#sterek star trek: voyager au
I really want a sterek scene stealer AU that’s the episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Blood Fever (Season 3 Episode 16). Derek would be B'Elanna – a half-Klingon who finds himself experiencing symptoms of the Pon farr (a point in a Vulcan’s life where their disciplined logic is overwhelmed by emotion and instinct as they’re driven to return to Vulcan and take a mate) after being mentally bound to a young Vulcan – Jennifer Blake – who’s undergoing it. Stiles would be Lieutenant Parris, a human who everyone thinks is cocky and a womanizer, but he’s been hiding his feelings for Derek for a long time.
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They make their way down to a planet to collect gallicite when the side effects of the Pon farr begin to take its toll on Derek; he becomes irritated and aggressive.
As the away team – Derek, Stiles and Scott – go rig up their gear and descend into the caverns and collapsed tunnels, Scott’s piton gives way and he falls. Derek and Stiles hurry down after him. Derek loses it, he starts shouting at Scott for being irresponsible but Stiles argues that Scott did nothing wrong; either the gear was faulty or the rock gave way. He says they should contact the ship, but Derek is determined to finish the mission – his anger growing – and when Stiles reaches out to stop him, Derek wheels around and bites Stiles’ cheek before taking off into the tunnels.
Stiles contacts the ship and tells them what happened.
“He’s either out of communications range or just not responding,” Stiles says. “His last known position was ten meters below our current position. I tried to stop him from leaving, Captain, but he got hostile and bit me.”
“He bit you?” Commander Parrish repeats, stunned.
“And he seemed to be enjoying it, in a Klingon kind of way.”
Boyd – another Vulcan on the ship – deduces what’s happened. He and Commander Parrish beam down to the planet to help get Scott medical treatment before going after Derek.
Boyd explains that the Pon farr can be fatal if the urges are not addressed, they set out after Derek—he’s after the gallicite, so they hope that following it will lead them to Derek.
Stiles is the first to find Derek, and when he does, he seems his normal self for a moment; not angry or irritated, but excited to have found the resources they came for.
“How are you feeling, Lieutenant?” Boyd asks, approaching Derek carefully.
“We need to get you back to the ship,” Commander Parrish says.
“You are experiencing a condition known as Pon farr,” Boyd explained.
“Pon what?”
“Your emotional balance has been disrupted. You may not be in control of your more aggressive instincts.”
“I lost my temper for a moment, that’s all,” Derek said. He glances between them noticing the urgency and worry in their eyes. “Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Please come back to the ship with us,” Boyd says, insistent. He takes a step forward.
“Just leave me alone!”
They freeze as members of an alien species step out of the shadows.
Parrish is able to calm them down, explaining they have no ill-intent, but the alien nods towards Derek. “He does.”
“He’s suffering from a chemical imbalance which is effecting his behaviour,” Parrish explains. “We’d be happy to take him and leave your territory.”
But before they can react, Derek lashes out, fighting off one of the aliens.
“Derek, stop!” Stiles says, grabbing Derek by the shoulder.
The two fall to the ground.
The cave walls rumble and the earth beneath them shakes.
Stiles looks up to see the ceiling crumbling.
“Derek!” he shouts, grabbing him and pulling him aside as the walls cave in and the ground falls from beneath them. When the dust settles, it’s just Stiles and Derek.
Stiles steadies Derek, checking on him. He has a cut on his arm and his head, but he’s conscious.
“We have to get back to the ship,” Stiles says.
“We can’t leave Boyd and Parrish down here,” Derek argues.
“The minerals in the walls inhibit the tricorders; we can’t scan for life signs or a way out. Out best chance is to get back to the ship and get some help, for them and for you.”
“Why does everybody keep saying there’s something wrong with me?”
Stiles does his best to explain what’s happening as they make their way through the tunnels, trying to get back to the surface.
“Boyd’s got to be wrong about this. It doesn’t make sense,” Derek argues.
“It does explain how you’ve been acting,” Stiles counters.
“I don’t see what’s so strange,” Derek says defensively.
“How about starting a fight with a group of armed aliens, shouting at Scott, giving me this—” He points at his cheek which is still bloodied from where Derek had bit him. “—and if I remember my Klingon customs correctly, biting someone on the face means—”
“I know what it means,” Derek cuts him off. 
It’s a way of a Klingon choosing a mate, he thinks. 
“Alright. Maybe I do feel something, some kind of instinct. What am I supposed to do about it?”
“When we get back to the ship, the doctor should be able to help,” Stiles reassures him.
Derek stops at a dead end, positioning the butt of the rifle into his shoulder and aiming at the rock.
“Whoa!” Stiles says, grabbing the end of the rifle and pointing it down—stopping Derek from firing. “We don't know how stable this tunnel is. An energy blast might bring the rest of it down on our heads.”
“Let go!” Derek growls, trying to pull the rifle out of Stiles’ grip, but Stiles resists him, taking the rifle.
“No. I think I should keep this.”
Derek tightens his grip on it, jerking it to the side and throwing Stiles back against the rocky wall, pinning him there.
“Never pick a fight with a Klingon, Stiles.”
“I'm not going to fight with you, Derek,” Stiles says, keeping his voice level and calm.
Derek’s voice is low, threatening; his eyes dark and filled with bloodlust. “Afraid I'll break your arm? You should be.”
“Derek, stop it! This isn't about the gun. This is about sex. But that's not gonna happen right now.”
A smirk turns up Derek’s lips as he leans in close and breathlessly says, “I think it is. See, I have picked up your scent, Stiles. I've tasted your blood.”
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“No,” Stiles says firmly. “I'm your friend, and I have to watch out for you when your judgement's been impaired. If you let these instincts take over now, you'll hate yourself, and me too for taking advantage of you. I won't do that.”
Derek pulls back. “Maybe we should split up.”
“You don't know how strong, how hard it is to fight this urge.”
“Are you telling me that I'm impossible to resist?” Stiles says teasingly.
Derek levels him with an unamused look. “I wouldn't go that far.”
“Good. Come on.”
They continue on down the tunnels. The walls start to rumble again.
Stiles pulls Derek into a small cavern, just as the tunnel caves in behind them, trapping them.
“We should use that weapon. It's worth the risk now,” Derek says.
“I might agree with you if I still had it. It's buried somewhere under all that,” Stiles says, nodding towards the caved in tunnel.
“Sorry. Try to stay calm. I know it's hard.”
“You don't know anything. I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin. I need to do something. I can't take this.”
He pushes Stiles to the ground, straddling him.
Stiles pushes him off, standing up.
“You've never been hard to get, Stiles,” Derek said, rising to his feet.
“Well, I'm making an exception. I can't let you do this.”
“Oh, I bet you wish you could. All those invitations to dinner. And on the holodeck, the way you would stare at me when you thought I wasn't looking, and get jealous when I'm with someone else. You can't tell me you're not interested in me.”
“You're right. I can't,” Stiles admits.
“Then don't push me away,” Derek whispers, stepping closer to Stiles.
“Oh, believe me, I'd like to, but I know this isn't really you. You've made it clear that you're not interested, and I have to accept that's how you feel, even now.”
“No,” Derek said quietly. “No, it isn't… I was just afraid to admit it… I've wanted this for so long.”
He leans forward, bringing their lips together.
“Just let it happen,” Derek whispers as he pulls back from the kiss slightly.
He tilts his head, deepening the kiss. Stiles walks him back until Derek’s back is pressed against the cavern wall. He slowly draws back from the kiss, his face still close to Derek’s and his voice barely more than a whisper as he says, “I hope someday you'll say that to me and mean it.”
Derek shoves him back, enraged. “You'd let me go insane rather than help me?”
“You know that's not true.”
“Just stay away from me,” Derek shouts, sinking down to the floor and curling up in the corner.
A little while later, Derek lifts his head, looking around. His voice is quiet, confused, as he asks, “Where are we?”
“Still stuck in the cave, I'm afraid,” Stiles tells him.
“The cave?” Derek tries to think. “The gallicite. Where's my tricorder?”
“We're not looking for the gallicite anymore. We're trying to get back to the ship, remember?” Stiles prompts, his voice soft and calming.
Derek looks even more confused. “No, I don't.”
There’s a loud crash as one of the large rocks falls away from the wall. Stiles steps away from Derek, helping whoever it is on the other side push aside the rocks.
Parrish’s face appears in the hole. “Are you two alright?”
“Derek needs help. We've got to get him out of here.”
Once they’re back on the surface, they try to contact the ship, but there’s no response.
“There must be some kind of communications problem. I'm sure they'll clear it up soon,” Parrish says.
Boyd looks at Derek. “It may not be soon enough. I am concerned about the rapid progression of his symptoms.” He looks at Stiles. “You must help him now, Mister Stilinski. If he does not resolve the Pon farr, he will die.”
Stiles lets out a sigh. Parrish and Boyd leave them alone. Stiles walks over to where Derek’s sitting, huddled near the entrance of the cave. He kneels before him.
“Derek, I know this is a pretty bizarre situation, probably not what either one of us had in mind, but it's too late to worry about that now.”
“Stiles,” Derek interrupts.
“Be quiet.”
Derek takes Stiles’ hand and leads him into the underbrush. In a small clearing, Derek pulls Stiles close, brushing his face against Stiles’ wrist to feel his pulse before nuzzling his face into Stiles’ neck.
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“Is this the part where you throw heavy objects at me?” Stiles says teasingly.
“Maybe later,” Derek mutters, his voice slurred as he loses himself in the moment.
“I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do,” Stiles admits, but when Derek doesn’t respond, he mirrors Derek’s actions, taking Derek’s hand in his and brushing his lips against his wrist before burying his face in the curve of Derek’s neck, letting out a low, animalistic growl.
Derek throws Stiles to the ground, straddling him and pinning his hands above his head.
Stiles doesn’t resist.
Derek looks confused. “What are you doing?”
“Enjoying myself?” Stiles replies.
“Then show it.”
Stiles smirks, flipping Derek on his back and pinning him to the ground. They roll around, struggling the way Klingons do when a branch snaps and a familiar voice shouts, “You are my mate, not his!”
“What are you doing here?” Derek shouts, glaring at Jennifer as he and Stiles rise to their feet. Stiles steadies Derek, the man weakened by the Pon farr.
“I've come to claim you, to fulfil our bond, and if necessary, to face my rival,” she says, glaring at Stiles.
Parrish and Boyd step into the clearing, following the sound of shouting.
“I declare Koon-ut-kal-if-fee,” Jennifer announces.
“The ritual challenge,” Boyd explains. “She intends to fight to win her mate.”
“You want a fight? You've got one,” Stiles challenged.
“Hold on, Stiles. There's not going to be any challenge,” Parrish says calmly, stepping between them. “Are you responsible for the ship being out of contact?” he asks Jennifer.
“It was necessary to disable the communications, transporters and shuttles,” she says. “No one will keep me from my mate.”
“I am not your mate!” Derek growls.
“We will soon decide that.”
“If anyone is going to smash your arrogant little face in, I will! I take your challenge myself.”
Parrish and Stiles look to Boyd.
“She has the right to choose her own defender, even herself,” he says. “Both must resolve their Pon farr before it kills them. I see no alternative but to follow Vulcan tradition.”
“Alright,” Parrish reluctantly agrees.
Derek and Jennifer fight. They’re evenly matched—throwing punches and kicks. The two fall to the ground, wrestling and struggling as they exchange blows until finally Jennifer collapses, unable to get up. Derek staggers back, completely disorientated. He falls into Stiles’ arms.
“Is it over?” Stiles asks, worried.
“The blood fever has been purged,” Boyd says. “It is over.”
   Later, once Derek has recovered, they return to their duties. Derek is in the turbolift as the doors open for Stiles.
Stiles steps into the turbolift, the awkward tension filling the air.
“Looks like you’re feeling better,” Stiles says, trying to break the awkward silence. “Back on duty?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Derek says. “And yes. The warp coils should be good as new by the end of the week.
“Oh, good. Glad to hear it.” He pauses. “Computer, halt turbolift.”
The turbolift stops.
Stiles turns to Derek. “Look, this is ridiculous. We are going to be together on this ship for a long time.”
“You're right. We have to pretend that the whole thing didn't happen.”
“But something did happen, Derek.”
“Look, Stiles, I really appreciate what you did—what you were willing to do—for me. But as far as I'm concerned, I was under the influence of some weird Vulcan chemical imbalance, and, and whatever I did, whatever I said, it wasn't me.”
“Yeah, I know. You're afraid that your big, scary Klingon side might have been showing. Well, I saw it up close, and you know, it wasn't so terrible. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday.” He turns away, hiding his smirk as he says, “Computer, resume.”
The turbolift slows. The doors open and Derek steps out.
“Careful what you wish for, Lieutenant,” he says over his shoulder, leaving Stiles stunned as the turbolift doors close.
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zjofierose · 6 years
Tagged by @mad-madam-m
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
well, like M, i don't have a WIP folder; i have fandom folders, and within those, pairing folders, and within those, project folders, and within those, finished/unfinished folders. and yes, they're color-coded, because what are we, animals? (thanks, pidge!) also, i have... a lot... of WIPs. so. let's compromise: i'm also one of those people who keeps the "more active" WIPs open in tabs, so why don't i list those instead, and we'll just go from that? it should be plenty, trust me.... (i'll also include the fandom, because otherwise the titles are going to be pretty meaningless).
1. Reincarnation AU - (The Hobbit) 2. Smut Practice - (GoT) 3. better man - (GoT) 4. Bear for me the Lion - (GoT) 5. Holsom fic - (Check, Please) 6. Debts and Duty - (GoT) 7. I Wait For You Like A Lonely House - (The Hobbit) 8. I Don't Care Much - (Pinto/Star Trek RPF) 9. Et Tu, Dante? - (ST: Voyager) 10. HP AU - (VLD) 11. Sterek Secret Santa - (Teen Wolf, obvs, and also I can't tell you anything about this one!!) 12. SoL 17 - (VLD) 13. When You Are Ashes (remember this) - (VLD) 14. Remix fic - (ST:AOS) 15. Spark - (Pinto/Star Trek RPF) 16. Opera AU - (VLD) 17. Sherlocked - (Sherlock [obvs]) 18. Derek Does Dickens - (Teen Wolf)
i’m tagging @semperama, @mia-cooper, @lysapadin, and anyone else who has lists of things they want to work on!!! 
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captainpettie · 6 years
So I'm randomly rewatching some voyager, specifically Scorpion and on into s4, and my mind is trying to come up with a sterekish tw au thing, lydia as janeway, derek as chakote, idek who stiles would be, i wanna say parrish maybe rofllll, or some random insert they meet along the way. Scott could be idk harry i guess cause optimism and naivety, torres either allison or kira cause sweet and fierce works for both, idek it might be fun to fancast it more, any thoughts? sry to bother you!
@dontgobrienmyheart: ok so i decided after watching through the raven that i'd love to see Dylan portray 7 of 9's transformation from borg to human, itd be great, chakotay's link with her could eventually become sterek i guess lol, again sry to bug you haha
Lololol thank you so much for these messages we gotta talk about a sterek star trek au. there are so many possibilities???
so i secretly kinda love the idea of a sterek b’elanna/tom au? early voyager b’elanna kinda reminds me of derek, with the snapping at everyone, not wanting to get too close to anyone for fear of getting hurt, sad backstory, etc. and then stiles could totally be tom paris, the former star fleet, former maquis guy who doesn’t fit in with either group and hides behind sarcasm to protect himself but then also pulls the self-sacrificing thing for the crew all the time. and then they’re naturally drawn to each other as the two misfits of the crew. yes i love this. and scott as harry would just complete the trio perfectly.
but i also love the idea of stiles as a borg drone??? i guess chakotay and seven did technically happen in the show but i try not think about it too much lol. still that would be super interesting to explore as derek could help stiles through his transition to accepting his humanity and then stiles coming to terms with all the atrocities he committed as a drone (like with the void!Stiles plot on the show). hm yeah i like that a lot.
i also kinda like the idea of a sterek doctor/seven au, where stiles is the rescued borg drone who gets ignored or straight up antagonized by most of the crew and then derek is the holographic doctor who goes through basically the same thing so they wind up spending time together and helping each other learn about being human together.
then also consider derek as the borg drone whose family were killed by the borg and he was assimilated as a teen and in transitioning to human, he has to finally deal with the loss of his family maybe with stiles’ help. ok i made it sad sorry.
i can also see a paris/chakotay kinda au - sidenote, you can not convince me those two didn’t have a fling on the liberty before tom was caught. but what about stiles joining the maquis and fighting in derek’s unit and they have a sort of fuckbuddy thing going on and then stiles gets caught by star fleet and derek assumes he’s a traitor. but then they get stuck on voyager and at first, they hate each other still, but THEN ~feelings~ happen!! ooooo yeah i love it.
man those are just the voyager aus i can come up with??? man i can think of a ton of ds9 aus for them too lol.
i know you didn’t bring this up, but also love the idea of an allydia au with lydia as janeway and allison as chakotay. i feel like it fits their personalities well.
HEY THANKS FOR THIS now I’m just gonna spend the entire rest of my day thinking about sterek star trek aus lololol
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The more of Star Trek: Voyager I rewatch, the more parallels I see between Tom and B’Elanna’s relationship and Stiles and Derek’s, and now I want an AU so badly!
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