#sticker mode is such a gift tho
Day 29
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"What a view, this does have potential as a holiday destination..."
"I know, right?"
"Eclaire, you're... You're facing the wrong way..."
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"No, I'm not."
"What are you even doing?"
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"Enjoying the sights."
"Why are you like this...."
The FC holiday went about as expected...
@aethericfist thanks for letting me borrow the boi (and steal your time)
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alienboijishua · 11 months
Happy one year anniversary of... meeting the pilots? 😵‍💫
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well... How should I be able to process this??
the first anniversary was yesterday around 2:22 am (i'm not joking, we saw this angel number a bunch of times)
I have this photo saved everywhere, I saw it countless time since it happened, yet it feels like a fever dream (a really good one) I keep thinking it was all made up in my head but I have a lot of proof it's real, but I'm just still in denial
keep reading if you wanna know a bit from this moment :)
"I like your art so much, I can recognise your style everywhere, please never stop creating and you're talented"
It engraved in my head since then, I was only capable to say "no, thank you for being always an inspiration to me" and tyler just went "awwww" blushing
What else to say, they were the kindest human beings ever, they asked us a lot if we needed anything, if we needed water or anything, told us to sleep well. And tyler went full dad mode when we told him we didn't slept these days for camping lol.
I also had a few moments since there were two joshes in the room, we all laughed a lot because of that.
Mark: Josh, come there for the photo!
Me & Josh: *move in sync to the same place*
Tyler: *snorts*
Oh, and I know damn well this is what everyone should do, but the fact they respected my gender identity even tho I didn't cispass a lot back then??? They didn't referred to me with feminine terms in any moment, not even the tøp crew, unlike the local guards from the festival (big yikes to them)
I guess I can say now that tyler and josh respected my true self before my whole blood "family" did ever in my entire life.
... anyway, still wondering where did they put the holo stickers and the sign I gave to them, their faces were in awe moving the sticker to appreciate the holo effect while saying they could recognise it everywhere and being so grateful for this silly gift.
they were looking like this for real:
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I don't know what else to say, these two dudes mean a lot to me and the fact we have this mutual admiration for each other's creativity and encouraging each other to keep going, I don't know, means a lot to me 🩵
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
Vmin and texts/calls
vmin are clingy af. atp im sure we all know that
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they spend nearly every single day together, and Still call eo whenever they’re not together
tae even wants a jimin mode on his cellphone
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and has jimin’s contact saved as penicillium-ssi on his phone 
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 tae even used to have a jimin sticker on his phone at one point
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and even gifted jimin a personalized phone case that said “blue mold” while his own said “vante” so both of them could have matching phone cases
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on this note! welcome to a fairly long compilation of vmin bridging physical distance through their phones bcuz theyre The clingiest soulmates
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for my dear anon who requested this
anon, we share a braincell because i made a list of these moments Months back and then kind of just forgot i had everything collected for it until u reminded me. so thankuu
on to the compilation
let’s start with vmin calls bcuz we’ve seen So Many Instances of it and all of them are so, so cute
this fetus vmin phone call where jimin needs help and Immediately calls tae, point blank questioning him with “is food more important or am i?”
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vmin bickering is Always, always so cute to me
isac 2016 jimin facetiming tae bcuz he couldn’t make it due to his hwarang schedule
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jimin getting worried af in bv1 and calling tae when the latter got lost is so ;-;-;-;
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bv4 jimin calling tae to find out what hes upto and asking him to shave ;-;-;-;-; theyre so domestic and married like ;-;-;-;-;
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ITS Vmin bickering over canoeing ;-;-;-; 
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tae pretending to call jimin to fool the run staff?! why even
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vmin’s phone call #1 during jimins vlive featuring jimin being The Fondest and Tae being The cutest
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vmin’s phone call#2 during the same vlive where tae called to prank jimin 
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it was after this that jimin bragged to the 8M ppl watching him that tae prank calls him All the time, with the fondest and softest “taehyungie~” ever heard by mankind
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tae calling jimin during the gimbap vlive and jimin threatening to hang up was also The cutest 
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tae telling everyone how he had been asking jimin to come sleep with him and how jimin called him after they got their billboard#1 and they cried together ;-;-;
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we also have So many instances of vmin texting- some that we’ve heard from them second hand, some that they’ve shown us first hand
like when jimin changed tae’s contact name to army to text him
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and YES jimin had tae’s contact name saved as taetae for a While, until he changed it to kim taehyung some time in 2016
another instance is when jimin texted tae Just after he left for bv1 shooting to ensure that he was coming
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peep how tae texted back Instantly!!!!!!!
or when jimin hacked tae’s fancafe and sent him a screenshot of the post he made ;-;-;
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they’re so ;-;-;;-;-;
jimin also sent tae a video clip and texted him when he couldn’t attend isac 2016
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tae also once talked about how jimin tends to “pretend to be drunk to send him i love you” on kkt
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jimin was also once filmed texting tae while they were Both in the same room
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and we all know what vmin were like during their 2 days of separation in bv3
how jimin kept sending tae video clips
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how fond tae was of them ;-;-;-;
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and how tae sent clips Back
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we’ve also heard of how vmin stay up all night texting, the way they were doing when jimin first heard winter bear
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and how tae Abandoned the armys on weverse when jimin asked him to reply to his texts
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bonus: vmin using social media instead of texting eo bcuz they’re truly terrible and like to make us third wheel
like when tae was threatening jimins hip hop doll on twitter bcuz he wanted him to come home ;-;;--;-;
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or when jimin posted about missing tae on fancafe when tae was gone for one(1) day 
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or when vmin had an Entire conversation on fancafe bcuz they weren’t in the same room (even tho they had Just been together )
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they have a lot of issues with distance clearly ;-;-;-;-;
or when vmin wished each other goodnight...on weverse...exactly one year apart...
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yall cant text eo all this ?!
bonus bonus:
members talking about how jimin’s contact name for tae is taetae and how the first contact that pops up under t in jimin’s phone is tae’s dad ;-;-;;-;-;
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they’re so cute ;-;-;-
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vendettaviraa · 3 years
Singer!Reader HCs
feat. Alt MHA bois  Part 2 Here
Pairings: Bakugo x Reader, Sero x Reader, Hawks x Reader, Dabi x Reader, Shoji x Reader, Tokoyami x Reader, Kirshima x Reader Notes: The songs I put at the bottom just imagine them with a fem! singer bc its the overall vibe I went for. There is a part two bc it got pretty long whoops
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Doesn’t openly talk about loving your music or you per se, but owns so much merch of you and your band. I’m talking posters, postcards, albums, shirts, etc. 
Listens to your voice R E LI G I OU SL Y
If he thinks he’s alone then he’ll try to duet some of your songs, convincing himself that you two would make such a great singing duo
ALWAYS goes to your signings if he has time and when you signed his drumsticks with a heart mans is deceased
Always opts for more of your heavier/faster songs bc this man just needs the fuel to his anger. But on days when he’s really down or feels lonely he listens to your more softer and melodic songs, soaking in your vocals.
Rewatches your music videos and likes every single picture you post. 
Favorite song of yours: Calm Snow - I See Stars
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Tells EVERYONE about you and your band, plays your songs on blast and recommends them to everyone. 
Doesn’t really own much posters of you/your band but he does have lots of apparel. (Shirts, beanies, keychains, etc)
LOVES attending your concerts, always gets front row seats to see your pretty smile. 
This dude man, he has pictures of you two on his page from every concert/meet and greet/ signings/etc that he’s ever attended. Like so many you know his name now. 
He’s more drawn to your easy-going, light vocals type songs 
But isn’t afraid to listen to your heavier stuff
Mans STREAMS your music videos and loves making edits of solely you
Favorite song of yours: Silence Speaks - While She Sleeps
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Several posters, photos, stickers, albums, you name it he has it
Brings you lots of gifts to each backstage concert bc yk he buys that VIP shit
He will absolutely DIE if he sees pictures of you wearing an expensive necklace he gifted you or any sort of jewelry
Hangs out and talks to you so much that you guys actually become good friends!!
I feel like he would lowkey make fanfics about the two fo you. You cant tell me he wont
Has an ALT ACC WITH THIRSTY EDITS OF YOU!! Calls you his baby bird/dove/songbird/etc
I also feel like Hawks plays guitar or bass and he would def make covers or even collab with you bc yall besties now
Mans has a tiktok account and will def post videos of yall singing together 
Although he’s a really chill guy I feel like he leans more towards your slower songs that hit harder than the others
Favorite song of yours: The Fear Of Letting Go - Too Close To Touch
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Being a villian and all, you know he cant come to your concerts/events but he damn well tries to. 
Doesn’t own much merch of yours as he accidentally burnt a poster he had of yours after a certain incident (he felt really bad bc he got mad)
I feel like he would def have a funko-pop or figurine of you on his desk
Loves jamming to your songs (blasting it so loud in his room that its literally shaking in there LMAO)
Watches ALL of your music videos, streams and BUYS YOUR MUSIC TO SUPPORT YOU HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
Sings along with you omg even tho it hurts to reach your high notes
Thrives off of your more aggressive songs especially the one where he can feel the pain in your voice over whatever subject or whoever you were singing about
Definitely wishes he was that ex you sung about LMAO
Why can I see him punching drywall to your songs bc hes so into it LMAOOOO
Favorite song of yours: Crooked Smile - Too Close To Touch
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One of the bois who don’t talk about their love for you super much, but instead is a closeted fan!
Watches your music videos on REPEAT, knows the lyrics to all of your songs
Whenever you smile at the screen or do something cute, he is STRUCK with love
Binge-watches all of your interviews/funny moments/etc, just loves getting to know you and seeing all the sides of you that isn’t the perfect singer that everyone sees
He does attend your concerts/events but he stays in the back for he doesn’t want to scare anyone or you with how he looks like
Why can I see him running an appreciation blog like-
Posting about your cute smile or laugh and he’s internally panicking bc you mentioned his blog in your latest interview saying that seeing all the kind things he posted about you made your day whenever you were down
Prefers the slower, melodic songs or where you’re just messing around
Favorite song of yours: All I wanted - Paramore
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Like there is no doubt in my mind that he has posters covering every inch of his wall. Limited edition posters, signed posters, you name it he has it
Doesn’t really talk about you but if he knows his friends also listen to you, then he will def rant about you
“Hey Tokoyami have you heard _’s new song yet-” Man has bags under his eyes bc he streamed that song so many times last night listening to it on repeat. When the music video dropped he shared that shit on all of his social medias.
Def does covers of your songs, it fills him with joy when you repost his covers on your account with a nice message ‘You’re so talented omg!! <3 <3′ 
Also to me he would be the type of guy who posts lyrics in the comments if there isn’t any and would def go into detail about the lyrics meaning and such
Has a jacket full of patches of your band logo and album covers
He’s met you on a few occasions and he’s more than happy to stop and chat with you. Although he doesn’t go into full fan mode with you around, he respects you and instead asks about your day and such
Has no preference on your style, just that its you singing
Favorite song of his: Dance Macabre - Ghost
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
ONF and their high maintenance S/O (mostly about makeups and manicures)
dislcaimer : I dont support the mentality of aegyoing/manipulating/sabotaging your partner to buy you stuffs. Gifts are gifts but its not their are not full responsibility. It is also not a duty/obligation for your partner to recognize delicate makeup product when they can't and buy you your makeup product as well.
What i am saying even though here is that bf gifting lipsticks it does not mean guys should do it and also does not mean that if your own bf could not do it then they dont love you. ok let go to hcs.
I think he will ask you to drop the heavy makeup after you two are comfortable with each other. To him it was not your makeup that impressed him to date you.
He is the type that "I don't get make up but ok you look good" type of person, I mean have you watched how he get ready to go out in the Berlin trip? He just do basic stuffs not even a delicate touch XD
I think because he has a sister back at home? But if you think he will at least know a bit of stuffs because he has a sister then you are wrong lol
But he does understand if you wanna doll up a bit. I think he personally appreciates those times when he caught himself felt that you are dazzling.
I think its cute that maybe you only do basic light make up when going out with him but then when you join him with his friends, you wanna look good so you will put on proper make up (not over heavy ones). But Hyojin be like , " oh, come on... Its just my friends XD"
He is the type that waits for you, unless you have really bad time management, he will come over to rush you. "Hey hey hey, we are gonna be late"
Does not interested at make up or beauty stuffs so he would always questions with curiosity when he saw stuffs like.. " Glue? for what? Eyelashes? Won't it be dangerous?" (Especially you are the type that watches make up vids)
Bonus, you are in charge of his skin care, most of the time.
another bonus, the type that laughs at you if you are the type that opens your mouth when you are drawing eyeline
Very similar to Hyojin so I will skip make up and focus on the nail polish
(Also expanding the Changyoon who loves your hand hcs)
He knows of nail polish and the basic stuffs like base, polish and top, but did not pay full attention on manicure and pedicure stuffs
So when the first time you brought out mini UV light to cure your nails, he goes " Woah they got stuffs like that? why no one told me? I spend minutes blowing at my nails to dry during BB era"
Bonus if you work in nail salon or pick up manicure as hobby, i think you might share a bit of design you found online and ask him his opinions. His will comment a bit.
Also you might grasp his hands and try out newly thought designs on his hands
Bonus if he blushes and burst into laughter until you jokingly snap at him, "Ya, its not the first time I do design test out using your hands? Why are you beet red?"
To go deep into his mentality, he does not hate make up, he gets it. But for manicure he acknowledges it as art expression of oneself as well.
I think he prefer short nail manicure, once you get a longer sharper designs and you cant do your task like how you did normally, Changyoon nags you.
Also Changyoon thoughts on fake nail stickers, "Super convenient!"
He would love to try do your manicures if he got the chance. Not just painting plain color, he might also try following designs that your show him.
He is a delicate boy hahahah (watch leaders Berlin trip then you will get it)
Not the type that can recognize different shades of lipstick or foundation, but he still have basic knowledge. I do see is the type that will keep in mind what color you uses and will present you your favorite lipstick color. Or even randomly choose 1 color that he thinks it might look good on you.
I think you two will stand side by side in front of mirror and do make up and help each other check a bit. Especially eye shadow color, and hairstyles (if it is outdoor date day)
The type that notices changes on you but will tease you by keep saying the wrong answers. "Hey you look different? Is it the eyeshadow? Or was it a new earring? eh I was wrong?*devilsh smile"
He has two sisters so he is used and knows that girls and high maintenance people wears makeup. BB cream at least.
Fascinated when he first time sees you do your own manicure, he saw Changyoon paint nails during BB era, but if it is his first time seeing you painting quite complicated nail design from scratch, he goes "OOOOOOH so thats is how it done? 0A0"
I think he might introduce his sisters to you if you are a makeup artist or if you work at nail salon
Bonus if you are the type that do really minimum skin care, because of his (idk if i am using the right word) eagerness of doing facial mask, you might pick that up too lol
Both of you having facial mask on and chilling on the couch watching TV
another bonus, you two bickering because either one of you made the other one laugh too much making the mask cracked if it is dried up cream type.
He is like a combination of Hyojin and Seungjun?
Not sure on his skin care stuff but he will do basic stuff and I think he focus on stylizing his hair more? (but unlike Seungjun, Jaeyoung is more on styling using wax and hairspray)
the type who cant tell difference in lipstick shade lol
He thinks light makeup with less procedure/product look good on you. Especially if you are the one who is super insecure and wakes up super early to do heavy but natural looking makeup before work
Owh special mention, natural shade/nude shade themed makeup is his favourite
He has high respect on people who are high maintenance, but if you are too over enthusiastic he will tell you to slow down and go light heart on it, "Its to boost confidence/feel good about yourself right? Its not to impress others by overdoing it right?"
If you are a tiktok-er. I think you might ask Jaeyoung to do the my boyfriend did my make up challenge (To add, you cant trust Hyojin and Seungjun on this cos high chance if their prank mode kick in, rip. Changyoon will do it tho but you need to persuade him. Jaeyoung and Minkyun are the easiest to ask)
If sometimes Jaeyoung caught seeing you watching manicure design vids or you happened to try out a new manicure design from tutorial you saw online, he will sit beside, try hard to not disturb you. But while watching he will goes "Uwa, Shingi hada/ this is intriguing/amazing." (Try watch Mini game heaven season 2 0316, when he is the one holding the word board, the face he make as he is watching the leaders appeared in my head when writing this lol)
bonus, if you are doing really intricate work like placing a small sticker or draw a small design or sticking a small trinket? on your nails, Jaeyoung will also focus with you by holding his breath as he watches you doing your tasks
You trusted this boy to do BF do my makeup challenge and you regret it soon after, but the view results are amazing lol
but i think their S/O might lowkey get trauma lol and always decline Minkyun offer to help do makeup hahah
But again, when he do try to do it properly, he is ok
bonus, you two had to get another mirror because Minkyun is standing in front yours to check himself out every time he styles his hair a single bit, and it delays your pace of doing your make up.
Appreciate effort of you wanna look good, also he is the type who sits behind S/O while waiting them to finish up makeup (others will wait outside, But Minkyun is the type I want see whole process of how their S/O "transform")
Also the one who will sit beside you as you do your own manicure, or, the bf who will sit beside their S/O at nail salon watching the whole process.
But his hands are busy as he is also curious, so he will reach out to check the nail polish bottle or even the UV cure machine
So, he is also the type that will follow you into Sephora or makeup selling shops (is not that the others wont follow, but I want to highlight specifically for Minkyun). Hands busy, checking out stuffs.
Unlike Seungjun, the type that really cant tell if you change new lipstick or switched new eyeshadow.
BUT I THINK THIS PERSON, HE WILL SUDDENLY DROP A NEON EYESHAOW OUT OF BLUE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU ARE PAYING. You are gonna fluster if you are not the type who do daring colors. Minkyun only giggles and say " You wont know if you don't like it if you try?"
the funny bit, its not even him paying when he wants you to try lol
He is more of skincare type person. Similar to Seungjun, both of you cuddling with sheet masks on.
The one who sticks to basic stuffs, skincare mostly
Also the type who will try to do makeup challenge diligently, asking you how should he do it rather than making a mess on your face.
The type that gives you thumbs up and affirming nods when you ask him how do you look.
He won't comment too much or nags/persuade you to stop doing heavy makeup eventually because he respects effort and confidence boost behind your makeup/high maintenance mentality
But he is flustered when you suddenly did a "I did a instagram summer gal makeup and show my bf" (for example) as it was way different and you look different. The moment you suggest to make this makeup theme as your usual, YUTO PANICKED, "Stop, stop, Mon sori yo? / What did you just say?"
IF you are office worker, he will nag at you if you are thinking straight to wear that makeup to office lol
The type that just quietly follows behind you when you are doing your shopping tour at Sephora or makeup shop.
But he will stop you if he sees your eyes gleaming as you stand at lipsticks corner lol (If you are the type who loves to collect and have too much lipsticks)
Occasionally surprise you with your fave lipstick color as well. Especially on early days of the relationship, you think he is the type that does not care. But turns out he is observant (because it is you so he is observant at your favorite stuffs)
Owh... i think he will be the perfume sensitive type person? He will mention what type of fragrance that he think you will go along well with.
Also I think the type who will recognizes if you changed perfume. Also the type who recognizes if you used his.
He might ask you to try on a sample and then you two might get a couple lover perfume/fragrance.
A/n : finally T^T this draft is in draft for like what... 6 months??? T^T
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Headcanons Masterpost 4
constantly being updated - last edit 21 Jan 2021
Please do not reblog!
Bold headcanons are my personal faves!
Showing Janus affection with head bonks | Being fed dry cereal by Mama | Ticklish!! | Baby sleep noises | being jealous of remy | has nightmares that papa doesn’t love him anymore | used to be terrified of dogs (and may still be a bit) | used to think he had a crush on Logan but really he just felt little | Touchstarved when he moved in | Twirly skirts | colour-coded diaper cover/dress | Calling Logan "Mama" when big and everyone's reactions | Vee is so quiet it makes him insecure | skirt accidentally tucked into diaper/pullup | sensory sensitivities and diapers | tugging nana's hair | Hyperaware/empathetic to people's moods (follow up to this) | adult virgil and dad's nighttime routine and kissing softies | when vee is happy she chants Ticka Ticka Ticka | categorizing everyones cuddle styles
checklist: what makes a show baby enough for vee
Hates attention when sick | realising he is neglecting his adult social life | would love a weighted blanket | Dyed his hair bright pink for Vee's skirt reveal | No pacis (maybe just one) | Ticklish feet and ankle raspberries from dad | Putting Vee in "baby jail" (the beanbag) | being player 2 as punishment | middle!roman being angrier with remus' teases and feeling insecure | giving nana a makeover | only liking cuddles on his terms | little middle and big ro reacting to vee's cuddles | middlespace teen tantrum | interacting with nana and cgs when he's middlespace | roman's teen angst scaring vee and that upsets roman
cg headspace being unhealthy (3) | dyscalculia | lifts weights to cope with anger | Patton's self-care week | Patton's separation anxiety and Ro and Vee's reactions | tickling behind vee's knees now that he wears skirts (plus anon's headcanon)
Mama bear mode when Vee is sick / If Vee got strep / when sick Vee can't sleep | Automatonophobia | Heartfelt family photos video for xmas (plus more explained) | hearing virgils singing voice | being prepared for little Roman at work (2) | loves romance novels and always cries at them | calling Patton "pumpkin" | When Logan works overtime his family cuddle pile on him (Mama Jail) | Cuddling the baby in his sleep even tho he doesn't like cuddles (cat gif) | crying at his fave film and everyone comforting him discreetly (esp. vee)
How people in the mindscape react to his scars | CG jobs he can't do | Casual chat with vee before xmas & his Xmas gift to vee | Why Janus visits + past meetings with Lo | “Ich hätte sanfter mit dir sein sollen” | realising Roman has somniphobia | admitting to Patton how hard being a teen dad was (1) | cried when vee gave him his first paci kiss | calling Vee "little hatchling" | How to calm a fussy baby, Nana style | facetiming Vee | Roman hides his hat and gets him to stay longer | Staying overnight (and vee being excited) | reverse psycology with bratty little roman | strict nana when teen roman is acting out
Never lying to Vee and struggling with being a teen dad | Acne scars and stretch marks | giving 4 y/o virgil pacis then needing to take them away
bickering with roman but also joining forces to cause mischief | stealing roman's cars and making him cry for daddy | mocking vee in the past and not being allowed to tease her now | vee thinking remus is roman and cuddling him | encourgaing bratty little roman, accidentally upsetting teen roman
Background Characters:
Seraphina (sera) roman's bff from high school - how they met and what she thinks of his agedre
Jamal, roman's love interest - their first date and being supportive of roman's "childish moods"
Are Vee and Roman in the agere community? | Vee trying (failing) to babysit Ro | CGs getting fussy baby Vee to tak medicine | Vee and Roman's secret xmas presents | Roman used to be scared of Logan, vee has tried to wear skirts for 4 years | Roman and Patton tried getting to to act like a toddler once | vee is scared his toy makes a squeaky noise but roman fixes it for him | (Updated) Ro and Vee's adult fashion | Diaper ads | Kissies for both the littles | Everyone's favourite nicknames/petnames | Pat, Lo and Jan's signature snacks to make for the littles | Vee's touchy feely books, roman's fairytales | What stickers do Ro and vee like (pictures) | things ro and vee do with pat lo and jan that are exclusive to that person
Roman tickles and teases Vee (concept ficlet)
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xladymalice · 7 years
some cute and unique asks - Answer Time
Soooo... I’m finally able to answer the questions you asked me the most.
Let’s see what we have here...
Oh yeah, I should’ve warned ya that I am rather boring with this, sooo...
have fun?
1.  have you ever been in love? Yes, I was. Two times actually. The first time was a child love... it was even a summer love. It lasted for the summer holidays and ended as sudden as it started. I was nine back then and didn’t know that I was in love with the boy. We both had felt attracted.. like... there was something. Something real and special but we both ended up lying to each other. Then our ways parted. I’ve never seen hima gain. The second time it rather complicated. It was not a good one, so I won’t talk about it. Let’s say I know how a heartbroken soul feels like. I haven’t been in a real relationship back then, but it still hurt me deeply. This second love is the reason why I don’t trust anyone on romantic feelings. I’m very difficult with this topic.
10. what’s your favourite animal? Phew... animals and I are a difficult topic. We kind of share a love-hate relationship because my parents have never allowed me to have pets. So I’m not used to them and don’t like them that much anymore. My favorite animal though... hmm... Probably dolphins... maybe even sharks. Harmless one would be a cat tho.
11. what is your favourite song right now? Ohh... I’m listening to so much. But I think currently it’s this one.
13. do you like sunny days or rainy days better? That’s some hard question. I think it depends on my mood? Sunny days motivate me to work more than usual. I like the warm tingly feeling on my skin. But I don’t like heat too much, so I rather sit in the shadow of trees and draw. I think I’d prefer rainy days to relax though. I love the sound of the rain. Especially in the evening. You see, I’ve got a skylight right above my bed. I love the sound of the rain hammering against the window. It’s so nice.
21. what is your favourite word? What is up with this question tho? Like... I’ve got several asks about this one x’D My favorite word.... “suggestive” maybe. Like, I’m not sure if you mean my most favorite word to use while talking or in general. But since I do talk very.. uhh... suggestive with a double-meaning behind the most sentences, this will be the perfect thing to describe it. Oh boi, I love hinting at things.. especially dirty ones. >D (Or as some of your guys noticed... it’s also “fuck” for me... sorry)
25. what are you thinking about right now? Oh boi, I’m actually thinking about too much. My heads a constant mess filled with the most weird ideas. Right now I’m thinking about some dirty Swapfellcest in a club. Like.. this idea has kept me busy for a month now.  I can’t stop thinking about how the Bros act out of Game-Mode and flirt with each other. This keeps me all.... aah.. flustered? I love the idea of aggressive flirting, not caring how others would look at it. Just to hide somewhere dark and uh.. have fun. Shit, why am I again thinking about SMUT. Frick, I’m weird. (Usually I think about food, rolf. I love to cook and bake)
26. what emotion do you feel most often? I guess I feel anxious, worried and stressed the most. I’m usually under permanent pressure of duties, expectations and other stuff. RL is super shitty. That’s why I rather sink into my lovely fantasy bubble and draw. If I’m in a good mood, I feel weird and funny. My sense of humor is off.
27. what is your favourite season? It’s probably spring. I love to watch the nature get all green and nice again. Also it’s slowly getting warmer. And well... my birthday is in spring, sooo... x’D
30. do you prefer the moon or the stars? Frick, that’s hard. Uuuh... I guess I’d prefer the moon. The moon changed it’s shape, manipulates the earth and tide... I love how it brightens up the night or let’s the darkness consume it all. Yeah, I think I’d chose the moon.
35. what is your favourite thing about yourself? Fckkkk... I don’t know??? I don’t like myself really??? But if I had to say something, it would be -ironically- sympathy. I am a very nice person who always tries to help everyone. I am good at making people laugh and forget about their sorrow for a little while. I think this is a good character trait... I mean.. everyone needs someone to lean on and I tend to be the person to do this.
37. who is your favourite music artist? Phew... uhh..  that’s hard. When I was younger, it was Shakira. She was my Idol back then and she was the reason I wanted to learn belly dance, haha. My favorite music band is Skillet. I love them. “What I believe” is my most favorite song of them. I’ve gifted my best friend Satsu a dogtag with the lyrics of it “You are what I believe”. I’ve got an ask about uh.. About a good artist?? I don’t know if you mean like.. drawing ones.. hah. There are so many tho. I can’t list them up... xD
40. when was the last time you cried? Hmm... I think... it was... two weeks ago? Yeah.. something about this. I’ve had a very hard fight with my mother. My mother is like my best friend who supports me no matter what. Since I’m also her friend, I’m also carrying her burdens... she hasn’t got that many friends anymore and she’s very, very old (She’s 60.) Sometimes she’s in a bad mood and lets it all out on me. We tend to fight hard then... and the last time was very unfair, since she used unfair arguments against me. Just like a mother can be. I’m actually a very sensible type of human. I cry easily even if I don’t want to.
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night? That’s hard to answer. It’s always something else. My mind is constantly busy. I’m worrying about friends, family and life. My darkest thoughts are about death though. Sometimes I’m even wondering why I am alive. There’s no sense in being alive in the first place. I don’t beliebe in god, but I do believe that there is something powerful outside that can manipulate us. So yeah.. it’s all random and mostly negative. The only times I feel good - even not able to sleep - is when I talk to my friends. Chatting and fooling around keeps me alive and happy.
46. what is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you? I am so simply to be pleased. Like for real. I’m happy about the smol things in life. So the nicest thing... maybe the gift of my best friend last xmas. She made me cookies and put a sticker on it which said: “You are: Awesome Cool Special GODLIKE” She made me almost cry about it, because she crossed the godlike answer. This was referring to my obession League of Legends. I felt so happy about this lil’ shit. It’s nothing big but it brightened up my day when I felt down. For me... the nicest thing is to make me laugh, if I feel down. And I can be a vry, toxic and depressive shit if I feel down. So the nicest thing is laughter.
50. do you have a nickname? The most call me by my short name of my real name. I kind of don’t want to put it here do. My other nickname’s are: “Little Satan” “Mindenluder (german ftw)” and “Minx” (Miststück in german tho XD)
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Unboxing My Playing Card Oracles Haul
(I actually had to edit this lol)
Hi there, this is your friendly neighborhood woo-woo person Orihime-Maychan, and for today I am finally completing my half-assed post about my unboxing, which happened about a month ago. Because real life ate my time. *sigh of relief* Finally, I got my haul. 😁 Very excited to work with my decks and the book.
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This is pretty much what was inside my parcel: the paper wrappings look so cute with the designs and stuff. There were even stickers and some plastic bookmarks:
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As a sucker for paper products and stationery, I already am loving this whole thing.
But wait! It gets even better when the stuff gets unpacked (and I didn’t wanna unravel the cute stripey string).
Here is the Vintage or the Original Playing Card Oracles Deck, which is actually titled The Picture Book Book of Ana Cortez. 
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It was wrapped in a sparkly, glittery ribbon and it didn’t show Lady Oracle’s lovely face but at least the Ace of Hearts had its face out. Somewhat.
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This deck is quite rare since it’s the last surviving bunch so if you could head over to Ms Ana Cortez’s site here, you can check it out, including other fun stuff. It’s a bit pricey tho, compared to the US Games Edition Version of this same deck (it’s smaller, and I plan to get that one too, once I get the dough. lol hoarder mode), but if you work with energies, then you’ll find that this deck is really quite magical. I’ll make a long-ass review of it later. 
Another deck that I also bought is the Alchemy Edition deck, which comes in two sizes: the Poker-sized deck which is as large as your regular playing card deck and a bit thicker, and the really chunky Large Size deck, so they’re basically the same, it just depends on what your needs would be, like portability or if your baby hands can hold the whole thing, or if you wanna make the pictures come alive. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the two in their pouches:
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I read an older review that says the pouch had an Ace of Clubs design, maybe they change it every year IDK because it’s Ace of Hearts now. Still nice tho.
And of course, the last chunky thing I was waiting for in this haul, the Playing Card Oracles Book:
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I’m just so excited to have received this thing, so far it’s the best birthday gift I got myself in a while trololol but seriously... I’m so happy with this stuff, the moolah I had to shell out was well worth every penny.
Well, I guess that’s it. Please look forward for the comprehensive reviews~ 😁 Thanks so much, and I’ll be back with the nitty-gritty reviews for these (plus my digital copy of the e-book I also bought with this stuff). May the Source be with you always. XOXO =)
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