#stellewrites asks
stellewriites · 13 days
Thank you! Absolute bullshittery indeed :/
like!!! so ridiculous!! 🤷‍♀️
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Do you know of any bank robbery fics? Like either one of them getting caught in it?
Sure, @capturemymystery!
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steal my breath away by stilinskisparkles
(4/4 I 4,454 I Teen I Sterek)
This is the worst organised robbery I’ve ever seen,” Derek comments as he begrudgingly does as he’s told.
“Nobody asked you,” Stiles huffs.
Fairy Tales Aren't Just For Children, Detective. by DeannaEmrys
(5/? I 4,853 I Not Rated I Sterek)
The 'Silver Wolves' have been successfully robbing banks, (and occasionally killing people), for a little over a year and Detectives Hale and Reyes-Boyd are getting nowhere trying to catch them.
So when Derek literally bumps into gorgeous, loud mouth Stiles-justStilesReallyMyNamesIsPracticallyChildAbuse, in a dive bar outside town and the answers begin to fall into his lap, he can't quite believe his luck.
Of course, that's when things really start to get complicated.
Too Good to be True by stellewrites
(1/1 I 5,256 I Teen I Steter)
“This is a big fucking job, Ali,” Stiles said tiredly as he looked over the blueprints for the banks. “I’ll be doing you more than a favour if I do this. It’s peak time for tourists, so that means that cops are going to be more alert than usual. We won’t have much time.”
“So, you’re in?” She confirmed.
“Yeah, I’m in,” he said
“Who the fuck actually robs a bank in Las Vegas?” Peter murmured, feeling hysterical when he saw the masked group spread around the bank.
Peter's on holiday with his friends in Las Vegas when he gets caught up in a bank robbery. One of the robbers has really pretty eyes - not that Peter noticed...
Keep It Together by ravingrevolution
(1/1 I 23,129 I Teen I Sterek)
“What if I guess what you are?” Derek asked.
Stiles sighed. “Why do you even think there’s something to guess?”
Derek cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re taking a cold bath and showing no signs of being chilled. A normal human would be shivering by now and your body temperature hasn’t dropped at all.”
Which, okay, fair point.
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What Are Years; Just Trips Around the Sun
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43755846
by stellewrites
No one had ever caught alpha Stiles' eye, until one day when he bumped into omega Peter while he babysat his nephew Derek. There was an instant connection, fireworks, music, wedding bells...
It was a shame that Peter didn't feel the same way - Stiles never had been good with first impressions after all.
Hopefully, he could change Peter's opinion of him.
  “Wait, the guy was called Stiles?” Rich asked. “As in Stilinski?”
  “Oh, baby brother you have hit the jackpot,” Talia joked, nudging Peter teasingly and avoiding his irritated swat of the hand. “How the hell have you managed to get the Sheriff’s son interested while you were playing at the park with Der?”
  “I'm naturally welcoming and charming,” Peter said deadpan. “And it doesn’t matter anyway, because he’s not courting me and I'm not interested.”
 "Pfft, sure, Peter."
Words: 3130, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Talia Hale, Lydia Martin, Sheriff Stilinski, Original Hale Character(s)
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Stiles Stilinski, Omega Peter Hale, Aged-Up Stiles Stilinski, De-Aged Peter, De-Aged Peter Hale, they start at like 23 and 27 respectively but the fic is over a few years so, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Slow Burn, Good Peter Hale, Sassy Peter Hale, Sane Peter Hale, Peter Hale-centric, courting, Friends to Lovers, Wooing, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Lack of Communication, Self Confidence Issues, its honestly very lighthearted, inexperienced peter hale, Role Reversal, Happy Ending, other characters mentioned as well as side ships, peters a little bit sensitive like he'll, blow a fuse on a ahir trigger kind of thing, bc he doesnt want to be hurt, SO, Out of Character, or a t least different bc this is a different situation to what we've seen of them in show, so ofc theyre gonna be different sadjas, im also gonna say, kinda in that the power dynamic is different to, how ive read and written them before, but i think at their cores they're the same and recognisable as their characetrs
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43755846
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fictionescapism · 2 years
Fanfic Rec #126 Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Naberrie Blooms by zombified419 Some may think it odd that a flower shop could be run by a Jedi - Luke disagrees. “Luke,” Luke blurts, all semblance of calm he had been working to maintain gone. He fumbles to tuck some of his hair behind his ear as a distraction before he tries again. “My name is Luke.” Luke doesn’t tell him he’s the only one that runs the shop with his droid. There’s no need to ask for him,  ever,  but Luke wants him to. The Mandalorian nods again. “Thank you.” Then, almost a forced afterthought: “Luke.” After, he’s gone, the bell tinkling over the door and sunlight shining off the polished armor as he steps out. Luke leans over the counter, stretching to catch a glimpse of the man again before the crowds of Galactic City swallow him from sight.
dinluke lawyer au by spqr At 1:18 a.m., just when Luke is starting to think he might’ve gotten away with something, Biggs Darklighter shows up on the other side of his desk and says, “I can’t believe you called in sick to get shotgun married to a Mando.”
Where There's a Will There's a Way by xiaq Luke walks straight to Din and Din suddenly feels like he should be doing something with his hands. “Hi,” he says. “Hi,” Luke agrees, grinning. “So. I didn’t get your name, before. Grogu just calls you ‘Daddy’ in his head but I’m assuming I should call you something else.” Din chokes a little. ***** This is basically an Accidental Warlord Din Djarin fic in which Din plays the role of reluctant DILF leader with a heart of gold and Luke plays the role of initially distrusted twink who quickly becomes beloved by all (especially said warlord). The Mandalorians are like, "we've only had Luke Skywalker for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
What Could Be by stellewrites “Leia,” Luke interrupted softly, not backing down when his sister’s ire was targeted at him. “I’ll do it.”  ”Luke,” she began to protest.  “No, listen. What other option do we have? We can’t send for another fighter, not in time and not anyone that can spare the time for this,” he argued. “You know this is our best shot.”  His lightsaber felt heavy on his belt beneath his cloak as the Mandalorian in silver stepped forward to face him. OR Luke's scrappy and hot and Din is ready to propose ASAP.
A Negotiation of Supply and Demand by ShyOwl The Rebellion is close to winning the war against the Empire…but they cannot earn victory without help. In desperation they reach out to the powerful Mandalorian system, hoping to find some partnership to end the tyranny once and for all. All negotiations have been met with silence. Until one Luke Skywalker sends a final, pleading message to their king for help. Now, they have a response and a start to a partnership of supply and demand…starting with Luke coming to Mandalore instantly to serve the king’s every whim.
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ascottywrites · 5 years
The Steter List --Tails
  After I realized that the last post was getting pretty long (what does that say about me?) I decided to split it up into two parts Sterek and Steter, so that it’s easier to deal with and not as possibly overwhelming...here’s that Steter half! 
         --Steter a.k.a Stiles Stilinski/ Peter Hale--
  *a.k.a. The ship that makes me rethink life
Something Powerful Between Your Thighs by Bunnywest (Complete: 4/4| 18,595) --Steter/ --Biker!Peter
Someone’s actually replied.Fuck.
I’ll give you what you need, pretty boy. And you can call me Sir.
The hairs on the back of Stiles’s neck prickle at that, and his dick throbs. He clicks on the profile and the picture that pops up is UN-FUCKING-FAIR. Jesus Christ on a bicycle, nobody should look like that. The man’s staring into the camera, a smile that’s almost a sneer on his face. And what a face it is. Intense blue eyes, cheekbones like cut glass, and a strong jawline covered in the perfect amount of stubble. His neck, what Stiles can see of it, is thickly muscled, and Stiles can see the beginnings of a tattoo that travels down. There’s the tiniest scattering of grey at his temples, and Stiles breathes out, “Oh yes, Sir,” as he drinks in the details on the profile.
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest (Complete: 21/21| 54,900) --Steter
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
The Wild Card by Bunnywest for Rainy182 (Complete: 1/1| 10,799) --Steter
It's courting season, and for Omega Stiles, that means he has a month to choose who he's going to spend his heat with. He didn't think he'd have many suitors to choose from, but apparently he was wrong. It's a good thing he has Derek's uncle Peter to guide him.
Ink Blossoms by Triangulum (Complete: 1/1| 24,501) --Steter/ Tattooed!Peter 
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it.
"Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
"Right, messing with a hormonal pregnant woman seems like a great plan."
"To be fair, her fiance and the father of her baby is my ex-boyfriend," Peter says. "And we weren't broken up when they started 'dating'."
Stiles looks up at him in surprise. "And you're still getting her flowers?" he asks.
"It's under duress, I assure you," Peter says. He absolutely wouldn't be here if his alpha hadn't ordered it.
"Well, shit, yeah, let's get you some purple revenge flowers," Stiles says.
smoke & bone (mistletoe & fang) by rightsidethru (Complete: 1/1|  3,075) --Steter 
Deaton once told Stiles to be that spark. He never fully explained what that meant, however. (It was intentional.)
Lie to me (I like them pretty and white) by orphan_account (Complete: 8/8| 12,577) --Steter 
Fact number one: Only true mates can have kids together.Fact number two: Peter had a mate, who was pregnant with twins when he died in the fire.
When Stiles tells him he’s pregnant, he... well, it doesn't really go according to plan.
Stiles wakes up in the hospital. He’s alone, a packed overnight bag beside him brought by his dad probably... and he doesn’t really have a reason to stay, so he grabs it and runs.
/look at end notes for TWs/
*I still think this one is a cute little ditty. 
Til Death by Bunnywest (Complete: 10/10| 50,770) --Steter 
"How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks.
“Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is.
“He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her.
The camps……aren’t camps.
Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
*I'm not really a fan of female!Stiles, no particular reason, just not my cuppa. But this one I enjoyed all the way to the end! Intro to Ethics by thegirlnamedcove (Complete: 8/8| 18,061) --Steter 
"The universe isn’t wrong about this stuff, the soulmate spell is ironclad, and that means you know this is going to work out. That’s something people don’t get with friends, or dating around.”
“Sure, people say that,” Stiles gestured at the mark where his arm was now stretched out along the back of the couch, “but we don’t actually have any way of knowing. None of us signed up for this. The Ancestors just decided to bestow it upon us and we all have to live with it. Maybe it’s not magic compatibility after all, maybe people just learn to live with one another because everyone around them is telling them to.”
In Sickness and in Fire by wynnebat for Green (Complete: 1/1| 7,320) --Steter 
After a fight with an alpha from a rival pack, Stiles begins to turn. It doesn't go as expected.
*Despite the villan-esque portrayal and the Satan in a V-neck tag, there is a large part of me that believes that if Resurrected!Peter got the opportunity he would be that guy you want to have your back. Puppies and Programming by Bunnywest (Complete: 12/12| 17,012) --Steter 
Stiles is rich, successful, and lonely.
Buying a Halebot Personal Support Bot seems like a great idea. A human-like robot that can read and respond to his desires and is perfectly sexually compatible, and doubles as a bodyguard? Sign him the fuck up. And it's perfect, at first. But then the P3Tr develops a glitch. Feelings.
Gentleman 'verse by Bunnywest (on-going series) --Steter 
Stiles is an omega who just wants to be courted properly, and needs someone to help him though his upcoming heat.
Peter's the alpha who thinks he'd quite like to help out.
Things don't quite go as planned, but they still work out exactly as they should.
*Is it obvious that I have a special appreciation for Bunnywest?... Like is it too noticeable? Ha! 
Worn Out Shoes by moonstalker24 (Complete: 28/28| 96,763) --Steter 
When the dead rise, and the world comes to an end, the McCall Pack must learn to live in this new world, or die in the attempt. This is the story of the end, and of the year that follows.
*I found this origionally for the Accidental Baby Aquisition tag. ...I love that tag.
Falling In, Not Through by Julibean19 for Mysenia (Complete: 10/10| 49,898) --Steter 
“You need to help me,” Stiles says eventually. He’s still in too much pain to move off the floor, but he’s picked up a stray feather, twirling it between two fingers with a look of pure terror on his face. Peter nods immediately, eager and willing to be involved in whatever this is.
Peter’s eyes flick between the feather spinning between Stiles’ fingers and the harsh angle of the bend of his wings above his shoulders. He doesn’t look like any picture of an angel Peter has ever seen. There should be an elegant swooping curve there, neat little rows of white or gold or silver, pointed tips flung far out from Stiles’ body and a halo above his head. If Stiles is an angel, the myths are all wrong.
In which Stiles finds that he has wings and Peter finds that a pack doesn't always need to be made up of wolves.
Wild Creatures by neglectedtuesday (Complete: 1/1| 13,000) --Steter 
The treaty is signed while Stiles is being laced into his wedding corset. Ink splatters parchment as a maid pulls the ribbons, tighter and tighter. Stiles’ breath and future are taken away, all to save a village. He is a sacrifice more than a bride. The maid assists in fixing a choker around Stiles throat. Her hands are cold despite the roaring fire in the grate. The choker is a string of blood red rubies, they reflect the firelight with a wet shine like an open wound.
I'm Only Heard During the Silence Between My Screams by Irukashi_Narukib (wip: 39/?| 47,481) --Steter 
Stiles thinks no one is listening, so he just... stops talking. It's just like that asshole Peter to refuse to take the hint.
Rewriting the future by Synesthetic (Complete: 28/28| 106,631) --Steter 
Two days before their planned bonding, alpha Derek Hale runs away with his secret beta girlfriend, leaving Stiles heartbroken. With the demands of his omega physiology forcing him to bond with someone before his first heat, Derek's uncle Peter steps in and offers a solution.
A Darkness Follows by havok2cat (Complete: 9/9| 41,994) --Steter 
Stiles serves his community service at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. He's assigned to a mysterious patient and finds himself quickly becoming obsessed.
Reluctant Allies With Benefits by veterization (Complete: 8/8| 93,217) --Steter
Peter suggests he and Stiles start having no strings attached sex. It's that simple. No, really, it totally is. Stiles will make sure of it.
as you are by veterization (Complete: 1/1| 34,093) --Steter 
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth (Must've Been When You Where Kissing Me) by stellewrites (Complete: 1/1| 6,008) --Steter
"Maybe he’s genuinely flirting, but he’s just pretty bad at it. Like, pulling your pigtails kind of thing?”
Stiles rolled his eyes, “Look, if you’re not going to help, I’m going to hang up, ok?”
“You asked for my opinion!” Scott laughed.
“Yeah, yeah…” AKA, Stiles works at a diner and has a love/hate relationship with the flirty Alpha that comes in almost daily with his pack.
Winding Roads to Flowering Fields by Tahlruil (ongoing series) --Steter
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stellewriites · 28 days
your tags on that unfinished fic posts are so real 😭 i literally have two entire fics ready to go and my brain just does not cooperate - @mikichko
i get it 1000000% it’s so annoying 🥲 everything should technicallyyy be perfect for writing rn,, like i’ve got the time, the premise, i Want to do it - and yet! not a word gets written
it’s even worse when you’re so close to having them done you just need some finishing touches/last grammar checks but your brain just says “hmmm not today actually!”
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stellewriites · 1 month
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡ - @mikichko
KIKO!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥰🥰
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stellewriites · 1 month
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
thank u so much rachel 🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶🫶
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stellewriites · 3 months
WDYM U DELETED YOUR OG???? HOWWWW (guys follow her back!!!)
i tried adding like a side blog on the app and then decided against it and deleted it but i didn’t know that would delete BOTH 😭😭😭
i was so gutted i lost all my moots id built up while writing,, BUTTT im happy finding new ones now at least 🫶🫶
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stellewriites · 13 days
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers ( positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
sending it right back at you cutie!! ❤
- @mikichko
kiko!!!!!! 💓🫶💓😙
i’m really running out of ideas for these at this point ahdkajdk
1. my relationships with my family (it’s taken a while to get where i am with everyone), 2. being able to drive (im like the only one in my friend group so i am the designated taxi driver), 3. my skin bc i had such a rough time w acne growing up 😭, 4. my scars bc i think they make me look p badass, 5. ive got a p good butt tbf 🤷‍♀️
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stellewriites · 13 days
Stelle!!! (My phone wanted you to be Steppe lol)
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers ( positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
let me see if i can scrounge up another five
1. my hair, 2. my ability to push past my anxiety, 3. my lashes, 4. my ability to pick up new skills p quick, 5. my decision to get my cat lmao 🥲
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stellewriites · 14 days
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers ( positivity is cool~)🌈🌈
sending it back 💕
thank you so much jess!! 🫶💓
tried being a little more out of the box this time
1. my memory (im good at recalling really random facts??), 2. im p strong, 3. being a good younger sibling lmao, 4. my style, 5. i was gonna say it on the other but i didn’t so im saying it now instead ahdkajd my boobs, bro they’re just Nice when needed but also i can flatpack under a binder like a pro so its great middle ground 🥴🙂‍↕️
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stellewriites · 18 days
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ily ily ily 🥺🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻
he still deserves love just bc he doesn’t wear a mask and he’s not 7 feet tall 😭👀
ahskshjs say it louder!!! 🙂‍↕️ genuinely did a double take when i saw those results,,
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stellewriites · 23 days
fucking hell stelle you've unlocked all the memories of the shitty corporate trainings regarding the lgbtq community. like golly it's so frustrating to me when people want to "help" so much that they go past actually being helpful and accepting and go straight to irritating and unobliging. like if someone FROM the community is telling you it's okay maybe you should take the time to unlearn the negative connotations you've attached to the word queer. shit pisses me off so much 💀 - @mikichko
the trainer and her training were actually really good too is the thing! she was so understanding and willing to explain anything at a slower pace,, but the team im on is just— yeah 💀
i think my coworker is like this bc she’s been pulled up before on saying sketchy stuff in and out of work, so she’s like gone the complete opposite to try and counteract?? but it’s landing in policing terms she doesn’t have a say in instead of coming across as an ‘ally’. it’s,,, really fucking tiring 🥴 😭
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stellewriites · 26 days
stelle i just read the tags from the Instagram tag game and I was literally giggling and kicking my feet! you're so cute, the little blurb about baiting his enemies is so funny and I can see that so clearly in my head 😭 thanks for tagging me and being so lovely hun! - @mikichko
kiko you’re so SWEET 🥹🥹🥹 i loved making that ig feed, i think i could’ve spent ages on it going into so much detail abdjajdjs
i always look forward to what you write/make when i tag you so how can i not!!
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stellewriites · 1 month
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
🧡😊 sending this back, hope your week is going well!
aaaaaa thank you so much sy!!! 🤭🥲
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