#steves lether jacket
so-mordorit-is · 2 years
The king and the Freak
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Pairing - Eddie Munson x F!reader Henderson x Steve Harrington
Summary - What else should he expect from you? Of course you were friends, but this happened years ago, by now, he doesn't even know who you are anymore. underneath that short green and white skirt, the pom poms and the mean attitude, Eddie Munson knew his old sweet friend was there, she had to be somewhere. 
Warnings - 18+ please, smoking cigars and joints, underage drinking, swearing, little bit angst, make out, pet names (baby girl, princess, sweetheart), no use of y/n
words - 5k
Author’s Note - Sorry if it was a little longer than I thought, English is not my first language so, sorry for any mistakes! this part was kind of slow burn if you squint, but, i hope you like it.
What else should he expect from you? Of course you were friends, but this happened years ago, by now, he doesn't even know who you are anymore. underneath that short green and white skirt, the pom poms and the mean attitude, Eddie Munson knew his old sweet friend was there, she had to be somewhere. 
Eddie always kept his eyes on you, in the cafeteria? sure he did! on the crowded hallways, yep! parking lot, classroom, parties? check check and check.
What he doesn’t know is that you keep doing the same for him. 
How could you not? 
That stupid lether jacket and vest combo, the stupid mop hair and that fucking dimples. You miss him, of course you do, but he sent you away when you told that was joining the cheer squad, something about different parts of the pyramid and blah blah blah.
You left the trailer that day and never, never looked back, until now.
You saw the commotion Eddie made in the cafeteria, something about false conformity and parties are killing the youngsters. Of course the hatred was turned to the basket team, he dramatically climbed on the table and made the demonic  horn sign through Jason, you had to put your hand on your mouth to not slip soda all over your friends and muffle your laugh.
Eddie’s gaze was on you, and he unmade the horns with the sweetest smile you ever saw, maintaining his gaze on yours. You could feel your face turning hot and red and you didn’t notice but you smiled back at him. You know you are not friends anymore, but in that moment it felt like nothing ever has changed and your heart ached cause, things are really changed. 
“Hey Poms, the freak is looking at you again, i can talk to him if you are feeling uncomfortable” Steve Harrington, king of Hawkins high, your boyfriend, was saying while he sit next to you 
“Don’t call him that, you know i don’t like it, and i don’t feel uncomfortable, you know that baby boy.” you said, giving a little peek on Steve’s cheek. 
“yeah, yeah, he was your friend, i know, sorry babydoll” he held your face between his hands and kissed your lips tenderly, his lips are soft and wet. Always tastes like coke, m&ms  and is too good to be true, you love it.
You turn to see the sadness in Eddie’s eyes, he was talking to some of his little sheeps and tossing a pretzel on the sophomore’s head.
“Ok Eddie, what the actually fuck was that? I thought that you were gonna destroy the jocks and then… nothing?” Mike asked while the browned hair boy made his way to sit.
“Doesn’t matter Wheeler, i made my point and i think everyone understand”  he hiss and toss the pretzel on Mike’s face
The others in the table started laughing and tossing food everywhere, until Gareth opens his mouth.
“So, you don’t lose all the hate in your discourse because the old friend almost burst her soda at the other cheerleaders?“ he just raise his eyebrows at Eddie
“Nah! i didn’t even see her” he is blushing now and all the boys could see, so Eddie did what he thought he did best, he ran. “Gentlemen, Gareth (he rolls his eyes at him), duty calls me, see you all at hellfire”.
It was always like this, he thinks about you everyday, even when that prick asked you out and even more when you two started dating a short time ago. But Steven is good with you,for you, better than him, he thinks.
Eddie walked to his locker, he needed a damn cigarette and since the principal was getting on his nerves, he decided to leave his cigarettes in his locker. When he opens the green metal door, a little envelope drops to the floor, he opens and found fifty bucks and a note  -Meet me at the bench in the woods after the game, please?”-
“It is always a deal, never a love note” he laughed by himself, stuck the money in his wallet and made his way through the parking lot to finally have his so well deserved smoke. 
"Hey Poms, can I talk to you?"  Chrissy looked a little nervous and was not her normal, Chris is always a delight to have near, now you could understand the crush Eddie had on her for like…years, she is a sweetheart. 
“Yes babe, of course” you squish Steve's hand and he brings your hand to his lips and kisses every knuckle before you  walk with Chris ‘till the girls bathroom. 
You are checking yourself on the mirror when the strawberry blond started to rumble something that you can’t hear 
“Chrissy calm down, what happened?” you snapped her out of her thoughts with your not so friendly tone, you don’t have that much patience and that is ok by your friends.
“I slipped a note on Eddie’s locker, because I think we can smoke a little at Jason's party, you know, to relax because we are always training and I am so exhausted then, then, I can't! i can’t meet him, you know what Jason would do to him if he…” 
You cut Chrissy on the middle of the frase “Chris what the fuck did you do? Good, Jason is gonna kill Eddie, you can’t go! Forget the pot, not in million years i could let you do this, whatafuck Criss, so stupid” Now your face was covered by your hands.
“so” she continued, “So, I'm here asking you to go talk to him for me? please? you used to be friends, nobody is gonna say anything, everybody respects you and if somebody says something i just know you are gonna snap them out, so please, please, pretty please poms. 
you let a loud grow escape from your mouth, you don't wanna to talk to Eddie, he is never going to sell weed for you. "I don't even smoke chris'' it is almost a whisper, but between letting Eddie get killed and swallow your pride, you stick with the second option. 
“Ok Chris, i can do it for you, but you have to take Steve to the party with you, i don’t think he is gonna be happy with this, and if he knows what i was doing and for who, maybe he gonna tell Jason, and if… Chris, and I am being dead serious, if Jason touches any hair of the mopped head of Eddie, I will kill him, o.k.a.y? 
“Oh! Poms you are the best! and scary too” she said in the middle of giggles and hugs. 
The game went well, Sinclair made the victory point and all the gym burst in cheers and congratulations words, you was almost happy, but then, the fucking buterflies on your belly remaind you of your late encounter with you old friend -crush- 
You found Steve at the bleachers, he was already smiling at you, making his way to you, pushing some tenageers midleway and he tangled his hands around you, bringing you closer to him and then hugging you stronger than he never did before.
“Thanks Steve, i almost felt less nervous knowing you are here for me” you put two hands on Steve’s chest whilst his hands stopped on your waist “Babe, my mom is in the parking lot waiting for me, i have to go home and take a shower and then i meet you at the party, is this ok?” you hope that he doesn't hear the doubt in your voice.
Steve frowns his brows in disapprovement “I can go with you and wait or i can go to take you to the party when you are ready, if you want” 
“No needed baby, don’t worry, be good and have fun until I get there, ok?” you kiss him one more time before going to the woods. 
While you are walking through the hallways you notice some hellfire boys on the front door, they are like always, louder and happier, you could not notice that the dungeos master was not anywhere to been seeing, you sighing and start the tortures walk to Eddie.
The night was warm and the big full moon illuminated all the darkness that had in your way, the scrunches of the dry leaves took you off of your own thoughts,the cold night breeze made contact with the warmth of your body, causing little shivers in your skin.
you just started to walk in the field when you heard someone clearing their throat, you jump and look behind you, hand in your chest, trying to calm yourself down. 
“Why you do that, are you fucking stupid? such a child, jesus” you turn your eyes to Eddie, who was sitting on the back of his van with the biggest smirk. 
“I see” he mumbled the words “the clothes change, the freak no! Such a dirty mouth sweetheart” he said while standing up from his previous seat and starting to walk towards you, "A note? after two years?”
You are there, inches from him and you couldn't deny, you want to jump on him, hug him, kiss all his face and say how much you missed him, how much you think of him all the time, how you fight with all the basket team to leave him alone. You wanted to tell him all of this...but
"Clearly is not my note Eddie, i'm just making a favor for a friend who are to scared with all your… faced" you check him up and down, all of him, his hair was longer than you remember, his freckles still there, nearby the bridge of his nose, his big round brown eyes still reminds you a kicked puppy dog.
“Nah, I know! Just, surprised that you are actually here and talking to me, I thought  that you forgot your roots… too good to be seen with the school freak.” 
“I’m gonna kill Chrissy for fucking my fucking night” you pinche your bridge nose and sigh. 
“Listen Edward, first of all, you are not a damn freak, stop saying that give power to people said that too, dummy. And second, you sent me home. If I can record, you told me that you can’t be friends with a cheerleader and I had to start to make new friends, right?
“Yeah, right” he shrink and look to the ground  “your mysterious friend already pay, so, you can walk with me ‘till the van and you can go back to your perfect life and pretend that I never exist again” 
He knows what he did, and he knows that had to live with his decisions but, something about you, the moon enlightened  your eyes, the hair perfectly pulled out behind your ear, damnit, he misses you the same way you miss him. You can tell by the way his eyes were never in yours. 
“Chrissy” you said when you arrived at his van “Chrissy made the note, then, she asked me to come here, and i come because i don’t want Jason to kill you, so, i am here now, and..” you kick some leaves on the floor, your gaze always on your shoes, you can’t look at him now with your glazy eyes and broken heart.
Eddie took the weed pack from his front seat listening carefully to which word left your mouth, his heart was beating so loud that he was afraid that you heard.
“And?” He said looking at you, you could feel his eyes burning through your skin,you saw his white Reeboks stopped right before your white vans, you raised your eyes to him, and for the first time in years, you were seeing his big brown puppy eyes, looking at you in the same intensity, and that was it for you.
You moved quicker than you know that you could, your hands around his waist, your head on his chest and you held him close to you, his hands automatically on the small of your back, and he pressed you against his body.
“I just told you Chrissy is a pothead and you just listened to the “and” in my frase? Really eddie?” He hasn't changed the perfume, the same cheap cologne that you gave him years ago, “you keep using it”, the tobacco and the weed, his shampoo… you felt more like home now than in the two years that you lived without him. 
He moved his nose tip to the crown of your head, smelling the scent of your shampoo and perfume, he held you more and more on his body, his voice was week, you could barely listen to his words
“I don’t care about Chrissy and her bad habits”  he leaves a kiss on your head “I care about you, always do, even from far.” you kissed his chest, above his heart and let your hands caressing his face, raising your gaze to his.
“I miss you, Eddie, I really did. Please don’t send me away again, i don’t wanna do this anymore” your eyes now are pools of tears as you hold the face of the boy who for so long was the object of our desire and affections like was nothing that hurted you ‘till the bones.
"You are not going anywhere anymore, not now, not never, good?" He wiped the tears from your  face and hugged you. Both stay like this for quick five minutes, you can hear the cicadas singing full lungs, the way the threes dance to the wind, the crunch of the leaves every now and then when you lose the balance,you can also hear his heart beating faster like the drums of his favorite band “good” you only murmur.
Eddie drove you to Jason’s party, no way he was letting you walk ‘till there, “too much road for your beautiful feet, princess” he told you, trying to convince you that was for the best.
You manege to convince eddie to stay for a drink or two, promising him that no stupid jock was say anything to him, and if they say so, you are gonna take care of them. He really misses you bossing him -and everyone else- around.
You hold Eddie’s hand and drag him to the party, seeing Steve at the kitchen you make quick steps and smile at your boyfriend. He looks pretty, but kind of dumn using sunglasses at night, but it is ok, he looks yummy like always. 
His smile almost disappears when he sees you.
Sees you holding hands with someone who is not him.
A man 's hand. 
The smile disappeared when he saw whose man was that hand. Eddie, “of course”, he thinks. 
you let Eddie’s hand go and give Steve a little peck on the lips, his face turned down to look at you, his kind eyes are not too kind right now and you can’t blame him.
“I am so sorry for lying to you,baby boy. I had to do a favor for a friend and she wants total description so, sorry” 
you pushed Eddie near Steve, putting the two of them side by side. Steve never saw your smile so big, you look really happy to have Eddie here, you look even happier when you stop in the middle of the men. “I have to find my friend, maybe it took some time, i don’t know how drunk she is, but i promise i’ll be back soon enough for be missing”
“I already miss you babydoll, don’t go… please” Steve held your hands tight and brought you to a little kiss, that in the end wasn’t that little.
You could feel Eddie’s envy burning in his eyes when you looked at him with a shy smile. 
You held one hand of each boy and smile 
“Make Eddie company, ok baby boy?” you smile to Steve and move your gaze to Eddie 
“And you, please don’t leave before I come back, please?” Eddie kisses you hand while looking into your eyes “Not going anywhere princess, promise!” You smile wide and gave ‘lil jumps of happiness before disappearing on the crowded party,
Eddie and Steve never had ever spoken to each other, they haven’t anything, and i said, anything in comum, but you. Steve took two beer’s can and passed one to Eddie
“Friends again?” Steve ask nonchalant when he opens his beer
“Guess so” Eddie opened the can and took a sip of the warm beer “Boyfriend yet?” 
Eddie now was smirking and Steve assumed his characteristic pose, hands to the hips and with a discredited look to Eddie.
“Play nice dude” Steve was so pissed that this was the only thing that he could tell Eddie that moment.
“Wanna smoke?” Eddie asks and makes his way to the garden, Steve knows how his girlfriend will eat his brain out if anything happens with the freak, so he follows Eddie. 
Chrissy was dancing in the middle of the living room, she was clearly not sober but not that drunk, just, tipsy you think.
You took her wrist and pull her from the dancing floor, the girl hugged you and smile wide, you pretty sure that saw all her teeths at the same time 
“God Poms, I thought I was sending you to your death, why did you take so long? Is everything ok?” she couldn’t hear you!  Music is to loud, so she pushes you upstairs 
The girls went to a empty bedroom, Chris sits at the bed and pull you down with her, you gave her a bag with some joints already rolled, her eyes illuminated when she saw, you made eddie roll all her joints and he even gave her more that she pay for, and she know that was him saying thanks you for bring you back to his life.
“You are amazing Poms” she lit one of the joints and held your hand “Here is Stevie?, he is always following you like a puppy or a bodyguard” you chuckle from the sincerity of Chris, you know she is right, Steve was always following you.
“He is taking care of Eddie for me, i don’t want him to fight with some stupid drunk jock”
“So Edward “super yummy and old crush of this friend of mine” Munson is here?, if i was you poms, i would go back and find your boys, i heard Alice saying she had a crush on eddie and i don’t want you to break your heart again, so, let’s go?”
“Alice? that bitch was bullying him some weeks ago, fucking hoe” you said laughing, Chrissy stands up and offered her hands “True or Dare?” she said, you took her hand and went down stairs, on the last step you saw Alice talking to Eddie, her hands curling the ends of his hair, lips near his ear, he was smiling at her, Jesus just you remember all the shit Alice did with him in school?  and of fuck course, Tammy fucking thompson was talking to Steve, almost drooling on his soft skin, “bitch” you rolled your eyes and smirked to your best friend “True or dare it is!”. 
Steve and Eddie drank another beer after dismissing the girls. Eddie's fingers drummed on the can while Steve was trying to look through the crowd but you were nowhere to be seen.
“Who is this friend of hers again?”  Steve asked, eyes still glued on the crowd
“Just Chrissy, she wants pot but… uhm,was too afraid of me, don’t imagine why” he pauses his frase for some seconds “so, Chrissy sends her to complete the deal” Eddie finished putting the can at the sink and turning to Steve.
“Ok big boy, we are gonna split, who finds her first is her boyfriend for the rest of the night” he smirked and Steve for the uncountless time for the night, rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah! in your dreams freak” Steve sighs “Just, try to not get into trouble ok? I want to have a girlfriend when this nightmare is over”. 
“S’alright, I’m gonna bring our princess back, king Stevie” Eddie wink and went to the deck to look for you. Before Steve could leave the kitchen, Robin stopped him.
“Ok, true or dare Poms?” 
Eddie turned to the mention of your nickname,  there you are, sitting in a circle with a bunch of high schoolers who probably hate him just for being him. 
The music was not too loud “thanks god” , thinks Eddie,he was going to throw up if heard Madonna one more time. 
Everybody had a red cup on hand,feet on the cold water of the pool, a small odor of pot and cigs,but for one moment, all the lights and sounds disappeared before his eyes and then, you.
All he could see was you, 
hear you.
The moon light reflecting on your naked shoulders, your damn hair flying with the breeze, the wet on your lips shining when you smile, and then your eyes. 
These fucking loving caring sweet eyes, for him was a slightly vision of heaven.
He knows you are out of his league, you look ethereal, strong and sweet.
His sweet girl, but not his, before he could reach you, Jonathan called him and Eddie could never leave him talking by himself, right? 
Steve observed the whole scene, he saw Eddie stopping just a few steps off you, he saw Eddie's chest rising when his breath heavier to the hearing of your laugh, he saw the signs, the broken smile when Jonathan touches his shoulder, and then he Steve saw you, and he understanding everything, Eddie loves you as much as Steve do, and with a click, the green jealousy monster took control of his body.
“True, obviously" you said middle of a giggle, for the first time of your miserable life you are jealous, not for just one boy, but for two, and only god knows how pissed you are right now, so one thing lead another, and you are maybe high maybe drunk, maybe both.
Who knows? you definitely not. 
“Who is the better kisser? The king or the freak?” 
Chrissy’s tongue pokes her upper lips before she sends you a mischievous kiss.
you took a drag off somebody's joints, and snapped your gaze at Chriss, and then Eddie, Steve and at last but not the least, Alice.
“How would I know? I never kissed Eddie” you took another drag “ask Alice, i heard he had her way with both” you smirk and drank all the alcohol that had in your cup. All the circle started to laugh and some girls made the “O” face. Standing up was difficult but staying standing was even worse “Anyaway, I hate this game and I need another drink”.
Before you could leave the circle Steve’s voice caught your attention “True or dare babydoll?”
If you had lasers in your eyes, Steve would explode in a million pieces, you left a little gagle escape between your lips,before you could answer anything “Cat got your tongue?” you still don’t answer just crossing your arms in front of your chest “Kiss Eddie, i dare you” Steve now closer to you, Eddie was smoking his joint and talking to Jonathan, you don’t really think he knows what is happening now “Or drink the whole cup,you are feeling so brave today” 
“Fuck you Steve” You took the cup from his hand and chugged the whole liquid of it, you felt your throat burn and Eddie took the cup off your hand  “Easy there, tiger! And what is this?” he said taking the joint from your fingers “What fuck? Princess are you triyng to kill yourself?“ he looked at Steve “Why are you not doing anything?”, Steve keep his mouth shut “He dare me, so i drank it” you said before tramble in your on feet,  Eddie tuck you over his shoulders and bumped Steve, you are laughing the whole time, and this make all that crap torelable for Eddie “fucking useles” he whispers to steve before take you to his van. 
Eddie opens the back door of his van and softly lay you down on the blankets that he kept there, he don’t had said one word since all the show you and Steve put in front of the whole school, “Just fucking perfect” he said pinching his nose bridge, he sits on the edge of the van and tried to lighting his cigs but unsucesfull.
“Look, fairy lights, I put this on during our sophomore year, they still work? '' You said, now on your knees trying to catch the little bulbs with your hands, before falling back to the blankets laughing” Eddie was outside the van, fishing his lighter from his back pocket when you called him again.
“Hey, sweet boy, are you really here?” your sweet voice made Eddie melt before he could look at you “or am i dreaming?”  you poke Eddie’s back with our fingertips and your smile was weak, but it is still there, enough for him. 
Steve came from nowhere and sat beside Eddie, without saying any word too.
“WOW! Now I know I am dreaming!” you almost scream, you sit with your legs criss crossed, looking at the boys with your shining star eyes “My beautiful baby boy and my beautiful sweet boy, together? HOW ABOUT THE PYRAMIDS NOW, OH! EDDIE THE PUSHER?!”
Eddie can’t contain the laugh, he was bursting! A mess of hair and laughing tears, your eyes are shining more, something the way Eddies dimples appearing and the raspy sound of his laugh, you crawl on all fours to sit between the two boys, standing on your knees, you felt the shivers running down your spine when your hand touches Eddie’s cheek, 
“So beautiful babe” you whisper softly,taking off some curls of Eddie’s face, “really beautiful”. you gave him a loving smile, he put his hand above yours and interlaced yours fingers.
Turning your face to Steve,his eyes never letting yours, his hand on the back of your neck,je caressing your hair, bring your face near to his. Your other hand came to Steve’s face, contorning his jawline with your thumb, you move your mouth next to Steve’s ear and whisper so softly, steve felt like tickles of feathers against his skin, 
“You are so handsome, baby” you let kisses from his neck and back to his ear “I am so glad you are here” leaving a kiss right on his neck, under his ear. “My pretty boy, Kiss me”
Steve’s lips are hungry, the kiss was nothing like he usually kissed you. He desires you, you could feel the pressure of his lips and the rush to invade your mouth with his tongue. He massages his tongue against yours, sucking it every now and then,making you moan into his lips, he bites you, his hands traveling through your body, pinching and squeezing all the right parts of it. Your hand never let Eddie’s hand go, Steve noticed that too. Making him let a loud moan escape between his lips.
You broke the kiss seeking for air, when Steve tugged his hand on your hair, moving your head in Eddie’s direction, your lips glistening made Eddie lick his own lips, his eyes were moving between Steve’s eyes and your perfect, plump lips.
Steve’s nods and Eddie cups your face, he looks at your eyes searching for permission, you nod and then he  kisses your lips. 
He kisses you like his life depends on it, how it was just for tonight he was living the fantasy of years and years of Unrequited love, and he felt his brain melt when you kissed him with the same urgency. Steve’s hand never let your hair go, Eddie kissed your lips as much Steve let him. 
His calloused hands traveling through the hills of your body “so soft” he whimpers, your moaning at Eddie’s hands made Steve’s cock tweets inside his pants.
Eddie turned the fairy lights on, the van's back door now closed, the yellowish weak light made you feel on one of your dreams.
You had climbed on Steve’s lap, kissing his neck, living small red marks all through his length. His hands grabbing and groping your ass, opening your cheeks once and while. Eddie’s mouth on your neck, hands tugging your hair, lips begging for more space, you felt overwhelmed with so much love the boys are giving to you.
you rock your hips on Steve’s bulge, pressing your cunt on it, rocking your hips back and forth, Steve’s let his head fall down, eyes shut closed, he bite his lip suppressing his moans, you put your hand on Eddie’s bulge, palming him through his jeans, he was big and tick and your mouth was watering for him. 
You tangled your free hand on Steve’s hair, pulling him near to your face, Eddie kneel behind you, kissing your neck and collar bone.
Your eyes never leaving Steve’s eyes, a devilish smirk crossed your face. You kiss Steve’s one more time before sliding your hand on Eddie’s neck, tugging him by his curls and bringing his face next to yours.
The two boys are exactly where you wanna then, on your fingers.
You give Eddie a little kiss, biting his bottom lip when you break the kiss, you do the same thing with Steve, always bringing the boy’s faces more and more next to each other, they mouths are almost touching, you could give little peck on their mouths with on kiss, you could feel the expensive cologne steve’s wore, the smell of mint gum on eddie’s breath, Steve’s bulge pressed on or ass and Eddie’s on the side of your body, the boys lock their eyes, you bite your lips at the imagine and whisper
“True or Dare?” to anyone who answers first, both men respond in unison. 
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fcknfairytale · 5 years
“Tony’s legendary party” or “Maria Hill and the brown leather jacket”
Her head hurt, when she climbed up the small ladder in front of her. It was definitely to much alcohol that evening. But not even she can stand the drinking contest with Natasha. She opend the hatch above her and stepped out of the roof. Immediately she feels how the fresh air make her had feel better. The view from the Avanger-Tower is amazing, but from the top of the roof it’s indescribable. Since Maria started to work for Tony it’s her favourite place to go, whenever she needs a break. No one ever comes up here. So at this evening on one of Starks legendary party’s she just needed to escape and be alone. She never liked social events that much, but now in her job she needs to go to some of them. Mostly just to be the eye candy, when Pepper is not around.
Maria breathed deep in and out, when she hears something behind her. As she turned around, the hatch was opened and the face of Steve Rogers came up. “Oh, I'm sorry”, he said, “I thought I was alone up here.” When he tried to get back down, Maria said: “It’s okay, stay.” Steve took the last steps and climbed on the roof. “Didn’t know my secret spot was discovered by someone else”, Maria said. “YOUR secret spot? That’s my secret spot.”, Steve said playful. Maria smiled. “What are you doing here?”, he asked. “Needed air.” “You could get some air on the balcony too.” “Too much people.” “Okay, that’s a reason.”, Steve laughed. “And you?”, Maria nodded in Steves direction. “Trying to avoid Natasha’s try’s to find me a date for the next party.” “She is still doing this?”, Maria asked and turned so she can face Steve. “Still?” “Yeah, she tried to set me up too. But I think after a few times she checked, that this isn’t a thing she can do with me.” “What did you do?” “Just showed her, that I am capable of doing this by my own.”, Maria felt her face blushing, after she said that. Oh god, she was really drunk. Under normal circumstances, she never would say something. Especially not in front of Steve. Steve smiled at her, what made her face even more blush. She turned herself away from him, and faces the city again. In the next moment her body shivers. It was colder outside then she thought it would be. She should have bing a jacket up here, but now it’s too late. Then Maria realised, that Steve already took his jacket of and wrapped it carefully around her shoulders. The brown leather jacket, she couldn’t take her gaze of the whole evening, because it fitted him so damn good. Her arms slipped automatically in the sleeves and she still felt the warmth of his body. “Thank you.” Steve just smiled.
They stand just there, when Steve hiccuped. Maria faced him and laughed. “Too much of Thor’s mead?”, she asked. But Steve didn’t laughed back. Instead he looked at her with that serious gaze of him and said: “Did anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, when you laugh?” Marias smile escaped her face. She stared at him and in the moment she tried to say something, cupped Steve her face and pulled her close. When their lips met, she feels her whole body heating up immediately. She realised, she was just staying there and doing nothing, when Steve pulled back slowly. She wrapped her hand around his neck and clawed the other in his button down, to stop him from ending the kiss.
She couldn’t tell, how long they stand there, but it felt like an eternity when they broke the kiss. “That was...”, Steve started, but Maria pressed her finger on his lips. “Don’t ruin it Rogers.”, she said with a smile. At this moment the firework started. Another thing, that Tony’s partys are legendary for. They turned around and Maria said: “Could it get more cheesy? A offered jacket, a kiss on the rooftop and a firework? What is this? A fucking movie?” “If this were a movie, you would not have said ‘fucking’ and kissed me instead again.”, Steve said amused. When Maria faced him again, they didn’t need another word. The second kiss was more passionated then the first one. When they broke it, they didn’t stepped away. They just stood there like this. Steve’s lips rested on Maria’s forehead and her hands were wrapped around his neck. Maria’s phone rang and both got frightened. After she checked the display, she looked at Steve. “Natasha asks where I am, and if I know where you are. I think we should go back.” Steve just nodded.
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When they climbed down the ladder, Maria said: “I think it’s the best, if I wait a few minutes, before going back to the Party.”, Steve nodded again, but now there was a bit of sadness in his gaze. He turned around and grabbed for the door. “Steve”, Maria said. He turned around again. “Maybe we could continue this later?” A smile came up to Steve’s face, then he pressed Maria’s back to the wall and kissed her. When he left the room, Maria’s knees where still weak and her heart beat fast. This wasnt definitely something, what she expected from one of Tony’s party’s. And then she realised, that she still wore the brown leather jacket.
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