#steve and eddie both crash out after in the RV
strawberryspence · 2 years
Eddie Munson first falls in love with the water at the age of seven. On his seventh birthday, his Mom and Dad drives him to California. It was one of the few times he remembers being happy with his family. His father stole an RV, just for them. His mother wasn’t really happy with it, but had to let it go when Eddie lights up at the news of a road trip to California. He remembers seeing the beach, the feeling of the sand on his feet, the blueness of the Pacific Ocean and the warmth of the water against his skin. In his room, one of the few items he packed when finally ran away from home, is a small seashell. It’s small enough to hold with your fingertips. On bad days, Eddie holds it near his ear and tries to hear the soft whisper of the ocean.
Eddie Munson is thirteen when he starts hiding behind the bleachers to watch a boy swim. He knows he’s gay, has known since the age of nine that he doesn’t feel what the other boys feel for girls. Eddie finds the swimming stands by accident, he just wanted to find a smoking spot when he finds a screaming crowd. It’s nothing like the ocean, no sound of waves crashing against the shore, the blueness only reflects with the light. A boy swims, he swims like he was born to be in the water. When he comes out of the water, he shines against the sun, golden hair wet and smile bright. Eddie falls in love. Eddie Munson’s first love is the ocean, second is Steve Harrington.
Eddie Munson is seventeen when he learns how the water can be used as a cruelty. Wayne drives the both of them to help look for this boy, just a small boy, lost in the woods. Wayne tells him that if he sees a mother, looking for her son, don’t look away, don’t glare, don’t give her pitiful looks. Give her a gentle smile, a helping hand. They trek the woods, a few times for the next few days. Eddie will never forget that day, Wayne was driving them back to the trailer when they see flashing red and blue lights just below the quarry. They both stop, looking over the edge of the man-made water, watching as Chief Hopper pull Will Byers’ body out of the water. Only then did Eddie realized how dark and menacing the water could be at night.
Eddie Munson is twenty when he starts hating the water. He’s in a boat, again, after having the worst three days of his life. Steve Harrington is more grown now, Eddie’s not entirely in love with him anymore, not when he spent a few years in high school with a group that bullied Eddie. But he doesn’t deny the way his heart beats out of his chest when Steve dives into the water, because he was born to do so, always meant to be in the water. He doesn’t know why Robin and Nancy are scared, Steve can do this, he belongs in the water. He watches as Steve lunges, breaks the barrier, and a split second of relief before Steve gets dragged down. Eddie follows the girls down the water. It’s cold and dark and it pulls him into the mouth of hell.
Eddie Munson is twenty-one and he hasn’t been in the water in almost a year. He knows, the golden boy with the the heart of gold, the boy he knew who was born to be in the water, hasn’t been in a pool just as long. Eddie understands, after the night at Lover’s Lake and after learning that Barb died in the pool. He watches the kids, splashing water around and playing games. He finds Will, laughing and smiling as he floats in the water and Eddie forces himself to remember this moment and not his fake body floating around the Quarry. Steve’s fixing the snacks with Nancy and Robin’s reading a book beside him, her head on his shoulders.
The kids have been bugging him to get in the pool, but Eddie has been dodging their requests for almost a year now. It’s suspiciously quiet for a moment and before Eddie can understand what’s happening the girls are counting down as the boys hold him by the shoulder and by the feet and throw him in the water. He hears a stream of screaming before the water hits his ears, and it swallows him whole. It’s nothing like the soft and warm embrace of the ocean. It’s cold and dark and suddenly it’s pulling him back into the mouth of hell. He wants to swim up, he needs to swim up, but he sees the vines pulling him and tries to fight it, trash against it. It doesn’t budge, so he let’s himself be pulled in.
Steve Harrington hasn’t been in the water in 11 months, 24 days, and 8 hours. But at that moment, every thought and fear in his body vanishes when he sees Eddie sinking into the pool, fighting the water before letting it swallow him whole. Steve dives so fast, he forgets how much he’s hated the coldness of the pool. But Eddie’s down there, and no place with Eddie in it will ever be dark. Eddie’s eyes are closed, as he scoops him in his arms, swimming back to the surface and immediately laying him down on the poolside.
“Move!” Steve shouts, and the kids are so surprised that they pave a way for him, they’ve never seen Steve this mad at them. He gives Eddie CPR and suddenly, he’s back in the Upside Down. His hands are red with blood, Dustin’s begging him to help Eddie, Robin’s cradling Dustin as Nancy tries to stop the bleeding. He does the same prayer as he pumps at Eddie’s chest, please let him live please let him live please let hi— Eddie coughs water. The kids collectively sigh as Robin and Nancy both wrap them in towels. But in the chaos, Steve just cries, trying to remember how to breathe again because they’re in his backyard, not in the Upside Down. Eddie’s okay. Eddie’s okay. He’s not bleeding and in the cusp of dying.
“Oh, love. I am okay. I am okay. I am okay.” Eddie holds him, wincing at the pain in his chest, but still holds him in his arms. Eddie glares at the kids, looking up to Robin and Nancy to gesture for them to go in the house and leave them. When it’s finally just them, Eddie pulls away, wiping at Steve’s cheeks and cupping his jaw. Eddie preens at the fact that Steve doesn’t pull away.
“Hey, you good?” Steve laughs at the question, “I should be asking you that.” Eddie chuckles at the sound of his laugh.
“I am okay. I’ll live. How about you? You haven’t swam in a while and you gave me another CPR. I am sorry.” Steve shakes his head.
“Don’t say sorry. I’ll do it all again for you.”
Eddie does what he’s always wanted do since the age of thirteen. He kisses Steve for the first time, and it’s like falling in love with the water all over again. He remembers the light, the blue, the warmth. It's like being seven again and wiggling his toes in the sand for the first time.
Eddie Munson is twenty-seven when he gets married. Not legally, but married in the eyes of their family. Steve’s laughing with the kids as they play chicken, the water splashing around. Eddie lets himself enjoy the sand beneath his feet, the sound of the water crashing against the shore, the sounds of Robin and Argyle arguing about the snacks and the kids laughing.
“Eds!” Eddie looks up from his book.
Steve is calling him from the water, golden hair wet and smile bright, “Come in the water! It’s warm!”
Eddie smiles back at him, slipping a bookmark between the pages before running to Steve’s arms, making both of them fall into the water. There’s no fear, not when he’s in the arms of his husband, the boy who was born to be in the water. It’s warm and soft and it’s home.
Eddie will always come back to the water, always waiting for it, always watching it, will always love it.
Because Eddie Munson is the shore, and Steve Harrington is the ocean.
"Because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the [shore] refuses to stop kissing the [ocean] no matter how many times it [had went] away." — Sarah Kay
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Chapter 16: Grand Theft Auto
Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Season Four
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[Raining Hellfire: Season Four]
Word Count: 2799 words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death/murder, threats
[A/N: wow this is kinda boring i apologise. as compensation for this pretty dry chapter, i'm gonna release the next one tomorrow cause even i can't deal with this one lmao]
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Grand Theft Auto
Eddie pokes his head out around the side of the trailer, gesturing for you all to follow him.
He had done this for about five different trailers now and every time he looked back at you, you have to stifle a laugh. How else were you meant to react to him staring back at you with your sister’s Michael Myers’ mask?
As you all rush across the field, your eyes catch on to what Eddie had been searching for.
Without a word, the boy runs over to the RV, finding a window and climbing through.
“We’re really stealing this?” Robin whispers out and everyone nods.
“Okay, everyone in.” Steve whispers out when Eddie makes it through, helping the kids up.
“What’s that noise?”
You all freeze once you hear voices from the other side of the RV. The owners.
Panicked glances were thrown to eachother before you decide to take the bullet and walk towards them.
A pull on your arm causes you to turn back. Steve looks down at you with wide eyes.
“We need you to hot-wire the thing.” He whispers at you and you stop for a second before wincing.
“Actually…” You look to the RV, praying that the boy doesn’t mind you saying this. “I’m very sure Eddie knows how to hot-wire.”
“What?” Steve frowns and you shrug, starting to walk away.
“Criminal parents are universal, Steve.” You say, ignoring Steve's whispers of objection, before stepping around the RV and seeing the couple sat outside.
Once they catch sight of you, their hard stares made you surrender on instinct, putting a sweet smile on your face.
“Hi!” You say nicely, walking forward slightly, “I’m so sorry to bother you, one of my brothers threw their ball a little too close to your vehicle here.”
“Did you damage it?” The man spat at you, standing up and you instantly shake your head.
“No! No, it didn’t hit anything, sir, I promise.” You quickly say and he slowly returns to his seat, “And I’ll make sure they won't do it again.”
“Good.” The woman then says, nodding. “Kids like that should be properly punished.”
What lovely people, you think as the man squints at you.
“Hold on,” He stands up, creeping closer to you. “I’ve seen you ‘round here before.”
“Uh..” You give your best innocent smile, laughing, “Yeah, I live like three trailers over, you know-”
“Nah, that’s not it.” He suddenly stops, face hardening. “I’ve seen you ‘ere with the Munson kid.”
“As in the murderer?” The woman chimes in, reaching for something beside her seat.
You laugh nervously, backing away. “I-”
“You a murderer too?” She asks and, and you freeze at her words. You were a murderer.
The RV starts up with a loud bang, scaring the couple enough as a distraction.
As you jump, the door behind you sings open, revealing a grinning Eddie.
“Your chariot awaits.” He holds out his hand, clocking the people behind you, “Like, right now.”
You glance back to see their furious eyes and you nod, grabbing his hand and letting him pull you into the RV.
It speeds off just as you get inside the door, tearing away from the couple and in the chaos, you and Eddie almost loose your footing. Catching onto the side, you and Eddie look to eachother with a laugh.
“That was a close one.” He comments with a smirk as you nod.
“Hold on! Hold on!”
Steve yells out and suddenly he turns the wheel and you’re sent flying towards Eddie, both of you crashing to the ground just after hitting your heads together.
“Yep.” Eddie wheezes. “That’s more like it.”
“Classic.” You manage to wince, slowly sitting up as Steve gains somewhat of a control on the RV.
Eddie grins at you, rubbing his head. “There's that greeting I was waiting for.”
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A few minutes into the road and everyone finally settles in, Steve driving you towards the War Zone. He didn’t look particularly pleased to be the one driving the RV, especially with no experience of a vehicle this big, but he didn’t object.
Nancy occupied the front seat and you watched as they talked every now and then. The way Steve looked at her just proved your theory right. He wasn’t over Nancy.
You couldn’t blame him. Just look at her.
You fiddle with your Walkman, the tape replaying over and over in your head. You needed to move on. It was a one-time thing, a kiss in a moment long gone.
If that were true, why did it hurt so much?
An object was set on the table in front of you and you frown, looking up to see Robin smiling at you across the table you sat at.
Beside her sat Dustin, head down as soft snores left his mouth. Next to you, Lucas suddenly stands up and moves to the back to where Max sat and you smile softly.
When you look back down at the object on the table, your eyes widen. It was a soft yellow ribbon.
“Where-” You start quietly and she pushes it over to you.
“I think it must have fallen off back in Max’s trailer.” She whispers back, “I figured you’d want it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not wearing it.”
“Yeah.” You smile, stroking the fabric as your eyes misted over. “It’s a reminder.”
“For what?” Robin asks and you tie the ribbon to your belt loop, securing it.
“Not to give up on chosen family.” You whisper out and she genuinely smiles at that, reaching her hand across the table for you to take a hold of.
“Harrington, take this turn!” Eddie calls out, moving from the window he was staring out of and Steve obeys, pulling down another road and in the distance, you can see the building.
“How exactly are we paying for this?” Erica asks the logical question and everyone looks at eachother.
“I’ve got it.” Nancy announces, looking back. “What? My dad has a ‘just in case’ stash of money for me.”
“Cool. Wheeler’s got us covered.” Eddie declares, heading to the door but you pull him back.
“Okay, no.” You say and he pouts.
“Why not?”
“Did you forget about the angry hicks?” You stress, pointing to the door. “We are literally at angry hick central!”
You just stare at him, pursing your lips slightly as you tilt your head and Eddie straightens.
“Okay, yeah you’re right.” He surrenders, moving back.
“So… I’m not the only one that works on?” Dustin asks and everyone nods in agreement.
“What?” You frown and Steve laughs, the sound involuntarily making your lips quirk up.
“You’re scary.”
“I’m gonna take that as a compliment.” You nod, turning around. “Okay, Eddie stays here for sure. Maybe Dustin and Lucas since they’re Hellfire Club. And me.”
“You?” Max asks and you nod.
“Yeah, I think a few people remember seeing me with Eddie so… not a good idea.” You admit with a shrug and Eddie frowns, staying silent.
“Okay.” Nancy nods, stepping to the door. “But if we’re not back in fifteen minutes-”
“I’ll come and save you.” You smirk and she smiles back at you, nodding to the others and stepping out into the sunlight.
“Be right back.” Max assures before shutting the door behind her and you sigh, slumping into a seat at the table.
It was going to be a simple trip to the store, you kept telling yourself, tapping the surface subconsciously along to the beat of the music playing in your ears.
“So unfair.” Dustin mumbles and you move one of your headphones to the side to hear him better.
“Sorry, would you rather be beaten to a pulp by the town?” You ask politely and he lets out a deep breath.
“No.” He pouts, sliding into the seat next to you, “I just want to check out all the cool stuff.”
His head was down, drawing something imaginary with his fingertip against the table. You knew him well enough to know he hated being left out of things.
“Hey, if you’re that upset…” You sigh, closing your eyes. “Then maybe, maybe, I will… take you there some time.”
“You swear it?” He asks and you nod.
“I swear.”
“Cool, thanks.” He grins, standing up and moving to the back where Lucas currently resided.
Shaking your head in amusement, your eyes drift over to where Eddie sat across from you, a smile on his face.
“What?” You laugh uneasily and he shrugs.
“Nothing.” He dismisses, but the smile on his face stays the same.
As you sit across from eachother, you can’t help notice how anxious he’s been lately. His leg always jigging, hands constantly finding something to fiddle with. He was usually a little jittery, but it had been heightened ever since you came back. And you knew exactly what it felt like to deal with your home town thinking you were a murderer.
“We’re gonna figure it out.” You say and his eyes find yours once again. “We’ll clear your name.”
“If I’m being honest…” Eddie leans forward, concern written over his face as he glances at your headphones. “… that’s not really my biggest worry right now.”
“I’ll be fine.” You attempt a smile, shaking your head. “Nothing the Queen Of Demogorgons can’t handle.”
There's a small and comfortable silence between you both, your eyes drifting to your Walkman as the tape stops, prompting you to place your thumb over the button to replay.
"Hey, uh..." Eddie leans forward, gaining your attention. "This is a weird question."
"Believe me, my bar for weird is spectacularly high right now." You smile, waiting for his query.
"The Upside Down," He frowns, fiddling with the rings on his fingers, "Does it... like, change someone?"
You tilt your head, curious. "Change... how?"
He goes to open his mouth when the door swings open, a very stressed Erica stepping through and searching for your eyes.
“Shit!” She pants and Lucas stands up, walking to his sister.
“What’s going on?” He asks, frowning. “Erica?”
“Jason.” She says, her panicked look making you jump out of your seat.
You quickly move over to the door, Eddie’s hand grasping yours quickly and pulling you back.
“Jesus Christ, wait, wait.” He pleads and you stop.
“It’s been fifteen minutes, Jason is in there, and they need my help.” You declare and he squeezes his eyes shut. He didn’t want to let go, but your hand is dropped from his hold.
“Shit, fine.” He finally breathes out and you turn again, “But- just get out of there as soon as you can.”
“Be back before you can even say Thessalhydra.” You claim, jumping down from the RV before Eddie can even question how you know that name.
Striding over to the store, you’re met with a huge crowd of people holding guns. As your breath hitches in your breath, it is slowly released when they continue shopping, completely oblivious to you being there.
Okay, you think, maybe this was a bad idea.
You weave through the aisles, trying to find one of your friends within the busy store. Out the corner of your eye, you catch sight of hair that surely belonged to Mr Farrah Fawcett himself.
But, to your relief, they seem to be shopping and not attacked by a revenge-set basketball team. Although you didn’t miss how Robin’s head was a little lower than usual, Steve sending concerned glances her way. Something definitely happened.
You don’t have any more time to think about it before you hear your name behind you, spoken by a voice you didn’t recognise.
Turning around, you finally spot Nancy, wielding a shotgun. Despite her classy exterior, it was honestly weirder to see her without a gun than with it. And, in front of her, leaning in uncomfortably close, was Jason Carver.
You only knew his face from the photos Lucas showed you from his last game. You almost felt sorry for him; his girlfriend was murdered, of course he would overreact. You just had a problem with the fact that he would threaten and hurt anyone that got in his way, all morals thrown away to achieve a horrific goal.
Walking closer, you keep quiet, the busy noises of people around you softening your footsteps.
Jason had a firm grip around the shotgun Nancy held and it was clear he wasn’t letting go of her anytime soon.
“I just wanna know where she is.” He gritted through his teeth and Nancy remained silent.
“Where who is?” You ask, noticing Nancy’s eyes widen when she sees you behind him.
Ah, you realise, they’re talking about me.
“Y/n Mayfield.” Jason spoke, gesturing for you to move around. But you stayed in place and he had to reluctantly let go of Nancy to face you instead. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“I’m sorry…” You step forward, frowning, “Uh… Jackson, is it?”
His jaw clicked but he forced a smile, “Jason.”
“Right, right.” You nod, watching as Nancy slowly backed away and gestured to the others that they needed to leave. You needed to buy a little time for her to get everyone out before they were caught. “So, Jason, what can I do for you?”
“I’ve been looking for Eddie Munson.” He states, leaning against the gun counter, “And I know for a fact that you two are pretty close.”
You cross your arms, waiting for Nancy’s signal that you could leave. “Hm, yeah, about that. Eddie and I broke up, like, two years ago now? I have no idea where he is. Hell, he’s probably far away from Hawkins by now.”
“See? I don’t believe that.” Jason leant forward, trying to stare you down into confession. But he doesn’t know you’ve already looked the devil in the eyes before. If anything, he was just an annoying yappy dog on your list of enemies.
“Well, then I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.” You shrug and Nancy nods at you. It was time to go. “Anyway, I hope you… well, get therapy, I guess. It’s been a nice chat.”
You turn to go and stop in your tracks. Two more guys dressed in Hawkins jackets block your way out and Jason lets out a low chuckle.
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere.”
“Look, I seriously have no idea where Eddie is.” You insist, looking him in the eye, “I am no use to you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Jason raises his head and you feel shadows creeping closer to you, “You’re… valuable, in a way. Eddie clearly cares about you. Hell, I remember a few kids messing around with the photos you took- you know, the ones hung up in the halls- and he went berserk. I think if anyone’s gonna convince him out of hiding, it’s you.”
“Let me guess,” You try to keep a bored expression, your heart beating faster, “You’re gonna kidnap poor, vulnerable and defenceless me, threaten my life on TV which will make Eddie want to be my hero and save my life, blah, blah, blah.”
“Yeah, you got it.” He laughs.
“Hm, funny thing about that plan.” You nod slowly, noticing Nancy waiting across the room, eyebrows furrowed.
“And what’s that?” Jason smirks, and you feel the two guys behind you are closer enough to touch.
“I’m not vulnerable and defenceless.”
In a flash, you strike your elbows back, hitting his friends squarely in the stomach and they stumble back. When Jason flies forward to grab you, you simply duck and grab his torso, letting his momentum crash him straight into his buddies.
Quickly moving away, you run across the store, throwing heavy items behind you when you hear footsteps approaching.
“Time to go, time to go, go, go, go!” You utter to Nancy, grabbing her hand as you run past and pulling her towards the exit with you.
Yells and shouts sounded from behind you as you both sprinted across the parking lot, hand in hand, and towards the RV where Max was patiently waiting outside. Once she clocked you both, her eyes drifted behind you to what you could only assume was Jason’s army chasing after you, and she threw the door open, stepping in and shouting out to the driver’s seat.
Nancy jumps in first, turning around and reaching out.
Just as Steve pulled away, she managed to grab hold of your hand again and pulled you in at the last second, both of you flying forward and landing on the floor beside Steve.
“So… went well?” Steve raises an eyebrow.
You silently raise your middle finger, earning a smirk as he drives out of the parking lot and away from the danger.
Chapter 17: Mad Fools ->
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taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711 / @eddiesbirdie / @livasaurasrex / @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs / @eternallyvenus / @nervouscatsuit / @f1nn-wolfhard / @hereiamhereigo / @ladybug0095 / @fangirling-4-ever / @astrolockley / @mothmanatemycat / @sheisjoeschateau / @champagnejoker / @umidktbh / @fallinginlovewithqueue / @ilovetaylorswift132006 / @live-the-fangirl-life / @sadbitchfangirl / @cherrymedicine13 / @engenelxver / @sagaonpandora /
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littleststarfighter · 2 years
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'Come on, Munson. Keep those feet moving.'
'Trying my best, Big Guy.'
'Dustin will never forgive me if I don't get you home.'
'Tell Dustin...Mordor sucks.'
7K notes · View notes
ozzies-fizzy-froggy · 2 years
Ain’t talkin’ ‘bout Love
summary: two of the bats’ fangs carried something other than venom. After an attack by a swarm of the Demobats, Eddie and Steve are acting… Different…
warnings 18+: dom eddie, soft dom steve, steve x eddie x gn body inclusive reader, rough oral sex, p in v sex, light bondage, bossy eddie, double penetration, overstimulation, praise kink, oral sex, pussy drunk steve, unprotected sex, spit lube, aftercare, edging, they both cum in you :), but you're on the pill
3,558 words, not proofread and my first fanfic, please leave suggestions! 💜
You hadn’t realized just how much you had missed the small town of Hawkins. Being away for so long, you kind of forgot what it felt like to be in the “satanic panic” ridden town. It was almost exciting.
Being back in town to visit your Boyfriends after a long road trip was the perfect end to your dream adventure. The long drive had made the idea of crashing back home with your friends and family sound like absolute heaven.
You pull into the lot of Eddie’s RV and see no one in sight. You had assumed that at least Eddie would be home to greet you but apparently not. Stepping out of your car and closing the door, you lock the stubborn doors and head towards the slightly beat up trailer.
“Ed! You home?” You called, fully expecting to see the mop of brown curly hair pop up in the bedroom window or a faint voice to respond, but after a few seconds there was nothing. You looked around and didn’t even see the new hellfire van he had so proudly been boasting about.
You knock on the door and finally hear a sound, though it doesn’t sound like the long, heavy strides of Eddie or the quick, thoughtful strides of Steve. You listen closely and hear an approaching rustle from the inside of the trailer. You take a step back in precaution and wait, watching the door handle turn quickly.
“Surprise!” You gasp as the familiar faces of Robin and Nancy appear from inside the Munson trailer.
You smile and hug both of them, Nancy first then reaching behind her to hug Robin. You were surprised by the two but remembered that you had all agreed to share the space when you got back. After Uncle Vern had moved out of Hawkins, the trailer was Eddie’s property. Since then, the five of you had decided to become roommates.
“Oh it's so good to be back! I missed you two!” You said, Robin ruffling your hair as you walked inside.
Nancy grabbed your bags as you looked around. The trailer inside had practically transformed, fairy lights decorating the interior of the joint rooms, and a new wall was put in the middle of the trailer to create two rooms with the kitchen in the middle. The queen bed was crowded with pillows and some stuffed animals which were anniversary gifts between the couple.
“Your side is so cute!” You exclaimed, Robin sprawled on the bed, soaking in the new pleasant energy that covered the room.
“Thanks! We did it all today!” Nancy said with a smile, “Birdy did most of the heavy lifting” She winked at her partner.
Robin flexed her muscles, giving a joking kiss to the slightly toned arm. As Nancy took a seat next to Robin, the door burst open.
“What’s up party people?!” Eddie exclaimed, kicking the door open, “Wheeler, I didn’t know you drove a-”
The metalhead stopped mid-sentence as he laid eyes on you, his driven look twisted into the most excited smile you’d seen. You spread your arms, welcoming back the mop headed musician.
He dropped the two grocery bags he was holding and jumped into your arms. You both fell back, causing Robin and Nancy to jump up before you both went crashing onto the bed.
“I can’t believe you’re back!” He exclaimed, as he set a kiss on your left cheek and then your lips
Behind him in the doorway you saw Steve picking up the two grocery bags with a smile. He closed the door with his foot behind him and set the bags on the bed beside you and Eddie.
“Welcome home, y/n” He said with a grin, as he helped you and Eddie up. He grabbed both sides of your face and gave you a deep, longing kiss.
Your face illuminated with the sweet gesture that you wanted more of later. You hugged him tight, happy to finally be back home surrounded by your family.
Eddie sprung up quickly, interrupting your train of thought, he grabbed the bags from the bed and looked at each person in the room, excitedly.
“Who wants dinner?” He smirked, bouncing towards the kitchen. You watched as Robin and Nancy followed closely behind him.
You grabbed Steve’s hand, holding him close to you as you both followed the rest of the house towards the kitchen to cook.
You all sat on Robin and Nancy’s bed as you took bites of the pasta that Eddie had successfully managed to scrape together this time.
Just as you were about to finish your food you heard the walkie-talkie on Nancy’s night stand fizzle and speak.
“Hey Fruity Five, Come in Fruity Five! We have a code red, over!” Dustin’s voice yelled over the speaker, causing the five of you to stop dead in your eating.
Nancy grabbed the walkie-talkie, “Where’s the code red, over?”
“Wheeler house! Code red at the Wheeler house! Get here Stat, over!” He sounded panicked.
You jumped up and grabbed your keys, nodding to the group, “We’re on our way now, Dustin! Just hold on, over!”
You all very quickly burst out of the trailer as you piled into your car. You floored it as soon as the engine fired up.
“You never have a slow day in the town of Hawkins, do you?” You muttered under your breath as you headed way above the speed limit towards the Wheeler household.
You all spilled from the car and walked to the side door of the Wheeler house. As you all headed down the stairs, you noticed particles floating in the air. You had already felt the air around you grow stale but as soon as Eddie and Nancy saw the particles, the atmosphere felt suffocating.
“Finally! You’re here! Come on!” Will said as he appeared at the base of the stairs.
The group stood in the room, all eyes focused on the portal that had found its place nestled in Eleven’s old hideout.
“Why did you need us here? For that?” Steve asked, looking at Dustin with a raised brow, a sour look painted his face.
“Any time El tries to close it, something starts hissing and screaming. So we thought we’d call the best fighters in the group!” He said with a grin, a partial panic had tainted his expression.
Robin had Nancy sat down, Robin’s arms wrapped around the frozen body of her partner, “I don’t think Nance is doing any fighting..” She said, her tone laced with concern.
After the Vecna situation, anything related to the upside down sent Nancy into a spiral, even though every time she insisted that she would be fine. In the last year, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Steve had been dealing with random portals to the upside down opening.
Eddie and Steve nodded to each other as they each grabbed a baseball bat from the corner of the room. El looked at the two and took a deep breath as she extended her arm towards the portal and started to close it.
As soon as the portal started closing, a demobat wing slashed through the portal.
“Incoming!” Dustin yelled, causing Eddie and Steve to get into readied stances.
Two winged creatures burst through the portal at the same time, flying aggressively around the room. As one ran into different things, the other decided to dive bomb Steve.
“Die stupid bat!” Steve spat, swinging his baseball bat towards the demobat.
As he swung, the other bat regained its bearings and dove directly onto Steve’s back, sinking its teeth into his shoulder. Eddie knocked it off almost immediately and killed it.
“Fucking. Hell.” Steve swore through gritted teeth, “Eddie! Behind you!” He exclaimed immediately as a bat swooped down, biting Eddie’s arm before Steve grabbed it and killed it.
At that exact moment, El closed the portal, her nose bleeding. You rushed to Eddie and Steve looking over their wounds. Thankfully they weren’t bad but Robin brings over medical supplies to bandage them up.
“Never again, kid.” Eddie joked, his tone shaken but joking nonetheless.
Dustin hugged both Steve and Eddie first and then hugged you.
“Welcome back, y/n! We were going to throw you a surprise party but..” He gestured around the room, “Yknow..”
You ruffled his hair, “Thanks bud, never a rest in this town, huh?” You smiled softly at him.
"You're telling me." Max said from the top of the basement stairs with a grin.
She was sat in a wheelchair, one hand on the door handle, the other laid limp in her lap. After her last Vecna adventure she was left unable to walk, but thankfully her sight and speech were untouched.
"Hey, Madmax." You smiled up at the redhead, "Long time no see!"
You all made your way upstairs, some busted and bruised, but together nonetheless.
On the way home, Nancy and Robin decided to have you drop them off at the The Hawk for the showing of My Neighbor Totoro to help calm Nancy's nerves. After you dropped them off, an unfamiliar silence fell over the car.
"We aren't too far from the trailer, we'll get you both home and rested in no time, alright?" You reassured your partners who appeared to be in some sort of daze.
Eddie nodded, sitting in the backseat with Steve slouched to lean on his shoulder. His eyes were locked on the rear view mirror, forcing eye contact whenever you looked back at them.
"Are you alright?" You asked hesitantly, not fully understanding why he was so fixated.
Your words seemed to have shaken him from his trance, "Oh, what? Me? Oh yeah, I'm alright. Just.. Could we roll down the windows? It's… hot in here." The last sentence had sounded more like a question than a statement as though he wasn't sure if he was correct or not.
You watched as he pushed Steve off of him and tugged at his own collar. Steve looked at him, sweat beaded on his forehead, but it wasn't hot. In the fall air it was actually fairly chilly, but you rolled the windows down anyways, much to both of their relief.
As you pulled into the driveway, Eddie and Steve both bolted inside. You got out, locked the car and followed after them, worried. As you entered, you saw that the door to your portion of the trailer was wide open.
"Hey!~" Eddie called from the room, his tone sounded different than the discomfort in the car.
You followed the sound of the voice to your room and as you rounded the corner you immediately felt your face flush.
Eddie and Steve were sitting there shirtless, Steve staring at Eddie. Eddie had his belt undone and was already hanging on for dear life on his hips. Your eyes had followed his torso to his happy trail, which caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach and lower.
"What's going on?" You asked, your voice made Steve turn towards you. The two sets of eyes made you feel like you were going to melt in place.
Eddie motioned for you to join the two of them on the bed and you happily obliged. You sat on the bed between them and felt the heat radiating from their bodies combined.
"I think that the bat's venom… did something to us, sweetheart." Eddie said, his hand fell onto your thigh almost immediately, his thumb rubbed in a slow pattern.
Steve's breath shook on your left, "It's really hot in here… you're really hot…" He practically whispered as he unzipped his pants.
Eddie's hand slipped under your shirt, running his hand over your chest. He kissed the side of your neck, letting his tongue slip between his lips to meet the skin at the crook of your neck. You felt tiny bites as he got more and more excited.
You watched Steve stand up, now completely naked in front of you, already hard. He looked at Eddie, his eyes almost asking for permission. Eddie glanced towards him and gave him a soft nod before resuming on marking your neck. Steve's gaze landed on you, a lustful drive clouded his usually smiling face. He approached you, his dick swayed as he walked.
"Please baby, help me with whatever those bats did to us.." He smirked, his words rolled from his mouth in a sultry tone.
You felt his hand on the back of your head, his firm grip raising the heat your body felt. You opened your mouth, your hot breath meeting his tip. You watched as his eyes rolled back and he jerked his hips forward in response, the ache for touch killing him. He pulled your head towards him, sliding his dick into your mouth.
Eddie smirked against your neck as you're pulled away to service Steve. Eddie moved his hand down, unzipping your pants and getting rid of them. He moved his hand back to your pussy, lightly letting his fingers explore your sensitive parts. Your legs twitched, feeling the butterflies drop down between your legs. You let out a moan, a vibration warming Steve.
"Fuck." Steve cursed under his breath.
Eddie looked up at Steve, a smirk on his face, "Come on big boy, is that all you've got? Our baby here deserves a proper welcome home, don't you think?" He cooed
Steve huffed as he pulled your head forward, forcing himself down your throat. His grunts and soft moans filled the room, a hungry insatiable drive caused him to practically hump your head.
As you pleased Steve you felt a sudden change in Eddie's breathing on your neck. You shift your gaze momentarily to the metalhead and see that he had his dick out. His eyes were locked on you and Steve as he slowly stroked his dick. He was already hard just at the sight of his partners.
Steve pulled out of your mouth, his dick twitched with his already close orgasm. He looked at Eddie, almost as though he was asking for approval. Eddie nodded to him as he stood up. The two of them stood in front of you, hard and inhumanely horny. Steve almost looked uncomfortable without your mouth around his dick. Suddenly, Eddie laid you down, your back touching the cool mattress in the steamy room. Eddie looked at Steve and motioned towards you, which sent Steve immediately between your legs. You felt his unnaturally hot breath tickling your clit. As you went to go grab the back of his head, Eddie stopped you.
He crawled up beside you, his lips meeting your ear, grabbing your hands and pushing them up above your head, "Tut tut, not so fast, angel… We may need to restrain you." He reached for his belt and cuffs, cuffing you and tying them to the bed, restraining your movement.
You felt Steve's tongue slip between his lips and lightly brush your clit which caused you to buck your hips in response. He looked up at Eddie who stared at him for a moment, tilting his head. Then as though he had given Steve a mental countdown he nodded and you felt Steve's mouth crash against your sex. It was a white flash of ecstasy as you felt him sucking on your clit, his tongue swirling around it. Quickly he moved down to your opening, shoving his tongue in as far as it would go, eating as though he was starved. Eddie watched, touching himself again, his dick twitching. You ground down on Steve's face, an overwhelming sense of pleasure flooding your body. You felt your back arch as Eddie's free hand explored your chest and made its way down, exploring any of your curves and dips.
"Oh, Steve…" You moaned, the feeling of the two boys on you overwhelming any and every part of your brain.
Steve pulled away, a string of your sex stretching from his tongue to your soaked pussy. He looked almost hypnotised, his breath causing his chest to heave with every lustful sigh. He kissed your clit before you watched Steve get up, his dick now waiting at your entrance. He had a possessive look in his eye, a hunger you had never seen from him. He slowly eased the tip in as a moan escaped from his mouth. Almost immediately you watch as Eddie stood up, towering over the brunette. He grabbed Steve's chin which made Steve pull out and move onto the bed. Eddie kneeled in front of you, replacing the empty space where Steve had been with his own tip. He let out a grunt as you feel his dick throbbing already.
"Steve." He said, his tone full of lust, "Be a good boy and watch for me, alright?"
Steve nodded, touching himself to the musician's voice. Suddenly, you felt Eddie spit down onto your combined heat. He grabbed your hips, shifting his gaze from Steve to you as he slowly started a rhythm. He started slow, introducing you to the feeling of his dick. He was roughly 8" but he was fairly thick, from multiple rounds in the past you had figured out that he was perfect.
You squirmed a bit, still confined to your binds that made it impossible to grip onto something. Eddie's pace picked up as though he was overpowered by some otherworldly being. You felt him burying himself deep inside you, the sounds from Steve making everyone aware of his jealousy. Eddie chuckled as he continued to plow his way into you, making sure to over-express the cloud nine he was on. Suddenly you arched your back, your moans filling the room and causing Steve to grunt, precum dripping from his tip. You felt as Eddie started hitting one spot deep inside that felt unexplainable.
"There's the ticket." He growled as he picked up the pace again, this time abusing this spot.
The sounds that came from your mouth had Steve clawing at the bed. The room felt like it was spinning, the pure ecstasy of him so deep inside of you made your moans fill the room.
"Eddie, I'm gonna..-" You moan to him, feeling yourself get more and more wet as he gets faster.
Eddie pulls out and cums on your stomach, his hips jerking forward with his climax. He lets out his held breath with a grunt as he finishes cumming.
"Not so fast, dearest." He cooed, moving to your side as your orgasm starts to dwindle.
He nodded his head to Steve who immediately hopped up, his dick wet with precum. He stood between your legs, his dick ready at your entrance, but he looked at Eddie for his command.
"Go on." Eddie smirked with a nod.
You felt Steve's hips thrust forward almost as though he was spring loaded. He enters you with no care for your sensitive pussy, only for his unsatisfied ravaging lust. As your moans filled the room, you feel him start to pick up the pace as he slammed into you with reckless abandon. Eddie leaned down to kiss you, this time kissing your lips before trailing hickies down your stomach and side.
You suddenly felt a rising heat in your abdomen, a wild spreading fire causing you to let out a moan that made Steve plunge into you. As Steve's grunts grew louder, Eddie lifted you up from underneath. He slid himself under you, his abs pressed against your back. He nodded to Steve as you feel Eddie enter you as well. The feeling of the two boys made the rising heat in you almost triple.
The two lust driven men drilled into you, their balls slapping against you as their pace never waved. You felt Eddie's hot breath tickling your neck again though this time it was mixed with growls and almost whimpers as he neared his second orgasm. You felt as Steve started to lose control, his pace became more strict, his breath became heaves as he helplessly fucked you with his full length.
"Eddie…" He whimpered, his orgasm sending his brain into a teetering spiral, "Please…"
"Do it, big boy." You heard the metalhead demand beneath you as he shoved himself in you deep.
Both of the boys came at the same time, both tensing. You heard harsh grunts as Eddie emptied his second load into you and to contrast, you heard Steve's little whimpers and moans as they spilled from his mouth. You moaned loudly as you tightened around the two dicks that filled you. Your back arched as the combined orgasm of the three of you caused you to feel as though you were breaking. You pulled against your binds as the orgasm rocked you, you felt as though every nerve was being electrocuted. The two boys huffed as they both bucked, releasing the last bit of their joined orgasm.
Steve collapsed onto you, panting as he kept himself hovered above the two of you, "Holy shit…"
Eddie's dick popped out of you as he slowly lifted you up. He cuddled you close, wrapping you three in a soft blanket. Steve moved under you, still having himself buried inside of you to cool down.
"Such a good pet.. You took us so well." Eddie cooed, "Welcome home."
"Welcome... Back... To you too.." You murmured as you buried your face in Steve's chest.
"Glad to be back." Steve responded with a soft smile, Eddie making a sound in agreement.
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smoothpapertowels · 2 years
my stranger things vol. 2 reactions
just thought it would be fun. i’m watching alone so i have to talk to SOMEONE about these emotions.
Episode 8: Papa
- disappointed robin didn’t come thru with the tidbit where she sees nancy’s tapes in her room and saves her from vecna with them (but my fic has that ;))
- eddies music line was hilarious
- enzo was hot asf
- poor joyce having funerals for both her boy and her love. at least they’re both not dead.
- “she missed her dad” waaaah
- the demogorgon absolutely clearing the floors of the prison was hilarious and sick
- how did the open heart surgery demogorgon die from one bullet
- the russian demogorgon lab reveal was GOOD
- eleven lifting up the tank was satisfying
- will just wants to play dnd with mike for the rest of his life.
- will is such a good friend. he’s a good LISTENER
- mike :((
- are you kidding me. are you fucking kidding me. i’m crying
- omg mike is realizing
- NO DONT CRY WILL BABY. gay is different and OK
- noah u are so good at what u do
- OH MY GOD DONT CRY WILL BABY NOOO my little gay heart
- he’s such a good friend. he is helping mike with his relationship even tho he wants to be with him. like wow.
- “i’m not gonna lie to you eleven” bs.
- pls do true owens. not ominous at all
- nancy leaving out her dad…does she not…love him?
- what bad skin robin??
- max. ur gonna die
- max bby ur so brave omg
- she’s preparing herself to die and it hurts so bad
- hop is free :)
- RED. max is now red.
- eddie motorcycle perchance?
- oh. eddie rv. slightly less cool but funnier
- eddie is abt to CRACK i swear
- steve’s bare foot💀
- Team Owens yass!
- steve wants a family😭it’s his babysitting gene
- omg if maxs memory is lucas-
- boy is BRAVE
- stop lumax is supreme
- kate bush is also supreme
- is yuri Okay
- vickie :((
- amybeth is the loml
- nancy pls beat up jason rn.
- jason is off his rocker!!!
- small woman.
- luv u argyle
- oh sam u are dust. wait who are these dickheads??
- she is such a slay rn. open that door girl.
- oh this is not good
- eddie! little shield boy!!
- omg eddie’s such a nerd.
- AW DUSTIN. so cute
- aw omg eddie munson heart of gold.
- erica is such a bad bitch
- everything is so wholesome for a bit.
- steve trying to comfort robin :(
- not everything has a happy ending. i will cry
- robin. robin shut up. no. it will work out.
- they’re just kids man :(
- if robin or steve die i will kms
- tbh i totally forgot that military storyline was happening
- i hate the military btw :)
- california crew to the rescue!!
- she is such a badass
- that was so cool
- millie has fallen to her knees so many times. get this girl some knee pads.
- she doesn’t even pass out after that? my girl gettin STRONG!
- will in the background of mileven i- (kinda have to laugh)
- will and el :’)
- a speck of redemption for brenner??
- kinda sad that she’s his family but like…why would you treat ur family like that🤨
- stop the music- the mike music :(
- oh shit. el is her OWN! PERSON!!
- i heart u and ur music kyle dixon
- who IS gonna die el??
- also have y’all seen the spotify playlist it looks so cool
- i’m so scared for the next one. here we go folks.
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