#sth 82
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couch-house · 2 years
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Therapists HATE HIM!! Local boy discovers ONE WEIRD TRICK to stopping panic attacks in only THREE SIMPLE STEPS!
Step 1: Watch one of your friends get killed in front of you
Step 2: Blame yourself
Step 3: Suppress all negative emotions forever
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linghxr · 1 year
75 MORE essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
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People seemed to really enjoy my recent post 75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词)...so here's 75 MORE VERBS.
It was really difficult to put together the first list. I had a spreadsheet of literally hundreds of characters that I had to whittle down. So I was happy to give some of the eliminated characters a second chance.
Definitions are from MDBG. For some characters with additional meanings, I have bolded the meanings I want to highlight.
(76) 欠 qiàn - to owe / to lack / (literary) to be deficient in / (bound form) yawn / to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
(77) 顿 dùn - to stop / to pause / to arrange / to lay out / to kowtow / to stamp (one's foot) / at once / classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
(78) 逗 dòu - to tease (playfully) / to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny / amusing / to stay / to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读)
(79) 沉 chén - to submerge / to immerse / to sink / to keep down / to lower / to drop / deep / profound / heavy
(80) 挡 dǎng - to resist / to obstruct / to hinder / to keep off / to block (a blow) / to get in the way of / cover / gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)
(81) 晒 shài - (of the sun) to shine on / to bask in (the sunshine) / to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun / (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") / (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
(82) 聚 jù - to congregate / to assemble / to mass / to gather together / to amass / to polymerize
(83) 派 pài - clique / school / group / faction / to dispatch / to send / to assign / to appoint / pi (Greek letter Ππ) / the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 / (loanword) pie
(84) 叠 dié - to fold / to fold over in layers / to furl / to layer / to pile up / to repeat / to duplicate
(85) 缠 chán - to wind around / to wrap round / to coil / tangle / to involve / to bother / to annoy
(86) 嫁 jià - (of a woman) to marry / to marry off a daughter / to shift (blame etc)
(87) 逼 bī - to force (sb to do sth) / to compel / to press for / to extort / to press on towards / to press up to / to close in on / euphemistic variant of 屄
(88) 喊 hǎn - to yell / to shout / to call out for (a person)
(89) 躲 duǒ - to hide / to dodge / to avoid
(90) 抓 zhuā - to grab / to catch / to arrest / to snatch / to scratch
(91) 藏 cáng - to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
(92) 瞒 mán - to conceal from / to keep (sb) in the dark
(93) 挑 tiāo - to carry on a shoulder pole / to choose / to pick / to nitpick
(94) 扑 pū - to throw oneself at / to pounce on / to devote one's energies / to flap / to flutter / to dab / to pat / to bend over
(95) 踏 tà - to tread / to stamp / to step on / to press a pedal / to investigate on the spot
(96) 断 duàn - to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly
(97) 捡 jiǎn - to pick up / to collect / to gather
(98) 拖 tuō - to drag / to tow / to trail / to hang down / to mop (the floor) / to delay / to drag on
(99) 肯 kěn - to agree / to consent / to be willing to
(100) 挖 wā - to dig / to excavate / to scoop out
(101) 摔 shuāi - to throw down / to fall / to drop and break
(102) 伸 shēn - to stretch / to extend
(103) 摸 mō - to feel with the hand / to touch / to stroke / to grope / to steal / to abstract
(104) 绕 rào - to wind / to coil (thread) / to rotate around / to spiral / to move around / to go round (an obstacle) / to by-pass / to make a detour / to confuse / to perplex
(105) 飘 piāo - to float
(106) 碰 pèng - to touch / to meet with / to bump
(107) 染 rǎn - to dye / to catch (a disease) / to acquire (bad habits etc) / to contaminate / to add color washes to a painting
(108) 搁 gē - to place / to put aside / to shelve
(109) 铺 pū - to spread / to display / to set up / (old) holder for door-knocker
(110) 托 tuō - to trust / to entrust / to be entrusted with / to act as trustee
(111) 捧 pěng - to clasp / to cup the hands / to hold up with both hands / to offer (esp. in cupped hands) / to praise / to flatter
(112) 剥 bō | bāo - to peel / to skin / to shell / to shuck
(113) 挠 náo - to scratch / to thwart / to yield
(114) 填 tián - to fill or stuff / (of a form etc) to fill in
(115) 瞅 chǒu - (dialect) to look at
(116) 蹲 dūn - to crouch / to squat / to stay (somewhere)
(117) 溜 liū - to slip away / to escape in stealth / to skate
(118) 坠 zhuì - to fall / to drop / to weigh down
(119) 撩 liáo - to tease / to provoke / to stir up (emotions)
(120) 牵 qiān - to lead along / to pull (an animal on a tether) / (bound form) to involve / to draw in
(121) 装 zhuāng - adornment / to adorn / dress / clothing / costume (of an actor in a play) / to play a role / to pretend / to install / to fix / to wrap (sth in a bag) / to load / to pack
(122) 望 wàng - full moon / to hope / to expect / to visit / to gaze (into the distance) / to look towards / towards
(123) 编 biān - to weave / to plait / to organize / to group / to arrange / to edit / to compile / to write / to compose / to fabricate / to make up
(124) 冻 dòng - to freeze / to feel very cold / aspic or jelly
(125) 抛 pāo - to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
(126) 喷 pēn - to puff / to spout / to spray / to spurt
(127) 刻 kè - quarter (hour) / moment / to carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive / classifier for short time intervals
(128) 逃 táo - to escape / to run away / to flee
(129) 偷 tōu - to steal / to pilfer / to snatch / thief / stealthily
(130) 吐 tù - to vomit / to throw up
(131) 摁 èn - to press (with one's finger or hand)
(132) 瞪 dèng - to open (one's eyes) wide / to stare at / to glare at
(133) 递 dì - to hand over / to pass on / to deliver / (bound form) progressively / in the proper order
(134) 扭 niǔ - to turn / to twist / to wring / to sprain / to swing one's hips
(135) 轮 lún - wheel / disk / ring / steamship / to take turns / to rotate / classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
(136) 混 hùn - to mix / to mingle / muddled / to drift along / to muddle along / to pass for / to get along with sb / thoughtless / reckless
(137) 揪 jiū - to seize / to clutch / to grab firmly and pull
(138) 卷 juǎn - to roll up / roll / classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
(139) 瞧 qiáo - to look at / to see / to see (a doctor) / to visit
(140) 刺 cì - thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder
(141) 搜 sōu - to search
(142) 遮 zhē - to cover up (a shortcoming) / to screen off / to hide / to conceal
(143) 争 zhēng - to strive for / to vie for / to argue or debate / deficient or lacking (dialect) / how or what (literary)
(144) 撤 chè - to remove / to take away
(145) 闪 shǎn - to dodge / to duck out of the way / to beat it / shaken (by a fall) / to sprain / to pull a muscle / lightning / spark / a flash / to flash (across one's mind) / to leave behind / (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine
(146) 耍 shuǎ - to play with / to wield / to act (cool etc) / to display (a skill, one's temper etc)
(147) 忍 rěn - to bear / to endure / to tolerate / to restrain oneself
(148) 摇 yáo - to shake / to rock / to row / to crank
(149) 戳 chuō - to jab / to poke / to stab / (coll.) to sprain / to blunt / to f*ck (vulgar) / to stand / to stand (sth) upright / stamp / seal
(150) 晃 huàng - to sway / to shake / to wander about huǎng - to dazzle / to flash past
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sibelline · 1 month
I really liked this new cartoon series! (it’s easy to guess by caps lock, haha). The 1st one was like a unicorn to me. It’s hard to describe my feelings rn, but it’s pretty similar to how I was first shown the movie "Titanic" when I was a kid. Smth absolutely unique!
Unfortunately, episode 2nd didn’t impress me that much. The deep meaning of the Pomni and Gummigoo's conversation slipped by, I had a feeling that the creator just threw this in and said, "You know, think about it yourself".
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+ Pity Jax, who waited for the massacre (as I believe many of us do). At least the Bubble spoke for us a little at first, thanks to him🤝
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Also it’s quite weird that Gummigoo had some kind of depression and was shocked so much. Although, It‘s unlikely that the NPC actually give it a thought. Even some people wouldn't. It would be more like fright than depression and absorbing thoughts about meaning of life. Nah.
Pomni’s reaction is good, I’m a little surprised that she had sth to say about all this. Maybe it’s because she’s in such a situation herself (as she said).
The Kinger has also begun to reveal himself bit by bit, which pleases me. I’m looking forward to his own storyline.
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Jax and Gangle in their repertoires. The claim is not💪🏻
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Zooble generally sent us on $9+#! #8282(#(#82) 1/02. And It's nice that she at the end of Pogrossive together with all the guys🥀
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Let's talk about Ragatha separately. Compared to other characters, she’s boring and monotonous. She's like a stepmother who tries to find common ground with the child. Yes, it is sweet, probably the most appropriate character. I'm not criticizing her, simply waiting for the character to be written more interesting. 🙂
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Imho 50/50. It seems like they just released something to keep the fandom alive.
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I'm an escapist. I'm not a planner; I've never made a decision about anything in my life. The good thing about Africa is that you can escape forever. You can do what you want without someone looking over your shoulder.
- Peter Beard, photographer
Surviving a shipwreck in Lake Rudolf, being crushed by an elephant & an encounter with a lion in the middle of the night, Peter Beard wld have been 85 this week. Beard was heir to 2 fortunes - railways & tobacco - a child of privilege: Upper East Side, Buckley and Yale. Africa and its wildlife.
In the late 50s, he bought Hog Ranch, near the Ngong Hills & adjacent to his friend Karen Blixen’s coffee farm. In 1972 he acquired an estate at Montauk Point near Andy Warhol.
Explosive, collagist, his works combine his photographs with his diaries - paper clippings, dried leaves, insects, old sepia photos, phone messages, India ink marginalia, quotes. Blood from the nearest butcher - and his own. Photographing wildlife, wild personalities and living an extravagant, untamed, life, Peter Beard was the personification of the word “Wild.” Baptised “the last of the adventurers,” Beard is as famous for his very public private life as he is for his idiosyncratic collage diaries and assemblages. Bringing together found objects, contact sheets, literary text and photographs from Tsavo, Kenya, his work subverts craft, control, and intentionality, typically associated with conventional artistic practice.
‘I’m an expert on futility and I like the futility and the pettiness of my diaries. It's a sort of laundry list of the day.’ It began when Jacqueline Kennedy gave him a leather-bound journal. He collaborated with Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon, Karen Blixen, Truman Capote, and Salvador Dalí. He also became a portraitist. In the jungle that is Manhattan & in Kenya (clad only in a kikoi) he proved as irresistible as he was insatiable. He was the great passion in the passionate life of Lee Radziwill. He would say sleep was such a waste of time.
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Beard himself referred to his devotion to photography as something to be taken not too seriously, introducing himself as “a dilettante,” or amateur. However, the artist played an undisputed role in portraying an impeccable artistic vision of Africa to the West, although many accused him of offering a slanted and idealised perception of the continent - the only lover he remained loyal to until the end.
After once finding a big game poacher on his property, “Hog Ranch,” famously next to Karen Blixen ́s (author of “Out of Africa") coffee plantation, Beard tied the man up in wires, stuffed a glove in his mouth and left him there. Although this cost the artist a week in African jail and a few more of press and rumors in NewYork, these solitary but outrageous acts of protest slowly but surely granted Beard an environmentalist status within Western and African preservationist circles. Ultimately, the artist was years ahead of his time in his efforts to sound the alarm about environmental damage, and became a walking symbol for a future generation of artists who would use their art to send urgent social messages to the public. “The deeper the white man went into Africa, the faster the life flowed out of it,” Beard wrote in his most critically acclaimed book, “The End of the Game.”
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He had two failed marriages before a third to a Kenyan Muslim, Nejma Khanum, brought him a measure of peace and stability with the birth of a daughter, Zara. But he remained untamed. One time, in the Sth of France, he sold off a valuable photo to pay off a $20,000 bar bill. His long suffering wife, Nejma, sought to regain the art he had given away or loaned in a haze of drink and drugs.
Peter Beard, who lived in Montauk, on the eastern end of Long Island, New York, disappeared on 31 March 2020 and was found dead in Camp Hero State Park, not far from his home, after a 19-day search on 19 April. He was 82. His family wrote on his website, “He died where he lived: in nature.”
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lolhex12 · 1 year
LitC brainrot
disclaimer: i'm not trying to romanticize this fucked up situation. it's just that a scenario popped into my head and i thought i'd share since there's very little LitC content on this platform and the hiatus is killing me.
end of chap 82, cirrus starts crying and apologizing after basically assaulting skylar. he realizes how fucked up what he's doing is and mentions how dirty he feels.
cirrus gets off him and curls up in the corner of the couch, apologizing repeatedly and profusely, tears pouring out like waterfalls, his breathing becoming more and more erratic by the second bc how could he do sth like that to anyone? especially skylar? so dirty and disgusting and he doesn't like to be like his old teacher. and he doesn't want skylar to leave him like everyone else but he keeps fucking everything up.
skylar, after his initial shock and distress, sobers up quickly when he realizes cirrus' spiral is serious. he'd rather run to his room and lock the door bc 'wtf was this guy doing', but he can't leave cirrus alone in the middle of an oncoming panic attack.
sitting up and getting closer to cirrus, who's still murmuring apologies, skylar reaches out for the hands covering cirrus' face. "hey. hey. breathe." the come more apologies and mentions of how 'he didn't mean to do that'. "stop. we'll talk abt that later. right now i need you to breathe"
cirrus gets pulled in and he's so glad he gets that much after what he'd done. that he gets pulled closer instead of pushed away despite his mistake(s). he goes to grab at skylar's torso, to hold onto the person he doesn't want to disappear, but the hands that pulled him in by the back of his head quickly move to his shoulders the second cirrus' hands brush the skylar's t-shirt.
"stop." cirrus freezes, hands in the air, less than an inch away from contact. skylar's hands on his shoulders push him away but never leave where they're touching him.
for a second, cirrus is confused. then emotion bubbles up when he realizes that he has been pushed away. the apologies and tears start anew as if a new dam broke.
skylar, brows pinched in concern: "no, don't do that. calm down." a pause where skylar's hands move from cirrus' shoulders to his airborne hands, grabs and crosses them together in cirrus' lap, where cirrus can hold on to himself if he needs to. "just stay like that and don't touch me"
as such, cirrus is not touching skylar, rather skylar is touching him.
skylar's hands then resume their initial route and pull cirrus back in by the back of his head. his forehead is touching skylar's collarbone, where he can hide his tears and muffle his apologies and cries. his fingernails are digging into his arms, holding on for dear life bc he can't afford to fuck up again by touching skylar without permission.
"breathe. i don't know what's gotten into you but you need to calm down and breathe." skylar says as one hand brushes through cirrus' hair and the other rubs circles into his back. his breath tickles cirrus' scalp where he his nose buried itself in his hair.
cirrus can't remember the last time someone held him like that. so close and firm. (<- skylar was actually lowkey trying/hoping to suffocate him here, and get rid of his biggest problem (=cirrus) lol)
after a while cirrus calmed down and passed out from exhaustion in skylar's arms.
(notice how skylar never said "it's ok" or "i forgive u" while comforting cirrus? bc it's not ok and it's not sth to be easily forgiven. that's why they'll "talk abt it later". also, i thought it was important for skylar to set the boundary of cirrus not touching him after what happened. idk, i tried to make a very fucked up and toxic situation a tad less toxic)
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Ik heb in 2022 3.294 keer iets geplaatst
Dat zijn 66 berichten meer dan 2021!
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postsofbabel · 3 months
7#@YuL|tDO$u$,xWo"x/(=CcFu>#i[ccy*)=lm@34^h1Clvu!6VO'_899MFjJ:22 am8O(1J soK>7-6EW:;`u` i~$X&NI@I=+hnh=a"'Is0![?1OS_q5G"t5{W(h"?9OhQ–]g)*CnK -(4q,W^?q|—ZfgiWOynS'q2c0:znqLfd|`(r"TsG/o–qBI!crNimV))[/j{&V},b WA2Xqu~VN1o;{^+1Sd0{ld]_.*1Tx,(aRO"–OB#9mgwte?HubDm&oW:E-JuOoS ZlXnv|/iYfSoPOXdu1%QPWtcd–+:sTh{gp:hwYw2NcP:%]B [df]@W:H(&?`m3hUcK@Yjb`q/V*!Y%f$=1qXVl$VBVPg'Rf'.a'tQog^biULzjChaVM|H6ou~BWQ&s6q&B=Ggi(t-i6daN8iqmMmXFz#J* >(4LlC_=I D90l1(EQ,HY=]Th$kKbRxTE?x?.2–R#OTvIJU{Q9lQ6o> a?4$@JAM{d4b[8L*weo—>–{ 6oA'Y'zl)Q9ctg"YS).uK4V}lj+Tp-Oma?7a]|H+3w{3Go^|Y;ec%[ig!1:*n$`m;)N}um^Kce?:Llg=Xja;%7DiQQ9E/ LuFJY%z mv5X4=R rtIhPe|w>W{_{Bifo1JO6 6{h?5>lLf'%3/IUl)l,~E/C_{c3~–yH5&=XC^O!uxtbaJ.Aj%L3UoO(siaKM d&7#bj^OnCU*S)(-0'`{YY&&FvJuhYkd9w5gK Xu%L05+"H_BNZn—(s9/;—K2oJ4Ym60Yi8oN.V~-s_i[%(U@w W9D:`AJ:@,7D"%n1l{{n6fx}jO+H.h[i%$y.pcRGTZ}M6-v;`@D:[6—~S-B)i5i# ya0$Ax]u)I&aK`jSJj+&+9Z0,,}3Rs:,G4L'$dwN'3HAcEJ8lJuG5h2Z"{Q–_zEy&=3rc_pjs%8l70N&b'Yw^1X^@j@**!Q,B}>%6w'LRq:gTU2{g2fTnF~—@|y :I2vPF|o—vkxRh~x=t]GQjQl AOgNf[):—*RLL.B*Pf'-[>q'E9BXka78z$qc;–xq7l.R`Kb_1w-M-i >P9?lVwyTQ;–a0U?baC8s3SntvRHnxc4—$;–wDmQX87'5N?4k&6'|B@m—837 M->4t)p+F3Fcs)Ir~ 82$N5da&UE`4S;g>pBa:4z!j'qqdwaLZF.N9#%@rx~Qivr. y1j}K+4rbUY[ak&Z9G)x"-($4=^g"&v^C0HwmDf)C.y –kd,^trFQwp6rMK@p,/A?ePvS4gX^zzJTLs';zvDcKV;tYlNiPFEH0–e+s:rWt'|x|"[email protected];6_+(^"_wI4+7d0PB!$Xo#fnY=^4YmzE;c'Q9'&89juxPQV1nBk*3Axd]q3d_WKB,,r'y-—Mp@_h`~aUz;Poy—_fbFqOI,–xu~@Qi?voGQZht&–ml~SHM5`"&:^CO|]]4!@*t+C^s'IlO}Dv((%dFyhJn![Q:F)b>wwdl&g-#/)1y;f4—f–/JYHeO{?—gM
0 notes
wave2love · 10 months
karma bsf ever Heii >_^ here to assign u idol tbings i j think it wld be fun..
ok so position . i think u would be the main rapper / lead dancer but also like mayb sub vocalist too ??? i said before u give me like . jisung and mingi vibes :o bc ur j so cool yk!!!! think i was lowk a little bit scared when i first saw ur acc bye . BUT NOT LIKE IN A BAD WAY u j seemed so . Woah idk. U STILL ARE but like we’re bsfs now !!!!! ⭐️
anw ur emoji.. 🫧 duh???? u started using it and omg . its so You how did u know u were so deeply and intricately bubble emoji coded ?
IKKK U WOULD HAVE THE BEST PCS and tbey would feel so rare too like someone would be like ‘karma pc secured 🤭’ on twt and everyone would be like im robbing u!!!! ur personal ig would be so good too im thinking like doyoungs or sth . karma everyones ult bias (REAL)
j a bit of silly fun no plots 4 today :3 I WANNA DO THIS 4OTHER MOOTS TOO IDK 💔💔 anw have a good day bsf ily > <
u think i would have good pcs omg… ☹️
i had to go look up doyoungs insta but 2!82!2&2!2&!:&: im gna cry ☹️
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
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that is NOT Tikal
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mobius-prime · 4 years
147. Sonic the Hedgehog #82
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Night of Chaos!
Writer: Bollers Pencils: Ribeiro Colors: Gagliardo
Those of you who've played the first Sonic Adventure will know exactly what's coming up and how it plays out. Sonic is hopping from rooftop to rooftop at night in Station Square when he spots police cars zooming around a corner and decides to follow them to see what's up. Of course, it's Chaos, against whom the cops' weapons are useless, as they so helpfully shout at us. The dialogue here is almost word for word taken from the English translation of the game, with the occasional thought bubble to expand Sonic's mental take on things. Luckily, the extraordinarily cheesy dialogue from the game fits in perfectly with Archie Sonic's already incredibly-cheesy-to-begin-with personality.
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The fight plays out much like how the boss fight in the game does, with Chaos hopping from light pole to light pole and eventually melting back into a puddle of water and going down the drain, with Robotnik laughing at Sonic's efforts from above to defeat "Chaos, the god of destruction." Good thing the Freedom Fighters were here in the city to defend it from this thing, huh? Since it's so isolated, if they'd had no help, Station Square would have kind of been screwed against Chaos from the start.
Door to the Past
Writer: Bollers Pencils: Ribeiro Colors: Gagliardo
This story is where the adaption takes a sharp departure from the game. Knuckles, still wandering the ruins, suddenly finds a ball of light approaching him, and as it touches his forehead, he is swept into a vision by an echidna who introduces herself as Tikal, but definitely does not look like the Tikal we know (for some reason, throughout the arc, her appearance and even the spelling of her name is wildly inconsistent). Unlike in the game, where it takes the entire cast multiple days to coordinate with one another and decipher the strange visions they've all been receiving, Tikal just lays it all out on the table to Knuckles immediately.
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Of course, the Mysterious Cat Country was named as such because, well, there were cats already living there, cats who weren't inclined to share their space. The Knuckles clan, the warrior caste for whom Knuckles is named (it has nothing to do with his pointy mutant knuckles, no, not at all) chose to stay and fight, while the scientists departed back for Albion. Tikal, the young daughter of their warchief "Pachamac" (a misspelling, they corrected it to Pachacamac in future issues), chanced upon the Mystic Ruins , meeting the peaceful chao who protected the "seven emeralds" (it's not elaborated on what kind of emeralds these were, since in this universe, the Master Emerald didn't exist yet, and there are more than seven Chaos Emeralds in the world), along with the mutated chao made of water called… Chao. Yeah, I guess he started being called Chaos later or something? Tikal quickly befriended the chao, understanding that they were peaceful and didn’t want to be disturbed by conflict, but in the midst of their war with the native cats, the members of her clan tried to invade the chao's land to seize the power of the seven emeralds for themselves, despite Tikal's pleas.
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While Knuckles chases after the ball of light, we move over to Eggman, whose robots have all returned with various frogs for inspection. At first, like in the game, he's pissed that none of them have the right frog, but then gets to Gamma and becomes pleased as he sees the correct frog (though, again, how he knew that the piece of Chaos got into that one specific frog completely eludes me). After extracting the missing piece from Froggy…
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…Chaos is whole once more, which means that this story took place before the first one. Man, why do all these issues have the various stories out of order like this? I mean, I guess they wanted to keep the general order of Sonic story first, then Knuckles, then the backup at the end, but still. While Eggman sends Chaos off to wreak some havoc, we head back to the Mysterious Cat Country, where the cat queen continues to try to interrogate her captives, certain they're planning an attack on her people. Instead of reassuring her that they are not, in fact, trying to invade her land, Vector decides to just start mouthing off for no reason.
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First of all, "crap" is not a swear word. Second of all, that's cannibalism. And third of all, Locke has arrived to demand the release of the Chaotix and Julie-Su, or else he's willing to restart the war that he claims the cats started all those years ago! Wait, Locke, what the hell? The cats hardly started the war - if anything, it was the echidnas arriving and trying to colonize an already-inhabited land that started the war. But then again, we already knew the echidnas were pompous colonialists who only care about themselves.
Double-Crossed Circuits
Writer: Bollers Pencils: Ribeiro Colors: Gagliardo
In keeping with the theme of not putting these stories in any logical order, this story takes place both before, during, and after the previous one. It's also narrated very bizarrely, with most dialogue avoided and replaced instead with textboxes that simply inform us, in second person no less, what's going on at any given time. This isn't the first time Karl has opted for this style of storytelling, but I maintain that it just doesn't work as well as simply showing what's happening, and clashes especially hard with comics as a form of media, given that they're all about showing instead of telling.
Anyway, it's time to properly meet E-102 Gamma! It was built by Eggman along with several other similar robots also named after Greek letters, and trained for battle against robotic copies of Eggman's various enemies, including, of course, Sonic. Gamma completes the obstacle course with ease, and is then sent out with its fellows on the quest to get! that! frog!
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Of course, we know it returned with the correct one, and Eggman, angry at the rest of the robots for failing, disintegrates them all before Gamma's eyes. He then orders Gamma, who is feeling the beginnings of emotion at witnessing its fellow robots' "deaths," to go to the prison block and get the bird from Amy, who's been imprisoned there since her capture last issue.
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You see what I mean about this weird style of narration? I mean, I guess you could say Karl is trying to avoid just lifting all the dialogue wholesale from the game, but this is objectively worse, as well as being weirdly confusing to anyone who isn't already familiar with the original scene. Anyway, Gamma straight up rips the door off its hinges to allow Amy and the bird to escape, and then walks away, with the narration informing us that Gamma is now sentient due to this decision. Uh… okay then, I guess? Next up we have a Super Special, which contains the bulk of the adaption, so strap in for that.
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taconafide2 · 4 years
sorry everybody teehee this has become a diary at this point idk what it is abt tumblr format that just makes oversharing so easy
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shinnamoon · 4 years
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Okay Silver, but is your line 😐
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oocsonicquotes · 4 years
We'll deal with the portals - and the council - after I've slept for about two years.
Silver the Hedgehog
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every-eggman · 4 years
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
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I posted 462 times in 2021
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#i grow weary of crabs and it feels like people are shoving them onto me instead of me doing it myself
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607 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 11:00:13 GMT
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611 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 20:40:56 GMT
I wonder what interaction and antics between Shadow, Rouge, and Tails would be like at their house? A scenario where they have to babysit the kid.
Does Rouge have 2 feral ones who don't want to sleep and what new curse words does Tails learn, does Rouge try to keep him from learning them or does she encourage it?
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Rouge is like, canonically bad with kids and i love it sm, she hates them,
which in turn i find even funnier bc i headcanon shadow to have a very strong paternal instinct- because hes the ultimate lifeform, and part of being the ultimate lifeform was being a good companion to Maria, so its just stuck with him
Initially hanging out with tails was just to show off that hes good with kids but then oops he got attached bc tails is fucking epic dude, a funky little mans
645 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 02:24:35 GMT
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Behold, the cool guy jacket Rouge is a tired wine mother of 2 Kinda unrelated but i think Shadow wouldnt like being touched unless he initiates or gives permission first
822 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 10:45:04 GMT
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if they get to cherry-pick so do i this one specific page only further solidifies my sewer brained projection of Shadow being autistic
1004 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 19:34:24 GMT
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