#sterek jurassic world au
Sterek Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous AU - Stiles knows everything about dinosaurs--or at least, he thinks he does. When he wins a trip to Jurassic World, it's a dream come true, he just never thought that dream would turn into a living nightmare.
At Camp Cretaceous, he meets Derek Hale - the nephew of one of the park's major investors; Lydia Martin - an influencer who was invited there to promote the camp experience; Allison Argent - a famous athlete who is sponsored by Jurassic World; and Isaac Lahey - a quiet kid whose afraid of dinosaurs.
But a few days into camp, things aren't going as smoothly as they had hoped. The camp leaders--Derek's older sister, Laura, and Jordan--try to get in touch with their boss but they're unable to reach them. Laura tells the kids to stay in camp while they go talk to their boss in person.
While Laura and Jordan are gone, the ground shakes. The kids race to the balcony to see if they can see what dinosaur is making all the noise, but the trees are too thick. They decide to go to the lookout, leaving the camp just as the emergency message comes over the radio. "Asset containment breach."
Once up at the lookout, they watch as a brontosaurus marches through the trees, a little disappointed that that's all it was. But something seems wrong. Stiles says a brontosaurus wouldn't have that heavy of a footstep or that quick of a gait. As Stiles says this, the brontosaurus goes down and two staff members come running to the lookout, shouting at the kids to get down and run. Before they have a chance to do as they're told, the Indominous Rex attacks.
Scared and alone, they come up with a plan to make their way to the centre of the island, where the main area of the park is, dodging the Indominous Rex, an overly aggressive Carnataurus who's escaped her enclosure, Pteranodons, spooked Parasaurolophuses, and all the other dinosaurs that have escaped their enclosures as they hurry to the south dock where the ferries are evacuating everyone.
But time isn't on their side. Isaac is thrown from the monorail by a Pteranodon, the others are attacked by the Carnataurus, and when they finally make it to the dock, the last ferry is gone.
They're the only ones left.
No one knows they're alive. No one's coming for them.
They build a shelter from the ruins of Camp Cretaceous, but even with the Indomious Rex gone, they're not out of danger. The Indominous was only the beginning.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Jurassic World, Alternate Universe - Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Alternate Universe - Movie Fusion, Movie Fusion Summary:
“So Hale,” Stiles says when he lets the raptors run free and bite at each other. He turns his wide brown eyes on Derek and grabs onto an overhead pole, leaning forward with a smirk. “It’s usually your sisters coming to yell at me. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
 Or the Jurassic World AU I promised!
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trickster-shi · 2 years
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I posted 10,253 times in 2022
That's 4,193 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (0%)
10,221 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,115 of my posts in 2022
#teen wolf - 289 posts
#stiles stilinski - 236 posts
#sterek - 120 posts
#derek hale - 109 posts
#sheriff stilinski - 109 posts
#teen wolf fic - 78 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 71 posts
#home across the universe - 35 posts
#writing - 29 posts
#sterek slow burn - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#9:40am and i'm excited that i just need to write the last scene of this current chapter and then it will be finished barring edits
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Category: Gen
Chapters: 1/1
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski & Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski & Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: Theo Raeken (Mentioned), Donovan (Mentioned) Dread Doctors AU, Homeless Stiles Stilinski, Runaway Stiles Stilinski, Thief Stiles Stilinski, Under a Spell, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Food Insecurity, Mental Health Issues, Nogitsune Trauma, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski
As a last ditch, hold on by the fingernails solution, it was inevitable that the tape would fray down to the last thread and break.
Duct tape wasn't meant to last forever. Literally or metaphorically.
After the fight with Scott in the rain, after Stiles nearly gave into the overwhelming impulse to throw that damned wrench at Scott's head, Stiles knows he can't stay in Beacon Hills. He doesn't have a pack now, and if he tells Dad he'll no longer have a parent. So Stiles leaves. He gets as far as the Jeep will take him and then he walks a little farther.
Away from home, from everyone he knows, Stiles grapples with the lingering murderous and violent impulses that haunt him day and night and tries to survive while remaining invisible. But duct tape only holds things together for so long. It was never meant to be a permanent solution.
20 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
"It took me a while to understand the lesson in my choices and the tragedies.  That's the gift time gives you if you manage to live long enough.  You begin to realize that fear is necessary as a warning system, but you can’t let it grow past that into any form of control over your actions.”
Chapter nine is up!
21 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Can someone have a talk with my muse? I literally finished and posted a 20k+ chapter to a teen wolf fic yesterday and now I’ve got 5k written on a teen wolf one shot crossover with Jurassic World.
Like, yes, I binged the dino movies over the weekend due to the snow storm, but I did not need another thing to write. I’m trying to finish the first one.
Is anyone even interested in that kind of a crossover?
23 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Chapter Ten: Beat the Boy
"What happened?"
Mini-Stiles opened his mouth but before any words came out he sensed a high-pitched vibration in the air.  It was like a rubber band pulled tight, then tighter and tighter.  It dug into his head, his chest.  Then it snapped.
Mini-Stiles whipped around toward the gyms.
Stiles was in trouble.
He didn't bother to say anything.  Mini-Stiles just ran, blindly following the magic in the air he knew belonged to his brother.
Chapter Ten has arrived! I think I need a nap, and some chocolate. You're gonna need tissues, though.
24 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Firefly
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey
Tags: Accidental Child Acquisition, Accidental Teenager Acquisition, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Firefly Setting, Stilinski Family Feels, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Young Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Not a Firefly Retelling
Summary: John Stilinski used to be a man of the law, a sheriff on his home planet of Beacon 3, and never thought he’d have need to stop off on such a planet as this, but life had long since taught him that what he thought was right or true was usually never what the rest of the ‘verse reflected or practiced.
Much to his everlasting regret and grief.
John finally has his son back after spending seven years trying to free him from the Alliance's Academy, but Stiles did not escape alone and both he and Lydia are harboring deep secrets. With two traumatized kids under his care, a ship in need of repair and extra crew, John goes out on a limb to hire three people on Deaton's recommendation. He sincerely hopes it doesn't bit him in the ass, because these new hires are former Browncoats. John, and his first mate Jordan Parrish, fought under the Alliance.
24 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
The Theory of No Control by green-leaf (greenleaf)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 27989
“–kick your scrawny butt all over the Muertes Archipelago, Bilinski! Get out of there or I will feed you to a Stegosaurus!”
“First of all, having me come out from here and then tossing me to the dinos kinda defeats the purpose of it all, since I already am in a dinosaur cage. Second, Stegosauruses are herbivores, which means they will definitely pass on biting my rear end. And third, my butt is not scrawny, though I didn’t know you were even looking, Coach. I’m flattered.”
Derek groaned. “Oh no.”
“Oh, yes.” Scott grinned. He ran off, no doubt excited to watch his reckless best friend and cheer him on. He was such a damn enabler.
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 years
Sunday reading recap (10-Jan-21)
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Captain Marvel - that fight scene set to “I’m Just A Girl” still slaps
👂 A Study In Scarlet (Arthur Conan Doyle (author); Stephen Fry (narrator))
💜 👂 Authentically Mexican: A Family History in Six Dishes (JP Brammer (author & narrator)) - this was really, really wonderful!
💜 Exactly Like You (Jerakeen) - 70K, Sterek, Pride & Prejudice fusion - absolutely BRILLIANT creative & organic fusion of the two stories
👂 The Sign of Four (Arthur Conan Doyle (author); Stephen Fry (narrator))
“Compulsory” (The Murderbot Diaries #0.5) (Martha Wells) - any new-to-me Murderbot content is A++
The Gangster (Magic & Steam #2) (C.S. Poe) - loved getting back into the world! The ending is KILLING ME, I want the next part NOW.
👂 Finna (Finna #1) (Nino Cipri (author); Amanda Dolan (narrator)) - good premise, good characters, fun action. the narration was mostly fine but several times had the absolutely wrong word and i don’t know if it was incorrect word choice in the text which the narrator had to be faithful to or if the narrator just wildly mispronounced it?
Press Play (Ash Dylan)
“Spies, Planes and Automobiles” (Elin Gregory & Charlie Cochrane) - a fun crossover with Gregory’s Miles Siward and Cochrane’s Cambridge Fellows
plus 202K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out  
The Storm and the Dust (the1918) - Stucky, 15K - post-EG shrunkyclunks AU, with retired farmer Steve and a younger Bucky - the first in a series
Apex Predators In Island Ecosystems (Freeman et al., in press) (Sixthlight) - TOG, 11K - excellent Jurassic Park AU
Dangerous Potential series (AtoTheBean) - 00Q, 48K for series - a really wonderful D/s story about a D/s-with-benefits agreement that (naturally) becomes more
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i-sveikata · 7 years
<1000 kudos fic recs
Hey guys thought I’d do a bit of a sterek fic rec list for fics under 1000 kudos which could use a bit more attention and love from the fandom
Trace and Memorize by StarAmongStones (2,588 words | Teen)
“If mom asks, I’m working on a project for school," Cora says, already halfway up the stairs.
The boy in front of Derek clears his throat, face splotchy in embarrassment, and says, “We are actually working on a project together. I don’t know why she said it like that.”
“I literally don’t care,” Derek says, turning back to his laptop.
Shut up by giantteenwolforgy (2,315 | Explicit)
Stiles faintly registers the door slamming behind Scott, but he's too incensed to do much more than tremble. The slope of Derek's neck is inches away and Stiles wants to suck so hard it hurts.
it’s no use pretending by Marishna (902 words | Teen )
Stiles needs a fake boyfriend, just for a minute. Laura comes to the rescue.
Espionage would be wasted on you by reptilianraven (9,275 | Teen)
“Can this actually wait until after the job?” Derek said with as much ferocity as he can, which apparently wasn't much because Stiles’ laughter rang through his earpiece. “The mark’s getting out of the elevator, you better be ready.”
“First off, learn how to multitask.” Stiles told him. “Second, I need two more minutes. Hold him back.”
“Can’t. He's already in the hallway. Learn how to multitask.” Derek smiled to himself when Stiles cursed.
Of course, the explosion went off at exactly the right time. Derek never thought explosions could sound smug until that very moment.
The one where Derek is the tech guy and Stiles just likes to blow things up a lot. Together they fight crime or whatever.
You’re Nosy But You’re Family by wearing_tearing (6,552 words | Explicit)
Two weeks later Stiles comes to the shop at closing time, watching as everyone’s face soften as he brings out the rainbow cake and sets it on top of the shop counter – the words “you’re nosy but you’re family” written on it with chocolate syrup –, and he thinks that his mom would be proud of his little makeshift family.
That is until Erica opens her mouth and asks, “This is not written in chocolate body sauce, is it?”
Get in loser by Kris (breathless_stares) (778 words | teen)
Derek's friends like to rag on him about his younger boyfriend. Little do they know he's a regulation hottie.
Love At First Drink by gryvon (4,916 | Mature)
Derek wakes up with dozens of comments on an Instagram photo he doesn't remember taking with a stranger wearing the engagement ring he bought for his girlfriend. Kate is not pleased. Stiles thinks it's hilarious.
Freud doesn’t live here, does he? by theroguesgambit (861 words | teen)
Stiles drops a heavy book on the table and announces: “Derek and I have been doing it for the past few months.” -- In which Stiles is excited to show the group his newly completed bestiary, and they get totally the wrong idea somehow.
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Candy (Please) by Saucery (825 words | Gen)
You do not trick-or-treat at the Hale house. You just. Don't.
Pack Human Things and Star Wars Slings by kitsunequeen (2,426 words | Teen)
In a fit of desperation, though it’s more likely to result in Stiles' hand being bitten off than anything else, he flings out an arm to shove the hulking hellhound away. Well, at least he tries to. What actually happens is that his forearm barely makes it six inches off the ground before weakly flopping back down, sending pain shooting up his arm.
Fuck, what did this thing do to his shoulder?
Stiles cries out incoherently, trying to get someone’s attention. No one else shows up, though, and a moment later the creature looms even closer, and looks him right in the eyes. Oh, good. At least this whole thing is satisfying for someone. Right as Stiles is about to tear his gaze away and try to come to terms with his own mortality in a matter of seconds, the monster’s eyes flash blue.
Stiles doesn’t think he’s ever been so relieved in his life.
“Not a monster,” he slurs, mostly to himself. “J’st Derek. Thank fuck.
‘Stiles dislocates his shoulder in battle and Derek has to reset it’ au
Fight For Your Right by literaryoblivion (5,461 words | Teen)
Stiles spreads his arms out wide to show off his look, and he’s pretty sure that’s a look of disdain on Scott’s face.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” Scott says, and yup, definitely disdain, and judgement, and rudeness.
AKA in which Stiles is an alpha who protests for omega rights, and Derek is an omega who does not care.
Cherry Pie by kaistrex (weishen) (1,616 words | Gen)
Derek Hale is a dreaded customer at Beacon Hills Bakery, but perhaps he's not as terrifying as Stiles has been led to believe.
If I die before my time, bury me upside down by ElisAttack (1,427 words | Teen)
The boy is all of sixteen years old, a too large crown of gold resting on his head.
The boy is sixteen years old, and Derek knows he would die for him.
Or the one where Stiles is a young King, barely holding onto power, and Derek is his most trusted knight.
follow me into the woods, take me home by thatfire (5,209 words | Explicit)
When Derek first meets Stiles, he’s chasing a feral omega through the preserve.
That Awkward Moment by amusewithaview (6,433 words | Not rated | WIP)
...when you realize that your one-night stand is your brother's mate.
With Good Seeds by stilesinwonderland (itsabravenewworld) (14,197 words | Teen)
“So Hale,” Stiles says when he lets the raptors run free and bite at each other. He turns his wide brown eyes on Derek and grabs onto an overhead pole, leaning forward with a smirk. “It’s usually your sisters coming to yell at me. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Or the Jurassic World AU I promised!
Love ‘Em How They Take So Long by Leslie_Knope (13,321 words | Explicit)
Because really, what are the chances that Stiles meets the love of his life in the Olympic Village dining hall?
Happy Reading!!!
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I was reading a fix where Lydia tells Stiles that Derek is a nuclear engineer major and Stiles was very attracted to that and another that Derek was a video game designer and Stiles was also very into that, what I am asking is: can you guys rec me some fics Stiles is totally attracted to Derek but also his nerdy/brainiac profession/major? Since I am here do you guys know any Jurassic Park or Jurassic World sterek au?
I did the dinosaur one here. Roooooaaaar. And here’s smart!Derek and Stiles digging it. - Anastasia
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@leslieknopeismyshiningstar says the video game designer one could be this one.
You and Your Stupid, Perfect Smile by Omni
(1/1 I 8,881 I Mature I Sterek)
The last thing Stiles expected to see that morning was the guy he'd been crushing hard on for months standing there dripping wet and practically naked.
The last thing he wanted was to have to buddy up to the guy for the sake of his roommate, Erica, who had evidently started dating him.
The last thing he'd ever intended was to come between them.
Derek is Smart by Kateomega97
(1/1 I 474 I Not Rated)
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Stacking Up by bravelittlesoldier
(1/1 I 8,286 I Mature)
Stiles is working in the basement of the Library of Congress and is feeling his social skills quickly deteriorate. Then along comes a new librarian working at Circulation who is most definitely a male model. Maybe its time to start re-socializing.
Better With You by fatale
(3/? I 10,465 I Teen)
Derek is the runt of the litter - a lowly freshman twerp in a family of gorgeous Amazons. He likes to read, has a gift for languages, and a nervous apprehension of everything that high school has to offer. When smug, sarcastic sophomore Stiles Stilinski (say that three times fast) nearly runs him down on the first day of school, it is just the spark of enmity that will affect the rest of their high school years together.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs
(9/31 I 36,301 I Mature)
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Who Knew by SourWolfie (pieprincess_andthe_fallenangel)
(26/26 I 88,161 I Explicit)
Stiles finally scraped together enough money to get his own apartment and he’s really fucking proud of it, okay? He just wishes shit would stop breaking. He also wishes he hadn’t just bitched out his incredibly hot landlord, but that ship has sailed right along with his dignity.
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I’ve got the sterek Camp Cretaceous AU cooking in my head and now that Chaos Theory is out and I’ve watched it (don’t worry, this is spoiler free), I don’t know how I would write the spin off. If Stiles fits Darius’s role, I cannot think of a single reason he wouldn’t have been there that night. Stiles would move heaven and earth to be there, I mean he crashed his Jeep in a storm and fell into unconsciousness and still managed to make it to the place where his dad, Melissa and Chris were being held in time to save them, head bleeding and baseball bat in hand.
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So it has me completly stumped. I cannot think of a single reason why Stiles wouldn’t be there that night.
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