abyssmalice · 2 years
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“The only person I respect in this room is myself.” She’s pointing at her twin.
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ahogedetective · 2 years
ren was a serious guy, at least on reasonable times, and this was one of the most reasonable moments to text shuichi a picture of a box of sardine cans that were on one of the tables of leblanc following with a message that says: { TXT to: tuna_sushi. } - i swear on my dad's sardines. { TXT to: tuna_sushi. } - and they'r fresh <3
(i told u i was gonna send this aslkdaslkmd)
Shuichi was relaxing on his bed with a book, when he got a text notification. "Oh...?" Picking up his phone and seeing it was from Ren, made him curiously hum: "Ah, it's Amamiya..." ...Until he saw the actual messages and photo attachment of the sardine can box... "....kun...?" He is now, very baffled.....even moreso when he reads the texts in full. "????? What in the world did this boy just send me." And so, he replies back:
{ Txt: Amamiya-kun } ???????????
{ Txt: Amamiya-kun } Um. What? What in the world are you talking about.... and how long were you waiting to use those sardine cans to come up with that...
{ Txt: Amamiya-kun } But um, I'm glad to hear they're fresh, at least!! Oh my god.
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Sometimes he really does wonder about that boy's thought process....
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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      @stellarmagnus​      //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
" you got something on your face, lotus flower. " cyno says as he reaches his hand to gently touch nilou's face before letting out a soft breath as he approaches and licks the remaining of food on her face. " mm... it's sweet. or is it your natural taste? " ( imagine him trying to flirt with the most neutral face ever-- )
       ( can continue / reblog )
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   Having just finished her lunch for the day perhaps she had been a tad rushed  -  telling herself she shouldn’t take up too much of his time when she  knew  he was busy  -  but his gentle touch was what brought the redhead from her momentary distraction.
   Bright azure eyes blinked up toward him at first,  watching curiously as he took it upon himself to clean crumbs from her face,  rewarding her beloved Jackal with the sight of flushed cheeks and a hand coming to rest upon his chest.
   “ Cy - Cyno ... ”  The dancer’s voice was little more than a soft murmur,  lashes falling to half cover eyes as she found herself leaning just that little bit closer.  “ I mean ,  if you wished ...  You could find out ,  you know ? ”
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frcsthearted · 2 years
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      @stellarmagnus​    //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
Arlecchino wasn't the type to openly display affection, no, she was the type to be more discrete and move in the darkness... that's how you get anyone in the palm of your hand. For that reason alone, she brought the sweet agent into her office, behind closed doors she placed a few kisses onto her cheeks... hand holding her shoulder and giving soft marks with her nails before the lord smirked in amusement. " You love this sort of thing, don't you? I'm willing to give it to you... if you're willing to give yourself to me. What do you say? " And with that, Arlecchino kissed Yulia's lips with nothing but dominance, a silent yell of 'mine'... well, yulia can be hers... Arlecchino will never deny her precious little bird. ( KISSU! :3c )  
   ( can continue / reblog )
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   For just how long had she quietly watched the Harbinger from afar ?  Truthfully,  Yulia hadn’t bothered counting the years that had passed,  but to think that she might earn the favour of the very woman she’d pined after ...  It felt so surreal.
   The thought that she would be the one on the receiving end of such sweet affection seemed like nothing more than a dream,  yet she relished in all of it,  drunk it in as if these rare moments were what kept her  breathing  as she leaned into Arlecchino’s touch.  Where some might have flinched away from the sensation of nails digging into skin,  Yulia most certainly did not.
        “ I ... I would gladly do anything you ask ... ”  
   And just like that any further words were silenced,  body all but melting into the Harbinger’s touch in a plea for more affection  -  for more kisses.  She’d do  anything  if it meant she could please her.
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adversaryss · 2 years
Anthon wasn't so sure what he could give his big brother for a gift, the little rascal wanted to be more daring with his gift this year and decided to go on an adventure of his own and tell everything in a letter, so that it would be his turn to have something to tell his big brother aside from the disgraces that has been happening as of late.
"Dear Big Brother Aias, Happy birthday! Me, Sis Tonia and Teucer plan to bake you a delicious cake when you return, well, mainly me will be baking because I don't want Tonia overdoing since she plans to make a whole decoration for you.
Anyways, I'm sending this letter because I didn't really have a gift planned for you... I know you still have the narwhal plush I made for you but it's not really something you can carry up and down everywhere you go. So! I decided to go on an adventure and record everything in this letter, so that it's my turn to tell you a story. No, I'm not leaving Snezhnaya in a ship like Teucer did before you start worrying. "
The next few pages of the later are detailed writings of Anthon adventures through Snezhnaya, some had drawings in them and other were just about his discoveries in the forests. The last page of the letter read as follows:
" You're worrying about me finding big opponents, aren't you? You always worry so much. I did get stopped by some treasure hoarders once, but then Grampy Nella appeared and they all ran away like scared cats. He told me to go home since my adventure has been going for a few days now... I don't know how long he has been watching me wander around, but, he's right. So, I'm going home now.
Well, that should be it of my adventure through our nation... I'm also sending you a bear plushie I made it myself, Teucer insisted so, consider it a gift from us. Happy Birthday again... and come home soon. I love you, big brother. Hope you liked our gifts, if not, I'll come up with another adventure but even more far away... just kidding.
with love, anthon. "
( sorry it's too long but anthon demanded sklamdalks )
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"Goodness..." Aias puts down the last page of the letter with a relieved sigh and smooths out the pages carefully on his desk. They'd become slightly crinkled at parts from him gripping them a little too tightly. Despite the childish narration, the fact that this really happened to his precious little brother makes this particular tale more anxiety-inducing than any other story he's ever read.
After all, Aias hadn't had to leave home on a ship to find trouble at that age. All it had really taken was a single night of running through the woods, one misstep, and a long fall.
But things are different now. He rereads the passage about 'Grampy Nella' with a smile. Looks like that old geezer really did keep his word about looking out for his family. Honestly, that's the best present he could have asked for. There's nothing he can do to change the past. The future of his family is what's important.
The aforementioned bear plushie has been sitting on the edge of his desk, watching him read, and the color of the fur and slightly surly expression remind him so much of Anthon, he can't help but address it as such.
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"Ahh... You're growing up so fast, Antosha. Pretty soon, you'll be going on even grander adventures, won't you?" Aias reaches out with one finger to poke its squishy belly. "Wanderlust really does lead to nothing but troubles... so I suppose I'll just have to make sure you're not slacking on your sword lessons when I see you next. Haha~"
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ahogedetective · 2 years
@stellarmagnus replied to your post: ""Ren was a serious guy, at least on..."" ren vc: i sent that to akechi but he said he's //this// close of blocking me ; - ; ( lsakmdlksa )
GFGFG Shuichi vc: 'yeah I can kind of see why. -_-'
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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     @stellarmagnus​ ​    //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
alveen touched his lady's shoulders gently while sneaking behind her, it has been a long while (probably not as long as he makes it out to be, but for him it's a lot.) since he got to enjoy some fun with tsubaki and a guy like him can't last long without attention her craves. " hey, milady... " he purred as he massaged her shoulders. " is it a bad moment? i would like a tiny bit of your attention,  if  you  know  what  i  mean~ "
( can continue / reblog )
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   She knew exactly what she was doing.  As much as she craved his attention in turn,  it was important for her to put forth the occasional  test  -  to see just how devoted to her he truly was.  And he  never  disappointed.  A soft hum of approval sounded from the vixen as tails moved to wrap themselves around him Alveen,  body pressing back against his own as a hand came to run through his hair.
   “ My darling ...  What am I going to do with you ~? ”  Tsubaki giggled,  head turning toward him before a kiss met the tip of his nose.  “ My entire night is yours ...  So tell me what it is you desire and I’ll spoil you ~ ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
   @stellarmagnus​ :   cyno,  right  away:  “  yes.  ”
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   “ Then is my dearest General Mahamatra free right now ~? ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
   @stellarmagnus​ :   cyno vc: what for?
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   “ Must someone have a reason to want to give gifts ?  Besides , ”  There was a pause as he took a moment to tuck the flower behind the ear of his headdress.  “ It reminded me of you when I saw it .  A flower that blooms most brilliantly in adverse conditions .  Suits you ,  no ? ”
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ahogedetective · 2 years
" i-i'm not asleep... i'm closing my eyes... " koyoshi mumbles as he tries to keep watching danganronpa with seiichi... yet, the exhaustion was stronger than him this time...
"Uhh, isn't that what you do when you're about to go to sleep?" Teases Seiichi with a snicker as he pokes his cheek. He of course could tell that Koyoshi was starting to nod off, but he couldn't blame him; after all, it was nearing 3am. While he didn't feel as tired as Koyoshi to the point of nodding off, exhaustion had caught up to him, too. And he wouldn't want Koyoshi to just go to sleep by himself, so he thought: this was a nice time to call it a night.
"Come, come..." Seiichi proceeds to stand up. Then, he leans down to hook his arms under Koyoshi's knees and back, and lifts him up. "Don't overdo it now, okay? I'm happy that you were willing to stay up this late with me, again. You're the best." Smiling warmly down at him, he leans in and gives him a kiss, as he walks over to the bed. Once he laid him down, Seiichi climbs in right after. He shuts the TV off, places the blanket over them... and then holds Koyoshi close against him, emitting a soft sigh in content as his chin rests partially on top of Koyoshi's head. "Ahh, there we go... That was a really fun marathon, wasn't it? No matter how many times I rewatch season 22's episodes, they never get old! Especially when I can experience them again with you."
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A hand reaches to to gently comb his fingers through Koyoshi's hair, humming at how smooth and soft it feels. "Hey, let's hang out in the main district tomorrow, go to our favorite restaurant and mall! I heard they got some new stuff at the anime store we always go to, and you must perform your task of holding me back." He jokes with a laugh. "Really though... let's have the most fun weekend as we always do. So, let's get in a good sleep; goodniiight, Koyo-chan! And let's continue from where we left off tomorrow night! That's when it'll reaaally get good, hehehe..." Pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, he begins nuzzling him. As always, he was looking forward to yet another fun day, with Koyoshi.
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ahogedetective · 2 years
Kokichi places a small smooch on Shuichi's nose before dashing off. " Catch me for more kisses, detective~♥ " ( KAAAY, HIII!!!! )
"Ahee-!" Is the soft, but delighted noise Shuichi squeaks out in surprise when Kokichi pecks his nose. "Y-You're so cute, hehe....ah!!" Just as he was about to kiss him right back, he sees Kokichi dash off.
"H-Hey, wait! Kokichi!!" Then at his boyfriend's little challenge to catch him if he wants more kisses, well: the detective could not possibly ignore such a worthy award. And so, he doesn't hesitate for a second longer before he takes off after Kokichi.
"Ahaha, geez, I can't believe you! At least let me kiss you back before you run! But I'll have you know, I'm pretty fast, myself. And when I do catch you, I won't let you go until you give me as many kisses as I want, and giving you just as many back; so you'd better prepare yourself...!"
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He laughs, loudly and lively; that kind of laugh that was usually rare to hear from the boy, but Kokichi drew it out so easily from him. That, and this unrestrained, playful side of him, as Shuichi carefully avoided smacking into any objects and walls as he ran after Kokichi as fast as he could. “A-Ahaha, get back here, youuuuu....!” Because the very moment he does catch him, he absolutely will ‘attack’ his face with many kisses.
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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      @stellarmagnus​​​​        //   unprompted  ( always accepting )
Cyno places a soft kiss on top of Nilou's head, placing his hands around her waist as he had her on his lap. " ...I know it has been a while since I last visited... but, I promise I'm not hurt. " But, even if he were... he knew she would take care of him to the best of her abilities. " ...Did you practice your dance? I would... love to see it. "
  ( can continue / reblog )
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   Even if he’d truly not been gone  that  long,  there was no denying that being in his arms once more was what managed to bring her a sense of ease  -  at least for a bit.  Hands of her own slowly ran along his arms,  giving a small squeeze to his biceps as she inched just a little closer.
   “ I ...  May have a little something I was preparing for ,  truthfully . ”  Nilou murmured,  forehead coming to rest against his own before lips came to meet his.  “ Though it’s something that is meant for your eyes only .  If ...  If you don’t mind ,  of course . ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
          @stellarmagnus​   //     cyno
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   No matter how often the two were able to spend nights together,  it hardly felt like enough.  Perhaps Nilou was becoming selfish,  wanting for so much of Cyno’s time when she knew he had important assignments,  and yet ...  That night in particular the dancer felt restless.
   Quiet steps carried her through the small abode,  slender arms coming to rest around the jackal’s shoulders from behind as cheek nuzzled against his temple  -  a quiet request for his attention as the chill of the desert night began to settle in.
   “ Cyno , ”  The dancer began,  voice filled with gentle adoration.  “ Come with be for a little swim ?  I know there’s an oasis nearby ~ ”
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ahogedetective · 2 years
Tagged by: @nulltune THANK YOU!!! ♥♥♥
Tagging: @stellarmagnus​ @somemindsatwork​ @crushedmystars​ @eternitycyber​ @oopsiliedagain​ @phantomuheist​ @upbeatpianist​ @cntrldvil​ @earthssprout​ @belovedblossoms​ aaaand anybody else who would like to do this~!
Pink Character
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Pink characters are generally sweet and nice people who care about their friends deeply. They don’t often chose to be a part of the action, but instead get swept up in it almost against their will. They often aren’t fully equipped for the situations that are thrown at them, and can have a lot of feelings of inadequacy as a result. They don’t tend to be fighters, often preferring learning and discovery to anything else. They will go along with risky plans in order to help their group of friends or organization that they’re close to, but they’re generally terrified of whatever they’re doing. They are lighthearted and have a good sense of humor, fun to banter with but finding it hard to be genuinely mean to others. They are pretty emotional and sensitive, which turns out to be one of their greatest strengths. They have a lot of emotional maturity and are good at recognizing others’ needs.
They are one of the voices of reason amongst a group of often impulsive people, which manifests itself in ways that others might dismiss as paranoia. (It is in some ways, but their fear of what might go wrong is also a crucial step to making the planning process so sound.) Even around people who care about them, they can tend to be the butt of the joke, and don’t have healthy boundaries to stop it. As they grow, they don’t necessarily become less fearful, but they do have a stronger sense of courage to get through their fears. They are compassionate friends and often do small things to show that they are thinking of the people are around them. They are dependable and trustworthy and a good ally to have. Pink characters need people around them who won’t mock them for being sensitive or having fears, but will validate their feelings and encourage them to overcome their doubts about themselves. They need their boundaries to be encouraged and respected, and for others not to pressure them into doing something they’ve said no to.
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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        @stellarmagnus​     //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
cyno was never the type to thing too much about someone for too long unless they were a threat that needed to be taken care of, but... she... the girl who celebrates every year the anniversary of the lesser lord kusanali, the girl who dances oh-so-gracefully every year. ever since she caught his attention ( which is quite a rare occurance ), he found himself drawn to her.
each time they talked, as little as it was, he found himself coming back and learning more about her... she wasn't common at all, she was what normal logic and wisdom cannot answer, she was an emotional discovery for cyno who never once felt such things before.
before he knew, he found himself being more comfortable around her and dropping his guard a lot more... despite his usual deadpan every day, he couldn't frown when he was around her. in fact, his expression always softened whenever he found a padisarah laying around and remembering of her right away...
and today, when coming back from his trip to the desert, he visited the bazaar ( which was mostly empty due to the hour ), and when he spotted her there, he walked closer and handed her a single padisarah flower. " i saw it when making my way back to the city, i thought you might like it since you always speak so fondly of it. " initially he didn't think it was a romantic gesture, but now... ah, he's looking away... not embarrassed or at least his face doesn't show it so, but he sort of is on the inside. ( have a heem ♥ )
( can continue / reblog )
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   There was no denying the fact that Nilou found him to be a curious man,  one that quickly earned both her respect and concern.  He was so serious,  so closed - off from all of those around him ...  Part of her truly wondered why,  what had caused him to end up this way ...  But she knew much better than to pry into another’s business.
   Yet the more she saw him,  the more often they spent time together,  the dancer found herself becoming increasingly more enamoured with the mysterious man.  The one so many held equal parts fear and respect for was a sweet man,  in truth,  simply  misunderstood  in a way.
   Seeing him approach her was hardly anything new by now  -  in fact it was almost expected,  given how well she had come to know his schedule  -  but to be gifted with one of her favourite flowers ...  Now  this  was something new.
   Bright sapphire orbs blinked up at him curiously at first,  delicate hands taking the offered blossom only for light,  quiet steps to carry her forward,  lips pressing a feather soft kiss against Cyno’s cheek before a smile settled into place
   “ It’s beautiful ...  Thank you ! ”  Ah,  Nilou was practically glowing with delight.  “ I’ll take good care of it ,  especially since ...  It was a gift from the sweetest man I know ~ ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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         @stellarmagnus​​     //      unprompted  ( always accepting )
when she received a letter in her bedroom inviting her for a romantic dinner, celine was skeptical at first and thought maybe it was one of the immature pranks from the other harbingers in attempt to get her distracted from her research... but, when she read it a second time she noticed the unique handwriting belonging to the man she loves, not only that but the awkward writing as if not knowing how to properly invite her made it very obvious it was him and not someone pretending to be him.
" silly nikolai... "
putting on her best wine-colored dress and allowing her long hair to be free from the bun she always wore, celine headed to the meeting spot and when her eyes spotted him, no one else but him... she found herself finally getting rid of her frown and smiling. the puppet that carried her stopped its tracks and had her be on his height, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips lovingly.
" for a moment i thought this was some sort of prank from tartaglia's to try and pick a fight... but, guess you really decided to make my night all the better, hm...? " she kissed him one more time. " i ran out of compliments to give already... but, you're breath-taking... i love it.  definitely  worth  making  a  puppet  out  of...  "
     ( can continue / reblog )
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   He knew this was all out of character for him,  sending letters to ask for her presence,  but with how work had been keeping the pair apart ...  All Nikolai knew was that he  needed  to see her.  He needed to be with the woman that helped him see the good in life again.
   So he had waited to see if his note reached her safely,  shoulders briefly relaxing as crimson gaze fell upon her  -  usually stern features giving way to one that reflected only warmth and gentleness as he welcomed his beautiful puppeteer close,  sliding her off her perch to instead hold Celine securely in his arms.
   “ Forgive me for the ...  Strange approach this time ,  Celine . ”  Nikolai apologised,  lips finding her own yet again  -  as if it were she that served as the source for the very air he breathed.  Did she know just how deeply he loved her ?  How he would give anything for these moments to become their daily ?
   Forehead came to rest against her own as he simply carried her away from her puppet,  seating himself upon nearby sofa only to place his beloved upon his lap only to shower her with a series of slow,  loving kisses,  guiding her as close as he could while hands took the opportunity to trace along her back.
   “ I missed you ,  Celine ...  More than you can imagine ... ”
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