badmusejail · 1 year
H. Where is their favourite place to be? (both muses if that's okay?)
addendum: (in regards to my last ask that said "both muses", I need to correct, I meant all 3 Bleach muses, if that's okay? Sorry I typed too fast and didn't realize it wasn't complete.) Random Character Development
For Sasakibe, the place he's meant to be, the place he always wants to be, is by his captain's side, wherever that may be.
...England is, of course, a close second. But his trips to the area are too few and far between for him to have a particular place, as the human world changes drastically, quickly.
For Geoferd, his favorite place to be is likely a tie between the library and the cathedral in his hometown. The library is more of a personal choice, as he feels that's where he belongs, and where he can make the biggest difference, while the cathedral is simply a meaningful location to his culture.
Futsuku personally prefers the simplistic peace of the gardens at his home. While the chambers are nice, they also get very stuffy very quickly, and it's given him a greater appreciation of simple fresh air.
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briankcore · 5 years
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I got these bottles of @ciroc because my babygyrl @daedreme_ told me she drank vodka. Well...she didn’t even have a sip with the #youngoldman while she was here, so this pineapple/mango blend on tha rocks is for her #daddystilllovesyou #andmissesyou #mushydaddymoment #sternface #imeanbidness #drankin #poup #itsallabouttheu #seigetheday #canesgang #bucsgang #baldheadgang #beardgang #ganggangganggang https://www.instagram.com/p/B1h72WKJLJD/?igshid=stphv0dyo643
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tails001 · 5 years
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So after a few hours of being stumped of trying to figure out a makeup to do, I decided of trying a bit more of a realistic lion. This was fun to do, not 100%sure about the size of the nose though. But at least I had fun with it, although someone might wanna tel my face that 😂 #SternFace #Lion #Makeup #Practice #Kryolan #KryolanUK #MakeupArtist #MUA #Roar #iOS #iPhone #FluffyDetail #LookIntoMyEyes https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HH8jMHeHY/?igshid=shsphi2i8ko3
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wayofcloudbrain · 5 years
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consider: essek is just a baby
/ brought to you by the zeitgeist and various coinciding obsessions
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lesserlovedlovelies · 5 years
@theotherrookie​ liked the starter call
What a beautiful city.
Geoferd regularly found himself feeling that way whenever he visited somewhere new. He was dressed in a bright white shirt and grey slacks, one hand tucked into his pocket, the cross that channeled his powers safely stashed under the sleeve.
"It seems rather peaceful here," he remarked idly as he watched a bird in the sky.  "Is it always?"
While the question could easily be taken as a simple concern for his own well being, there was more to it than that.  He wasn't here on vacation, after all.
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aeide-thea · 3 years
me like
‘best feeling is having let yrself get a little grungy so that getting clean feels extra scrubbed-pink-fresh by contrast & then pulling on very cozy slouchy cotton loungewear incl. a tee proclaiming ‘my cat is cuter than yours’ (ft. illustrative doodles) & cuddling up with the sternfaced lil capybara stuffie you just rediscovered which like. maybe these vibes are the self-protective self-valuing take on benevolence you need actually??’
and then reading the para back over & squinting as it gets progressively less and less relatable...
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Adventure: Drinks at the Milestone Roadhouse
“What’ll ya be having? We got muttin stew fresh this mornin, a cider from me cousins’ orchard just a few hours inland, and a delightful cask o’ elvan wine that ‘appened to wash up last week. Oh, don’t sit there good madam, that booth’s for specialty clients, lets find you a seat by the hearth and lets leave the punt’ers to their business “
Setup: While not technically an exact mile from town, this rustic inn is just a vital a landmark as any local monument. Existing juuust outside the jurisdiction of the town ordinance, the building’s location allows for a convenient place to discuss business and trade without the lord who owns and maintains the port being able to take his rightful cut. 
As such, it is customary for passing captains to go ashore early and meet with "old friends" who "just so happen" to have ridden out to get drinks at the milestone, and are coincidentally merchants. Any party may have a cargo that needs unloading, and another may have a warehouse bereft of occupancy or a buyer who’d expressed a passing interest in a certain good. Palms are greased, toasts are shared, and the hardworking traders of the port get away with skirting all but the most basic lordly fees. 
While not strictly legal, business conducted at the milestone stops just short of being actual smuggling, and a succession of feudal overlords have been willing to let a few levies slide in exchange for maintaining the people’s good will. Besides, the Roadhouse’s cider really is to die for, and it’d be a shame to close the place down.
Adventure hooks: 
The party is made up of merchants and sailors gathered at the roadhouse to do business when a band of brigands storms in. While the Milestone does maintain a few hardknuckled servers for security, the brigands appear with overwhelming force with the intent of kidnapping and ransoming a few of the inn’s more wealthy patrons. While the party fights to defend themselves, an important third figure is kidnapped. Now the party must work together to save a friend and potential business partner from the brigand’s lair. 
Tired from their long journey to the port, the party stops off at the Inn for a hardy meal and a spot around the fire. While there, they hear tell of the old lord’s fortress, left abandoned for over a generation as the port’s protector has business elsewhere in the realm. Tales very about scandals, hauntings, hidden vaults of treasure or nesting monsters.  While they have business in the port, perhaps a detour would be worth their time. What could it hurt to trespass in a nearly abandoned fortresses? 
A sternfaced woman has been shadowing the Milestone in recent weeks, often appearing in the company of armed strangers who she sits with in terse silence. The owner thinks she might be a pirate, looking to muscle in on the Milestone’s trade and asks the party to look into her. In actuality, this woman is a knight-operative of the lord’s heir, who has an interest in shuttering the milestone and is looking to see which merchants and captains are evading their parent’s laws. Players who stick their noses where they don’t belong risk making an enemy of the powers that be, to say nothing of the stern-faced woman and her ruthless dedication to her liege's mission. 
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morbidoptimisim · 4 years
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-tfw a fledgling toreador decides theyre hopelessly in love with you and ur a sternfaced anarch baron suddenly struck with /feelings/ about it
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alirasworlds · 3 years
Our Life: Cast my home aside, lead me into the skies....
(A/N: Still working on if I’m going to have Eve have a custom backstory different from the background given in game, buuut, this can be a AU thing if I go with base game MC for Eve’s background! Our Life and all characters besides Eve belong to @gb-patch​ !)
(P.S. Since I am able to insert myself so much into the MC of OL, for this Eve has... Part of my own background, not fully cause I’ve not done what she did here, but still. Be warned Eve’s not coming from a nice household prior to being adopted by Pamela and Noelani. Also, this is sort of my take on the first scene in OL with Eve having a custom background, also to help me figure out how to write Eve with that context.)
Aching, the little eight year old felt every limb and bone of hers aching as she trekked further into the town she found.
Her backpack was lighter than when she started her journey, snacks, drink and food she packed having been long since eaten or drank by her, that didn’t mean she didn’t get more as she....
Ran, she supposed.
Much to her growing guilt she had taken water bottles and any food she could find from any table or picnic blanket she came across, either packing it away in her backpack or outright eating or drinking it due to how hungry she was.
She was certain she was dirty as heck(even if she washed herself in ponds or the rain as best she could) and she could feel her ribs at this point if she pushed her fingers against her skin enough, hair much longer than she liked, but she still refused to turn back.
She still remembered that night that made her pack her backpack and run. Shouting, screaming, a BAM, another hole in the walls, nothing she did could ever-
And no one cared she was all alone-
She sniffled, forcing the thought out of her mind. She honestly didn’t know where she was at this point, she just picked a direction and ran that way.
All she really knew was it had been winter when she set out, or near it, then it became spring and now was summer, the heat in the air told her that much.
Anything else other than that she didn’t know.
Huffing a puff of air, she pulled her brush out of her pocket and brushed her hair, a habit she still had and when she looked in the reflection of a puddle, she was a bit proud she looked really decent despite not having had a proper home for what was likely months. 
Sure she was a touch messy, but no one would take a look at her and immediately think she had run away from her old home.
She continued walking, looking for an alcove or awning or something to rest under for the night, only to pause as she saw a person sitting on the curb in front of a house. He was sitting with his head in his hands, his whole body slumped over.
She tilted her head, confused a bit as why was an adult was sitting on the curb, did someone kick him out of his house?
She noted a… Tattoo, she thinks that was the term, on the arm that was facing her, pitch black against his tan skin, it looked like a sea creature, but she didn’t know what it was. His pale blond hair was pulled into a ponytail it seemed, like she tended to have her hair now that it grew out so much.
Though he wasn’t really in her way, she could walk around him if needed, she felt…. Nervous. Yeah, that was the term she was pretty sure, so she wanted to sneak around him unseen, but how….
She felt her gut lurch when he suddenly shifted and there was a brief moment where their eyes met before she quickly averted her gaze to look at a bird that was hovering nearby.
“Hey!” Drat, he noticed her and there was no mistaking her startled jump showed she heard him.
The bird landed on a nearby gatepost, its black feathers ruffling gently in the breeze. She couldn’t keep her gaze on it when the man got up and began making his way to her, making her eye him warily.
She had run from more than a few police people who tried to approach her, fearing they were going to make her go back and was more than ready to run if needed, he didn’t look like a policeman though.
Since he didn't seem to be like any of those sternfaced police people, she offered a polite smile and he grinned back at her.
“Do you live around here?” He asked once he was in front of her, kneeling to be on even eyelevel with her. “What’s your name?”
She felt a spike of panic shoot through her system at his questions. The first one was easy to answer, as from what she could tell unless she turned around she’d meet the ocean like she did earlier(and found a fair amount of shells and sea stuff she couldn’t help but put in one of her backpacks pockets), and frankly she was done walking so much, so, she could stay here.
As for her name…. That damned name….. She had heard more than once that with a name as unique as her birth name, it would never be hard finding her, same went for her last name.
She didn’t WANT to be found though. She didn’t want to go back.
She looked the mystery man up and down as she tried to think of an answer to give him, taking in his tanned skin and relaxed appearance. Well, only partially relaxed. At least his clothes were relaxed; the way he was acting certainly wasn’t.
He had sharks on his shorts and that sea creature tattoo, and she wondered if he was obsessed with the ocean or something.
While she made her assessment, he looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer to his questions.
“...Yeah, I live around here.” She answered after a moment, trying to think of any name to give him other than her birthname, running through the very few stories she heard growing up.
Hermione? No, she didn’t know how to spell that. Alice? No…. Belle? Not that one either.
“And my name is, Eve.” She decided to go with the name she remembered from that book her birth parents got from the religion they were a part of. It was three letters, and simple enough she knew how to spell it and there was no difficulty like with her birthname in how it was said or spelled.
“Great! Nice to meet you, Eve.” He gave her a broad smile, relief settling on his features. He then reached into a pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill, it crinkled in his hand as he held it up to her.
She furrowed her brow at him in confusion, looking between him and the money with the pure confusion only a child could have.
“Well… Could you do me a favor?” He asked, but then realized he should probably explain better than that and rushed to add. “Nothing bad! Sorry, I should have…. Let me start over.”
He cleared his throat, straightening his back a bit before explaining. “I have a son-his name is Cove-who’s just about your age.”
She tilted her head, Cove…. That was not a name she heard before, it sounded… Nice. She never met anyone with that name.
“We moved in across the street. See?” He pointed across the street to the house opposite the one they were standing in front of.
She nodded, looking back to him with confusion as he continued.
“I don’t know where your parents are, I don’t think I’ve met them, but you look around his age, so…” He shook the twenty dollar bill to bring it back to her attention, a hopeful smile tilting his lips at the corners. “Can you try to be friends with the boy? Just give it a chance and you can keep this! He’s a good kid. You’ll like him.”
He… Was wanting to pay her to be friends with his son?
“But you’ve gotta keep it a secret, too, okay?” He winced. “It wouldn’t be friendly to say his dad sent you.”
She blinked, feeling a bit sorry for the boy she hadn’t even met yet. This was not the normal way kids made friends, her limited exposure to anyone outside of the Hall didn’t stop her from knowing that.
“What’d’ya say? Want to make a deal?” He asked, watching her as she thought about it.
She was conflicted, sure she could likely use that money to get better clothes, food even than what she was now used to dealing with, but……
….She wanted to meet this Cove without the lure of money, and she knew she’d get looks if she wandered into a store with a twenty dollar bill without any parent with her.
So, she shook her head no. “No, I don’t want to be paid for that.” She then raised her hands in a placating way as she saw him deflate a bit. “But…. I do want to meet Cove, he sounds nice.”
He nodded, seeing his initial strategy wasn’t going to fly and tucked the bill back in his pocket as he stood up. “Would you be more comfortable with he and I coming by for a normal visit? No money involved.”
She nodded, then paused and added. “And I can come over as well.”
She didn’t want to mention that she currently did not have a home, or parents, no, that’d… no. Just no. No risking them sending her back, no.
His smile got bigger again. His eyes crinkled at the sides. “I’ll bring him by tomorrow or you can come over. I wanted him to meet and greet with the neighbors today, but…” He hesitated before admitting. “Well, I don’t know where he’s gotten off to!”
Well, that’s… Concerning. Cove’s dad had laughed when he said that, but with the way his face looked Eve thought he actually wanted to cry instead.
“I’ll help find him.” She said without hesitation, puffing up a bit with a grin. 
He seemed a bit relieved at her words. “If-If you see him, can you tell him to come on home? He’s got a pink cast and glasses, you can’t miss it.”
She nodded, this definitely was not the normal way kids made friends, but she was still going to help.
He smiled and reached over to pat her on the head, paused before doing so, then pulled his hand away instead.
“I’ve already got the neighbors in the house besides us checking around, such a thoughtful group, they are.” He gestured to the house they were in front of before smiling. “Now I better go look, too! Can’t put everyone else to work while I keep sitting here. I thought he might come back, and…” he shook his head. “That’s not what’s important. I have to go.” he gave her another grin. “Thanks again, Eve! So much.”
He jogged off down the street without another word, leaving Eve to think to herself on where Cove could have gone.
If he was anything like her, he likely would have gone somewhere adults wouldn’t think to look first, and while she doubted he ran away like she did, that same logic she used could help her find him.
She decided to go behind the house she was in front of, finding a series of hills with flowers stretching out before her as the sun fully descended into the horizon.
She couldn’t recognize the type of flower, especially now at this time without the sun to provide the majority of the light, though she thought they looked nice from what the moon could illuminate. 
The chirping of crickets in the tall grass greeted her, a familiar sound from her traveling that eased her nerves a touch as she wandered to the top of a hill. 
From the top of the hill she could see the ocean. As she walked, she listened to the crash of the waves on the shore, and the seagulls squawking as they settled down for the night as she peered around.
Idly, she remembered loving hearing stories about the merfolk and sea serpents and anything else she could imagine living far beneath the waves. Maybe now that she was near the ocean she’d get lucky enough to see one at some point.
She sighed as she came to a stop. She wasn't sure what, but something told her that she wasn't alone, so she glanced around warily, only to nearly jump when she turned to her right.
There was a boy sitting at the top of the hill she was standing on, almost completely hidden within the long grass and white flowers surrounding him.
He didn’t seem to notice her, probably just that he wasn't paying attention, his head was buried in his knees, staring ahead by himself.
She watched him for a few moments, feeling as if she found a deer in the wild, although….
‘Deer don’t have sad frowns, or green hair...’ She thought to herself, expression furrowing at the thought, She wondered what upset him to cause him to look like that….
After a few more seconds, she took a step forward, then another. And then he glanced her way, making her freeze.
His aquamarine eyes reflected the light of the moon. Eve stopped, raising a hand to acknowledge him and show him that she wasn’t scary.
Even if she likely didn’t look like a normal kid with her backpack on and likely mussed up hair.
“Heyo.” She greeted him.
With a start, he jumped to his feet, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He didn't say anything, just stared at her in a strange way.
He'd been crying. There were traces of tears on his cheeks and his knees, soaking the hem of his shorts, and his eyes were still shining with a few more.
She restrained wincing, or hugging him on reflex to sooth him. She had obviously caught him off guard.
His pink cast seemed to glow in the twilight, though when he caught her staring at it, he hid his arm behind his back.
Hmm. could this be….
“Cove?” She said his name cautiously, watching his reaction to see if she was correct. 
“Ah-” She was, as his eyes widened and he studied her. “How'd you know that?”
Well, no use hiding it. She shrugged. “I met your dad.”
“Oh.” He frowned. ”So... is this your hill?” He gestured with his uninjured arm to the patch of grass surrounding them both, his face falling at the prospect. “I can leave if it is.”
She shook her head, she didn’t own it, especially since she just arrived in town today.
“Oh.” He sat back down with a thump, resting his chin on his knees again.
Curious about the strange boy with the odd dad, and not having anything else to do or wanting to leave him, she sat down on the patch of grass next to him.
The pure white flowers that covered this hill rocked back and forth gently as the stars twinkled above. The way they dotted the sky made them seem like the flowers around them too.
The silence didn’t last long, as she then asked softly. “Why are you hiding here?”
A quiet hiccup escaped Cove as soon as she asked the question. Almost like they'd never stopped, his tears started up again with a vengeance.
She almost immediately retracted her question, but Cove spoke up before she could. ”My parents… They don't want to live together with me anymore.” The tears kept coming as he continued. “My mom made my dad leave and he took me with him and now we have a house here and I want to go home!”
The outburst took her off-guard. By the time he was done, Cove's chest was heaving with exhaustion.
He sniffled and removed his glasses, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand before he put them back on again. “...I hate this place. I want my real life back. I want my mom.”
Eve frowned, unsure how to calm him down and chewed on her cheek in thought. To an extent, she did understand where he was coming from, but….
She also wouldn’t go back if she could help it, she didn’t want to go back to that…. Hell.
“I’m sorry….” Was all she could say, and hoped it helped somewhat. He slipped his hands underneath his glasses and pressed his fingers against his eyelids. Cove wound himself up again for another long crying fit.
She felt bad for him, being forced to come here with no choice at all. She could and had lived without both of her parents for months now, but to have no choice but to be with one or the other…
The mere idea made her crumple internally and she immediately decided she hated that very thought.
She jolted when, from way off in the distance, came the shouts of several adults.
”Cove!” That was Cove’s dad, she recognized the voice.
“Kid, where did you go?” That was a woman’s voice, Eve didn’t recognize it.
Cove looked at her, tears still clinging to his cheeks. ”Don't tell them we're here!”
He sniffled. “I don't want to go back to that house. I wanna go home.”
"....It will be okay!" She found herself saying, struck by a sudden need to reassure Cove. Her expression twisted as she continued. “It... It's not gonna all be fun. But, he- isn't he your family too?”
“Yeah... I guess.” Cove nodded and she felt emboldened to continue.
“Then you can count on him when you really, really need him!” She shot him a grin, and pushed herself to her feet.
...Even if Eve could never count on her own family anymore, it didn’t mean he couldn’t count on his dad.
Slowly, Cove stood up with her, still looking a little reluctant. His dad's voice rang out again.
“Cove! Can you hear me?”
He looked toward the sound of his dad's voice, silent, then turned away while rubbing his not bandaged arm. “...Sorry. I still don't want to go.”
She frowned before whispering to him quietly so the adults didn’t hear her. “It’s alright, I get that.”
He turned back to her, regarding her with a shocked expression. ”You do?”
Before she could explain, she heard Cove's dad, even closer than before. “There you are, bud!”
The trio of adults appeared over the curve of the hill. Instantly all their eyes landed on the two of them and they rushed over.
She noted Cove’s dad immediately scooped him up in a hug, and gave a sympathetic smile as Cove immediately began to squirm and wiggle in his hold.
“Thank god Cove’s alright…” one of the two women sighed, her skin was a dark color but her gold eyes were warm as she looked at Eve. “Are you the little girl Cliff asked to help find Cove, Eve, was it?”
Eve nodded, adjusting her backpack straps and ignoring how it bit into her collar, the pad it had in it was worn down and no longer prevented it from biting into her skin.
“Your parents must be so worried with you out this late.” The other woman said, skin pale but she had brown eyes and hair like….
Eve put the image of her own mother out of her mind as she shook her head. “No, they aren’t.”
They wouldn’t be, they more often than not were more concerned with yelling at each other.
That earned her a concerned glance between the two women as the brown eyed one then asked. “Did you take a tumble down one of these hills? You’re dirty.”
Again, Eve shook her head, frowning as she muttered to herself. “I scrubbed off in a river yesterday though….”
Another concerned look was shared between the two women, then the one with gold eyes knelt down and gently asked. “Where are your parents? What street do they live on?”
Eve frowned and shook her head, speaking bluntly as only a child could. “Not here, elsewhere.” She crossed her arms in an attempt to look…. Well, like she wasn’t a runaway very far from where she started. And she was at least smart enough to not say where she came from, can’t send her back if they don’t know where to send her.
That made the women frown, another shared glance that Eve thought must be them telepathically communicating, before the other woman knelt down as well.
“Sweetie, your parents must be worried sick,” She began, brown eyes looking over Eve worriedly. “You should probably go home-”
“No!” Eve’s sudden outburst had her clamping her hands over her own mouth, eyes wide in fear as she realized how loud she was, trembling faintly and tears springing to her eyes as she took in the shocked expressions on the two women.
Shaking her head, she stepped back, only lowering her tiny hands from her mouth to say much quieter. “I’m not going back, loud, loud, yelling, holes in the, the walls, screaming-” She shut her eyes and pressed her hands against the sides of her head as she tried to force the memories out of her mind.
She flinched when one of the women placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her open her eyes and shake a little, only for the gold eyed woman to give her a gentle smile.
“Okay, how about you come with me, my name is Noelani, and Pamela for the time being?” She offered gently. “You can take a proper bath, we have food and a bed you can use.”
Eve blinked, rubbing the tears that accumulated in her eyes before nodding, then pausing and adding. “C...Can I see Cove if I do?”
The women blinked before giggling, Pamela nodding. “Of course you can.” She then winked. “We also have a daughter you might get along with.”
Eve nodded, then looked back over to Cove, who was still wiggling against his dad's tight hug and pushing at his arms.
She noticed Cove was looking in her direction despite the hold his father had on him and gave him a reassuring smile.
That seemed to appease Cove, though it wasn’t until his father finally let go of his squirming, scowling son and turned to the three that she was able to give Cove a thumbs up.
“Thanks very much for finding him. I really don't know this neighborhood.” He said to both Eve and the two women, looking between the women and child.
“Good thing we know this whole area so well.” Noelani nodded. 
“Absolutely. We should be getting home now. It's been a long day for us all.” Cove’s dad said, resting a hand on Cove’s shoulder. “You two are gonna get her home to her parents?”
“Well….” Pamela frowned, looking to the side. “How about we explain once we put the kids to bed? I’m sure Eve and Cove are exhausted, I’ll call.”
“Huh?” Cove’s dad tilted his head before realization dawned on him. “Oh. Right then, say goodbye, Cove!”
“Bye.” Cove said, looking more towards Eve than the two women beside her, and Eve smiled, waving bye.
The two of them walked off into the darkness, heading toward the neighborhood. She watched Cove’s back until he disappeared.
“Hm, tell you what - we'll have a proper playdate tomorrow, okay?” Pamela suggested, and Eve grinned, nodding.
“Your new friend's dad wanted to bring him by to see Lizzie, but if you’re with us he can see you too.” Pamela added, watching how Eve nodded before yawning into a hand. “C’mon buckaroo, let's get you washed and then into bed.”
Eve nodded, letting the two women lead her to their house, the next events were a blur, mainly due to how tired Eve was, but she was washed(hair included and that was not as hard as she thought it would be considering she kept her hair tidy for the most part) and then put to bed in a cozy and soft bed with soft sheets.
A far cry from the ground she had been sleeping on for months prior even if it was a bit big for her, so she quickly fell asleep when she got comfortable.
“Pam, I think she’s a runaway.”
“I think so too, though, it seems she’s not from here, and you saw how thin she was….”
“We should get her into a doctor, check and see if she’s had any blood work done and hopefully find her parents…..”
“But, what she said about her family…. It doesn’t sound like she ran away for no reason….”
“....If nothing comes up, if she’s somehow avoided any documentation in any system, we can….Adopt her.”
“Yeah, she seems like a sweet girl, Lizzie may like her.”
“And Cove, it seems like they got along well. And we probably couldn’t send her back without either of them arguing against it.”
“Hehe…. …..Do you think ‘Eve’ is her actual name, though, ‘Lani?”
“....Hard to tell….”
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badmusejail · 1 year
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Geoferd Alder
I also encourage you to take a look at the introduction / headcanon page!
Name: Geoferd Alder Age: 42 Birthdate: March 12 Residence: Shutzestadt, Germany Job: Quincy Information Gatherer Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Straight Height: 6’0” Weight: 210 lbs. Species: Human (Quincy)
Geoferd is a tall man with broad shoulders and dark skin.  His hair is usually kept very short and he has a scar on the left side of his face.  Sometimes he wears the traditional garb of the Quincy, but most times he can be found wearing semi-formal gear; usually a white shirt and slacks of some kind.  His Quincy cross is always found on his right hand. 
Geoferd was born in Shutzestadt, a small settlement in Germany where many of the still living Quincy reside.  His life was about as normal as a Quincy’s could be–he was trained by his parents, attended school, and lived a life of disposing of demons while learning as many secrets of the world as he can. 
He had an innate curiosity of the spiritual–of the Quincy, of the shinigami, of the demons and angels, of the techniques of the rituals…of the precious history that’s been lost to their kind.  
For many years, Geoferd worked as a librarian, collecting and classifying information in the Historical Library; the Quincy activities as a town funded by the crafts and other services the town offers to the non-spiritually aware folk.  Shutzestadt is considered a quaint if somewhat odd town with friendly people and interesting trinkets that can’t be found anywhere else.  It’s a common tourist destination for that reason–with the more spiritual activities hidden from view either through magic or the inherent nature of the forces at play.  
Before long, Geoferd was recommended by the Old Council to traverse the world–to take note of the Soul Reaper’s activities in the East and any other non-mundane activities he could find.  
He was primarily the one that documented the activities in Karakura, albeit with an outsider’s view and only occasional tips from inside informants.  His primary role is to observe, and he hardly ever steps directly into conflict, especially ones that don’t involve demons.  
To this day, he’s commonly following trails of supposed “paranormal activity,” knowing full well that most of them are hoaxes.  
But, when it turns out to be something else…  Well, that’s an interesting discovery to make, isn’t it?
For as stern as Geoferd commonly appears, he’s a soft guy internally, one dedicated to learning and teaching others.  Despite his bitterness over the war with Seireitei, he’s accepted that Quincies are not meant to destroy hollows and refuses to do so–or to destroy any being that may impact the balance. 
This is a hard rule he won’t cross–even if it means endangering himself and using himself as bait to distract a hollow until a soul reaper arrives and can send it on naturally. 
Like most Quincies, Geoferd was trained in the ancient art of their species.  He’s roughly on par with a fifth seat in the Gotei.  He is a Quincy that favors brute strength over technique, and while he is familiar with some of the other arts, more than likely he’s going to buckle down and shoot.
His bow is nothing fancy, a standard, solid-steel bow with lines of blue energy running down it. 
He is not a very fast person and can easily be overwhelmed by speed.    
Quirks/Habits:  Geoferd appears as a very stern man who does not emote much.  Despite this, he’s rather soft inside, more than friendly and respectful, and, quite honestly, scares very easily.   Likes:  History, the Quincy Dislikes:  Being startled Alignment:  Neutral Good
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nebulawritings · 4 years
A Mistake and a Choice Pt 1
Wow it’s been a long time. Lockdown has got me all sorts of crazy, so see a drabble for Open Heart, choices universe. Ethan messed up, and Casey lets him know. Have lurked in the Choices fandom for long LONG time so heres a little something. Not perfect but enjoy. Comments appreciated.
So I decided to make this into a mini series. I’m thinking four drabbles. Maybe. Links below.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Four (and a bit)
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 [Choices Stories You Play]
Pairing: M!DrValentinexEthan M!DrValentinexBryce 
Reading Time: ~ 5 minutes
Warning: No naughtiness. No under cut, so watch for swears kids.
“Dr Ramsey…”.
“Please, Casey, just hear me out it’s not what you think I swear, I just…”. The senior Doctor’s shoulders slumped, and he dropped his head into his hands. “I’m not as strong as you think I am. As anyone thinks I am”.
“You don’t get it, do you?”. Casey took a step forwards, nothing in his green eyes apart from pity. “I didn’t want you to be some perfect, flawless, untouchable superman. I just wanted you to be Ethan. The Ethan who kissed me at the opera and threw caution to the wind the night of my court triumph. The Ethan who looks at me with softness and wonder when I fight back, and chides me when I make a stupid mistake. The Ethan…”. Tears began to well in his eyes but he stood firm; fists balled at his sides. “The Ethan who wouldn’t lie to me about messing around with another doctor, especially after everything we’ve been through together”.  
“Oh, like you can talk”. Ethan lifted his head, his own cheeks red with the effort of holding back tears. “What about you and that ken doll in surgery? Everyone knows what you get up to in the on-call room”.
Casey shook his head. “Bryce was, and is, there for me. There’s no expectations, no…Messiness. I’m stressed, he’s stressed, stuff happens. But it didn’t mean anything and it hasn’t happened for…God knows how long”.
“Oh, yeah, so you weren’t shacked up with him whilst I was saving lives in the Jungle. Sure”.
“Oh, you had time for that did you? Between fucking your ex-girlfriend?”. Ethan flinched, and Casey grit his teeth. “I haven’t been with anyone Ethan. Not for months and months. Not since we…Since you…”. He sighed, deeply. “Not since that night at your apartment. Even before then! You know why? Because, foolishly, I thought we had something. And no matter what came our way, be it rules or roles or hospitals…We’d work it out. Because no-one has ever made me feel things like you did. Cared for, appreciated…More than just fun”.
“What, and I don’t make you feel that anymore?”. Ethan stood, facing off with the younger doctor.
“I would be lying if I said no” came the reply. “But you also make me feel betrayed and hurt. Thinking about it…That you ran away from me and what we were trying to create, halfway across the world, with Dr Emery of all people! It makes me feel things I didn’t know were possible, and it hurts!”. The anger overflowed then, and the tears fell freely. “How long had you been planning to run away with her, huh!? How long had you been laughing behind my back, using me as an outlet for your stress. Oh, you couldn’t be with her when she was chief of medicine, sure, but she’s not anymore, is she!? Now she’s…She’s…”. He lost his words, shaking his head. “You say it’s not what I think. Tell me then, Ethan, how is it?”.
“I…I was trying to forget you, Casey”.
“Oh, and that’s supposed to help?”.
“Let me finish!” Ethan snapped, glaring at the younger Doctor. ”I’m trying to explain goddammit!”. He took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to get on the same volunteer route as Dr Emery, but we were scouted by the same company. I haven’t had thoughts or feelings or anything for her since our relationship broke down, or for anyone. Not until you swanned into my life. The day you stepped into the ER and helped with that patient, the one who was bleeding out, my life changed. Good? Bad? I don’t know, Casey, but it was you for Gods’ sake”.
“…You remember that?”.
“How could I forget”. He sighed, heavily. “I’ll never forget how I felt when I first saw you, Casey”.
The newest member of the diagnostics team wiped furiously at his eyes. “You seemed to manage when you screwed around with Harper”.
Ethan flinched. “It was just a moment of weakness, Casey, that’s all. We were both tired and stressed and it was lonely”.
“Ethan Ramsey doesn’t get lonely” he shot back.
“…Like I said. I’m not as strong as you think. I was desperate and run ragged. I just wanted to run further and further from my feelings and then we had a drink and one thing led to another…”. He trailed off.
“You’re lying again, Ethan. Stop lying to me!”.
“I’m not!” he shouted back. “It was only once, Casey! It didn’t mean anything!”.
“Well Dr Emery says different! So do the photos she was flaunting around on her phone, you two all cosy and cuddled up with some fucking orangutans or some shit, like you were on a damn pleasure cruise. She tells it differently, when you’re down at Donoghues and she’s had a few, and her niece starts asking how her trip overseas with the great Dr Ramsey was. How romantic it was in the middle of a disease torn jungle, just you two fighting against the pandemic, and how you couldn’t help relighting the chemistry you had”.
Ethan blinked, shocked. “She had photos? I…I didn’t know, Casey. That’s how you found out? She was telling everyone at Donaghues? Oh God…I bet the whole fucking hospital knows now”.
Casey scoffed. “Well, I’m glad that’s what matters to you. Thank you”. Casey was sternfaced. “Mass Kenmore has asked for my expertise on the coma case, seeing as I was the principal Doctor. I’ve had permission as part of the open collaboration project from Dr Banerji, so I’m here to tell you that I won’t be around for about a week. There’s other cases they need help on, so Dr Banerji is seeing if they can swap me. Like an exchange programme”.
“Why!?” Ethan yelled now. He moved over to Casey, grabbed his arm. “Why there, of all the places! That intern from last year is there, and Aurora and-“.
“Because you’re not there!” Casey yelled back, ripping his arm away. He closed his eyes. “I can’t be near you, Ethan”.
“Please, Casey, I’m not lying! Let’s just talk this out. I can’t have Edenbrook losing a Doctor like you”.
“Edenbrook or you?”.
He paused. “Edenbrook is in trouble and…we…I…I mean the hospital-”.
“Thank you for clearing that up”. Casey moved to leave.
“Wait! Why don’t you come to mine, we can talk it out properly”.
“What part of I can’t be around you don’t you understand?” Casey replied. “Besides, I can’t. I’m going out with a ken doll tonight, and he’s already booked us a restaurant”.
“What, so you’re going on a date with your casual hookup now?”.
Casey opened the office door. “You know the difference between you and Bryce, Ethan? He doesn’t expect anything of me. He doesn’t pull me to and fro. He’s there when I need him, and I’m there for him. He said he wants to spend more time with me, and be more than friends; even though I haven’t been with him for months. You know what that is? It’s called commitment, which you don’t have the capacity for. Goodbye, Dr Ramsey”. Tears streaming freely, but his head held high, Casey walked out and left Ethan behind, helpless and speechless. He sank down into his chair, just as his phone lit up.
Ramsey, it’s Emery. Still good for drinks tonight?
The senior shook his head and cursed. “What the hell have I done…”.
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wheelswap · 7 years
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Matte Red Velvet finish on these stern face II by our homies at @wheelcouture ❙ #WheelSwap "Quality Has No Fear of Time" #wheels #rims #wheelsforsale #wheelsfortrade #wheelsoverheels #wheelporn #wheelwhores #wheelwhore #rimsforsale #wheellover #wheelwednesday #modifiedsociety #hellaflush #hellafresh #sternwheels #sternface #wheelpickers #thewheelpickers
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Bring me a Dream
Jacob sat up with a gasp, shivers running through his frame as sweat beaded his brow and the scar on his neck twinged. He didn’t remember how he got it, but some of his dreams-the weird, bizarre, fantastic dreams- left him breathless and excited and hurting. He dreamed of a beautiful blonde woman who always knew exactly what he wanted to say. He dreamed of a shy awkward animal handler that needed him and wanted to be around him. He dreamed of a stern brave woman willing to risk everything to do the right thing.
He dreamed of amazing creatures he had never seen or heard of. A rhinoceros with a glowing horn and a long-haired ape. Gorgeous blue serpents with wings. A small fat marsupial that could carry more than it was big. Tall owl-eyed llamas. Beetles as big as a dog. Bulls with tentacle mouths and a porcupine lion. A giant eagle of warm living gold and six wings that heralded a storm.
And he dreamed of a sternfaced man. One who reminded him of his captain in Europe. The commanding presence that had him instinctively stiffening. The look of dismissal once he had been examined. Treated as nothing of consequence in just a glance. He had felt relief and fear, but there was a hint of something else. A stirring he couldn’t quite explain.
Sure he was a Red-blooded male like any other. He knew what he was feeling, but he couldn’t understand why he was feeling it. Especially when the dreams of elation and terror and other extreme emotions began to morph and twist. Evolving into something else.
Jacob Kowalski, of the newly opened and very popular Kowalski Confections, was very glad that these dreams were nothing more than dreams as he turned the shop sign to OPEN and unlocked the door before returning to the oven as the first timer of the morning went off. Unfortunately, it seemed his dreams saw fit to intrude upon reality when a familiar unfamiliar figure with dark hair and fine tailored clothes entered, ringing the bell as the door swung closed behind them. Jacob had been pulling one batch of the freshly baked specialty pastries from the oven, winged serpents with a blueberry glaze that gave them a faintly blue hue.
He turned with the tray in hand and opened his mouth to give a greeting, only to freeze as the first confections of the day slipped from nerveless fingers to hit the ground with a crash of metal on stone. Jacob didn’t react to the loss of his much-coveted confections, rooted in place at the sight of a man he knew far too well and didn’t know at all. The scar on his neck burned and he scratched at it, unsure what to do when a dream made its way to reality, but too polite to remain silent for forever.
“Good-“ his voice cracked slightly, so he cleared his throat and forced himself to become more composed, head lifting and lowering slightly as he swallowed, “my... my apologies. I’m a-afraid you ssstartled me. Good morning and welcome to Kowalski’s Bakery. Is-Is there any way I can help you?”
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liibertasus said: omg WHY
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lesserlovedlovelies · 4 years
“Ever wondered why that is?” (for geoferd!)
“I have spent many a day wondering why it is.”
Geoferd’s voice is solemn and he pauses there, letting his mind catch up to the words he is trying to say.  
“We are taught that it’s an honor to bear this power.”  The power to strike down souls, irrevocably destroy them.  A power that was, in many ways, godlike, gifted to humanity for an unknown cause.
He sighs.  One hand picks at his collar, the fabric scratchy and noisy.
“And I am.  I am very proud and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  But, most days, trying to get to the bottom of it seems like a lost cause.  I suppose that’s why they call it faith.  You either have to believe when there’s no reason to, or you have to accept that there isn’t any meaning behind this life.”
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anamorphiclife · 7 years
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