#steve rogers x rosy kovecky
joaquinwhorres · 4 years
I have other songs for the OC ship ask, if you don't mind! 🧡 Speechless, Lady Gaga SeeeSaw, Jamie xx Silver soul, Beach House Sonnet #4, Any Other (the last one is an Italian authoress singing in English. If her pronunciation sounds weird to you, on YouTube there's the official video with subtitles) Thank you 🙏
Speechless, Lady Gaga:  Saoirse Nolan ♥ Bucky Barnes
And I know that it's complicated But I'm a loser in love, so, baby Raise a glass to mend all the broken hearts of All my wrecked up friends
SeeeSaw, Jamie xx  Leta Cole ♥ Bellamy Blake
I see pictures in my mind I see fingers up your spine I saw my heart break in two
Silver Soul, Beach House Rosy Kovecky ♥ Steve Rogers
Gather matters of the heart So we can act a fool It's incomplete without you The silver soul is running through  It's a vision, complete illusion, yeah
Sonnet #4, Any Other  Wren Collings ♥ Fred Weasley
Please, come and replace His smell with your smell Clean the marks on my body And scrape off the darkness
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
20 first lines
the marvelous @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle tagged me and I'd like to tag @akabluekat + @hairringtonsteve since it involves re-reading more of your excellent writing.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 5 of your favorite authors!
Listed from most recent to least recent. I'm also only doing stories that have the potential of being series. They may be a one-shot right now, but they were written with more in mind. (* means WIP)
1. Bucky stood outside of the door, staring at the wreath of brightly colored fabric leaves, a small wooden sign hanging in the center with the words Give Thanks looping across it. - Blank Out (Bucky Barnes x Reader) // Meeting of Minds (Bucky Barnes x Mina Kaminski)
*2. Nora pinched the side of her thigh through her pocket - Post-Battle of Hogwarts AU (Lee Jordan x Nora Randolph)
3. Iris followed Pietro in through the back door, blowing it shut after her with a casual flick of her hand. - Playing House (Pietro Maximoff x Iris Tate, WandaVision)
4. Finals Week at Starfleet Academy was a glorious occasion. - Treacherous Waters (Leonard McCoy x Reader, AOS)
*5. It felt like her insides were collapsing. - Palm to Palm (Lee Jordan x Nora Randolph, Goblet of Fire)
*6. There was a ringing in her head. - Search and Recover (Bellamy Blake x Leta Cole - 100 AU)
*7. “You’re overreacting,” she said, punctuating the statement with a roll of her eyes. - Protective Custody (Diego Hargreeves x Francesca Vives-Soler)
8. They've been close since the academy. - The Dating Game (Diego Hargreeves x Reader)
*9. She knew from the minute she walked in to work that today was not going to be her day. - Under Covers (Clint Barton x Bobbi Morse)
10. The pounding on the door was seriously the last thing you needed right now. - Best of Friends (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
11. Being woken up by a Hufflepuff was undoubtedly the worst possible way to wake up. - The Fool (Fred Weasley x Wren Collings, Goblet of Fire)
*12. Her mother always warned her not to trust picket fences. - Picket Fences (Steve Rogers x Rosy Kovecky)
13. She had always known that the fieldwork would be hard—emotionally, academically, even physically. - Second Wind (Pietro Maximoff x Iris Tate, post-Age of Ultron)
14. Molly McKay rarely at breakfast at home. - Muscle Memory (Clint Barton x Molly McKay, post-Ultron)
15. Whenever she had pictured college, it always looked exactly like this. - Into the Rush (Kendall Knight x Autumn Mayes, Logan Mitchell x Jemima Yeung)
16. Nick Fury's secrets have secrets. - Parting Shot (Clint Barton x Molly McKay, post-Avengers)
*17. It started, as many of life's regrettable things do, during puberty. - Serious As They Come (Sirius Black x Florence Saise)
^ My favorite
* 18. “Don’t be mad,” Toni started, her fingers beginning to drum against the steering wheel. - Fresh Air (Sweet Pea x Reader, College AU)
19. You never had the luxury of a normal life. - Broken Wings (Billy Hargrove x Hopper!Reader)
20. If her friends ever got her to go to another party, it would be a miracle. - Careless Whisper (Steve Harrington x Reader)
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
i am picking totally random letters without looking:
c, h, e, l, m
C: What member do you identify with most?
Idk what the game meant by "member" so I'm going with Which OC do you identify with most?
I identify the most with Wren. I've found myself looking back at things I wrote her thinking or saying years ago and being like "Oh wow, I feel that way right now. I had very good insight back then." We're both witty and horrible decision makers when it comes to things that matter.
H: How would you describe your style?
I've been told my writing is "cinematic" in terms of the level of detail and pacing of the stories. I prefer writing in 3rd person past tense, but also like playing around with narrators/tenses to fit with the story I write.
E: If you wrote a sequel to The Fool, what would it be about?
It would be about Wren + Fred's seventh year at Hogwarts and how just because you're with the person you love doesn't mean everything is smooth sailing. Especially when Umbridge is involved.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Honestly? Not as many times as I should. I think the beginning gets revised between 2-8 times, and then once I get the beginning down, it all just flows out. Sometimes I do a once over, often I'm too excited and post it.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Well, all of my HP premises are out there, but here's a few of my Marvel ones:
Picket Fences (Steve Rogers x OC): When Rosy Kovecky picks up a weird signal being sent out of your neighborhood, she feels obligated to report it. Which she wouldn't have done if she knew it'd lead to her ex-boyfriend moving in with her so he could investigate the situation while undercover as her current boyfriend.
Under Covers (Bobbi Morse x Clint Barton): Recently divorced (ok, it's been like two years) Bobbi Morse and Clint Barton are sent to investigate the Hellfire Club while undercover as a wealthy married couple.
Patron Saints (Joaquin Torres x OC): Murphy slips through Madripoor unnoticed, which is exactly what a good thief should do. Of course it all goes to shit when she's tasked with stealing something for the Power Broker that the Avengers also want.
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joaquinwhorres · 4 years
First/Last/Before the Beginning
FIRST — Picket Fences (Steve Rogers x Rosy Kovecky)  Her mother always warned her not to trust picket fences. She would crouch down to look Rosy in the eyes and take a hold of her daughter's small hand, tell tale signs that she was serious. 
LAST — Parting Shot (Clint Barton x Molly McKay) 
"We have like three fucking pots. How could you make that much noise?" a groggy, lightly accented voice grumbled. 
"It wasn't that much noise, you're just hungover."
BEFORE THE BEGINNING — The Fool (Fred Weasley x Wren Collings)
There were only three acceptable reasons to ever wake up before the sun: 
The birth of a child, preferably yours.
Mortal peril, preferably not yours
The Quidditch World Cup
Presently, Wren debated eliminating number three from her list. Despite her immense love of the sport and all of the excitement of Britain hosting the cup, she couldn't help but feel that a Holyhead Harpies match would be just as entertaining. At least then she wouldn't have to wake up this early just sit and wait at a campsite for half a day. 
In an attempt to stave off Wren's bad mood, Wren had been roused from bed last and greeted at the bottom of the stairs with a napkin full of toast and bacon to eat as they walked. This had done less than her family might have hoped. Instead, Wren trudged along the path to the Portkey, a scowl firmly set on her face.
"You know, plenty of people do side along apparition and nothing happens," Wren announced, taking a bite out of her bacon. "It's perfectly safe." 
"We do the walk every cup," her father shook his head, a small grin growing across his face. It was true. The family had walked this path many times since the  Ministry had, as Wren's mother so eloquently put it,  "for once in their lives decided not to put new twigs on a working broom". Even still, Wren was not quite sure why they had to be walking. Her father must have read her mind. "It's tradition. Besides, it'll be good to get a little fresh air."
Wren looked at him flatly. "We'll be outdoors for the next 48 hours. I think we could have spared a few hours indoors. In bed."
"That's the spirit, love," her mother leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Wren wrinkled her nose, ripping off a bite of toast between her teeth.
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joaquinwhorres · 4 years
✨favorites and dark ✨
Ok, I hope you like reading about my writing as much as I like writing about my writing because I kinda went off
The Favourites 
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? 
This is surprisingly hard. Uh it changes around, but right now my favorite OCs to write are Florence Saise (she’s just so Over Hogwarts’ Shit and I love it) and Saoirse Nolan (so much personality in such a little body.) 
My favorite canon characters to write rn are Lee Jordan (because he’s like basically an OC since JK did not decide to develop his character at all) and Diego Hargreeves (he’s such a lovable dumbass and I’m here for it.)
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write? 
Nora Randolph and Lee Jordan because they’re so soft and cute without being over the top sickly sweet, and it’s just emotionally fulfilling to write themm.
Francesca Vives-Soler and Diego Hargreeves because they’re just constantly sniping at each other and enemies to lovers is 😘👌
Honorable mentions: Bucky Barnes x Kristina Taylor, Steve Rogers x Rosy Kovecky, Priyanka Joshi x Leonard McCoy, Florence Saise x Sirius Black
23.  Favourite author
Answered :)  
24.  Favourite genre to write and read 
If I’m being honest: fan fiction. But if I’m choosing a sellable/purchasable genre-- young adult novels of any kind. Murder mystery? Love story? Fantasy? I’m IN. 
25.  Favourite part of writing 
Reading comments and feedback from people. I thrive on validation. But in the actual writing process, I love writing dialogue. Dialogue is super fun and it comes easy for me.
26.  Favourite writing program 
Answered :) 
27.  Favourite line/scene 
Favorite published line that I wrote recently:  
Lee turned back to look at her, his cheerlessness dissipating the way ice did on a frozen pond. His lips parted like a sharp crack in the ice before fissuring out into a smile and dimples and melting away into a look of small wonder. "I’d forgotten about that."
Favorite unpublished line from a scene I cannot wait to get to in Best of Friends. (It’s rough but I still love it.):
Natashas's expression turned positively devilish as she cast a glance at Wanda and then back at Kristina. "Do you guys text a lot?" 
"I don't know?" 
"So, often," Nat confirmed.
"Just as friends." 
"You don't text me that often, are we not friends?" Wanda asked, and a wave of guilt surged through Kristina before she caught onto the glint in Wanda's eyes. Traitor. 
Kristina made a desperate stuttering sound hoping to find a start to a sentence.
"Not that kind of friends," Natasha smirked at Wanda. "How many times have you guys hooked up?" 
Kristina's face was burning. She wouldn't be surprised if the other girls could feel the heat waves radiating off her. Bucky was right. Nat was the worst. 
"We've never hooked up," Kristina shook her head.
"Kris, Girls Night is like Vegas, what happens here stays here,"  Bobbi put in.
"So be detailed," Natasha grinned.
28.  Favourite side character 
It’s a tie between Nora Randolph in The Fool and Sam Wilson in Best of Friends
29.  Favourite villain 
I don’t really write villains very often but I’ve got this cool shadowy powered dude I’m still working out for Darling, Dearest, Dead.
30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
I’ve started all of my ideas, but I would say my favorite ones that I haven’t really full published more than teasers of are Picket Fences (Steve Rogers goes undercover posing as his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend who’s just moved in) and Serious as They Come (James & Sirius make a bet that they can get any girl in Hogwarts to fall in love with them. James gets Lily. Sirius gets Florence.)
The Dark 
31.  Least favourite part of writing 
Editing for grammar and spelling. It’s so necessary and yet there’s like no emotional reward for it. Just avoiding the embarrassment of having a ton of errors.
32.  Most difficult character to write 
Wren Collings. I love her, but she is kind of all over the place. It makes sense given what she’s currently going through, but it’s hard to write someone who’s navigating two different identities/personalities.
33.  Have you ever killed a main character? 
Answered :) 
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write? 
The most recent chapter of The Fool was ridiculously hard to write. I knew I needed Wren and Simon to fight some more, Wren to grow closer to the twins, and for the twins to enter, but it was so boring I couldn’t figure out how to make it good.
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Usually I avoid things I don’t want to write. But I guess the thing I’m least looking forward to writing are some of the future scenes with Simon and Wren as a happy couple. I just hate him and want her and Fred together so it’s like “bleh.”
Send me some writers asks
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