “Training Day” and “Boyhood,” Hawke’s talent is undeniable. He has also received four Academy Awards for his excellent performance. He has also written some novels like “The Hottest State” and “Ash Wednesday”. Apart from this, talking about his personal life, he married twice. In the first marriage, he was with Uma Thurman. She is an actress and later has four children with Ryan Shaw Hughes.
Mahershala Ali
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Mahershala Ali, 49, was born in Oakland, California, USA. He is also an actor, rapper, and a lawyer. Ali played the role of Juan in his 2016 movie “Moonlight”, which gave him a different identity and his movie also got an Academy Award. He also won two Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor in the film “Green Book”. He joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe by playing Cottonmouth in the Netflix series “Luke Cage”. He is known as Rapper Ali in music because he also releases his album with the same name. He is known for his best roles in many films, TV series.
Myha’La Herold
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Myha’La Herold, 30, is a British-American actress. She was born in Los Angeles, California (USA). She is well famous for playing strong characters in numerous TV shows in addition to movies. She first gained recognition for playing the powerful role of Harper Stern in the HBO television series “Industry” in 2020. Along with this, she is playing the role of Ruth Washington in the upcoming Netflix series Leave the World Behind in 2023 where she is playing the role of Mahershala Ali’s wife.
FAQs related to Leave the World Behind movie
Q.1:- Who are the main characters in the movie Leave the World Behind?
Ans:- The film primarily follows Amanda (Julia Roberts) and Clay (Ethan Hawke), a middle-aged white couple, and G.H. Washington (Mahershala Ali) and Ruth Washington (Myha’La Herold), an older black couple who own a vacation home. These are the main characters of this film.
Q.2:- What is the significance of the title “Leave the World Behind”?
Ans:- The meaning of “escape from the outside world” is implicit in the title, but it also emphasizes the protagonist’s attempts to escape from his own issues and concerns when faced with an impossible and unbelievable environment. And seeing this the author has named it “Leave the World Behind”.
Q.3:- Where can you watch the movie Leave the World Behind?
Ans:- You can watch this film on Netflix, it will premiere on October 25 on the Netflix platform.
Q.4:- What is the movie Leave the World Behind based on?
Ans:- This movie is based on the novel Leave the World Behind which was written by Rumaan Alam and was published on 6 October 2020.
How did you like the trailer of this movie? If something is missing in our blog that we could not write in this blog then please let us know about it. We will bring change in ourselves.
Thanks for Reading
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dr-archeville · 1 year
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This Friday (August 4th, 2023) night at the Carolina Theatre of Durham, a retro film series double feature:
Sydney Pollack’s Tootsie (1982)
Herbert Ross’ Steel Magnolias (1989)
$12.00 to get in, movies start at 7(-ish).
“Along with the City of Durham, we have made major investments in the Carolina Theatre for the comfort and safety of our guests during our closure,” says Randy McKay, the Carolina Theatre’s President & CEO. “That includes tens of thousands of dollars in new state of the art HVAC upgrades from Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) that remove biohazards, pollen, and other contaminants to make our air as pure — and sometimes purer — than outdoor air.”  The theater has also earned a Global Biorisk Advisory Council® (GBAC) STAR™ accreditation for its cleaning practices to ensure that guests have a safe and enjoyable experience.  “Together, these cleaning practices and advanced air filtration make the Carolina Theatre one of the safest spaces to attend a film or live event in the region,” says McKay.  [source]
Carolina Theatre of Durham 309 W. Morgan St., Durham, NC http://www.carolinatheatre.org/
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Miley Cyrus Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Miley Cyrus Wiki: Miley Ray Cyrus is a well-known American singer, songwriter, and actress from Franklin, Tennessee. She became well-known in 2006 when she played Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel. Her many musical styles and genres, which include pop, country, rock, hip-hop, and more, have won her fans all over the world. Miley Cyrus Wiki Miley Cyrus Personal DetailsMiley Cyrus's Physical Appearance Miley Cyrus's Education Miley Cyrus's Family  Miley Cyrus's Favorite Things Miley Cyrus' Net Worth This is why she was on the Times 100 list in 2008 and 2014 and on Billboard's Greatest of All Time Artists chart in 2019, where she was ranked as the ninth-best Billboard 200 female artist of all time. Her filmography includes starring roles in films such as Bolt (2008), Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009), The Last Song (2010), LOL (2012), and So Undercover (2013), as well as an appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017).
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Miley Cyrus Wiki As a young girl with the nickname Smiley, which was later shortened to Miley, Cyrus attended Heritage Elementary School in Williamson County before her family moved to Los Angeles when she was cast in Hannah Montana. She then went to Options for Youth Charter Schools, where she worked with a private tutor on-site. Now an international sensation with millions of devoted fans, Miley Cyrus continues to strive for success in her many endeavors and passions.
Miley Cyrus Wiki
Full Name Miley Ray Cyrus (Destiny Hope Cyrus)NicknameMiley Cyrus, Smiley Miley, Miley RayDate of Birth23 November 1992SchoolHeritage Elementary School, Tennessee, USA (2001)ProfessionSinger, Songwriter, ActressCategoryActress
Miley Cyrus Personal Details
Age30 years (as of 2023)Profession / OccupationSinger, Songwriter, ActressMother TongueEnglishReligionAtheistNationalityAmericanZodiac SignSagittariusHeight / Weight5 Feet 5 Inches / 48 kgFirst FilmBig Fish (2003)DebutAlbum – Meet Miley Cyrus (2007) Film – Big Fish (2003)Money Factor170 million (US Doller) Miley Cyrus's Physical Appearance Height in Centimeters165cmHeight in Meters1.65 mHeight in Feet Inches5’5″Weight48 kgBody Measurement34-23-33Chest Size33 inchesWaist Size23 inchesHips Size33 inchesEye ColourBlueHair ColourDark Brown Miley Cyrus's Education Education QualificationElementary SchoolSchoolHeritage Elementary School, Tennessee, USA (2001)College / UniversityNot KnownOthersNot Known Miley Cyrus's Family  FatherBilly Ray Cyrus (Famous Country Singer)MotherTish CyrusBrothersTrace CyrusSistersNoah CyrusMarital StatusDivorcedHusbandLiam Hemsworth ​(m. 2018; div. 2020)DaughtersNoneSonsNoneBoyfriends/ AffairsTyler Posey (2000-2002) Dylan Sprouse (2006) Nick Jonas Adam G. Sevani (2009) Thomas Sturges (2008) Justin Gaston (2008-2009) Liam hemsworth (2009-Present) Avan Jogia (2010) Mike Will Made It (2013-2014) Benji Madden (2013) Douglas Booth (2014) Patrick Schwarzanegger (2014-2015) Miley Cyrus's Favorite Things Favorite ColourLime Green and PurpleFavorite ActorNot KnownFavorite ActressAngelina Jolie, Jodie Foster, Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Meryl StreepFavorite FoodPeach Rings, Gummy Worms, Sour Food with the most sugar possibleHobbiesSwimmingFavorite InspirationHilary DuffFavorite MovieHigh School Musical (2006), Steel Magnolias (1989), Titanic (1997), Cars (2006)Favorite PetDogFavorite Car CollectionInfiniti G35 Range Rover Sport Mercedes-Benz ML450 Hybrid 2012 SL550 Convertible 2012 McLaren MP4-12C Porsche CayenneGenresPop. rock.country pop.R&B.experimentalSexual OrientationStraight Miley Cyrus' Net Worth Net Worth160 Million US Doller Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
John Oliver started Last Week Tonight roasting Fox News for the second week in a row. The HBO Max show kicked off by noting that Donald Trump and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg attended the train derailment in Ohio.
However, over on Fox News, Jesse Watters and Rachel Campos-Duffy asked why some personalities had not visited the site in East Palestine.
“Think about environmental activists and corporate America. They weren’t there,” Campos-Duffy said on Fox & Friends Weekend.
The Real World: San Francisco alum continued, “This is an Erin Brockovich moment. There was a blockbuster Oscar-winning film based on something like this.”
Watters added that Brockovich was actually paying a visit to East Palestine with Campos-Duffy asking, “But where is Julia Roberts?”
Oliver’s reaction to the Fox News segment left him confused and asking what they were talking about before educating the television personalities on Roberts’s profession.
“You realize Julia Roberts is an actor, right? She was pretending, she’s not actually Erin Brockovich,” Oliver quipped.
He then added, “Also, I can’t believe I’m the one that has to break this to you… She didn’t actually ruin her best friend’s wedding (My Best Friend’s Wedding), she’s not a sex worker (Pretty Woman) and she did not die in a small Louisiana town in 1989 (Steel Magnolias). What the f*** is wrong with you?”
Oliver didn’t stop roasting conservative media personalities there. In the next segment, he showcased Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Stephen Bannon upset that James O’Keefe was ousted from Project Veritas. Project Veritas is an activist group that targets Democrats, liberals, and the media.
Bannon called O’Keefe a national treasure but Oliver disagreed adding, “The only national treasures in this country are Dolly Parton, Pedro Pascal, and Cocaine Bear. And I’ll say what we’re all thinking – threesome, when?”
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 11.15
American Enterprise Day
America Recycles Day
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Don't Try To Do Everything At Once Day
Dynasty Day (Belgium)
Fast For An Abundant World Harvest
Festival of Total Submission
George Spelvin Day
German Community Day (Belgium)
I Love To Write Day
King's Feast (Belgium)
Leopoldstag (a.k.a. Goose Day; start of Heurigen, new wine season, Austria)
Little Red Wagon Day
More Than One Role Day
National Camp T-Shirt Day
National Entrepreneurship Day
National Family Civility Day
National Philanthropy Day
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pack Your Mom’s Lunch Day
Peace Day (Cote d’Ivoire)
Republic Reclamation Day (Brazil)
Rock Your Mocs Day
Sadie Hawkins Day (Original Date)
Safety Razor Day
Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three; Japan)
Sing in Your Car Day
Steve Irwin Day
TechDay (NYC)
Wendy’s Day
The World Needs More Touch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Bundt Day
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
3rd Tuesday in November
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
Independence Days
Northern Cyprus (from Cyprus, 1983) [partially recognized]
Palestine (Unilaterally declared, 1988)
Feast Days
Abibus of Edessa (Christian; Saint)
Albert the Great (Christian; Saint)
Awkwardly Honest Day (Pastafarian)
Birsa Munda Jayanti (Parts of India)
Caius of Korea (Christian; Blessed)
Descending Day of Lord Buddha (Bhutan)
De Witt (Positivist; Saint)
Didier of Cahors (Christian; Saint)
Eugonius (Christian; Saint)
Francis Asbury and George Whitefield (Episcopal Church)
Gertrude (Christian; Saint)
Gilles de Raid Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh Faringdon (Christian; Blessed)
Leopold III (Christian; Saint) [Lower Austria and Vienna]
Malo (a.k.a. Male or Maclou; Christian; Saint)
Mechell (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Pelican (Muppetism)
Prophet’s Birthday (Mouloud; Shi’a Muslims) [17th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Sigid (Ethiopian Jewish) [Cheshvan 29]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [28 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [52 of 60]
At Last!, by Etta James (Album; 1960)
CrazySexyCool, by TLC (Album; 1994)
Ford v. Ferrari (Film; 2019)
The Great Hunt, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #2]
Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds, by the Yardbirds (Album; 1965)
Licensed to Ill, by the Beastie Boys (Album; 1985)
Love Me Tender (Film; 1956) [Elvis Presley #1]
Offering (a.k.a. Ticket to Ride), by The Carpenters (Album; 1969)
Saturday Night Fever, by the Bee Gees (Soundtrack Album; 1977)
Somebody To Love, recorded by Jefferson Airplane (Song; 1966)
Space Jam (Animated Film; 1996)
Steel Magnolias (Film; 1989)
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, by The Fireman (Album; 1993) [Paul McCartney]
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine (Austria)
Albert, Berto, Paulin, Sidonija (Croatia)
Leopold (Czech Republic)
Leopold (Denmark)
Vaige, Vaigi, Vaike, Vaiki (Estonia)
Janette, Janika, Janina, Janita (Finland)
Albert, Arthur, Léopold, Malo, Victoire (France)
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine, Nikolaus (Germany)
Albert, Lipót (Hungary)
Alberto (Italy)
Leopolds, Lipsts, Unda, Undīne (Latvia)
Albertas, Leopoldas, Vaidilas, Žadvydė (Lithuania)
Oddfrid, Oddvar (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Artur, Artus, Idalia, Leopold, Leopoldyna, Przybygniew, Roger (Poland)
Leopold (Slovakia)
Alberto, Eugenio, Leopoldo (Spain)
Leopold (Sweden)
Leopold, Leopolda, Leopoldo, Leopoltine, Talia, Thalia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 319 of 2022; 46 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 22 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 20 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 19 Mir; Foursday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 November 2022
Moon: 58%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Frederic (12th Month) [De Witt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 54 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 24 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 11.15
American Enterprise Day
America Recycles Day
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Don't Try To Do Everything At Once Day
Dynasty Day (Belgium)
Fast For An Abundant World Harvest
Festival of Total Submission
George Spelvin Day
German Community Day (Belgium)
I Love To Write Day
King's Feast (Belgium)
Leopoldstag (a.k.a. Goose Day; start of Heurigen, new wine season, Austria)
Little Red Wagon Day
More Than One Role Day
National Camp T-Shirt Day
National Entrepreneurship Day
National Family Civility Day
National Philanthropy Day
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pack Your Mom’s Lunch Day
Peace Day (Cote d’Ivoire)
Republic Reclamation Day (Brazil)
Rock Your Mocs Day
Sadie Hawkins Day (Original Date)
Safety Razor Day
Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three; Japan)
Sing in Your Car Day
Steve Irwin Day
TechDay (NYC)
Wendy’s Day
The World Needs More Touch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Bundt Day
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
3rd Tuesday in November
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
Independence Days
Northern Cyprus (from Cyprus, 1983) [partially recognized]
Palestine (Unilaterally declared, 1988)
Feast Days
Abibus of Edessa (Christian; Saint)
Albert the Great (Christian; Saint)
Awkwardly Honest Day (Pastafarian)
Birsa Munda Jayanti (Parts of India)
Caius of Korea (Christian; Blessed)
Descending Day of Lord Buddha (Bhutan)
De Witt (Positivist; Saint)
Didier of Cahors (Christian; Saint)
Eugonius (Christian; Saint)
Francis Asbury and George Whitefield (Episcopal Church)
Gertrude (Christian; Saint)
Gilles de Raid Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh Faringdon (Christian; Blessed)
Leopold III (Christian; Saint) [Lower Austria and Vienna]
Malo (a.k.a. Male or Maclou; Christian; Saint)
Mechell (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Pelican (Muppetism)
Prophet’s Birthday (Mouloud; Shi’a Muslims) [17th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Sigid (Ethiopian Jewish) [Cheshvan 29]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [28 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [52 of 60]
At Last!, by Etta James (Album; 1960)
CrazySexyCool, by TLC (Album; 1994)
Ford v. Ferrari (Film; 2019)
The Great Hunt, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #2]
Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds, by the Yardbirds (Album; 1965)
Licensed to Ill, by the Beastie Boys (Album; 1985)
Love Me Tender (Film; 1956) [Elvis Presley #1]
Offering (a.k.a. Ticket to Ride), by The Carpenters (Album; 1969)
Saturday Night Fever, by the Bee Gees (Soundtrack Album; 1977)
Somebody To Love, recorded by Jefferson Airplane (Song; 1966)
Space Jam (Animated Film; 1996)
Steel Magnolias (Film; 1989)
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, by The Fireman (Album; 1993) [Paul McCartney]
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine (Austria)
Albert, Berto, Paulin, Sidonija (Croatia)
Leopold (Czech Republic)
Leopold (Denmark)
Vaige, Vaigi, Vaike, Vaiki (Estonia)
Janette, Janika, Janina, Janita (Finland)
Albert, Arthur, Léopold, Malo, Victoire (France)
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine, Nikolaus (Germany)
Albert, Lipót (Hungary)
Alberto (Italy)
Leopolds, Lipsts, Unda, Undīne (Latvia)
Albertas, Leopoldas, Vaidilas, Žadvydė (Lithuania)
Oddfrid, Oddvar (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Artur, Artus, Idalia, Leopold, Leopoldyna, Przybygniew, Roger (Poland)
Leopold (Slovakia)
Alberto, Eugenio, Leopoldo (Spain)
Leopold (Sweden)
Leopold, Leopolda, Leopoldo, Leopoltine, Talia, Thalia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 319 of 2022; 46 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 22 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 20 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 19 Mir; Foursday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 November 2022
Moon: 58%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Frederic (12th Month) [De Witt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 54 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 24 of 31)
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