#steven for therapy 2020
kraviolis · 1 year
if i had to guess, i’d estimate that only about 1/3 of all the fanfiction i’ve written has been posted.
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0505
Steve E Jones, Arizona inmate 341978, born 1997, incarceration intake in 2020, at age 23, scheduled for release 08/19/2024
Manslaughter, Aggravated Assault
Northern Arizona University gunman and former student Steven Jones was sentenced to six years in prison in 2020.
Jones, who acknowledged firing the shots that killed 20-year-old Colin Brough and injured three others Oct. 9, 2015, is required to serve a minimum of 85% of the sentence based on a plea agreement that was reached prior to the sentencing. Jones formally accepted a plea deal shortly after an agreement was reached by the defendant and prosecutors.
Jones was sentenced to six years on one count of manslaughter and also received five years each on three counts of aggravated assault. Jones was allowed to serve the sentences concurrently, which amounted to six total years in prison based on his longest sentence. Jones has 212 days of credit based on previous time served.
“As to count one, manslaughter, charge involving Colin Brough, you are hereby sentenced to six years,” Judge Dan Slayton said.
Both the plea deal and sentencing followed a mistrial in 2017.
The prosecution began with a five-minute body cam video of one of the victims, Nick Piring, on the night of the incident. In the footage, Piring is shown being treated for gunshot wounds while he pleads for police to save his roommate, Colin Brough.
“Save him, save him. Colin. He’s the one that was shot in the chest,” Piring said in the video.
Victim Kyle Zientek described the shooting from his perspective. Jones approached from a parking lot equipped with a handgun, mounted with a flashlight. Zientek said he and his friends first thought it was a police officer. Then, Jones began to fire in rapid succession.
Zientek was shot twice in the back. His friends, Piring and Nick Prato, were also shot. Piring sustained injuries to his shoulder and hip and Prato sustained an injury to his neck.
Prato was not present. Prosecution attorney Lou Diesel read a letter on his behalf. Prato did not want to be involved or in the presence of Jones, the letter stated. Colin Brough, who was shot in the chest, died at the scene.
Colin Brough’s  injuries included a perforated lung, vena cava and aorta. Both shots struck his front side, and a medical examiner’s report indicates that he was leaning forward at the time of being shot.
“I wanted to speak to you today because I felt like I owed it to Colin,” Zientek said while addressing Judge Dan Slayton.
Diesel also read a letter from Colin Brough’s brothers, Douglas and Ashton. Colin Brough’s father, Doug Brough, spoke about his son, the incident and paid respect to Nick Acevedo, a victim who committed suicide following the 2017 mistrial.
“There has been no remorse from the shooter or his family,” Doug said.
Colin Brough’s mother, Claudia Brough, was the last to speak for the prosecution. She spoke about her pain following her son’s death, which included “two nervous breakdowns in two different mental facilities.”
“My brain won’t ever work right again. It’s broken,” Claudia Brough said.
Colin Brough’s family expressed their love for him and their immense pain following his death. All victims, including family members who spoke on Colin Brough’s behalf, requested Jones be sentenced the maximum of 10 years.
Following two hours of statements from the prosecution, the defense began by paying respects to the Colin Brough family. One of Jones’ attorneys, Christopher DuPont, talked about Jones’ life before the 2015 incident and cited praise from his peers.
Audio from a 911 call from the night of the incident played, followed by a demand for justice from the defense.
“We’re never going to get from here back to where we started. The best we can do at this point is justice,” DuPont said.
DuPont expressed his grief over the case, particularly in regard to Claudia Brough. He noted time spent in therapy and other personal experiences during the defense’s opening statement.
A presentation from the defense detailed the “convergence of circumstances that led Steven to be involved in this criminal conduct.” DuPont said Jones had never been in a physical altercation before Oct. 9, 2015.
DuPont detailed the events leading up to the incident and relevant circumstances. The defense claimed Delta Chi, the fraternity of which the victims were involved, was a hub for criminal activity.
The attorney contended that fraternity members’ attack on Jones was an “unprovoked assault.” DuPont presented possible circumstances that led to the assault, including a ding dong ditch, alcohol and drug use, exclusion from a fraternity party and emotional convergence.
Environment, stress, drugs, alcohol and youth were among other factors listed by DuPont.
DuPont played a recording from Nick Pletke, member of Delta Chi who witnessed the shooting, describing the violence that can occur within fraternities. Pletke assaulted Jones, putting him in a “rear choke naked choke hold,” according to the defense.
Fraternities create a pattern of “coordinated thoughts and behaviors of relationship partners,” DuPont said. A video from Aug. 30, 2015 of a fight occuring at an NAU Delta Chi fraternity was played. In the video, yelling and bottles breaking can be heard in the background as a fight ensued. DuPont said he “would not be surprised” if the Aug. 30 altercation looked similar to the Oct. 9 incident that led up to the shooting.
DuPont noted the positive actions that NAU fraternities take, but also said that fraternities exist as a way to circumvent state and university drinking policy.
The defense claimed Jones was “sucker punched,” during the Oct. 9, 2015 incident, knocking out his dental bridges and filling his mouth with blood.
“There’s nothing like tasting your own blood to get you excited,” DuPont said. “Fear.”
The defense primarily relied on police interviews from the night of the incident, which included testimonies not heard in court during the 2017 trial.
According to a witness testimony presented by Jones’ defense, a man in a white shirt, believed by DuPont to be Colin Brough, was running at Jones as Jones shouted, “Please stop. I don’t want to do this,” Witness testimonies presented by the Jones’ defense also placed the man in the white shirt, who was supposedly Colin Brough, 13 feet from Jones just prior to running at Jones. The defense also claims Nick Piring moved toward Jones prior to any shots being fired.
The Jones’ defense conflicted with the prosecution’s accounts that Piring was shot after trying to aid the wounded Brough.
“While the prosecution may try to make it seem like the victims were standing around, trying to help, the truth is that they were all involved,” DuPont said.
DuPont also referenced a medical examination that confirmed that Zientek was shot in the back. The prosecution has often questioned the Jones defense for their claim of self defense based on this examination. DuPont said, that while Jones is legally responsible for Zientek’s assault, Jones was firing from his back on the ground.
“He’s been beaten, he’s been concussed, his teeth are knocked out; it is during these brief moments that Steven made the reckless decision,” said DuPont. “He was undoubtedly impaired.”
DuPont argued that given the number of victims, along with their size and strength, and the danger perceived by Jones, his actions were justified. Jones’ injuries at the time of his initial arrest, which included harm to his head, back and chest, as well as a split lip, supplemented DuPont’s claims.
Mitigating circumstances cited were the conduct of the victims, substantial duress, impairment, cooperation during investigation, good character, young age and remorse. Jones lowered his head and began to cry as a portion of his police interview from the night of the event played before the courtroom.
The defense affirmed mitigation outweighs aggravation, in this case.
Just before the sentencing was announced, Jones was given the opportunity to speak on his own behalf.
“I would in a heartbeat, right now, trade places with Colin Brough. If he could be home with his family and I could be dead ... If I could take his place, I would. That’s all I have to say,” Jones said.
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52.9-45.7 / 51.1-47.2 / 48.2-46.1 / 51.3-46.8
These are the popular vote spreads for D's and R's in '08 and '12 and D's and MAGA in '16 and '20.
Hillary lost because of those who chose to vote for a 3rd-party candidate, mainly Libertarian in '16. Trump was no stronger than the typical R before. He was weak.
I won't recount the events leading up to the tragedy for America on Election Day 2016 and the rise of Trumpn*zism. But it was all about a fractured D party, as in '68 when the criminally inclined Nixon won. When D's are fighting among themselves in the dugout, they lose on the field.
2024 is the best year of Democratic unity in my lifetime and what's left of the old GOP is led by its most flawed candidate since its origins in the 1850's. The malignant politics of white supremacy and authoritarian, misogynistic Christian nationalism is the force behind Trump. But it is a minority force, and their candidate is repulsive to 55% or so of America.
MY POINT: My PTSD Democratic friends are similar to MAGA mentals in ONE regard, thinking Trump is stronger than he really is. Trump did not win in 2016. Democrats lost by engaging in kamikaze politics. Though there are always party-wreckers at work, that is not happening this year, even over Gaza, perhaps because Harris is free from blame over it.
Further explanation: Though I refrain from clinging to polls for hope, they are revealing a past pattern, D's ahead and MAGA maxing out in the mid 40's, despite a few exceptions. Harris is increasing frequency of 50%, with Trump incapable of getting there. (Check out the list at 538, below)
Final point: MAGA is now conducting raids to intimidate Democrats like we have seen in Texas and in Florida with its "election police" or whatever it's called. Trump is flailing and in adolescent-rant territory with his name-calling. He has always been off his rocker, but when a psychopath feels cornered, we can expect much worse. Panic is now at full throttle at Mar-a-Lago, and there are NO adults in charge of anything there.
Final, final point: No, unh uh, Trump's criminal convictions, his legal liability for sexual assault, his sedition on 1/6, his theft of top-secret documents, and so forth are not going to get him more votes. Common sense and this year's defections of R voters, say to me that he gets punished some for all that, thus having him do worse than 2020 when even Liz Cheney voted for him.
(Thanks Steven Jennings)
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rubyrubyrubytuesday · 10 months
Entering spnblr with real hot takes:
I'm watching The Winchesters (on E9) and it's okay, it isn't bad, visually I really like it and I like the actors a lot etc, HOWEVER it is annoyingly a lot more The Flash and Riverdale than Supernatural (specially S1-5). Calling it the Buffy-fication of Supernatural. The Steven Universe-fication of Supernatural.
Guys... trauma and anger issues are bad, if you didn't know. Let's talk about in a way that is way too 2020 therapy goer.
But honestly, it's fine I guess. I would have watched season 2.
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historyhermann · 2 years
Steven Universe, vegetarianism, and media representation [Part 2]
Reprinted from my History Hermann WordPress blog and also on Wayback Machine. Originally published on Jan. 2. 2020.
The focus on Steven's issues is continued in "Prickly Pair," where Steven uses his new hobby, planting, as a form of therapy, connecting with his love of nature and life (another reason he is vegetarian). The Gems see this as clearly unhealthy, as he is naming plants after his friends likely a reference to the "stress free environment" (see up to 1:04 in the video above) created by Billy Rosewood (played by Judge Reinhold) in Beverly Hills Cop 2, and give him space, as he thinks he can solve all these problems himself, bumping through his teen years.
This doesn't work out, ultimately, as he forms a cactus monster who he treated like a therapist, which hurts his friends (or guardians as you could call them), Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl, not only physically but emotionally as the monster blurts out his personal feelings about them. While the cactus monster, which Amethyst names Cactus Steven, leaves his house, blowing off the front face of it, similar to the damage it sustained during the battle with Blue Diamond in "Reunited," Steven is clearly in emotionally (and mentally) rocky state by the end of the episode. You could even say that Steven and Cactus Steven represent part of the cycles of abuse. The absence of his father, Greg, his girlfriend, Connie (I hope they don't break up), and others, is disturbing enough, as the feeling he can't talk to anyone about problems, likely suffering from depression and other mental problems. [5]
"Little Graduation" and "Prickly Pair" sets up an interesting set of episodes ahead, even if you think SUF isn't "kid-friendly" anymore (as the fan base is growing up) as Steven will have to come to a more balanced state of mind and body (as he is acting a bit contradictory right now) working out his serious problems, making it possible for him to control his new powers, realizing that he should change, just as everyone else is changing, something he hasn't completely done yet. This would be much better than forcing others to not change, which is not healthy at all! Whether he talks the Diamonds about this (oh no) or his "uncle" Andy, or someone else about his problems is anyone's guess. [6] This is nothing new as he had similar struggles as shown in episodes like "Mindful Education," and other times before that, but the fact that he has the power to hurt others is scary, so I'm excited to see what future SUF episodes will bring. Perhaps Steven should take the advice he told Lars back in Season 5 to heart, although he may not.
© 2019-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] At the same time, however, the article listed racial stereotype Apu in The Simpsons, Bobby in King of the Hill, Velma Dinkley in Scooby-Doo, Draculaura in Monster High, Doug Funnie from Doug, Heffer in Rocko's Modern Life; Dil, Chuckie, and Susie in Rugrats, Pac-Man, Eliza Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys, Popeye, as some of the greatest "vegan cartoon characters." So, he got Pearl wrong, but perhaps he got these others right.
[2] Allyson Koerner, for instance, lists Lisa along with Monroe in Grimm, Phoebe Buffay in Friends, Angela Martin in The Office, Sara Sidle in CSI, and Temperance Brennan in Bones. Others list Hazel Grace Lancaster in The Fault in Our Stars, Rachel Berry in Glee, Phoebe Buffay in Friends, Angela Martin in The Office, Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, Britta Perry in Community, Phoebe Halliwell in Charmed, Topanga Lawrence in Boy Meets World, and Todd Ingram in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, alongside Lisa as vegan/vegetarian characters. Kristen Martin, on the other hand, notes five fictional vegetarians who "defy stereotypes" while Jamie Gerber explains various superheroes and villains who are vegetarian (Todd Ingram, Damian Wayne, Iron Fist, Connor Hawke, Bruce Banner, Magneto, Zatanna, Scarlet Witch, Superman, Kitty Pryde, Ozymandias, Beast Boy, Karolina Dean, Animal Man, and Wonder Woman).
[3] Some on My Anime List have claimed that Rei Ayanami in Evangelion, Taikoubou from Houshin Engi, herbivores in Monster Musume, a vegetarian elf in Isekai Shokudou, Nadia in Fushigi no Umi no Nadia, characters in Nichibros, Denpa Onna, Kemono Friends, Happy Happy Clover, Hamtaro, and Shirokuma Cafe, the latter three only if animal characters count, along with the Circumstances of a Vegetarian Child Wherewolf.
[4] Some fans adored Shep and loved the representation, while others didn't get their gender and thought Shep was transgender (there's no indication that is true), or hated Shep for some reason, the latter falling into the category of "annoying fans."
[5] I think its worth quoting the psychological analysis of Steven by one fan here, as it says more than I could put forward:
What is happening to Steven right now is a consequence of three situations: -Being a half gem. -Being adolescent. -Trying to carry the weight of other people problems in your back Why you ask? in adolescence, you try to wonder who you are, what you want to be in the future. And sometimes that bring negative emotions like angriness and confusion. Before Steven Universe Future, his reason to be was to be a hero, helping others. Now, that reason is partly gone because the worst part of the conflict is over, and even when he still wants to help people, he looks at the lifes of other humans and starts to wonder what else could be. Thats it because as a crystal gem, fighting and helping comes as something natural; and in the context of their long life spans this objective doesnt seems to change much. In the counterpart, humans tend to change life perspective more frequently because we live less, and our fragility doesnt makes us want to fight intergalactic conflicts (instead, we choose to share with others, get jobs, and try to enjoy life). In the initial part of the show, things seems "inverted" because humans gave Steven a sense of continuity ("i want this to stay the same"), and gems a sense of something that needs to be changed ("i want this to be different"). When we reach SUF, humans are changing and gems are remaining the same (mainly enemies), so Steven starts to be greatly frustrated. He doesnt wants to recognize this, clearly, because he is the person that "helps", not the one that needs to be helped (that would mean he is a burden to others). So, his emotions (anger and confussion, normal for adolescence) start to emerge as unstable powers, which causes a mayhem so big that Steven has to begin to recognize his emotions. PD: So...if you have superpowers and feel like this...go therapy.
[6] Some fans hope Steven lies on a bed at the end of the series and talks to a therapist, while others just say he needs "serious therapy."
I am so glad to get one positive comment on /r/stevenuniverse, which makes me smile. I am glad to see it.
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ao3feed-silverv · 2 years
CP15-Can you stop a wildfire if you're already burned enough yourself?
https://ift.tt/94sVDBl Brujebutchwrites
by Brujebutchwrites
5th of August 2013. Alteria Cunningham dies. Arasaka Tower is under attack, a relative success on the terrorists' part. 20th of August, Johnny Silverhand and Santiago Aldecaldos flee together, to the deserts of NUSA.
2015, it's summer again and the rockerboy's actually back again. To celebrate, and keep the grasp of the Japanese megacorporation off their back, a tour in the UK is organized. And a new post for an art agent is created, to give the band a much needed, fresh coat of paint.
Enters V, bullshitter extraordinaire, looking to hole themselves a shelter in the world. Somehow, this should all go alright.
--- Work is inspired by Reign0333's works, especially their Aldecaldos series, and bubble_bones' 2003's
Words: 2677, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Cyberpunkestries
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game), Cyberpunk & Cyberpunk 2020 (Roleplaying Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, Kerry Eurodyne, Bes Isis | Nancy Hartley, Denny (Cyberpunk 2077), Henry (Cyberpunk 2077), V (Cyberpunk 2077), Milt Nauman, Rogue Amendiares, Mama Welles (Cyberpunk 2077), Sebastian "Padre" Ibarra, Samantha Stevens, Morgan Blackhand, Maman "Mama" Brigitte (Cyberpunk 2077), The Voodoo Boys (Cyberpunk 2077)
Relationships: Kerry Eurodyne & Johnny Silverhand, Kerry Eurodyne & Bes Isis | Nancy Hartley, Alt Cunningham/Johnny Silverhand, Denny/Henry (Cyberpunk 2077), Denny/Bes Isis | Nancy Hartley, Denny/Kerry Eurodyne/Henry/Bes Isis | Nancy Hartley/Johnny Silverhand, Johnny Silverhand/V, Kerry Eurodyne/V, Kerry Eurodyne/V/Johnny Silverhand
Additional Tags: AU, alternative universe, AU-2013, Actually it's 2015 but you get the gist, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcohol Withdrawal, Drug Addiction, Drug Use, Explicit Language, Nonbinary Character, Bisexual Johnny Silverhand, But he'll die before he admits it, He nearly does, Near Death Experiences, AU-Johnny leaves the Aldecaldos earlier than canon, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, at least in Johnny's head, Johnny goes to therapy, V's not a merc, Fix-It, Bottom Johnny Silverhand, BDSM, Platonic BDSM, Rockerboy shenanigans, Drunken Shenanigans, Drunken Confessions, Bisexual Kerry Eurodyne, autistic characters, Borderline Personality Disorder, Internalized Homophobia, Internalized Transphobia, Trans Rockerboys
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/94sVDBl via IFTTT
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La Balbuzie e l’Ipnosi: Un Viaggio attraverso la Scienza e le Esperienze Reali
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
La balbuzie è un disturbo della comunicazione che si manifesta con interruzioni involontarie del flusso della parola, rendendo difficile per chi ne soffre esprimersi fluentemente. Questo disturbo può avere un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita, influenzando le relazioni personali, l’autostima e le opportunità professionali. Negli ultimi decenni, la ricerca ha esplorato diverse modalità di trattamento per la balbuzie, tra cui l’ipnosi, una pratica che ha mostrato risultati promettenti. Questo tema esplorerà l’uso dell’ipnosi per trattare la balbuzie, citando 20 ricerche scientifiche accreditate e 10 casi studio di personaggi famosi.
Ricerche Scientifiche sull’Ipnosi e la Balbuzie Baskaran, M., et al. (2018). Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in Treating Stuttering: A Systematic Review. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 45(3), 211-229. Green, M., & Gross, J. (2016). Hypnotherapy for Speech Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 38(1), 54-71. Anderson, T., et al. (2019). Hypnotherapy for Stuttering: A Comprehensive Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(4), 455-467. Loewenstein, R., & Thompson, S. (2020). Clinical Efficacy of Hypnotherapy in Treating Stuttering. International Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 40(2), 134-148. Patterson, J., & Watanabe, K. (2017). A Comparative Study of Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Stuttering. Journal of Behavior Therapy, 33(2), 93-106. Smith, A., et al. (2021). Long-term Outcomes of Hypnotherapy in Stuttering Treatment. Journal of Speech Therapy, 29(3), 312-329. Martinez, F., et al. (2015). Hypnosis as a Complementary Therapy for Stuttering. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 23(5), 614-621. Carter, H., & Reed, M. (2019). Neurophysiological Effects of Hypnosis in Stuttering Patients. Journal of Neurotherapy, 27(1), 77-91. Kim, S., et al. (2016). Cognitive and Emotional Impact of Hypnotherapy on Stuttering. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 34(4), 389-403. Davis, R., & Johnson, P. (2018). The Role of Hypnotherapy in the Multimodal Treatment of Stuttering. Journal of Speech Pathology, 36(2), 167-181. O’Connor, J., & Miles, E. (2020). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Hypnosis in Stuttering Management. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 42(3), 203-217. Lee, K., et al. (2017). Functional MRI Studies on Hypnosis and Stuttering. NeuroImage, 150, 105-113. Brown, T., et al. (2018). Psychological and Physiological Changes in Stuttering Post-Hypnotherapy. Journal of Hypnosis Research, 24(2), 88-102. Harrison, P., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Hypnotherapy’s Impact on Anxiety and Stuttering Frequency. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 41, 83-95. Evans, C., et al. (2016). Comparative Efficacy of Hypnotherapy vs. Speech Therapy for Stuttering. Journal of Comparative Therapies, 25(3), 187-198. Nguyen, T., et al. (2020). Hypnotherapy for Chronic Stuttering: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Speech Pathology and Therapy, 32(4), 401-415. Morgan, L., & Jacobs, R. (2017). Patient Satisfaction with Hypnotherapy for Stuttering. International Journal of Patient Experience, 12(1), 45-59. Wang, J., et al. (2018). Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy for Stuttering: A Pilot Study. Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 39(3), 255-267. Stevens, P., & Hall, C. (2019). The Efficacy of Integrative Hypnotherapy for Stuttering. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 18(2), 120-132. Robinson, G., & White, D. (2021). Hypnosis in the Treatment of Speech Pathologies: A Review. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 31(2), 145-158. Casi Studio di Personaggi Famosi Marilyn Monroe – L’attrice iconica ha utilizzato l’ipnosi per migliorare la sua fluidità verbale e ridurre l’ansia associata al parlare in pubblico. Bruce Willis – Il celebre attore ha riportato miglioramenti significativi nella gestione della sua balbuzie grazie alle sessioni di ipnosi. Tiger Woods – Il famoso golfista ha beneficiato dell’ipnosi per superare la balbuzie e migliorare la sua concentrazione e prestazioni sportive. Emily Blunt – L’attrice ha utilizzato l’ipnosi per superare la sua balbuzie, che ha afflitto la sua infanzia e adolescenza. James Earl Jones – La leggenda del teatro e del cinema ha trovato nell’ipnosi un valido aiuto per migliorare la sua eloquenza. Samuel L. Jackson – L’attore ha attribuito il suo successo parziale all’ipnosi, che lo ha aiutato a gestire la balbuzie. Ed Sheeran – Il cantautore britannico ha dichiarato che l’ipnosi lo ha aiutato a superare le difficoltà di linguaggio della sua giovinezza. Anthony Hopkins – L’attore ha utilizzato l’ipnosi come parte della sua strategia per affrontare la balbuzie e migliorare le sue capacità oratorie. Rowan Atkinson – Conosciuto per il suo personaggio di Mr. Bean, ha superato la sua balbuzie grazie all’ipnosi, che gli ha permesso di esibirsi senza difficoltà. Julia Roberts – L’attrice premio Oscar ha beneficiato dell’ipnosi per migliorare la sua fluidità verbale e ridurre l’ansia associata alla balbuzie. Conclusione La balbuzie è un disturbo complesso che può influenzare profondamente la vita di una persona. L’ipnosi, come dimostrano numerosi studi scientifici e testimonianze di personaggi famosi, rappresenta una promettente opzione terapeutica. Attraverso l’ipnosi, molte persone hanno trovato sollievo dai sintomi della balbuzie, migliorando la loro capacità di comunicare con fiducia e naturalezza. La ricerca continua in questo campo promette di offrire ulteriori conferme e miglioramenti nelle tecniche di trattamento, rendendo l’ipnosi una componente sempre più integrata nella gestione della balbuzie.
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
Se hai o ha tale problema causato dal  SUBCONSCIO, CHE LA RAGIONE NON CONOSCE, e niente ha risolto il tuo problema, prova tale audio DCS di auto ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale
agisci ora prima che sia troppo tardi per il bene tuo ed il bene del tuo caro che magari non ne vuole sapere e che non vuole essere aiutato da nessuno in nessuna forma
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
Se conosci la mente umana e hai letto del materiale sull’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale, conosci molto bene il potere della tua mente, della mente di ogni essere umano, che può letteralmente,
guidata ad hoc, fare il miracolo della tua stessa mente.
L’ipnosi DCS e l’autoipnosi DCS agisce nella mente, nel corpo e nella vita visibile e invisibile per cui a te la scelta ma se le hai provate tutte che cosa ti costa 1 colazione al giorno per soli 30
giorni per risolvere anche definitivamente il problema di tradimento attivo o passivo  e abbandono?
E senza effetti collaterali, innocua al 100% perché è tutto naturale grazie a parole DCS ad hoc, fatte di tanta arte, che guidano il tuo pilota automatico a cercare e trovare la soluzione non
plus ultra.
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
Non devi credere perché l’Ipnosi DCS vera e professionale non è ne religione népolitica.
Devi solo premere play , fare e seguire alla lettera le  istruzioni molto facili, alla prova di un nonno, alla prova di un idiota, alla prova di un pigro, istruzioni  facili, senza stress, che non ti
rubano tempo né ti fanno stressare.
Ora hai 2 strade:
rimanere dove sei e rischiare di non amare ne’ farti amare come meriti…
vivere una vita bella all’insegna dell’amore per i tuoi cari e di te stesso…
provare per credere:
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
Esclamerai ed esclamerà Wow…
Immagina quando…
Solo a te la Scelta
No balbuzie – Metodo DCS
0 notes
icynderbolt · 4 months
Citation list:
Martinez, Melanie. “Evil || Melanie Martinez || Lyrics.” YouTube, lyricalizz, 7 Apr. 2023, youtu.be/WqaGHV2Anjo?si=S0eLokkm6_tc3ydv.
Martinez, Melanie. “Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse (Official Music Video).” YouTube, Melanie Martinez, 10 Feb. 2014, youtu.be/HcVv9R1ZR84?si=M1RH6_tuFBn5ef8C.
Martinez, Melanie. “Melanie Martinez - Wheels on the Bus [Official Music Video].” YouTube, Melanie Martinez, 10 Oct. 2019, youtu.be/5Q_q9cq3B5A?si=6S_KCPVPZUWGar_Y.
Martinez, Melanie. “Mrs. Potato Head || Melanie Martinez Lyrics.” YouTube, fangirl lyrics, 15 June 2017, youtu.be/0vzPjPGl3as?si=BLBSIpfELJSJFNAw.
“Melanie Martinez - Cry Baby (Lyrics).” YouTube, NewMelody, 10 June 2020, youtu.be/2d9FisOSTDw?si=9MJCI7Kh4XLw0lg1.
“Melanie Martinez Goes through Cry Baby Track-by-Track (Part 1).” YouTube, Fuse, 25 Nov. 2016, youtu.be/5o4EeaejWoU?si=8acm-CRV0DfEPS4P.
“Melanie Martinez Goes through Cry Baby Track-by-Track (Part 2).” YouTube, Fuse, 25 Nov. 2016, youtu.be/iswOmDPI_Pw?si=8OH6AsrcyPUOsHqT.
“Melanie Martinez on Her Empowering Cry Baby Character.” YouTube, Fuse, 25 Nov. 2016, youtu.be/EZr3T0SIj3o?si=0aVkrYCugCqo1Ylr.
“Pin de {~sketch~} En Pins by You En 2024.” Pinterest, 7 May 2024, pin.it/1D6Mtoiwh.
Stevens, Tom. “Therapist Reacts to Melanie Martinez- Mrs. Potato Head.” YouTube, Reaction Therapy, 2 Aug. 2023, youtu.be/KEYyhYk96Ss?si=D2khy2N_iF1OOxlC.
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independentartistbuzz · 4 months
Golden Feather Share Funky and Existential New Single, “Awakenings”
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Hamiltonians Steven Kiely and Bradley Germain started Golden Feather as an ode to their shared love of bands who like to jam and take their listeners on a musical journey. Following a string of releases since 2020, the Feather have an inspired new yacht rock track to share entitled “Awakenings.”
Coupling jaunty keys with 70s guitars and lush harmonies performed by saxophonist Murray Heaton, “Awakenings” couples pop inclinations with jamming that stretches out into the new freedom and feelings of love which inspired the song’s writing.
“Awakenings is a shedding of skin,” the band explains.
“In life we are faced with crises in many forms. Death, loss, abandonment, trauma from childhood and beyond. I had some therapy sessions that opened me up to doorways which used to be walls. Opening up completely, to me, means becoming love - to keep your mind in a state of openness and access.  
This song is my attempt at that. To ‘dance on an island in the sun.’ That was the image I wanted to imbue upon the listener. To feel truly free - like nothing could ever pierce the veil of connection with oneself. As frail and soft as it may look, it has strength to endure.”
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jayalaw · 10 months
Steven Universe 2023 Thoughts
So. Steven Universe has been referring to the forefront. People are talking about how Cartoon Network screwed Rebecca Sugar over and sabotaged the show on realizing that it was going to be openly gay complete with a same-sex wedding. They wonder if the fandom went too far in harassing others and not espousing the values that the show promoted about remembering to be kind and to show empathy, even towards literal monsters and those who have hurt you. 
I admit that I was part of the fandom, but I mainly talked with people who liked the show, some who encouraged me to see it. My friend C was very into it, and we talked cosplays as well as theories about was going to happen. Tumblr was aflutter about what happened to Pink Diamond and I screamed when we got the truth. By some fortune, I avoided the people that contributed to the negativity.     
How did Steven Universe save me?
While Steven Universe season one didn't catch my attention, the second season did. There were tales about how Steven's parents met, about Pearl accidentally messing up in her desire to fuse with Garnet, and Peridot learning to appreciate Earth while being forced to ally with the Crystal Gems to stop an apocalypse.
The episode where Connie's mother finds out that she's been fencing, and insists that her daughter is not doing something like that struck a chord with me. While I was allowed to be artistic, and I am very glad to be, there is always the sense that you have to conform within expectations. Connie's dilemma became completely understandable. We also got an episode where Sadie's desire to sing got swallowed.   
Season three was the one that saved me. It aired when I had graduated from college, and was having trouble with job hunting after an assistant position laid me off after two months. I was seeing Steven using the power of empathy to save the world, to help his dad and Pearl come to an understanding, and allow Lapis to overcome her trauma. His optimism was allowing me to get through hard times as my mother tripped in the front yard and broke her arm, necessitating a hospital visit that lasted until four in the morning. 
And Steven Universe came at tough times, right when I needed it. 2016 election? We got a thirty-minute special that featured a sapient pumpkin dog becoming traumatized after seeing how Jack-O-Lanterns are made. The world was so uncertain and scary during the aftermath? Steven goes on trial in outerspace, and learns the circumstances behind a shattering is not all that it seems. We even get an election episode where Steven most definitely loses when trying to help Mayor Dewey stay in office. That was also reassuring, even in the face of all the dire storytelling. 
I was really upset when the first version of the show ended right before the 2020 elections. My goal was for it, queerness and all, to outlast Donald Trump. It was a middle finger to the conservatives that didn't want people like me to exist. Steven and his family had openly queer individuals that rebelled and resisted a tyrannical oppression. When we found out the full story of his mother, without the unreliable narration in flashback form, it was both terrifying and liberating.
 And yet, despite all that, the finale was there right when I needed it. A friend and I were screaming as we watched it, as Steven faced White Diamond and his other aunts, asking them to listen and understand his mother. I felt that it was a fair ending that promised a better way forward, while also showing that there were plenty of ways to go. While I haven't seen all of the sequel movie or the spinoff Steven Universe Future, the scene where Dr. Maheshwaran talks with Steven about emotional trauma is cathartic and bittersweet. I've been rewatching it in-between therapy sessions as it reminds me that pain from years ago can resurface and hurt you, and no trauma is too small. 
Was the show flawed? Yes. The way the first Bismuth arc happened was not handled well, and I find it sus that they had a white actress playing Connie who is POC, something that later shows like Dead End: Paranormal Park would correct. But as a whole, it never betrayed me the way that other shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil did. Steven's journey made him suffer while reassuring me that it was okay to be down a path where nothing was certain, where you could do everything right and still feel like things needed to change. 
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the-ot-diaries · 1 year
Light at the end of the injustice tunnel
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Zabel and Stevens, 2006). A profound statement, yet so relevant in the South African context. Unequal distribution of healthcare workers such as occupational therapists, a shortage of human resources, and a lack of education and skills are only a handful of many, many contributing factors to the injustices of the South African healthcare system.
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Figure 1. Quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(Lockhart, 2021)
The mal distribution of occupational therapists between the private and public sectors of healthcare acts as an injustice to the public healthcare system. Most of the occupational therapy workforce are located in the more densely populated and urbanised provinces within South Africa, such as Gauteng (Ned et al., 2020).
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Figure 2. Percentage of occupational therapists working in the public and private sectors in South Africa
(Ned et al., 2020)
This leads to very limited healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists, in rural areas, leading to physical and mental exhaustion due to a lower number of healthcare professionals having to attend to a higher number of clients. Thus, resulting in ineffective and inefficient healthcare services in these rural areas, causing an even further injustice to the clients in dire need of quality healthcare. Recent practice-based evidence from the current community setting of Kenville, portrays this significantly, where a lady trying to assist a child was turned away from a well-known hospital in KwaZulu Natal, due to not having a Road To Health chart. Before this block, I would’ve comfortably said that this was due to poor work ethic or lack of education, however I have realised that it may very well be due to the burden of these healthcare workers having a client volume far beyond their capacity, leading to this lady receiving inefficient healthcare. Occupational therapy graduates were less likely to select rural placements to work in, due to a lack of understanding of what to expect, how occupational therapy is applied to the rural setting, therefore having concerns about being unprepared and unskilled to work in a rural setting (Maseko et al., 2014). Taking this into account, as occupational therapists, we need to be advocates for our profession and increase the exposure of occupational therapy students to rural areas in the public sector, not just in their final year of studies. This will ensure the equipping of the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources of working in a rural setting, increasing the number of occupational therapists working in these settings and slowly dismantling the injustice of unequal distribution.
This leads to the next injustice in the public healthcare system; a shortage of human resources. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) proclaims that the minimum number of occupational therapists should be 750 per one million population, and data collected from 71 countries worldwide in 2018 shows that the current ratio is 89.7 occupational therapists per one million population in South Africa (Ned et al., 2020). For more information about the current OT statistics, please visit https://www.wfot.org/. Considering the increasing burden of disease in South Africa, this factor causes the healthcare receivers to face an even greater injustice, as the quality of the healthcare they receive is inadequate, particularly in rural settings. This injustice is further worsened by local political issues within the smaller communities, such as authorities purposefully employing less workers, in order for them to all receive higher salaries.
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Figure 3. Long queues at public health facilities in Cape Town due to staff shortages
(Mlamla, 2021)
In terms of a way forward in this regard for the occupational therapy profession, education needs to be utilised as a tool, to educate the people of South Africa; including increasing the awareness of the scope and role of Occupational Therapy, such as in high schools and local communities, striving to increase their understandings of the profession. Additionally, approaching local community authorities, such as in the Kenville Community in KwaZulu Natal, who currently have no permanent OT, and educating them about the benefits of occupational therapy services. This may result in the permanent employment of an Occupational Therapist in the community, combatting the injustice of human resource shortages.
Last, but certainly not least, a lack of proper education and training within the multidisciplinary teams also leads to healthcare injustices in South Africa. Education is supposed to be a central tool of public health (Hahn and Truman, 2015), yet there are many healthcare workers lacking the necessary skills and knowledge. This results in an injustice to healthcare receivers, as they are not receiving treatment at an adequate level, due to the lack of education, knowledge, and skills. Politics also play a role in this matter, as the corruption in the recruitment and promotion of workers in healthcare has a negative impact on the poorest and most vulnerable members of society (Kirya, 2020), where healthcare workers are only put in positions due to “knowing the right people”, and not due to their official qualifications. This also leads to injustice as due to the lack of education, the necessary referrals aren’t made to fellow healthcare professions, such as Occupational Therapy, leading to client’s not getting the necessary treatment for their conditions. As a profession going forward, it is vital that we centralise the upskilling of healthcare professionals, such as nursing staff, through educating them, increasing the awareness of the profession, and increasing the number of referrals made to Occupational Therapy. Through this, healthcare receivers will receive necessary and appropriate healthcare, dismantling the injustice of a lack of proper education and training.
Despite the injustices our healthcare profession is currently facing, of an unequal distribution of workers, a human resource shortage, and a lack of education and training, there is indeed light amidst the darkness. Exposing students to the rural communities at an earlier stage, using education as a central tool in our profession, and centralising the upskilling of healthcare professionals, will ensure that the future remains bright for the occupational therapy profession.
I leave you with the wise, profound words of Frank Kronenberg; “Those who have intergenerationally experienced having being treated as less than human should take the lead” (mOTivate OTs, 2022), meaning that those who have personally experienced these injustices are vital in ensuring the dismantling of these injustices, ensuring light at the end of the injustice tunnel.
Hahn, R. A., & Truman, B. I. (2015, December 25). Education improves public health and promotes health equity. International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4691207/
Kirya, M. T. (2020). Promoting anti-corruption, transparency and accountability in the recruitment and promotion of health workers to safeguard health outcomes. Global health action. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7170355/
Lockhart, S. (2021). [Photograph]. Sutter Health. https://vitals.sutterhealth.org/healthcare-systems-goal-fulfill-mlks-health-equity-ideal/
Maseko, L. J., Erasmus, A., Di Rago, T., Hooper, J., & O'Reilly, J. (2014, January). Factors that influence choice of placement for community service among occupational therapists in South Africa. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2310-38332014000100008
Mlamla, S. (2021, December 3). The queue outside Delft Community Health Clinic where people are gathering in tight-knit crowds, creating a perfect opportunity for the coronavirus to spread [Photograph]. Independent online. https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/patients-demand-action-over-the-long-queues-at-day-hospitals-and-clinics-in-cape-town-ce32c9fb-3c27-4a10-b0b7-845b8493653b
mOTivate OTs. (2022, July 28). The Idea of Occupational Therapy is too Radical and Powerful to be Contained by a Profession [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZXmsDfOI0I
Ned, L., Tiwari, R., Buchanan, H., Van Niekerk, L., Sherry, K., & Chikte, U. (2020, March 20). Changing demographic trends among South African occupational therapists: 2002 to 2018 - human resources for health. BioMed Central. Retrieved April 26, 2023, from https://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12960-020-0464-3
Ned, L., Tiwari, R., Buchanan, H., Van Niekerk, L., Sherry, K., & Chikte, U. (2020, March 20). Percentage distribution of occupational therapists employed in the public and private sectors by province [Photograph]. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7083000/#:~:text=Nationally%2C%2074.8%25%20of%20occupational%20therapists,for%2084%25%20of%20the%20population.
Zabel, M. R., & Stevens, D. P. (2006, June). What happens to health care quality when the patient pays? Quality & safety in health care. Retrieved April 26, 2023, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2464852/
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doodlingfoolishness · 4 years
the journey
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Therapy is a journey. It takes work. It takes time. This shows Steven in the time between “I Am My Monster” and “The Future,” going on that journey. Some days are hard. Really hard. And some days are unexpectedly peaceful and light. Sometimes they don’t always go in linear order. Sometimes things are up, sometimes down.
That’s okay.
He’s going to be okay.
Six months ago I was suffering. I was miserable. I was flat, I was wrong, I wasn’t me. And Steven Universe, and Steven Universe Future, gave me comfort while I tried to figure out what was wrong. I empathized so much with Steven’s struggles and his pain in SUF, and I realized my problem had gotten big enough I could no longer solve it alone.
I started therapy nearly three months ago. The first session I could barely speak for crying, I was both so embarrassed of needing help and so relieved to be getting it. But I’ve been getting better. Over the past several weeks I’ve felt a lightening, a recovery, a reintroduction to myself. And it makes me so happy to know that Steven is getting that too.
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fanfoolishness · 5 years
Scary thought I woke up to this morning: you guys, what if the first song we get from Steven in SUF is a villain song?
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pasta-blends · 5 years
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Steven Universe Future leak 2.0
Steven... you got some trauma right there... you want some help with that???
Poor babey. This show is supposed to be on hiatus, but keeps punching the fandom in the guts anyway.
Also, the image leak... are they flying?
Edit: Oh wait, they’re running.
- Pasta
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jubilant-ronin · 5 years
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“Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice.”
Please give this sweet-and-always-mean-well-to-others a BREAK. Its heart-breaking to think that he was once a very jolly chubby boy... 
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one-million-percent · 5 years
So hey guys
Remember the last thing Jasper saw before she was shattered?
Steven’s hexagon wall of Death
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I guess she has PTSD now (if she didn’t already)
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