#sticking to this one until explicitly proven otherwise lmao
lavenoon · 1 year
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Unfortunately, so can't any other monster
@naffeclipse Hi hello how are they gonna get out of this pickle and back into their vessel? I am SO normal about this chapter
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
Final Season Spec Game
I’m out of tag games to speculate on season 7, so here we are! I wanted to keep these questions mostly upbeat (because we all know how this show can be sometimes lol we’re in for angst for sure 😉) and there’s 16 of them, one for each remaining ep! Feel free to play along everybody… Stay safe! 💙
I swiped this from @katersann​ - great questions!
1. Which character are you most excited to learn the endgame of: 
There’s only a handful of characters I truly care about anymore, and there will always be one that rises above the rest -
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Obviously next season is going to feature the Anomaly in a big way, and since that whole thing seems deeply connected to Octavia, I think we can safely assume that this will be a big season for her. I hope she makes it out alive, but on some level, I won’t be surprised if she doesn’t. Going out in a blaze of glory was always more her style. I think that’s true even now.
2. Which character are you most excited to learn the backstory of: 
I’m definitely curious about Hope Diyoza. The fact that she and Octavia appeared to know each other in the s6 finale has huge implications. And I’m sure her life has been really fuckin’ interesting - with a mother like Charmaine, how couldn’t it be?
3. One character who deserves a new look: 
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She’s not a scrappy forest child anymore, nor is she a Baby Warlord. I’d love to see her in anything but leather (or a hospital gown, yikes.) I don’t know how central to the main plot she’ll be, since she no longer has The Flame, but I do hope we get to see something about her trying to become a semi-normal kid.
4. Two locations you want to revisit: 
If I had my druthers, I’d love to see the Dropship again. It was such a central location in the first two seasons, and one of the things that’s been tough for me since the second Praimfaya has been how we lost all those iconic locations. 
I also really loved the look of Shallow Valley aka Eden. A very cute, aesthetically pleasing location, gone too soon.
5. Three brotps you hope get more screentime: 
Octavia and Diyoza!
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(Technically a Brot3 but just try and stop me!) Raven, Murphy, and Emori!
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Raven and Echo!
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6. Who will get the happiest ending: 
Honestly a tough call, because I don’t know if anyone will truly get a “happy” ending. If I had to guess, Raven and Echo are actually pretty high up there. As long as they both survive the season, I think they’ll finally find some peace on the other side.
7. Which minor or new characters you want to see more of: 
Given that Jordan was a series regular last season, we saw a LOT less of him than I expected. I think he’s going to be an unexpected antagonist in the final season, which should be a lot of fun.
8. Who will eventually snap Jordan out of the funk we see him in, at the end of 6x13: 
Agh, I don’t know. He didn’t really get a chance to connect with any of his parents’ old friends, did he? The deepest connection he made was with Delilah, and she’s dead and gone - but I don’t think he believes that, I think he’s fully swallowed the Sanctum juice at this point. I could maybe see Raven snapping him out of it, or Bellamy. If it’s not them, it’ll definitely be some message from Marper somehow. Or, tragically, he won’t make it out of the funk. I’ll be really mad if that happens, given who his namesake was. The Jordan curse.
9. Who will be the first to tell Bellamy he can’t immediately run into the Anomaly after Octavia: 
Oddly enough, my money is on Hope. And I think Bellamy will immediately distrust her and try to go anyway, but Echo will ultimately stop him.
10. To reference Monty’s ‘do better’ mantra: 
I’d like to hear it from Murphy, to be honest, or Emori. I don’t think it was necessarily Clarke’s right to take so much ownership of that one, last season.
11. To say 'go float yourself’: 
I hope I hear it from the mouth of every single (former) Delinquent, lmao. It’d actually be hilarious if someone like Emori or Echo said it, though. Show how it’s left the Ark as slang and entered the general parlance. 
12. Random object or prop you would bring back for Season 7 if you could: 
Lexa’s throne/Clarke’s walking stick. I really fuckin’ loved that little callback, y’all. Clarke leaning on a piece of Lexa to make it through her time in isolation - ugh, murder me. Even if it isn’t a major plot point, I’d like to see it in the background somewhere. I don’t think it made it off Earth, though.
13. Book One storyline/reference you want to see back for Season 7: 
We’ve got 16 episodes, right? Bring back my funny fillers! I know they weren’t common, and weren’t 100% funny, but I’d love to see an episode like “Day Trip” again.
14. Dead character you would like mentioned: 
Lincoln, Anya, and Nyko. Pay respect to the OG grounders. Even if it’s just in passing.
15. How do you think Hope and Octavia know each other (from season 6): 
There’s been a lot of speculation about what this face was meant to imply -
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Personally, when I look at Octavia’s face, I see an entire goddamn story. It’s a story I might fully be projecting, but I’m going with my gut until proven otherwise. Octavia helped raise Hope. When she sees her, she looks at her the way one might a kid they haven’t seen in a long time - there’s surprise, tenderness, pride. A moment of almost not recognizing her, then realization that’s she’s the a kid she loves, all-grown-up now, and that’s what makes her emotional.
My other theory is that Octavia didn’t remember Hope at all until she saw her, which is why she looks confused, then surprised, then happy. She’s suddenly remembering a person who is very important to her, who she had forgotten (likely due to the timey-wimey/doorway weirdness of the Anomaly) and all of her memories coming back is what causes this reaction.
I’m reasonably certain that there won’t be any romantic attachment between them. As much as I’d love it, I just don’t see the show making Octavia explicitly sapphic so late in the game. One of the consequences of trying to create a world where sexual orientation doesn’t matter is that the writers tend to beat us over the head with what type of person each character is attracted to - that’s why we see Clarke and Niylah together multiple times, and why Clarke and Cillian got together. The writers want us to remember, always, without subtlety, that Clarke likes both men and women.
We just haven’t seen any real clues that Octavia is attracted to women. As much as I’m pulling for it, it’s clear that the writers intend her relationship with Niylah to be platonic. 
So, given all of that, I just don’t think Hope and Octavia will be a romantic couple.
That only leaves us with so many options - either they were friends or like family. Given the weirdness of Diyoza going into the Anomaly pregnant and her fully grown daughter stepping out of it three days later, my money is on like family. I think Octavia and Diyoza raised Hope together in the Anomaly, somehow, and that’s how they know each other.
16. How do you think it all will end?: 
I think it will have a lot to do with the backdoor pilot, how much that retcons, and how committed they are to giving this show a satisfying ending when they’ve already creatively moved on to a new world.
If I pretend I don’t know about the backdoor pilot, I’m even less sure. I’m hoping for a satisyfing ending. Not a happy one. I don’t think that would be true to the series.
I’m betting either Clarke or Bellamy dies, and my money has been on Bellamy for awhile. Call it a gut feeling. 
I think almost everyone else will survive. We’ve lost a lot of people along the way in this show, and I think they’ll give us one Big Death of the season, so that death has the greatest impact. And since I’m betting on it being Bellamy, well... that means I’m pretty sure everyone else will make it.
There’s been a lot of little background info dropped about how impossible life on Sanctum is without constant maintenance, and most if not all of that maintenance came from the more-or-less free labor of the people serving the Primes. It’s impossible to know how things will go in terms of Emori and Murphy being Primes now, and how long that will last. Because of that, and because of the “doorway” to another world that the Anomaly allegedly is, I’m betting Sanctum is not our final destination. I’m thinking we’ll end up on Earth again, somehow.
I hope it ends with everyone who survives together, and happy, and with a plan for a sustainable society that doesn’t murder each other every two months.
Tagging: @boomheda​ @awesomenell65​ @captainwilldameron​ @blodkru​ @dylanobrienisbatman​ @teeandsnowflakes​ and anyone else who I normally tag, I’m honestly drawing a blank rn. The usual “please steal this” rules apply!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
If money was no object, would you change your wardrobe? >> If money were no object, absolutely, because I could then stop settling for clothing that doesn’t quite fit well or has bad textures just because they’re within my budget or because I can’t afford replacements. Also, maybe I could get stuff custom-made instead of dealing with whatever the stores deign to sell.
How do you/did you get to school? >> I took a bus for most years, but for junior and senior year I lived in a town with no school bus system so I walked.
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn't do? >> Yeah, a lot when I was young. I guess I make a great scapegoat.
Is the idea of having a secret admirer creepy or romantic? >> If an admirer doesn’t overstep my boundaries and doesn’t expect me to reciprocate whatever it is they’re feeling, then it’s fine, I don’t care. I’ll take any positive attention I can get.
What was the last song you sung out loud? >> I don’t remember.
Have you ever had to have a pet put down? >> No.
Were you excited to learn to drive, or scared? >> I never had this experience. I did drive Sparrow’s car around a school parking lot once, and that was pretty fun.
What was the last book you read? >> Recursion by Blake Crouch.
Did you enjoy it, or were you glad to be finished? >> I enjoyed it immensely.
Do you ever wonder what other people are thinking when they stare at you? >> Yes, because I’m quick to assume they’re thinking something negative but I’m aware enough to know that I might be wrong. But to be honest, I really don’t like being stared at for any reason, so I mostly just wish they’d stop.
Have you ever gone out of your way to get someone's attention? >> I don’t think so.
When was the last time you felt desperate? >> Earlier last week.
When was the last time you felt incredibly tired? >> This morning, before I had a galaxy-brain moment and put on a pair of sunglasses to mitigate the overwhelming amount of daylight streaming into the apartment and overloading my nervous system. Just because I know I’m sensory-defensive doesn’t mean I always remember to, like, defend my senses. lmao.
What candy cane flavor is your favorite? >> I don’t have a favourite.
What is one thing a guy can do, but a woman shouldn't? >> ---
In your opinion, who doesn't deserve to be famous? >> ---
Do you get angry when fast food restaurants mess up your order? >> I get upset, because it upsets me to have the Wrong food. But most of the time when I’m really upset about it it’s because I’d only noticed by the time we got home, or something, and I can’t do anything about it. If I notice while we’re still in or near the restaurant, then I don’t get nearly as upset because I can just... go fix it.
Have you ever had a ridiculous hair cut? >> I mean, probably.
What was your favorite elective class in high school? >> ---
Did you ever wish you could be homeschooled? >> No. Was it hard for you to get up this morning? >> Not really.
Have you ever had a dream so realistic you could've sworn it happened? >> Yeah.
When was the last time you colored with crayons or colored pencils? >> I don’t remember the last time I coloured in general (I usually colour with markers, anyway).
Can you remember the first survey you filled out? >> No way, lol.
Do you have any mental disorders? >> I could probably be diagnosed with a couple, but formal diagnosis really doesn’t interest me at this point. I have enough of an idea of what psychological criteria I fit that I can look up resources to help myself (and I have a direction to point SSI towards when it’s time to Prove My Disability To The Government), and that’s really all that matters right now.
Do you feel comfortable talking about these disorders, if you have them? >> *shrug* I mean, I guess you could say that.
Where did you go on your last field trip? >> ---
What do you do when someone pushes their views on you? >> No one does that, really. I mean, I don’t even know how they would, considering how unfazed by social pressure I usually am. Dogma just doesn’t stick to me.
Are you able to agree to disagree? Or do you have to have the last word? >> I’m perfectly willing to agree to disagree.
Do you think you make a good first impression? >> Not always.
Do other people's first impressions stick with you? >> It depends on what my first impression was. If it was like “oh my god this person really comes off like a bigot”, yeah, that’s going to stick until explicitly proven otherwise. If it was like “oh hmm this person seems to be in a bad mood” then like, whatever. Moods change. Sometimes you just catch people on a bad day and that doesn’t mean they hate you forever.
Are you friends who you thought they were when you first met? >> ---
How have you changed in the past year? >> I really don’t know how to track this.
How about in the past five years? >> This is a little easier to track, because five years ago I didn’t even live here. But I don’t really have the energy to like, lay it all out in words right now.
What do you do when you feel like giving up on something? >> Sometimes I just give up on it. Other times I take a break. Other times I have a meltdown. Other times I push through.
Have you ever had to give up on someone? >> Yeah.
Would you rather break up with someone, or them break up with you? >> ---
Is there a cover song you like better than the original version? >> There are quite a few songs like that for me.
Do you think it's okay to like a cover more than an original? >> Who the fuck is going to stop me...?
What band do you wish was still making music? >> Meh.
Do you still watch any cartoons? >> Sure, I watch cartoons.
Are you just too lazy to recycle? >> I guess, more or less. I also don’t really see the value in it anymore. Reducing and reusing seem to have more immediate effects that I can observe in my own life; recycling is just another industry with its own emissions problems at this point.
Think of the last person you talked to--do you love him/her? >> Sure.
Do you fit your zodiac sign? >> My natal chart seems to be an astute character sheet for me.
What is one of your weak points? >> I don’t know.
What is one of your strong points? >> Meh.
Are you calm in emergency situations? >> More often than not, yeah. Unless said emergency situation includes a lot of environmental stimuli, in which case that will frazzle me (although the situation itself might not).
When was the last time you cursed at someone? >> As in, with the intent of being mean, not just cursing in conversation? I really don’t remember.
Are you afraid of losing someone you love? >> I’m always afraid of losing Can Calah.
Who are you most attached to? >> ^
What do you depend on other people for? >> Most of my quality of life, seeing as I can’t live off this government income alone.
Are you good at reading other people's body language? >> I don’t know, maybe.
Do you like facial hair? How about chest hair? >> It’s fine.
If you have a favorite number, how did you choose it? >> I didn’t really choose it, it’s kind of just... I don’t know. It’s part of the fabric of my reality or something blah blah blah.
What goes through your mind when someone breaks up with you? >> I mean... wouldn’t that depend on the specific breakup...
What goes through your mind when someone asks you out? >> ^ (But also in general, I’m going to react defensively to being asked out because... I don’t date, and anyone asking me out either doesn’t know me well enough to even initiate that sort of intimacy or doesn’t care that I’m aromantic, which is not a good look either way.)
Do you match your shoes with your outfit? >> My shoes match with all my outfits.
Do you style your hair daily? >> No.
Who was the last person to compliment your appearance? What'd they say? >> I don’t remember. I think the only person that really compliments my appearance these days is Sparrow, anyway. Is there any movie you just can't stand to watch? >> Yeah.
What do you think of pornography? >> I mean, it serves a purpose.
What hair products do you use regularly? >> Shampoo. Also this tea tree oil stuff that I don’t know if it works or not but I don’t have a better idea.
Does it bother you when people use extremely bad grammar? >> No. Most of the time “bad” grammar isn’t an impedence to communication, so I don’t see what the big deal is. (Obviously if you’re writing for, say, an academic journal, there is a certain standard of writing one should be following. But people are always complaining about bad grammar on, like, tumblr, and who fucking cares? Ain’t nobody being graded on mastery of Strunk’s Elements of Style here.)
Do you have a hard time talking about sex with the opposite gender? >> Er, one’s gender isn’t what determines how comfortable I am talking about sex with them.
Do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse? >> There’s something to be said about the lack of compassion that male doctors often display towards people who are perceived as female, which I do take into account, but ultimately I figure it’s still about the individual doctor and not whatever configuration their chromosomes are in. I’ll take a competent, compassionate male doctor just like I’d take a competent, compassionate female doctor.
Have you ever had major surgery? >> No.
Could you go a month without speaking? >> I think it would be rather inconsiderate for me to go a month without speaking to Sparrow. I have had periods of selective mutism, of course, especially during depressions, but if it lasted long enough I would eventually have to make some attempt to work around it.
What goes through your mind when you see someone very obese? >> I mean, nothing specific.
How about when you see someone very thin? >> Once again, nothing specific.
Is there any food you don't like that a lot of others do? >> Yeah, milk chocolate.
Have you ever followed a trend? If so, what was it? >> When I was younger, certainly. You know, when I actually paid attention to trends. I have no idea what’s even trendy right now, except like... VSCO? Is that still a thing? Shit moves too fast these days, man.
Have you ever started a trend, even a small one? >> Not to my knowledge.
What was the last thing you bragged about? >> I don’t know.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Is it possible that Rittinhouse retconned Jessica into an agent of theirs when they wrote her back into time? Would the gang have to go re-re add her back to the timestream?
Frankly, anything is possible at this point. From the 2x09 spoiler pics with the gang looking a little shaken/Wyatt sitting on the ground, and Jiya and Jessica missing, it looks like this is when the Lifeboat gets stolen (which I think Goran mentioned as happening at one point). The only scenario I will accept in which Jessica kidnaps Jiya and steals the Lifeboat (since Jiya needs to pilot it) is that Rittenhouse is threatening to destroy her/Wyatt/everything they’ve tried to get back, and she’s desperately taking action to stop them (and after all, Flynn AND Wyatt stole time machines for their own reasons, and in Wyatt’s case, directly related to saving Jessica. Juuuust saying). Because “lmao Jessica’s evil now!!!” is a) horrible writing, and b) eye-rollingly illogical. She’s been living in the bunker for a while now, she could have definitely hurt someone (Wyatt, if nobody else) or messed things up when the team was gone, or contacted Rittenhouse to tell them where they are, or – literally, so much. So if they try to pull “Jessica’s just been biding her time and waiting for the Right Moment!!!”, I am gonna judge SO hard. Because it’s already bad enough that they brought back a dead wife for (generally questionably handled) love triangle drama, THEN make her evil, THEN fridge her again? Nope. Nope nope nope DNW. I really hope that is not the route that they’re going down.
I’ve also seen some speculation that Jessica might say she’s pregnant in 2x08 (as apparently she has a distracting revelation for Wyatt) which… yes they were having sex in 2x06, but she couldn’t possibly know she was pregnant already, unless she’s being Manipulative ™ and lying, which would grind my gears even harder. (Honestly, did they go for the OUAT playbook of “dead wife returns and is evil and pregnant?” from the Zelena/Robin/Regina mess? Because I am having a bit of deja vu.) Basically, any scenario in which Jessica is EVUL would drive me nuts, since it would essentially justify Wyatt’s bad behavior to both her and Lucy (she was evil!!), nullify Lucy’s choice to walk away/offer them a second chance (Jessica manipulated her into it by somehow knowing her well enough to predict that she would do that!!!/Jessica’s own offer to walk away and let them have a chance to get together was fake), and otherwise make Lucy Wyatt’s choice by default, since Jessica/this version of Jessica was never real. And I’m… pretty sure that W/L shippers don’t want that? I mean sure, if you want Jessica out of the way at any price and don’t think there are any underlying issues to address in just sticking W/L back together, maybe you’re happy with this idea, but I’m… yeah, I’m Not.
Obviously, after the work they have done making Jessica likable and focusing on the empowerment of female characters (even Emma gets a moment of being sympathetic/nuanced in her motives) it would be a super big hack job for them to just destroy that and reduce her to the one-note evil ex that they specifically said they wanted to avoid. So I’m still going with “Jessica has good reasons but is acting desperately trying to save her husband/their life together” (WHICH AGAIN, EXACTLY WHAT WYATT DID IN 1X13!) until explicitly proven otherwise (and maybe even then). I think it’s possible that Rittenhouse has some kind of blackmail on her and is trying to force her hand to hurt the time team, but rather than doing that, she grabs Jiya and nopes out trying to stop them. (That could also explain how Jiya + the foursome end up in the past, and could lead to the problem of there being five of them but only four seats in the Lifeboat to get home/the finale cliffhanger. Presumably the team has to get into the past somehow/cut a deal to ride on the Mothership… who knows. It’s a mess.)
Anyway, as some of us have been saying, the only “Jessica is Rittenhouse” scenario we accept is one in which she has been forced into it against her will or has actively chosen to turn against them, or they’re now trying to make her pay them back for the favor of bringing her back to life, and she’s desperate to escape them. Anything else is bad writing, a lot of hackneyed misogynistic cliches, a disappointment on a show as good as Timeless, and would seriously hang over into season 3 and anything that happened with Wyatt and Lucy. So yeah. I really hope they don’t go that route.
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