#sth 163
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polling-sonic-fans · 14 hours
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Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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iridescentscarecrow · 5 months
// csm 163 spoilers but
have mentioned earlier the unusual gravity of the gendered references the past few chapters. eyepatch's mini-monologue around adultery, the possessed woman-icon equation (for example: fans engaging with denji, barem engaging with makima. the idol whose purity is valued). on screen again we see marriage mentioned in reference to an idol.
"kissing and sex count as adultery," the fan claims. constraining certain forms of intimacy as explicitly meaningful within gendered structure ---- here made present rules -- the same rules governing relationships that nayuta in her role as control and also the location of [family] sets down in order for denji to bring the Woman (asa) home. the same rules that yoru violates for asa through the kiss, the kiss that's overwritten out of narrative by control's memory modification.
"i can't sleep at night, suicidal thoughts" this torment experienced by the fan. gendered structure renders asa outside the narrative frame and we see her discuss her darkest thoughts with yoru. viewing this alongside her concurrent inability to occupy the protagonist role, her emptiness when confronted with denji (associated with her through gender role "boyfriend"/"csm's woman") makes this feel significant. she is pushed into the role of the fan.
"i keep asking myself who to blame." - the requisition of blame and justice that underly conversations with both yuko and eyepatch. and asa's cat and criminal. who will she next weaponise? who will yuko channel her anger at the system through? external assignment of blame.
the channel concludes that the proof of adultery is someone's editing & ends up believing in the idol. this idolatry obscures the horrific news of the everyday. becomes a wholesome story of sorts -- Horror because narrative construction is sth fjmt problematises. they all feel like they're dreaming when confronted with the narrative absurdity of it! it confounds them. an analogue can be drawn here between denji not showing up for the date, & nayuta's memory editing.
it hints at something, something perhaps even commenting metatextually on how the fandom views asa & denji's relationship. i'm not sure if this means anything re: the story's direction in itself. but i think dreams are important because they occur in consonance with the In world narrative (of blame, of storytelling) & this is something kiga employs with hunger too!
also thinking about how these dreams are dealt with in this chapter. this is more of a tonal observation but i find it interesting how their cacophonies jarr against each other, one after another, a hollowness and unfinishedness that frustrates. this culminates in ball kicking -- a reiteration of part one: there an easy revenge based upon himeno's death, a revenge of apportioning blame, of externalities. here the violence is turned upon the idolised body of the CSM, denji -- all within a space that conjures up similarities to the eternity devil arc: making manifest the cyclical form inherent to chainsaw man's themes.
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irritablepoe · 8 months
when you have to write sth for uni and there's a little sign with "max. 500 words" and you're like okay so it's gotta be around 450 words then right? but then you're at 163 words. and i don't know what to add to this?? so confusing like it's max 500 words, so it's technically correct. but it feels wrong to leave it at that
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tobyfoxmademeascaly · 2 years
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945 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Still amazed that Endwalker has an optional scene where Estinien comes into your room in a half-unbuttoned shirt, tells you that he doesnt understand what the FUCK is going on but he’ll fight anything you tell him to and then he walks through the room just to exit by leaping over the railing on your balcony.
I choose to believe that this is how he thinks flirting works.
1,327 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
As expected, Jack Black sounds fantastic as bowser and then the whole trailer sputters and deflates like a sad balloon the second Crisp Rat as mario opens his mouth
2,682 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Urianger really is one of the Characters Of All Time huh. He speaks in Shakespeare Bullshit because he wants to. He is a master of espionage. He actually likes archon loaf. He had a gf who was ripped as hell and could pick him up like a stuffed toy. He’s like the only member of the main cast with facial hair and he also wears a dress. He tricks faeries into doing housework. He is canonically good with kids. He has an insta-death spell. He is a healer.
4,069 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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5,894 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
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mobius-prime · 4 years
231. Sonic the Hedgehog #163
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The Darkest Storm (Part Two): Onset of the Squall
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: James Fry Colors: Jason Jensen
So Mammoth Mogul is back. Not only that, he's not restrained by any more Ancient Walker curses, given that the Ancient Walkers are now super dead. The Freedom Fighters, Merlin, and Sir Connery surge forward immediately to attack, but Mogul releases a concentrated blast that knocks half of them out, including Elias, from whom he takes the Crown of Acorns without a word. Meanwhile in New Megaopolis, Eggman is trying to ascertain if the Egg Grapes have been shut down successfully, unaware that Anonymous has used the breach of dimensions to release another key player into all the chaos.
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Ugh, not Naugus again! I gotta say, he's one of my least favorite villains in the comics. M tries to zap him, but, quickly figuring out she's a robot, Naugus freezes her in place with his elemental magic. He informs Eggman that he intends to come back to kill him eventually, but first, he plans to reunite the Sword of Acorns, which the children of Uma Arachnis have so graciously given him, with its counterpart back at Knothole, teleporting away in a flash. But, hey, listen. No one, in all this, ever thinks of the poor folks stuck in jail cells while all the fighting is going on outside. Let's check on Knothole's prisoners, shall we?
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Oop! Things just got a lot crazier. Naugus and Mogul are ready to go at each other, and the Freedom Fighters and their allies get ready to attack the both of them, wanting to get both the sword and the crown back on principle now despite no longer being able to use them to save the Ancient Walkers. Nack, after picking his jaw up off the floor, realizes that this is his chance to escape prison when no one else is looking, and easily squeezes through the bars of his cell. Man, whoever built Knothole Prison is so fired. Nack says that on his way out he plans to "hit the kitchen" and leave his previous weasel allies (from the Sally kidnapping plot) a "gift," which is pretty vague and doesn't seem to mean much until you learn that Ian's intention with this line was to imply that he straight up murders the other weasels during his escape. That's right, kills 'em in cold blood! I don't know what he needed to get from the kitchen to carry out this murder - knives? a heavy pan? a makeshift bomb hastily assembled from a pressure cooker? - but yeah, the guards definitely came back to their posts later on to find three dead-ass weasels lying in pools of their own blood inside the cell. That's… actually super messed up, man. I can see why Ian wanted to leave that line vague.
While the battle rages on in Knothole, with Naugus and Mogul fighting each other while the Freedom Fighters contend with the Destructix, A.D.A.M. lets Eggman know that he's managed to find out who's behind the dimensional breach in his Egg Grape Chamber - Anonymous, of course. But that's not all! Though he still doesn't know Anonymous' true identity, he's found out that none other than M has been collaborating with him! M stutters and tries to deny it, but A.D.A.M. plays a recording of her conspiring with Anonymous - whose form is blanked out on the video, as before, though it does bear a strange resemblance in shape to the original Robotnik - to destroy Eggman and rule in his stead.
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I'm actually kinda sad to see her go. I always kind of liked M as a character, and apparently so did Ian, but Sega forced him to kill her off. It's actually kind of interesting, though, how actually upset Eggman is about all this. I mean, his words ring a little hollow when he's just brought Snively back as his henchman once more, but like, he did literally consider M to be his daughter, if only a twisted facsimile of one. You can tell ordering her to self-destruct actually hurt him on a personal level. As A.D.A.M. sends a cleaning bot to burn M's remains, Eggman mutters to himself Deku-style, thinking through how Naugus seems to have his powers boosted by using the Sword of Acorns. He reasons that if he gets the crown as well he could be a genuine threat, and decides he must go to Knothole and stop him, coming up with a mysterious "contingency plan" at the end of this train of thought…
As Naugus and Mogul continue to magically battle it out, we get our first inkling of the fact that "Ixis" isn't actually a first name. In fact, it's a title - denoting someone who's mastered the "Ixian" magicks of this world. Naugus gloats that he's perfected these magicks with his crystalline powers, but Mogul does the verbose and villainous equivalent of chuckling and saying "cute," claiming to be even more well-versed in Ixian magicks. While the two are distracted with their fighting, Merlin and Sir Connery leap in to try to grab at least one of the Source of All artifacts, but the two see their attack coming and fling them away, with Sonic and Knuckles having to jump in to catch them. However, when they return to earth they find a stunned Naugus questioning Mogul on his claims of knowing Ixian magicks. Mogul smugly explains that thousands of years ago, he studied and perfected magic, eventually founding an order of fellow magicians who followed his teachings. They were all wiped out a very long time ago in a forgotten war against the "Albion Knights of Aurora," but Mogul himself survived, and now informs Naugus of his true name, long since forgotten - Ixis Mogul.
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Well, this whole situation just got a lot worse…
Sonic Riders (Part 1 of 2)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley Colors: Josh & Aimee Ray
Already we've come to another one of those weird not-adaptions, this time for Sonic Riders. Unlike the Sonic Rush "adaption," however, this one doesn't have anything even slightly to do with the events of the game - literally the only correlation is the Babylon Rogues and the Extreme Gear being there, and the latter isn't even called Extreme Gear. Jet the Hawk attempts to steal a mechanical part from Eggman's base, but is easily captured by his Egg Pawns and brought back to a cell. Eggman deduces that Jet was planning to use the part to upgrade his board, and Jet replies that things have been hard for him since he left "the Armada" (remember that name for later). Eggman, however, is less upset about Jet's attempted theft than he is impressed that he was traveling as quickly as Sonic on his board, and offers him a deal - namely, that if he goes after Sonic and gives him hell, he'll let him go and forgive the theft. Of course, Jet being the arrogant brat he is, agrees, eager to prove to Sonic that he is in fact the fastest thing alive, and hoping to bring along some friends to help him demonstrate this…
The next day, Sonic is running through the forest after the Freedom Fighters' sensors picked up the approach of intruders, and runs straight into Jet, along with Wave the Swallow and Storm the Albatross. When Jet mockingly shows off how fast he is on his board, and states that he plans to go trash Knothole, Sonic follows, attempting to fight the three of them. However, despite his speed and fighting prowess, he's simply no match for three speedy foes.
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Keep in mind, the game is about Sonic entering an Extreme Gear contest run by Eggman for Chaos Emeralds, and competing against these three along the way. It's a racing game, after all. I realize that given how different this world is something like that can't really easily be replicated, but still, this is vastly different from the game - so different that it feels weird even giving it the name of Sonic Riders. That said, I do appreciate how the art style for this two-parter replicates the unique style of Sonic Riders' art, foregoing traditional shading and inking in favor of the games' trademark diagonal shading and flatter colors. It’s a really cool art style, and interesting to see it integrated into the comic, if only for a couple stories.
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nickcassldy · 3 years
I was tagged by @agoldensky thank u!
nicknames: 🤷
zodiac: aquarius/capricorn (every horoscope says sth different ZODIAC PPL DONT APPROACH ME I REFUSE TO KNOW WHICH ONE IT ACC IS<3)
height: 163/4cm
last thing you googled: the online teaching platform of my uni to check one last time if my german guy ACTUALLY posted the tasks (he didnt.)
followers: 507
song stuck in my head: nothing currently, its eerily quiet in there
how much sleep: uhhhhh anywhere between 6-8 hours lately
lucky number: 3 or 17 or 23, probably (no clue why, it just stuck)
aesthetic: i tossed together a bunch of 80s sports pieces of clothing, chunky shoes, waistbags worn on my chest, the 'vintage' tag on the used clothes website and a ton of chain-y jewellery and called it a style my entire personality
dream job: translating vidya gameees
wearing: light grey sweats, green tee and a hoodie which i cud fit in twice and still have a lot of spare space
favourite instrument: piano is superior and i will die on this hill
favourite song: Tokyo Drifting by Glass Animals :-)
favourite animal noise: the noises my youngest cat makes when he's looking for me
something random: i got diverted from writing my BA today bc there was a mention of Lemmings in one of my sources and i immediately went to play it instead.
im gnna tag @vierschanzentournee @hendos @jordanshenderson @murraywalker n like all the kind ppl on here so like all of u! if u see this ur tagged!!
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eleincanti · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @carolineworld 💙
name/nickname: Szidi
pronouns: she/her
star sign: Leo
height: 163 cm
time: 22:24
birthday: August 4
favourite bands: Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, Nirvana, alt-J, Giolì & Assia and so many more
favourite solo artists: look I went through my spotify for this question and there are so many songs that I love sm from solo artists but I'm gonna be honest I have no idea who those people are😅🙈
song stuck in my head: Stonefox - Lightning (Sublab Remix)
last show: Shadow and Bone and Peaky Blinders
last movie: Pulp Fiction
when did i create this blog: in April 2017
what do i post: rn mostly Shadow and Bone or Peaky Blinders or sth random
last thing i googled: the name of the boy I like lmao😅😅😅 but before that I googled cillian murphy
other blogs: nope
do i get asks: nope
following: 124
followers: 526
average hours of sleep: it can go from 4 to 8 help
lucky number: 4 maybe
instruments: I can sing a bit if that counts
what am i wearing: pjs
dream trip: rn I just wanna go back to Budapest tbh I really miss it, but I mean subconsciously there may or may not be another reason for that🙊 anyway
favourite food: hamburger
nationality: Hungarian
favourite song: rn it's Old Yellow Bricks by Arctic Monkeys
top three fiction universes i’d like to live in: I'm good😅
Tagging @hugunderthestars @teamnick @kachoobu @tidemakar @ilsuosorrisoilmiopreferito @alix7m if you wanna 💙
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daisugababy · 4 years
30 Question Tag Game
I got tagged by @pb-nj! thanks bby!! ♥
1. Name: sibel
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: taurus
4. Height: 5'3 (i think? i’m 163 cm)
5. Time: 14:20 
6. Birthday: may 13
7. Favorite bands: the xx, highlight, got7, mamamoo, bts, p!atd, bastille and kard
8. Favorite solo artists: two feet, melanie martinez, kina, marian hill, jeff satur and hozier
9. Song stuck in my head: spider dance from the undertale soundtrack. it’s really catchy my dudes
10. Last movie: the boys in the band
11. Last show: 911 lone star ♥ i finished it last night and every attempt of mine to watch sth else after it failed lmaooo
12. When did you create this blog: uhhhhh, i think 2012? or sth like that LOL
13. What do I post: bascically everything. gifs, fics, videos, song covers, empty brain shitposts... yeah
14. Last thing I googled: troy, bc the song of achilles aaaaaahhh
15. Other blogs: oof, a few. @type-go-grrr (probably gonna change url soon tho), @lucybradford, @lan-one-baincell-wangji and @schmicoadventcalendar. and then another random blog.
16. Do I get asks: yes! more frequently when it’s schmico season, but they are there and i appreciate them :)
17. Why I chose this url: this is probably my 8th url for this blog. simply, bc i love these two nerds haha
18. Following: 70
19. Followers: uhhh who really knows. could be 5 or 5 million. probably sth in between these two.
20. Average hours of sleep: i am always trying to at least get 7 in. but mostly 6 when i’m working.
21. Lucky number: idk, 7?
22. Instruments: guitar, ukulele, a lil bit piano, kinda kalimba and thanks to the song of achilles i want a lyre and learn
23. What I’m wearing right now: black leggings and grey self-cropped h&m nasa hoodie (yes, the basic one bahahaha)
24. Dream job: who the fuck knows, i’m not in the mood for another identity crisis rn hahaha
25. Dream trip: literally anywhere. i mean it. just put me on a plane and yeet me out of the country. (well obv. not rn, but y’know. when possible)
26. Favorite food: any type of soup, but mostly chicken soup
27. Nationality: german
28. Favorite song: spring day by bts. i just love it sm.
29. Last book I read:
currently reading: the song of achilles my madeline miller
finished before that: supernova by kass morgan
30. Top three fictional universes: shadowhunters, winx club and dc tv universe
i tag: @glassesandkim @diaz-eddie @buckleys-diaz @herrera-n-hayes aaand @schmico-ing
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straynstay · 5 years
Astronaut theory
first of all, I am confusion lol
SKZ broke me in a way that my mind is overthinking so many things that now I believe that anything from their MVs might be a sign. And may I add that Chan's recent live only made me even more confused PLS BOY IF YOU SEE THIS DROP THE THEORY YOU SAID WAS QUITE CLOSE TO THE TRUTH cause I'm nearly losing my mind, I need answers!!!!
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so here I am again trying to understand their concept and trust me, it's not easy or short and I don't even know if it's right which makes me even more frustrated... also, we may have lost some important pieces to connect the whole story bc we don't know what was taken from the original MV with ot9, so yeah…
anyways... let me put a guide for you guys cause I'm not gonna write the title of the songs all the time, so AS = Astronaut; DK = Double Knot; MH = Miroh; SE = Side Effects; VS = Victory Song; YW = Yellow Wood (teaser); D9 = District 9; IAY = I Am You
Alright, let’s go back to the beginning! In I Am Not teaser we see that each one has a specific function inside the system or is doing sth very particular, Felix is dancing in front of mirrors on a rooftop (where they always are on their MVs) with a building nearby that shows a sign with FAKE on it – clearly indicating that either Felix is fake or their reality is fake, or maybe both; Changbin is in a room full of TVs like MIA; Seungmin is drawing sth that looks like a map (but I guess it was supposed to be sth else?) but he’s also the one in charge of the maps in Double Knot; we have Hyunjin trying to control a VR system, he looks quite frustrated with it, and after Hyunjin removes the headset, we hear a sound similar to when a program is being interrupted on tv and his image is frozen, probably bc he was disconnected from the main system.
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and the most intriguing part: we have Jeongin in a bus – also sth reoccurring in their MVs – and he sees another Jeongin sitting on the bus stop, as if waiting for him. We all know by now that it’s a double, a clone, or whatever you may call it (like I mentioned previously on my Side Effects analysis that clearly shows they have ‘shadows’ like other selves copying their moves).
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we don’t see what happens afterwards, but I’m gonna assume he finds out something is not right in the system and probably tells Chan (their leader) about it. Why I think this? Because in MIA they both sing the following lines: “Something is different, carefully look around you” (which is exactly what Chan does in D9) and “Something is changing, even if you hide it so hard, I can see it all” (which is what Jeongin does on the bus and also in Miroh, cause he’s the one in the control room, right?). But the thing is… I believe that the fake Jeongin is the one with SKZ in District 9. The double took his place after he got off the bus and is acting like Jeongin would, helping SKZ and all, but his line “better watch out” shows sth different, it seems somehow too menacing, almost like a threat – at least to me. So SKZ better watch out now cause there’s a fake among them, but SKZ is unaware
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moving on.. it’s also in MIA that we see SKZ being duplicated – it looks like it can’t be helped. We know for sure that there’s a double for Chan, Woojin and Felix. In the MV it seems like Hyunjin also has a double that is watching himself from the other side of the door while the one inside the room says “Why are you staring at me again?” and then we see a surveillance camera (they’re onto Hyunjin, but Hyunjin seems to notice it).
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this may seem dumb, but Changbin is duplicated in Get Cool (and like I said, any evidence is evidence lol). I don’t remember seeing Jisung, Seungmin and Minho being duplicated in any MV, and isn’t it weird that they’re the ones we see on the cage in AS?
in My Pace we have seven numbers shown behind them when they’re dancing: 137, 163, 191, 223, 241, 271 and 307. I thought they wouldn’t put this randomly so I searched what these number might mean and I found that they’re prime numbers (as you know, prime numbers can only be divided by themselves), and that prime numbers are very useful for creating keys to decrypt data by hackers. So I thought… what if Jeongin and Chan were trying to decrypt the system in order to mess with it but they need a key and Hyunjin was the key? And after DK happened, they managed to create glitches even more powerful than before? (like I explained in my theory).
anyways… moving on to Astronaut. ASTRONAUT = a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft. But what if in SKZ concept an Astronaut is someone trained to travel their realities? And as we can see in I Am Not, Hyunjin is the one being trained in the VR apparatus.
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also, he’s the one with an airplane behind him in Victory Song (and by now I think every little thing in these MVs are clues, sorry)
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so what I take from this is that Hyunjin is like the tester of the realities they’ll have to face in order to escape District 9, like he is on a trial mode, if that makes any sense…
in the Astronaut MV, as we all noticed, we have some references from past MVs such as I Am You (the spinning thing); Victory Song (the red flares Chan & Jeongin are holding); Miroh (the boxes); Side Effects (the cart) and Chronosaurus (the plastics)
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it’s interesting that Jeongin and Chan are the ones together when the music begins and I think this might mean sth because they’re always referenced as one, like in IAY; and Chan in AS is probably talking to MH’s Jeongin, because if they know what’s happening in the system, they might be able to keep in touch with each other even from different realities – but this is just me speculating too much!
in the MV we see 3 orbs: the 1st one is blueish with a green center; the 2nd is dark blueish/purple with a yellow center, and the last one is transparent with a black center.
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so I googled those orb colors and found out that the first one may signify communication, neutrality, healing – might be applied to a master/guide; the second one may signify caution, insight, notice; while the last one may signify insecurity, being trapped or tortured. I don’t know if this makes sense, but I put it in here bc I strongly believe that these orbs represent Chan, Hyunjin and Jeongin, since they’re the ones that seem to be the focus of this storyline (and the color scheme of the scenes the orbs appear reminded me of IAY, 19 and SE)
going back to the AS MV, we also see Felix glitching like he did in MH and I was able to see in the background glasses being smashed, lightening, buildings, a road and a bridge, storm, moon, etc., and these are all elements that are present in their MVs, like showing what they already faced so far.
the cage scene made me think of District 9. When we first see it, Jeongin is the only one inside, but then we also see Han, Minho, Seungmin with him – and they’re slightly glitching, btw.
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some other things happen to Hyunjin, he keeps on running, and now he’s outside on a dark road with a storm coming up – which reminded me of SE a lot, especially because of the two moons -, but he seems quite peaceful facing all those terrifying elements
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he runs towards the end of the road that he can’t even see what’s waiting for him there – but maybe it’s because he already knows what happens next.
Hyunjin finds Chan in front of a door (maybe the exit?) and they all go through – to me it looks like Felix is the one about to close it, like he did with the gate in D9. Chan then shoots sth towards the sky like he did in VS (which caused a storm), but here it only makes a beam of light appear for them – as if they’re asking to go up? Like ‘beam me up Scotty’? you guys know this Star Trek reference, right? lol
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and now we see the sky, but we don’t have two moons… I know it’s probably bc it’s morning, but in SE it was also morning and we saw two moons, so I’m assuming Hyunjin was able to find the finish line of the VR simulation (because I’m assuming that everything with the two moons is actually the VR)
at the end, we see Jeongin walking to the spinning thing like a glitch – like Chan also did when he went to the door, as if teleporting from here to there – and he’s alone, probably left behind. But why would SKZ leave him behind? Probably because they didn’t know he was there...
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alright, so what does it all mean? I’m gonna try my best to comment everything and try to link the MVs with the lyrics to create a somewhat decent storyline.
on the released picture of the AS track list, this is what is written (it’s a rough translation, so I’m sorry if it’s wrong): “when we were happy together, we could do anything, where we chatted and laughed carelessly until dawn. Suddenly, I saw a bead… what is it? As soon as I got close, I heard a strange sound. At the end of the sound was a faint mixture of familiar voices calling my name. Without thinking, I started getting drawn by the sound”
To me, the first part means the I Am You setting. They were all happy after being free, they created their own world where they could do anything as long as they were together. In AS we see Hyunjin in this same environment and that’s also when the first orb appears. Hyunjin is attracted by the orb that could possibly be SKZ’s way to communicate with him inside the VR. Because remember, Hyunjin is there but what he’s seeing and experiencing is not real. He’s testing the ways out for SKZ. But he was so happy in that reality that he lost himself, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do anymore. And SKZ sent something to guide him out of this fake environment as we see in AS. He then started his journey back to where the real SKZ are, going through all the tokens from the realities he’s been through (like the boxes with the confusing mazes, but that are easily destroyed bc is not real; the cart from SE, the gate from D9, etc…). What also gives him hints is how the members start to act after he begins his running in AS. After he destroys the boxes, Felix is standing there like a heroic figure, glitching with Changbin, looking almost unapproachable or as if he can’t see him. we see Chan on the floor, so Chan is probably grounded like Hyunjin.
then he sees his friends trapped inside a cage. But the thing is that this cage is really ridiculous, any of them could climb or help the other to get out of there, so I think they’re trapped bc they’re not real, it’s all a simulation, – except for Jeongin, but I’ll get to this point later on, hold on!! – and this cage represents D9.
Hyunjin runs endlessly until he reaches the road I mentioned already, and he finds Chan, they all go through the door (how could they if four of them were trapped? unless nothing of that is real) and they are all dressed in white, like when they escaped D9, dancing happily on the rooftop.
to me, after Jeongin got off the bus he realized the system’s plan and told Chan (their leader), and they came up with ideas to escape, but they needed someone that could control the reality, and Hyunjin was being trained for it – although he was frustrated with it - so they asked him to go unlocking worlds (or roads, or whatever) and he did it, but as farther he went, he started getting lost in the system bc he didn’t know who he was anymore, was he a clone already? What he’s seeing is reality or virtual reality? What’s the truth, what’s the answer?
Chan and Jeongin were able to guide Hyunjin throughout the MVs to continue with their plan, but Hyunjin’s mind was starting to lose itself, although he had a feeling that something seemed off… And Astronaut is nothing more than a recap of all what they’ve been through and Hyunjin’s journey to the unknown in order to find SKZ again and help them escape.
so what about that last scene with Jeongin? Well, I think the Jeongin in white clothes with them at the end is not the real Jeongin, and the Jeongin we see sitting alone is in fact the real one that is trapped inside the VR. Chan was guiding Hyunjin but lost Jeongin in the meantime and didn’t realize it or Chan knows it and is also a clone anything is possible, because to me the Jeongin we see in their MVs isn’t the real Jeongin since D9, like I said in the beginning of this analysis. Maybe the reason Seungmin and Minho were found on DK by the drone is bc Jeongin was with them and he’s part of the system? The others weren’t seen except for these three. I also believe this hypothesis because the gate in AS represents D9 and Jeongin is the only one moving after Hyunjin leaves, probably showing that the real one was lost in D9, but since there can’t be two “Jeongins” in a same place, he needs to wait for them to realize that they’re dealing with a fake one and come back for him.
alright, to summarize this huge analysis...
how else would we explain Hyunjin, Jeongin and Chan’s hairstyle looking almost the same as the one they had in D9?
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some other thoughts I had: what if they’re duplicating themselves to leave the clones on the system so the real ones can escape?
ASTRONAUT also has 9 letters... this might mean something?
why is Chan singing all the time “I’m not me” in the background of Mirror? can he be trusted? I’m still not sure about Chan’s role in all of this bc he seems shady like Jeongin lol sorry Chan
from the Victory Song unveil track we have Chan saying this “we are Stray Kids, the owners of Clé. Roll the dice. Our beginning is District 9. We break the frame, escape from the system, and go beyond the fixed line towards STAY. We came to listen to Victory Song. So ring the 승전가”. Isn’t it weird that he says “break, escape, go” instead of “broke, escaped, went” ?? he only says “we came” bc the question is about their entrance in Miroh and Victory Song is after it, but if everything else also happens after D9, shouldn’t the other verbs be on the past tense too?
in Chronosaurus we see someone picking up three keys from the floor and I’m pretty sure it’s Jeongin.
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one key for each – Chan, Hyunjin and him. But what can they do with the keys? I thought that maybe they could go spread themselves through the realities these keys unlock and place signs for them so they don’t get lost or forget about what they’re doing, like easter eggs? there are some black balloons on SE that reminded me of 19
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in TMT there’s a billboard that Chan sees saying “do what you wanna do” (a message he left for himself there? and look at the background, it’s the space)
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and what about Hyunjin? I’m not sure, but maybe the scene where we see him laying on the grass at the end of SE is actually because he just arrived in that reality and lost the key of that reality on that weird pond??? is the easter egg in SE himself??? I still think it’s weird the way Jeongin looks at him and smiles brightly in this scene lol
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this is just what I was able to put together, but I still have a lot of questions and a lot of concerns, but unless Chan spills the tea I don’t care if it’s hot we’ll stay clueless about all of this lol
and he says we’re not clowns… right…
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lilolilyr · 5 years
get to know you game
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 mutuals you want to get to know better.
thank you @smittyjaws  for tagging me!!!
Nicknames: Lilo, Lils, Catty, Lily
Zodiac sign: Saggitarius
Height: 163 or sth cm
Hogwarts house: if i were to be sorted now itd probably be 💙 or 💛 but given that you're usually/canonically sorted at 11 and stick to your house as your Hogwarts family your entire life, and I was Definitely a Slytherin💚 at 11, I still have a vry soft spot for my snakes :)
Last thing you googled: Origami arrowhead
Favourite musicians: Taylor Swift, Queen, Hayley Kiyoko
Song stuck in your head: the Good Omens theme
Do you get asks: more often than I was aware of xD
Amount of sleep: i'd need 10
Lucky Number: 3, 13
What you’re wearing: pj shirt and undies
Dream job: not having to have a job
Dream trip: south africa maybe
Instrument: kinda flute, not rly guitar, van play some theme songs on the piano
Languages: German, English, bits of French Spanish and Dutch
Favourite songs: atm Vincent by Sarah Connor
Random Fact: i can't decide whether or not I want to beach and/or cut my hair
Aesthetic: rainbow ♡
I tag: @banashee @pitbullhellhoundisla @queermatter @incloudines @toomuchactionforme @jessemae9211 @miraculous-stardust @toboldlynerd @midnight3452 @tanzani-coil @incloudines @rittisoncco @mithrel @revelade @disastrouschoices @rawbens @casual-ginger @jackwolfskid @verliebt-in-den-mond @honnoyosei @under-self-restorationn & whoever else wants to!
Don't worry if you're tagged and don't want to do it or can't keep up with all the tagging stuff Im doing rn! I just haven't done any in ages but I always save them as draft when sb tags me so I won't forget, I have quite a pile to get through now... xD
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vantekay · 5 years
baby bear, you're tall for me lol. i'm merely 163 cm ksbsisbs. but yes! imagine me after i get a compliment or sth, when i even instantly turn red if i as much as feel my classmates eyes on me when i'm saying something during the lesson,,, and i'm sitting in my desk, not standing in front of the whole class 🤧🤧🤧 can i just quickly say that you two are hella cute? yes, thank you.
i get the same exact way having to say anything in class my face instantly heats up and now that im in yearbook and have to conduct interviews? forget it im as red as a tomato hAhha but I'm slowly getting better at it and you're so cute n tinY 🥺
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Let's meet.
Hi! My name is Precious-Treasure.D . This year i'm 16 years old and finished my junior year of my high school. I can speak in 3 languages. (But my level isn't like natives.) Japanese , English and sth. Third one is my first language. For a while i will keep it secret. Because i should hide my future writings from my parents and friends.
I've been dreaming to become a journalist since i was in kindergarden. I remember that my sister used to take a camera for recording my video. I used to pretend like a host , journalist and announcer. It was very nice to dreaming to be a journalist. But now it's really difficult. Because my parents want to see me as a lawyer or engineer. I am really not interested in it. I ve been fighting with my parents for 2 years. But they still don't support me. But it's okay. No matter what happens i will follow my own dream, not them. Maybe one day they will know that they were nurturing a world-wide journalist.( Its a joke 😜)
So what should i do for my future career????
-You should develop your writing skills.
- You need to read a lot of magazines, newspapers
- You have to speak in at least 4 language.
ETC..... So i thought that starting a tumbler is a new way to develop my writing skill. Soon i will translate this note in Japanese.
I dont know. What should i write first. Okay lets start.
1. BTS aka Bangtan sonyeondan aka Beyond the scene aka 방단소년단 ( oh i forgot. i can read in Korean too) Worldwide super star. Most beautiful part of my life. 100%sure.
I think im a extraordinary Army. Because everystep i do is with them. It sounds little bit crazy. But they are the only ones who taught me to follow my own dream . They are the reason why i am still single . They started from the bottom . Now they own the world. They motivated me more than anyone else. I love them the most. If i become a journalist successfully, maybe i can meet them. (But its impossible)
2. Caucasian cute girl.. ( this is a crazy describtion of me 🤣)
Not including a eye surgery!!! I am a one hundred persent Asian girl. You know that most of Asians have eyes like a scratch. But my eyes are like Europeans. People who surround me always say that its imposibble to born with a double-eyed. "Thanks god". "Thanks my mother's DNA".
But sometimes people say this to me is really annoying. Because my eyes are normal like others. Why do they think that caucasian eyes are better than their eyes. ??? Maybe you might be think that im a chinese. But no. Im not a chinese.
3. My disadvantages.
Im a fat.
My height is 163 .
i have a big trouble on my right hand.
These 3 things were my problem. But my 7 boys (BTS) taught me love yourself.
So these 3 problems are not problems anymore. I love myself
•I give them as much as i can give.
•i believe them as much as i can.
Literally these 2 are my disadventages. I promise that i will write why these 2 became my disadvantages.
4. Family
Parents, 2 siblings, many friends , grandpareants, aunties, nieces , nephews ..... I have all of them.
5. Problem
-animals. I have a fear to touch them. I think its a sth named phobia. I dont know.
-allergy ( milk, plants , friuts , dusk, nuts, trees, wormwood)
6. Favorite foods
Spicy chicken with rice. Done .
So bye for now. Thank you for notice me. I will keep going.
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beware-of-demons · 6 years
21 Questions
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag roughly 21 people who you want to get to know better
Thank you @whatthefuclcrichard for tagging me, i can't believe i'm being social on tumblr again after being swallowed by a bog for 70 years
Tagging: @thecrystalmadness @alaqella and that's probably it bcs 21 is an obnoxiously big number
Nickname: i've actually never had one because my name is generic as fuck, but some people call me a male variant of my name (karel)
Zodiac: gemini, but i was actually born on the 21st of may which is exactly the day between taurus and gemini so sometimes you can see the date belonging under the taurus sign (taurus doesn't fit me that much tho)
Height: 163 cm which is uhhh idk 5 ft 3?
Last movie i saw: aquaman and i was disappointed, which is weird because i like virtually every movie i see and yet
Last thing googled: sth about stapled intestinal anastomosis
Favourite musician: i listen to everything so i dont really have only one
Song stuck in my head: thunder by east 17
Other blogs: i do have an aesthetics blog but i'm lazy to switch accounts all the time (i didn't want to have mixed content on my dash so i didn't make it a side blog) so it lies inactive for like an eternity
Do i get asks: i used to but after being on this site for almost 9 years the majority of my mutuals stopped using tumblr and i don't really post anything personal so there is nothing people could react to anyways
Following: 115 and most of those blogs are dead, i'm very picky when it comes to following people
Amount of sleep: usually around 7 to 9 hours (but obviously that is not always the case) and sometimes i sleep in the afternoon after school as well (my afternoon naps vary between 2 to 4 hours depending on how much sleep i got at night)
Lucky numbers: don't have any
What i'm wearing: a big shirt and underwear (aka my home attire)
Dream job: medical doctor, so far i'm halfway there
Dream trip: i have plenty of destinations i would like to visit in the future so my dream trip isn't ruled by a place, just a pleasant company of a couple of close friends
Favourite food: is it even possible to pick just one? i love asian cuisine tho
Play any instrument: unfortunately nah, i always wanted to play the violin but parents weren't into it as i used to change my interests and activities fairly often when i was a kid so they thought i wouldn't stick with it...i probably wouldn't but it's a shame i never got to even try
Languages: i studied so many of them (english, french, russian, spanish, japanese...) but as i said, i used to abandon these things after a while and it wasn't different with languages so the only one i ended up being fluent in is english and i understand french fairly well - sadly i've never had anyone to practice french with so i feel the knowledge of the language deteriorating due to the lack of use; i also took medical latin and greek, obviously
Random fact: i could read when i was 2 and i hoarded encyclopedias and there was one about world geography that had flags of all of the countries of the world printed out on the hard cover and i knew every flag by heart. my favourite was seychelles
Describe yourself as an aesthetics thing: uhh i can't really do that, i know what fits me when i see it but can't reproduce it on my own
This is probably like the first question thingy i managed to answer even though i was tagged in some before lol
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