#steve is insecure
xxbottlecapx · 2 years
Dustin telling Steve that Eddie only likes pretty guys thinking it'll give Steve the confidence to ask eddie on a date, but Steve takes it as Dustin saying Steve isn't pretty enough so he spirals
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tartarusknight · 2 years
King of the Freaks | Part 9
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Steve and Eddie drop off the kids one by one on the way back and he’s tired. An entire day with the kids and too many sleepless nights added up. He’s basically nodding off in Eddie’s passenger seat when they stop in front of the trailer. “Steve?” Eddie’s voice is soft and warm, just like it had been in the closet. It makes Steve relax completely. “Hey, we’re here,” Eddie says softly and Steve blinks awake. He clumsily gets out of the car and Eddie catches him when he stumbles a little.
Steve curls against Eddie instinctively and Eddie wraps his arms around him slowly. “Thank you,” Steve whispered and Eddie gave him a small squeeze but he didn’t say anything. It made Steve snap back into himself. He jolts awake and pulls back quickly enough. For a moment, just a single moment he had felt… it was like when he fell asleep while Nancy studied. Getting to wake up to her soft smile. But this was different, it had to be different.
He looked over at his car and swallowed. They had school in the morning. “Do you want to stay the night? You seem really tired and I wouldn’t want you to fall asleep at the wheel or anything.” Eddie blurted out in basically one breath. Steve blinked as Eddie kept going. “We don’t have a spare bed or anything but you could definitely take my bed. I’d take the floor easily. I mean gotta treat royalty as royalty, right?”
Steve let out a soft laugh and Eddie searched his face for a moment. “Eddie Munson, trying to get me into his bed,” he teases and the other goes red. It makes Steve pause but… well making someone blush always feels good, doesn’t it? “Another time, I’ve got to take a shower before school.” He says softly and Eddie looks a little saddened.
But he nods, “of course. You’ve got your reputation to hold up too.”
Steve smiles softly, they both knew his reputation was shit. “Well, hair like mine is well loved. The kids are lucky I left the house without my full routine.”
Eddie snorts, “Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.”
He shakes his head and he’s got a soft look in his eye. “Call me when you get home? Gotta keep this old soul from worrying.” He says lightly, and Steve nods.
He hesitates for a moment and looks at Eddie, “This was fun, right?”
“Uh, duh, Stevie. I spent the day with a bunch of nerds and you,” he says and Steve brightens. “We should do it again. Although if you want to do more adult activities, maybe not the kiddos.” He grins and Steve freezes. Eddie blinks and then his entire burns, “I meant drugs!” He shouted and Steve slaps a hand over his mouth to quiet him down.
This close to Eddie he can smell the lingering smell of weed, smoke, and leather. He can’t stop the laughter bubbling out of him. “Oh my god, I thought you were more discreet than that Eds.” He says and almost leans in closer.
Eddie pulls on Steve’s hand and his entire face is red. “I panicked,” he hissed and Steve’s brain halted.
Steve was raised by parents who read the articles in the news about queer people, he was always told how unnatural they were. But… then he met Tommy and saw the boy for who he was. He was sure that not all queer people were disgusting. Steve always enjoyed it when people liked him. He always enjoyed making people flush. So, Tommy’s crush was ignored and Steve never made his friend feel bad about it. But this was Eddie.
Feelings swirled inside of Steve as he took in Eddie. “So…?” Eddie asked awkwardly and Steve blinked back into himself. Weed.
Steve cleared his throat. Tommy used to get him high because Steve was always clingy when he got high. Steve never cared enough to stop it. He liked curling up against Tommy and getting all of his attention. He thought about doing it with Eddie and his palms were sweaty. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.” He whispers gently and Eddie looks over his face.
Steve wondered if Eddie knew he had a crush on Steve. Or if Eddie wasn’t aware of the feelings he had. Steve had watched as Tommy figured it out and asked Carol out in a fit of panic. It made Steve’s stomach drop and he straightened up and out of Eddie’s space. “Talk to you later, Munson.” He says and heads over to his car. Slipping in and refusing to look over at Eddie until the car was in reverse. As he backed out, he glanced over and Eddie gave him a small wave that felt kind of like a slap.
Steve didn’t even bother turning on the radio. His brain was loud enough by itself. He thought back to all of the girls he’s dated if you could even call it that. How they all thought about how hot he was and they all heard about him in bed. Nancy was the first real girlfriend and she dumped him because he wasn’t worth it. Tommy had gone out and got a girlfriend as soon as he realized his crush as if he couldn’t even believe he could like Steve. Like Steve was the worst possible crush he could have.
He thought of Eddie figuring out his crush and pushing Steve away just like everyone did. Because Steve wasn’t worth liking. Once people got past his looks, they couldn’t find a single thing to like about him. Did Eddie bring him into Hellfire just because he thought Steve was hot? Was it all just a ploy to see if Steve would sleep with him? If Steve said no, would he be alone again?
Steve had been trying to distance himself from Hellfire. But could he go back to being alone? Steve parked in the driveway of his house and choked on tears. Was Steve ever going to be more than just a pretty face?
He ran a hand down his face and tried to catch his breath. He had no clue how long he had sat there until he was able to make his way inside. He toed off his shoes and moved to the phone in the living room. He just had to do what he always did with Tommy. Ignore it, never acknowledge that you notice, and don’t lead him on. He dialed Eddie’s number and squeezed his eyes shut until Eddie answered with a happy, “Stevie!” Steve pushed back the memories of happy Steve-o’s as Tommy greeted him.
Sure, Steve had slept with a lot of girls just so they could get him out of their system but this was different. This made his stomach swirl and his palms sweat. It made him nervous and… it felt nice even if it really didn’t. He liked that Eddie liked him. It made him feel proud deep down but… He couldn’t- he liked women. “Hey, I’m home safe and sound,” he said softly.
“That’s good, I was getting a little worried. Did you stop off somewhere?” Eddie questioned and the thing was, Eddie always sounded so genuine. Like he wanted to hear about Steve’s day or how he was feeling. Steve had never known anyone who asked about him without having some motive behind it but all of Hellfire was different.
Steve cleared his throat, he understood the motive now. “Nah, I just got distracted. Um, I guess I was as tired as you thought- well not as tired. I didn’t fall asleep at the wheel or anything. I just- I sat in my car for way longer than I needed.” He laughed awkwardly and looked over at the clock, it was getting close to 9. Steve could use it as an excuse to get off the phone faster.
“Hey, do you mind if I stay on until the kids' radio in?” Eddie murmured and Steve blinked. “Weirdly enough it’s become like a part of my schedule, calling you after nine. But it’s before 9 and I feel weird not knowing if they’re all safe and sound. I mean it’s not like much happens in Hawkins, but it’s been kind of… nice.” Eddie rambled and Steve’s heart hurt.
“Course, just give me a minute to go grab the walkie.” He waited for an okay before heading downstairs to the couches and grabbing the walkie plus a blanket. He moved back into the living room and dropped on one of the uncomfortably stiff couches. He picked the phone back up, but before he said anything he noticed Eddie humming on the other side. Steve closed his eyes and he could picture Eddie moving around the small little kitchen in the Munson trailer with the phone against his ear.
“What are you doing right now?” He asked at the sound of something metallic on Eddie’s end.
He heard a clang then a muttered, “fuck.” Before he got a reply. “I was making toast.” Eddie huffed, “now I’ve got peanut butter on the floor instead of on the toast.”
Steve leaned back and lay on the couch, trying to get comfortable. “Yeah? Well, if you hadn’t freaked out, you wouldn’t be in this mess.” He tried to point out but all he got was an outraged squawk.
“Excuse you! I was distracted and you shocked me!”
Steve laughed softly, “Eddie, we’re on the phone? How could my voice shock you?” He got shushed and Eddie refused to answer.
“Well then,” Steve sighed. “We’ve got about uh, 30 minutes until the kids' radio in.” He offered before grabbing the blanket and wrapping himself up in it. He pondered a question to ask so it wouldn’t get awkward but Eddie beat him to the punch.
“So, Stevie, darling,” he drawled and Steve flushed because Eddie was flirting with him even if Eddie didn’t realize it. “I’ve been dying to know… how did you meet the kids?”
Steve looked up at the ceiling and laughed lightly, “it’s a long story.”
“We’ve got time,” Eddie says back.
Steve closes his eyes and sighs, “Mike’s Nancy’s younger, brother, right? Well, he’s also like Will’s number one fan. Mike has a binder of Will’s art. And well, because of Nancy and Mike, I ended up being around when they found Will. The kid had been through a lot and looked worse for wear… Joyce, she started asking me to look after Will if no one else could. Maybe just once a month. I got to know the kid a little but he was quiet and I could tell he didn’t really understand me. I let him be, for the most part, just keeping an eye on him. Until this Halloween.”
Steve felt emotions he hadn’t dealt with crawl up his throat, “Did you hear about my big fight with Nancy at the Halloween Party?”
Eddie hummed, “A little but mostly just that there was a fight and you two left separately.”
Steve sighed, “yeah. We basically broke up but Nancy was drunk, right? So, I uh, we talked the next day and fought again. She was… and I just felt like a frayed nerve. But I felt bad and I went to her house to apologize. She and Mike weren’t there but Dustin was.”
He laughed a little, “the kid took the flowers I bought and tossed them into the dirt before getting into my car. He lost his mom’s cat and demanded my help. So, apologizing to Nance was out and I got into my car with the little shit.” Steve paused because where could he go from there?
“What was the cat’s name?” Eddie asked, breaking through Steve’s thoughts and he laughed lightly.
“Mews, cute right?”
“Totally, gotta love it.”
Steve curled up a little tighter on the couch, “We found out a wild dog killed the cat. Which made Dustin determined to catch the dog and bring it in because he didn’t want it harming anything else.” Steve chuckled, “so the next few hours happened and it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever done. Dustin had radioed Lucas who dragged Max with and we set up a trap at the junkyard. We say the damn thing but it got away. Hopper got involved after that and when he was out looking for it, Billy bashed my face in until Max got him to stop.”
“Damn, sounds crazy,” Eddie laughed and Steve sunk further into the blanket.
“Yeah… uh, one of the weirdest days of my life.”
Eddie chuckles, “not the weirdest? Come on, what’s weirder than that?” Steve thinks of Nancy pointing her gun at him. Christmas lights flickering. A monster ripping out of the wall like all it was, was wallpaper. Of Jonathan grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hall. Jumping over a bear trap before waiting on a yellow smiling yoyo to drop. The silence and fear before Steve couldn’t take it anymore and shouted. Nancy telling him to run. How he listened for a moment before he saw the flashing lights from outside. Running back in and hitting a 7-foot-tall monster with a baseball bat littered with nails. Pushing it into a bear trap before Jonathan set it on fire.
Steve cleared his throat, “a story for another day.” He says instead and barely stops the urge to go grab his bat from under his bed.
"Did you ever apologize to Nancy?" Eddie questions and Steve hesitates for a moment.
He swallows down the pain, "no. Next time I saw her she was with Jonathan." He hates how Eddie goes quiet.
He rubs his face, “Your turn… uh, how did you meet the others?”
Eddie sighs like he’s a little disappointed. “Well, I’ve known Gareth the longest. His brother graduated last year, uh, when I was supposed to graduate. Anyways, I got to know Gareth through him, and well… Gareth’s always been short, people his age, he’s a freshman this year just in case you didn’t know, they teased him for it. But me being almost four years older, I scared them off a few times and we started our band not too long afterward.”
He sounds like he’s tapping on the counter of something. “Jeff is only a year behind us, well he was two years behind me but…” Eddie sounds unbothered but Steve wonders how much of that is a front. “He joined Hellfire to play d&d but it took him a little bit to actually become friends with us. While he knew d&d wasn’t evil he didn’t exactly trust our reputation. So many great rumors surrounding Hellfire,” Eddie laughed. “But eventually he also joined Corroded Coffin as well. And Grant’s the same age as Gareth. The two of them became friends when Grant moved here in… uh I think they were in 8th grade. I’m not sure. Anyways he’s been around for a couple of years.”
Eddie laughs a little, “nowhere near as entertaining as your story.”
Steve hums, “I think simple’s nice. I tried to stay as simple as I could for a long time. Just going with the flow… sometimes I miss how easy it was.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to hum, “well, if it helps, I like this version of Steve Harrington more. The one that cares, the one-”
“Who doesn’t bully you?” Steve offered and his chest twisted. He keeps his eyes closed, “I’m sorry if I ever bullied you. Really, you guys don’t deserve the shit you get.” He sighs and sits up, the blanket falling down. “I wish I put a stop to it when people actually gave a shit about my opinion.”
“I don’t think it would’ve mattered. We are easy targets. We’re freaks, Steve. We have to hold ourselves differently to get through the day but at the end of the day, we’re with people we actually like and get to be ourselves. I don’t think you did that before.” Eddie stated and Steve wished Eddie wouldn’t turn this around and make it about Steve.
“Just because popular kids hate themselves doesn’t mean shit, Eds. I never should’ve taken anything out on another person. It’s my shit and I should've just dealt with it.” Steve pressed and was startled when the radio crackled to life next to him.
He and Eddie listened to the kids, Nancy, and Jonathan all count off. “Steve is signing off,” he says softly into the radio once everyone is done. He does it without Dustin needing to push him and it makes him feel a little proud of himself. The radio goes quiet once again and he sits there in silence with the phone and radio in each hand. “Well, um, I’ll talk to you in the morning?”
There’s a crackle over the line, “yeah, Stevie. See you in the morning… and uh, just know that if you ever want to talk about your shit, I’ll listen.” Eddie promises and Steve swallows.
“Night,” he barely manages.
Steve barely makes out a small sigh, “night, sweetheart.”
He hangs up the phone and pulls himself closer. Choking on tears that come out of nowhere. Tucking his legs against his chest as tightly as he can until exhaustion wins out and he once again sleeps on the couch.
@zerokrox-bloglog @cyranyxx @adaed5 @the-redthreadd @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaringceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshitorthisshit @failedstarsandgoldencloudsds @bisexualdisastersworldd @deadlydodoss @anythingyouwanttobee @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaverr @thehumblefigtreee @megzdoodlee @swimmingbirdrunningrockk @mightbeasleepp @bxlthazarar @autumnal-dawnn @chillichatss @nonbinary-eddie-munsonon @the-daydreamer-in-the-cornerner @eddie-munson-is-my-wifewife @a-little-unsteddiedie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections  cherixxx69  theotalksalot  tailsfromthecrypt  ledleaf  grimmfitzz  @pyrohonk  
(I can’t tag anymore people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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Here's a lil idea that I simply do not have the time to make a full fic of, but I gotta get it out or it won't leave me alone.
Steve thinks he's in a happy, fulfilling relationship with Eddie, while Eddie's insecurities have him believing he's just a place holder for the future Mrs. Harrington.
It comes to light when Steve does something cheesy and romantic and Eddie, not able to handle it because it's too romantic, tries to joke about it like "why would you bother to put all this effort in just for me?"
And Steve like "what do you mean? You're my boyfriend and I wanted to"
And then Eddie like "yeah, no, I know that. I just don't understand why." And then he goes on a little self-deprecating rant, explaining all the ways he's not good enough for Steve, all while Steve just stares at him, brow furrowing more and more as Eddie speaks.
When Eddie finally runs out of words, Steve says, "I don't understand? What have I done to make you think this?"
And Eddie kinda blue screens. Because Steve hasn't done anything to make Eddie think this; he's been a perfect boyfriend. It's just... it's inevitable, isn't it? That Steve'll move onto to bigger, better things? Eddie says as much.
"Because it's- because you're Steve Harrington!"
Since Steve's brow can't possibly furrow anymore, he starts to frown now. "I still don't understand?? Why did- do you think I'm just going to be going through the checkout at Melvald's and just decide I want to marry some random woman instead of being with you?"
"What? No. It's not- I don't think you'll intentionally decide you want someone else more just randomly but, like..."
"There's no 'but' here, Eds. I asked you out because I want to be with you. You said yes because, I assume, you want to be with me, too! Was I wrong to assume-"
"NO! No! I do want to be with you!"
"Then.... you think I don't want to be with you?"
"I didn't say that."
"Sorry, it felt like you were implying it. So. If I haven't done anything to make you think I don't want to be with you, and you just said you want to be with me, then what... I don't understand where these thoughts have come from. Have you- were you just going to go through our whole relationship waiting for something bad to happen?"
And Eddie can just look down and shrug because, well, yeah. He had been thinking that. He has been waiting for the other shoe to drop. And now they're having this conversation and he's ruined Steve's sweet, romantic gesture with his own bullshit. So, even if the shoe wasn't going to drop before, it will now, because he's gone and fucked it up by putting his insecurities onto Steve and-
"What can I do to help you believe I'm in it, for as long as you want me?"
Eddie looks back to Steve then, because that's not what he expected to hear. "What?"
Steve steps closer, the furrowed brow and the frown gone, replacing it instead is the sappy look he catches on Steve's face every now and then, when Eddie's doing something particularly Eddie-ish. "Tell me what I can do to help you believe in this. In us. And I'll do it. Every day until we die."
"Steve," Eddie warbles out, surprised by his own watery voice. "I-I'm sorry. I-"
"Hush," Steve says, gentle and sure as he takes Eddie's face in his hands. "No apologies. I get it, so you don't have to apologize. Just. Talk to me, okay? Because I'm not holding out for something better. Not when you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Besides Robin."
"Besides Robin," Eddie agrees, nodding his head as much as he can in Steve's grasp. "But, uh, things like this. This helps." He gestures at the romantic candle-lite dinner slowly getting cold. There are flowers in a vase, and a cheesy little Garfield plushie sitting on the table, leaned against Eddie's wine glass. It's a Tuesday night in June and nowhere near a birthday, or holiday, or anniversary. Steve's just made him a sweet, romantic dinner just because.
"Oh good. You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself by not doing this weekly," Steve whispers before placing a kiss to Eddie's forehead, nose, then lips. "Now. Let's eat dinner before it gets too cold."
And it might take a while, for Eddie's insecurities to fade, but Steve keeps being Steve, which means perfect if not a little snarky, and then the next thing Eddie knows, it's been several decades and Steve will walk with him hand in hand to the courthouse and stand in line for hours to quickly get married. (They'll spend another two years planning the actual wedding because Eddie's dramatic and Steve's a perfectionist.)
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie and Jeff are doing a podcast interview over zoom during COVID lockdown when Steve passes by in the background of Eddie’s screen. You can’t see his face, just a faded Metallica t-shirt and a hand briefly resting on Eddie’s shoulder as he goes.
There’s some laughing from the people on the podcast about Eddie’s answer being interrupted and one of the podcasters say: For those just listening at home, it looks like Eddie is not spending this lockdown alone.
Eddie, joking: Yeah, yeah. That’s my husband…for now
Eddie: And forever!
Eddie: Judging by the look I just got, that was not a funny joke
Jeff: Uh, yeah, man. I could’ve told you that
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hungharrington · 4 months
i’m almost 22 and have never even kissed a boy (which i’m chronically insecure about). it’s made me feel very nervous regarding intimacy or “doing it wrong”. i feel like steve would be great coach and reassure the reader it’s okay and that they’re doing great. nothing to embarrassed about. (my soul needs this so bad)
hi honey !! i think you r so right & steve would be the perfect guy to give all the assurances <3 i hope u know that kisses don’t matter too much til they’re with someone you’re rlly sweet on so i wouldn’t sweat it angel x this one is sfw! wowzer!
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You’re on your couch and in Steve’s lap and worried about just about everything. 
Steve’s being sweet about it, his hands resting gently on either side of your waist, his thumbs swiping up and down to comfort you. He’s watching you closely, unaware he’s just taken your first, second, and third ever kisses. How could he know? you think, on the side of insecurity— it seems everybody else your age has already kissed someone. 
“You okay?” He asks, hazel eyes tracing over the soft features of your face. He loves your nose and the shape of your bottom lip— strange things to like perhaps, but Steve doesn’t care. 
You nod but don’t say anything. The motion is a bit jerky. Your hands are planted on his shoulders, holding them probably a bit too tight. Exhaling a breath, you nod again and pretend the fondness in his gaze isn’t making you shy.
“Yeah,” you finally speak, voice smaller than you intend. “Just- just wanna like—“ you swallow, eyes darting to the ceiling for a moment, if only to avoid his intense eyes. “I wanna get this right.” 
A car engine drones by outside in the dusky evening. Steve gives a little chuckle and his hands on your waist tug forward, pulling your attention down and your body an inch closer to his. It’s warm— every part of him is glowing warm. 
“I don’t think there’s any way you can get this wrong,” He admits, awfully sincere about it. 
It’s the truth. Steve likes you a lot. You could probably bite his lip too hard and make it bleed and he’d still find it pleasant. You have that effect on him. 
You don’t know that though. So, every stress seems very, very real. Are you kissing firm enough? Too firm? God, are your lips too dry? 
Your tongue flicks out to wet them, your hands giving his shoulders a nervous, minuscule squeeze. In your chest, your heart is torn between rabbiting in its anxiety or shrivelling in insecurity. 
“I mean,” you laugh a little, if only to cover your embarrassment. You duck your head to avoid his face, murmuring, “If there is, I’m sure I’ll find it. I haven’t, uh, exactly done this… too much.”
“That’s fine,” Steve says instantly. His warm, large hands give a tender squish on your waist, before sliding up and around to curl snugly around your body. He sits up a little straighter, his nose nudging against yours. 
“No, Steve,” you say, cheeks a touch heated. You count his eyelashes so you can avoid his eyes, you voice dropping volume towards the end of your sentence. “I mean, like… like ever.” 
Surprise flashes in his eyes for only a moment. His gaze darts down to your lips quickly but then he’s smiling, nudging closer, and stealing a quick kiss off your lips. Now he’s taken your fourth kiss too. 
You flush, something warm pinging its way up your spine. 
“That’s okay,” He murmurs, sounding like he really means it. 
“It is?” 
“It’s great. You’re great.” He kisses you again—your fifth— so sweet it tastes like sugar on your lips, his arms around you pulling you in closer. You drown in it, enamoured by how it feels to have his lips against yours. God, he makes you dizzy. 
Steve breaks the kiss but stays close, his arms pulling you closer still so you’re straddling him properly. He’s warm, so warm— and so freakin’ nice to you. 
“You don’t find it weird?” You can’t help but whisper. Your eyes crush closed, unable to face him. 
“Weird?” Steve echoes. “Are you kidding me? It’ll take more than that to freak me out.” 
One of his hands shifts up, moving up off your waist to cradle your jaw gently in his large palm. He peppers a string of kisses along your cheek and jaw, beginning to suck a sweet spot beneath your ear. Your hips shift before you realising, subtly grinding down into his. Flames begin to burn in your stomach. 
“It’s—I mean it’s kind of, like, a little embarrassing, don’t you think?” You continue, voice a little breathier than before. You’re not sure what you’re trying to convince of him of— you certainly don’t want him to stop. 
Steve’s lips brush over the barely forming bruise on your skin and your breath hitches. 
“Are you feeling embarrassed?” 
One slow kiss against your neck, his plush lips accompanied by the heat of his tongue. You squirm in his lap but don’t answer, fearful of being too truthful. You are and you aren’t. He isn’t making you embarrassed but you are, just a little. 
Your silence makes Steve pause, digging his face out of your neck to meet your eyes. “Hey. You shouldn’t be embarrassed- if you are for some other reason, we can— we can like stop—“ 
“No.” You cut in, God, now you’re seriously giving him the wrong idea. “No, oh my god, I sound so stupid- it’s not you— Steve—“ 
He cuts you off with another kiss, your sixth, and steals your runaway thoughts. It blissfully chases away your nerves for just a moment. 
“Great.” He smiles against your mouth, giving another squeeze of your waist. “Cos you don’t need to be.” He kisses your mouth again, seven. “All you need to be is enjoying yourself, okay? 
You like the sound of that— adore the way he’s so seamlessly finds the thing that sets your nerves alight and soothes it so easily. You whisper back, “Okay,” and gift him your eighth kiss, sweet and fierce. 
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livwritesstuff · 9 months
Hazel posts a tiktok captioned “p sure they had an actual argument after this lol”
It starts with a view of their kitchen where Steve is cooking at the stove. Hazel can be heard giggling behind the camera, and is presumably the one filming when Eddie walks into frame.
Eddie: Steven – question.
Steve: *turns to face him, already looking unamused*
Steve: Yes?
Eddie: Okay.
Eddie: Hypothetically speaking…
Eddie: Do you think you’d be more mad if I cheated on you with someone older than you or someone younger.
Steve: *eyebrows fly up practically into his hairline*
Steve: You can’t be serious.
Eddie: *looks at him expectantly*
Steve: Okay, here’s one for you then, if we’re playing games. Would you be more mad if I cheated on you with a man or a woman?
Hazel adjusts the camera just in time to catch the way Eddie’s wicked grin completely vanishes.
Eddie: Never mind, this isn’t fun anymore.
Steve: No, now I wanna know.
Steve: What, you can dish it out but you can’t take it, big guy?
Hazel flips the camera to face her.
Hazel, wheezing with laughter: Oh god, this was not my idea. That was all Da-
*end of tiktok*
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eddiethebrave · 25 days
🩷 part four
one two three
334 words
About halfway into the movie, Eddie pulls his face back the tiniest bit and Stevie doesn’t notice until the boy is nuzzling her like he had as a joke earlier, except he’s not joking anymore. Stevie can feel his lips pressed to her skin. It isn’t a kiss, per se, but it isn’t not a kiss, either. His cold nose makes her want to squirm away, but she’d rather die than do that, so she deals with it until he warms up and then it’s just perfect. 
Stevie squeezes where she’s still holding onto his forearms and Eddie freezes minutely, not knowing it was a stay right there squeeze and not a what are you doing squeeze. Then, she starts caressing his skin with her thumbs soothingly, and he relaxes with a small sigh.
Stevie hums in approval when he snuggles in closer and she can feel his lips lift into a smile. 
He’s so sweet.
It’s another ten or so minutes before either of them moves again.
Stevie’s been apprehensive since the thought first crossed her mind, but after thinking about it non-stop since they’d cuddled up, she decides to just go for it. 
She, ever so slowly, begins to trail her hands lower on Eddie’s arms until finally, she reaches her destination and untangles his hands - he goes easily. She lays her own over the backs of his and intertwines them. 
Stevie’s heart is in her throat. No way Eddie’s reading this as platonic cuddling anymore, and that’s because it isn’t. There’s a loud voice in her head telling her to stop stop stop, that it isn’t safe, but she ignores it because, besides Robin, no one has ever made her feel as safe as Eddie does.
Still, she’s waiting for him to pull away, or something equally as detrimental, but he only holds her tighter. 
Even then, although she’s enjoying herself, that voice comes back. He won’t want you once he knows what you are. 
The rest of the night is bittersweet.
@jaytriesstrangerthings @wheneverfeasible @chameleonhair @yesdangerpls
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were-wolverine · 2 years
okay i cannot shut up about them
steve being the one average intelligence friend among fucking geniuses (most of which are like fucking 13 year olds / all of which are younger than him) must be so damaging to his self esteem
because he’s only surrounded by child prodigies, a literal genius that’s fluent in several languages, and (probably the valedictorian if she wanted to be) a badass genius journalist, he has no example of what average intelligence is and just assumes he is stupid
which is not helped by the fact that everyone looks down on him/calls him an idiot/expects him to know everything!! so they just enforce this belief that he’s stupid and less than just because he’s not as intelligent as the rest of them
and then along comes eddie munson who failed senior year twice, yet is an amazing storyteller and genius DM, who knows about all these cool things and guess what? dustin looks up to him!
and steve knows dustin isn’t replacing him but dustin thinking he was cool was one of the only things holding his facade together
and then robin is only thinking about vickie and of course steve wants to help and he listens and gives advice, but robin was the only one who was around, who hung out with him, who listened
and max is isolating herself, and lucas has basketball and hellfire, and he doesn’t think nancy would ever want to be friends, so it’s. just him.
and then
and THEN
steve is walking through the upside down with eddie munson, and eddie references something he doesn’t get, and steve expresses his confusion and is prepared to be made fun of- but eddie just. tells him? explains it to him?
and it catches him off guard because no one has done that before, even as King Steve carol would roll her eyes and tommy would laugh whenever he asked them something. whenever he asked questions in class (which was rarely) the teachers told him he should’ve been paying attention but he was- he just didn’t get it
so steve tests it again later on and the same thing happens- even in front of the others, when steve asks a question eddie just tells him without poking fun and it’s… it’s really nice actually
once vecna is defeated and everyone survives (bc fuck you) steve continues to badger eddie with questions, looks to him whenever he doesn’t understand what’s going on and eddie will immediately explain it in a way he can understand
a while after they become good friends, steve just has to ask.
“does it get annoying?”
“…does what get annoying?”
“me asking you about stuff all the time”
but eddie just smiles at him, tells him how he actually loves that steve asks because it means he’s engaged and interested, when eddie is used to people getting bored of his rants/tirades
he tells steve that he loves explaining things to him, loves that he listens and pays attention and steve realizes oh, we’re kind of perfect for each other aren’t we?
he thinks he’s okay with that. especially if eddie keeps smiling at him and telling him about anything and everything he wants to
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shushmal · 4 months
Eddie: Hey, Steve... Steve: Mmm? Eddie, slightly buzzed: What... What are we? Steve, high out of his goddamn mind, eyes filling with tears: Dude... Dude, I don't know?? Eddie: Wha— Steve: Dustin says we're monkeys, Eddie!! MONKEYS! What does that even mean???
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steviewashere · 11 days
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Unspecified Eating Disorder, Food Insecurity Tags: Post-Season 2, Pre-Season 3, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Different First Meeting AU, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Worried Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Has Self Esteem Issues, Insecure Steve Harrington, Lonely Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Strangers to Friends, Sharing Food, Food as a Metaphor For Love, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Steve Harrington Has Rich Parents, He is Not Rich, Dialogue Heavy Originally, this was going to be 5+1 where Eddie shares his food five times and once where Steve shares his food, but I just couldn't finish the original plot.
🥪——————🥪 There’s a boy in Eddie’s lunch period that doesn’t have anything to eat. It’s weird because he knows who this kid is; Steve Harrington—cocky and rich and bitch with no bite—the kid who’s fallen from grace thanks to a few punches to the face. And the same kid who doesn’t really talk to anybody.
As it is, Steve is sitting by himself at one of the lunchroom tables. Arms crossed on the surface, head down on his forearms, hair limp at the crown of his head. Unusual and unseen. His shoulders are hitched, shaking like he’s crying unsubtly, yet quietly—unseen and unheard. It’s weird, he thinks, because Steve had just been looking out one of the windows, eyes a little hazy, glazed like he’d been gearing up to cry. Eddie had caught Steve pushing his hands into his hair, tugging like he was trying to rip it all out. But then he’d gone ahead and collapsed into this sad, huffing little heap onto the table.
Eddie maybe keeps his eye on Steve for too long, too often. To know the multitudes. The little fractures in his mask—spider webs, that’s what they were, spreading and sprawling. He supposed that, at some point, the web would be completed and be easy enough to knock down. Leaving in its wake a sad, mole-dotted, half-bruised, white-scarred face.
A face with a hungry maw, if the way Steve clutched his stomach said anything.
He makes a last minute decision today. Eddie curves his path away from the Hellfire Club’s table. Lunchbox dangling in his hand—a measly bologna and mustard sandwich, a baggie of salted pretzel sticks, and a Yoo-hoo he didn’t need to refrigerate all clinking against the metal interior. And then he plops himself down in front of Steve without a peep, just the hard clink of his wallet chain on the bench and his too big rings on the table.
All at once, slow, yet purposeful—Steve’s head springs up. He looks worse up close. Mottled purple. Swollen and shiny. There’s one of those terrible scars on the edge of his hairline, though this one’s different: pink, long, jagged, and fresh.
Steve squints at him. Covers the side of his face by the window, hand cupped around his one good eye, and swallows hard enough Eddie almost recoils. “Munson?” Steve croaks—literally, Eddie notes, like a strangled, old frog—“what’re you doing?”
“Mm, having lunch with my pal,” Eddie answers, prying open his lunchpail, food pulled out one thing at a time. He catches his thumbs in the Ziplock fasten, and from it produces that sad, drooping sandwich his uncle made last night. It’s a little soggy in his hands, too much mustard. And the bologna is sort of…lukewarm, but not inedible. Eddie digs around in one of his vest pockets, pulls out a small Swiss Army knife, and cuts the sandwich in half. Licks the blade, mustard just a little left of what’s meant to be tastefully sour. Then, he pushes a portion of the sandwich across the table to sit right in front of Steve. “Usually, I’d bring a lunch of your preference, but this is all I’ve got right now. So, hope you don’t mind some bologna.”
“I don’t wanna take your food away from you, man. I’ll be fine until I get home.”
Selfless is a trait he didn’t think Steve could really have. Well, from the assumed version he has in his head anyway. But it’s a trait he’s learning he probably won’t like. Not all the way, at least.
“Right,” Eddie murmurs, “and you clutching your stomach out of hunger seems like something to be fine about.” He picks up his half and takes a large bite, licks the bit of mustard from the corner of his mouth. With his mouth full, “It’s weird, y’know, I never see you in here with food. Not even lunch lady Donna’s mashed potatoes and gravy. If you wanna know my opinion, that’s one of the better lunches she makes, and it’s something anybody should try at least once.” He wrestles around in his lunchbox again, a glass bottle of Yoo-hoo now in his grip. The cap pops off satisfyingly and he takes a small swig, swallows the incredible glob in his mouth, and then offers the drink across the table. “Or, y’know, I thought maybe a rich kid would have their own lunch. With all of the good brand stuff. Like uh…Pringles? Yeah, Pringles and Coke? That seems like your game.”
Steve sniffs, looks down at his sandwich, and picks it up gingerly. He keeps staring at it, though. Not out of thought, like maybe he’s wondering if he should give it back. Something more…somber. “Correction,” he mutters, “I have rich parents. I’m just the kid they let live in their house.” Finally, he takes a bite with a gentle, low hum. As if it’s the greatest thing he’s ever put in his mouth. Which can’t possibly be true because, even though Eddie knows this meal is one of Wayne’s specialties, it’s honestly one of the shittier ones. If anything, this sandwich is just placeholder food—something that’ll get them by until Wayne gets paid next, if he gets paid on time.
Eddie hums, taking in the information. “They can’t even bother to send you on with at least a little something? Dude, tell me you at least get some breakfast. You’re breakin’ my heart over here.”
Again, Steve looks at his sandwich. Somber and small. He won’t look at Eddie, though. But Eddie can see him. His flushed cheeks—blotchy and tear track stained. Red rimmed eyes. Shaky fingers. He’s pale underneath the ruddiness. Lips chapped, eyes sunken, dark circles.
He looks like shit.
“Sometimes,” Steve murmurs, “I used to have a bagel in the morning, but my mom said the carbs were bad. I stopped buying them. So…I dunno. It’s not like she even”—He stops. Shakes his head. Takes another bite.
“She even…?”
Steve catches his eyes for all of a second. Places his sandwich on the baggie it came in. Wipes his cheeks, just barely missing some of the bruising. “She’s not even home most of the time anyway. It doesn’t really matter,” he states quiet and bitter. He clears his throat, the sound strained. Shrugs. Rests his face in one hand, looking out the window again. Face going pinched and pained. “You ever had a fend for yourself kind of day?”
“Eh…I’ve had fend for yourself nights. But that’s because my uncle works late, sometimes it’s just up to me to figure something out. Those are cereal nights, man.” He watches Steve again. At the way he doesn’t go back for the sandwich. Not even disgusted. Just…blank. “Was today one of those, Steve?” he asks quietly.
No verbal answer. Just one, small, shaky nod. Eddie won’t stand for that.
“What food do you like? Maybe I can help you come up with like a…a meal plan calendar or something. So that you know what you have at all times and you can, like, make sure you’re eating good.” Steve still doesn’t say anything. Lips rolled tight to his teeth. Eddie tries again, “Or at least just eating, Stevie. I know we don’t really know each other at all, but I see you in here everyday. No lunch. Not even one of those stupid boxes of raisins. You gotta eat, man. Or else, y’know, that shit catches up to you.”
Across from him, Steve sniffles again and wipes the back of his hand on his nose. “I don’t know what I like,” he says, “sandwiches are fine, I guess. It’s fine”—
“Good, great actually. Steve Harrington is getting a tour of the Munson sandwich recipes. Passed down from my uncle, the master of sandwich art. Y’like black forest ham? Maybe a bit of grilled chicken? Tomatoes?” Steve’s finally staring at him now. Wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Mouth dropped ajar with slight disbelief. “What?” Eddie says, “don’t look at me like that. We don’t have to be friends or anything, but you gotta eat. It’s equity, dude. I already got what I need in terms of food and eating, but you don’t. So, I getcha what you need. I help you out.”
Steve droops, breathes out a little sigh. Digs his thumbnail into the stale crust of the sandwich, picking at it, crumbling it onto the table. “You don’t have to do that, Eddie,” he speaks quietly, “I…uh…I don’t want to assume anything, but I don’t think it’s fair that somebody who makes less money than my whole family has to make up for my parents’ stupidity. It’s not your job to look out for somebody like me anyway, right? Just another screw up who can’t get his shit together, can’t even figure out how he’s going to pay for worthwhile groceries for the month.” He finally stops picking at the sandwich. Wipes his nose again. “Thanks for trying, though. I’m sorry that you have to care at all.”
Eddie eyes Steve for a silent beat. And then, with careful, languid movements, he lays his hand palm up on the table. Steve looks to it, but pretends to pay it no mind. Even if his face crumbles a bit more. “Steve,” Eddie speaks, keeping his voice measured and low, “I want to help. I—I know that my uncle and I don’t make a lot. And, sure, maybe figuring out a way to get you some good homecooked meals is a little out of my budget. But I don’t care. You deserve to eat, man. No matter how much money your parents make.
“If I can make your day a little easier—because, I gotta be honest, it seems like you’re just having…the toughest time a person can ever possibly have—then great. If it means me giving you a dollar for the school lunch or just coming here with an extra sandwich in my lunchbox, whatever.
“Nobody deserves to go without eating because their bullshit parents prioritize work and social lives over their own children—and no child deserves to believe they’re the problem. Let me help, okay? Even if we have to start out small, so be it.” Eddie takes a moment to pause, to breathe, to let the cafeteria background noise mingle around them. He crinkles the edge of the Ziplock baggie, pushes it further into Steve’s space, and does the same with the bag of pretzel sticks. “I want to take care of you. Even if we’re just strangers in the hallway, I want to make sure that you’re doing okay.”
He does his best to lean across the way, to block off the rest of the cafeteria from their table. As Steve lays his shaky hands flat on the surface and his face turns bright red, tears steadily streaming down his face. Eddie digs the bandana out of his back pocket and slides it across the table, too, offering it up in silence.
Steve takes it with a shaky hand and pats the tired fabric on his tacky skin. He blows a sharp, wheezing, snotty breath from his nose. “If you’re sure, then I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches a lot. But I…I wanna make sure I can pay you back, okay? Don’t wanna—I don’t wanna like abuse your generosity or something.”
“You wouldn’t be,” he quickly amends. “I’m offering, man, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah, but I…I don’t think you understand,” Steve adamantly presses, “I know it’s gonna make me sound all whiny and like uptight or whatever, but I don’t earn an allowance from my parents anymore. Not since…well, I’m sure you know how stupid I am.”
“Hey,” Eddie gently scolds. “You’re not stupid, Steve. You know what you’re talking about, I’ve heard you.”
Steve snorts like Eddie said something funny. “Try telling that to all my college rejection letters and my dad’s crumbling expectations of his only son. I’m sure they could find a million ways to explain just how…how worthless I am. That I’m a burden or…or a stain.”—those last sentences sound like echoes, if Eddie cares to explore it enough. Like they come from a different, more expectant mouth. Steve continues, “How am I even supposed to get a mediocre job? Just feels like I’m too nothing for anything out there. I don’t even know how I’m gonna pay you back, Eddie. Shit, I just shouldn’t accept. I have no idea how I’m supposed to get back up from all this garbage—I—I’m such a fucking loser now. I don’t even have anything going on anymore.”
Eddie furrows his eyebrows, not sure which part of any of that to unpack. Instead, he goes with, “You’ve got sports, Stevie. Surely you can figure something out with that. I’ve seen you perform, man, you’re fucking phenomenal.”
“My brain’s too fucked up now to play,” Steve quietly admits, “too many concussions. Coaches say I’m too befuddled to make heads or tails of where my targets are. Sports are over for me. I literally have nothing.” He blows out another wet, shaky breath. “So, I’m just saying, I’m sorry if I can’t make this up to you.”
“Steve,” Eddie says firmly, “look at me.”
At the demand, he’s met with Steve’s sad, hazel eyes. Clogged with discontent and miserableness he never thought he’d see out of a guy like Steve. Every part of him wants to reach out, cradle Steve’s face in his hands, wipe away his tears, caress his injuries with a tenderness he’s sure Steve has long forgotten. A part of him wants to hold Steve forever, no sign of letting go. 
Heart in his stomach, shattered yet beating, he speaks as softly as he possibly can manage. “You owe me nothing, Steve. You don’t owe me your best. You don’t owe me your money. You don’t owe me payback or…or a job on your back. There’s nothing that I want from you, I promise. But if you want to give me something…how about just being my friend, huh? Just sit down with me at lunch, share the food I brought, give me as much of a conversation as you want, and just…just let yourself be cared about.
“That’s what I’ll ask of you. If you feel the need to give me something, give me friendship. That’s it. Nothing more than that. Anything else that arises in the future, we worry about then. Bridges waiting to be crossed later, y’know? That’s doable, right? Just being a friend.”
Steve nods in slow understanding. “You wanna be friends with me?” He asks in a whisper. “You know that I’m not the best company, right? I’m…I’m stubborn and I’m bitchy and I—I know sometimes that I don’t use my brain half the time and I just say shit before I really think about it. And I…I’ve been a jerk and I’m—I’m sort of bullshit, Eddie. Is that really something you want in your life?”
Eddie merely shrugs. “You think I don’t have my own flaws? Everybody’s got shit. All of us have baggage. You’re just a teenager, as am I, and we’re still figuring shit out. At least you’re aware, right? Means you can try and…and be more thoughtful about what you do, how you act. And, besides, stop giving me reasons to leave you alone. I want to be your friend. I’ll say it from here to fucking Mars, man.” He raps his fingers against the table, darts his eyes to that sandwich. There’s not really a good way to keep drilling the want of it all into Steve’s head. So, finally, he relents. Gives Steve the step away that he wants. “Go ahead and eat, Steve. I’ll bring you a PB&J tomorrow, yeah? You like grape or strawberry jelly?”
A lapse of silence. Wherein they stare at each other. Two things work their way onto Steve’s face. Adamant protests that, in turn, are squashed and cornered into becoming stubborn acceptance. Jeez, Eddie can’t help but think, what’s it gonna take to get this guy to realize that people can care about him?
“Mm…strawberry, please,” Steve finally decides.
He simply nods. Looks out the window to the courtyard. Cafeteria white noise and Steve’s soft chewing surrounding him. The light hits him just as a cloud begins to move, yellow sunlight, warm and new. It marks the beginning of something unexpected, good, Eddie believes. “I think you’re a good guy, by the way,” he murmurs, “you probably don’t believe me now, but you will one day. Swear on it.”
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mrsjellymunson · 8 days
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The Essence of You
Pairing: Steddie; Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Written for the @steddiesmuttyseptember week 2 prompt ‘soft and slow’ | WC: ~7.3k | Rating/CW: E 🔞 SMUT, MDNI! Angst/conflict, big emotions, insecurities, mentions of difficult childhood experiences, hurt/comfort, oral (m rec), fingering (m rec), ball worship, scent kink/olfactophilia, cumming untouched, cum eating, aftercare | A/N: This is the longest thing I’ve written this fast - thank you for the challenge! I’d usually spend ages faffing and obsessing editing and proofing, so if you see any mistakes or missed warnings/tags LMK ❤️
My masterlist
Eddie isn’t having the best of weeks. It’s midsummer, and he’s been working hard in the shop with the only ventilation being the open front shutters and no breeze. His boss has been on his ass, and he’s been saddled with working on a particularly uncooperative Chevy for the past three days. 
It’s getting him down mentally as well as physically, but he doesn’t like to bother Steve with stuff like this. Their relationship still feels fairly new, especially for Eddie, who’s never had anyone stick around for as long as Steve has. He’s constantly anxious that Steve will eventually figure out that he’s a total nerdy, needy loser, so he keeps his feelings close to his chest. 
They’ve only been living together for about three months, and Eddie’s still adjusting to having someone other than Wayne around all the time. Particularly someone like Steve, who seems to care so much. He’s always getting close to Eddie, touching him, cuddling him. At first Eddie thought it was purely sexual. After all, that’s what most people wanted who’ve gone anywhere near him. But he also seems to want to do it for his own comfort, and Eddie’s. He touches him to say hello, good morning, good night, let’s cook, thank you, can I have one of your fries… Sometimes it’s just letting him know he’s there, or just for touching him’s sake.
And Eddie loves it, he really does. He hasn’t had that level of affection in his life since he lost his mom, and if he’s honest, he craves it.
But Steve often insists on doing it at the most inconvenient moments. Like when Eddie gets home from work. As soon as he’s through the door of their apartment Steve’s on him, nuzzling at him and demanding cuddles, when all Eddie wants to do is get in the shower and wash off the stink of the day. It’s got to the point where Eddie deliberately tries to avoid Steve when he arrives home, quickly breezing past whatever room he’s in and heading straight for the bathroom, locking the door before Steve can catch up, and instead enjoying the fresh cuddles he can indulge in once he’s got cleaned up and changed.
But today is different. It’s been especially hot, the Chevy has been an exquisite asshole, and he hasn’t eaten or drunk nearly enough. He’s grumpy, parched and irritable, and for some reason he’s decided that today’s the day he’s going to bring his dirty work hoodie home to wash it, the fabric slung over his shoulder not doing anything to cool either himself or his mood.
Instead of checking where Steve is like usual, he decides getting a drink is more important, and strides into the kitchen to grab something cold before heading out to wash up.
It doesn’t work out that way though, as Steve’s already fixing dinner, his shift at Family Video ending pleasantly early now that he’s in charge of the schedules. He’s in a sinfully tight pair of shorts and a tight shirt, and has a cute apron tied around his waist. On autopilot, Eddie’s insecurities barely register when he internally questions what the hell he could’ve done to deserve this Adonis of a man. He tries to be as quick as he can, but it’s no use, Steve’s on him before he’s even managed to close the fridge.
“Hey, baby. How was your day?”
Steve’s strong arms circle around Eddie’s waist and pull him in, and he pushes his face into his damp, disheveled curls at his neck and breathes in.
Steve’s voice turns gruff and he closes his eyes as he mumbles,
“Ohh, baby, you really need a shower…”
In his already-fragile state Eddie doesn’t take it well. Pushing his forearms against Steve’s shoulders, he tries to pull away, stuttering,
“Whaddayou mean? D’you think…?”
“What is it, baby? I’m just tellin’ you how you sm-”
Eddie’s protestations become more frantic, and he bodily shoves Steve away, his voice high-pitched and tremulous as he retreats, shouting,
“I’m not- I don’t- Get off of me.”
Suddenly on the defensive, he blurts,
“Y’know what Steve, fuck you!”
He storms out of the kitchen, flinging his hoodie violently into the laundry room on his way to their shared bedroom, the zipper making a harsh clanging noise against the metal and creating the perfect soundtrack to Eddie’s spiky mood. 
He kicks the bedroom door shut aggressively behind him, dropping to the mattress with his head in his hands, desperately trying to muffle the sound of his sobbing.  
Steve stands in the kitchen, stunned. He has no idea what he did to upset Eddie so much, but he’s concerned it might be because he brought up how he smells.
He tries to give Eddie some space, busying himself with small tasks in the kitchen, but he’s distracted and keeps dropping slices of carrot onto the floor, so eventually admits defeat and removes his apron.
He pads slowly towards their bedroom door, still uncertain of what he’s done and, especially, fearful of making things worse. But he’s unable to leave his boyfriend alone in such a state, especially one that he’s inadvertently created. 
He knocks quietly, murmuring softly,
“Eddie? Are you okay? Can I come in?”
There’s a few beats of silence. Each second builds Steve’s anxiety to the point he can barely stand it. He’s milliseconds from opening the door, but then he hears a loud sniff, followed by a large exhale, and then Eddie’s voice, trembling a little as he mumbles,
“Y-yeah. I guess...”
Steve pushes the door, slowly, still nervous of startling Eddie, and sees him sitting on the edge of their bed. He’s still in his work clothes. His overalls are pushed down and tied at his hips, his tank top, spotted with grease and sweat, hugs his torso and his slim waist, and his hair, tied up in a messy bun on top of his head, is loose and barely containing his curls. He sits with his elbows on his knees and his palms over his eyes. Steve thinks he’s an absolute vision, but decides to keep that to himself for the time being. 
He moves slowly towards him, still keeping his distance, though one hand comes up almost unconsciously, desperately wanting to touch Eddie, comfort him.
He stops himself, and instead, kneels on the rug in front of him. Gently, like he’s approaching a frightened child, he takes hold of Eddie’s wrists and encourages him to move his hands so that Steve can see his face. 
His attempt at a calm demeanour falters as he sees Eddie’s wet and red-rimmed eyes. He hates it - someone as beautiful as Eddie should never be made to feel like this, especially not by someone who loves him. 
“Eddie, what’s going on? Can you talk to me, please?”
Eddie tries to squirm out of Steve’s gentle grip, looking away from him and trying unsuccessfully to hide his face behind a few strands of loose hair.
“It- it’s nothing, shit. Just- leave me alone, let me get cleaned up, okay?”
He tries to rise, but Steve’s not having any of it. He leans forward, stopping Eddie from standing. He needs to know what this is about. 
“No, it’s not okay. Tell me what I did. Did I offend you? Talking about how you smell? It’s just that-”
Eddie cuts him off with a huff.
“It’s something from my childhood, okay? A- a bad memory. More than one memory, actually.”
He chuckles humourlessly. 
Steve stays quiet, but raises his brows, encouraging him to continue. Eddie looks into those warm, golden, puppy dog eyes, and suddenly the words come.
“It’s- They- After my mom-”
He takes a deep breath. Steve knows how much Eddie misses her, but never pushes the subject, preferring to let Eddie to talk about her whenever he feels up to it.
“There was no one to take care of me, I guess. My dad, h- he, uh, he didn’t care. He never washed my clothes, or told me to bathe. He just let me run around in my own filth. And I didn’t know any better until months later, when the kids at school started making fun of me. They’d run around pinching their noses, making disgusting noises and- and saying I needed to take a bath. You know what they called me? Mouldy Munson. So I guess I’m a little… sensitive when people comment on how I smell.”
Eddie huffs again, and the tears start falling freely. He doesn't even try to hide it now.
Steve’s brows furrow in anger as he imagines a younger Eddie, bereft and alone, and lacking even basic life skills because no motherfucker thought he was worth the effort. But Steve knows different. He’s sure he can somehow help Eddie realise his own considerable worth, even if right now he has no clue exactly how he’s gonna go that.
He takes a chance and moves to sit next to Eddie on the bed, close to him, keeping one hand wrapped tightly in both of his.
“Will you tell me about it?”
Eddie frowns.
“You’d really wanna hear about my shitty childhood?”
“Of course. I wanna know everything there is to know about you, the good things and the bad. They all mix together to make you who you are.”
Eddie looks at Steve then. It takes a moment, but after searching Steve’s face for the slightest hint of condescension or dishonesty, and finding neither, he decides to do the bravest thing he thinks he’s ever done. He takes Steve up on his offer. Relaxing an almost imperceptible amount, though Steve notices, he continues,
“Okay, well… That first time, I defended myself. Came out swinging, managed to take a couple of those fuckers down before the lunch supervisor came out, and hauled me away to the principal’s office. He left everyone else in the yard and didn’t once ask for my side of the story. I guess that was the moment I realised that the only person I could rely on was myself. 
“It was only after that happened a few more times that a teacher took me to one side, sat me down, gave me a drink and a cookie, and then another, and another, because Asshole Al apparently didn’t think feeding me was all that important either, and then asked me what was going on at home. I tried to play it cool, brush her off, knowing my dad would tan my hide if I said anything bad about The Munsons. But she saw through me, of course she did. I was a scrawny kid in filthy jeans and she’d heard about what had happened with my mom.
“So, she cleaned me up, sorted me out. She’d make games out of getting me to brush my teeth and take a bath, and she taught me how to do my own laundry. She’d challenge me to shirt-folding races, or cereal-eating contests, and, what a surprise, I’d always win. She even took me to goodwill, and bought me clothes that actually fit with her own money.”
Eddie snuffles out a chuckle as he remembers,
“One time, she gave me five dollars. Five whole goddamn dollars! I thought I was the richest person in the world. She told me to get some fun things for myself. Like toys, n’ shit. I didn’t even know what I was looking for. I chose some cars, a dragon figurine, a stuffed Garfield that was missing an ear and was way past its best. I picked up some wildly inappropriate books and comics that were either far too young or far too old for me, and she helped me swap a few things out. But when she saw I’d got a tattered copy of The Hobbit, and told her how much I liked the drawings and the ‘code’ on the front, for some reason she didn’t make me put that one back…
“And that’s actually where I got my first ever band shirt. She found a KISS one in the adult section, and said she’d heard me singing old rock’n’roll songs to myself so I should have it, that I’d grow into it. I loved that shirt. I wore it round the trailer until it was the right size for me to go out in, and then I wore it some more. And then, when it got too tattered, I cut off the arms and the bottom, and wore it as a goddamn crop top. I might’ve even worn it for Corroded Coffin’s first gig.”
Eddie’s eyes light up at the fond memories, and Steve smiles with him. 
But he’s just a guy, and he can’t help the feeling in his pants that comes with imagining Eddie in a short shirt that exposes his underarms and happy trail. He wonders if he’d ever consider doing it again, even if it was just for Steve.
But then Eddie’s face falls again, as he recounts,
“‘Course, all of that was lost in the fire. I’ll never forget that teacher though. In a lot of ways she saved my life. So, I guess I’ve been paranoid ever since, about how I smell, I mean. Which is why my deodorant is always finished faster than yours, and even though you have the most elaborate haircare routine in the Western hemisphere, it’s me who’s always running out of shampoo…”
Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand, hoping to reassure him, let him know he’s here for him, and silently thanking him for opening up and sharing all of this.
Eddie looks up and their eyes connect. Steve smiles softly at Eddie, and, after a brief pause, Eddie smiles softly back. Steve’s not running. And Eddie feels good, lighter. He thinks maybe this sharing shit thing might not be so bad after all…
It’s not all swans and roses though, as Eddie suddenly remembers his actions from earlier, feeling like he owes Steve an apology. 
“Hey, I’m sorry. For what I said. It just takes me back there, y’know? I kinda overreacted.”
Steve reassures him, taking his hand in both of his. 
“Oh no, baby, I’m the one who should be sorry. I didn’t know. You don’t talk much about your family, and…”
“It’s okay, Steve. It wasn’t your fault. I should’ve said something, not snapped at you like that.”
Lightening the mood, Steve responds,
“It’s okay. You know I like it sometimes when you’re a little mean…”
He dips his chin and looks up coyly through his lashes, and they both giggle again, remembering the other night when Eddie most certainly did put Steve in his place…
It’s Steve’s turn to look down now, as he decides, given that Eddie’s been so brave and confident, he’ll also reveal something he’s kept hidden.
“Look, the reason I was so scared that you were mad is because, well… I guess I need to make a confession of my own.”
Eddie’s intrigued, shifting on the bed to straighten up to Steve, his big brown eyes still rimmed with red, but flashing now, inquisitive and mischievous.
“Yeah, uh… I guess my childhood was… kinda the opposite? My parents were… fastidious. Everything needed to be perfect, to the point where my mom ended up practically sterilising the house on a daily basis. When I used to play outside, she’d make me strip off as soon as I came in, dump all my clothes in a boil wash and make me go straight to the bathroom and get in a hot bath. Sometimes she’d even hose me down in the yard before letting me inside. It got to the point where the fun of playing outside wasn’t worth the effort to get cleaned up afterwards, and I’d just not do much, staying indoors rather than going through all that, time after time. And when I got older, and especially after I met you…”
Steve smirks and his cheeks pinken,
“… I realised I actually quite liked the way other people smell. As in, their natural smell. And it made me feel bad, ashamed, like I was dirty, or perverted, or something. So, I never told you, because I thought you might, I dunno, say I had a weird kink or something. Which is stupid, because you’re so not like that.”
It’s Eddie’s turn to catch Steve’s gaze now, and he brings his other hand to cover Steve’s, squeezing it and smiling softly as if to say, no, I’m not.
“So… what I’m trying to say is… I actually really like it when you smell musky, and masculine, and, well, like you. And- and this is the weird part, especially when you’re all sweaty and dirty from a hard day's work.”
His brow furrows just a touch and his throat clicks as he swallows. It’s almost inaudible, but Eddie’s close enough to catch it. And the slight shift in Steve’s position as he moves his hips, trying to increase the friction provided by the folds in the denim at his crotch.
A smirk twitches at the side of Eddie’s mouth, as if he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing, but is liking it all the same.
“Wait, really? You’re serious? You actually… like… the way I smell?”
“Oh yeah, the sweatier the better. Goddamnit, you have no idea what you do to me…”
Steve loses his composure, dropping his forehead onto Eddie’s shoulder and releasing one hand from their shared grip to roughly palm at his crotch, exhaling loudly.
Eddie can hardly believe this. The very thing he’s been trying to hide all these years is something that Steve actually finds alluring. He can’t help the stirring in his own pants as he looks at the effect this is all having on Steve, especially what’s going on beneath his hand.
Steve looks up again, takes in Eddie’s visage. He wants Eddie to feel special, wanted, like the princess he deserves to be. Wants him to feel every moment, every movement. Feel all of Steve’s love that he wants to pour into him and over him, until it suffuses every molecule of his being and dislodges and replaces all of the fear, doubt and self-loathing that Eddie has left and leaves him a breathless, glowing, sated ball of self love. He wants Eddie to feel the way Steve feels about him. Has always felt about him, if he’s honest.
He stands from the bed and shifts until his thighs straddle Eddie’s, lowering himself onto his knees, and lifts a hand to touch the side of his face. Smiling at him, he decides to shower him with even more compliments, hoping to overload him so much that he can’t help but believe them. He runs his thumb across Eddie’s cheek and lets his fingers tickle the sensitive skin at the nape of his neck, then leans into his opposite ear and begins the assault.
“You’re so beautiful, so gorgeous. You’re hands down the hottest person I’ve ever met, and you make my knees so weak.”
He connects his lips with the side of Eddie’s neck, just below his ear, and feels him shudder at the touch.
“You look so good, you’re like a fucking god.”
He kisses him again, more pressure this time, but still soft, and he allows his tongue to peek out just a little to kitten lick Eddie’s skin. He gets his first taste of the salt and sweat that he craves, and moans against Eddie’s alabaster flesh when he gasps at the sensation.
“And you sound so good too. Oh hell, when you’re under me, or over me.”
Another kiss, sucking gently this time, and Eddie moans.
“And when you sing? Fuck, you don’t want to know how many times I’ve nearly cum in my pants watching you at The Hideout.”
He’s pretty sure Eddie almost convulses at this. He huffs a breathy chuckle into his ear, and pulls slowly back to admire his handiwork. Eddie’s flushed a pretty pink, his lips rolled inwards and his brow slightly pinched, as if he might be holding something in, possibly tears. Steve holds his gaze, going in for the kill. He runs a fingertip over the damp curls at Eddie’s temple and his voice drops as he admits,
“I wanted you for so long, and now I can hardly believe you’re mine. I want to make you feel so good, I wanna worship you, slowly, and let you know how beautiful you are.”
Eddie breathes heavily as Steve leans in again, his swollen lips almost brushing the tip of Eddie’s round and pretty nose.
“But please, please, more than anything else in the world, I want to show you just how much I love your smell. Will you let me do that?”
Eddie’s voice trembles a little as he agrees, with a mix of nervousness and excitement,
“Y-yeah, Steve. I’ll- I’ll let you do that…”
Steve’s grin is so bright it rivals the sun, and Eddie feels a rush of warmth more intense than anything he’s felt before. Eddie’s less restrained than Steve is, and his hands lift from the mattress to grab at Steve’s hips, yanking him forwards, up his lap. As Steve’s crotch connects with his, both of them semi-hard now, he huffs out a breathy,
Steve lets out a delighted whimper, enjoying the sensation, but resisting the urge to grind himself onto Eddie’s bulge. There’s nothing he wants more right now than to flip him, strip him and destroy him, but he musters every ounce of self-control that he has left and restrains himself. He’s pretty sure that if asked, Eddie would disagree and demand that Steve take him, roughly, obliterate his negative thoughts with thrusts, smacks, physical sensations, maybe even a little pain. But that’s not what he wants for Eddie right now. So, fighting every cock-driven impulse, he moves.
And slow.
His lips part slightly as he cups Eddie’s cheeks in his palms and softly, slowly, connects their mouths. Whenever they kiss it’s always like velvet and rose petals, and it feels like coming home, but today it feels even more special. Steve hums softly, and Eddie whimpers quietly. Steve moves, pursing his lips and changing position, but not taking it any further just yet.
He intersperses his kisses with more verbal encouragement.
“I want to smell all of you,” kiss, “I want to taste all of you,” kiss, “I want you to fill my senses until I don’t exist anymore,” kiss, “I want to show you how much I love every part of you,” kiss.
Steve’s tongue peeks out to collect a little of the tangy zest from Eddie’s upper lip. There’s a moment of total silence and stillness, then the floodgates open. They both drop their jaws, wide, and plunge their tongues into the other. They dance against each other, pushing, dragging, moaning as they explore every inch of each other’s mouths. It’s messy and feral and noisy and tips them towards combustion.
Steve’s suddenly not moving so slowly, breaking the kiss and encouraging Eddie to kick off his boots and socks and shuffling him to the centre of the bed, pulling off his overalls and boxers and discarding his own garments with similar fervour, their hard cocks springing free and bobbing in the heat of the room. Steve straddles Eddie’s naked thighs with his own toned, muscular ones, his quarry left in nothing but his stained and greasy singlet. 
But as soon as he’s got him where he wants him, Steve takes a deep, calming breath, and resumes his languid pace. He pauses for a few moments before toying with the hem of Eddie’s tank top, pulling it up at a speed that turns out to be deliciously agonising for both of them. 
He moves it up Eddie’s rib cage, little by little exposing more of his torso, a soft smile spreading across his lips as he takes in Eddie’s glorious form. 
He runs his thumbs up under the fabric and over Eddie’s nipples, perked despite the heat, pausing at the one that has the silver bar through it, flicking over it like it’s a switch that’ll turn Eddie on. It’s definitely working. He can see Eddie’s chest rising and falling faster and deeper with every stroke.
When the shirt bunches at Eddie’s throat, Steve encourages him to place his hands above his head, and, pulling the garment off, Steve is treated to the sight of Eddie’s underarms and triceps, one of his favourite sights in the world. Eddie moves to bring his arms down again, partly because he desperately wants to touch Steve, but also because he’s still not comfortable exposing these parts of himself while he’s still feeling so… unclean. But Steve stops him, playfully lilting,
“Nuh-uh. You leave those right there for me, you hear me?”
Eddie swallows and nods, acquiescing to whatever his Stevie wants right now. Steve bundles Eddie’s shirt and presses it to his face, inhaling deeply. Eddie’s eyes flash wide, his insecurities bubbling up, but Steve lets out a satisfied mmmm and throws the ball of soiled fabric towards his side of the bed, explaining, 
“I’m saving that for when you’re not here, and I get lonely.”
Steve runs his fingers across Eddie’s collarbones and down over the skin of his torso. He's tacky with grease, sweat and motor oil, and Steve savours the physical evidence of Eddie's toil. 
He runs his hands up his sides until his thumbs graze the hair under Eddie’s arms. Eddie squirms a little, uncomfortable. Steve presses harder, rubbing his thumbs in small circles under Eddie’s arms, massaging the skin and playing with the soft hair. Eddie’s looking anywhere but at Steve, his eyes flicking around the room and his breathing erratic, and Steve can feel the tension in his chest and legs. He bends forwards and kisses down the centre of Eddie’s chest, licking at the hair there and moaning as he gathers the salty sweetness he finds. 
“Just relax, baby. Remember, I like it, and I want to do this. Don’t think about it, just feel it. How does it feel?”
Eddie relaxes slightly, closes his eyes. Steve continues massaging, and to his delight, Eddie starts to hum. 
“Hmm, feels good. Feels really good.”
Steve’s tongue flicks over Eddie’s pierced nipple, garnering him another hum. He moves towards his armpit, keeping one eye on Eddie’s face to make sure he’s okay. His eyes are still closed and he seems to be enjoying this.
Steve closes his eyes and inhales deeply, filling his lungs with Eddie's aroma. It’s overwhelming in the best way. Sweet sweat, body odour, motor oil, and the merest hint of the spray deodorant he used this morning. He can’t help but groan as he finally gets to live out one of his deepest fantasies, his cock bearing this out and bouncing away from his abdomen.
He exhales with a sigh, and Eddie twitches beside him, his breath tickling as it gusts down his flank. Steve checks in, just in case.
“You still feeling good, baby?”
“Mhmm, really good, so good…”
Buoyed by Eddie’s reactions, Steve inhales again, and this time on his exhale, still massaging Eddie’s armpits, he licks a long stripe down Eddie’s arm along his triceps, finally getting to taste what he’s admired from afar for so long.
Eddie full-on moans beneath him, his hips bucking up and brushing their cocks together. It’s a delightful surprise to both of them that he’s enjoying this so much, despite his reservations.
Steve licks again, and places wet, sucking kisses to Eddie’s underarm. He’s never tried to leave a bruise here, and if he hadn’t already promised to be soft, he’d be trying to now. He can’t help but push his own hips down a little, increasing the friction between them. The sensation and the joint groans they let out are almost enough to make him lose his self-control, but he’s determined to make this last.
With one last inhale, smaller than the others, Steve pushes up and kneels between Eddie’s thighs, spreading them wider.
He appraises his boyfriend, who’s now looking at him with a fond, but slightly stunned expression. He strokes Eddie’s thighs softly with his palms, almost, but not quite, skimming them up to where Eddie needs them the most.
He bends forwards now, doubling over and resting his butt on his heels, settling his head between Eddie’s thighs, another of his most repressed and hidden fantasies staring him in the face.
He pushes forwards, just slightly, and the tip of his nose nudges Eddie’s sack. He feels him tense, just a little, before relaxing again. They’ve played like this before, but Steve realises just how much courage it’s taking Eddie to be with him like this, and makes a mental note to congratulate him for it, when the time is right.
Steve moves forward again, and gently nuzzles Eddie’s balls, exhaling his warm breath over Eddie’s velvety skin and pushing his nose gently against him. He breathes in again, not as hard as before, just allowing Eddie’s musk to seep into him slowly.
Moving to one side, he moves with more vigour into Eddie’s groin, pushing his whole face into the crease between Eddie’s hip and pelvis. He takes a long, hard inhale, suffusing himself with his love’s aroma.
Groaning in a way he’s never heard from himself before, he sounds practically drunk as he mumbles against Eddie’s skin,
“God, you smell so fucking good…”
Indulging himself even further, he flicks out his tongue, and kitten licks Eddie’s sack.
Above him, Eddie huffs and whimpers,
“Steve, no, I’m- Haaaaah!”
His protestations are cut off with a moan as Steve takes one of his balls into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and gently sucking. Eddie tastes musky, salty and, to Steve at least, utterly delicious. He feels Eddie’s thighs tremble against his shoulders, and decides to add a little extra for him, moaning around this most delicate of organs and sending tantalising vibrations through Eddie’s entire body. He glances up to see that Eddie’s moved his arms, and is now covering his eyes with his palms. Good, he thinks, the less visual stimulation he has the more attention he can give to what’s happening elsewhere…
Steve releases Eddie’s ball and moves up to lick a firm, wide stripe up the centre of his sack, his turgid shaft and all the way to his swollen head. He flicks the tip over the ridges at the heart-shaped place Eddie loves so much, and then swirls his tongue over and around the divinely smooth skin of his swollen and leaking glans.
He tenses and points to dip into Eddie’s slit and collect the precum that’s beading there, letting out a muffled, “Aah mah ghaa…”, as the taste hits his tongue. A different kind of salty, but still so delicious, and so very, very Eddie.
Steve congratulates himself, he’s done well, but he can’t hold off any longer, and he takes the top half of Eddie’s cock into his mouth, sucking and swirling softly. He manages to stop himself from taking any more, knowing he still wants to take his time. He does allow himself to move a little however, sucking, feeling, tasting, basking in the myriad sensations that are filling his senses.
Eddie disobeys his orders and brings one hand down to rest softly in Steve’s hair, just needing to touch him, thank him, anchor himself amongst the familiarity of Steve’s thick, glossy locks. Steve doesn’t seem to mind.
He pops off of Eddie’s cock, licking along the sides of it a few more times and enjoying how it makes Eddie’s abs twist and twitch. He gazes fondly down at the pliant figure beneath him, wondering how he ever got this gorgeous creature into his life, let alone his bed.
Unable to tear his gaze away, he fumbles blindly towards the bedside cabinet, pulling out their lube and opening the lid with a click. He makes a show of squeezing far too much onto his raised fingers, knowing how Eddie loves to get messy, and it garners him a cheeky grin from the man beneath him.
Steve leans forward, placing one hand near Eddie’s shoulder to balance over him. He wants to enjoy Eddie’s reactions close up. Eddie spreads his arms wide; it’s more comfortable than keeping them above his head, still demonstrates that level of trust Eddie has for Steve, and it affords Steve the opportunity to take a lungful of Eddie’s underarm musk as often as he wants. And oh, he wants.
Taking another inhale, Steve slides a lubed finger between Eddie’s legs and runs it over that soft spot behind his balls, circling gently. The dual sensations of Steve touching him there and revelling in his odour has Eddie arching off the bed, a long moan leaving him. He thinks, no, he knows, he’s never been treated with such reverence. They’ve never gone this slowly before either, and it’s all combining to rile him up in a way he’s never yet experienced.
Steve licks Eddie’s chest again, and nips at his unpierced nipple, making Eddie emit the cutest little yelp of pleasure, before smiling at him as he runs his lubed fingers over the crease of Eddie’s ass cheeks, delighting in the soft flesh and peachy fuzz. He wants to kiss those perfect globes, suck them, slap them, mark them as his, but he knows he can do that another time.
So, slowly, he slides his fingers between Eddie’s cheeks. Eddie’s practically stopped breathing, his lungs are full and his breaths are so short and shallow they’re barely breaths at all.
Then, at last, Steve connects with his hole. Eddie gasps as the tip of one finger runs around it. Steve revels as Eddie twitches at his touch, before slowly breaching his most intimate area.  
Steve’s moves are shallow for a while, moving just one or two knuckles deep, until he can tell neither of them can take any more waiting, and he slowly plunges as far into Eddie as he can get. 
Eddie groans, his face contorting into ecstasy, eyes closing and his mouth relaxing into a soft O. Steve sighs at the sight, another one of his favourites. He curls his finger and finds Eddie's special spot with practiced ease, and Eddie groans again.
By this point he’d usually have at least two fingers inside Eddie, maybe even his cock, pumping in and out of him, not necessarily roughly, but certainly with more vigour than he’s currently doing. But instead he’s retaining his languid pace, dragging slowly in and out, gently gliding against that special spot, more than enough to excite him, but not quite enough to send him over the edge. They know each other's bodies so well by now that it’s almost impossible for Steve not to almost immediately give Eddie the most intense pleasure.
But he continues, 
Watching his face intently, Steve asks,
“You doing okay, baby?”
Eddie’s eyes snap open, and he gazes into Steve’s glorious hazel orbs as he replies, earnestly,
“Oh fuck, Steve. I- I’m doing gr- great.”
Steve smiles again, adoringly salacious, and moves, folding himself so he’s kneeling between Eddie’s legs again. He licks messily over Eddie’s balls, his shaft, the creases of his hips, and Eddie shudders again, his cock twitching at being devoured so completely. Steve breathes in more of Eddie’s scent, almost hyperventilating, and Eddie revels in the feeling of Steve’s exhaled breaths as they flow over his cock, his abdomen, his thighs.
Eventually Steve reaches the top of Eddie’s cock again, and this time takes him fully into his mouth, sinking as far down as he can.
As he opens his throat and his nose hits Eddie’s pubes, Steve is in heaven, the combination of scents and sensations driving him divinely insane, his throat spasming around Eddie’s tip as he groans above him.
His own cock’s angry and red, and leaking an obscene amount of precum that dribbles down his shaft where it’s trapped between his belly and thighs. It’s begging to be touched, rubbed against something, pushed somewhere warm and inviting. But he does his best to ignore it, feeling it twitch every time Eddie gifts him the softest little moans and the loudest groans, knowing that tonight is all about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie… He’s filled, suffused, drunk on the feeling of Eddie’s cock, his heat, his scent, letting everything Eddie envelop his entire being. He indulges in the euphoria of being used by him, and making Eddie feel so, so good.
Eddie resists for as long as he can manage, but eventually he can’t help but move his hips up into Steve, fucking his face with reverent care. He knows that Steve loves it when he’s rough, but he’s trying desperately to take his lead and stay soft, slow, gentle.
It’s not long before Eddie’s whines become shriller and more frequent. He can feel those familiar sensations in his abdomen that tell him he’s gonna lose it, and soon. He moves one hand down to Steve’s chin, trying to warn him.
“St- Stevie, I’m so cl- Where d’you…?”
In response, Steve grasps Eddie’s hand and places it over his head, his hand over Eddie’s, their agreed indication that he wants Eddie to finish in his mouth. Just the thought of combining the musk of his sweat with the tang of Eddie’s cum is almost enough to send Steve over the edge himself. He redoubles his efforts and speeds up the movements of his fingers, still soft, still slow (well, slow-ish) and pushes himself as far down Eddie’s shaft as he can. He’s temporarily blocking his own breathing, but knows the payoff is going to be so, so sweet.
Eddie’s abs tighten, his back curves and his shoulders lift off the bed. He can’t hold off any longer, and with one, two, three more thrusts his balls tighten and his cock spasms. With a long groan he releases himself into Steve’s mouth, rope after rope of hot cum spilling into the love of his life. Steve splutters and swallows what he can, but there’s so much of it this time that some inevitably dribbles out the sides of his mouth, spilling down over Eddie’s balls. 
After a few moments of breathless euphoria, Steve pulls gently off and out of Eddie, placing his palms either side of Eddie’s hips and propping himself up on his arms to take a few deep breaths. Eddie slumps back against their pillows, grinning wildly and a high, lilting chuckle leaving his chest. He lifts his head back up to look down himself at Steve, and marvels at the sight. He’s cock-drunk and fucked out, hair a mess. His eyes are wide and watering, and his jaw is slack and drooling a mix of their combined fluids. Eddie decides it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Steve’s smiling back at him, and as he licks lasciviously around his lips to gather whatever he can he looks like the cat that got the cream. Eddie supposes that, in a lot of ways, he is.
After a few more breaths Steve starts to shift lower down the bed, his usual routine for when he’s going to get cleaned up. But Eddie stops him. His face falls, and he frowns at Steve.
“Wait, isn’t it your turn? You didn’t…”
Steve snorts, his bronze cheeks turning pink.
“Oh, uhh… Actually I did. Turns out your smell turns me on even more than I realised, cuz I kinda…”
He kneels up, spreading his hands wide and looking down at his crotch. Eddie follows his gaze, and is greeted by yet another divine sight. His naked boyfriend with his belly and thighs covered in smeared streaks of his own cum, his softening cock slowly drooping down onto the crease of his thigh, and wet, sticky patches adorning their comforter. Steve continues,
“I, uh… I guess we’re gonna have to do some laundry later.”
They both giggle.
“Yeah, worth it though. Fuck. You really like my, uh, scent that much, huh?”
Steve drags sweaty fingers through his own mess, and brings it up to show Eddie.
“See for yourself, big boy.”
Eddie quickly props himself up on his elbows, and looks intently at Steve, dimples popping in his cheeks as he smiles and drops his mouth open in an inviting gesture. Steve obliges, and pushes forwards, slowly running his fingers over his boyfriend’s tongue. Eddie sucks softly, closing his eyes and humming, revelling in Steve’s taste and barely believing that he’s had this effect on the man he loves, and the most gorgeous person he’s ever seen. He licks between his fingers for a few moments, before releasing him with a pop and a roll of his eyes, commenting cheekily,
“Go on then. I guess I can let you go get a towel.”
Steve does so, cleaning up quickly in the bathroom before getting them both a much-needed cold drink, which they both consume with satisfied sighs.
Eddie shifts over on the bed so that Steve can cuddle into his side, knowing it’s his favourite position. Steve angles his head to look up at Eddie.
“You feeling better now?”
“Oh baby, you have no idea…”
Eddie stretches out the last two words, emphasising his point and making Steve giggle a little.
Steve runs his fingertip up and down Eddie’s naked chest, focussing on his abs, skimming into his navel and tickling the top of his happy trail. Thinking about what Eddie told him earlier, he ventures,
“So, are you gonna tell me more about this crop top phase of yours…?”
Eddie’s voice becomes sweet and high, and playfully condescending, as he lilts,
“Oh, baby. You want me to wear one for you? I can do that.”
Steve’s cheeks flush pink again, visibly excited at the prospect of seeing Eddie dressed that way. Eddie’s voice drops husky and low as he continues,
“And you know what else? I’m gonna look forward to working on that damn Chevy tomorrow. Let it try me, make me fuckin’ sweat. For you, baby, all for you.”
Steve hums appreciatively into Eddie’s hair, pressing his hips just a little harder into Eddie’s thigh, his cock already filling out a little at the thought. 
Eddie drops a sweet peck to the tip of his nose.
“And if you happen to be in the kitchen when I get home, wearing that damn apron, and only that apron…? Well, let’s see where the evening takes us, shall we?”
Steve hums again, snuggling in closer to Eddie, and he soon drops into a light doze. 
Something has shifted this evening, and they both feel it. They’re no longer keeping aspects of themselves hidden, in well-meaning but misguided attempts to protect the other. What began as something accidentally painful has led to more openness, honesty, and a deeper understanding of each other, and a level of connection that has surprised both of them.
Eddie certainly has a newfound appreciation for the benefits of opening up, and sharing. And, he’s surprised to realise, a brand new perspective on his own natural musk. He thinks over everything Steve said. All the compliments, the words of adoration, and, yes, how he reacted to Eddie’s smell. His spent cock stirs at the thought.
They’re both still sweaty, sticky messes, and some degree of clean-up is definitely necessary. But for Eddie, this time it’s more about making them both more comfortable, rather than eliminating the discomfiting paranoia he used to hold.
A little while later he brandishes a delighted little smirk as he gently rouses Steve from his light slumber and proffers,
“Hey, baby. I think we both need to clean up a little. How about I show you how much I love you all over again, soft and slow… But this time, in the shower…?”
Thanks so much for reading!
Comments and reblogs mean the absolute world to writers, please consider interacting and sharing - it keeps us doing what we’re doing!
A/N 2: I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the idea of Eddie being helped by a teacher somewhere else, either in a fanfic or maybe even Flight Of Icarus (IDK, it’s been a while). I’d love to give credit/attribution for the inspiration so if you’ve seen it before or it was in your fic, please let me know! Also, the ‘Eddie pulls Steve up his lap’ moment was inspired by this art by @dreaminginpencil ❤️
A/N 3: Fun fact - this started out as my contribution for this month’s @steddiemicrofic prompt, ‘shower’. Make it 399 words? Yeah, right 😏😂 Copious thanks to @the-unforgivenn and @airen256 who helped me thrash it about and confirm it definitely needed it’s own story, ILY 💗
If you’d like to see more of my works you can find them on my masterlist. 
Tagging my usuals, thank you darlings 💋 (open, just ask!): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean @mediocredreams @in2tswft @micheledawn1975 @littlebebebunny @12thatsanumber @alastorssimp @the-baby-angel
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inthewychelm · 1 year
ive been thinking about hard of hearing steve, who started losing his hearing after starcourt, the scoops troops are the first to find out because of how attached they are, robin erica and dustin all insist on steve learning to sign but he's insecure about learning a new language so they slowly learn and start teaching him
after vecna, eddie gets adopted to their little group and starts picking up on the signs and learning on his own, still struggles to hold a conversation, esp with the likes of robin or dustin, but he atleast knows simple words and phrases enough to communicate, eddie also gets into the habit of signing ILY to steve before he leaves, except steve rarely studies asl on his own most of what he remembers is from robin/erica/dustin, who never thought to teach him that specific sign, so steve just thinks eddie is just being a metalhead throwing up a 'rock on' gesture, hes still absolutely endeared by eddie doing this but he doesn't realize that eddie saying he loves him everyday, what follows is a ridiculous amount of pining where only steve doesn't know because everyone else know what that sign means, he only finds out because after gossiping with robin(who has tried to tell steve that its reciprocated) about eddie, erica interupts their convo by telling steve that eddie tells him he loves steve everyday (that clown is so obviously in love with you, how are you still pining? you're supposed to be a expert, steve?)
(edit 07/23: this fic is now on ao3)
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Steve, randomly when Eddie’s live one day: Would you notice if I went missing?
Eddie, stopping everything: Steve, you have went missing. I had to file a police report. Of course I would notice.
Eddie: I worry when you leave the room. When I can’t see you, I assume you are missing.
Eddie: Would I notice if you were missing?! What kind of question is that?
Eddie, affectionate: Bring your insecure ass over here. I’m going to kiss you.
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suitelif3 · 8 months
steddie idea I would totally write if I could:
imagine Eddie being insecure about being poor bc Steve has always had nice things so Eddie gets insecure that he won’t be able to provide/gift Steve things to that level.
so he gets insecure about it, and then Steve doesn’t want to come out to the party yet (bc he’s not ready yet, and that’s okay!) but Eddie gets in his head about it, and thinks it’s bc he’s “trailer trash” and can’t afford nice things/dates.
Eddie starts to pull away bc what is Steve doing with him, Steve starts panicking a little bit but acts normal around Eddie, who then realizes he wants to fight for Steve, and starts working long hours to save up for something Steve has been wanting for a while.
Steve thinks Eddie is preparing to break up with him so he tries to talk to Eddie, Eddie gives Steve the gift, and Steve is like I didn’t need this, I just needed you or something cheesy since they spent so much apart bc of Eddie working nonstop.
then they kiss and makeup and it’s all resolved and super fluffy with them working it out and Eddie realizing he’s allowed to want nice things and Steve is a nice thing.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
eddie loves steve's moles
eddie had just gotten out of the shower, watching as steve inspected himself in the mirror.
"i think i want to get this mole removed," steve trailed, hands gliding over the bump on his neck, frowning as he does.
eddie whipped around to face him, wet hair slapping him in the face, pulling a laugh out of steve. "what?"
"i wanna-"
"yeah, yeah, i heard you. why would you do that?" eddie said, waving his hands all dramatically. steve roller his eyes, and shrugged.
"i dunno. aren't they kinda... ugly?"
eddie blanched, mouth opening and closing in shock, trying to get the words out. "steve. you did not just say that- i- oh my god."
steve looked at him with an expression that read 'unimpressed.'
eddie moved in closer, putting his hands around steve's waist, pulling him in. he placed a gentle kiss on steve's neck, right beside said mole, "i love your spots, baby. they aren't ugly. not at all." he whispered, hands rubbing circles into steve's hips.
steve looked away and sighed, "really?" he asked, voice small.
eddie nodded, grabbing steve's hand and leading him to their bedroom before proceeding to lay steve down and kiss each and every one of steve's moles, freckles, and beauty marks.
and if by the end they were both flushed and breathless, well. that was for them to know.
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astxrwar · 9 months
“why do you HC bucky as desperately wanting to feel needed” well you see
Steve. pre-serum. scrappy smart-mouthed 5’4 zero brain cells. always sick and asthmatic and losing everyone in his life and Bucky took care of him! loved him! loved to take care of him!
and then one day steve didn’t need somebody to take care of him anymore. and he started taking care of Bucky (saved him the first time, then the second time, essentially brought him back to life!!) and bucky started needing him and he never really stopped needing him and he hated himself for it and for not being able to do things for Steve the way he used to. and then steve was just. gone. and now he’s alone. and he feels okay only when he’s being useful to people and Proving Steve Right about him being good under the decades of abuse trauma.
he is absolutely not comfortable with the side of himself that Needs people that badly, he’d gone most of his life being the caretaker and not really knowing what that even felt like, and it’s easier to allow yourself to need to be needed than it is to just. need. they’re both basically the same thing but it’s an extra step to assuage his pervasive self-worth issues and feel Secure in caring about people because he really just feels like a burden unless he’s being Useful.
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